Life & Times from the Clay County Courier Newspaper, 1919, Published in Corning, Arkansas *********************************************************** Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen Date: 25 May 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Following is the index to "Life & Times from the Clay County Courier Newspaper, 1919-1920, Published in Corning, Arkansas" by Cathy Barnes. ISBN 1-56546-201-7, softbound, 139 pages, $22.00 plus shipping. Order from Arkansas Research, Inc., PO Box 303, Conway AR 72033. A Abernathy, J. L., 20 Abington, Geo. O., 104 Adama, George, 37 Adams, A. B., 94, 113 Adams, Alvis, 75 Adams, Coy, 69 Adams, E., Mme., 62 Adams, Ella, 45, 89 Adams, George, 69, 75, 90 Adams, Horace, 69, 90, 92 Adams, J. M., 73 Adams, Jesse, 69, 70, 92, 102, 106 Adams, Merle, 27, 34, 52, 55, 69, 72, 73 Adams, Miss, 27, 30 Adams, Mr., 75 Adams, Nettie, 92 Adams, Ola, 57 Agriculture, Dept. of, 24 Ahrendt, W. M., 18 Airdome, Starlight, 47 Airdome, Ward's, 52 Alexander, Addie, 55 Alexander, Chas. W., 43 Alexander, E. E., 75, 81 Alexander, Fred R., 43 Alexander, Hazel, 43 Alexander, Howard, 43 Alexander, N. M., 66 Alexander, S. W., 43, 55, 75, 114 Alexander, W. M., 21, 40 Alexander, W. M., died, 43, 54 Alexander, William M., 43 Allbright, B. F., 82 Allbright, Ben, 87 Allbright, Esther, 82 Allbright, George, 59 Allbright, J. A., 53, 59 Allbright, Milton, 75 Alldredge, E. P., 12 Allen, A. J., 15 Allen, Alex, Mrs., died, 82 Allen, Ben, 22 Allen, C. A., 111 Allen, Mark, 88 Allen, Parmelia, 46 Allen, Will, 68 Allender, C. L., 100, 115 Allen-West Commission Co., 73 Allison, Mr., 75 Allmandinger, Chris, 93 Allmandinger, L., 23 Allmandinger, Minnie, 93 Almyra, Ark., teacher, 82 Almyra, Arkansas Co., Ark., teacher, 72 Altman, B. J., 68 Ambrose, Messr., 34 Amick, postmaster, 83 Ammons, alias, 38 Anderson, C. D., 9, 26, 51, 92, 103, 109 Anderson, deputy clerk, 32 Anderson, Ella, 27, 39, 45, 49, 53, 55, 57, 60, 72, 80, 82 Anderson, G. D., 22 Anderson, Mayor, 14 Anderson, Thos., 29 Anti-Saloon-League, 30 Applegate, H. W., 66 Arbaugh, Harve, 41 Arbuckle John D., 46 Ariola, Montezuma, Mrs., 100 Arkadelphia, Ark., brass band, 70 Arkansas admission as territory, 40 Arkansas Charity & Corrections, 12 Arkansas delegation, 21 Arkansas girl, suicide, 33 Arkansas Hickory Mfg. Co., 48 Arkansas Light & Power Co., 65 Arkansas Press Association, 19 Arkansas, Eastern District, 68 Arkol Co., 24 Armstrong, Maggie, 52 Army, Salvation, 103 Arnold, Abner, 72 Arnold, Aubrey, 99 Arnold, Bob, II, 111 Arnold, David, 7 Arnold, Elsie, 88, 90, 99, 105 Arnold, Fred, 32 Arnold, Henry, 72, 83, 99, 104 Arnold, J. F., 22, 41, 100, 111, 114 Arnold, J. F., Mrs., 74 Arnold, Laura, 42 Arnold, Maudine, 111 Arnold, Sam, 34 Arnold, Vana, 18, 30, 31, 35, 49, 57, 69, 80, 84, 103, 114 Arnold, W. A., 99 Arnold, William, 83 Ashbaugh, J. R., 102 Asher, C., Mr., 26 Association, Teachers', 112, 113 Atkinson, J. T., 9 Ator, Ezra, 54, 87 Attebery, O. W., 15 Austin, Mrs., 55 Avery, John, 26, 29, 36, 46, 50, 57, 94, 112 Axtey, O. O., 10 Ayres, Emsley, 27 B B. Y. P. U., 97 Bacchus, Jacob J., 74 Bacon, Alice, 91 Bailey, Aline, 112 Bailey, C. L., 22 Bailey, Charles, 51 Bailey, Floyd, 80 Bailey, G. A., Mrs., 51, 52 Bailey, G. C., Mrs., 103 Bailey, H. J. F., 84 Bailey, J. F., 20, 30, 38, 49, 57 Bailey, James W., 12 Bailey, Lucien, 114 Bailey, Miss, 110 Bailey, telegrapher, 25 Bailey, Whitney, 24, 99 Bailus, A. C., 22, 30 Bailus, A. C., Mrs., 24 Bailus, city marshal, 37, 49, 113 Bailus, marshal, 24, 91 Bailus, Mrs., 110 Bailus, officer, 30, 35 Baily, L., 115 Baily, Percy, 115 Baird, A. W., 85 Baker, Aaron, 56 Baker, B. F., Mme., 26 Baker, Ben, 34, 56 Baker, Cecil, 18, 20 Baker, Ella, 79 Baker, Eula Lee, 90 Baker, Frank, Mrs., 113 Baker, G., Mrs., 28 Baker, J. C., 88 Baker, J. R., 88 Baker, John C., 91 Baker, Lola, 53, 80 Baker, M. G., 115 Baker, Mark, died, 74 Baker, Mart, 74 Baker, Martha, Mrs., died, 83 Baker, Mary O., 73 Baker, Mort, 79 Baker, Mrs., died, 81 Baker, Obie, 45 Baker, Perry, 49, 80 Baker, R. L., 73 Baker, Sis, 9 Bakery & ice cream parlor, Corning, Ark., 12 Baldridge, A., 111 Baldridge, W. A., 40 Ballard, Lafe, 91 Ballard, Norma, 105 Ballinger, Cyrus, 38 Ballinger, Mary, 38 Balyeat, Doyt's wife, 41 Bank, 1st National at Corning, 85 Bank, Arkansas National, 19 Bank, Bentonville, Ark., 38 Bank, Datto, Bank of, 16 Bank, Doniphan State, 14 Bank, Exchange Bank of Stuttgart, 21 Bank, First Nat'l, 20 Bank, First National, 16, 25, 33, 36, 54, 98, 99, 103, 104, 110 Bank, First National of Paragould, 33 Bank, First National of Rector, 59 Bank, First National, of Corning, 80 Bank, Jonesboro, Bank of, 19 Bank, Knobel, Bank of, 16 Bank, National, of Commerce, 33 Bank, Neelyville, Mo., robbed, 35 Bank, Peoples, of Peach Orchard, 18 Bank, St. Francis, 55 Bank, State, of Neelyville, Mo., 35 Bankers' Trust Co., 36 Banks, Corning, Bank of, 7, 11, 20, 33 Banks, J. E., 110 Banks, J. L., 110 Banks, Maud, 68 Baptist Assn., 45 Baptist ministers, 113 Barber Shop, Bowers & Bro.'s, 107 Barber Shop, City, 41, 60 Barber shop, Corning, Ark., 17 Barber Shop, new, 86 Barber shop, Palace, 13 Barber Shop, Palace, 43, 81 Barber Shop, See's, 41 Barber Shop, White Way, 50, 85 Barber shops, Palace, 10 Barber, Frank, 105 Barber, Z. D., 106 Barbero, Henry, died, 96 Barbero, Mrs., 96 Barbershop, City, 80 Barhnill, Vera Lee, 30 Barker, Sis, 20 Barkman, Fred, Mrs., 37 Barnett, Amy, 65, 102 Barnett, Chas., 23 Barnett, J. M., 22, 41, 78, 86, 88 Barnett, Joe, 33 Barnett, Loren G., 78 Barnett, M., 39 Barnett, Orrie, 45 Barnette, Amy, 62 Barnhill, Mazie, 82 Barnhill, Mrs., 93 Barnhill, R. G., 16, 25 Barnhill, Roy, 29 Barnhill, Roy G., 93 Barnhill, Roy, Mrs., 110 Barnhill, S. A., Mrs., 35, 41 Barnhill, Vera Lee, 18, 31, 35, 49, 69 Barrentine, E. S., 21 Barrett, Arthur C., 103 Barrett, Clara E., 85 Barringer, Everett, 20, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 63, 82, 84, 88 Barringer, Everette, 38 Barringer, W. R., 15, 19, 22, 47, 50, 52, 66, 69, 80, 83 Barringer, W. R., Mrs., 53, 112 Barringer, Wilma, 32, 39, 45, 48, 52, 53, 58, 63, 66, 72, 80, 114 Barringer, Wm. R., Mrs., 115 Bartley, Jim, 18 Barton, C. B., 93 Barton, L. M., 10 Basinger, Elmer, 23, 80 Bass, Ed, 18, 95 Bass, Gene, 18 Bassinger, Elmer, 30, 48 Bateman, Mary, 21 Batten, John T., 103 Battleship, Arkansas, 21 Bauerlein, Louis, 70 Bauermann, C. A., Mrs., 33 Bauermann, Mrs., 35 Bauschlicher, C., 29, 74, 110 Bauschlicher, Chris, 22 Baxter Co., Ark., health officer, 42 Baxter, John T., 109 Bayless handle factory, 27 Bayless Mfg. Co., 54 Baynham, J. W., 29, 93 Baynham, J. W., Mrs., 90 Bayou Meto Drainage District, 42 Bayou Meto, Ark., boy lost sight in eye, 19 Bean, Charles, 88, 104 Bean, Charlie, 88 Bean, Lola, 88 Bean, W. A., 97 Beard, Edith, 16, 27, 39, 42, 45, 48, 55, 56, 89, 93, 101 Beard, Mme., 45, 48 Beard, Mr. & Mrs., 42 Beard, station agent, 60 Beard, W. O., 17, 20, 46, 77, 79 Beard, W. O., Mrs., 42, 50, 56, 113 Beard, W. P., 42 Beasley, Noble, 17 Beaumont, Texas, teacher, 100 Beavens, Allen, 41, 59, 64, 80 Becker, W. F., 22 Beecher, Lillie, 50 Belew, Elder, 92, 98, 104 Belew, Knox, 40 Belew, Mr., 16 Belford, Bess, 16, 39 Belford, Bessie, 11, 27 Belford, F. E., 58 Belford, Freeman D., 26 Belford, Herman, 107 Belford, J. B., 30, 31, 80 Belford, Mrs., 67 Belford, Otis, 67 Bell, Claude, 32 Bell, G., 104 Bell, Giddy, 46, 64, 70, 83 Bellew, Ed, 37 Beloate, C. V., 16, 22, 27, 34, 44, 47, 61, 62, 103 Beloate, Ida, 22 Beloate, Miss, 48 Beloate, S. R., 23, 62 Beloate, Vi, 33, 35, 39, 44, 45, 102 Beloate, Viola, 25, 52, 55, 69, 113, 114 Bennett, Beulah, 109 Bennett, D. L., 20, 22, 45, 58, 76, 93 Bennett, D. L., Mrs., 48, 59, 90 Bennett, Ed, 99 Bennett, Edith, 114 Bennett, Eula, 109 Bennett, Felix, 111 Bennett, Oscar, 74 Bennett, W. D., 7, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 32, 78, 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 100, 102, 103, 109 Bennett, W. T., 43, 111 Bennett, Willie, 7 Bennett's garage, 37 Benson, A. R., 73 Benson, Ambia, 40 Bentley, J. M., 32 Benton Co. Medical Society, 7 Bentonville, Ark., city manager, 10 Bentonville, Ark., mayor, 25 Berg farm, 26, 33 Berg, Jo, 115 Berg, Josephine, 53 Berg, Tony, 20, 25, 26, 39, 42, 53, 57, 63, 68, 91, 115 Bergess, Ada, 22 Berry, A., 46, 105 Berry, Cleo, 90, 104 Berry, Grandma, 46, 105 Betts, J. Z., 103 Bevens, Allen, 40 Bewley, R. H., 45 Bierent, Mabel, 90 Biffle, B. B., 49, 76 Biffle, Bernice, 76 Biffle, Leslie L., 58, 76 Biggers, Ark., revival, 112 Bird, Jim, 59 Bird, L. E., 85 Bishop, Donald, 62, 65 Bishop, J. L., 59, 61 Bishop, John, 65 Bishop, John L., 62 Bishop, John L., Mrs., 28 Bishop, Mary E, Mrs., died, 61 Bishop, Mary E., 59 Bishop, Sylvanus, 61 Bivins, Walter, died, 82 Black Lbr. Co., 19, 20 Black, C. R., 24, 42, 46, 74, 91, 92 Black, Charles, 44 Black, Charles R., 18 Black, Charles, Mrs., 71, 97 Black, Chas. R., 29, 84 Black, Chas. Rufus, 109 Black, Chas., Mrs., 26 Black, Curt, 36 Black, Curtis, Mrs., 35 Black, Daisy, 24, 30, 66, 89, 99 Black, E. L., 74 Black, Elmer L., 101 Black, J. C., 39, 107, 108 Black, J. C., Mrs., 110 Black, J. W., 13, 16, 19, 20, 30, 37, 64, 89, 90, 91, 93, 96, 111 Black, J. W., Lumber Co., 22, 82, 86, 112 Black, J. W., Mrs., 109 Black, J. W.'s Feed Store, 81 Black, John W., 7 Black, L. G., 21, 45, 53, 55 Black, Marie, 100 Black, Mary Oliver, 36, 109 Black, Robt., 87 Black, Robt. H., 40 Black, Sara, 101 Black, Sarah, 102 Black's Lumber Co., 56 Blackley, Wm. R., 12 Blackwood, Anna Ray, 67 Blackwood, Dr., 9, 21, 101, 114 Blackwood, Mack, 64, 66 Blackwood, S. P., 26, 43, 52, 73 Blackwood, S. P., Mrs., 67 Blackwood, Sterline, 67 Blair, H., Mrs., 57 Bland, Allen, 82 Bland, Henry, 82 Bland, Jink, 82 Blankenship, Franie, 64 Blankenship, Frantie, 104 Blankenship, Oma, 88, 105 Blankenship, Warren, 47 Blanton, Frank, 64, 68 Bleakney, Mr., 89 Bledsoe, Delia, 96 Bloodworth, Atty., 14, 16, 39, 67, 72, 87, 112 Bloodworth, C. T., 22, 32, 51, 77, 79, 84, 86, 88, 95, 96, 102, 107 Bloodworth, C. T., Mrs., 11, 79, 109 Bloodworth, E. B., 13 Bloodworth, Ed, 44 Bloodworth, Haskell, 24, 114 Bloodworth, Helen, 109 Bloodworth, postmaster, 32 Bloomer, Addie, 34 Bloomer, Mrs., 38 Blue Mountain, Miss., preacher, 106 Blue School, news, 90 Blunk, Ambrose, Mrs., 105 Blunk, Ambrose's daughter, 43 Blunk, F. S., 98 Blunk, Flossie, 30, 32, 48, 49, 53, 57 Blunk, J. M., 25, 72 Blunk, J. M., Mrs., 30 Blunk, Jas. M., 100 Blunk, Stel, 99 Blytheville, Ark., lawyer, 111 Bobo, J. T., 100 Boeving, Albert, 90 Bolen, Clay, 106 Bolenbacher, W. A., 14 Bollenbacher, Andrew G., 45 Bollenbacher, Myrle, 65, 115 Bollenbacher, W. A., 15, 37, 38, 45, 65, 115 Bollenbacher, W. A. & Co., 94 Bond, J. I., Mrs., 71 Bonslagel, Connie J., 37 Bonslagle, Connie J., 21 Booneville, Ark., sanatorium, 96 Boonville, Ark., sanitarium, 83 Booser factory, 58 Booser, G. A., 22, 34, 44, 46 Booser, G. A., Mrs., 35, 76 Booser, Geo. A., 20, 28, 60, 64, 79, 88, 96, 103 Booser, Geo., Mrs., 94 Booser, George A., 68 Booser, Grandma, 86 Booser, Harold, 38 Booser, Mme., 69 Booser, Mr. & Mrs., 42 Booser, Sec., 100 Booten, Chas. L., 24 Borcher, small son, 54 Borchers, John, 23 Borchers, Minnie, 93 Boshears cottage, 87 Boshears, Ezra, 66 Boshears, L., 7, 21, 22, 37, 39, 44, 49, 101 Boshears, Larry, 16 Boshears, Mrs., 21 Boshears, Taylor, 37 Boston, Helen, 36, 38 Boulton, J. B., 73, 76, 83 Boulton, John, 32, 49 Boulton, Johnnie, 57 Bowen, Charles, 76 Bowen, J. R., 49 Bowen, William, killed, 13 Bowen, Zada, 52 Bowers & Bro., 43 Bowers & Bro.'s, 13, 107 Bowers Brothers, 10, 81 Bowers, B. H., 13 Bowers, Brant, 22, 81 Bowers, Brant, Jr., 107 Bowers, Brant, Mme., 111 Bowers, Fred, 66, 81 Bowers, Lehman, died, 66 Bowers' brother barbers, 66 Bowlin, T., 68 Boyd, Cynthia Caroline. died, 27 Boyd, George, 27, 109 Boyd, Hattie, 28, 89 Boyd, Iris, 28, 53, 100 Boyd, J. C., 109 Boyd, Jas. C., 28, 85 Boyd, Ray, 43 Boyd, Roy, 27, 28, 39, 43, 97, 112 Boyer, Sam, 30 Braden, L. A., 83, 94 Bradfield, W. D., 103 Bradley, Brunelle, 35 Bradley, Jas., 47 Brandon, Mr., 102 Brant, Bowers, 10 Brawley, Bertha, 77 Breiling, Louis, 73 Brelling, Louis, 73 Brenton, Wm., 38 Brewington, Robt., 90 Brickhouse, Ed, 35 Bridge Co., Vincennes, 69 Bridges Bros., 86 Bridges Drug Co., 101, 110, 114 Bridges, Alice, 44, 50 Bridges, Jeff, 38 Bridges, T. G., 86, 89 Bridges, Thos. G., 108, 114 Brine, Orpha, 87 Briney, J. R., 22, 88, 96, 114 Brinker, Elmer, 45 Brissenden, Roy, Mrs., 115 Bristol, Geo., 92, 99 Bristoll, Mr., 23 Britt, county demonstrator, 37 Britt, county farm demonstrator, 87 Britt, J. M., 8, 80, 99 Britt, J. M., Mrs., 39, 66 Britt, Jas. M., Mrs., died, 81 Britt, Mr. & Mrs., 42 Britton, Mr., 9 Britton, Silas, 87 Brobst, L. M., Mrs., 23 Brock, Lula, 73 Brock, Wm., 61 Brookings, Ark., fire & explosion, 100 Brookings, Ark., man found dismembered, 23 Brookings, Ark., news, 9, 18, 20, 31, 75, 78, 80, 82, 86 Brooks, Ida J., 78 Brooks, Miss, 51 Brooks, Sarah, 32 Brooks, Sarah F., 18 Brough, Charles Hillman, 38 Brough, Gov., 10, 12, 17, 21, 24, 26, 37 Brown Carnahan & Co., 17 Brown farm, 46 Brown, A. L., 43, 46, 47, 51, 52, 69, 87, 97, 114 Brown, A. L., Mme., 42, 80, 113 Brown, A. L., Mrs., 8, 10, 55, 110 Brown, Abe, 40, 54, 85 Brown, Abe, Mme., 54 Brown, Abe, Mrs., 89 Brown, Alice, 16, 70 Brown, Anna Lois, 34 Brown, Atty., 90 Brown, D. A., 84 Brown, D. C., 69 Brown, Dave's daughter, died, 81 Brown, E. F., 50, 63, 68 Brown, E. M., 112 Brown, Edith, 18, 30, 31, 49, 58, 69, 80, 84, 90, 99 Brown, Elsie, 16, 23 Brown, G. W., 96 Brown, grandfather, 81 Brown, H., 91 Brown, Herman, 107 Brown, Juanita, 30, 32, 63, 66, 78 Brown, Junita, 24, 47 Brown, Lee, 20, 22 Brown, Lois, 32, 39, 42, 45, 48, 87, 94, 101, 107, 111 Brown, Lulu, 15 Brown, Madge, Mrs., 50 Brown, Mme., 15 Brown, Mollie, 72 Brown, Morris, 74 Brown, Mr., 16 Brown, Mrs., 16, 82, 112 Brown, R. E. L., 81, 83, 86, 105 Brown, R. E. L., Mrs., 