Carroll Co., AR - Biographies - William R. Mitchell *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: The Goodspeed Publishing Co Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** William R. Mitchell, of the firm of Mitchell & Ferree, hardware merchants of Berryville. Arkansas, is a native of Barry County, Mo., and a son of John Mitchell, a native of Tennessee, who came to Arkansas when a young man. The latter was married, in Arkansas, to Margaret Gardner, a native of Georgia. Soon after his marriage he located on a farm in Barry County, Mo., where he still resides. William R. Mitchell was born on September 25, 1847, and grew to manhood in his native county. In 1864 he enlisted in the Union army, and was assigned to the Sixteenth Missouri Cavalry, with which he served until the war was over. After receiving his discharge, in 1865, he returned home and began working on the farm. In early life he had attended the common schools, but in 1868 he again entered school, and attended regularly during the school season until 1870, when he engaged in teaching. He taught two years in Barry County, and in the fall of 1872 was elected county surveyor, and served four years. Soon after he entered a commercial college at Painesville, Ohio, and after completing the course in that institution returned to Barry County, and engaged in merchandising. After selling goods two years he settled on a farm, which he managed until 1884, when he sold out and came to Berryville. Here he engaged in the grocery business, but, after six months, sold out and engaged in his present business, at which he has been successful. Mr. Ferree became a partner in the business in 1887. On June 19, 1879, Mr. Mitchell wedded Mary Leonard, who was born, reared and educated in Stone County, Mo. She is a daughter of George Leonard, of that county. To them have been born three children: Lily, James and Charles. In politics Mr. Mitchell is a stanch Republican. He was the candidate of his party for clerk of Carroll County at the special election in December, 1887, and was only defeated by a majority of [p.1065] forty eight votes, while the county has a Democratic majority of 400 votes. For one year be served as deputy circuit clerk. He is a member of the Masonic order and is a Knight Templar.