Biography of Francis Williams, Clay Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Date: Copyright. All rights reserved *********************************************************** From: The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of N. E. Ark. Biographical Information. Francis A. Williams, one of the well-to-do farmers and stockmen of the county, is a Carroll County Tennesseean, and was born January 5, 1844, being a son of Benjamin Williams, who was born in North Carolina, but was reared in Tennessee. In this State he was married to Hester C. Enix, a native of the State, and settled on a farm in Carroll County, where he resided until his death, in the summer of 1871. Francis A. Williams made his home in Carroll County until twenty-three years of age, and was married August 11, 1868, to Mrs. Martha Wynn, a daughter of John Foster. She was born and reared in Gibson County, Tenn. After marriage Mr. Williams made three crops in Carroll County, and in the fall of 1870 moved to Arkansas and located in Clay County, where he bought the tract of land where he now lives three years later. It consists of 240 acres in one body, about 135 acres being cleared and improved with a good frame residence and out- buildings. He has two cotton-gins on his farm and for the past ten years has been engaged in ginning cotton. He has been a member of the Agricultural Wheel ever since the organization of that society in the county, and held some local offices in his township. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are the parents of nine children: Hester, wife of Lee Wiley; Benjamin E., Mary F., wife of Samuel Blackshare; Elbert, Ada, Edwin, Lola, Lura and Alfred D.