83 Brown, Raymond, 23, 99 Brown, Ruth, 18, 35, 38, 42, 50, 69, 78, 79, 80, 84, 87, 101 Brown, Tony, 64, 99 Brown, Tony, Mrs., 93 Brown, W. A., 77 Brown, W. J., 18, 43, 46, 75, 86 Brown, W. J., Mrs., 16 Brown, W. R., 17, 19 Brown, W. R., Mrs., 58, 90 Brown, Wallace J., 16, 20, 74, 85, 102, 104 Brown, Wallace J., Mrs., 103 Brown, Walter E., 89 Brown's Clay Co. Machine Shop & Garage, 94 Browning, Ethel, 16, 20, 27, 31, 34, 69, 80, 87 Browning, Ethel Mae, 103 Browning, J. K., 31, 103 Browning, Miss, 27, 30, 34 Browning, Ruth, 20 Bruie, Henry, 87 Brummett, Mrs., 17 Bryan, W. J., 30 Bryan, William Jennings, 36 Bryant, Bland, 74 Bryant, J. C., 29 Bryant, J. J., Mrs., 21 Bryant, Mrs., 76 Bryant, Pearl, 8 Bue, Dovey, 10 Buhler, Geo., 27 Buie, Todd's daughter, 10 Bullard, Curley, 33 Bullard, Lafe's daughter, 87 Bullen, H. B., 59 Bumgardner, Pearl, 70 Bunch, C. O.'s daughter, 77 Bundren, Mr., 102 Burgess, Ada, 30, 48, 53, 80 Burgess, Henry, 73, 96 Burgess, Henry, Mrs., 51 Burgess, Mrs., 33 Burk, L. O., 61, 95 Burk, L. O., broom factory, 64 Burk, Lemon O., 30 Burns, Nellie, 109 Burton, C. C., 69 Burton, W. B., 13 Burton, Wm. B., 104 Busby, C. E., 89 Busby, Chas. E., 91 Business & Professional Women, convention, 99 Buster, W. L., 50 Butler, Geo., 31 Butte, George C., 38 Button Co., Wisconsin, 89 Button, Bessie, 92 Button, E., 83, 107 Button, Eas., 90 Button, G. L., 11 Button, H., 46 Button, Harve, 88 Button, J. E., 14, 64, 67, 74, 98, 115 Button, Jas. E., 88 Button, Jas. E., Mrs., 83, 103 Button, Minnie, 23, 46, 64, 92, 98, 103, 104, 107 Button, Nannie, 23 Button, Pearl, 60 Button, S., 83 Button, Sam, 33, 46, 64, 68, 88, 104 Byers, Don, 93 Byers, Don, Mrs., 95 Byers, M. E., Mrs., 108 C C. H. S., 69 Cache Twp., Clay Co., Ark., J. P., 95 Cafe, City, 59 Cafe, Hop Alley, 54, 68 Cafe, V, 88 Caldwell, Mart, 109 Caldwell, Rev., 27, 106 Calhoun, Dr., 36 Callahan, Mr., 69 Campbell, E. K., 43 Campbell, Edward, 39 Campbell, J. M., 26, 43, 65, 69 Campbell, J. M., Mrs., died, 39 Campbell, J. P., 12 Campbell, J. T., 37, 56 Campbell, J. W., 84 Campbell, John M., died, 115 Campbell, John T., 95 Campbell, Louella, 69 Campbell, Marshall, 10 Cannon, Lila, 32 Cannon, Lilas, 24, 30, 63 Cantrell, John, 10 Cantwell, Charles, 62 Cantwell, Dick, 11 Cantwell, Duke, 11 Cantwell, Duke W., 25, 28 Cantwell, Harrison, 111 Cantwell, Harve, Mrs., 102 Cantwell, John, 112 Cantwell, Louis, 33 Cantwell, R. H., 21, 22, 33, 49, 85, 86 Cantwell, Roy, 11, 28, 45 Cantwell, Roy C., 7 Cantwell, Sam, 20, 22, 24, 43, 46, 105, 110 Cantwell, Sam, Mrs., 62, 95 Cantwell, Will, 33 Caple, Gus, 35 Caraway, congressman, 18, 40 Caraway, T. H., 15, 26, 58, 75, 92 Carey, Jacob, 83 Carey, Jake, 74 Carl, J. F., 30 Carmichael, Gussie, 70 Carnahan, J. A., 14 Carpenter, A. Z., Mrs., 66 Carpenter, C. O., 96 Carrier, Caney, 38 Carrier, Dan, 38, 64, 91, 98 Carrithers, E. L., Mme., 16 Carrithers, E. L., Mrs., died, 92 Carrithers, G. G., 14, 16 Carrithers, Geo. G., 92 Carroll, E. E., 38 Carroll, Mrs., 16 Carter, Amanda, 56, 109 Carter, D., 98 Carter, D. M., 94 Carter, Don, 47 Carter, Hugh, 16 Carter, J. H., 96, 114 Carter, Jack, 77, 86 Carter, Jack P., 114 Carter, Jo, 83 Carter, Jo., 80, 86 Carter, Joe, 26, 91, 109 Carter, John L., 26 Carter, Jos., 77, 112 Carter, Jos. H., 18, 92 Carter, Mr., 28 Carter, Rev., 99 Carter, Sarah Jo, 28 Carter, Susie, 16 Casey, Gladys, 91 Casey, Mrs., 91 Casey, Simpson M., death, 60 Casto, T. A., 32, 111 Casto, T. A., Jr., 33 Casto, T. A., Mrs., 36 Casto, Walter, 57 Cate, J. W. & Son, 109 Cate, R. A. & Co., 60 Cate, R. J., 9 Cate, T. L., 60 Cates, O. L., Mrs., 43 Caton, D. M., 10 Cemetery, Allen, 95 Cemetery, Black, 55, 82 Cemetery, Bond, 97 Cemetery, Catholic, Poplar Bluff, Mo., 114 Cemetery, Catholic, St. Louis, Mo., 114 Cemetery, Corning, 13, 16, 17, 27, 39, 42, 51, 66, 77, 81, 84, 89, 96, 97, 108, 113, 115 Cemetery, French, 12 Cemetery, Ingram, 98 Cemetery, Lone Hill, 31 Cemetery, Mount Sinai Jewish, 61 Cemetery, Nelson, 68, 75 Cemetery, Pitman, 99 Cemetery, Richwoods, 11, 59, 70, 78, 82, 83, 111 Cemetery, William's, 27 Cemetery, Williams, 35, 66, 82 Cemetery, Williams', 51 Central Clay drainage district, 58 Chadwick, C. J., 99 Chaffin, Clarence, 101 Chambers, Erle R., 12 Chambers, Gertrude, 64 Champlin, Samuel W., 12 Chandler, A. J., Jr., 66 Chaney, Clyde, 17 Chapline, George M., 42 Chappell, H. D., 22, 55, 94, 108 Chappell, H. D., Mrs., 55 Chappell, O., 55, 94 Chappell, R. G., Mrs., 68 Chard, Mrs., 65 Chard, Robt., 65 Chard, Robt. E., 96 Cheatham, Bertha, 51 Cheatham, Roy, 65, 91, 102, 114 Cheatham, Roy, Mrs., 61, 110 Chemical Co., Am Agri, 73 Cherry, Mrs., 69, 102 Cherry, Willis H., 93 Chester, Robert, 32 Childers, Frank, 109 Childers, Frank's son, 84 Childers, John C., 27 Chinn, F. C., 65 Christian Endeavor, 89 Christian, Frank, Mrs., 10, 85 Christian, Howard, 85 Christian, Ida Mae, 17 Christian, W., 111 Christian, W. F., 29 Christian, Wm., 21 Church, Antioch, 108 Church, Baptist, 12, 40, 45, 63, 95, 97, 98, 105, 106, 109, 111 Church, Baptist revival, 48 Church, Baptist, Corning, 94, 99 Church, Baptist, First, 107 Church, Baptist, Piggott, 94 Church, Baring Cross, 99 Church, Brazzell, 52 Church, Catholic, 95 Church, Catholic, St. Bernard's, 113 Church, Christian, 14, 15, 50, 52, 55, 93, 94, 95, 99 Church, Christian, East End, 106 Church, Christian, First, 7 Church, Datto, 46 Church, First Baptist of Blytheville, 75 Church, First Methodist, 81 Church, Heelstring, 68 Church, Holiness, 108, 109, 112, 113 Church, Lutheran, Lafe, 93 Church, M. E., 14, 26, 27, 57, 72, 74, 81, 94, 106 Church, Methodist, 23, 24, 32, 51, 63, 64, 69, 79, 81, 87, 95, 99, 107 Church, Methodist Episcopal, 96 Church, Methodist, First, 36 Church, Methodist, ministers assigned, 69 Church, Naylor Baptist, 85 Church, Pentecost, 21 Church, Pentecostal, 17, 73, 75, 77, 93 Church, Pentecostal, missionary, 75 Church, Presbyterian, 10, 21, 36, 42, 115 Church, Presbyterian, Cumberland, 12 Church, Presbyterian, First, 7, 10 Church, Richwoods, 23, 68 Church, Winfield Memorial, 35 City Bakery, 32 Clagg, G. B., 29, 43, 101, 109 Clagg, John V., 109 Clark, Baker, 70 Clark, D. M., 25, 60, 71, 74, 95 Clark, R. C., 102 Clark, Villma, 46 Clark, Virgil, 94 Clarkson, Granville, 71, 95 Clarkson, M., 8 Clarkson, Marian, died, 23 Clarkson, Marlon, died, 23 Clarkson, Melissa J., 108 Clay Co. farm demonstrator, 80 Clay Co. singing convention, 61 Clay Co., Ark., assessment boards, 92 Clay Co., Ark., circuit clerk, 61, 115 Clay Co., Ark., court, 9 Clay Co., Ark., drainage systems, 50 Clay Co., Ark., election judges, 111 Clay Co., Ark., home demonstration agent, 86, 110 Clay Co., Ark., oil & gas, 46 Clay Co., Ark., Oil & Gas Co., 48 Clay Co., Ark., sheriff, 9 Clay Co., Ark., sheriff's sale, 9 Clay Cooperage Co., 91 Clay County Abstract Co., 115 Clay County Courier, 3, 4 Clay County Machine Co., 13, 14, 15 Clay County Oil Stock, 95 Clay Oil Co., 90 Clay, W. H., 108 Clayton, Howard, 9 Clayton, Job, 75 Clayton, Joe, 31, 80, 86 Clayton, Jos., Mrs., 31 Cleveland, Ed, 58, 60 Cleveland, John, 9 Clifford, Mabel, 74 Clifton, P., 84 Clifton, Thomas, 71 Clifton, Tom, 38 Climer, A., 10 Cline, R. G., 101 Cloyes, H. A., Mrs., 28 Club, Aero, 42 Club, Bentonville Community, 19 Club, Business Woman's, 93 Club, Business Women's, 110, 115 Club, Civic, 19 Club, Civic, Piggott, Ark., 44 Club, Clay County, 40 Club, Corning Business Women's, 79, 99 Club, Domestic Science, 50 Club, G. R. O. W., 8, 84, 88, 90 Club, Girls' canning & poultry, 78 Club, Junior Dancing, 35 Club, Ladies' Aid, 82 Club, Oowala, 30, 42, 48, 55, 56, 69, 74, 77, 82, 111, 115 Club, St. Louis fishing & hunting, 67 Club, Wednesday, 8, 27, 30, 35, 42, 46, 57, 66, 71, 76, 115 Cochran, W. M., 74 Cochrum, Monroe, 18 Coe, Ed, 113 Cogbill, F. O., 109 Cole, A., Mrs., 44 Cole, E. N., 24 Cole, George W., 36 Cole, L., Mrs., died, 47 Cole, Lewis, 71 Cole, Lois, 40, 68 Cole, M. S., 84 Cole, S. A., Jr., 66 Cole, S. A., Mrs., 66 Cole, W. D., Jr., 24 Coley, Henry, 86 Collatt, H. L., 109 College Cape Girardeau, 114 College, Agricultural, 55 College, business, Springfield, Mo., 82 College, Chicago Medical, 107 College, Commercial, Springfield, Mo., 88 College, Draughan's business, 45 College, Galloway, 89 College, Jonesboro Agri., 74, 78 College, Little Rock, 113 College, Maynard, 75, 78, 80 College, Northeast Arkansas Agricultural, 93 College, Ouachita, 57, 99 College, Peabody Normal, 92, 107 College, Springfield Business, 55, 71, 77, 82 College, Springfield, Mo., 93 College, Springfield, Mo., business, 73, 98 College, State Normal, 100 College, Teachers' Normal, 108 Colley, Elbert, 63 Collins, Thos. J., 102 Collins, Wylie, 71 Combs, J. E., 38 Compagniotte, Maurice, 92 Companiotte & Bro., 20 Companiotte Bros., 18, 110 Companiotte, Alzier, 102 Companiotte, Esco, 24, 103 Companiotte, Joe, 23, 24, 25, 58, 89, 94, 101, 102 Companiotte, Maurice, 44, 52, 94, 102 Companiotte, Maurice, Mrs., 38, 41, 89 Companiotte, Mrs., 44 Companiotte, P. M., 7, 21, 22, 91, 105 Companiotte, P. M., Mrs., 27, 28, 57 Companiotte, Ruth, 31, 102 Compton, Bell, 20 Compton, Belle, 13 Compton, Bob, 82 Compton, Jasper, 31 Conant, Gertrude E., 9 Cone, J. C., 42 Confederate pension checks, 108 Conway exemption board, 12 Conway, Ark., commencement, 34 Conway, Ark., State Normal, 40 Conway, D., 53 Cook, Leora, 33 Cook, Scott, 31 Cook, Sgt., 66 Cooke, C. M., 7 Cooke, Charles M., 7 Cooke, John, 7 Cooper, Cora, 109 Cooper, Miss, 105 Cope, C. C., 10, 14, 15, 73, 84, 96, 107, 113 Cope, C. C., Mrs., 110 Cope, Charles C. Jr., 96 Cope, Dr., 22, 25, 37, 47, 90, 91, 92, 105 Cope, Dr. & Mrs., 42 Corbet, C. C., 106 Corbet, Mabel, 106 Corblay, Lawrence, 38 Cornelius, Hattie, 52, 53 Cornell, Emily, 32 Corning Bank & Trust, 86, 89, 110 Corning Bank & Trust Co, 113 Corning button factory, 94 Corning Flour Mill, 112 Corning Furn. Co., 110 Corning Furniture Co., 20, 86 Corning Meat Market, 115 Corning News Agency, 95 Corning Overland Co., 31, 41 Corning Pearl Button Co., 20, 52 Corning Produce Co., 89 Corning Roller Mills, 58 Corning, Ark., 3, 4 Corning, Ark., bank, 16 Corning, Ark., Baptist preacher, 85 Corning, Ark., barber, 9 Corning, Ark., brass band, 108 Corning, Ark., cafe, 108 Corning, Ark., casualty list, 7 Corning, Ark., chautauqua, 93 Corning, Ark., city health officer, 66 Corning, Ark., dentist, 73 Corning, Ark., doctor, 73 Corning, Ark., fire, 110 Corning, Ark., former resident shoots, 8 Corning, Ark., garage, 18 Corning, Ark., hospital, 79 Corning, Ark., jewelry store, 8 Corning, Ark., lawyer, 73 Corning, Ark., lights, 28 Corning, Ark., Master's Sale, 73 Corning, Ark., mercantile man, 67 Corning, Ark., milliner, 83 Corning, Ark., Overland garage, 66 Corning, Ark., Physician & Surgeon, 43 Corning, Ark., preacher, 59, 107 Corning, Ark., recruiting party, 34 Corning, Ark., resident breaks back, 56 Corning, Ark., street fair, 110 Corning, Ark., Tank day, 25 Corning, Ark., teacher, 82, 86, 88, 92, 94, 100 Corning, button factory, 64 Corning, First National bank, 77 Cossey, Joe, died, 36 Cottle, Alba, 104 Cottle, K. C., Mrs., 40 Cottle, Mrs., 83 Couch, Mary, Mrs., 112 Courier, The, 3 Cowden, Frank, 90 Cox, A. D., 21 Cox, C. A.'s daughter, 97 Cox, C. B., 74, 95 Cox, Dr., 44, 60 Cox, Earl, Mrs., 87 Cox, Gladys, 16 Cox, Gus, 30 Cox, Thelma, 30 Cozine, Noble, 28 Crabtree, J. W., 22, 83, 87 Crabtree, J. W., Mrs., 105 Crabtree, Louise, 109 Crabtree, Mrs., 115 Crafton, Poe, 87 Craig, chief of police, 66 Craig, Finn, 46 Craighead Co., Ark., new courthouse, 36 Crane, Mo., fiddler's contest, 10 Craven, S. V., Mrs., 65 Craven, Truman, 65 Cravens, S. B., Mrs., 44 Crawford, Myra, 35 Creason, George, died, 76 Creason, Grace, 52, 56, 76 Creason, James, 56 Creason, Jas., Mrs., 45 Creason, John, 76 Creason, Levi, 76, 80 Creason, W. G., 25 Creason, Walter, 76, 81 Crego, Claud, Mrs., 33 Crego, Claude, 26, 42 Crews, Geo. B., 14 Crews, Geo. R., 31 Crews, Royall, 101 Crews, Vera, 72 Crim, Elsie Dell, 57 Crimm, Filmore, 109 Crimm, J. P., 34, 43 Crimm, Perry, Mrs., 26, 109 Crimm, Rose Mary, 34 Crimm, Rosemary, 109 Crittenden, George, 82 Crow, Clarence, 63 Crow, Rev., 64 Crowder, Atty., 111 Crowder, Irene, 34 Crowder, J., Mrs., 16 Crowder, Jennie Marie, 34 Crowder, Laura, 16 Crowder, Lillie Mae, 112 Crowder, Lillie May, 114 Crowder, Lilly Mae, 103 Crowder, Lily May, 51 Crowder, T. J., 98 Crowder, T. J., Mrs., 104 Crutchfield, Aileen, 43, 48, 50 Crutchfield, Alleen, 57 Crutchfield, Allen, Mrs., 25 Crutchfield, Esq. & Mrs., 108 Crutchfield, Guy B., 40 Crutchfield, Guy B., Mrs., 11 Crutchfield, Henry, 48 Crutchfield, J. N., 14, 75, 84, 95, 115 Crutchfield, J. N., Mrs., 36 Crutchfield, Rhea, 75 Cummings, Monroe, Mrs., 23 Cummings, W. A., 41 Cummins, Edna, 78, 99 Cummins, Helen, 85 Cummins, R. O., 33, 74 Cunning, Dr., 7, 21, 40, 111 Cunningham property, 71 Cunningham, John, 113 Curry, Edgar, 40 Curry, Herman H., 12 Curry, T. P., 14, 25, 74 Curry, Tim, 28 Curry, W. J., Dr., 7 Curtis, J. M., 54 Curtis, Mr., 90 D Dabbs, N. J., 106 Daily, J., Mrs., 75 Damascus, Ark., merchant puts poison in popcorn & candy, 17 Daniel, Augusta D., 12 Daniel, C. L., 20, 22, 24, 29, 37, 39, 40, 53, 105, 114 Daniel, C. L., Mrs., 41, 104, 107 Daniel, Mme., 15, 42, 69 Daniel, Mrs., 58 Daniel, W. E., 9, 58, 61, 94 Daniel, Z. T., 24 Darnell, R. F., 25 Datto, Ark., merchants & bankers, 83 Datto, Ark., news, 70, 99 Datto, Ark., teachers, 75 Datto, Bank of, 86 Daughenbaugh, fighter, 45 Davidson, W. C., 96 Davis, Alvah, Mrs., died, 36 Davis, Baxter, died, 35 Davis, Bertha, 111 Davis, Charles, 42 Davis, Earl, 104 Davis, J. A., 16 Davis, J. P., 67 Davis, J. S., 92, 111 Davis, John, 72 Davis, L. A., Mrs., 14 Davis, L. M., 17 Davis, Pearl, 14 Davis, prosecutor, 33 Davis, T. W., 34 Davis, Thos., 112 Davis, W. T., 42 Day, Agnes, 90, 102 Day, C. U., 16, 29, 74, 83, 86, 93 Day, D. P., 13, 16, 19, 24, 29, 31, 46, 64, 83, 86, 93, 111 Day, Delmer P., 48 Day, Earl, 83 