Life & Times from the Clay County Courier Newspaper, 1921-1923, Published in Corning, Arkansas, L-Z *********************************************************** Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen Date: 25 May 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Following is the index to the book "Life and Times from The Clay County Courier Newspaper, 1921-1923, Published in Corning, Arkansas," by Cathy Barnes, ISBN 1-56546-207-6, softbound, 184 pages, price: 26.00 plus shipping. Published by Arkansas Research, Inc., PO Box 303, Conway, AR 72033, 501/470-1120 voice and fax. The book itself contains detailed transcriptions of all the articles of interest to genealogists from all extant microfilmed issues of the newspaper. L Lacy, Mr., 80 Lady, H. E., 34 Lafferty, J. D., 47 Lafferty, Milton, 69 Lafferty, Van, 116, 137 Lafferty, W. S., 69 Lake Village, Ark., fire, 121 Lamb, Callie Agnes, 12 Lamb, Charles, 121 Lamb, Ethel, 143 Lamb, W. A., 15 Lambert, Nancy C., 143 Lambert, Vina, 60 Lancaster, C. E., 22 Lancaster, Robt., 122, 141 Land & Timber Co., White River, 25 Land Co., Great Western, 101 Land, Lumber & Handle Co., Ferguson & Wheeler, 89 Landers, Homer, 92 Landers, Iola, 143 Landis, Emma, 77 Landis, S. H., Mrs., 12 Landon, H. L., 45 Landreth's mill, 132 Landsdale, Earl, 112 Lane, Harley, 81 Lane, Joe, 140 Lane, Joe's son, 73 Lane, Kathryn, 101, 106 Lane, Ray C., 99 Laney, Ben T., 85 Langdon, Carl, 10, 63 Langdon, Mildred, 90 Lansdale, Clay, 112, 127 Lansdale, Mr., 17 Lansden, H. B., 142 Larkin, Claude A., 36 Larkin, Homer, 65 Larkin, Laythe Vennetti, 36 Larkin, Mrs., 34 Larkin, Opal, 65 Larkin, Porter, 36, 65 Larkins, Claude, 115 Larkins, Homer, 115 Larkins, Opal, 55 Larkins, Porter, Mrs., 115 Larue, Sam's baby, died, 116 Larue, Samuel, died, 102 LaSalle, Dr., 24 LaSarge, Arthur, 24 Lasater, Camille, 9, 10, 43, 47, 52, 63, 147 Lasater, Clyde, 110 Lasater, Clyde, Mrs., 10, 47, 63, 105, 147 Lasater, H. W., 11, 43, 59, 64, 78, 146 Lasater, Harry, 79 Lasater, Harry W., 15, 30 Lasater, J. M., 95 Lasater, James, 11, 40, 77, 82, 96 Lasater, James M., 104, 146 Lasater, Jas., 35 Lasater's Store, 15 Lashlee, Gura, Mme., 102 Latham, L. G., 46 Latham, L. G., Mrs., 13, 68 Latimer, Dr., 10, 19, 57, 75, 116, 144 Latimer, E. O., 95 Latimer, Earl, 12, 13, 20, 35, 57, 59, 96, 138 Latimer, F. N., 95, 131 Latimer, Farris, 14, 35, 96, 101, 120, 133, 138, 140 Latimer, Farris N., 102 Latimer, Helen, 62 Latimer, Mrs., 12, 62, 93 Latimer, N. J., Mrs., 85, 113 Latner, Calvin, died, 141 Latner, Jess, 141 Latta, T. F., 43 Latter Day Saints, 90 Lauderdale, J. J., 37 Laughlin, Albert, deceased, 21 Laughlin, John, 103 Laughlin, L., 21 Laughlin, Lela, 142 Laughlin, Lemuel, died, 95 Laughlin, Percola, 95 Laughlin, Porcola, 95 Laustedt, Ida, 51 Lawrence Co. Normal, 69 Lawrence Co., Ark., anthrax, 17 Lawson, Everett, 36, 37, 42 Lawson, Lou, 110, 115 Lawver, A. J., 77 Layes, John, 33 Lazalier, John, 108 Lazarus, Harold, 12 Leach, Carrie, 61 Leach, Johnny, 61 Leach, Lizzie, 61 Leach, Luke L., killed, 83 Leach, Sam M., 83 Leachville, Ark., cotton gin, 126 Lead Hill, Ark., musical prodigy, 23 League, Anti-Saloon, 81 Leatherwood, Gus, killed, 85 LeCost, Erma, 146 Ledbetter, Arthur, 125 Lee, Albert, 46 Lee, Ed, Mrs., 17 Lee, Eva, 96 Lee, Herbert, 65, 106, 111, 126 Lee, J. C., 7 Lee, S. O., 70, 119 Lee, W. L., died, 100 Leflore, T. C., 40 Legate, B. A., 70 Legate, Charles, 94 Legate, Harlie, 28 Leigh, Mrs., 130 Lemar, Nick, 139 Lemghan, George F., died, 139 Lemming, L. R., 18 Lemmons, N. S., 103 Lenon, Winnie, Mrs., 116 Lentz, F. P., 113 Leonard, Bob, 145 Leonard, John, 56 Leonard, Myrtle, 39, 40 Leonard, Tom, 40 Leonard, W., 107 Leonard, Will, 40, 61 Leonard, Will, Mrs., 52 Leonard's store, 111 Leslie, Ark., teacher, 37, 67 Letbetter & Bollenbacher, 129 Letbetter, Alma, 12, 43, 52 Letbetter, Charles W., 54 Letbetter, Gertrude, 54 Letbetter, W. M., 9, 44, 46, 47, 50, 60, 62, 78, 94, 121, 140 Letbetter, W. S., died, 54 Letbetter, William M., 54 Letbetter's Garage, 89 Lettbetter's garage, 119 Lewis Furniture Co., 30 Lewis, B. F., 9, 104 Lewis, Bluford, 20 Lewis, C. H., 62, 108 Lewis, C. H., Mrs., 62 Lewis, Charles, Jr., 62 Lewis, Chas. H., 9, 36, 144 Lewis, E. G., 17 Lewis, Elizabeth, 52, 61 Lewis, George, 30 Lewis, J. C., 67, 140 Lewis, J. T., 12, 98 Lewis, James V., 10 Lewis, James V., Jr., 10 Lewis, Obe, 94 Lewis, Orville, 146 Lewis, R. L., 146 Lewis, Spencer, 26 Lewis, Stephen, 104 Lewis, Vivian, 98, 132 Liddell, Robert, 8 Lieb, O. M., 19 Liles, J. C., 73 Lilly, E. F., 97 Lilly, Emma, 97 Lilly, J. B., 108 Lilly, John, 36, 111, 119 Lilly's store, 111 Lincoln, Dave, Mme., 104 Lincoln, Ina, 57, 107 Lincoln, Iva, 24 Lincoln, Matie, 57 Lincoln, Notra, 24 Lindsay, I. M., 125 Lindsay, Loraine, 138 Lindsey, Bobbie, 86 Lindsey, C. E., 9, 36, 102, 113 Lindsey, C. E., Mrs., 60 Lindsey, C. L., 44 Lindsey, Clarence E., 132 Lindsey, Dolphia, 101 Lindsey, E. M., 70 Lindsey, Ethel, 20 Lindsey, grocer, 123 Lindsey, Hale, 132 Lindsey, Hale T., 125 Lindsey, I. M., 22 Lindsey, Ida, 47 Lindsey, Isaac M., died, 132 Lindsey, John J., 112, 132 Lindsey, Jordan, 43, 52 Lindsey, Loraine, 12, 29, 43, 52, 59, 126, 135, 140 Lindsey, Mary, 79 Lindsey, Mona, 41, 77, 112 Lindsey, Paul, 12, 22, 55, 115, 131 Lindsey, S. P., 7, 9, 11, 15, 29, 33, 67, 80, 81, 110, 115, 128 Lindsey, S. P., Jr., 125 Lindsey, S. P., Mrs., 21, 86, 91, 98, 100, 135, 148 Lindsey, S., Mrs., 91 Lindsey, Sterling P., 132 Lindsey, William, 132 Lindsey, Wm. A., 22 Linebarger Bros., 27 Lipsey, Claud, killed, 124 List & Gifford, 124 List & Weatherly Construction, 85 Little Rock, Ark., 4 Little, Edith, died, 105 Little, J. E., 84 Little, Neil, 85 Little, Thomas B., 105 Littlefield, G. H., 98 Littlefield, Geo. H., 82, 140 Littlefield, Geo. H., Mrs., 19 Littlefield, John, 93 Littlefield, Marie, 19 Littlefield, Mary, 43 Littlefield, Mrs., 82 Littlefield, pioneer resident, died, 140 Littrell, Clarence, 107 Littrell, John, 107 Livengood, F., 62 Livingston, O. L., 70 Livingston, Ruby, 72 Lloyd, Ellen Lodema, 139 Lloyd, Elmer J., 138 Lloyd, Inez, 139 Lloyd, Mary Glenn, 43, 103 Lloyd, Scott, Mrs., 49 Loale, Mark's daughter, 40 Loate, Mark's daughter, 40 Local Items, 9, 13, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 68, 70, 71, 92, 126 Local News, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 31, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 124, 128, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148 Locie, Courtney, 10 Lockesburg, Ark., teachers, 34 Lodge, Elks, 16 Lodge, I. O. O. F., 50, 70, 111 Lodge, I. O. O. F., Corning, 40 Lodge, K. of P., Corning, 40 Lodge, Knights of Pythias, 69 Lodge, Knobel Masonic, 39, 78 Lodge, Masonic, Corning, 46 Lodge, Modern Woodmen, 8, 38 Lodge, Nebo, 11 Lodge, Odd Fellows, 110 Lodge, Orient, Corning, 40 Lodge, United Farmers of America, 32 Lodge, W. O. W., Corning, 59 Logan, Thomas H., killed, 93 Logue, Mose, 81 Lokesburg, Ark., church, 25 Long, B., 90 Long, B. A., 98 Long, D. D., 141 Long, Everett, 51 Long, Lige, 139 Long, Mrs., 8 Looney, Lola, 117 Looney, M. A., 23 Loop, E. J., 84 Love, L. E., Mme., 40 Loving, Arthur, 87 Lowe, William, 102, 127 Lowery, J. P., 23 Lowery, J. R., 70 Lowman, J. W., 27 Lowrey, Charles, 25 Lowry, Robt., 119 Loyd, R. G., 123 Loyd, Rufus, 123 Lucas, Eric, 34 Lucas, F., Mrs., 46 Lucas, Mrs., died, 65 Luck, A. A., 26 Lucke, R. C., Mrs., 147 Lucy, Howard, 142 Lummis, I. L., 34 Lumpkin, James, 133 Lumpkin, James, Mrs., 79 Lumpkins, John, 61 Lunsford, Geo., 114 Lunsford, Ham, 114 Lunsford, Lena, 19 Luter, Elmer, 127 Lynch, Gus, 70, 138 Lynch, Gus L., died, 138 Lynch, John, 85 Lyons, Mattie, 93 M Maberry, Luther, 8, 119, 146 Mabrey & Smiley, 48 Mabrey, Bernie, 125 Mabrey, Blanche, 125 Mabrey, Ray, 125 Mabrey, Ruth, 125 Mabrey, Wm., 125 Mabry, C. P., 85, 114, 130 Mabry, C. P., Mrs., 63, 64, 65, 85 Mabry, Carl, 64, 130 Mabry, Carl, Mrs., 61, 64 Mabry, Fred, 65, 85 Mabry, Paul, 21 Mabry, R. S., 51, 60, 94, 130 Mabry, Robt., 40 Mabry, Robt., Mrs., 63 MacComas, Sam, 113 Mack, Mr., 67 Mack, Mrs., 29, 56 Madden, Gussie Viola, 76 Maddox, Bonnie, 107 Maddox, Eld., 140 Maddox, Elder, 109 Maddox, Everett, 21 Maddox, Mr., 21 Maddox, Odell, 107 Maddox, R. H., 147 Maddox, R. O., 140 Maddox, Rev., 146 Maddox, W. J., 103 Maddox, W. R., 65 Maddux, A., 51, 136 Maddux, Alfred, 28, 103, 119, 120, 122 Maddux, Corning School Supt., 118 Maddux, Dora F., 76 Maddux, Supt., 41 Madison, Earle, 51 Madkins, Luther, Mrs., 140 Magazine, Ark., merchant, 99 Magee, Franklin, 94, 101 Magee, Hal, 90 Magee, J. H., 33, 67, 117, 119, 124, 144, 149 Magee, Jno. H., 62 Magee, Jno. H., Mrs., 58, 77, 116 Magee, John Allen, 117 Magee, John H., 55 Magee, Mark, Mrs., 53 Magee, Mrs., 117 Magee, Opal, 55, 58, 65, 94, 101, 106, 111, 126 Magee, W. W., 8 Magee's mercantile, 123 Magnolia, Ark., agricultural school, 30 Magnolia, Ark., cafe, 25 Magnolia, Ark., teachers, 23 Mahan, Edna, 38 Mahon, Dorothy, 14 Mail Carriers, 105 Makin, Mrs., 10 Malher, Louie, 128 Malone, Elizabeth, 34 Mammoth Spring, Ark., election, 113 Mandrell, L. F., 39 Mandrell, Levi, 10 Maness, P. H., 13 Mann, L. E., 146 Mann, W. T., 61, 70, 140 Manor, M., Mrs., 13 Manson, Ark., fire, 128 Maples, Calvin, 70 Maples, Lola, 56 Maples, Sheriff, 139 Maples, W. L., 70 Maples, Wilbur, 77 Marable, Claude, 113 Marcom, James, 69 Marcum, William, 48 Mariman, M. Q., 23 Mariman, Shirley, 23 Marine, Eld., 103 Marine, O. J., 52, 60, 65, 75, 87, 99, 110 Marine, O. J.'s daughter, died, 62 Marine, O. J.'s daughter, 84 Marine, Oliver, 47 Marine, Oliver J., 117 Marine, Oliver