Biography of Z T Daniel, Clay Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Date: Copyright. All rights reserved *********************************************************** From: The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of N. E. Ark. Biographical Information. Z. T. Daniel is well known throughout Clay County, Ark., and for a number of years filled the office of deputy county surveyor, with competence and ability. He was born on Blue Grass soil in Grant County, in 1848, being the eldest of a family of eight children born to Lewis B. and Sardinia K. (Canfield) Daniel, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Ohio. The father was reared in his native State, and in March, 1849, moved to Illinois and settled in Schuyler County, where he engaged in farming, continuing this occupation until 1862, when he left his farm to engage in the war, enlisting from Rushville, Ill., in Company B, One Hundred and Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, and was mustered into service at Quincy. He died in 1863 of disease contracted while in the service. His excellent wife still survives him and resides at Rushville, Ill. Z. T. Daniel received excellent facilities for acquiring an education, and besides attending the public school at Rushville, Ill., attended the Washington University at St. Louis, in 1874, 1875 and 1876. During this time he studied surveying, and in March, 1876, he came to Corning, Ark., for the purpose of continuing his agricultural operations but drifted into surveying, which occupation received the greater part of his attention, his services being utilized in Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri. He was married in Clay County, Ark., in the fall of 1882, to Miss Ellen McClintick, a native of Quincy, Ill., and a daughter of Henry Clay and Mary Ann (Dilley) McClintick, also of Illinois, who came to Corning, Ark., in 1878, where they are still residing, the father being the proprietor of the Illinois Hotel. Subsequent to his marriage, Z. T. Daniel settled in Corning. He worked for the Iron Mountain Railroad Company as civil engineer nearly two years. He is reporter for the K. of H., and is an active member of the I. O. G. T. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church, and having no family of their own they have adopted a little boy named Eddie.