Day, Gracie, 90 Day, John, 33 Day, John L., 67 Day, Loren, 83, 102 De Steignner, Captain, 21 Dean, Henry, 55 Dean, Julia, 31 Dean, Nora, 31 Dearing, Jeff, 70 Dearmon, H. D., 74 DeArmon, H. D., 90 Deaton, Frieda, 52 Deaton, W. H., 19, 112 Deer, James W., killed, 41 Deering, Jessie, 16 Dees, R. A., 71 DeHaven, D., 19 Dehl, Harry, 21 Delaney, Agnes, 93 Delaney, J. C., 112 Delaney, Mattie, 92 Delaney, Vera, 92 Delaney, Wes, Mrs., 99 Delany, W. L., Mrs., 88 Dell, Ed, 71 Dell, Ethel, 75, 91 Dell, Johnnie, 65 Deloney, Daisy, 21 Deloney, Jennie, 21 Denham, Clyde, 111 Dennis, Conrad, 54 Dennis, Elizabeth, died, 82 Dental Association, 21 Dentist, Corning, Ark., 10 Denton, Ray, 102 Desha Co., Ark., poultry meetings, 12 DeSoto, Ark., boy killed by bomb, 24 DeWitt, Ruth, 95 Dibrell, U. S. Marshal, 71 Dicken, C. E., 24 Dickens, J. M., 42 Dickerson, Levi, died, 115 Dickerson, Sam, 108 Dickinson, Eld., 9 Dickison, Belle, 102 Dickison, Bro., 106 Dickison, Eld., 35 Dickison, Gladstone, 106 Dickison, Opal, 101, 106 Dickison, Rev., 102 Dickison, S. N., 20, 101 Dickson, Elder, 91 Dickson, Juanita, 101 Dickson, Sherrill, 102 Dickson, Wm., 102 Dicus, J. Forrest, 39 Dicus, Oscar, Mrs., died, 97 Diehl, C. D., 93 Diehl, C. W., 95 Dismang, C., 37 Ditto, Myrtle, 54 Dobbin, C. C., 12 Dobbins, C. C., 12 Dobson, J. A., died, 108 Doctor, Corning, Ark., 10, 41 Doctor, Dermott, Ark., 21 Doctor, Eudora, Ark., 21 Doctor, Gainesville, Ark., 8 Doctor, Garfield, Ark., 7 Doctor, Holmes, Ark., 11 Doctor, Hoxie, Ark., 32 Doctor, Knobel, Ark., 7 Doctor, Moark, Ark., 9 Doctor, Poplar Bluff, Mo., 10 Doctor, Rogers, Ark., 7 Dodd, ex-county treasurer, 21 Dodd, T. G., 12 Dolan, B. A., 101 Dollar, J. Y., Mrs., 58, 100 Dollar, roadmaster, 100 Dollens boys, 33 Dollens, H. T., 86 Dollens, J. W., 76 Dollens, John, 60 Dollins, Ol, Mrs., 51 Donaghey, George W., 12 Doniphan, Mo., interment, 109 Doniphan, Mo., justice of the peace, 51 Donoho, Ada, 26 Doolin, D. M., 61 Doolin, Naomi, 61 Doolin, Oma, 91 Dorough, Jean, 35 Dorsey, Ben, 44, 49 Dorsey, Mr., 44 Doss, Tom, 103 Dougan, Roy J., 70 Dowd, Mildred, 53 Dowdy, J. A., 74, 93 Dowdy, Jas., Mrs., 49 Dowdy, Joe, 104 Dowdy, Mr. & wife, 64 Dowdy, Stella, 23 Dowdy, Will, 60 Dowler, R. M., 23 Downey, Donald, 106 Downey, M. L., 106 Downey, R. A., Mrs., 67 Downey, Stella, 68 Downey, Ted, 37, 46, 69 Downs, A. D., 62, 87, 110 Downs, A. D., Mrs., 61 Downs, E. A., 65 Downs, Ernest, 65 Downs, Gus, 114 Downs, John W., 114 Downs, W. A., 22 Doyle, Harold, 35 Doyne, J. J., 12 Drees, Henry, 54, 57 Driscoll, Elizabeth, 113 Driver, John B., 76 Driver, W. J., 75, 81 Dudgeon family, 51 Dudgeon, Amanda, 10 Dudgeon, Floyd, 17, 109 Dudgeon, Gerald, 90 Dudgeon, Jerald, 17 Dudgeon, John A., died, 17 Dudgeon, M. A., Mrs., 32, 62 Dudgeon, Miss, 97 Dudgeon, Mme., 85 Dudgeon, Russell A., 17 Dudley, circuit judge, 18 Dudley, Denver, 34 Dudley, Judge, 111 Dudley, R. H., 59, 78 Dudley, Robt. H., 91 Dugger, W. R., 100 Dulaney, A. H., 106 DuLaney, Earl, 97, 98, 99, 105, 107 Duncan, Ramsey, 81, 100 Dunkins, Mr., 9 Dunlap, Emery, 71 Dunlap, Riley, 60, 71 Dunn, Essie, 28, 34, 43, 45, 49 Dunn, John, 8, 29 Dunn, Thos. R., 112 Dunn, Wm., 14, 87 Dunning, A. M., Mrs., 109 Dunning, Cora, 88 Dunning, Earl, 47 Dunning, Tom, 88 Dunscomb, Sarah, 23 Dupler, Mme., 114 Durham, Chas. L., 93 Duroc Assn., 12 Dyall, Potts, 60 Dysart, Elsie, 29, 32 E Eads, Frank, 43, 72 Eagan, Ben, 33 Eason, J. P., 44, 58 Eastwood, A. E., 93 Eastwood, Alex, 64, 104 Eastwood, Claud, killed, 17 Eaton, S. A. D., 18 Eaton, W. H., 79 Eberly, E. S., 21 Echols, W. J., 7 Ederer & Kutzner, 88, 89 Ederer, N. E., 115 Ederer, Nick, 89 Edmonson Stock & Improvement Co., 21 Egan, Ben, 30, 33 Eggers, Dorothy, 113 Eggleston, William, 19 Elder, J. H., 55 Elders, Bertha, 14 Eldridge, G. B., 40 Eldridge, Jno. D., 12 Elkins, Dorothy, 36 Eller, Mary D., 109 Eller, Wm., 36, 67 Eller, Wm., Mrs., 110 Elliott, Clarence, 37 Elliott, G. C., Rev., 104 Ellis, J. F., 23 Ellis, J. F., Mrs., 23 Ellis, Jean, 20 Ellison, J. W., 66 Emmons, Claude, 35 Emmons, Claude P., 38, 41 Emmons, Grif, 48 Emmons, John, 32, 90 Engel, Jos., 18 England, Edna, 110 Ennis, J. R., 29 Ennis, Riley, 34 Ensor, J. F.'s son, 85 Entrican, Tom, 57 Epperson, Oma Mae, 66 Erickson, Jennie, 18 Ermert, Bertha, 46, 104, 107 Ermert, Birdie, 104 Ermert, Charlie, 64 Ermert, James, 46, 68, 88 Ermert, Jas., 22, 70, 92 Ermert, Jas., Mrs., 83 Ermert, Jno., 21 Ermert, Lute, Mrs., 46 Ermert, Nannie, 64, 71 Ermert, Neva, 46 Ermert, Perry, 88, 104 Ermert, Theodore, 73 Ermert, W. T. (Ted), 82 Ermit, Francis, 93 Ermit, James, 93 Erven, Logan, 109 Erven, Marguerite, 63, 80, 109 Erven, Richard, 38 Ervin, George, 77 Ervin, Lottie M., 77 Ervin, Marguerite, 32 Erwin, Marguerite, 106 Esman, Leslie, 111 Esmon, Leslie, 34, 55, 56 Esmon, Wm., 34 Esmon, Wm., died, 51 Estes home, 38 Estes, Aubrey, 38, 59 Estes, C. C., 23, 80 Estes, C. C., Mrs., 11, 60, 71, 110 Estes, Clyde C., 60 Estes, Ethel, 33, 39, 94 Estes, Mrs., 38, 39, 47, 83 Estes, Wanda, 8, 31, 32, 39, 63, 101 Estes, William, 8, 38, 49, 80 Estes, Wm., 20, 49, 57, 69, 114 Estis, Frank, died, 87 Eubanks, Walter, 97 Evans, Bob, 12 Evans, R. A., 63, 64 Evans, R. A., Mrs., 108 Evans, Tom, 17 Ewart, James, 33 F Famous Store Co., 47 Faris, Cal, Mrs., 57 Faris, Minnie, 46 Farree, L. G., 18 Farrell, deputy sheriff, 33 Farris, J. K., 69 Farris, Lucile, 36 Farris, Lucille, 38 Farris, Thelma, 36, 38 Farthing, Chas. H., 18 Faulkner County Central Committee, 107 Faulkner, Lee, 44 Fears, Amos, 92 Felix, Prof., 10 Felsberg, undertaker, 74 Felsberg, W., 22 Felsberg, Wm., 32 Felsburg, Wm., 96 Felts, E. C., 69 Felts, Winston, 69 Ferguson, C. W., 74 Ferguson, Jim G., 42, 86 Ferry, Mildred, 48 Ferry, O. O., Mrs., 48 Fettinger, Otto, 47 Fickert, Chris.'s twin boys, 21 Fickert, Christian, 57 Finch, Florence, 33 Finch, Florence, died, 89 Fisher, E. B., 103 Fisher, Leo A., 51, 62, 106 Fisher, P., 113 Fisheries, U. S. bureau of, 29 Fitzgerald, H. W., 98 Fitzgerald, Wilford, 31 Fitzwater, Mrs., died, 88 Fix, C. R., 7, 22, 34, 36, 43, 45, 49, 50, 57, 59, 63, 92, 104 Fix, Carl, 28 Fix, Carl R., 52 Fleenor, Lola, 93 Fleetwood, E. S., 15 Fletcher, Philip Cone, 81 Flotow, E., 111 Flotow, Ernest W., 7 Flotow, Lizzie, 111 Flowers farm, 64 Flowers, Jno., 43 Flowers, John, 8, 46, 92, 111 Floyd, Earle, 80 Flynn, Leota, 86 Fones, Effie Cline, 35 Forrest, La., 8 Fort Smith, Ark., hero, 7 Fortinberry, Sara L., 104 Foster, Elmer, 58, 83, 91, 96 Foster, John, 33, 65 Foster, Mmes., 86 Foster, Mrs., 18 Foster, Rose, 42 Fowler, C. A., 98 Fowler, C. A., Mrs., died, 98 Fowler, Dixie, 70 Fowler, Dudge, 64 Fowler, Edgar, 99 Fowler, L. E., 18, 74 Fowler, Louis, 18 Fowler, Martin, 28, 84 Fowler, Martin, Mrs., 83 Fowler, Marvin, 16 Fowler, Mme., 15 Fowler, Mr., 99 Fowler, Thomas L., 98 Fowler, W. M., 20, 22, 24, 29, 91, 92, 97, 103 Fowler, W. M., Mme., 26 Fowler, W. M., Mrs., 77 Fox, Mary E., died, 106 Fraternal Order, Knights and Ladies of Security, 32 Frazier farm, 20 Frazier, E. L., 110 Frazier, J. T., 103 Frazier, John, 18, 87 Frazier, Mrs., 13 Fred, Bowers, 10 Free, C. O., 13, 15 Freeman, C. M., 58, 115 French, Harvey B., Mrs., 78 French, Harvey, Mrs., 79 French, T. A. (Arnold), 98 Frost, Eld., 108 Fry, C. L., 22, 96 Fry, Chas. L., 26 Fry, John, 41, 49 Fry, Paul, 17, 20, 31, 38 Fuhr, R. E., 94 Fuhr, Robert, 74, 95 Fuller, Minnie U. Rutherford, 12 Fullerton, Susie, 65, 90 Futrel, Stokes, 97 Futrell, S., 22 Futrell, Stokes, 99, 100 Futrell, Stokes, Mrs., 105 G Gage, Bishop L., dead, 39 Gage, Charles, 26, 94, 108 Gage, Chas., 104 Gage, D. N., 21, 22, 43, 54, 63, 68, 76, 91, 96 Gage, D. N. & Co., 26 Gage, D. N., Cafe, 32 Gage, David N., 39 Gage, Fred, 91, 94 Gage, Newt, 13, 44 Gage, W. O., Mrs., 16 Galeener, C. M., 62 Galeener, Elsie, 65 Gallegley, A. B., 44 Gallegley, A. B., Mrs., 114 Gallegley, Arthur, 47 Gallegley, Arthur B., 113 Gallegley, Chester, 79, 113 Gallegley, John, 86 Gallegly, A. B., 24, 32, 52, 58, 86, 89 Gallegly, Ches., 103 Gallegly, Chester, 20, 89 Gallegly, J. J., 22, 29, 89, 91, 102 Galloway, J. B., Mrs., 86 Gambill, Artis, 61 Gambill, Edgar, 59 Gambill, J. A., 92 Gamble, Edgar, 90 Gamel, E. H., Mrs., 67 Garage, Overland, 49, 50, 52, 76, 85, 88, 92 Garage, Traffic, 92 Garfield, Mary, 106 Garfield, William T., 106 Garland, Elsie, 109 Garret, S. L., 75 Garrett, Bessie, 20, 75, 82 Garrett, Rebecca, 20, 31 Garrett, S. L., 9, 80, 113 Garrett, S. L., Mrs., 20 Garrett, Sol, 46 Garrett, Willie, 20, 31 Garvey, G. T., 20, 74 Garvey, Ina, 50 Garvey, Lester, 29 Gassman, Geo., Construction Co., 89 Gates, J. C., 97 Gathings, E. P., 50 Gawf, Monroe, 70 Gearhardt, Susan, 80 Getson, Jack, 94 Giasco, Walter, 59 Gibson, Flaudia, 84, 85, 113 Gibson, Hardy, 48, 112 Gibson, Luther, 44 Gibson, Mrs., 113 Gibson, W. H., 38, 103 Gibson, Zoma, 80, 97, 99, 112 Gilbert, C. J., 18 Gilbert, Henry, died, 16 Gilbert, Henry, Mrs., 92 Gilbert, J. J., 29, 64, 70 Gilbert, J. J., Mrs., died, 59 Gilbert, Jno., Mrs., 102 Gilbert, John, 16, 21, 104 Gilbert, Josh, 51, 83 Gilbert, Josh. J., 59 Gilbert, Leland, 30, 32, 34, 63, 91, 92 Gilbert, Leola, 91 Gilbert, Leota, 32, 34 Gilbert, Mrs., 51 Gilchrist, R. F., 111 Gilchrist, Selma, 54, 95 Gill, Julia M., 70 Gillespie, Cardie, 106 Gilliland, Mrs., 113 Gilmore concert orchestra, 104 Gin Co., Tipperary, 95 Gin, Corning Custom, 110 Gin, cotton, 28, 29 Glasco, Earl, 56 Glasco, Walter, 71 Gleghorn, E. L., 108 Glenn, Bulah, 9 Glenn, John, 9 Glidewell, Mr., 109 Glissen, Lurah, 18 Glochengieser, A. L., 22 Glockengeiser, Doris, 24 Glockengeiser, Edith, 49 Glockengeiser, Elton, 24 Glockengieser, A. L., 33, 108 Glockengieser, Doria, 30 Glockengieser, Doris, 32, 53, 114 Glockengieser, Edith, 31, 35 Glockengieser, Elsie, 31, 32, 40, 52, 55, 63, 106, 108 Glockengieser, Elton, 32, 63 Glockengieser, Helen, 33 Glockengieser, Misses, 36, 62 Godbar, Albert, 28, 33, 63 Godwin, Callie, 77 Godwin, Cora, 77 Godwin, Elmer, 77 Godwin, Otis, 77 Godwin, Pollie, 77 Goings, Albert, 29 Goings, Mrs., 9 Goins, Arthur, killed, 25 Golden, Haywood, 109 Gomer, Ethan R., 31 Goockengieser, Elsie, 45 Good, Herbert, 41 Goodman, Albert, 37 Goodman, Clara, 10 Goodman, Ina, 9 Goodman, Mr., 88 Goodman, Nora, 107 Goodman, Roy, 23 Goodman, Ruth, 23 Goodwin, F. T., 74 Gorman, M., Mrs., 45, 59 Goshorn, Dr., 18, 26 Goshorn, John, 65 Goshorn, L., 9 Gossett, J. D., 29 Gossett, Milton, 90 Gould, Bertha, 106 Gowen, Hannah, 18 Gowen, Houston, 75, 100 Graber, G., 20, 22, 34, 36, 44, 45, 56, 59, 67 Graber, G., Mrs., 43, 57 Graber, Gordon, Mrs., 36 Graber, Louie, 22, 27, 84 Graber, Louis, 34, 80, 86, 110 Graber, Louis, II., 80 Graber, Sam, 99 Graber, Samuel, 72, 113 Graber, Sara, 18 Graber, Sarah, 30, 31, 34, 35, 47, 54, 69, 80, 113 Graf, Belle, 28, 46 Graf, Otto, 32 Grassy Lead, Ark., singing, 64 Graves, John, died, 66 Graves, Laura, 91 Graves, Tommie, 27 Gray, G. D., Mrs., 28, 81 Gray, G. W., 27, 28 Gray, Geo. D., 27 Gray, George D., Mrs., 27 Gray, Goldie, 31, 36, 62 Gray, Mae, 82 Gray, Mary, 81 Gray, R. D., 27, 28 Gray, Rev., 89 Gray, S. N., 28 Gray, Sallie G., 108 Gray, Sinclair N., died, 27 Grayson, Ethlyn, 85 Grayson, Eugene, 24, 32, 63, 65 Grayson, H. P., 65 Grayson, Harrison, 51 Grayson, J. T., 91 Grayson, J. T., Mme., 51 Grayson, Jas. T., 46, 61, 65, 110 Grayson, Jas. T., Mme., 114 Grayson, L. F., 65 Grayson, Perry, 46 Grayson, R., 65 Grayson, S. F., 65 Grayson, Theodore, 32 Grayson, Virgil, died, 51 Grayson, Wm. R., Mrs., 43 Grayson. S. F., 33 Greason, Grace, 49 Green, Dallas, 8 Green, Eldon, 63 Green, F. M., Mrs., 33 Green, Francis, Mrs., 51 Green, M. C., 50 Green, M. C., Mrs., 16, 34, 39, 51, 69, 98, 114 Green, May, 89 Green, Mrs., 24 Green, W. O., 53, 74, 110 Greene Co., Ark., farm demonstrator, 13, 19 Greenwood, B., 28 Greenwood, S., 22, 26 Greer, A. W., 114 Greer, A. W., Lumber & Hardware, 59 Greer, Gus, 93 Greer, John, Mrs., 33 Gregory, Lucile, 21 Gregory, Ralph, 69 Gregory, W. S., 101 Griffin, Arch, 60, 87 Griffin, B. F., 42 Griffin, Elzie, 87 Griffin, Ernest, 68, 87 Griffin, Frantie, 68 Griffin, J. J., 9 Griffith, Esq. & Mrs., 30 Griffith, Frantie, 68 Griffith, Grandma, 88 Griffith, W. T., 9, 92 Griffith, W. T., Mrs., 105 Grissom, L. S., 63 Grocery Store, Lasater's, 90 Grooms, Mrs., 44 Grummer, W. J., 107 Gschwend, Henry, 23 Church, Baptist, 104 Church, Presbyterian, 104 Guthrey, Mr., 69 Guthrey, R. A., 74 Guthrie, R. A., 92, 111 Guthrie, Winfred, 114 Guthry, R. A., 106 H Haffe, Genevieve, 48 Haffer, Genevieve, 49 Hagan, Beulah, 79 Hageney, Father, 95 Hager, Agnes, 68 Hailly, J., 30 Hale, Miss, 106 Hale, W. F., 23 Hale, Zora, 90 Haley, Harvey, 26 Hall, Ed M., 56 Hall, Ernest, 103 Hall, Harve, 101 Hall, Harvey, 22 Hall, Iva's son, 64 Hall, John, 70 Hall, L. C., 93 Hall, Mar, 99 Hall, Nell, 110 Hall, Sal, 80 Hall, Sam, 12, 24, 86, 110 Halliday, G. W., 17 Hamilton, Ed, 109 Hammond, Mollie, 87 Hammons, J. D., 35 Hancock, Alvis, 38 Hancock, Claude, 111 Hancock, J. A., 94, 101 Harb, Arthur, 109 Harb, Burt, 50, 51 Harb, H., 34 Harb, Harper, 34 Harb, J. W., 26 Harb, L. B., Mrs., 28, 51 Harb, Lee B., Mme., 52 Harb, Lee B., Mrs., 51 Harb, Lee, Mrs., 34, 50 Harb, O. H., 29, 81, 94 Harb, O. H., Mme., 101 Harb, Pauline, 47, 48, 51, 52 Harb, Whitney, 28 Harbison, Earl, 109 Harby, H., 71 Hardage, W. T., 70 Hardesty, J. H., 38 Hardesty, John, 59 Hardesty, John H., 13, 48 Hardin, Ruby, 114 Hardin, Wm., 38 Harding, President-elect, 114 Hargate, Earl, 45 Hargate, Earl W., 89 Hargus, A., 96 Harkinson, C. C., 9 Harlin, Grady, 42 Harold & Arnold, 43, 48 Harold, assistant cashier, 90 Harold, Edna, 53 Harold, F. A., 18, 25, 44, 46, 74, 88 Harold, Fred, 43, 110, 111 Harold, Mme., 72 Harold, O. J., 22 Harold, Orla H., Mrs., 90 Harold, Orla J., 60 Harp, Camp, 9 Harper, Joe, 69 Harper, John P., 24 Harper, Lara, 31 Harper, Lena, 20, 44 Harper, Lora, 20 Harper, R. O., 16 Harper, R. V., 25, 40, 74, 94, 102 Harper, R. V., Jr., 29 Harper, R. V., Sr., 87 Harpole, J. W., 108 Harrington, LeRoy, 