J.'s daughter, 16 Marked Tree, Ark., 60-gallon still, 129 Marriages, Corning, Ark., 60, 62, 67, 76, 78, 93, 99, 100, 107 Marshall Well, No. 1, 33 Marshall, Evelyn, 135 Marshall, George P., 29 Marshall, S. L., Mrs., 140 Marsilliot, Miss, 30 Martin heirs, 70 Martin, Anna, 44, 68 Martin, D. M., 70 Martin, Edith, 42, 44 Martin, Ivie Myrtle, 60 Martin, L. R., 15 Martin, L. R., Mrs., 44 Martin, Lila, 15 Martin, Mary, 143 Martin, Mattie, died, 101 Martin, Pat, 17, 28 Martin, Robert, 101 Martin, Verda, 23, 125 Mashaw, J. A., Mrs., 38 Mashburn, Lillie, 68 Mason, Hallie, 51, 59, 60, 66, 85, 103, 130 Mason, L. E., 114 Mason, Lorena, 78 Mason, Mrs., 77 Mason, Ollie, 108, 109 Mason, Ollie, Mrs., 78, 108, 112 Masons, Royal Arch, 47 Masters, F. M., 91 Masterson, Bernice, 37 Masterson, Frank, 18 Masterson, Frank, Mrs., 91 Masterson, Gordon, 140 Masterson, Homer, 134 Masterson, J. H., 9, 70, 124, 149 Masterson, Jno. H., Mrs., 134 Masterson, R. F., 37, 124, 135, 149 Masterson, Ruby, 134 Masterson, William Gordon, 121 Matheney, Deputy Sheriff, 90 Matheney, Ora, 126 Matheney, Ora Lee, 58 Matheney, Oralee, 54 Matheny, Daisie, 135 Matheny, Deputy Sheriff, 36 Matheny, E. C., 89, 102 Matheny, Jailer, 33 Matheny, Oralee, 10 Matheny, Rex, 58 Mathes, E. P., 125 Mathes, Paul, 102 Mathewson, Hugh, 143 Matthews, J. T., 113 Matthews, Lena, 11, 36 Matthews, man, 113 Matthews, S. E., 47 Mattox, Thos., 134 Mauk, J. J., 78 Maulden, Edah H., 34 Maxwell, F. L., 74 Maxwell, Thomas J., 20 Mayberry, Luther, 26 Mayes, Ben F., 32 Mayes, Jack, 145 Maynard Baptist Academy, 135 Maynard, Ark., Ouachita Academy, 61 Maynard, Ark., teacher, 29 Maynor, M. E., 14 Mays, Mattie, 133 Mays, William, 133 McAlister, Herbert L., 15 McAlister, Oscar, 110, 111 McAllister, Lula, 34 McAnney, Mr. & Mrs., 61 McArmick, Chas., 111 McArmick, Lorena, 114, 134 McAuley, E. M., 40 McBride, Elder, 16 McBride, Roland, 96 McBride, W. Harry, 63 McBride, W. Harry, Mrs., 77 McBryde, Ed, 26 McCabe, John, 119, 134 McCall, F. O., Mrs., 25 McCall, F. R., 22, 70 McCall, Frank, 20, 31 McCall, Frank R., 71 McCall, M. L., 25, 129 McCall, Mathew, 67 McCall, Matthew, 141 McCalla, John A.'s son, 17 McCallister, Oscar, 119 McCann, Frank, 61 McCarren, P. P., 70 McCarter, Gladys, 122 McCaskey, Charles, 128 McCaskey, Junior, 128 McCauley, John, 134 McCauley, L. L., 96, 102, 137 McCauley, W. C., 134 McCauley, Willia, 135 McClain, Grace, 38 McClain, J. A., Mrs., 91 McClain, J. W., 115 McClain, Mr., 116 McCleese, William, 67 McClenney, J. W., 17 McClintock, A. J., 106 McClintock, Aubrey, 106, 107 McClintock, Jewell, 107 McClung, Will, Mrs., 39 McClure, A. M., Mrs., 36 McCollum cottage, 140 McCollum, E. J., 70, 135 McCollum, Earl, died, 103 McCollum, Ethel, 79 McCollum, Fern, 136 McCollum, George, 103 McCollum, Goldsmith, 23, 103 McCollum, Henry, Jr., 56 McCollum, J. W., 30 McCollum, Lola Pearl, 100 McCollum, Lula, 94 McCollum, Mrs., 68 McCollum, N. K., 13, 56, 58, 74 McCollum, N. K., Mrs., 29, 46, 59, 64, 74, 81, 89, 115, 123 McCollum, Nathaniel K., 103 McCollum, Vivian, 58, 65 McCollum, Walter, 135 McCollum, Walter, Mrs., 147, 148 McCollum, Willis, 103 McConnell, Frank, 45, 140 McConnell, Hugh, 79 McConnell, Joy, 84, 103 McConnell, Laura, 80 McConnell, Pat, drowned, 79 McConnell, W. F., 94 McCook, A. H., 50 McCook, D. H., 50 McCord, C., 110 McCord, C. E., 62 McCord, Calvin, 119, 146 McCord, Earl, 67, 124, 146 McCord, M. L., 36, 111 McCord, M. L., Mrs., 45 McCord, Sally, 45 McCormack, Leo., 20 McCormick, Bland, died, 76 McCormick, Millie, 115 McCoy, Arthur Richard, died, 48 McCoy, J. Carl, 30 McCoy, J. R., 70 McCoy, Lois, 103 McCoy, Lucene, Mrs., 91 McCoy, R. B., 48 McCoy, S. W., 103 McCoy, Stella M., 65 McCoy, Stella May, 103 McCracken, Hazel, 11 McCracken, Joe, 94, 119 McCracken, Jos., 33 McCracken, W. R., 9, 11, 94 McCrary, J. M., 11 McDaniel, H., 125 McDaniel, Inez, 76 McDaniels, Hoyt, died, 72 McDaniels, O. S., 72 McDonald, Frank, Mrs., 40 McDonald, Fred, 113 McDonald, Omer, 29 McDonald, Toney, 48 McDougal News, 129 McDougal, City Marshal, 141 McDowell, T. J., 126 McDowell, Thos. J., Mrs., 25 McDuffie, W. N., 81 McDuffie, Willie Frances, died, 81 McElrath, Myrtle, 93 McElroy, Edna, 91 McElroy, H. Clay, 91 McElroy, J. C., 113 McElvain, W. M., 9 McFarland, John, murdered, 97 McGaughey, John, 140 McGehee, Ark., fire, 99 McGrew, R. L., 62, 108 McGuire, Barbara Jean, 67 McGuire, Dorothy, 67 McGuire, Dr., 8 McGuire, Glenna, 23 McGuire, H. S., 67 McGuire, H. S.'s daughter, 7 McGuire, J. E., 86 McGuire, Mildred, 67 McGuire, Mrs., 67 McGuire, Opal, 63 McGuire, T. C., 9, 62, 67 McGuire, Thos., 119 McGuire, Tom, 23 McGuire's store, 59 McIlroy, Edna Jean, 83 McIlroy, H. Clary, killed, 83 McKamey, Anna, 13 McKee, Estelle, 124 McKee, Russell, died, 123 McKeen, H. R., 13 McKeen, Muriel, 13 McKellar, Peter, died, 84 McKelvey, Alonzo, 24 McKinney, A. B., Mrs., 88 McKinney, E. J., 53 McKinney, E. J. A., 56 McKinney, Frank G., 122 McKinney, W. M., Mrs., 71 McKinsey, Raymond, 76 McLaughlin, G. H., 18 McLeon, W. E., 69 McMahan, Helen, 112 McMeen, C. A., 68 McMeen, Julia, 68 McMullen, H. L., 132 McNabb, Lester, 9 McNabb, M., Mrs., 35 McNiel, George, 65 McNiel, George A., 65 McNiel, J. N., 63 McPeek, C. E., 8 McPherson, Ethel, 106, 111, 126 McPhetridge, Pole, 18 McRae Fruit & Truck Growers' Assn., 73 McRae, Gov., 17, 19, 80, 83, 142 Meade & Wallace, 27 Meade, U. L., 27 Meadow, W. S., 16 Meeks, Ed., 93 Meeks, John W., 118 Melton, Fred, 71 Mercantile, Famous, 77 Meredith, W. H., 121 Meriwether, Ira, 96 Merrill, Henry, 56 Metcalf, J. M., 113 Methodist Church, 31 Metz, J. O., 113 Meyers, John L., died, 91 Michles, Earl, 119 Michles, George, 119 Mick, G. W., 112 Middleton, Jesse, 144 Military, Camp Pike, 14, 20, 23, 33 Mill, Quellmalz, 100 Mill, Singer, 96 Mill, Southern Cotton Oil, 83 Mill, Tison, 92 Mill, Wilson, 121 Millar, A. C., 72, 73 Miller, Ben, 28 Miller, Clyde, 84, 111 Miller, Edwin, died, 95 Miller, Frances, 39 Miller, Henry, 125 Miller, John, 127 Miller, Lee, 114 Miller, M. D., 94 Miller, Mrs., 57 Miller, Pearl, 52, 106, 120, 146 Miller, Ralph, 107, 110, 111, 112 Miller, Rowena, 125 Miller, Sam, 132 Miller, W. M., Mrs., 21 Milling Co., Standard Rice, 95 Mills, A. L., 99 Mills, Charles, 29, 34, 131 Mills, Charlie, 36 Mills, Gus, 17, 118 Mills, Raymond, Mrs., 88 Milton, Orkner, 72 Milwee, Stimson & Rumph, 30 Minner, Barbara, 93 Minturn, Henry, 29 Misho, J. E., 45 Missionary Circle, No. 3, 105 Mitchell, A. W., Mrs., 88 Mitchell, Andrew, 49 Mitchell, Gus, Mrs., 27 Mitchell, Mason E., 16 Mitchell, Minnie, 93 Mitchell, Owen C., 42 Mitchell, W. I., 30 Mittler, James, Mrs., 30 Moark News, 106, 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 134, 137 Moark, Ark., merchant, 58 Moark, Ark., pastor, 22 Mobley, Polk, 89 Mobley, Sheriff, 67 Mock, Eld., 79 Mock, G. M., 102 Mock, Rufus, 32 Mock, W. J., 117, 118, 132, 141 Mode & Clayton, 28 Mofield, Clyde, 23 Mofield, Herman, 36 Mofield, William, 65 Mofield, Wm., 46 Momsen, Momme O., 89 Monday, Hugh, killed, 148 Mondy, Ed., 127 Monette, Ark., postmaster, 48 Monroe, Robt., 33 Montgomery, James, 67 Montgomory, Rosie, 63 Montgomory, Thomas, 63 Moody, Edgar, 93 Moody, Ethel, 107 Moore, Arvis' child, 52 Moore, Atty., 24, 25, 27 Moore, Bertha, 29 Moore, Bessie, 117 Moore, Carlos, 128 Moore, Charles, 140 Moore, D. B., 26 Moore, Delmer, 75 Moore, E. B., 89 Moore, Ella, 53, 141 Moore, Ernest, 25 Moore, Eunice, 75 Moore, Frank, 107 Moore, Fredona, 146 Moore, George, 24 Moore, J. N., 37, 82, 86, 91, 110, 114, 148 Moore, J. N., Mrs., 35, 37, 59 Moore, Jack, 10, 27, 53, 126 Moore, Julian, 141 Moore, Laura, 120 Moore, Lawrence, 40 Moore, Lessie, 75 Moore, Louie, 136 Moore, M. M., 69 Moore, Milton, 75 Moore, Mrs., 27 Moore, Nannie, obituary, 75 Moore, Olaf, 91, 93 Moore, Rev., 143 Moore, Selma, 136 Moore, T. L., 55, 70, 85 Moore, Ulysses, 40 Moore, William, 75 Moore, William M., 75 Moore, Wm., 68 Moorhand, Loyd, 74 Moose, C. A., 77 Moose, Clifton, 68 Morgan, Docie, 141 Morgan, Edna, 141 Morgan, John, 119 Morgan, Nuel, 127 Morgan, Walter, 93 Morlison, Rosa, 28 Morrilton, Ark., Chamber of Commerce, 68 Morrilton, Ark., fire, warehouse, 16 Morrilton, Ark., peach seed, 32 Morrilton, Ark., streets, 13 Morrilton, Ark., U. D. C., 39 Morris, E. L., 70 Morris, Elias C., died, 84 Morris, F. D., 84 Morris, Jeff, 9, 140 Morris, Madge, 39 Morris, T. J., 78 Morris, Virgil, 21, 82, 140 Morris, W. V., 118 Morris, William, 15 Morris, William Franklin, 118 Morrison, Emma, 27 Morrison, W. R., 27 Morton, R. R., 113 Motsinger & Mills, 17 Motsinger, E. W., Mrs., 7 Motsinger, Geneva Ruth, 92 Motsinger, Karl, 98 Motsinger, Lillie, 143 Motsinger, Marie, 101, 106, 126 Motsinger, Melvin, 7, 17, 31, 92, 98 Motsinger, Melvin's 'coon dog, 47 Motsinger, Mrs., 77 Motsinger, Ola, 74, 85 Motsinger, Ola, Mrs., 79 Motsinger, R., 7, 103 Motsinger, Robert, 90, 94, 101 Motsinger, Robt., 77 Motsinger, W. L., 131 Mott, J. W., 8, 99 Mowels, Nolin, 111 Mowery, Carrie, 28, 58, 109, 136 Mowery, Ella, 32 Mowery, Mrs., died, 58 Mowls, Maudie, 118 Mowls, Nolen, 126 Mowls, Nolin, 106 Mowls, W. V., 118 Mowrey, Carrie, 103, 128 Moyer, Nellie, 75 Mulhollen, Edna, 23, 46 Mulhollen, Effie, 62 Mulhollen, L., 26, 29, 46, 87, 106 Mulhollen, Willie, 21, 23 Mulhollen's gate, 107 Mullencupp, Frances, 67 Mullencupp, John L., 60 Mullinix, F. C., 63 Mulloy, Attorney, 143 Murphy, John, Mrs., 25 Murphy, T. D., 38 Murphy, W. C., Mrs., 80 Murrell, George P., 27 Murrell, Oma, 106, 107 Murry, Delphia, 143 Murry, J. A., funeral, 105 Murry, J. A., 105 Murry, J. A., died, 104 Murry, J. A., Mrs., 