Biography of J T Miller, Clay Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Date: Copyright. All rights reserved *********************************************************** From: The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of N. E. Ark. Biographical Information. J. T. Miller is a substantial farmer of Clay County, who has become well known for his honesty, energy and intelligence. His birth occurred in Hardin County, Tenn., in September, 1844, his parents, James and Jane (Black) Miller, being also natives of that State. In 1850 they emigrated to what is now Clay County. Ark., coming through in wagons, and located on the Little Black River, and here the father died in the fall of 1866, his wife's death occurring in Tennessee. They were the parents of two children. John T. being the only one now living. He grew to manhood on a farm, and received such education as could be obtained in private schools. In 1882 be purchased the farm where he now lives, consisting of 160 acres, about seventy of which are under cultivation. He has made a great many improvements since locating, and devotes the most of his land to corn and cotton, but also gives much attention to stock raising, being extensively engaged in this business at times. He is intelligent and enterprising, and is counted one of the influential and prosperous farmers of his locality. He was married, in 1866, to Miss Amanda Mulbullen, who bore him three children: Pauline I., Lewis A. and Vandella, who is deceased. In 1877 Mr. Miller wedded Miss Sarah M. Mulhullen, and by her is the father of six children, five of whom are living: Lucy I. (deceased), John R., Leoter. Rosa M., Gertie C. and Thomas J. Mrs. Miller is a member in good standing of the Christian Church.