104 Harris Mercantile Co., 79, 81, 91 Harris, Adjutant Gen., 39 Harris, F., 111 Harris, F. W., 70 Harris, Frank P., 19 Harris, L., Mrs., 102 Harris, May, 23 Harris, W. F., 57, 59, 91 Harris, Wm. F., 85 Harrison, J. M., 106 Hart, Mrs., 113 Hartford City, Ind., 75 Hartwig, Karl, 110 Harviell, Mo., white man killed, 18 Haskell, Ark., merchants, 109 Haskins, J. W., 77 Haskins, John, 11, 87, 96 Haskins, Nan, 69 Haskins, Nannie, 11 Haskins, Nannie, died, 67 Hasting, Walter, 33 Hastings, Alva, 31, 38, 39 Hastings, Alvah, 18, 32, 35, 63, 73 Hastings, Carl, 39 Hastings, Carl ("Wizard"), 98 Hastings, Minnie, 26, 33, 65 Hastings, Miss, 86 Hastings, W. C., 42, 57 Hastings, W. M., 63 Hastings, Walter, 26, 42, 50, 65 Hastings, Wm., 20, 74 Hastings, Wm. C., 9 Hathaway, Henry, 64 Hathaway, Theo., 33 Hatley, James, 78 Haven, John, 12, 18 Haven, John R., 17 Hawks building, 65 Hawks home, 50 Hawks, Eugene, Mrs., 7 Hawks, Eula Lee, 20, 31, 32, 63, 72, 74, 86 Hawks, Eulalee, 80, 84, 104, 105, 108, 114 Hawks, I., 80 Hawks, Irene, 39, 45, 48, 60, 80, 94, 113, 115 Hawks, J. M., 14, 32, 60, 78, 83, 84, 91, 97, 112, 115 Hawks, J. M., Jr., 84, 105, 112 Hawks, J. M., Mrs., 100 Hawks, James, 80 Hawks, Jim, 69, 82 Hawks, Julia, 32, 35, 38, 49, 63, 69, 78, 80, 85, 114 Hawks, Mildred, 103 Hawks, Mme., 53 Hawks, R. E., 13, 28, 72, 104 Hawks, R. E., Mrs., 36 Hawks, Tiffany, 69, 80, 82, 83, 90 Hawks, Virginia, 7, 36, 53 Hawks, Winona, 36, 53 Hawks, Wynona, 7, 8, 53, 91 Hawthorne, Ann, 34 Hawthorne, J. C., Mrs., 114 Hawthorne, John C., 39 Hawthorne, John H., 39 Hawthorne, John, Mrs., 34, 36 Hawthorne, R. A., 29 Hawthorne, Robt. L., 40 Hayes, C. E., 36 Hayes, Robert, 14 Hayes, W. M., 24 Hays boys, 63 Hays, Albert, 46 Hays, Bob, 44 Hays, Clarsy, 109 Hays, Eldon, 72, 101 Hays, Enos, died, 112 Hays, George W., 12 Hays, Gilbert, 41, 60, 86, 112 Hays, Gilbert's boy, 102 Hays, Harrison, 86 Hays, J. C., 65 Hays, Joe, 101 Hays, Lt., 36 Hays, Mae, 103 Hays, Oliver, 105 Hays, Rosetta, 64, 88 Hays, Sam, 72, 86, 101, 105 Hays, W. R., 65 Hays, Waldo, Mrs., 63 Hays, Will, 107 Head, Delia, 26 Head, Lelia, 47 Headley, Claud, 8 Heagney, H. A., 113 Heagney, Mr., 113 Heath, Irvin J., 21 Heatherly, Henry K., 12 Heelstring, Ark., news, 11, 60, 68, 75, 87, 91 Helena, Ark., nurse's school, 52 Hemerlein, M., 85 Hemingway, W. L., 21 Hempstead, Fay, 70 Henderson, Bessie, 70, 88, 98, 99 Henderson, C. H., Mrs., 26, 87 Henderson, Clarence, 9, 68, 83, 88, 92, 99, 104, 107 Henderson, E. J., 22 Henderson, Esq., 51 Henderson, Frank, 79 Henderson, Guy, 68, 88 Henderson, Jesse, 104 Henderson, Jessie, 99 Henderson, Luther, 70 Henderson, Luther, died, 79, 83 Henderson, Ora, 83, 88, 99, 104 Henderson, T. J., 92 Henderson, Thos., 87 Henderson, Verneal, 9 Henderson, Wm., Mrs., 65 Henry, county examiner, 37 Henry, county supt. of schools, 103 Henry, J. Wood, 102 Henry, Katherine, 49, 50 Henry, Kathryn, 84 Henry, L. P., 14 Henry, Mme., 15, 42, 48 Henry, Prof., 34 Henry, Supt. & Mrs., 31 Henry, W. W., 19, 22, 42, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 63, 97, 114 Henry, W. W., Mme., 26 Henry, W. W., Mrs., 19, 41, 55, 56, 57, 58, 77, 103 Henshaw, Lena, 99 Hensley, Geo., 45 Hensley, Harry, 58 Henson, Prof., 72 Hepper, man & his family, 17 Hern, Donnie, 48, 49, 50 Herndon, Tula, 24, 30, 32, 64, 66 Herren, J. W., 93 Herren, Soula, 11 Herrington, Frennie, 8, 30, 73 Herrington, L. M., 98 Herrington, LeRoy, 114 Herrington, Marie, 98, 99 Herrington, Marquis, 93 Herrington, W. H., 26, 30, 38, 45, 48, 57, 88, 93, 102 Herrington, W. H., Mrs., 15, 17, 48 Herrington, W. W., 39 Herrington, Wm. H., 39 Herrington, Wm. H., Mrs., 21 Herrington's Cafe, 32, 39 Heth, Bill, 67 Hettel, C. A., Mrs., 100 Hettel, Harry Franklin, 58 Hettle, Harry, 58 Hettle, Harry F., 58 Heywood, F. C., 10 Heywood, F. C., Mrs., 10 Hickey, L. D., 66 Hickman, C., 100 Hickman, Carl, 91, 96 Hickman, H. C., 14, 22, 29, 50, 62, 73 Hickman, H. C., Mrs., 42 Hickman, James Oliver, 91, 96 Hickman, Mary Kathleen, 50 Hickman, Mme., 45, 48 Hicks Gentry, 79 Hicks, Bedford, 49, 57, 64, 91, 101, 102 Hicks, Christine, 63 Hicks, Don, 22, 31, 55, 101 Hicks, Earl, 102 Hicks, Earl (Parson), 102 Hicks, Effie, 37 Hicks, Eldon, 48 Hicks, Elgin, 24, 49, 55 Hicks, G., 30 Hicks, Gentry, 31, 32, 49, 97, 102 Hicks, Grady, 45 Hicks, H. H., 70 Hicks, Hardy, 9 Hicks, Harry, 64 Hicks, Harry (Doc), 102 Hicks, Lillie, 56 Hicks, M. A., 52 Hicks, M. A., Mrs., 52 Hicks, N. E., 21, 40, 61, 97 Hicks, R. W., 29 Hicks, Robert, 63 Hicks, Roxie, 52 Hicks, T. C., 49, 52, 102 Higgason, H. B., 40 Higgason, Orpha, 40 Higgins, Gertrude, 106 Higgins, Thomas, 106 Higgins, Thos., Mrs., 31 High, J. B., 40 High, Will, Mrs., 9 Hill, A. P., 12 Hill, C. W., 66 Hill, D. W., 32 Hill, Geo., Mrs., 83 Hill, George R., died, 78 Hill, George R., funeral, 79 Hill, George, died, 79 Hill, George, Mrs., 79 Hill, John, 78 Hill, John H., died, 59 Hill, R. I., 22 Hill, Richard, 78, 79, 111 Hill, Richard I., 74 Hill, Ruth, 81 Hill, S. L., Mrs., 22 Hill, Susan S., 108 Hillenberg, Earl, 78 Hillenberg, Mrs., 78 Hindsville, Ark., rural route carrier, 24 Hinemon, Jno. H., 99 Hines, Irvin, 100 Hines, Stella, 100 Hines, Walker D., 12 Hinkle, deputy marshal, 113 Hinkle, John, 56 Hinton, field deputy, 37 Hirsch, H. A., Mrs., 33 Hirsch, Virginia, 33 Hocking, C. M., 111 Hocking, Chas. M., 34 Hocking, Ira, 34 Hocking, Peter, 111 Hodges, Earl W., 26 Hodges, S. E., 7 Hodges, S. F., 7 Hoffar, Elma, 63, 80, 113 Hoffar, Genevieve, 80, 113 Hoffar, George, 63 Hoffar, Mme., 63 Hoffer, Elma, 32 Hoffer, Julian, 24 Hoffman, J. M., 7, 40 Hoffman, John M., 19 Hoffman, Lou, Mrs., 68 Hoffman, M. G., 80 Hoffman, M. G., Mme., 113 Hoffman, M. G., Mrs., 74, 114 Hoffman, Mme., 45, 48 Hoffman, Monroe G., 60 Hoffman, Monroe, Mme., 30 Hoffman, Monroe, Mrs., 7, 45, 103 Hoffman, Mr., 103 Hoffman, Rev., 11, 63 Hoffman, Rev. & Mrs., 114 Hoffman, Will, 68 Hoffmann, J. M., 26 Hoffmann, M. G., 27, 114 Hoffmann, Monroe G., 44 Holcomb, John, 111 Holder, Sgt., 36 Holford & Holford, 53, 57 Holford, G. B., 36, 42, 43, 50, 63 Holford, G. B., Jr., 42 Holford, Geo., 33, 63 Holford, Ora, 50 Holland, Annie, 9 Holland, Jesse, 9 Holland, Medora, 35 Holland, Mme., 53 Hollard, H. W., 24 Holliman, Charles V., 107 Holloway, A. E., 69 Holt, Fred, 45 Holt, G. E., 45 Holt, Randolph, 102 Home Bakery, 30, 32 Hooper, Mrs., 26 Hoover, Marie, 73, 80, 82 Hop alley, 26 Hope Gin Co., 107 Hope, Dale, Mrs., 110 Hope, Faye, 80 Hope, Sarah L., 108 Hopper, Ira, 95 Hopper, Ira C., 95 Hopper, Lillie, 101 Hopper, Wilbur, Mrs., 68 Hoppis, Bertha, 30 Hopson Arcade, 11, 80 Hopson building, 8, 13 Hopson Farm, news, 82 Hopson, D., 10, 20, 22, 85, 107, 110 Hopson, judge, 54, 64 Hopson, Judge, 100 Hopson, William, 100 Horn, Robert, 60 Hosey, Miss, 47 Hosey, Mr., 91 Hosey, R. R., 18 Hosey-Redwine, Pearle, 34 Hospital, Baptist, 96 Hospital, Base, 72 Hospital, Cotton Belt Ry., 27 Hospital, Mo. Pac., 36, 109 Hospital, Nervous Diseases, 25 Hospital, Poplar Bluff, 108 Hospital, Poplar Bluff Sanitarium, 38 Hospital, St. Luke's, 109 Hospital, St. Vincent, 40, 67 Hospital, State, 17, 66 Hospitals, Camp Pike, 7 Hotel, Adolphus, 103 Hotel, American, 96, 111 Hotel, Commercial, 107 Hotel, St. James, 14, 29, 32, 36, 39, 44, 91, 100, 113 Hotel, Webb, 103, 107 House, Charlie, 83 Houston, A. J., 109 Houston, A. J., Mrs., 53 Houston, Hazel, 53 Howard, Christine, 55, 107 Howard, Maude, 23 Howard, Thos., Mrs., 55, 107 Howell, Basil, 81, 96 Howell, C. J., 85, 96 Howell, Chas., 48, 81 Howell, Nora, 103 Howell, Ray, Mrs., 107 Howell, Stella, 65, 115 Howell, Virginia, 96 Howell, Virginia, burial, 85 Howell, Virginia, died, 81 Howell, W. R., 85 Howell, William Ray, died, 96 Hoxie, Ark., interment, 13 Hoxie, Ark., shooting, 8 Huddleston, Estella, 107 Huddleston, Fuhr & Futrell, 95 Huddleston, H. H., 18 Huddleston, Hugh, 48 Huddleston, Jacob, 107 Huddletston, Dan, 70 Hudson, Goldie, 91 Hudson, S. P., 18 Huff families, 53 Huff, G. W., 26 Huggins, Tom, 75 Hughes, F. T., 101 Hughes, Jno., 31 Hughes, Jno., Mrs., 25 Hughes, John, 22, 55, 94 Hughes, John N., 52 Hughes, Oreatha, 35 Hughey, J. M., 14, 69, 70 Hughey, M., 32 Hughey, Rev., 57 Huie, R. W., Mrs., 42 Hummell, C. P., 66 Hunt, T. D., 101, 114 Hunter, Atty., 18 Hurt Wholesale Gro. Co., 110 Hurt-Heaton Wh. Gro. Co., 20, 22 Hurt-Heaton Wholesale Grocery House, 58 Hutchinson, W. E., 21 I Icenogle, Harry, 23, 99 Industry, Ill., preacher, 107 Ing, Thelma, 91 Ingram, Gertrude, 103 Ingram, Ora, 80 Ingram, Thomas, 80 Insurance Co., Jefferson Standard, 58 Insurance Co., Metropolitan, 96 Insurance Co., Union Central Life, 73 Ireland, C. C., Mrs., 39 Ireland, Dale, 39 Irvin, Dick, 49 Irvin, Margaret, 44 Irwin, John, 74 Israel, Marvel, 113 Israel, Marvell, 85 Israel, Weaver, 49 Ivey, Birdie, 35 Izard Co., Ark., oldest man, 17 J Jackman, Eliza, 93 Jackman, H. H., 16 Jackson, A., 64 Jackson, C. L., 105 Jackson, Caroline, 70 Jackson, E. L., 110 Jackson, girl married, 68 Jackson, H. A., 24, 36, 51, 93, 100 Jackson, H. A., Mrs., 34 Jackson, Henry, 53, 109 Jackson, Henry A., 115 Jackson, Henry, Mrs., 11 Jackson, J. M., 66 Jackson, Luther, 11, 15, 37, 64 Jackson, Mary Lou, 51 Jackson, R. R. Agent, 19 Jackson, sheriff, 24 Jackson, Son, 28 Jackson, W. A., 23 Jacobs, Maggie, 57 Jacobs, Thos., 87 James, C. D., 7 James, Mark, Mrs., died, 17 Jamison, John, 12 Janes, Mark, Mrs., died, 17 Jarvis, Nell, 70 Jeering, F. P., 100 Jefferson Co., Ark., county treasurer, 24 Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., 44 Jellard, Robt. H., 97 Jenkins, Will, 8 Jennings, W. A., 18 Jernigan, Bro., 85 Jernigan, DeLoy, 38, 41, 50, 105 Jernigan, F. P., 32, 51, 52, 53, 59, 61, 65, 66, 69, 76, 96, 97 Jernigan, F. P., Mrs., 50 Jernigan, Frank P., 18 Jernigan, J. F., 69 Jernigan, James F., 21 Jernigan, Rev., 20, 27, 63, 79, 81 Jiles, Robert, 108 Johnson, A. J., 25 Johnson, Arthur, 45 Johnson, B. F., Mrs., died, 112 Johnson, Cecil, 56 Johnson, Delia, 111 Johnson, Dorman, 90 Johnson, H. A., 91 Johnson, H. M., Mrs., 110 Johnson, H. Ray, 61 Johnson, H. W., 86 Johnson, Henry, 32 Johnson, Herbert, 29, 60, 67 Johnson, Ina May, 111 Johnson, J. A., 58 Johnson, J. E., 47, 91, 104, 109 Johnson, J. E.'s mother, died, 87 Johnson, J. E.'s son-in-law, died, 87 Johnson, J. H., 73 Johnson, J. M., 111 Johnson, J. W., 32 Johnson, James, 67, 79, 93, 104 Johnson, James, Mrs., 105 Johnson, Jas., 21, 60 Johnson, Miss, 49 Johnson, Mrs., 36 Johnson, R. E. L., 33, 74 Johnson, R. R., 20 Johnson, Russell R., 11 Johnson, Stedman, 28 Johnson, T. W., 32, 47 Johnson, Thelma, 49 Johnson, Theodora, 46 Johnson, Thos. W., 113 Johnson, Tom, 25 Johnston, J. R., Mrs., 31 Jones, Dan, 65 Jones, Elijah, died, 95 Jones, Esq., 63 Jones, Florence, 30, 63 Jones, Marjorie, 38, 49, 63 Jones, Mark, 32, 103 Jones, Mme., 42 Jones, Mrs., 65 Jones, Ora, 25 Jonesboro Electric Light Plant, 14 Jonesboro, Ark., agricultural college, 93 Jonesboro, Ark., Agricultural school, 28 Jonesboro, Ark., congressman, 15 Jonesboro, Ark., flu epidemic, 78 Jonesboro, Ark., orchestra, 104 Jordan, Bernice, 46 Jordan, Dorothy, 46 Jordan, J. L., 7, 20 Jordan, J. S., Mme., 42, 46 Jordan, J. S., Mrs., 7, 38 Jordan, J., Mrs., 35 Jordan, Jno. L., 40 Jordan, John L., 62, 77 Jordan, Lucien, 20 Jordan, W. J., 54, 91 Judsonia, Ark., revival, 107 Julian, Mr. & Mrs., 46 Julian, Wes, 87 Julian, Wesley, 60 June, C. L. ("Tot"), 95 Junkerman, Faith, 95 K Kamerman, W. A., 110 Kays, V. C., 28 Keaner, Nell, 112 Keaner, Pearl, 112 Kee, G. A., 22 Kee, John, 8 Keefer, James, killed, 59 Keeley, Eugene, 14 Keelin, Ethel, 23 Keelin, H. F., 99 Keelin, Opal, 90 Keelin, R. T., 70 Kellett, Delia, 99 Kelley, A. E., 72 Kelley, Carson, 51 Kelley, Chas. Q., 49 Kelley, E. A., 29, 34, 43, 49, 60, 62 Kelley, E. A., Mrs., 102 Kelley, Edith, 42, 45 Kelley, Fritz, 42 Kelley, Gertrude, 32, 42 Kelley, Joe, 42 Kelley, Leo, 42, 44 Kelly, Catherine, 22 Kelly, Chas. Q., 102 Kelly, E. A., 17, 102 Kelly, Edith, 22 Kelly, Fritz, 108, 112 Kelly, Gertrude, 21, 22 Kelly, H. F., 22 Kelly, Joe, 21 Kelly, Kate, 112 Kelly, L. S., 22 Kelly, Leo, 21, 108 Kenner, Nell, 52, 55 Kerley, Anna, 9, 20, 75, 78 Kerley, Homer, 9, 20, 75, 78 Kerley, J. D., 9, 18, 20, 75, 80 Kerley, J. D., Mrs., 80 Kerley, J., Mrs., 9 Kerley, John D., 20 Kerley, Ora, 9, 20 Kerley, Vera, 31 Kerley, Wilma, 31 Keste, Alice, 99 Keyes, F. K., Jr., 21 Killgore Twp., West. Dist., Clay Co., Ark., 18 Killgore, Allie, 27 Killgore, John B., 27 Kimball, Ray, 72 King, C. L., 90 King, David L., 21 King, G. W., 103 King, S. W., 110 King, T. C., 56 Kinney, evangelist, 87, 89 Kinney, G. C., 112 Kinsey, Thomas G., 90 Kirby, Bertha, 37 Kirby, Leonidas, 70 Kirby, senator, 26 Kirby, William F., 26 Kirk, Thos., 29 Kirk, Tom, 9, 20 Kirkley, Mattie, 31 Kirksey, Irene, 56, 89, 97 Kirksey, Mrs., 89 Kiser, Opal, 44 Kitchens, Tom, 50 Kizer, Birdie, 70 Kizer, D. F., 44 Kizer, Opal, 86 Knapp, Lydia, 9 Knapp, S. E., 113 Knobel farm loan association, 74 Knobel veneer mill, 74 Knobel, Ark., lawyer, 84 Knobel, Ark., news, 57, 62, 71, 74 Knobel, Ark., senator, 15 Knobel, Ark., veneer mill, 57 Knobel, Ark., Western Veneer Co., 62 Knobel, Bank of, 85, 113 Knoppe, Elmo, 87 Kobby, W., 62 Kochtitzy, J. S., 101 Koehler, Robert, 66 Krigbaum, Jno., 29 Kutzner, J. B., 89, 95, 115 Kutzner, James, 112 L Lack, J. D., 55 Ladd, Claude E., 115 Ladd, Claude E., Mrs., 86, 95 Ladd, E. P. & Co., 17 Lafferty, George, 46 Lafferty, J. T., 36, 63 Lafferty, Jim, 33 Lafferty, Jim, Mrs., 57 Lafferty, John, Mrs., 50 Lafferty, Van, 28, 33, 63 Lafferty, Wm., Mrs., 16, 96 Lake, Corning, 83 Lake, Murphy, 54 Lamar, Ark., Soldier, 7 Lamb, John, died, 106 Lancaster, Claude, 105 Lancaster, Robert Milton, 96 Lancaster, Robt., 96 Landa Electric Light Co., 71 Landers, G. V., 88, 94 Landers, Prof., 100 Landers, W. R., 111 Landon, C. L., 75 Landon, Charles, 75 Landon, E. J., 75 Landon, Elisha J., 75 Landon, Joseph, died, 75 Landon, L. C., 75 Landon, Mrs., died, 75 