107 Murry, May, 66 Murry, Milton, 104 Murry, Winnie, 137 Mushaw, J. W., 140 Myers, B. E., 108 Myers, Bert, 62 Myers, Charles, 106 Myers, Goldie, 139 Myers, Grover C., 26 Myers, J. A., 21 N Naler, J. H., 18 Nance, A. G., 59, 61, 73 Nance, Alma, 65, 92, 135 Nance, B. F., Sr., 10 Nance, Daisy, 11 Nance, H. M., 95 Nance, Harold, 12, 23, 68, 96, 97, 131, 138, 140 Nance, Lettie J., 75 Nance, Lottie, 12, 43, 52, 68, 97 Nance, Mabel, 12, 43, 52 Nance, O. A., 64 Nance, O. A., Mrs., 11 Nance, W. A., 16 Nash, F. W., Mrs., 144 Navy, Horton, 103 Naylor, Irene, 127 Nazarene Minister, 132 Neal, Gladys, 30 Neal, N. N., Mrs., 31 Neeley, Lon, 98 Neely, Ben, 22 Neely, F. C., 52 Neely, J. W., 99 Neely, Judge, 37 Neely, Rev., 110 Neely, Val, 19 Neelyville, Mo., mercantile, 105 Neighbors, Mary, 107 Neill, Mabel, 12, 43, 68, 95, 96, 118, 124, 138, 140 Neill, S. B., 45, 46, 86, 131 Neill, S. B., Mrs., 115, 139 Nelson, F. L., 144 Nelson, J. O., 140 Nelson, Peter, 78 Nemnich, H. J., 25 Nemnich, Joe, 106 Nemnich, Jos., 108 Nester, Evelyn, 12, 30, 43, 52, 81 Nester, Mrs., 71, 81, 113 Nettles, Veda, 107 New, Postmaster General, 145 Newark, Ark., fire, 33 Newberry, L. C., 21 Newburg, Ark., fire, 23 Newkirk, C. H., 8, 70, 133 Newkirk, Christine, 43, 52, 66, 72, 87, 103 Newkirk, Dr., 18, 66 Newkirk, Gerald, 52 Newport, Ark., assistant postmaster, 19 Newsom, E. Z., 23 Newsome, D. W., 113 Newspaper, Ark. Gazette, 55 Newspaper, Arkansas Gazette, 38, 41, 77, 87, 96, 127 Newspaper, Arkansas Methodist, 72, 73 Newspaper, Atkins Chronicle, 76 Newspaper, Banner, 8, 72 Newspaper, Blytheville Daily Courier, 108, 148 Newspaper, Boone County Headlight, 141 Newspaper, Bulletin, 84 Newspaper, Camden Evening News, 93 Newspaper, Commercial Appeal, 112 Newspaper, Conway Times, 20, 76 Newspaper, Courier, 10, 26, 39, 48, 49, 54, 64, 68, 72, 86, 93, 122, 123, 126, 136 Newspaper, Courier-Democrat, 72 Newspaper, Courier-Index, 72 Newspaper, Daily Press, 50 Newspaper, Daily Texarkanian, 122 Newspaper, Doniphan Prospect News, 75 Newspaper, Dunklin County News, 96 Newspaper, Four States Press, 138 Newspaper, Gazette, 72 Newspaper, Globe Democrat, 65 Newspaper, Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, 117 Newspaper, Herald, 27 Newspaper, Horatio Messenger, 13 Newspaper, Horatio Times, 13 Newspaper, Hoxie Tribune, 55 Newspaper, Jonesboro Sun, 36 Newspaper, Log Cabin-Democrat, 72 Newspaper, Memphis Commercial Appeal, 21 Newspaper, Muskogee Times-Democrat, 20 Newspaper, Newport Independent, 124 Newspaper, Osceola Times, 73 Newspaper, Paducah News, 53 Newspaper, Perry County News, 80 Newspaper, Piggott Banner, 19, 33, 38, 43, 53, 91, 131, 139, 146 Newspaper, Pocahontas Star-Herald, 10, 71, 100, 118, 128, 139, 143 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff American, 55, 76, 85 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff Citizen Democrat, 106 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff Daily American, 37, 43, 107 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff Daily American., 87 Newspaper, Poplar Bluff Evening American, 104 Newspaper, Post, 138 Newspaper, Prairie Grove Herald, 88 Newspaper, Prospect News, 139 Newspaper, Record, 84 Newspaper, Rector News, 129 Newspaper, Rector Post, 37, 49, 52, 55 Newspaper, Republican, 114 Newspaper, Rogers Democrat, 138 Newspaper, Shelby County Herald, 27 Newspaper, Southern Construction News, 72 Newspaper, Southwest American, 138 Newspaper, Star Herald, 44, 46 Newspaper, Texarkanian, 72 Newspaper, Times, 23 Newspaper, Times-Enterprise, 99 Newspaper, Tribune, 72 Newspaper, Tri-Weekly Soliphone, 50 Newspaper, Tulsa Tribune, 138 Newton, R. L., 23 Nicely, J. W., 50 Nicely, John, 43 Nichols, Margaret, 34 Niebrugge, Frank, 73 Niell, S. B., 108 Niell, S. B., Mrs., 103 Nielsen, J. P., 142, 143 Nimmons, Ark., mayor, 139 Niven, J. D., 132 Niven, Tennie, 132 Noe, Myrtle, 112 Nolin, E., 21 Noll, Mrs., 130 Norfork, Ark., restaurant, 24 Norman, John T., 7 Norris, T. R., 113 Norton, Wilma, 123 Norwood, F. A., Mrs., 34 Nutt, Ed. C., 115 O O. E. S., 41, 91 O. E. S., Charles Chapter, 34 O'Bryant, T. A., 26 O'Daniel, Calvin, 31 O'Dell, Carl, 42 O'Dell, J. F., 79 O'Keith, Charles, 148 O'Kelly, V. D., 20 O'Neal, Herman, 117 O'Shea, Mrs., 69 Oaks, Beulah, 105 Oaks, L. D., 13, 33, 43, 105, 114, 146 Oaks, L. D., Mrs., 13, 28, 31 Oaks, Leslie D., Mrs., 143 Oaks, Leslie D.'s daughter, 99 Oaks, Mr., 28 O'Daniel, Opal, drowned, 31 Oglesby, O. O., 70 Oglesoy, Bertha, 70 Oil & Fertilizer Co., Farmer's, 93 Oil Co., Missouri, 121 Oil Co., Standard, 80 Ola, Ark., National Guard, 14 Oldham, Hilda, 126 Olds, W. J., 70 Olive, J. R., 144, 149 Olive, Roy, 64, 103, 123, 124, 133 Olive, Ruby, 77, 124, 149 Oliver & Oliver, 75, 91 Oliver and Co., 43 Oliver Co., 29 Oliver farm, 65 Oliver, Alice, 12, 43, 52 Oliver, C. W., 27 Oliver, Charles, 43, 68, 140 Oliver, Chas., 12, 52 Oliver, Dr., 28 Oliver, Dr. & Mrs., 24 Oliver, Estell, 78 Oliver, G. B., 27, 40, 58, 86, 89, 92, 94 Oliver, G. B., Jr., 36, 63, 131 Oliver, G. B., Mrs., 10, 53, 58, 110 Oliver, G. B., Sr., 14, 75, 78 Oliver, G. B., Sr., Mrs., 72 Oliver, Goldie, 91 Oliver, Goldsmith, Jr., 20 Oliver, J. M., 19, 27, 33, 58, 66, 84, 128, 133, 140 Oliver, J. M., Jr., 28, 67, 95 Oliver, J. M., Mrs., 105 Oliver, J. M., Sr., 9 Oliver, J. W., died, 80 Oliver, James M., 103 Oliver, James M., Jr., 16 Oliver, James, Jr., 103 Oliver, Jane, 22, 28, 72, 78, 80, 86, 93, 94, 96, 119, 120 Oliver, John, 20 Oliver, John M., 27 Oliver, Mrs., 78 Oliver, P. L., 59, 94, 97 Oliver, P. L., Mrs., 63, 91 Oliver, Paul, 81 Oliver, Paul, Mrs., 67, 101 Oliver, Ruby, 62 Oliver, Ruth, 28, 92, 100, 103, 133, 140 Oliver, Thelma, 54, 58, 65 Oliver, W. L., 54, 67, 71 Oliver, W. L., Mrs., 63 Oliver, Will, 20 Oliver, Willa, 12, 43, 52, 68 Oliver, Willa M., 81 Oliver, William L., 13 Oliver, Wm. L., 14 Oliver, Wm. L., Mrs., 100 Oliver's farm, 111 Olmstead, R. M., 113 Oneida, Ark., merchant, 70 Orcutt, Herschel, 98 Osborn, Mary, 111 Osborne, Cecil Mae, 53 Osborne, J. P., 53 Osborne, Virginia Lee, 53 Osburn, May, 60 Osburn, Superintendent, 17 Oswald, Etta, 14 Ouachita Co., notary public, 2nd woman, 30 Ousnamer, Harvey E., 60 Ousnamer, Maggie, 39 Ousniemer, Dewey, Mme., 22 Outlaw, Bess, 12, 46, 71, 77, 81, 110, 119 Outlaw, Edw., 77 Outlaw, Inez, 71, 129 Outlaw, M., 14 Outlaw, Mary, 12 Outlaw, Mrs., 119 Overby, Robert, 135 Overstreet, Billy, 28 Overstreet, Frank, 28 Ovid, Ark., fire, 29 Owen, Felicia, 76 Owen, Iva, 12, 43, 52, 68, 93 Owen, J. E., 61 Owen, John J., 22 Owen, Lola, 52 Owens, Elsworth, 23 Owens, Iva, 74 Owens, J. E., 70, 108 Owens, Wiley, 19 Owings, T. E., died, 35 Ownby, Night Marshal, 143 Oxley, J. A., 11 Ozark, Ark., election, 113 Ozier, L. R., 103 P Packing Co., Cudahy, 7 Padgett, Herman, 21, 64 Padgett, Hermon, 56 Padgett, Mrs., died, 84 Padgett, S. I., 56, 60, 61, 63 Padgett, S. L., Mrs., 52 Padgett, Sam, 21, 36, 65 Padgett, Sam, Mrs., 64 Padgett, Sam's baby, died, 52 Page, Ben, 113 Palatka & Vicinity News, 107, 111, 114, 124, 146 Palatka News, 91 Palatka, Ark., fire, 33, 55 Palenske farm, 50 Palmer, C. E., 138 Paragould Pharmacy, 22 Paragould, Ark., 4 Paragould, Ark., business, 16 Paragould, Ark., fire, 8 Paragould, Ark., gunplay, 48 Paris, R. S., Mrs., 75 Park, Arthur, 98 Park, J. M., 113 Park, John, 98 Park, Mary, 59 Park, Mattie, 98 Park, Prentiss, 137 Park, Sallie, 63 Parke-Harper News Service, 72 Parker Bros. Nursery, 32 Parker, Dr., 124, 148 Parker, George, 32 Parker, Mrs., 31 Parks crossing, 109 Parks, Arthur, 76 Parks, Fred, Mrs., 96 Parks, Sophia, 93 Parrish, Elsie, 132 Parrish, Grady, Mrs., 45 Parrish, Sadie, 146 Parrish, W. O., 134 Parrish, Wm. Odie, 99 Parsons, Clarence, 122 Parsons, W. T., 107 Partain, David A., 142 Pate, A. E., 108 Pate, A. E., Mrs., 42 Pate, Esq., 116 Pate, V. A., 16 Pate, W. T., 69 Patient, Bess, 128 Patient, Carrie G., 22 Patient, G. G., Mrs., 11 Patient, Mrs., 49, 75 Patterson, Arch, 38 Patterson, Charlie, 63 Patterson, Edith, 38 Patterson, Joe Beal, 123 Patterson, L. F., 109 Patterson, Lou, Mrs., died, 61 Patton, Ann, 142 Paul, Jesse, 139 Paul, Mme., 109 Paul, Robert ("Blondy"), 73 Paul, Robert, Jr., 73 Paul, Robert's son, 35 Paul, Robt., Mrs., 110 Payne, Carl, 14 Payne, Chas. L., 91, 102 Payne, Clarence, 134 Payne, J., Mrs., 110 Payne, Lorene, 110 Payne, M. T., 129 Payne, Mr., 115 Payne, Sam, 83 Payne, T. E., 132 Peach Orchard News, 50, 51, 52, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66, 71, 120, 126, 136 Peach Orchard, Ark., bank, 9 Peach Orchard, Ark., barber shop, 56 Peach Orchard, Ark., doctor, 127 Peach Orchard, Ark., highwayman, 46 Peach Orchard, Ark., law & order league, 61 Peach Orchard, Ark., merchant, 52 Peach Orchard, Ark., new store, 46 Peach Orchard, Peoples Bank of, 98 Pearl Button Factory, Wisconsin, 92 Pearling, Black River, 44 Pearson, H. A., 18 Pearson, T. M., 30, 32 Peas, D., 13 Peas, Ross, died, 13 Peck, Ike, 99 Peck, J. W., Mrs., 38 Pence, C. C., 61 Pence, Ruth, 65 Pendegrass, Willard, 83 Pendergrass, Willard, 91 Penitentiary, Atlanta Federal, 55 Penix, Mrs., 91 Penix, Thelma, 91 Penrod, Alice, 87 Penrose, Virgil, 137 Pentecostal evangelist, 75 Penter, Blanche, 54, 58, 65, 94 Penter, George, 26, 35 Penter, George, died, 74 Penter, John, 70 Peoples, Louis, 106 Perkins, Jessie, 121 Perky, Fred, 99 Perman, David, 134 Pernell, Dovie, 94 Perren Bros., 55 Perren, Ed, 55 Perren, Leslie, 55 Perren, Nettie, 69 Perren, Sadie, 76 Perren, Wm. C., 86 Perrin, E., 59 Perrin, Eli, 61 Perrin, Elih, Mrs., 57 Perrin, Howard, 103 Perry Co., Ark., physician, 37 Peters Mill, 80 Peters, D. B., 