Landon, Sadie, 75 Lane, Frank, 48 Lane, M. M., 60 Lane, Miss, died, 60 Lane, Ross, 60 Lane, Roswell, 35 Lane, Sherman, 56 Lane, Vadis, 71 Lane, Wilma, 35 Langdon, Edna, 36 Langdon, Marguerite, 109 Langley, Ira, 95 Lansdale, Clay, 61 Lansdale, Mr., 32 Lansden, H. B., 12 Largent, Bessie, 54 Largent, Chester, 44 Largent, Chester's son, 47 Largent, J. R., 58 Larkins, Clarence, 48 Larkins, Opal, 91 LaRoe, A., 49 LaRoe, Carl, 69 Laroe, Homer, 22 Larrison, Miss, 86 Lasater, C. F., 54 Lasater, C. F., Mme., 101 Lasater, C. F., Mrs., 38, 72, 113 Lasater, Camille, 38, 85 Lasater, Clyde, 21, 22, 77, 86, 88, 91, 110, 114 Lasater, Clyde, Mme., 49 Lasater, Clyde, Mrs., 74, 115 Lasater, H. W., 21, 38, 51, 64 Lasater, Harry, 31, 110 Lasater, Harry W., 26, 39, 90, 114 Lasater, Harry W., Mrs., 75 Lasater, James, 10, 26, 39, 51, 87, 91, 101, 112 Lasater, James M., 103 Lasater, Mme., 15 Latham, L. G., 20, 22, 29, 42, 83, 89 Latham, L. G., Mrs., 27, 34, 38, 40, 49, 51, 72, 104 Latimer, Dr., 18, 22, 25, 30, 69, 82, 89, 90, 97, 112 Latimer, Dr. & Mrs., 42 Latimer, Earl, 18, 20, 31, 35, 49, 69, 80, 99 Latimer, Earle, 90 Latimer, Farris, 18, 32, 38, 39, 53, 63, 71, 80, 84 Latimer, Helen, 53, 85, 90, 104 Latimer, Miss, 49 Latimer, Mrs., 36, 55, 114 Latimer, N. J., 7, 38, 77 Latimer, N. J., Mrs., 19, 57, 65, 104 Laughlin, Belle, 51 Laughlin, Lem, 87, 89 Laughlin, Mrs., 57 Laurence, Jane, 35 Lavin, Mme., 114 Lawrence, G., died, 68 Laws, Julia, 57, 90 Lawyer, Corning, Ark., 10 Lawyer, Jonesboro, Ark., 18 Lawyer, Knobel, Ark., 12 Lawyer, Mountain Home, Ark., 19 Lawyer, Piggott, Ark., 18 Lawyer, Pocahontas, Ark., 18 Layman, Joe, 74 Layman, W., Mrs., 51 LaZear, W. J., 58 Lear, Paul R., 7 Ledbetter, W. M., 99, 111 Lee, Annie L., 23 Lee, J. F., Mrs., 43 Lee, Louise, 48 Lee, S. O., 25, 74 Lee, Vera, 41 Lee, Vivian, 23 Legate, Ben, 60 Legate, Geo., 74 Legate, Geo. W., 111 Legate, George, 92 Legate, Robt., 87 Leggitt, W. J., 80 Leigh, A. F., 12 Leming, Carl, 14 Leming, Elmer, 50 Lemons, C. S., 109 Lenox, Tracy, died, 70 Leonard, Cal, 46, 105 Leonard, J. J.'s baby died, 64 Leonard, Lee, 46, 68 Leonard, Myrtle, 9 Leonard, Will, 88 Leonard, Willie, 37 Lester, M. J., 7 Letbetter, Alma, 18, 78, 99, 113 Letbetter, Gertrude, 109 Letbetter, W. M., 7, 16, 18, 21, 22, 29, 87, 109 Letbetter, W. S., 108 Lewis, B. F., 18, 24, 60, 85, 91 Lewis, C. H., 91 Lewis, Chas. H., 79, 85, 87 Lewis, E. G., 21 Lewis, Elmer G., 89, 104 Lewis, George, 60, 87 Lewis, harness man, 64 Lewis, J. C., 13, 51, 60 Lewis, J. T., 91 Lewis, Jerry, 87 Lewis, judge, 58 Lewis, Judge, 37, 91 Lewis, L. L., 87 Lewis, Mattie, 60 Lewis, Ollie, 84 Lewis, Orville, 87 Lewis, R. L., 12, 17, 44, 45, 92 Lewis, Wes, 29 Lex, Joseph, 13 Libourne, France, 12 Lilly, John, 68 Limbaugh, Mr., 46 Lincoln, Ben, 57 Lincoln, Dave, 70 Lind, John, Mrs., 110 Lindley, Clayton, 18 Lindsey family, 51 Lindsey, C. E., 16, 21, 22, 26, 88, 100, 110 Lindsey, C. E., Mrs., 22 Lindsey, Ethel, 10, 27, 39, 45, 47, 55, 67, 74, 80, 84, 86, 103 Lindsey, I. M., 74 Lindsey, I. M. (, 91 Lindsey, I. M. (Dad), 43 Lindsey, J. J., 60 Lindsey, J. M., 16 Lindsey, John J., 86 Lindsey, John, Mrs., 110 Lindsey, Loraine, 25, 32, 38, 42, 50, 57, 63, 78, 114 Lindsey, Lorine, 46 Lindsey, Mary, 25, 46 Lindsey, Mattie, 30, 35, 38, 49, 67, 69, 86, 91, 112, 114 Lindsey, Mme., 69, 85 Lindsey, Mona, 10, 22, 39, 78, 91, 99, 103, 111 Lindsey, Paul, 20, 25, 30, 35, 38, 42, 46, 49, 69, 77, 80, 84, 104, 113 Lindsey, Paul], 93 Lindsey, S. P., 16, 18, 22, 42, 46, 49, 77, 99, 103 Lindsey, S. P., Mme., 46, 111 Lindsey, S. P., Mrs., 7, 19, 25, 59 Little Rock Marble & Granite Co., 13 Little Rock Trade Boosters, 65 Little Rock, Ark., 4 Little Rock, Ark. court, 9 Little Rock, Ark., doctor, 52 Little Rock, Ark., insane asylum, 94 Little Rock, Ark., lawyer, 84, 102 Little Rock, Ark., police force, 13 Little Rock, Ark., probation officer, 18 Little Rock, Ark., State hospital, 17 Little Rock, Ark., stockmen convention, 12 Little Rock, Ark., warehouse burned, 10 Little, A. B., 70 Little, Paul, died, 66 Littlefield, G., 68 Littlefield, G. H., 21, 102 Littlefield, Geo. H., 13, 110 Littlefield, Geo., H., Mrs., 105 Littlefield, Mary, 84, 105, 114 Littlefield, Mrs., her mother died, 110 Lively, Amanda, 54 Lively, Mr., died, 54 Livengood, Fred, 43, 52, 101, 111 Lockhart, M., 57 Loda, Alfred, 113 Loda, D., Mrs., 113 Loda, Frank, 113 Lodge, American Legion, 59 Lodge, Eastern Star, 70 Lodge, Elks, 112 Lodge, Grand, 70 Lodge, I. O. O. F., 26, 66, 79 Lodge, I. O. O. F., Corning, 65 Lodge, K. of P., 30, 34 Lodge, K. P., 65 Lodge, Knobel F. & A., 95 Lodge, Masonic grand, 64 Lodge, Masons, 24 Lodge, Master Masons, 71 Lodge, O. E. S., 64 Lodge, Odd Fellows, 16 Lodge, Orient, 65 Lodge, Orient F. & A. M., 84 Lodge, Rebekah, 66 Lodge, W. O. W., 13 Lodge, Woodmen, 79 Lodges, D. of R., 26 Long, Brock, Mrs., 115 Long, Charlie, 45 Long, D. D., 29 Long, Daniel, 82 Long, Fannie, 81 Long, Fanny, 22 Long, Mary Ruth, died, 82 Long, Pearl, 32, 41, 63 Long, Stephen, Mrs., 103 Long, Walter, 82 Lonsdale, Lena, 56 Lory, Willis, Mrs., 115 Love, Rubye Lucille, 41 Lowery, J. G., 70 Loyd, R. G., 52 Luce, S. B., 7 Lumber Co., Black, 74 Lumpkins, Bertha, 33 Lumpkins, James, 74 Lumpkins, James' daughter, 111 Lumpkins, John, 96 Lumpkins, Lucy, 65 Luntsford, G. E., 97 Lyles, Rachel, 40 Lynch, Dr., 49, 97 Lyon, Etta, 62 Lyons, Etta, 68, 87 Lyons, Gusta, 91 Lyons, Ray, 91 M Maberry, W. M., 74 Mabry, C., Mrs., 105 Mabry, Elsie, 10 Mabry, Fred, 37, 68, 70 Mabry, W., Mrs., 68 Maccabees, Ladies of the, 71 Macdougal, Ark., lumber manufacturer, 93 Machen, J. P., 20 Machine Co., Dixie, 114 Machine Shop, Dixie, 108, 112 Maddox, Alfred, 55 Maddox, Alfred M., 52 Maddox, F., 63 Maddox, Floyd, 65 Maddox, J. T., 50 Maddox, Mrs., 55 Maddox, N. L., Mrs., 50 Maddox, Prof. & Mrs., 87 Maddox, Will, 80 Madison Co., Ark., 108 year old woman, 38 Magee, E. L., 87 Magee, E. L. (Luther), 89 Magee, J. H., 28, 46, 93 Magee, J. H., Mrs., 24 Magee, John, 57, 60, 111 Magee, John H., mercantile, 98 Magee, John H., Mrs., 103 Magee, John H.'s son, 64 Magee, John, Mrs., 25 Magee, Mary, 93 Magee, W. W., 70 Mager settlement, location, 59 Mahan, Ethel, 43 Mahan, H. H., 16 Mahan, Hugh H., 16 Makin, Lillian, 36 Malden, J. W., 14 Malone, B. C., Mrs., 108 Malugon residence, 14 Malvern, Ark., store, 104 Mammoth Spring fish hatchery, 29 Mandrell, L. F., 106 Maness, Hugh, 80, 108 Mangold, John, 114 Mangum, Beatrice, 69 Mangum, Orla, Mrs., 69 Marine, Oliver, 112 Marked Tree, Ark., revival, 106 Markham farm, 75 Marmaduke, Ark., cooperage company, 79 Marshall Bailus, city marshall, 104 Marshall, Mary, 35 Martin, Eva, 51 Martin, Lila, 53 Martin, Pat, 60, 61, 90, 108 Martin, T. T., 106 Martin, W. H., 7 Martineau, Chancellor, 42 Marvis, Wm., 18 Mason farm, 65 Mason, H. H., 22 Mason, Hallie, 105 Mason, J. E., 44 Mason, L. E., 63 Mason, Ollie, 61, 71 Masoner, Edgar, 10 Masterson, Frank, 110, 111 Masterson, J. H., 24 Masterson, J. H., Mrs., 93 Masterson, John, 56, 57, 62 Masterson, R. F., 18, 92, 93 Matheny, deputy sheriff, 94, 97, 103 Matheny, E. C., 62, 93, 94 Matheny, E. E., 9 Matheny, Ernest C., 52 Mathes, E. P., 9, 98, 106 Matthews, J. E., 13, 18, 48, 74, 76, 80, 83, 88, 103 Matthews, Lena, 14, 72 Matthews, S. E., 13 Mauthe, Wm. J., 9 Maybre, M. L., 14 Mayer, Lillie, 46 Mayfield, William, 10 Maynard, Ark., Baptist Academy, 41 Maynard, Ark., College, 75 Maynard, Grace, 20, 45, 50, 72, 75, 78, 86, 89 Mays, Ella, 70 Mays, O., 50 Mazo, Nellie, 70 McAlister, Oscar, 71, 105 McAllister, Henry J., 70 McArmick, C. E., 33, 114 McBroom, D. E., 16 McCabe, John, 25, 97, 111 McCain, Fred, 81 McCall, Frank, 7, 17, 22, 27, 47, 55, 57, 80, 86, 102 McCall, Victoria, 35 McCallum, Thomas D., 19 McCann, Christine, 68 McCann, J. N., 98 McCann, J. N., Mrs., 77 McCann, Juanita, 68 McCarroll Studio, 95 McCarron, Paul, 92, 93 McCash, Earl W., 99 McCash, Rev., 99 McCauley, Adeline, 108 McCauley, H. C., Mrs., 94 McClabb, Rex, Mrs., 32 McClendin, W. H., 21 McCollum, Chas., 13, 42 McCollum, Flossie, 30, 49, 80 McCollum, Goldie, 45 McCollum, Goldsmith, 84 McCollum, J. W., 36 McCollum, John, 111 McCollum, Miss, 15 McCollum, N. K., 22, 28, 35, 60, 100, 114 McCollum, N. K., Mrs., 11, 19, 24, 30, 36, 93 McCollum, Nate, Mrs., 34 McCollum, Otha, died, 42 McCollum, Walter (Doc), 11 McCollum, Wm., died, 42 McCord, C. E., 61, 93 McCord, Calvin, 55 McCord, Lafayette, 108 McCord, M. L., 21, 29, 93 McCord, M. L. & Sons, 107 McCoy, Miss, 73 McCracken, election judge, 111 McCracken, Joe, 18, 44, 46, 52, 97, 102 McCracken, Joe's daughter, 112 McCracken, W. R., 18, 46, 87, 89, 92, 95 McCrary, M. A. P., 70 McCrary, Walter, 48 McCrary's, the, 41 McCullom, N. K., Mrs., 39 McCullough, Grace, 50, 91 McCullough, Mildred, died, 113 McCullough, Van, 113 McDaniel, Jas. G., 15 McDaniel, L. A., Mrs., 14 McDaniel, Rev., 15, 60 McDougal, J. E., 21 McDowell, Elizabeth, Mrs., died, 77 McElavin, Mrs., 51 McElvain, Punk, 88 McElvain, W. M., 16 McElvain, Wes, 51 McFadden, W., 12 McGill, J. T., 19, 25 McGowan, D. E., 105 McGowan, Ernest, 19 McGrew, Ed, 60, 102 McGrew, Ewell, 102 McGrew, S. S., 73 McGrew, W. R., 73 McGrew, Will, 102 McGuire, Katie, 69 McGuire, T. C., 16, 70, 86 McHenry, S. A., 107 McKay, Mrs., 77 McKee, Mrs., 66 McKell, J. E., 44, 50, 104 McKell, W., 50 McKinney, A. B., 43 McKinney, Dr., 25 McKinney, Frank, 18, 19, 55 McKinney, Ruth, 39, 45, 48, 63 McKinsey, Beatrice, 101 McKinsey, Mr. & Mrs., 68 McKinsey, Raymond, 87 Meadows, Gale, 52 Medical Assn., 26 Medley, Lucretia, 51, 72 Meeks, Elizabeth, 106 Meeks, Martin, 8 Memphis Aerial Co., 67 Mendanhall, A. D., 60 Mendenhall, A. D., 60 Mendenhall, Ethel, 70 Meredith, Will, 50, 63 Methodist conference, 114 Metz, Chas., 41 Metz, Mr. & Mrs., 103 Meyrowitz, Rice, 21 Mick, Henry, 30 Mid-Continent Congress, 10 Milam, Roy, 66 Military, A. E. F., 15, 24, 25, 27, 28, 33, 39, 40, 45, 47, 56, 59, 61, 84, 91 Military, Argonne Forest, 15 Military, Arkansas National Guard, 70 Military, Arkansas sailor, 7 Military, Army of Occupation, 36 Military, Brooklyn naval base, 24 Military, Brooklyn navy yard, 45 Military, Camp Beauregard, 7 Military, Camp Dodge, Ia., 26 Military, Camp Dodge, Iowa, 63 Military, Camp Grant, Ill., 70 Military, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., 7 Military, Camp Meade, N. J., 63 Military, Camp Meade, N. Y., 69 Military, Camp Merrit, N. J., 27 Military, Camp Merritt, 37 Military, Camp Pike, 10, 25, 38, 40, 42, 70, 86, 89 Military, Camp Taylor, 37, 47, 84 Military, Camp Travis, 20, 52, 87 Military, Camp Travis, San Antonio, Tex., 59 Military, Camp Zachary Taylor, 35 Military, Clay Co., Ark., soldier, 49 Military, confederate veteran, 31 Military, Corning soldier boys, 54 Military, draft records, 12 Military, El Paso, Tex., 10 Military, First Arkansas, 7, 38 Military, French war cross, 42 Military, Great Lakes Naval-Station, 53 Military, Jefferson Barracks, 63 Military, Newport News naval base, 30 Military, San Pedro naval base, 7 Military, Scabbard and Blade, 33 Military, soldier boy, 54 Military, U. S. Navy, 67, 71 Military, U. S.-Mex. border duty, 21 Military, veterinarian, 10 Military, War Department, 12 Military, War Work Council, 7 Military, West Point, 17 Mill, Datto flour, 31 Mill, Ferguson & Wheeler, 27 Mill, saw, 15, 17, 31 Mill, Scott Co., 97 Millar, A. C., 51 Miller, C. E., 60 Miller, Carl, 37 Miller, Edgar, drowned, 54 Miller, Floyd, 50 Miller, Floyd, Mme., 46 Miller, Frank, 66 Miller, J. C., 70 Miller, J. H., 36 Miller, J. T., 93 Miller, James B., 105 Miller, John R., 54 Miller, Julian, Mrs., 35 Miller, Lee & Sons, 104 Miller, M. D., 18, 25 Miller, M. E., 91 Miller, Mark, 74 Miller, Pearl, 88, 90 Miller, Shorty, 57 Miller, Wm., 18, 94 Mills, Gus, 22, 86 Mimms, Wyatt, 25 Mims, Wyatt, 13, 19, 21 Mine, North Star, 10 Mine, zinc, 10 Minner, W. T., 29 Miss, Everet, 35 Miss, McCracken, 77 Miss, Williamson, 77 Mitcalf, John, 7 Mitchell, Alex. W., 26 Mitchell, C. A., 34 Mitchell, Charles, 96 Mitchell, Dessie, 101, 102 Mitchell, F. H., 57 Mitchell, John, 96 Mizell, W. H., 45 Moark Ark., news, 26 Moark, Ark., boy stabbed, 28 Moark, Ark., casualty list, 8 Moark, Ark., fire, 77 Moark, Ark., merchant, 25, 109 Moark, Ark., news, 32, 36, 42, 46, 50, 57, 63, 64 Moark, Ark., teacher, 94 Mobley, Polk, 9 Mock, Elder, 92 Mock, Mr., 99 Mock, Oscar, 111 Mock, Wm. J., 113 Mofield, Nell, 68 Mofield, Wm., 70, 88, 104 Mogendorf, Germany, 11 Monday, Edgar, 9 Monday, L. Loyd, 9 Monroe, E. M., 104 Monroe, L. B., 18 Montgomery, Rosa, 68 Montgomery, Rose, 68 Montgomery, Thomas, 68 Moore, Alma, 53 Moore, Atty., 87 Moore, Billie, 60 Moore, Carlos, 23, 53, 66, 100, 108 Moore, Clyde, 39 Moore, D. F., 23 Moore, Delmer, 60 Moore, Don, 66 Moore, Don F., 40, 53, 64, 73 Moore, Edith, 76 Moore, Ella, 47, 62 Moore, Ethella, 66, 108 Moore, Eugene, 23, 53, 77, 108 Moore, Eunice, 102 Moore, F., 63 Moore, George, 105 Moore, J. N., 15, 55, 62, 74, 78, 84, 98, 100, 101, 105, 110, 115 Moore, J. T., Mrs., 50, 69 Moore, Julian, 47, 55, 62, 69, 74, 78 Moore, Lawrence, 108 Moore, Lee, 108 Moore, Louie F., 107 Moore, Luther, 64 Moore, M. M., 108 Moore, man married, 68 Moore, Marie, 68 Moore, Mr., died, 108 Moore, Myrtle, 20 Moore, Myrtle, died, 73 Moore, Ruth, 30 Moore, T. L., 101 Moore, T. L.'s son, 8 Moore, Thelma Camille, 47 Moore, Wm., 68, 77 Moore-Barnes building, 110 Moran, Lloyd, 103 Morgan, C. B., 91 Morgan, C. E., 50, 52 Morrill, Ed, 19 Morrill, J. C., 19 Morrilton, Ark., preacher, 106 Morris, Edith, 39 Morris, Ethel, 31 Morris, Jeff, 111 Morris, Jeff, Mrs., 78 Morris, T. J., 12 Morris, T. J., Mrs., 25 Morris, Will, Mrs., 24 Morrison, E., 21, 23, 25, 63 Morrison, Edith, 34 Morrison, Eliz, 41 Morrison, Elizabeth, 34, 47, 80, 90, 99, 105 Morrison, Ethel, 41, 105 Morrison, Nellie, 94 Morrison, R. M., 47 Motley, James, 48 Motley, Mary, 41, 47 Motsinger, E. W., Mrs., 39 Motsinger, Frank, 39 Motsinger, Noah, 71 Motsinger, Ola, 110 Motsinger, Robert, 