70 Peters, F. J., Mrs., 77, 106 Peters, F. W., 9 Peters, Mme., 110 Peters, Mrs., 140 Peters, O. D., 32 Pettersen, L. F., 140, 146, 148 Pettersen, L. F., Mrs., 144 Petterson, L. F., 128 Petterson, L. F., Mrs., 118 Petterson, L. F.'s son, 123 Petty, Delmer, 146 Petty, Ollie, 121 Peyton, Marshall, 81 Phelps, Alice, 96 Phelps, Everette, 96 Phelps, Grace, 96 Phillips, Elizabeth, 121 Phillips, H., 107 Phillips, Irvin, 138 Phillips, J. M., Mrs., 26 Phillips, Robt., Mrs., 121 Phinney, F. M., Mrs., 27 Phipps, Anita, 10, 54, 58, 65, 90, 101, 106, 111, 126 Phipps, Claude, 68 Phipps, F. R., 68 Phipps, Ferd., 36, 44, 66, 67, 70, 77 Phipps, Ferd., died, 68 Phipps, Maude, 133 Phipps, R., Mrs., 40, 73, 140 Phoenix Cotton Oil Co., 25 Pickard, Fannie, 53 Pickard, J. D., 53 Pickens, J. M., Mrs., 118 Pickens, Mrs., 39 Pickens, O. C., 69 Pickett, Lud, 129 Pickett, Marvin, 129 Pierce, Ellen, 83 Pierce, Frank, 128 Pierce, Hassel, 135 Pierce, James A., 83 Pierce, Jas., 119 Pierce, Oscar, 128 Pierce, Oscar, killed, 120 Pierce, Raymond, 60, 135 Pierce, Una, 120, 128 Pierce, W. D., 140 Piggott, Ark., explosion, 33 Piggott, Ark., fire, 26 Piggott, Ark., newspaper, 19 Piggott, Ark., singing school, 29 Piggott, Ark., streets, 16 Piggott, Ark., teachers, 32 Pine Bluff Furniture Co., 50 Pine Bluff, Ark., Baptist Convention, 49 Pine Bluff, Ark., mattress manufacturing, 30 Pinkerton Detective Service, 31 Pioneer Boys, 23 Pirch, H., 31 Pirch, Herman, 22 Pitts, Frank, 9 Pitzele, S. N., 34 Plant, Leslie, 129 Plant, Tatum, 129 Platt, Rev., 38 Plough, B. E., 30, 51 Plough, Byron, 119 Plough, Floyd, 30 Plough, Frank, 51 Plough, James, 30 Plough, Mrs., 51 Plough, Pearl, 51, 81 Plumbing Co., Woodruff, 12 Plumerville, Ark., drug store, 70 Plummer, Mary B., 21 Plunkett, Mme., 109 Plunkett, W. R., 96, 126 Plunkett-Jarrell Wholesale Grocer, 40 Pocahontas, Ark., body found, 123 Poe, Ruth, 134 Poe, Sherman, 134 Poinsett Lumber Plant, 139 Polk & Company, 122 Polk, J. D., 9, 94 Polk, L. S., 94, 124, 149 Polk, L. S., Jr., 117 Polk, Lynn S., 62 Polk, Lynn S., Mrs., 117 Polk, Lynn S.'s son, 20 Polk, Mary Louise, 12, 29, 95, 96, 118, 138, 140, 142 Polk, W. D., 9, 33, 67, 108, 125, 142 Polk, W. E., 26, 115 Polk, William Duncan, Mrs., 122 Polk, William Earl, 122 Polk, Winifred, 55, 90, 94, 101 Pollard, C. W., 89, 92 Pollard, Madge, 20 Pond, Ethel May, 126 Pond, J. W., 94 Pond, L. M., 9 Pond, Larkin, 107 Pond, Martin, 135 Pond, Wm., 9 Ponder garage, 61 Ponder Motor Co., 16 Ponder, A. M., 16 Ponder, W. M., 16 Pool, Mabel, 115 Poor, James, 107, 112, 140 Pope Co., Ark., Red Cross nurse, 23 Pope, I. J., 39, 78, 146 Pope, I. J., Mrs., 75 Pope, Isaac J., 119 Pope, Isaac J., died, 130 Pope, Jennie Lee, 44 Poplar Bluff, Mo., doctor, 8 Porter, J. L., died, 44 Porter, Muriel, 65, 94, 101, 111, 126 Porterfield, Aglee, 20 Posey, E. M., died, 93 Posey, F. M., died, 93 Postoffice News Agency, 140 Pounder, W. W., 147 Powell eddy, 114 Powell, C.B., 34 Powell, E. M., died, 102 Powell, Eld., 20, 42, 65 Powell, Elder, 114 Powell, Ernest's child, died, 12 Powell, Esq., 36 Powell, Jos., 104 Powell, Mrs., 76 Powell, Perry, 119 Powell, Philo, 107 Powell, R. L., 12, 15, 25, 35, 51, 66, 82, 91, 102, 108 Powell, R. L.'s granddaughter, 12 Powell, Virdie, 101 Powell, W. M., 9, 115, 140 Powers, A., 99 Powers, Dela, 101, 111 Powers, Della, 54, 58, 94, 126 Powers, Ed, 29, 49 Powers, Edward Everett, died, 87 Powers, Everett, 99 Powers, John, 99 Powers, Lucille, 134, 137 Powers, Mr. & Mrs., 66 Powers, Oscar, 93 Powers, Ray, 43, 52, 84 Powers, Wm., 87 Poyner, Elsie, 120 Poyner, Lillian, 118 Poyner, M. L., 117 Poyner, Perry, 109, 112 Poynor, Elsie, 111, 127 Poynor, Gertrude, 128 Poynor, Jessie, 106 Poynor, Lewis' baby, 65 Poynor, Louis, 71, 107 Poynor, Louis, Mrs., 75 Poynor, Mrs., 104 Poynor, Perry, Mrs., 106 Prairie Grove, Ark., fire, 87 Prairie Grove, Ark., Transportation Co., 8 Presley, J. W., 62, 94, 98 Presson, S. A., 29 Prewitt, Jim, 125 Price, G. F., 73 Price, Herbert, 103 Price, James, 145 Price, Jerry, 94 Price, Ray F., 73 Prichard, Ada, 42, 85, 103 Prichard, C. E., 42 Prichard, C. E.'s son, 96 Prichard, Clayton, 40 Pride, A. J., 70 Priest, Ivylle, 128 Prince, Telma, 146 Pringle, Arthur, 118 Pringle, Ed, 24, 40, 60 Pringle, Edgar, 24, 51, 61, 63, 76, 77, 110, 135 Pringle, Eli, 61, 106, 111 Pringle, Ernest, 146 Pringle, Iva, 99 Pringle, Mark, died, 89 Pringle, Nora, 40 Pringle, Rev., 69, 109 Pringle, Verneal, 40 Propst, Trennis, 66 Prothro, Edwina, 30 Prothro, Roy, 30 Prothro, Stella, 77 Pry, Eldon, 21, 101, 138 Pry, Ernest, 138 Pry, Grace, 138 Pry, Harry, 21, 127, 138, 146 Pry, Homer, died, 138 Pry, Mary, 21, 135 Puckett, A. W., Mrs., 13 Pueblo, Colo., flood victim, 15 Pugsley, Beth, 143 Pugsley, Flora, 53 Pugsley, Flora A., 47, 53, 65, 86, 116 Pugsley, J. B., 86 Pugsley, J. B., deceased, 47 Pugsley, J. B., died, 37 Pugsley, J. B., Jr., 53 Pugsley, Pearl, 37, 52, 53, 59, 63, 84, 112, 114, 116 Pugsley, Pearl P., 87 Pugsley, Pearl Pauline, 65, 67 Pugsley, Winona, 53 Pulliam, Dotty, 94 Pulliam, W. E., 89, 128 Purvis, A. S., 108 Purvis, Albert, 108 Purvis, Bennie, 51 Purvis, Bonnie, 81 Purvis, C. C., 108 Purvis, Calvin, 51 Purvis, Edgar, 108 Purvis, G. E., 108 Purvis, George, 90, 94, 101 Purvis, Harris, 90 Purvis, Iva, 108 Purvis, Josephine, 108 Purvis, Orville, 52 Purvis, Samuel, killed, 108 Purvis, Thelma, 81 Purvis, Velma, 52, 68, 73, 85, 109 Purvis, Will, 85 Q Quarles, T. A., 119 Quellmalz Lbr. Co., 127 Quellmalz Lumber, 43, 88 Quellmalz Lumber & Mfg. Co., 31 Quellmalz Lumber Co., 128 Quellmalz, Anna M., 88 Quellmalz, Arthur, 88 Quellmalz, Edwin L., 88 Quellmalz, H. A., 50, 77 Quellmalz, Henry A., 43, 88 Quellmalz, Henry, died, 88 Quellmalz, Louis, 88, 128 Quellmalzes, The, 30 Quertermous, N. S., 50 Quinn, Maud, 140 R Ragland, G. W., 97 Ragsdale, Robert A., 23 Ragsdale, S. H., 50 Raidt, Emma, 93 Railroad, Cotton Belt, 35, 103, 141, 142 Railroad, Fort Smith & Western, 99 Railroad, Frisco, 95, 122 Railroad, Illinois Central, 53, 128 Railroad, Louisiana & Arkansas, 145 Railroad, M. K. & T., 132 Railroad, Missouri & North Arkansas, 148 Railroad, Missouri Pacific, 21, 30, 49, 54, 66, 72, 81, 112, 118, 131, 137 Railroad, Missouri Pacific, Hoxie, 58 Railroad, Mo. Pac., 109 Railroad, Rock Island, 73 Raines, Nelle, 67 Rainwater, Mr., 69 Rainwater, Viva, 127 Rainwater, Wood, Mrs., 40 Raley & Ashbaugh, 134, 147 Raley, Atty., 92 Raley, Atty. & Mrs., 29, 76 Raley, C. O., 8, 47, 62, 66, 82, 90, 99, 104, 108, 114, 126, 132, 134 Raley, C. O., Mrs., 54, 69, 126, 134 Raley, Mrs., 38 Ralston, Edith, 120 Ralston, Mary, 120 Rambo, E. A., 17 Randeau, Miss, 30 Randleman, Dollie, 14 Randolph, Neva, 54, 58, 94 Raney, A. R., 115 Raney, A. R., Mrs., 13 Rapert, Anna, 61 Rapert, Annie, 61 Rapert, Ed, 134 Rapert, J., 51 Rapert, Joe, 58, 59, 89, 105 Rapert, Thella, 134 Rapert, Velma, 134 Rapert, Willie, 134 Ratcliffe, deputy clerk, 38 Ratcliffe, Deputy Clerk, 19, 60, 78, 93 Ratcliffe, Edwina, 12, 43, 52, 87, 138, 140 Ratcliffe, French, 12, 43, 52 Ratcliffe, Jewell, 55, 58, 72, 101 Ratcliffe, Lamar, 55 Ratcliffe, Marguerite, 10, 58, 94, 101, 106, 111, 126 Ratcliffe, Mrs., 38 Ratcliffe, S. L., 20, 67, 140 Ratcliffe, T. W., 31, 46, 66, 87, 91, 94, 100 Ratcliffe, Thos. W., Mrs., 52 Ratcliffe, Tommy, 126 Rawlings, Elder, 119 Rawlings, George, 67, 140 Ray farm, 59 Ray, Eld., 78, 89, 92 Ray, F. T., 61, 62 Ray, Jasper, killed, 37 Ray, Robt., Mrs., 104, 131 Ray, T. F., 65, 76, 142 Ray, Thos. F., 28 Ray, Wm., 64, 128 Rayfield, Eula, 76 Raymond, Albert, 11 Raymond, Albert, Jr., 113 Raymond, Albert, Mrs., 113 Raymond, Albert's son, 36 Raywinkle, Roy, 113 Reagan, Eiliene, 59 Reagan, Freda, 81 Reagan, Onie, Mrs., 59 Reagan, Thelma, 101 Reagan, Thomas, 64 Realty, Babcock, 43 Reaves, Lucile, 65 Rebekah, Daughters of, 47, 57, 83, 84 Rector, Ark., health officer, 14 Rector, Ark., movie theatre, 25 Rector, Ark., postmaster, 72 Red Cross, 23 Red Cross, Crawford Co., Ark., 16 Redding, L. J., 25 Redding, Sid B., 97 Redwine & Son, 7 Redwine, Albert, 122 Redwine, B. E., 28, 140 Redwine, Byron, 15, 45 Redwine, Doris Lillian, 135 Redwine, W. E., 59, 122 Redwine, W. E., Mrs., 28 Reed Bros., 32 Reed, Charles Howard, died, 67 Reed, Cora, 12, 35, 89 Reed, Eld., 23 Reed, Ernest, 139 Reed, Ernest A., 67 Reed, Flemon, 53 Reed, G. C., 111 Reed, Geo., 107 Reed, Grace, 35 Reed, H. E., 11, 20 Reed, J. R., 61 Reed, M., 7 Reed, Mabel, 23 Reed, Mrs., 7 Reed, Raymond, 110 Reed, Richard, 55, 58, 65, 94, 101 Reed, Tom, 23, 53 Rees, Evan, 53 Reeves, Alex, 136 Reeves, Beulah, 90, 94 Reeves, Roy, Mrs., died, 72 Rehkopf, John G., 53 Reid, B. S., 108 Reid, Geo. P., 30 Reid, Grayce, 12 Reid, McKeiver, 113 Renex, Clyde, 146 Renfro, D. B., 68, 94, 147 Renfro, D. B., Mrs., 29, 51 Rennick, Mabel, 94 Reno, Bennie, 53, 82 Reno, Harry, 53, 82 Reno, Kelsey, 82 Reno, Kelso, 78 Reno, Kessler, 53 Reno, Lee, 36 Reno, May, 53, 82 Reno, Minnie, 53, 82 Reno, Narvel, 53, 82 Reno, Nellie, 53, 82 Reno, Perry, 38, 53, 82 Reno, Vernie, 53, 82 Restaurant, Red Front, 95 Reves, C. M., 20, 55, 76 Reves, C. M., Mrs., 19, 78 Reves, Clarence, 19, 20, 78 Reves, Clarence E., 80 Reves, Hugh, 45 Reves, Mrs., 20, 80 Reves, William, 45 Reyno, W. L., 36 Reynolds, Al T., 130 Reynolds, Al T., Mrs., 130 Reynolds, D. H., 15 Reynolds, D. W., 78 Reynolds, Dennis, 44 Reynolds, Erv., 67 Reynolds, Ervin, 119 Reynolds, Florence, 115 Reynolds, Frank, 50 Reynolds, J. E., 98 Reynolds, J. E., Mrs., 49 Reynolds, J. L., 127 Reynolds, Mabel, 114 Reynolds, O., Mrs., died, 98 Reynolds, Reymond, 44 Reynolds, Ruth, 44 Reynolds, T. E., 70 Reynolds, Willis, 68 Rhea