39, 115 Motsinger, Robert, Mrs., 50, 61, 73 Motsinger, Robt., 17, 61 Motsinger, Robt., Mrs., 115 Mott, J. W., 10, 73 Mottley, Jas., 47 Mottley, Mary, 45, 50 Mottley, Miss, 53 Mouzon, Bishop, 69 Moyer, Chas. E., 89 Moyer, Chas., Mrs., 28 Muldrow, farm demonstrator, 110 Mulhollen, Lucien, 92 Mullencupp, Perry, 18 Mullhollen, Edna, 90 Mullinix, F. C., 68 Mulloy, Jerry, 62, 84 Mumford, Herbert W., 12 Murphy, Messr., 49 Murray, W. F., 103 Murry, Jabe, 16, 51 Murry, Milt, Mrs., 33 Murry, Mrs., 51 Myers, Arthur, Mrs., 105 Myers, E. D., Mrs., 72 Myers, J. M., 16 Myrtle, Boone Co., Ark., fiddler, 10 N Nall, A. J., Mrs., 108 Nall, Fred, 108 Nall, James, died, 108 Nance, A. G., 115 Nance, Benj. F., 72 Nance, Daisy, 31, 39, 63, 71, 72, 80 Nance, Ella, 71 Nance, Harold, 24, 65, 110 Nance, Lottie, 38, 66, 69, 78, 113 Nance, Mabel, 24, 30, 33, 66, 99, 114 Nance, Nancy, 32 Nance, O. A., 25 Nance, O. A., Mme., 51 Nance, O. A., Mrs., 110 Nance, Wyatt, 16, 38 Nasby, Geo., 42 National Oil Co., 20 Nations, League of, 10 Navy, Horton E., 41 Naylor, Mo., revival, 108 Neeleyville, Mo., bank robber, 41 Neelyville, Mo., merchant, 83 Neill, Mabel, 18, 53, 78, 79, 80, 100, 114 Neill, Marguerite, 53 Neill, S. B., 18, 22, 26, 44, 46, 100 Neill, S. B., Mrs., 53, 57 Neill, S. B.'s daughter, 100 Nelson, Dr., 8 Nelson, F. L., 40 Nelson, F. L., Mrs., 72 Nelson, Frank, 27 Nelson, L. Q., 69 Nemnich, H. J., 66 Nemnich, Joe, 33, 57 Nemnich, Jos., 66 Nester, Evelyn, 99, 113, 114 Nester, Joe, 22, 27, 30, 31, 32, 71 Nester, Joe, Mrs., 27 Nester, Jos., 70 Nester, Mr. & Mrs., 27 Nester, Mrs., 89 Neuerberg, Germany, 8 Newhouse, Annie L., 12 Newkirk, C. H., 47, 54, 67, 73, 83 Newkirk, Christine, 84 Newkirk, Dr., 16, 22, 64, 66, 112 Newkirk, Francis, 67 Newkirk, Gerald, 84, 99 Newkirk, Jerald, 104 Newkirk, John, 67 Newkirk, Mrs., 112 Newkirk, Theodore, 67 Newman, Elmer, 84 Newman, M. N., 25 Newman, Matt, 74 Newport News, Va., 8 Newport, Ark., business man, 14 Newspaper, Arkansas Gazette, 19, 26, 48, 81, 86, 88, 90, 91, 96 Newspaper, Arkansas Methodist, 51 Newspaper, Clay County Courier, 36, 60 Newspaper, Clay County Times, 31 Newspaper, Courier, 27, 31, 53, 58, 69, 72, 79, 85, 92, 93, 94, 98, 101, 109 Newspaper, Des Arc Weekly Citizen, 19 Newspaper, Doniphan Prospect News, 15 Newspaper, Little Rock Democrat, 36 Newspaper, Maywood Christian Bulletin, 94 Newspaper, Modern News, 90 Newspaper, Muskogee Daily News, 82 Newspaper, Osceola Times, 75 Newspaper, Perryville News, 12 Newspaper, Piggott Banner, 31, 47, 58, 76, 94 Newspaper, Poca. Star-Herald, 23 Newspaper, Pocahontas Democrat, 98 Newspaper, Pocahontas Star Herald, 57, 59, 77 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff American, 8, 31, 32, 51, 52 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff Daily American, 18, 101 Newspaper, Rector Vitascope, 41, 82, 99 Newspaper, Rockford Monitor, 56 Newspaper, Success Enterprise, 98, 114 Newspaper, Vitascope, 40 Newton, John, Mrs., 78 Nicely, Jimmie, 46 Niebrugge, Erank, 57 Norris, J. I., 7 Northup, J. B., 15 Norton, Dr., 52 Nutt, Ed C., theatrical company, 102 O O'Kean, Ark., 31 O'Neal, Mme., 71 Oaks, Beatrice, 99 Oaks, L. D., 20, 38, 53, 72, 79, 80, 108, 109 Oaks, Leslie, 22 Oaks, Leslie L., 72 Oathout, Jimmie, 70 Odom, Earle, 41 Oil Co., Home, 52 Olive, Roy, 24, 26, 45 Olive, Ruby, 87 Oliver & Co., 72, 110 Oliver & Oliver's law office, 86 Oliver, Alice, 114 Oliver, Atty., Jr., 88 Oliver, C. W., 8 Oliver, Chas., 114 Oliver, Chas. W., 67 Oliver, Claude, 19, 61 Oliver, Dr., 100 Oliver, Dr. & Mrs., 72 Oliver, G. B., 8, 10, 11, 14, 22, 34, 41, 55, 72, 101 Oliver, G. B., Jr., 10, 16, 22, 29, 39, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 67, 84, 86, 111 Oliver, G. B., Mme., 69, 94 Oliver, G. B., Mrs., 19, 21, 105, 110 Oliver, G. B.'s wife, 51 Oliver, Goldie, 57 Oliver, Goldsmith, 27, 55, 80 Oliver, Goldsmith, Jr., 86 Oliver, J. M., 8, 12, 22, 27, 34, 42, 46, 73, 77, 96 Oliver, J. M., Jr., 84, 100 Oliver, J. M., Mrs., 22 Oliver, James, 27, 40, 47, 55, 57, 59, 77, 80, 86 Oliver, James, Jr., 86 Oliver, Jane, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45, 47, 53, 55, 101, 105 Oliver, Louise Patient, 76 Oliver, Louise V. Patient, 93 Oliver, Mary, 45 Oliver, Maude, 69, 72 Oliver, Maude E., 73, 94 Oliver, P. L., 18, 30, 80, 100, 105 Oliver, Patricia Adams, 114 Oliver, Paul, 27, 86, 103 Oliver, Paul L., 72, 73, 77, 93, 114 Oliver, Paul L., Mrs., 87 Oliver, Ruth, 55, 99, 100, 104, 112 Oliver, Sara, 100 Oliver, W. L., 69 Oliver, Will, 38 Oliver, Willa, 113, 114 Oliver, William, 104 Oliver, Wm., 36, 48, 101 Olney, Flora C., 70 Opal, Mitchell, 101 Opitz, Ruth, 47, 48 Opperman, D. C., 21 Optician, Corning, Ark., 10 Orcutt, Hersel, 60 Ormsby, Chester, 28 Ormsby, Isaac, 28 Osborn, Artie B., 14 Osborn, Doc, 21 Osneimer, Dewey, 48, 49 Ousniemer, Dewey, 20, 30, 80 Ousniemer, Gerald, 84 Ousniemer, Harvey's daughter, 72 Outlaw, Bess, 101 Overby, Daisy, 20, 75 Overby, Hy, 18 Overby, John, 74 Overland Co., 19 Overland garage, 28 Overland Garage, 57 Overman, Mrs., 35 Overton, Frenchy, died, 52 Owen, Henry, 102 Owen, Iva, 80, 113 Owen, J. E., 18 Owen, Ralph, 18 Owens, Elvin, 55 Owens, Iva, 43, 48, 49 Owens, J. A., 14 Owens, J. B., 60 Owens, John J., 26 Owens, Lola, 84 P Pace & Conner, 59 Pace, Charlie, 8 Pace, John, 65 Pace, Mary Ellen, 110 Pace, Olive Belle, 7 Pace, Ollie, 65 Pace, Wm., 74 Padgett, Sam, 23, 64, 70 Page, A. E., 84 Page, mayor, 28 Pagett, Goldie, 83 Pagett, Sam, 83 Palatka, Ark., fire, 98 Palatka, Ark., news, 93 Palatka, Ark., store, 9, 107 Paragould, Ark., 4 Paragould, Ark., bank examiner, 50 Paragould, Ark., lawyer, 74 Paragould, Ark., lawyers, 95 Paragould, Ark., printer finds pearl, 55 Paragould, Ark., sanitarium, 90 Pardee, Fred, 66 Pardew, A. H., 20 Pardew, A. H., Mrs., died, 73 Pardue, Harold, 108 Parish, Grady, Mrs., 41, 98 Park, O. H., 11 Parker, Roy, 112 Parks, Noah, 53 Parks, Noah, died, 76 Parks, Richard, 96 Parks, Rosco, 96 Parks, Thrissa, 16 Parrish, Charlie, Mrs., died, 83 Parrish, David, died, 89 Parrish, W. O., 59 Parsons, Carrie, 111 Parsons, John, deceased, 24 Parsons, S. G., 25 Partan, Chas., 33 Pate, A. E., 16, 22, 31, 48, 49, 91, 92 Pate, Alvah E., 14 Pate, mayor, 20 Pate, Mayor, 52 Patience, Miss, 15 Patient, Carrie G., 104 Patient, Louise, 110 Patient, Louise V., 8, 9, 34, 44, 50, 61, 86, 103, 113 Patient, Miss, 37, 84, 90, 103, 104, 112 Patient, Mme., 113 Patient, Mrs., 103, 113 Patient, W. J., 61 Patient, W. J., died, 86 Patient-Oliver, L., 79 Patient-Oliver, Louise, 78, 80, 84 Patient-Oliver, Mrs., 78 Patterson, Mollie, 64 Patton, Anna, 62 Patton, J. M., 108 Paul, Lester, died, 24 Paul, Robert, 14 Payne, Chas. L., 76 Payne, Geo., 110 Payne, Sam, 25 Peace, Leon, 20 Peach Orchard, Ark., Mercantile Co., 79, 81, 91 Peach Orchard, Ark., Peoples Bank, 85 Peach Orchard, Ark., teacher, 9 Peak, Alex, Mrs., died, 42 Pearson, Virginia, 45 Peden, M. E., 14 Peden, Mme., 15 Pence, Chas., 22 Pence, Chas. C., 115 Pence, Lottie, 115 Penix, Atty., 18 Penrod, Alice, 99 Penter, Jno., 63 Penter, John, 45, 76, 85, 92 Penter, John, Mrs., 57 Penter, Johnnie, 111 Penter, John's son, 84 Penter, Mme., 32 Penzel, Emil E., 77 Peoples, S. J., 113 Perdieu, Herold, 40 Perren, Edgar, 20 Perren, Leslie, 20 Perrien, Arthur, died, 82 Perrien, Leslie, 80 Perrin, Edgar, 73 Perrin, Leslie, 30, 49 Peters, H. E., 41 Peters, Mable, 31 Petersen, Fred, 34, 66 Petersen, Mabel, 32, 34, 39, 63, 77, 93 Petrie, James N., 68 Pettie, V. C., 19 Phillips, Cymbeline, 33 Phipps, Anneta, 109 Phipps, F., 68 Phipps, Ferd, 22, 29, 72, 76, 91, 110, 115 Phipps, Ferd, Mme., 17 Phipps, Ferd, Mrs., 10 Phipps, Mme., 85 Phipps, R., Mrs., 18, 41 Phipps, Ristoria, Mrs., 71, 74 Pickens, J. M., Mrs., 30 Pickey, L. D., 66 Pickler, Jess, 15, 49 Pickler, Jesse, 11, 30, 39, 53, 64, 98, 114 Pickler, Mr., 11 Pierce, Jess, 25 Piggott, Ark., Agricultural Rally, 44 Piggott, Ark., attorney drops dead, 59 Piggott, Ark., barber, 65 Piggott, Ark., casualty list, 10 Piggott, Ark., famous store, 86 Piggott, Ark., farm demonstrator, 110 Piggott, Ark., girl burned to death, 40 Piggott, Ark., justice court, 29 Piggott, Bank of, 56 Piggott, Clay Co., bankruptcy, 23 Pine Bluff, Ark., pastor, 7 Pirch, Geo., 10 Pirtle, H. F., 53 Pitts, Frank, 22 Pitzele Store Co., 42 Plant, W. E., 102 Platt, A. L., 69, 79, 95 Plough, Bob, 57 Plough, Byron E., 99 Plough, J. A., 23, 26 Plough, James, 71 Plough, R. E., died, 99 Plough, R. L., Mrs., 63 Plunkett, Elizabeth, 24 Plunkett, Mrs., 36 Pocahontas, Ark., lawyer, 84 Pogue, Dova, 68 Pogue, Dovie, 68 Pogue, John, 71 Pogue, Mary, 68 Poinsett Co., Ark., Superintendent of Schools, 90 Poland China Assn., 12 Polk, Earl, 33, 38 Polk, J. D., 46 Polk, L. S., Mrs., 26, 74, 77 Polk, Lynn S., 89 Polk, Lynn S., Mrs., 52, 55, 77 Polk, Mary, 33, 35, 49, 50, 89 Polk, Mary Louise, 101, 114 Polk, W. D., 22, 67, 73 Polk, W. D., Mme., 69 Polk, W. D., Mrs., 33 Polk, Winfred, 109 Polk, Winifred, 33 Poll Tax, 46 Pollard property, 46 Pollard, Chas., 50 Pollard, Chas., Mrs., 69 Pollard, Marshall, 50, 69 Pollard, Raymond, 50 Pond, L. M., 32, 61 Pond, Larkin, 60, 71 Pond, Larkin, Mrs., died, 84 Pond, Lynn, 54, 84 Pond, Mr., 32 Ponder, Ezra K., 77 Ponder, H. L., 21 Ponder, Harry L., 65 Ponder, W. E., 66, 76, 77, 88, 91, 92, 95 Ponder, Willis E., 83 Ponds, Len, 15 Ponds, Lynn, 11 Pope, I. J., 103 Pope, I. J., Mrs., 80 Pope, Ike, 36 Poplar Bluff, Mo., dentist, 9 Poplar Bluff, Mo., doctor, 73 Poplar Bluff, Mo., lawyer, 84 Poplar Bluff, Mo., optometrist, 39 Poplar Bluff, Mo., preacher, 111 Porter, John, Mrs., 75 Porter, Sgt., 36 Posey, Chas., 74 Postmaster, Algoa, Ark., 12 Postmaster, Corning, Ark., 32 Postmaster, Sparkman, Ark., 12 Poteet, Chas., 32 Powell, Mary A., 37 Powell, R. L., 28, 37, 48, 52, 57, 85, 89, 92, 109, 113 Powell, Rev., 21, 27 Powell, Roy, Mrs., 115 Powell, W. M., 73 Powers, Billie, 54 Powers, C. A., 11, 13, 37, 45 Powers, C. A., Mrs., 12 Powers, J. A., 103 Powers, John, 46, 77 Powers, John A., 51 Powers, John, Jr., 72 Powers, Johnnie, 51 Powers, Lee, 65 Powers, Lewis, 46 Powers, May, 11, 45 Powers, Mrs., 36 Powers, Will, Mrs., 33 Poyner, Gertie, 31 Poyner, James, 37 Poyner, Mark, 69 Poyner, T. O., 83 Poynor, T. O., 70 Poynor, Troy, 23 Preacher, Des Moines, Ia., 19 Preacher, Doniphan, Mo., 14 Preacher, Fayetteville, Ark., 7, 12 Preacher, Fort Smith, Ark., 7 Preacher, Hot Springs, Ark., 15 Preacher, Monticello, Ark., 21 Preacher, Naylor, Mo., 15 Preacher, Perryville, Ark., 12 Preacher, Russellville, Ark., 21 Preacher, Stephens, Ark., 24 Presley, J. W., 91 Price, Cleotus, 20 Price, J. B, Mme., 16 Price, Jerry, 29, 87 Price, Velma, 106 Prichard, Clayton, 61 Prichard, Mrs., 23 Prickett, Wright, 24 Pride, T. J., 104 Pringle, Arthur, 71, 110 Pringle, E., 64 Pringle, E., Mrs., 70 Pringle, Edgar, 99, 104 Pringle, Eli, 87 Pringle, J. L., 54 Pringle, Louis, 89 Pringle, M. J., 87 Pringle, Sallie, 10 Prison, Tucker, 58 Progressive Farmer, 96 Pruett, G. W., 31 Prumm, John, 18 Public drinking cups, 39 Pugh, William, 8 Pugsley, J. B., 29 Pugsley, Roy, died, 78 Purdew, G. A., 94 Purkins homestead, 23 Purvis, inspector, 26 Purvis, Orville, 64 Purvis, Sam, 47 Purvis, Velma, 85 Q Quellmalz Co., 27 Quellmalz Lbr. & Mfg. Co., 31 Quellmalz, A., 30 Quellmalz, Arthur, 80 Quellmalz, H. A., 29, 30, 107 Quellmalz, H., Mrs., 30 Quellmalz, Heinie, 32 Quellmalz, Henry, 27, 50, 54, 78 Quellmalz, Henry, Lbr. & Mfg. Co., 100 Quellmalz, Henry, Sr., 78 Quellmalz, Hy., Lumber Co., 80 Quellmalz, Thecla, 26 Quisenberry, Irene, 48 Quitman, Ark., preacher, 107 R Raborn, W. R., 44 Radcliffe, county clerk, 20 Ragan, T. J., 22 Railroad, Butler County, 31 Railroad, Frisco, 111 Railroad, Iron Mountain, 13, 38 Railroad, Missouri Pacific, 17, 18, 52 Railroad, Mo. Pac., 97, 98 Railroad, Mo.-Pac., 60 Railroad, Railroad Commission, 12 Raley, Atty., 9, 12, 21, 50, 54, 111 Raley, C. O., 16, 57, 65, 84, 85, 94, 95 Ramsey, Supt., 37 Ramus, William W., 81 Rand, Joe, 47 Randolph, Edith, 99 Raney, A. L., 102 Raney, O. R., Mrs., 24 Rapert, G., Mrs., 82 Rapert, Jas. A., 22 Rapert, W. E., Mrs., 94 Ratcliffe, deputy clerk, 39, 45, 53, 84 Ratcliffe, deputy county clerk, 73, 103, 108 Ratcliffe, Edwina, 32, 35, 38, 39, 50, 57, 63, 69, 78, 84, 104, 114 Ratcliffe, French, 99, 114 Ratcliffe, Lamar, 45 Ratcliffe, Mr. & Mrs., 42 Ratcliffe, S. L., 53, 92, 115 Ratcliffe, Sam L., 86 Ratcliffe, T. W., 22, 34, 84, 104 Ratcliffe, T. W., Mrs., 15 Rawlings, Clyde, 90 Rawlings, Geo., 29, 74 Ray, Charles, Mrs., 50 Ray, Pearl, 75 Ray, Reginald, 50 Ray, T. F., 51 Ray, Thos. F., 24, 39, 69, 98, 114 Ray, W. M., Mrs., 75, 91 Ray, Wm., 68 Reagan, Eileen, 85 Reagan, Thelma, 85 Reagan, Tom, 51 Rector, Ark., lawyer, 59 Rector, Ark., livery man, 73 Rector, Ark., preacher, 106 Rector, Clay Co., Ark., bankruptcy, 50 Redding, Sid B., 9, 98, 106 Redmon, George, 54 Redwine, Albert, 30, 47, 49, 80 Redwine, Byron, 15, 52, 59, 61, 91 Redwine, Byron E., 57, 87, 90 Redwine, Ed, Mme., 32 Redwine, Frank, 104 Redwine, Mme., 15, 42 Redwine, Pearle, 87, 91 Redwine, R., 45 Redwine, Rex, Mrs., 11, 47 Redwine, Rex., Mme., 39 Redwine, soldier, 11 Redwine, Tom, 34 Redwine, W. E., 25 Redwine, W. E., Mme., 113 Redwine, W. E., Mrs., 52 Reed Jewelry Co., 39 Reed, C. E., 82 Reed, C. E., Mrs., 114 Reed, Chas. A., 93 Reed, Chas. E., 93 Reed, Contractor, 89 Reed, Cora, 50, 88 Reed, Cora's brother, died, 111 Reed, E. A., 85 Reed, Ernest, 25 Reed, Grace, 78 Reed, H. E., 15, 51, 91, 109 Reed, J. R., 101 Reed, Joe, 101 Reed, Leo, 71, 103 Reed, Mabel, 20 Reed, Mme., 32 Reed, Murphy, 34 Reed, Raymond, 84 Reed, T. R., 48 Reed, T. S., 34 Reed, W. E., 34 Reeves, J. E., 60 Reid, Charles C., 12 Reid, E. A., 12 Reid, Ed, 14 Reid, Grayce, 113, 114 Reigler, Milton S., 53 Reinhard, Wm., 111 Reinhardt, Wm., 111 Reitano, Joe, 38 Renfro, D. B., 48, 89 Renfro, D. B., Mrs., 50 Republican, National Convention, 96 Restaurant, Blue-Front, 101 Restaurant, Reed's, 49 Reves, C. M., 