grocery, 63 Rhea, C. E., 31, 62, 94, 97, 132, 149 Rhea, Chas. E., 102 Rhea, Deputy Sheriff, 108, 116, 139 Rhea, Geo. M., Mrs., 31 Rhea, George M., 40 Rhea, Harvey, 92 Rhea, J. M., 11, 15, 17, 31, 50, 52, 56, 67, 73, 75, 80, 88, 89, 92, 93, 98, 110, 115, 116, 118, 119, 126, 128, 144, 148 Rhea, J. M., Mrs., 63, 92, 115, 116 Rhea, jailer, 123 Rhea, John M., 84 Rhea, officer, 123 Rhea, Rosalind, 118, 120, 126 Rhea, Rosalynd, 15, 27, 56, 81, 84, 92 Rhea, T. H., 62 Rhea, Thomas, 128 Rhew, Thomas, 134 Rhodes, Charles, 126 Rhodes, Miss, 106 Rhyne, J. R., 16, 81, 91, 92, 94, 117, 123 Rhyne, J. R., Jr., 77 Rhyne, J. R., Mrs., 19 Rhyne, Jas. R., 77 Rhyne, Jas. R., Mrs., 54 Rhyne, Jimmie, 53, 54, 65, 90, 94, 101, 106, 111, 126 Rhyne, Jimmie, Jr., 123 Rhyne, Martha Regina, 16, 19 Rhyne, Mr., 54 Rhyne, Mrs., 115 Rice, Earl, 101 Rice, Florian, 21 Rice, Grace, 93 Rice, Herman, 94, 101, 111, 126 Rice, Meletha, 21 Rice, Nellie, 54 Rice, Nola, 52, 79 Rice, Norman, 126 Rice, Paul, 58, 65 Rice, Verna, 54, 58 Rich, W. M., killed, 104 Richard, Orville, died, 82 Richardson, C. C., 105 Richardson, Charles, 22 Richardson, Cleve, 66 Richardson, Curtis, 108 Richardson, D. W., 22 Richardson, Dr., 65, 87 Richardson, E. W., 94 Richardson, Ed, 51 Richardson, Elsie, 56, 66, 111 Richardson, Ernest, 59, 64 Richardson, Hattie, 56, 66, 105, 111 Richardson, J. G., 23 Richardson, Lola, 101 Richardson, M. C., 75 Richardson, Manuel, 9, 65, 106 Richardson, Mary E., died, 80 Richardson, Maurice, 75 Richardson, Mr., 146 Richardson, Oscar, 106 Richardson, Paul, 67 Richardson, Sterling, 56, 66 Richardson, Winifred, 101 Richerdson, Ernest, 75 Richie, B. W., 56 Richie, R. T., 60 Richwoods News, 21, 23, 27, 40, 46, 47, 48, 56, 60, 65, 66, 85, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 114, 115, 120, 135, 140 Richwoods, Ark., ant-eater, 106 Richwoods, Ark., gypsies, 107 Richwoods, Ark., teacher, 66, 110 Ricker, Aurelia, 133 Ricker, D., 135, 140 Ricker, Goldia, 133 Rider, Madeline, 10 Ridge, Hiram, 144 Ridling, Fay, 34 Riegler, M. S., 43, 108, 128 Riegler, Milton S., 74, 105 Rieves, T. A., 87, 121 Riggan, Roy, died, 101 Riggs, Herman, 63 Riggs, Nellie, 12, 43, 52, 87 Riggs, Sid, 58, 145 Riles, Artie C., 93 Riley, Carl L., 135 Riley, Elder, 16 Riley, H. Clay, 24 Riley, J. R., 99 Riley, J. T., 90 Riley, Ruth, 23 Rind, C. H., drowned, 84 Ripley, W. G., 113 Risner, Hugh, 58 Risner, John, 100 Roark, Oscar, 94 Roberson, E. G.'s son, 123 Roberts, Agnes, 84 Roberts, Betty, 134 Roberts, Cecil, 56 Roberts, Edna, 134, 136 Roberts, Elmer, 48 Roberts, Eula Mae, 101 Roberts, Herbert, 16 Roberts, J. S., 84 Roberts, Lena, 56 Roberts, Luther, 57, 67 Roberts, Mabel, 134 Roberts, Mr., 134 Roberts, Prof., 69 Roberts, Roland, Mrs., died, 58 Roberts, T. G., 79 Roberts, Thomas, died, 114 Roberts, Thos. G., 88 Roberts, Thos. G., Mrs., 90 Roberts, W. O., 67 Roberts, Wm., 60 Roberts,Thos. G., 94 Robertson, Helen, 20 Robins, Frank E., 72 Robins, James, 73 Robins, Lol C., 67 Robinson, Blanche, 51 Robinson, E. G., 115 Robinson, Edith, 55 Robinson, Eva, 10 Robinson, Faye, 84 Robinson, J. T., 103 Robinson, Joe T., 73 Robinson, R. R., 113 Robinson, S. C., 57 Robinson, Thelma, 10 Robinson, Willie, 111 Rockcole, Albert, 85 Rockcole, Mary, 70 Rockcole, Therodore, 85 Rodgers & Rodgers, 97 Rodman, E. R., 99 Rodman, Elmer, 140 Roe, Elmo, 115 Rogers family, 26 Rogers, daughter, 131 Rogers, George, 93 Rogers, J. S., 26 Rogers, Jennie, died, 131 Rogers, M. A., 26 Rogers, Thomas A., 142 Roland farm, 62 Ronold, Charles, drowned, 22 Ronold, R. H., 22 Rose, Annie, 60 Rose, Marion, 37 Rosenblum brick building, 89 Rosenthal, D., 32 Rosewater, B. J., 18 Rosin, Sarah, Mrs., died, 73 Ross, L. M., 148 Rossman, John G., 25 Rosson, T. W., 58 Rotenberry, A. L., 147 Rothe, Eld. & Mrs., 58 Roundhouse, Midland Valley, 84 Roush, D., 119 Roush, J. D., 70, 135 Routzong, H. D., 84 Rowe, C. D., 34 Rowland, Charles, 34 Rowland, William T., Jr., 16 Rowlett, Oscar E., 145 Royston, A. H., 26 Rozier's, 127 Rucker, Eunice, 45 Rucker, Frank, 45 Rudisail, Mary, 105 Ruebel, P. H. & Co., 77 Ruff, Carter, 106, 111 Ruff, Clifford, 90 Ruff, Constable, 116 Ruff, D. V., 111 Ruff, Don M., 140 Ruff, Evelyn, 101 Ruff, Fred, 62 Ruff, Grady, 118 Ruff, Grover, 118 Ruff, Jno. F., 118 Ruff, L. V., 70, 90, 106, 132 Ruff, Luella V., 70 Ruff, officer, 123 Ruff, R. R., 118 Ruff, Troy, 94 Ruff, Vernon, 43, 52 Rule, H. E., 26, 78, 79 Rumph, C. B., 30 Rush, H. A., 76 Rusher, Fred, 68 Russ, L., 42, 67, 108 Russ, Loren, 9, 31, 43, 89 Russ, Mrs., 42 Russell, Arthur, 10 Russell, Clara, 51 Russell, Eric, Jr., 30 Russell, Eric, Sr., 30 Russell, F. D., 69 Russell, J. L., 141 Russell, Robert L., 67 Russell, W., 50 Russell, W. A., 113 Russellville, Ark., church, 18 Russellville, Ark., floor collapse, 40 Russellville, Ark., lawyers, 27 Rutherford, C. H., 16 Rutherford, Minnie U., 99 Ryan, J.'s son, 137 S S. I. A., 9, 21 Sadler, Harry, 112 Sager, S. J., 105 Saidiner, H., 87 Saidiner, Harry, 105, 110 Saldiner, Harry, 107 Sale, W. M., 25 Salee, J. G., 15 Samons, Mrs., 110 Sancomb, Galena, 101 Sancomb, John's triplets, 101 Sancomb, Lena, 101 Sancomb, Meta, 101 Sancomb, T. H., 60, 61, 62, 70, 133 Sancomb, Thomas, 51 Sanders, H. L., Mrs., 78 Sanders, Mr. & Mrs., 61 Sanderson, N. P., 69 Sartain, James K., suicide, 40 Satterfield, Beulah, 85 Satterfield, Edith, 85 Satterfield, Eura, 121 Saunders Mercantile, 27 Sawdey, Frank, 127 Sawmill, Tison's, 70 Saxon, R. L., 91 Sayers, Ben, 50 Sayers, Howard, 50 Sayers, Sam, 50 Scallorn, Willie, Miss, 136 Schaefer, R. O., 72 Scheite, G., Mrs., 147 Schenk, Henry, 74, 77, 85, 146 Schermerhorn, E. L., 37 Schiefer, J. B., 66 Schmitt, Clarence, 57, 147 Schmitt, Frank's daughter, 47 Schmitt, Gen., 91 Schmitt, Geo., 22, 91, 92 Schmitt, George, 34, 147 Schmitt, Mary, 42 Schnable residence, 47 Schoalcraft, Guy, 137 Schofield, John, 99 School, Allbright, 93 School, Altus, 34 School, Ark. State Normal, 73 School, Blue, 90, 100, 101, 106, 135 School, Blue, teacher, 77 School, Brazzle, 134, 136 School, Cape Girardeau Normal, 73 School, Corning, 84, 90, 94, 106 School, Corning, Commencement, 68 School, Corning, honor roll, 10, 43, 52, 54, 58 School, Corning, News, 63 School, Corning, student, 57 School, Corning, students, 46, 47, 56 School, Corning, teacher, 58 School, Corning, teachers, 136 School, Dardanelle, 32 School, Datto, student, 60 School, Drake, 18 School, El Dorado, 16 School, Guthrey, 85 School, Harrisburg, 12 School, Hopson, 96 School, Hopson, teacher, 75 School, Hopsonville, teacher, 53 School, Knobel, 37, 63 School, Knobel, teacher, 65 School, Light, 24 School, Lockesburg, 34 School, Mager, 107, 108 School, Marked Tree, 30 School, Mountain Home, Ark., 19 School, North Little Rock, 69 School, Peach Orchard, 61 School, Pirtle, 20, 133 School, Radio, 50 School, Rector High, 136 School, Richwoods, 21, 23, 49, 145 School, Richwoods, honor roll, 57 School, Richwoods, student, 57 School, Ring, 71 School, Scott, 57 School, State Normal, 85 School, Strawberry High, 69 School, Stuttgart, 71 School, Taylor, 136 School, Thorn Grove, 64 School, Waldron, 18 School, Walnut Ridge, 69 School, White, 11, 13, 53, 74 School, Williams, 21, 81 School, Woodall, 21, 51, 56, 60, 130 School, Woodall, teacher, 59, 60 School, Woodall, teachers, 85 School, Woodall, Whooping cough, 51 Schools, Crawford Co., 18 Schools, Eureka Springs, 25 Schools, Fort Smith, 25, 30 Schools, Hiwasse, 34 Schools, Hoxie, 26 Schools, Imboden, 13 Schools, Marked Tree, 32 Schools, Randolph Co., Ark., 32 Schoonover & Jackson, 57, 90 Schoonover, Judge, 90 Schulte, Ethel, died, 148 Schulte, Fred, 79 Schultz, Robert, 29, 114 Schultz, Robt, Mrs., 79 Schultz, Robt., 82, 108 Schwyart, George, 16 Scism, Alma, 103 Scott farm, 63 Scott, B. A., 9, 94, 119 Scott, C. V., 44 Scott, Charles, 141 Scott, F. A., 109 Scott, Frank, died, 44 Scott, M. L., Mrs., 48 Scott, Martha, died, 11 Scott, Moore, 29 Scott, Ralph, 65 Scott, W. C., 64, 65 Scott, W. G., 113 Scrivner, A. L., Mrs., 117 Scrivner, L. A., 140 Scrivner, Lem, 111, 123 Scrivner, Mr., 114 Scrivner's mercantile, 123 Scruggs, Y. P., 7 Scurlock, J. R., 43, 100 Searcy, Ark., teachers, 23 Sears, Ben, 102 Sears, Sam, 102 Seborn, W. W., 132 Secor, Corinne, 37, 89 See Bros., 29 See, Ella, 10, 95 See, Frank, 29, 52, 62 See, Grover C., 95 See, Kirby, 10 See, M. K. (Tobe), died, 52 See, M. K., Mrs., 71 See, Red, 29, 56, 144 See, Robert, 52 Seger, Alice, 103 Seger, Mrs., 77, 118 Seigler, Bob, 64 Seigler, Robt., Mrs., 64 Seitz, George W., died, 8 Seitz, Mrs., 8 Sellmeyer Bros., 77 Sellmeyer Mercantile, 7, 98 Sellmeyer, B. H., 7, 82 Sellmeyer, F. J., 33, 62, 67, 114 Sellmeyer, Frank, 119 Sellmeyer, Frank J., 8, 98 Sellmeyer, Frederick A., died, 143 Sellmeyer, Fritz, died, 143 Sellmeyer, H. C., 7, 8, 32, 98 Sellmeyer, Jos, 119 Sellmeyer, Jos., 33, 143 Sellmeyer, Joseph, 7, 8, 14, 32, 82, 84, 98, 126, 135 Sellmeyer, Leo, 94 Sellmeyer, Leo J., 7 Sellmeyer, Mary, 82 Sellmeyer, Mr., 90 Sellmeyer, Pauline, 146 Selma, Moore, 141 Selvidge, J. C. J., 70 Selvidge, Mary E., 70 Selvidge, Thurman C., 70 Sence, Adam, 119 Senter, J. D., 138 Service Station, City, 141 Severs, H. D., 113 Severs, Katherine, 12 Sevier, S. Q., 136 Sewell, Whit, funeral, 38 Seymour, L., Mrs., 44 Shaffer, W. H., 18 Shane, Cecil, 97 Shank, Henry, 120 Shannon, Chas., Mrs., 100 Sharp, Adda G., 56 Sharp, Addie, 134 Sharp, Eugene, 136 Sharp, Frank, 136 Sharp, J. F., 140 Sharp, Nettie, 40 Sharp, Wes, 7 Sharp, Willia, 134 Shaver, E. L., 24 Shaver, S. C., 21 Shearwood, J. M., 9 Sheeks building, 45, 61 Sheeks, Brooks, 7, 35, 56, 81, 96 Sheeks, E. V., 80 Sheeks, E. V., Mrs., 85 Sheeks, Ed V., 94, 103 Sheeks, Ed. V., 92, 141, 147 Sheeks, Edgar VanBuren, 122 Sheeks, Geo. Alice, 92 Sheeks, George Alice, 102, 103, 119, 120, 122 Sheeks, Georgia Alice, 25, 33, 41, 53, 66, 72, 79 Sheeks, H. B., 64, 95, 114, 115, 147 Sheeks, Mrs., 101 Sheeks, W. B,. Mrs., 25 Sheeks, W. B., Mrs., 33, 56, 71, 92, 96 Sheeks, Willie B., Mrs., 69, 119 Sheeks, Willie Brooks, Mrs., 122 Sheeley, Cecil, 54 Sheeley, S. M., 87 Sheets, Bertha Irene, killed, 145 Sheets, Freeman, killed, 145 Sheets, James, killed, 145 Sheets, Mr., 145 Sheets, Oscar G., Mrs., 145 Shellar, John, 80 Shellers, John, 140 Shelton, Chas., Mrs., 18 Shelton, Ella, 94 Shelton, Emily, 61 Shelton, Ethel, 51, 81 Shelton, Grandma, 13 Shelton, Harvey, Mrs., 52 Shelton, J. H., 13 Shelton, Nellie, 127 Shelton, W. H., 140 Shemwell, C. R., 9, 67, 141 Shemwell, Clyde, 62, 103 Shemwell, Clyde D., 16 Shemwell, Mamie, 53 Shepard, Hazel, 60 Shepard, Thelma, 21, 47 Shepherd, Della, 100 Shepherd, James, Mrs., 75 Shepherd, Mr., 127 Shepherd, Verge, 106 Sheppard, Anna, 93 Sheppard, James, 27 Shepperd, Annie, 69 Shepperd, Elmer, 67 Sherman, J. W., 56 Sherman, Talkington, Mme., 81 Sherrill, Henry, 93 Sherron, James, 23 Sherron, Will, 23 Shin, Circuit Judge, 129 Shinn, Dewey, killed, 83 Shinn, J. M., 34 Shinn, Mary Alice, 30 Ship, U. S. S. Pennsylvania, 28 Shipman, Dewey, 93 Shipman, Ed., 40 Shiras, Tom, 84 Shirclif, Edward, 147 Shivley, W. E., 136 Shockey, Sarah, died, 97 Shook, J. B., 70, 135 Shook, R. Y., 70, 135 Shop, Rider, 108 Shores, C. L., 70 Shores, C. L., Mrs., 56, 61 Shores, Charlene, 51 Shores, Charline, 52, 61 Shores, Dr., 127 Shores, Velma, 51 Short, E. A., 60 Short, E. A., Mrs., 51 Short, Ezra, Mrs., 79 Short, Georgia, 60, 61 Shugart, E. R., 27 Shultz, E. Robert, Mrs., 132 Shultz, Fred, 128 Shultz, Robert, 12 Shultz, Robt., Mrs., died, 81 Shwinegruber Dredge Co., 29 Sigler, Fenie, 93 Sigler, R. L., 29 Sigler, R. L., Mrs., 103, 128 Sigler, Robt. L., 10 Siler, Alvis, killed, 95 Siler, Alvis, Mrs., 95 Siler, Mark, killed, 95 Siler, Mirk, killed, 95 Silverthorn, W. M., Mrs., 46 Simmons, Fred, 146 Simmons, Lena, 101, 106 Simmons, Marie, 101, 106 Simmons, Orla, 101, 106 Simmons, Saphronia, 99 Simmons, Ted, 46, 47, 116, 120 Simmons, Theodore, 108, 109 Simpson, A. R., 8, 9, 40, 74, 99 Simpson, A. R., Mrs., 41, 63, 91, 103, 112, 120, 145 Simpson, Augusta, 14 Simpson, Dr., 10, 75, 85, 89, 118, 137, 144 Simpson, Dr. & Mrs., 15, 77 Simpson, Louise, 15 Simpson, Margaret, 122 Simpson, Marguerite, 15 Simpson, Mrs., 122 Simpson, O. B., 103 Simpson, P. O., 40, 41, 74, 77, 112 Simpson, Perry, 63, 85, 120 Simpson, Reba, 64 Simpson, Sallie, 36 Simpson, Virdell, Miss, 71 Sims, Corum, 58 Sims, Dovie, 85 Sims, Hermina, 64 Sims, James, 85 Sims, John, 58 Sims, Raleigh, 12, 58, 67, 103, 136 Sims, Raleigh, Mrs., 77 Sims, S. C., 113 Sims, Sam, 64 Sims, U. L., 85 Singleton, Lydia, 30 Sipes, Charles, 121 Siries, John, 143 Sisley, Cristeen, 146 Skaggs, Albert, 36 Skaggs, Arthur, 143 Skaggs, E. C., Mrs., 31 Skates, Bessie, 134 Skellen, Goldie, 106 Skinner, A. F., 41, 76 Skinner, C. E., 39, 133 Skinner, Claude E., 25, 96 Skinner, Lucy Mae, 41 Skinner, N. E., 54, 82, 86, 87, 96, 102, 105, 110, 118, 122, 124, 132, 134, 142 Skinner, Postmaster, 75, 123 Skinner, Ralph, 10, 53, 54, 58, 65, 94, 96, 101, 106, 111 Skinner, Rev., 13, 126, 144 Slagle, Maggie, 70 Slaughter, Tom, 45 Slaughter, Tom, killed, 83, 88, 97 Slayton, John, 62 Sloan, Ed, 31 Sloan, Elmo, Mrs., 32 Sloan, Ina, 38 Smackover, Ark., election, 113 Smalley, A. N., 62 Smalley, A. N., Mrs., 20 Smalley, Thomas, 101, 106, 111 Smalley, Verneal, 65, 90, 101, 106, 111, 126 Smalley, William, 10, 111 Smelser, Alene, 10 Smelser, Allen, 126 Smelser, Allena, 126 Smelser, Allene, 106, 111 Smelser, Alleyne, 58 Smelser, Allyne, 54 Smelser, Evelyn, 10, 90, 101, 106, 111, 126 Smelser, H. W., 50, 105 Smelser, H. W., Mme., 104 Smelser, Henry W., 28 Smelser, S. H., 97 Smethwick, Della, 49 Smethwick, Ed, 67 Smethwick, R. E., 98 Smith & Foster, 32 Smith & Sons, 130 Smith, Albert, 40, 47, 56, 60, 66, 120 Smith, Albert, Mrs., 110, 146 Smith, Allie Jane, 20 Smith, Amanda, 140 Smith, Austin, 20 Smith, B. C., 42, 67 Smith, Bert, 52, 137 Smith, C. W., 32 Smith, Cad, 56, 62, 92 Smith, Callie, 96 Smith, Clarence, 114 Smith, Dave, 67, 98, 140 Smith, Deck, 129 Smith, Dolly, 105 Smith, Dr., died, 20 Smith, Earl, 31, 51, 57, 61, 65 Smith, Earl, Mrs., 61 Smith, Ed, 86 Smith, Edith, 96 Smith, Edna, 101, 106, 112 Smith, Elise, 29 Smith, Emma, 107 Smith, Erma, 43, 52, 93 Smith, Ernest, 67 Smith, Eula, 57, 69, 96, 110 Smith, Fay, 27, 110 Smith, Faye, 56, 93, 110, 130 Smith, Floyd, 111, 120, 134, 146 Smith, Frances, 100 Smith, Frances, Mrs., 61 Smith, Francis, Mrs., 61 Smith, Frank, 121 Smith, Fred G., 30 Smith, Fred, suicide, 129 Smith, Garrett, Mrs., 98 Smith, Geneva, 78 Smith, George, 14 Smith, Griffin, 50 Smith, Guy, 140 Smith, Hazel, 103, 128 Smith, Irma, 101 Smith, J. C., 60 Smith, J. O., 62 Smith, J. R., 94, 119 Smith, J. W., 70 Smith, James, 88, 101 Smith, James Burton, died, 100 Smith, Letcher, 85, 87 Smith, Lloyd, 47, 56, 84, 134 Smith, Lottie, died, 64 Smith, Marguerite, 101 Smith, Mark, 51, 56, 61 Smith, Marvin, 121, 138 Smith, Maud, 27 Smith, Maude, 40, 47, 56, 105 Smith, Mike, 113 Smith, Millard, 20 Smith, Morgan, 9, 57, 100, 104, 107, 109, 142, 146 Smith, Morgan's baby, 109, 111 Smith, Nora, 10 Smith, Norma, 112 Smith, R. J., 64, 67 Smith, Rann, 60 Smith, Ray, 130 Smith, Raymond, 76 Smith, Raymond, Mrs., 119 Smith, Robert, 49, 58 Smith, Robert Malcolm, 41 Smith, Robt., 60, 61 Smith, Roy, 21, 46, 47, 56, 61, 106, 110, 111, 114, 130, 134, 136 Smith, Roy, died, 134 Smith, S. G., 24, 99 Smith, S. J., Mrs., 42 Smith, Sallie, killed, 129 Smith, Sam, 24, 46, 76, 107, 108 Smith, Sam, Mrs., 130 Smith, Tezzie, 94 Smith, U. S., 64 Smith, Villa, 21, 27, 71, 103, 105, 114, 130 Smith, Villia, 110 Smith, Viola, 103 Smith, Vivia, 137 Smith, W. G., 21, 27, 47, 56, 111, 130 Smith, Wm. G., 146 Smith, Zoe, 29 Smith's store, 49, 111 Smithers, R. T., 60 Smothers, F. V., 106, 115 Smothers, F. V., Mrs., 107 Smothers, Ves, 76, 78, 119 Sneed, Amanda, 93 Snider, C. L., 131 Snider, Delia, 107 Snoddy, Nora, 117 Snodgrass, A. H., 108, 140 Snodgrass, Clara, 90 Snodgrass, Cola, 51 Snodgrass, H., 109 Snodgrass, Harrison, 48, 50, 106 Snodgrass, Lola, 81 Snodgrass, Marie, 61, 69 Snodgrass, Mary, 132 Snodgrass, R. W., 18, 51, 67, 94 Snodgrass, W. B., 40, 45, 90, 132 Snodgrass, Wes, 9 Snow, Ben, 126 Snowden, Chas. R., 53, 103 Society, Gladstone, 9 Society, Women's Missionary, 97 Solley, C. M., 34 Somers, Dollie, 100 Somers, Frank, 100 Sorrell, Pauline, 103 Sorrells, Flossie, 75 Sorrels, Albert, 94 Sorrels, J. H., 147 Sorrels, Vin S., 139 Southern Novelty Co., 32 Southern Supply Co., 129 Spacht, F. E., 23 Sparkman, Ark., garage, 29 Sparkman, H. L., 44 Sparkman, Harry, Mrs., died, 100 Spaulding, Wm., 8, 48, 99 Spease, Martha, 70 Speegle, Mary, 94 Speelman, Kate, 93 Speice, Martha, died, 31 Spell, Fred, 68 Spence, B. B., 122 Spence, Bernie B., 78 Spence, Jo., Mrs., 110 Spence, Josephine, 112, 118 Spence, Louis, 19 Spence, Mrs., 91 Spencer, Al, killed, 139 Spencer, Mrs., 143 Spicer, H. F., 30 Spiker, S. E., 26 Spikes, J. M., died, 44 Spikes, S. E., 21 Spikes, W. C., 44 Spillman, Angeline, 21 Spillman, brother, killed, 41 Spillman, Elbert, killed, 20 Spillman, G. R., 21 Spillman, Gilbert, 21, 41, 92 Spillman, H. M., 21 Spillman, N. H., 21 Spillman, Norman, died, 41 Spinks, Rece, 143 Spradley, Carl, killed, 80 Spradley, W. P., 80 Spradley, Will, Jr., 80 Spradling, J. L., 24 Spradling, Sidney, 108 Sprague, B. M., Mrs., died, 41 Sprague, C. E., 41, 58, 62, 77, 88, 90, 109 Sprague, C. E., Mrs., 58 Sprague, Clayton, 77 Sprague, Clayton E., 71, 92 Sprague, F. B., 9, 41, 66, 75, 89, 91, 94, 97, 101, 109, 125 Sprague, F. B., Mrs., 16, 85, 89, 91 Sprague, Mary, 41, 59, 86, 87, 88, 92, 103, 136 Sprague, Mary Lucille, 90 Sprague, Mrs., died, 41 Sprague, Sara Frances, 72, 76, 125 Sprague, Sarah Frances, 91 Sprague, Virginia, 72, 89, 91, 125 Springer, H. E., 121 St. Francis Drug Co., 42 St. Francis, Ark., pistol duel, 49 St. Francis, Ark., postmaster, 38, 51, 55 Stackhouse, Calvin, 119 Stacy, I. J., died, 45 Stacy, Irene, 143 Stacy, T. M., 138 Stafford, Frank, 127 Stafford, Henry, Mrs., 95 Stagger, John M., 135 Staggers, A. H., 70 Staggs, Elbert, 101 Staley Drug Co., 64 Staley, Agnes, 42, 43, 89 Staley, Anna L., died, 43 Staley, Dr., 42 Staley, J. C., 42 Staley, J. C., Mrs., 37 Staley, J. C., Mrs., died, 41 Staley, T. B., 64, 89 Staley, Thomas B., 42 Staley, Thos. B., 43 Stallings, Thomas, died, 147 Standiford, Burley, 52, 61 Stanfield, G. W., 25, 39, 104, 108, 115, 126, 128 Stanfield, Geo. W., 9, 31, 117, 133 Stanfield, Lucille, 58, 72 Stanfield, O. L., 39 Stanfield, Ruth, 101 Stanfield, Ruth Mary, 10, 90, 111 Stanfill, Eld., 20 Stanford's market, 26 Stanley, C. M., 25 Stanley, Jack, 25 Stanley, William, 65 Stanly, Bertha, 129 Stark, J. E., 107 Stark, James, 62 Starling, G. W., 28 Starnes, Jesse H., 94 Starnes, Noah, 70, 135 Starr, Claude, 125 Stave Co., Myers, 26 Steger, Adam, 36 Stein, C. L., 141 Steinberg family, 69 Steinberg Store, 31 Steinberg, Harry, 16, 52, 84, 85, 96, 117, 120 Steinberg, J., 23, 47, 85, 97, 99, 103, 136 Steinberg, J. A., Jr., 67 Steinberg, Jacob, 117 Steinberg, Jake, 49, 52, 101, 109 Steinberg, Jos., 13, 19, 25, 31, 35, 39, 41, 49, 52, 62, 73, 101 Steinberg, Jos. A., 87, 92 Steinberg, Joseph, 109 Steinberg, Joseph A., 90 Steinberg, Joseph, died, 117 Steinberg, Nat, 19, 59, 62, 73, 92 