17, 40, 43, 49, 69, 113 Reves, C. M., Mrs., 34, 35, 69 Reves, Clarence, 35 Reves, Idell, 69 Reves, Mme., 15, 42 Reves, Mrs., 25 Reves, Opal, 37 Revis, W. W., 58, 74, 105 Revis, Wylie W., 61 Reyburn, Neeley, 21 Reyno, Ark., teacher, 98 Reynolds, E., 111 Reynolds, Florence, 53 Reynolds, J. E., 71, 111 Reynolds, J. R., 18 Reynolds, Ralph, 48 Rhea, C. E., 22, 61, 110 Rhea, C. E., Mrs., 56 Rhea, Chas., 53 Rhea, Chas. E., 28, 39, 60, 73 Rhea, Geo., 45 Rhea, Harvey, 56 Rhea, J. M., 20, 28, 32, 33, 37, 41, 44, 51, 62, 68, 73, 82, 89, 97, 104, 105 Rhea, J. M., Mrs., 19, 51 Rhea, John, 64, 67, 105 Rhea, John M., 64 Rhea, John M., Mme., 52 Rhea, John M., Mrs., 45, 62, 67 Rhea, Mr., 45 Rhea, Rosalind, 24, 33, 63, 69, 89 Rhea, Rosalynd, 32, 35 Rhea, Tom, 51 Rhodes, Daniel Howard, 8 Rhyne, engineer, 88 Rhyne, J. O., 88 Rhyne, J. R., 22, 32, 58, 74, 97, 100 Rhyne, J. R., Mme., 30 Rhyne, J. R., Mrs., 55, 104 Rhyne, James R., 77 Rhyne, James, Mrs., 48 Rhyne, Jas., 94 Rhyne, Mme., 42, 45 Rice, C. E., 110 Rice, Clint A., 7 Rice, Grace, 69, 75 Rice, J. M., 69 Rice, Minnie, 106 Rice, Nola, 114 Rice, Norman, 68, 69 Rice, Porter, 106 Rice, Verna, 106 Rich, Cannie, 31 Richard, Geo. P., 25 Richard, Orville P., 25 Richardson, A., 104 Richardson, Aleen, 92 Richardson, C. C., 64, 88 Richardson, Cleveland, 46 Richardson, E. M., 16, 69 Richardson, E. W., 56 Richardson, Ernest, 104 Richardson, J. G., 94 Richardson, M. C., 24 Richardson, Miss, 48 Richardson, Mrs., 68 Richardson, Nora, 92 Richardson, T. B., Mrs., died, 78 Richmond, Geo., 45 Richwoods, Ark., news, 16, 23, 46, 64, 68, 69, 70, 83, 88, 90, 92, 93, 98, 99, 104, 107 Ricker, D., 14 Ricker, Dave, 74, 87 Rider, Roy, 26 Riegler, M. S., 22 Riegler, Milton, 20, 80, 86, 104, 110 Riegler, Milton S., 73, 93 Riegler, S., 19 Riggs, J. M., 15 Riggs, Nell, 113 Riggs, Nellie, 99, 114 Riggs, R. E., 58 Rigs, Sid, 105 Riley, S. L., 60 Ring settlement, location, 62 Risner, Hugh, 44 Risner, Hugh, Mrs., 11 Riss, Esther, 34, 43, 49 Riss, Henrietta, 34, 43, 49 River, Black, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62, 69, 72, 83, 86, 105, 106 River, Black, bridge, 15, 17, 33 River, Current, 49 River, Ouachita, 42 River, St. Francis, 56 River, White, 30, 64 Roberts, E. S., drowned, 109 Roberts, Harry, 108 Roberts, Lena, 108 Roberts, T. G., 22, 86 Robertson, Gov., 38 Robertson, L. T., 74, 77 Robertson, Prof., 88 Robins, Tommie, 88 Robinson, Amby, 41 Robinson, C. H., 84 Robinson, Charles, 88 Robinson, Chas. H., 78 Robinson, Dovie, 77 Robinson, Ed, 46 Robinson, Edith May, died, 41 Robinson, Ethel, 34, 35 Robinson, Eugene, 41 Robinson, Frank, 77 Robinson, J. T., 72 Robinson, John, 78 Robinson, John T., 26 Robinson, M. E., 22 Robinson, Mildred, 70 Robinson, Oscar, 77 Robinson, Sadie's son, died, 113 Robinson, Willie, 53 Rockefeller Foundation Commission, 24 Rockford, Ill., factory strike, 26 Rocko, Nonie, 60 Rodgers, Alice, Mrs., died, 82 Rodgers, John Earle, drowned, 42 Rodgers, T. D., 42 Rodman, Agnes, 105 Rodman, E. C., 37 Rodman, Elmer, 88, 107 Roe, Ernest, 50, 52 Rogers, Chas. B., 89 Rogers, D. T., 37 Rogers, G. K., 21 Rogers, Levi, 31 Rogers, Orrin T., 27 Rogers, Ralph, 51 Roland, Henry's boy, 82 Ross, Loren, 72 Roth, Elder, 108 Rothe, Isaac, 75, 115 Rouse, F.M., 47 Rouse, J. D, Mrs., 95 Rouse, Minnie, 35, 47, 69 Rouse, Minnie, Miss, 83 Rowell, A. H., 66 Rowell, Grand Master, 66 Rowell, William D., 24 Rucks, J. J., died, 31 Ruff, constable, 24, 37 Ruff, Evelyn, 84, 85 Ruff, Fred, 74 Ruff, L. V., 56, 84, 102, 115 Ruff, L. V., Mrs., 25 Ruff, L. V.'s son, 108 Ruff, officer, 23, 30, 35 Rule, H. E., 89, 109, 110 Rule, H. E., Mrs., 107 Runnells, Scott, 12 Rush, Arion, Mrs., died, 78 Rushing, W. E., 70 Russ, L., 89 Russ, Loren, 19, 29, 86 Russell, Mabel, 11 Russell, pastor, 25 Russell, W. D., 22 Ryan, Katherine, 93 S S. I. A., 55, 56, 57, 58 Sage, E. C., 24 Sallee, L. T., 24 Samons, W. M., 15 Sams, John, 62 Sancomb, Thos. S., 62 Sanders, Henry, 33 Sanderson, rice-well driller, 97 Sandess, Henry, 33 Sandis, Omar, 101 Sands, Bertha, 111 Sanitarium, Paragould, 114 Sanitarium, State, 83 Sappington, Frances, 77 Sarver, Etta, 23 Satterfield, Eura, 62, 101 Saunders, Irene, 109 Saunders, Thelma, 109 Saxon, V. V., 14, 15 Saxon, V. V., Mrs., 21 Saylors, Gertrude, 34, 113 Scaggs, E. C., 60 Schaefer, R. O., 19 Schisler, J. Q., 94 Schlatterer, Joseph, 113 Schmitt, Frank, 91, 112 Schmitt, Geo., 91 Schmitt, George, 109, 112 Schnabaum, Herbert, 106 Schnabaum, V., 47 Schnable, Joseph, 17 Schnable, W. A., Mrs., 17 Schoeppe, Henry, 57 School, Agricultural, 28, 59 School, Agriculture, 20, 24 School, Almyra, 60 School, Arkansas University, 35 School, Blue, 32, 51, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 71, 90 School, Blue, news, 32 School, Blue, teacher, 92 School, Blytheville, 15, 33 School, Brookings, 31, 80 School, C. H. S., 20 School, C. H. S. Baccalaureate, 32 School, Cape Girardeau Normal, 46 School, Corning, 19, 20, 26, 30, 52, 55, 71, 77, 82, 83, 87 School, Corning commencement, 99 School, Corning, janitor, 104 School, Corning, teacher, 72, 73, 74 School, Cotton Belt, 27 School, Doniphan, 46 School, Egypt, 72 School, Ft. Smith, 63 School, Galloway, 14 School, Guthrie, 78 School, Heelstring, 9 School, Hendrix college, 33 School, Herman, 105 School, Hopson, 8, 15, 79 School, Hopsonville, 61 School, Hoxie, 32 School, Jonesboro Agricultural, 50 School, Jonesboro, Ark., 24 School, Lonoke, 12 School, Mager, 99, 105 School, Maynard, 20 School, Maynard Baptist Academy, 41 School, Mountain Home College, 41 School, Nelson, 69 School, Nelson, news, 101, 102, 106 School, O'Kean, 52 School, Ouachita College, 24 School, Piggott, 23 School, Poplar Bluff, 26 School, Reyno, 58, 66 School, Richwoods, 46 School, Sikeston, 53 School, State Normal, 40 School, Success, 77 School, Taylor, 68 School, U. of A., Fayetteville, 37 School, University at Fayetteville, 26 School, University of Arkansas, 19, 21, 25, 33, 37, 38 School, White, 39, 64, 74, 83, 85 School, Woodall, 88 Schoonover, E. G., 23 Schoonover, E. J., 18 Schoonover, Herbert, 24 Schultz, R. L., Mrs., 34 Schultz, Robert, 56 Schultz, Robert, Mrs., 51 Scott, B. A., 71, 101 Scott, C. V., 35, 36 Scott, Kate, 35 Scott, Ralph, 75 Scott, Ralph R., 39, 102 Scott, Susie, 44 Scott, Vivian, 35 Scott, W. C., 39, 102 Scrivner, Lem, 29 Scruggs, Lulu, 19 Sebastian Co., Ark, road improvement district, 16 Sebastian, Albert, 102 Sebastian, Albert, Mrs., 102 See, Ella, 36 See, Frank, 8, 9, 17, 22, 38, 40, 41, 50, 80, 85 See, Grover, 36 See, Kirby, 36 See, M. K., 64 See, M. K. (Tobe), 108 See, Red, 80 Seger, S. K., 65, 72 Seger, S. K. Jr.,, 25 Seger, S. K., Mrs., 20, 25, 34, 42, 65 Seger, Silas, Mrs., 25 Seibert, Mr., 92 Seitz, George W., died, 115 Selby, W. J., 97 Self, Effie, 99 Self, Lurella, 88 Sellmeyer Gin Co., 71 Sellmeyer Jos, 46 Sellmeyer mercantile, 71 Sellmeyer, Frank, 60, 87, 113 Sellmeyer, Frank J., 16, 85, 113 Sellmeyer, H. C., 16, 85, 113 Sellmeyer, Hilda, 95 Sellmeyer, Joe, 48 Sellmeyer, Jos., 24, 25, 49, 88 Sellmeyer, Joseph, 16, 85 Sellmeyer, Leo, 71 Session, Ida, 99 Sessions, Emmett's baby, died, 80 Shane, Cecil, 75, 81 Shane, Chris, 96 Shannon, J. W., 106 Sharp, Addie, 18 Sharp, Ben, 74 Sharp, court stenographer, 18 Sharp, David H., died, 99 Sharp, Frank, 87 Sharp, J. F., 90, 94 Sharp, Nettie, 58, 108 Shaver, Eld., 37, 99 Shaver, Elder, 88 Shaver's Eddy, 58 Shaw, Lottie, 24 Shearer, Mrs., 102 Shearwood, J. M., 18, 74 Sheeks, Brooks, 35, 47, 49, 57, 80, 84, 91, 99 Sheeks, Ed, 38, 42 Sheeks, Ed V., 19, 91, 101, 104 Sheeks, George Alice, 45, 48 Sheeks, Georgia Alice, 39, 73, 91, 102 Sheeks, Mrs., 69 Sheeks, W. B., Mrs., 22, 35 Sheeks, Willie B., 36, 38, 42 Sheeks, Willie B., Mrs., 84 Sheeley, Sam, 36 Shelton, Harvey's daughter, 70 Shemwell, C., 111 Shemwell, C. R., 92 Shemwell, Cleo, 13 Shemwell, K. K., 94 Shemwell, L. L., 13, 51 Shemwell, Roy, 51 Shepherd, Hassel, 88 Shepherd, Virgil, 64 Sherrick, W. H., 73 Sherrill, W. E., 94 Shields, Willie, 35 Shimoon, George, 81 Ship, Martha Washington, 19 Ship, U. S. S. Louisville, 30 Ship, U. S. S. Martha Washington, 62 Shivley, E., 108 Shivley, J. R., 91 Shook, R. Y., 36 Shores, C. L., Mrs., 89 Shores, Chas. L., 66 Short, E. A., 55 Short, E., Mrs., 63 Short, Ezra, 20, 40, 45, 49, 63 Short, Ezra A., 52 Short, Mr., 31 Short, Mr. & Mrs., 34 Short, Mrs., 45 Short, Prof., 102 Short, Vera, 20, 31, 63 Shull & Cook, 31 Shull, J. A., 15, 31, 39, 86 Shull, John A., 10 Shull, John B., 15 Shultz, Bob, 60 Shultz, Robt., 104 Siesel, J. J. & Co., 10 Sigler, Robt. L., 47 Silvertooth, Mrs., 9 Simmons, Ed., Mrs., died, 83 Simmons, W. E., 44 Simpson, A. R., 10, 16, 26, 47, 73 Simpson, A. R., Mme., 48 Simpson, A. R., Mrs., 27, 64, 78, 93, 112 Simpson, Augusta, 101 Simpson, Dr., 18, 22, 30, 69, 72, 82, 93 Simpson, Dr. & Mrs., 48 Simpson, James I., suicide, 31 Simpson, L. B., 21 Simpson, Louise, 47, 48, 49 Simpson, Margaret, 47 Simpson, Marguerite, 48, 49 Simpson, Maude, 54, 56, 57, 93, 108 Simpson, O. B., 40, 110 Simpson, P. O., 64, 93, 112 Simpson, Perry, 19, 26, 48, 72, 78 Simpson, Perry, Mrs., 47, 48 Simpson, S. R., 105 Simpson, Winnie D., 19 Sims, Albert, 66 Sims, Raleigh, 45 Sims, Raleigh, Mrs., 55, 101 Skaggs, E. C., 13, 92 Skaggs, Ed, 41, 111 Skaggs, Thelma, 90 Skaggs, Wilma, 90 Skinner, A. F., 34, 81 Skinner, A. T., 73 Skinner, C. E., 22, 32, 67 Skinner, C. E., Mme., 35, 48, 72, 111 Skinner, C. E., Mrs., 30 Skinner, Clara, 81 Skinner, E., 115 Skinner, Hunter, 35 Skinner, Mme., 15 Skinner, Mrs., 90 Skinner, N. E., 34, 39, 42, 61, 76, 84, 90, 108, 114, 115 Skinner, N. E., Mrs., 86 Skinner, postmaster, 90, 103 Skinner, Ralph, 72, 109 Skinner, Rev., 17, 18, 63, 112 Skinner, Ruth, 35 Slatterys, Tom, 92 Sloan, Cecil, 70, 88, 90, 99 Sloan, Clay, Mrs., 47 Sloan, Jno., 64 Sloan, Less, 99 Sloan, Lorene, 88 Small, Bertha, 55 Small, Dora, 55 Small, G. B., 55 Small, J. S., 25 Small, Jesse, 55 Smalley Bros., 70, 105 Smalley, Ray, 32 Smelser, H. W., 45 Smelser, Henry W., 14, 111 Smelser, Henry W., Jr., died, 111 Smelser, Henry W.'s son, 85 Smelser, Henry, Mme., 51 Smelser, Herman, 45 Smelser, Herman C., 14 Smelser, Mary, 45 Smelser, Wm., 111 Smethwick, Ed, 60 Smethwick, R. E., 71 Smith, Albert, 9, 23, 46, 70, 83 Smith, Alfred, 63 Smith, Allie, 35 Smith, Austin, 35 Smith, B. C., 18, 19 Smith, B. E., 87 Smith, Bert, 67 Smith, Bob, 16, 83, 92 Smith, C. T., 38 Smith, Cad, 16, 83, 92 Smith, Carrie, 8 Smith, Claud, died, 8 Smith, Claude, 10, 80 Smith, Daisy, 27 Smith, Dave, 25, 60, 67, 92 Smith, Dell, Mrs., 10 Smith, Delmer, 83 Smith, Dolly, 23 Smith, E. L., 26 Smith, Earl, 99 Smith, Earl's boy, 64 Smith, Ed, 19 Smith, Edna, 106 Smith, Ellen, 104 Smith, Ernest, 26 Smith, Fay, 23, 32, 92 Smith, Flora J., 12 Smith, Floy, 32 Smith, Floyd, 46, 64, 70, 92, 99 Smith, Garnet, 92 Smith, George, 106 Smith, Harold D., 10 Smith, Herbert, funeral, 32 Smith, Herschel, 113 Smith, Hunt, Mrs., 35 Smith, J. B., 26 Smith, J. L., 21 Smith, J. M., 28 Smith, J. O., 18 Smith, Jas. L., 62, 74 Smith, Loyd, 88, 99, 104 Smith, M. S., 42 Smith, Mark, 72 Smith, Maude, 23, 32, 46, 67, 92, 93, 99, 104, 110 Smith, Morgan, 56, 90 Smith, Mrs., died, 87 Smith, Nellie, 9 Smith, O. S., 36 Smith, P., 37 Smith, Perry, 16, 68 Smith, R. L., 16, 19 Smith, Randall, 88 Smith, Rann, 107 Smith, Richard, 60 Smith, Rob, 99 Smith, Robert, 88 Smith, Roy, 46, 64, 68, 70, 83, 88, 92, 99, 104 Smith, Sam, 9, 14, 16, 67, 88 Smith, Tezzie, 18, 28 Smith, Villa, 23, 68, 92, 99, 104 Smith, W. A., 18 Smith, W. G., 8, 10, 46, 80, 83 Smith, Walter, 82 Smith, Weldon, 50, 51 Smith, Wilma, 18 Smith, Wilson, 82 Smith, Wm. G., 32, 52, 68 Smithton, Dixie, 91 Smithton, Nora Belle, 91 Smithton, Sam, 91 Smithwick, W. R., Mrs., 54 Smothers, Silvester, 72 Sneed, Atty., 18 Sneed, J. R., died, 67 Sneed, W. E., 65 Snider, train dispatcher, 105 Snipes, J. P., 21 Snodgrass, Clara, 30, 56, 67 Snodgrass, Harrison, 25, 44, 71, 89, 92 Snodgrass, Harrison, Mrs., 71 Snodgrass, Marie, 41, 78 Snodgrass, Maude, 24, 32, 63, 78, 80 Snodgrass, Mrs., 28 Snodgrass, N., 99 Snodgrass, R. W., 29, 111 Snodgrass, R. W.'s son, drowned, 27 Snodgrass, W. B., 72, 98 Snodgrass, Wes, 25 Society, Royal Neighbors, 43 Solomon, M., 43, 57, 67 Solomon, Mrs., 44 South, Jerry, 19 South, Ott, 10 Southerly, Al H., 100 Southern Cattlemen's Assn., 12 Sowell, M. U., 32 Sowell, Madison U., 23 Sparks, Bettie Gean, 70 Sparks, Wm., 108 Spaulding, Wm., 10, 73 Speice, Harry, 100 Speice, Harry's daughter, 108 Spence, B. F., 76 Spence, B. P., 76 Spence, Bernie B., 41 Spence, Jo., 43 Spence, Jo., Mrs., 101 Spence, Josephine, 18, 26 Spence, Opal, 76 Spence, W. E., 76, 100 Spencer, Hessie, 49 Spencer, Monte, 43 Spikes, S. E., 19 Spillman, Gilbert, 101, 114 Spivey, Ula, 21 Sprague, B. F., Mme., 42 Sprague, B. F., Mrs., 28 Sprague, C. E., 23, 42, 44, 83 Sprague, C. E., Mme., 42 Sprague, C. E., Mrs., 110 Sprague, Clayton, 34 Sprague, Clayton E., Mrs., 105 Sprague, Clayton, Mrs., 35 Sprague, F. B., 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 67, 69, 83, 103, 113 Sprague, F. B., Mme., 26, 30, 42, 48 Sprague, F. B., Mrs., 19, 30, 32, 47, 50 Sprague, F., Mrs., 69 Sprague, Fred B., 93 Sprague, Fred, Mrs., 77 Sprague, Jack, 86 Sprague, Mary, 34, 77, 83 Sprague, Sara Frances, 84, 85 Sprague, Sarah Francis, 50 Sprague, Virginia, 50 Spriggs, Frank, 20 Springer, J. H., 31 Spurgeon, J. G., Mrs., 19 St. Francis drainage district, 58 St. Francis, Ark., bank robbed, 55 St. Louis, Mo., preacher, 50, 52 Stackhouse, C. S., 111 Stafford, Christine, 77 Stafford, F. J., 15 Stafford, J. N., 50 Staley & Son, 110 Staley, J. C. & Co., 110 Staley, J. C., Mme., 102 Staley, M., 22 Staley, T. B., 22, 62 Stallings, Mabel, 99 Stamps, Ark., bonfire, 25 Stanfield, G. W., 11, 21, 22, 29 Stanfield, Geo. W., 8, 10, 103 Stanfield, George W., 58, 64 Stanfield, George, Mme., 111 Stanfield, Lucille, 85 Stanfield, W., 24 Stanley, Elbert, 19 Stanley, Eula, 64 Stanley, J. H., 30 Stanley, Wm., 112 Starr, Henry, 38 State Highway Commission, 24 Steed, I. J., 35 Steed, Ruth, 35 Steger, Adam, 18, 48 Steinberg, Harry, 33, 36, 38, 107 Steinberg, J., 21, 25, 32, 102, 110 Steinberg, Jake, 80, 86, 112 Steinberg, Jos., 63 Steinberg, Joseph, 60 Steinberg, Joseph, Mrs., 59 Steinberg, Minnie, died, 60 Steinberg, Mrs., 63 Steinberg, Nat., 7, 39, 41, 51, 80, 86, 101 Steinberg, S. S., 103 Steinberg, Simon, 41, 57, 86, 101 Steinberg, Sol, 38 Steinberg, Sol. S., 107 Steinberg's, 88 Steinberg's store, 86 Stephens, Ark., reverend, 48 Stephens, C., 64 Stephens, E. G., Mme., 101 Stephens, E. G., Mrs., 74 Stephens, Ed, 21, 74 Stephens, Ed G., 93 Stephens, Edgar, 63, 101 Stephens, Edgar G., 49 Stephens, Edgar, Mrs., 74, 110 Stephens, James, 109 Stephens, James R., 106 Stephens, Jas. R., Mme., 113 Stephens, Jim, 15 Stephens, Leslie, 31 Stephens, Mabel, 113 Stephens, Maggie, 113 Stephens, Mme., 15, 63 Stephens, Wm., 14, 29, 39, 41, 91, 101, 109, 113 Stephens, Wm., Mrs., 29, 105 Stepp, Geo., 90, 92 Stepp, George, 46 Stevens, Edgar, Mme., 49 Stevens, Roy, 51 Stock Grower's Assn., 12 Stokes, Loyd, 60, 92 Stokes, Tressie, 69, 92 Stone, Adner, 20 Stone, Ellen L., 110 Stone, Fred, Mrs., 31 Stone, J. M., 48 Stone, Jack, 110 Stone, Vatra, 20 Store, Black Lbr. Co., 16 Store, Brown's drug, 39 Store, Bynn Yann, 100 Store, Graber's, 13, 33, 72, 112 Store, Johnson, Jas. & Son, 9 Store, Lasater Grocery & Variety Store, 38 Store, millinery, 11 Store, Oliver & Co., 77 Store, Oliver's, 7, 9, 20 Store, Olivers & Co.'s, 72 Store, Pitzele, 7, 11, 17, 19, 20, 22, 33, 73, 104, 110, 115 Store, Rhea's, 20 Store, Staley Drug, 10, 21, 40 Store, Steinberg's, 9 Store, Toalson's, 17 Store, Webber's drug, 39 Story, Anna, 70 Story, Ava, 64, 88, 90 Story, Bob, 104 Story, Eva, 93 Story, Gib, 83, 88 Story, Ran, 104 Story, Ron, 99 Stout, Curtis, Mrs., 35 Strayborn, Mrs., died, 78 Strong, A., 25 Stubblefied, A. H., 51 Stubblefield & Son, 28 Stubblefield, A. H., 92 Stubblefield, J. W., 29, 51, 85 Stuck, E. C., 36 Stultz, Edgar, 14 Sturgis, Samuel D., 70 Success, Ark., barber, 8 Success, Ark., basket ball champ, 18 Success, Ark., boy killed, 8 Success, Ark., burglar, 51 Success, Ark., constable, 51 Success, Ark., doctor, 49 Success, Ark., literary teacher, 51 Success, Ark., music teacher, 51 Success, Ark., new bank, 28 Success, Ark., shooting, 97 Success, Ark., teacher, 77, 83 Success, Bank of, 73 Success, State Bank of, 85 Sullins, Birdie, 22, 39, 74, 95, 97 Sullins, Birdie W., 54, 74 Sullins, Esq., 50, 51, 53, 86, 108 Sullins, Otto, 13, 14, 18, 28, 30, 61, 95, 109, 110 Sullins, Otto, Mrs., 101, 102 Sullivan, Belle, 48 Sullivan, J. L., 88 Summers, J. A., 42 Sursa, J. J., 14 Sursa, Mme., 72 Sursa, Mr., 107 Sursa, W. E., 14, 22, 24, 38, 91 Sursa, W. E., Mme., 62 Sursa, W. E., Mrs., 66 Sutfin, A. M., 111 Sutherland, Samuel, 86 Sutton, B. F., 10, 48, 64, 72 Sutton, Effie, 87 Sutton, Gladys, 48 Sutton, Mildred, 48 Swine Growers' Assn., 12 Sylvester, George, 67 T Talkington, Clarence, 93 Talkington, Herschel, 32, 90 Talkington, John, 71 Talkington, S., 32, 74, 92 Talkington, Sherman, 57, 111 Talkington, Sherman's child, 71 Tanner, Allan A., 104 Taylor, A. W., 109 Taylor, Beloit, 37, 47, 77, 115 Taylor, Ben, 54 Taylor, Edgar, 54 Taylor, Elline, 114 Taylor, Elsie, 56 Taylor, F. G., 16, 22, 85, 115 Taylor, F. K., Mrs., 76 Taylor, Frank, 97 Taylor, Irene, 80, 111 Taylor, J. L., 10, 14, 48, 54, 56, 60, 73, 79, 85, 89, 91, 95, 112 Taylor, J. L., Mme., 62 Taylor, J. Murray, 16, 90 Taylor, Jerry, 33, 82 Taylor, Jerry L., 74, 92 Taylor, Jerry, Mrs., 110 Taylor, John, 36 Taylor, judge, 14, 24, 57 Taylor, Judge, 16, 37, 38, 77, 92, 102, 104, 115 Taylor, Keyes, Mrs., 21 Taylor, Lillian, 55, 112 Taylor, Miss, 52 Taylor, Ralph, 105 Taylor, Robt. L., 92 Taylor, Wm., 97 Teacher, Corning, 33 Teacher, Corning, Ark., 10, 16 Teacher, Pocahontas, Ark., 34 Teacher, Port Arthur, Tex., 34 Teacher, Thayer, Mo., 40 Teacher, Walnut Grove, 18 Teacher's institute, 37 Teachers, Clay Co., Ark., 40 Teenor, Van, 114 Terry, Ed, Mrs., 17 Terry, Estella, died, 115 Terry, John, 31, 32, 54, 60, 67, 71 Terry, John Riley, 54 Terry, John, Mrs., 57 Tesch, Carl, 19, 62, 67, 69 Teters, Annie, 65 Teters, Bishop, 16, 35, 38, 66, 69, 78, 97, 103 Teters, Clara, 85 Teters, Elsie, 32, 38, 57, 63, 80, 85, 114 Teters, W. B., 11, 18, 60, 78, 87, 111 Teters, W. B., Mme., 62 Teters, W. B., Mrs., 61 Teters, Will, 80 Teters, Will, Jr., 47 Tharp, Glen, 49 Tharp, J. W., Mrs., died, 94 Tharp, J., Mrs., died, 92 Tharp, James, Mrs., 47 Tharp, John, 109 Theater, Empire, 66 Theater, Franklin, 44 Theater, Starlight, 12, 26, 34, 45, 54, 62, 69, 113 Thiel, Fanita, 44 Thiel, George, 72 Thiel, L. A., 26, 28, 49, 65, 72, 112 Thiel, L. A., Mrs., 65 Thiel, Mr. & Mrs., 30 Thiel's Market, 32, 84 Thomas & Reed, Contractors, 89 Thomas, C. L., Mrs., 82 Thomas, D. N., 22, 44, 62, 81, 85, 95, 96, 100, 103, 107 Thomas, D. N., Mrs., 72, 112 Thomas, Gracie, 20 Thomas, Lola, 20 Thomas, Mary, 11, 35, 39, 45, 47, 48, 53, 55, 57, 62, 74, 80, 86, 93, 95, 99, 104, 113 Thomas, Miss, 15 Thomas' Stock Remedy, 14 Thomason, George, 76 Thompson, H. E., 25 Thompson, Horace, 37, 46, 68, 69, 70, 96 Thompson, Theodore, died, 110 Thompson, Wm., 74 Thorn, H. B., 90 Thornburg, Geo., 30 Thorniley, H. D., 47, 50 Thorniley, H., Mme., 48 Thorniley, Harry D., Mrs., 41 Thorniley, Harry, Mrs., 104 Thorniley, Henry, 42 Thorniley, Mary, 49, 50, 107 Thorniley, Mme., 42, 48 Thorniley, Mrs., 107 Throne, H. L., 25 Thurman, Mr., 10 Tillman, John N., 17 Timmerman, J. H., 18 Tinsley property, 74 Tinsley, Dorsey, 54 Tinsley, J. W., 111 Tipton, Howard, 96 Tipton, Ilert, 96 Tipton, J. T., 42 Tipton, John, 96 Tipton, R. R., 26, 67, 105 Tipton, R. R., Mrs., 30, 50 Tipton, Reuben, Mme., 30 Tipton, Reuben, Mrs., 30 Tipton, Tillman, 96 Tisdale, Ethel, 46 Tisdial, Clarence, 36 Tisdial, Dan, Mrs., 33 Tisdial, F. M., 36 Tisdial, F. M. (Bud), 32 Toalson, Carl, 18, 35, 69, 80, 84, 99 Toalson, Harden, Mrs., 31 Toalson, Mr. & Mrs., 42 Toalson, Mrs., 55 Toalson, Nellena, 84, 85 Toalson, T., 12, 31, 60, 110 Toalson, T., Mrs., 34, 35 Toler, Clarence G., Mrs., 81 Toler, Grace, 44, 50 Toler, P. E., 14, 24, 29, 37, 58, 85, 92, 109 Torbet, E. K., 66 Towery, Mark, 58 Townsend, Bennie, 86 Townsend, N. L., 15, 61 Townsend, Noah, 68 Townsend, Sarah Maye, 70 Tractor, Fordson, 48 Traffic Truck Co., 59 Train, Frisco, 41, 66 Trantham, W. A., 23, 38, 62 Traub, Peter E., 42 Trieber, H. M., 12 True, Florence, 64 Trust Co., St. Louis Union, 60 Tubbs, Jewell, 32 Tucker, A. J., 111 Tucker, F. W., 70 Tull, J. H., 25 Tumker, Ruby, 30 Tunker, Ruby, 30 Turner, J. M., 56 Turner, T. J., 48 Turner, W. B., 110 Tussey, W. S., 98, 114 Tyler, Fred, 22 Tyler, George, 17 Tyler, H. E., 106 Tyler, Leo's son, died, 77 Tyler, Lucretia, 106 U Ulrich, Weed, 56 Umsted, G. B., 102 Underwood, Amanda, 47 University of Arkansas, 55, 67, 75, 90, 101 University of Missouri at Columbia, 51 University, Baylor, 99 University, George Washington, 77 University, Missouri, 78 Uppermeyer, Mr., 33 V Vail Cooperage Co., 79 Van Lear, John, 10 Vandover building, 89 Vandover, E., 27, 48, 77, 84, 91, 92 Vandover, E., Mme., 39, 42, 45, 62 Vandover, E., Mrs., 74, 111 Vandover, Ewell, 14, 22, 113 Vandover, Ewell, Mme., 72 Vandover, Ewell, Mrs., 25 Vandover, Harry, 50, 55, 80, 84, 86, 93, 112 Vandover, Mmes., 103 Vandover, W. A., 72, 91 Vandover, W. A., Mrs., 105, 114 Vanwinkle, Willie, 62 Vaughn, Minnie, 32 Vaught, Chapman, 15 Vaught, W. A., 22 Vaught, Walter, 15 Verdier, A. K., 16, 36, 42, 77, 92 Verdier, Bing, 68 Verdier, Knox, 57 Verdier, merchant, 26 Verdier, Richard, 20 Vernon, Sterling, 84 Vickery, Mrs., 35 Vickrey, D. W., Mrs., 17 Victory Liberty Loan, 20 Victory Loan Campaign, 19, 21 Victory loan drive, 21 Victory Loan drive, 31 Victory Loan Parade, 19 Villa, pilot for, 67 Vincennes Bridge Co., 13, 15 Vines, C. M., 111 Vines, Geo., 100 Vines, Mrs., 23 Vinters, H. V., 107 Vogan, Ray, 18, 82 Vogan, Ray, Mrs., 86 W Waddle M. V. B., 14 Wahl, Miss, 21 Walk, Jos., 36 Walk, Roy, 58 Walker, E. L., 111 Walker, F. L., 74 Walker, Francis, 86 Walker, J. F., 85 Walker, John M., 29 Walker, Mrs., 63 Walker, W. K., 86 Walker, Wm., 71 Wall, W. B., 21 Wallace, Lee, 90 Walley, John, 106 Walley, Trellah, 106 Walls, Lillie Mae, 99 Walls, S., 54 Walls, V. S., 51 Walnut Ridge, Ark., shooting, 10 Walsh, Murtha M., 95 Waltman, Eld., 75, 77, 81, 84, 93, 108, 113 Waltman, Pastor, 112 Ward, Allison, died, 78 Ward, Charles, 49, 103, 112 Ward, Chas., 30, 49, 69 Ward, E. G., 87, 89, 101 Ward, Jesse, 13 Ward, Mack, 10, 12, 45 Ward, Mrs., 100 Ward, Nell, 33, 80 Ward, Nelle, 39, 72, 92, 107, 108, 111, 115 Ward, Nellie, 15, 43, 44, 48, 50, 54, 56 Ward, Tom, 10, 14, 20, 49, 69 Ward, Unas, 11 Ward, W. M., 21, 22, 26, 29, 43, 62, 86, 94, 108 Ward, W. M., Mrs., 91 Ward, Will, 11 Ward, Wm. W., 54 Ward, Wm., died, 13 Warner, J. T., 66 Warren, Esq., 26, 111 Warren, T. S., 10, 48, 89, 105 Warrenton, Ark., soldier, 7 Wartman, J. H., Mrs., 7 Watson, Alta, 91 Watson, Bill, 91 Watson, Delia, 87, 91 Watson, Della, 75 Watson, Hope, 46 Watson, Inez, 53 Watson, Jessie, 91 Watson, Martha, 111 Watson, Mary Alice, died, 75 Watson, Mattie, 69 Watson, T. J., 13, 108 Watson, Vestal, 39 Watson, W. M., 91 Watson, Wm., 75 Webb, B. S., 29, 43, 57, 92, 111 Webb, Ben, 15, 25 Webb, Ben S., 87, 111 Webb, Billie, 49 Webb, Everett, 114 Webb, Everett, Mrs., 112 Webb, Henry, 108 Webb, Jewel, 50 Webb, Jewell, 7, 49, 74, 114 Webb, Mrs., 114 Webb, Robert L., 80 Webb, W. M., 13, 21, 22, 24, 80, 103, 107, 110 Webb, W. M., Mrs., 10, 43, 92, 94 Webb, Wm., 12 Webb, Wm. M., Mrs., 47 Webber, Dr., 63 Webber, Paul, 32 Webster, F. A., 14, 15, 73 Webster, Gus, 15 Webster, Mabel, 20, 104, 115 Webster, Milicent, 109 Webster, Winnie, 17, 21 Weddle, Noma, 84, 85 Weddle, Oral, 84 Weddle, T., 14, 92 Weddle, Tillman, 24, 84, 91 Weddle, Tillman's boy, 47 Weigel, Dave W., 42 Weinberg, Joe, 36 Weinberg, Mrs., 36, 44 Weis, Harry, 82 Welch ice cream parlor, 115 Welch, W. R., 11, 14, 15, 30, 32, 105 Welch, W. R., Mrs., 112 Welker, W. A., 84 Wells, Rupert, 24 Wells, U. S., 18 Wells, Van, 71 Wells, W. H., 12 Wells, Wayne, 95 West, A., 107 West, G. W., Mrs., 27 Westbrook, Estella, 79, 80 Westbrook, Estelle, 83 Westbrook, Mr., 83 Westbrook, Wilkin, 69, 83 Westbrook, Wilkins, 79 Western Veneer Products Co., 74, 111 Wetherford, Rufus, 106, 108 Wetherholt, Elmer, 66 Wetherholt, Keith, died, 66 Wetherholt, Sheldon, 114 Wetherholt, W., 66 Whaley, S. O., 70 Wheatley, Archer, 59, 84 Wheeler, G. B., Mrs., 91 Wheeler, Mme., 114 Whitaker, Chas., 54 Whitaker, Chas., Mme., 54 Whitaker, R., 29, 46, 56, 57, 85, 97 Whitaker, senator, 40 Whitaker, Senator, 15, 21, 54, 115 White Co., Ark., Education, board of, 102 White, E. B., 19 White, J. E., 42, 65, 67, 88, 100 White, Keith, 99 White, Marcella, 85 White, Marsella, 84 White, Rob, 88 White, Stith, 84 Whitenberg, Mr., 75 Whitley, Joseph, 20 Whitlock, R. S., 66 Whitner, Ark., resident has accident, 62 Whittaker, Senator, 48 Wholesale Grocery Co., 115 Wilder, Geo., Mrs., 107 Wilder, Mrs., 57 Wilder, Ralph's son, died, 97 Wilder, W., 88 Wiles, E. R., 39 Wiles, George, 55 Wilkerson, D. W., 67, 108 Wilkerson, Dan W., 20, 43 Wilkerson, Fred, 113 Willard-Dempsey prize fight, 37, 39 Willett, E. P., 74 Williams land, 100 Williams, Annie, 46 Williams, Ben, 20 Williams, C. C., Mrs., 70 Williams, Chris, 70, 88 Williams, Ed, 57 Williams, Ed, Mrs., 57 Williams, Flora, 40 Williams, Guy, 66 Williams, H. H., 114 Williams, Harry, 37, 64 Williams, Harvey, 88 Williams, Herbert, 74, 103 Williams, J. H., 22, 40 Williams, J. M., 67 Williams, J. W., 59 Williams, Jno. M., 81 Williams, John, 104 Williams, Johnnie, 59 Williams, L. M., 108 Williams, Leah, 34 Williams, Lillian E., 67 Williams, Miss, 51 Williams, Nora, 64, 70 Williams, Oma, 68 Williams, P. H., 81 Williams, T. M., 36 Williams, W., 43 Williams, W. A., 69 Williams, W. T., 83 Williamson, Homer, 112 Williamson, Irene, 49, 51 Willis, W., murdered, 61 Wilson, Ada, 62, 68, 87 Wilson, Arthur, 11, 87 Wilson, Clifford, 46, 57 Wilson, Clyde, 23, 57 Wilson, Clyde, Mrs., funeral, 26 Wilson, H. P., 27, 48, 62 Wilson, Hiram C., 12 Wilson, Jane, died, 11 Wilson, Lowell, 102 Wilson, Minnie, 68, 70, 87 Wilson, Mollie, died, 23 Wilson, Mr., 33 Wilson, T. A., 12 Wilson, Thomas, 19 Wilson, Thos., 68 Winchester, J. B., 41 Windsor, Ruth, 51 Winkleman, Ben, 33 Winston, S. P., 56 Winter, W. H., 48 Winters, Hensley, 109 Winters, Mabel, 109 Winters, Mme., 72 Winters, W. G., Mrs., 7 Winters, W. H., 32 Winters, W. H., Mrs., 41 Winters, Wm., 12 Wisdom, Wm., 21 Wise, W. R., 98 Wisner, John, 87 Witt, Emmett, 60 Witt, Helen, 60 Witt, Jesse Lee, 60 Wolf, John Q., 70 Wollbrinck, Messr., 49 Wood, Lon, 8 Woodall, Ark., news, 9, 37 Woodruff, Elmer, 59 Woods, Dan, 99 Woods, Lydia, 82 Woods, S. P. (Pete), 98 Woodward, Savoy, 33 World War, 103 Worthington, Rev., 73 Wortman, J. H., 93, 111 Wortman, J. H., Mme., 30 Wortmann, J. H., 109 Wright, Baker, 28 Wright, G. W., 40 Wright, George, 59 Wright, Hubert, 30, 102 Wright, J. M., 85 Wright, Ollie, 26 Wright, T. L., 85 Wright, Will, Mrs., 44 Wright, William M., 70 Wylie, Ella, 89 Wylie, Mr., died, 89 Wynn, J. T., died, 53 Wynn, Mme., 42, 45 Wynn, T. W., 14, 21, 22, 24, 35, 43, 44, 46, 48, 69, 77, 78, 79, 80, 88 Wynn, T. W., Mme., 62 Wynn, T. W., Mrs., 46, 56, 72 Wynn, Thos. W., 29, 52 Wynne Building and Loan Assn., 109 Wyse, W. R., 29, 106 Wyse, W. R., Mrs., 25 Y Y. M. C. A., 7, 20, 38 Yarbrough, Earl, 60 Yarbrough, Wm., Mrs., 67 Yarnell, J. P., 102 Yates, Bunk, 56, 71 Yates, Claude, 56 Yates, Edna, 87 Yates, Erline, killed, 87 Yates, Herschel, 87 Yates, John, 87 Yates, W. F., 18 Yingling, C. E., 102 York, Gerald, 82 York, R. E., Mrs., 74 Young, J. W., 56 Young, Wm. R., 33 Z Zimmerman, George, 64 Zinc, Ark., girl kills snake, 10 Zinn, Fred, 17 Zuna, A., 36 Zuna, Alma, 53 Zuna, John, 26, 33, 46, 63, 65 Copyright (C) Cathy Barnes