Steinberg, Nathan, 117 Steinberg, Simon, 13, 37, 109, 117 Steinberg, Sol, 19 Steinberg, Sol S., 117 Steinberg, Sol., 14, 23, 31 Steinberg's store, 126 Steinbergs, 129 Stendman, Mary, 13 Stephens family, 88 Stephens, A. J., 68 Stephens, Ark., business houses, 32 Stephens, E. G., Mrs., 63, 96, 100 Stephens, Ed G., 115 Stephens, Edgar, 25, 90 Stephens, Edgar G., 62 Stephens, Edgar, Mrs., 85, 94 Stephens, Francis, 54 Stephens, J. R., 28 Stephens, James R., 52 Stephens, Landlord, 9 Stephens, Mabel, 47 Stephens, Mr., 61, 64 Stephens, Mrs., 9 Stephens, Violet, 56, 93 Stephens, Willie, 103 Stephens, Wm., 25, 29, 59, 122, 133 Stephens, Wm., Mrs., sister's son died, 15 Sterling, E. E., 113 Steuver, Anton, 88 Stevens, Bill, 133 Stevens, Ed, 129 Stevens, Ed V., 45 Stevens, Francis, 58, 65 Stevens, John, 70 Stevens, Lizzie, killed, 136 Stevens, Willie, 136 Stevens, Wm., 136 Stigers, A. H., 102, 127 Stillwell, Grace, 126 Stinscum, Edna, 50 Stock, J. E., 86 Stokes, Ada, 57 Stokes, Lloyd, 131 Stokes, Lloyd, Mrs., 130 Stokes, Tom, 70 Stokes, Tom, Mrs., 61 Stokes, Tressie, 39, 40 Stone, J. D., Mrs., 30 Stone, Jim, 45 Stone, Jimmie, 37 Stone, Jimmy, 36 Stone, M. R., 115 Stone, Walteen C., 142 Store, Fair, 49, 75, 98, 105, 117, 124 Store, New York, 24 Store, Pitzele, 11, 19, 21, 22, 29, 31, 36, 43, 74, 90, 105, 122, 128 Store, Pitzele's, 82, 103, 128 Stores, Seaman's, 99 Story, Clyde, 60, 106, 107 Story, Ella, 107 Story, Mrs., 60 Stovall, Anna, 24 Stovall, Cardie, 23 Stovall, Gena, 21 Stribling, Belle, 41, 56, 103, 128 Strickland, Mamie, 30 String, Carl, 113 Strobel, Emma, 10 Strobel, John, 10 Strong, Delmer, 91, 93, 114 Stroud, Albert, 135 Stroud, Katherine, 34 Sturdivant, J. D., 87 Sturgeno, Anthony, 101 Sturkey, Arb, 75 Stuttgart, Ark., teacher, 26, 54 Sublett, O., killed, 139 Success News, 48 Success, Ark., bank, 48 Success, Ark., fire, 86 Success, Ark., Masonic lodge, 95 Success, Ark., smallpox, 48 Sullins, Birdie, 81 Sullins, Esq., 13, 116 Sullins, Otto, 36, 46, 47, 50, 62, 79, 146 Sullins, Otto, Mrs., 36 Sullivan, Eulos, 129 Sullivant, M., 68 Sursa farm, 49, 65 Sursa, L., 60 Sursa, W. E., 39, 87 Sursa, W. E., Mrs., 63, 128 Sursa, W. E., Mrs., mother died, 36 Sutherland, G. G., Mrs. died, 45 Sutton, Addie, 51, 60, 106, 112, 127 Sutton, Carl, died, 86 Sutton, Ed, 116 Sutton, Jack, 99 Sutton, Mrs., 27 Swain, J. H., 138, 140 Swain, J. H., Mrs., 122 Swain, Mary, 138, 142 Swain, Mrs., 142 Swain, Roland, 111 Swan, E. N., 118 Swan, E. N., Mrs., died, 117, 118 Swan, L., Mrs., 82 Swan, Thelma, 58, 65 Swartz, Mae, 46 Swindle, Dixie, 19 T Tabernacle, Holiness, 11 Tabernacle, Pentecostal, 47 Tackett, C. A., killed, 143 Talkington, Cecil, 84 Talkington, Cecil, Miss, 12 Talkington, Herschel, 108 Talkington, Josephine, 79 Talkington, S., 9, 12, 119 Talkington, S., Mrs., 82 Talkington, Sherman, 79 Tanti, Everett, 125 Taylor, Alene, 118 Taylor, Beloit, 71, 123 Taylor, Connor, 149 Taylor, Edgar, 67 Taylor, Eileen, 103 Taylor, Elliene, 43, 52, 72 Taylor, F. G., 9, 15, 16, 59, 89, 122, 149 Taylor, Francis Keyes, 131 Taylor, Frank, 38, 72 Taylor, J. L., 8, 13, 59, 71, 96, 118, 130, 131, 136 Taylor, J. L., Mrs., 14, 49, 112, 113 Taylor, J. Murray, 116 Taylor, J. S., 128 Taylor, Jerry, 8 Taylor, Judge, 28, 75 Taylor, Lillian, 28 Taylor, Madeline, 38 Taylor, Madelyn, 72 Taylor, Otis, 136 Taylor, R. L., 89 Taylor, Robert, Jr., 11 Taylor, Robt. L., 149 Taylor, Rupert, 71, 123 Taylor, Russell, 19 Taylor, Terrah, 62 Taylor, Tilman, 127 Teachers, Clay Co., Ark., 103 Teasley, Jennie, 118 Teeters, Helen, 26 Teeters, Jake, 44 Teeters, John, died, 44 Teeters, Lee, 44 Telegraph, Western Union, 44 Telephone Co., SW Bell, oldest employe, 8 Temple, Jas., 141 Temple, Jimmie, died, 141 Temples, daughter, bitten, 121 Terral, Thos. J., 68 Terry, James, died, 113 Terry, Jno., Mrs., 11, 119 Terry, John, 17, 75, 88, 111 Terry, John, died, 110, 111 Terry, Zadie, 111 Tesch, Carl, 116, 148 Tesch, Carl H., 93 Teters farm, 137 Teters, Clara, 72, 87, 90, 94, 101 Teters, Elsie, 43, 87, 96, 105, 107 Teters, V. B., 87 Teters, W. B., 70, 94, 110, 114 Texarkana, Ark., fire, 14 Thackery, James, died, 80 Tharp, Glen, 84 Tharp, John, 10, 58, 65, 79, 90, 101, 106, 111, 126, 141 Tharp, Roy, 79 Thaxton, Clarence, 101 Thayer, Tressie, 111 Theater, Grand, 16 Theater, Knickerbocker, 53 Theatre, Royal, 34, 37, 49, 73 Theatre, Starlight, 15, 22, 29, 33, 61, 77, 78, 89, 90, 92, 108, 114, 143 Theatre, Ward's, 15 Thiel, L. A., 34 Thill, C. N., 34 Thomas, Ben, 83 Thomas, Bertha, 68, 126 Thomas, Chas. A., 99 Thomas, Clarence, 115 Thomas, D. N., 9, 11, 17, 19, 32, 41, 58, 82, 106, 126, 147 Thomas, D. N., Mrs., 35, 55, 57, 90, 137 Thomas, D.N., 29 Thomas, Eliza, 83 Thomas, Frank, 62, 108 Thomas, Frank, died, 41 Thomas, James, 149 Thomas, Jessie, 110 Thomas, Mary, 11 Thomas, Nan, 7 Thomas, Rev., 74 Thomas, W. E., 110 Thomasson, B. C., 24 Thomen, W. E., 133 Thompion, J. S., 83 Thompson, C. E., 120 Thompson, Charles, 50 Thompson, Deputy Clerk, 99, 100, 107 Thompson, Fred, 143 Thompson, Gladys, 94 Thompson, Grace, 99 Thompson, H. E., 49 Thompson, H. E., Mrs., 65 Thompson, Harvey, suicide, 108 Thompson, Horace, 66, 114 Thompson, Horace E., 61 Thompson, Horace E.'s daughter, 21 Thompson, J. M., 133, 136 Thompson, J. S., 83, 144 Thompson, J. W., 27 Thompson, James, 103 Thompson, James M., 92, 133 Thompson, John W., 113 Thompson, John Zola, killed, 84 Thompson, Levi, 113 Thompson, Marguerite, 83 Thompson, Sara, 113 Thompson, W., Mrs., 18 Thompson, wife, murdered, 108 Thornburg, Perry Co., Ark., postmaster, 121 Thorniley, H. D., Mrs., 12 Thorniley, Mary, 12 Thorniley, Mrs., 53 Thornily, Mrs., 49 Thornton, Ark., teacher, 33 Thornton, Clara, 8 Thornton, H. C., Mrs., 129 Thornton, James, died, 148 Thornton, W. D., 148 Thorton, Clara, 8 Thrash, G. C., 113 Threlkeld, Agnes, 140 Thurman, W. T., 8 Thurmond, Elma, 121 Thurston, Henry B., 55 Thwait farm, 134 Thwait, John, killed, 133 Tidwell, C. J., 30 Timmons, Theodore, 127 Tiner, Frank, died, 51 Tiner, G. E., died, 88 Tinsley, C., 107 Tinsley, Dorsey, 132 Tinsley, James, 107 Tinsley, Mr., 114 Tinsley, Mrs., 31 Tipton, G. W., Mrs., 74 Tipton, J., 60 Tipton, Mrs., 79 Tipton, R. R., 41, 79 Tipton, R. R., Mrs., 79 Tires, Firestone, 22 Tisdial, Ethel, 70 Tisdial, F. M., 53, 82 Tisdial, Fannie, 115 Tisdial, Jno., Mrs., 145 Titus, Grover, 13, 15, 22, 31 Toalson, C. L., 95 Toalson, Carl, 14, 35, 42, 62, 71, 96, 120, 138, 140 Toalson, Mrs., 117 Toalson, Nellena, 9, 63, 72 Toalson, T., Mrs., 91 Toalson, Vincent, 10, 55, 58, 65, 90, 94, 101, 106, 111, 126 Toalson, Vincient, 53 Toler, C. G., 70, 108 Toler, Clarence, 9 Toler, Esther, 61 Toler, Gay's boy, 51 Toler, J. M., est., 70 Toliver, Melvin, 127 Tomberlin, Durand, 50 Tompkins, J. H., 9 Toney, Beland, 81 Tongate, William, 50 Torrance, W. D., 24 Torreyson, Burr Walter, 73 Tounzen, Louis, 93 Toweley, H. A., 23 Towell, Flora, 108 Towell, Lela, 135 Towell, Lilla, 106, 107, 108 Towell, Robert, 107 Towell, Robt., 111 Towell, Stella, 127 Townsend, Curtis, 143 Townsend, J. H., 96 Townsend, John, 105 Townsend, Lewis, 91 Tracy, John, 89 Train, Chicago-Milwaukee, 148 Train, Cotton Belt, 60, 83, 138 Train, Frisco, 105 Train, Frisco Kansas City, 124 Train, Missouri Pacific, 73, 83, 123, 131 Train, Mo. Pac., 85, 148 Transportation Co., Industrial, 8 Trantham, Charles, 69 Trantham, Walter, died, 54 Trask, Dell, 26 Trieber, Judge, 51, 55 Troxel, E. H., 70 Tual, Gladys, 81 Tual, W. J., Mrs., 81 Tucker farm, 85 Tucker, A. J., Mrs., 145 Tucker, Dora, 51 Tucker, Dora B., 111 Tucker, E. W., 70 Tucker, Inola, 54, 58, 65, 90, 94, 101, 106, 111, 126 Tucker, Lillian, 99 Tucker, Raymond, drowned, 51 Tull, Lenna, 143 Turma, Jennie L., 78 Turner, D. R., 105 Turner, Frances, Mrs., 121 Turner, H. R., 30 Turner, J. A., 137 Turner, Jesse, 137 Turntine, Mrs., 51 Turrentine, Charles, 101 Turrentine, Halbert, 94, 101, 126 Turrentine, Ralph, 101, 106 Turrentine, Stella, 51 Tussey, Editor, 99 Tussey, George, 43 Tussey, Rev., 23, 41, 94 Tussey, W. S., 43, 80 Tussey, W. S., Mrs., 97 Twaits, John, 84 Twiss, C. R., 144 Tyler, F., 51 Tyler, Fred, 45, 47, 91, 138 Tyler, Fred, Mrs., 123 Tyler, H. E., 93 Tyler, Hassel, 28 Tyler, Lon, 92 Tyler, May, 146 Tyler, Mr., died, 68 Tyler, Pearl, 90, 123, 136 Tyler, Robt., 136 Tyler, S. L., 119 U Underwood, Jewell, 78 Underwood, Justice, 67 Union Printers Home, 54 Union Printers' Home, 36 Union, Farmer's, 23 Union, Mutual Aid, 13 United Daughters of the Confederacy, 39 United States Mfg. Co. Ltd., 53 University at Fayetteville, 14 University of Arkansas, 14, 25 University of Oklahoma, 13 University, Iowa State, 13 University, Washington, 7 Upchurch, Connie, 76 Usinger, Ola, 66, 102, 142 Usinger, Olie, Mrs., 99 V Vallance, William H., 143 Van Buren, Ark., first woman notary, 16 Van Patton, Clark D., 98 Van Zandt, children died, 92 VanCamp, H. E., 10, 20, 22, 34 VanCamp, Rev., 11, 24, 43, 55, 62 Vance, Matilda, 25 Vancel, W. T., 21 Vancil, Jessie, Miss, 66 Vandermark, J. W., died, 68 Vandermark, Jas. E., 100 Vandover farm, 108 Vandover farm, fire, 111 Vandover place, 60 Vandover, E., 88, 119 Vandover, Ewell, 12, 19 Vandover, Ewell, Mrs., 91 Vandover, H. A., 67 Vandover, H. W., 59, 90 Vandover, Harry, 19, 27 Vandover, Margaret Anne, 88 Vandover, S. E., 133 Vandover, W. A., 128, 133 Vandover, W. A., Mrs., 88 VanDyke, R. S., 61 VanOver, M. D. L., 108 VanPatten, C. D., 133 VanPatten, Clark, 120 VanPatten, Clark D., 105 VanPatten, Mrs., 120 Vaught, W. A., 79, 119, 140, 144 Vester, Eddie, 127, 128 Vester, J. A., 120, 127 Vester, James, 128 Vester, John, 67, 119 Vester, Tura, 128 Vester, Wilma, 128 Vickery, W. C., 7 Vickrey, D. W., Mrs., 15, 27, 81 Vines, Elmer, 103 Vinson, M. E., 113 Vogan, R. H., Mrs., 88 Voyles, Martha, 14 W Waddle, Krata Eileen, 16 Waddle, M. V. B., 34 Wade, Earl, 19 Wade, H. Lynn, 26 Wade, Henry, 19 Wadley, G. N., 80 Wadley, J. L., 72 Wadley, Joe Edward, 80 Wadley, W. D., 16 Waggoner, Loren, 24 Wakefield, J. C., 113 Walden, Dora, 66 Waldron, R. C., 113 Walk, Hubert, Mrs., 74 Walk, Jos., 146 Walk, Roy, 75, 130 Walk, Roy, Mme., 102 Walker, Austin, 94 Walker, E. L., 104 Walker, G. M., 104 Walker, Mary, 118 Walker, Mrs., 47 Walker, Stella, 61 Walker, W. K., 11, 118 Walker, Wm.'s baby, died, 85 Wall, Della Mae, 60 Wall, W. S., 113 Wallace, C. E., 45 Wallace, Homer, 67 Wallace, Robert, 27 Wallace, W. E., 8 Waller, Irwin, 78 Walls, Sylvester, 54 Walls, W. F., 132 Walnut Ridge, Ark., Candy & Ice Cream Co., 26 Walnut Ridge, Ark., grocers, 26 Waltemate, Louis, 55 Waltemate, Louis, Jr., 55 Walters, G. M., 24 Ward Motor Co., 115 Ward, A. F., Jr., Mrs., 88 Ward, A., Mrs., 116 Ward, Aaron, 113 Ward, Andrew, Mrs., 15 Ward, C. S., 22, 92, 132 Ward, Charles, 25, 49, 130 Ward, Charles S., Mrs., 49 Ward, Chas. S., 114, 115 Ward, Chas., Mrs., 53 Ward, Elvis, killed, 141 Ward, Ewing, 149 Ward, Helen, 60 Ward, Mack, 130 Ward, Nell, 49 Ward, Nelle, 17, 25, 73 Ward, Tabitha, killed, 140 Ward, Tom, 37, 49, 73, 113 Ward, W. D., 44 Ward, W. J., 70 Ward, W. M., 22, 25, 37, 49, 81, 93, 102, 104, 114, 130, 144 Ware, Nannie, died, 45 Warner, L. R., 23 Warren, Ark., grocery store, 23 Warren, Ark., lumber company, 23 Warren, law offices, 29 Warren, Mary Ellen, 139 Warren, Mose, 117 Warren, T. S., 107, 109 Wartmann, J. H., Mrs., 52 Wasson, Ethel, 13 Watason, W. W., 30 Watkins, Wayne, 114 Watson, Delia, 137 Watson, E. L., 123 Watson, Elmer, 70, 119 Watson, G. W. S., 57, 59, 63, 98 Watson, Jos., 99 Watson, Laura, 106 Watson, Miss, 104, 131 Watson, Mrs., 104, 131 Watson, Robt. E., died, 102 Watson, Sam, 102 Watson, T. J., Mrs., 64 Watson, W. M., 106 Watson, Wm., 64, 137 Wayland, Grace, 19 Weatherly, Charles J., 145 Weaver, L., 54, 146 Weaver, Lester, 50, 87, 93, 102, 106, 109, 131 Weaver, Lester, Mrs., 94 Weaver, Lora Faye, 112 Weaver, Rev., 64, 67, 68, 71, 74, 79, 81, 83, 87, 126, 144 Weaver, Rev. & Mrs., 97 Weaver, Ruby, 143 Webb, A. T., 31, 37 Webb, Albert, 39 Webb, B. S., 27, 37 Webb, Ben, Mrs., 41 Webb, Benjamin S., died, 39 Webb, Billie, 106, 111 Webb, Billy, 90, 101, 126 Webb, Christine's boy, died, 106 Webb, City Marshal, 67 Webb, E. C., 16 Webb, Ed, 39 Webb, Elsworth, 47 Webb, Emma, 62 Webb, H. H., Mrs., 58 Webb, Harry H., 31 Webb, Harry W., 41 Webb, Jewell, 108 Webb, Joe, 113 Webb, John, 39 Webb, Mr., 24 Webb, Robert, 39 Webb, W. M., 13, 24, 37, 41, 79, 81 Webb, W. M., Mrs., 27, 141 Webb, William, 39 Webb, Wm. M., 35 Webb's restaurant, 90 Weber, Al, 14 Weber, Frank B., 141 Webster, A. W., 145 Webster, F. A., 52 Webster, Frank, 140 Webster, Gus, 82 Webster, J. H., 140 Webster, Mabel, 49, 75, 82 Webster, Mellicent, 110 Webster, Mildred, 90 Webster, Millicent, 55, 58, 94, 101 Webster, Mme., 110 Webster, Winnie, 16 Weddle, Naoma, 43, 52 Weddle, Norma, 87 Weddle, Oral, 23 Weddle, T., 50 Weedle, T., 67 Weeks, Paul, 86 Weems, A. D., 42 Weir, B. S., 113 Welch, Frank, 23 Welch, Mr. & Mrs., 110 Welch, Mrs., 140 Welch, W. R., 47, 64, 74, 77, 92, 145 Welch, Wm. R., Mrs., 106 Weldin, F., 115 Wellcutt, Gerta May, 139 Wells, Alpha, 109 Wells, Austin, 121, 127 Wells, Cliff, 109 Wells, Daisy, deceased, 121 Wells, E. C., 94 Wells, E. T., 27 Wells, J. G., 113 Wells, Jessie, 114 Wells, Jessie, Miss, 107 Wells, Lillian U., died, 121, 127 Wells, N. V., 127 Wells, Newton, 121 Wells, U. C., 121, 127 Wells, U. S., 108 Wells, Usher, 101, 121 Wells, W. A., 127 Wells, W. A., Mrs., 101 Wells, Warren A., 121 Wertenberger, Amanda, 101 Wertenberger, Frank, died, 53 Wertenberger, Harvey, 101 West, G. L., 53, 126 West, Grandma, died, 9 West, Harry McClure, 53 West, John, 113 West, Lute, 53 West, Lute, Mme., 102 West, Sibyl, 44, 124 West, Sibyl, died, 126 West, W. W., 9 Westbrook, Estella, 35 Westbrook, Guy, 22 Westbrook, Wilkin, 35 Westbrook, Wilkin W., 60 Western Union, 23 Western Veneer Co., 144 Western Veneer Products, 33, 124 Weston, Ethel, 100 Weston, Wm., 100 Wetherford, W. R., 129 Wetherholt, Elmer, 22, 49, 58, 63 Wetherholt, G. L., 22 Wetherholt, Sheldon, 12 Whayne, R. C., 8 Wheatley, Archer, 127 Wheatley, Jas., 59 Wheatley, Thelma, 59, 111 Wheatly, Edith, 57 Wheatly, Edna, 76 Wheatly, Jos., 57, 64 Wheeler, Arthur, 40 Wheeler, Charles, 87 Wheeler, G. B., Mrs., 64 Wheeler, Geo. B., Mrs., 77 Wheeler, Mrs., 11 Wheetley, Edith, 107, 115, 132 Wheetley, Joe, 107, 110, 112 Whiddon, W. F., 32 Whitaker farm, 31 Whitaker, C. J., 9 Whitaker, Lela, 94 Whitaker, R., 8, 84, 94, 135 White, Clara, 23 White, Emmett M., 27, 36 White, Emmett M., died, 54 White, Hattie, 56 White, man, 125 White, Mr., 51, 104 White, Myrtha, 112 White, Nora, 106 White, Teddy, 106 White, W. F., 21 White's, 127 Whiteaker, Dale, 146 Whitehead, Edgar, 143 Whitehead, Nora, 120 Whitehead, T. C., 94 Whitley, Gilbert L., 85 Whitson, Vann, 139 Whittenberg, Mr. & Mrs., 104, 131 Whittington, Harry, 94 Wiedeman, Albert, 59 Wiedeman, Lou, Mrs., 122 Wiedeman, Raymond, 59 Wilburn, G. A., 100 Wilcox, E. T., 49, 75, 124 Wilcox, E. T.'s daughter, 89 Wilcox, Mrs., 75 Wilcox, Thurman, 98 Wilder, Earl, 91 Wilder, Essie, 63 Wilder, Frank, 149 Wilder, J. W., 63 Wilder, Nellie, 112 Wilder, Sadie, 57 Wilkerson, Dan W., 39, 62 Wilkerson, Geraldine, 39, 69, 90, 106, 111 Wilkerson, Lora, 61, 103 Wilkerson, Lura, 146 Wilkins, Tom Dale, 16 Williams Mercantile, 7 Williams Neighborhood News, 13 Williams School News, 51 Williams, A., 66 Williams, Albert, 57 Williams, Allen, Mrs., 133 Williams, Barney, 117 Williams, Bertha, 70 Williams, Buel, Mrs., 12 Williams, County Treasurer, 20 Williams, Dora, 60 Williams, Ed., 107 Williams, Frank, 43 Williams, Frank, died, 121 Williams, H. H., Mrs., 51 Williams, Hallie, died, 117 Williams, Harney, 120 Williams, Harry, 21 Williams, Harvey, 39, 40, 111 Williams, Herbert, 10, 28, 54 Williams, Herbert, Mrs., 79 Williams, J. C., 71, 79, 123 Williams, J. H., 74, 105 Williams, J. H., Mrs., 146 Williams, J. M., 46, 89, 123, 140 Williams, J. M., Mrs., 46 Williams, J. S., 27 Williams, Jasper, 39 Williams, Jeff J., 65 Williams, John, 43 Williams, John M., 15, 71, 79 Williams, Joseph, 125 Williams, Leonard, 65 Williams, Loreene, 20 Williams, Meletha, 60 Williams, Mrs., 51 Williams, Myrtle, 66 Williams, Oma, 120 Williams, Ray E., 141 Williams, Raymond, 94, 117 Williams, Raymond, died, 65 Williams, Red, 26 Williams, Rodney, Mrs., 81 Williams, S., 32 Williams, W. A., 141 Williamson, Hugh U., 33 Williamson, Nora, 10 Williamson, R. W., 10 Williamson, Roy, 139 Williamson, W. W., 112 Williard, Prof., 128 Willis, Jake, 62 Wills, Christine, 81 Wills, J. W., 79 Wills, J. W., Mrs., 78 Wills, James, 120 Wills, Mary, 81 Wills, S. F., 108 Willys-Knight, 148 Willys-Knight & Overland, 133 Wilmar, Ark., lumber co., 50 Wilmore, Frank, 42 Wilmore, Henry, 88 Wilmore, J. F., 32, 87, 88 Wilmore, Sidney S., died, 87 Wilmore, Viola, 88 Wilmore, W., 88 Wilmore, W. A., 88 Wilson, Anna, 28, 82 Wilson, boy, killed, 83 Wilson, Clifford, 28 Wilson, Clyde, 28, 78 Wilson, Dessie, 21, 111, 146 Wilson, Don, 94 Wilson, Everett, 131 Wilson, Harold, 82 Wilson, Herold, 28 Wilson, Ida, 70 Wilson, Jim, killed, 83 Wilson, Lafayette, 91 Wilson, May, 134 Wilson, Nellie, 104 Wilson, Otis, 28, 82 Wilson, Q. M., 70 Wilson, W. A., 94 Wilson, W. M., 70 Wilson, Wm., 9 Winchester Arms Co., 73 Wineinger, S. R., 67 Winkle, Wm., died, 64, 65 Winningham, Frank, 137 Winningham, T. S., 70 Winters, Editor-Manager, 23 Winters, Geo., Mrs., 144 Winters, Wilma, 144 Winters, Wm. H., Mrs., 32 Wiseman, P. E., 8 Wish, L. Wert, 27 Wisner, Bessie, 93 Wisner, Floyd, 111 Wisner, Gailor, 23 Wisner, Gaylord, 47, 115 Wisner, Jack, 90, 115 Wisner, Jno. H., Mrs., died, 68 Wisner, John, 115 Wisner, Mr., 68 Wisner, Ralph, 23, 47 Witcher, Herbert, 110, 137 Wittenberg, Arthur, 98 Wolfe, Harry, died, 147 Wolff, Jack, Mrs., 10 Womack, Rev., 37, 42 Womack, W. E., 56, 76 Womack, W. V., 8, 31, 42 Wood, C. B., 113 Wood, Erma, 103 Wood, Fay, 87 Wood, John, 113 Wood, Orie, 103 Woodall farm, 63 Woodall School Items, 130 Woodall School News, 51, 52, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65 Woodard, Avery, died, 74 Woodard, Lon, 75 Woodburn, E. D., 26 Woods, Ben, killed, 138 Woods, Celia, 56 Woods, Clarence, 111, 114 Woods, F. M., 28 Woods, Faye, 85 Woods, Ona, 78 Woods, Orie, 108, 111, 114 Woods, Walter, killed, 139 Woods, William, 69 Woodson, E. B., 129 Wooley, N. G., 113 Woolsey, George, Mrs., 46 Worley, Miss, 132 Wortman, J. H., 9, 138 Wortman, J. H., Mrs., 147 Wortmann, J. H., Mrs., 35, 60 Wortmann, Mr. & Mrs., 12 Wright, Alice, 51, 81 Wright, Anna, 65 Wright, Charles, 60 Wright, Claudia, 111 Wright, Edna, 85 Wright, Emma, 51 Wright, G. L., 141 Wright, Gertrude, 51, 81 Wright, Helen, 85 Wright, J. H., 114 Wright, J. L., 70 Wright, Kathleen, 58 Wright, Lafayette, 7 Wright, Maggie, 51 Wright, Melvie, 65 Wright, O. W., 149 Wright, Orlie, 21 Wright, Rupert C., 50 Wright, Will, 144 Wright, Wm., 56 Wruck, C. A., 35 Wyatt, Amy, 70 Wyatt, Gus., 106 Wyley, Dee, 130 Wylie, A. D., 144 Wynn, Isabel, 104 Wynn, Isabelle, 91 Wynn, T. W., 43, 50, 55, 79, 91, 97, 104, 114, 142 Wynn, T. W., Mrs., 112 Wynn, Thos. W., 9 Wynn, Thos. W., Mrs., 79 Wynne, T. D., 29 Wyse, Delbert, Mrs., 120 Wyse, Freeda, 52 Wyse, Messr., 38 Wyse, Mrs., 38 Wyse, W. R., 94 Y Y. M. C. A., 23 Yaeger, H. R., 34 Yancey, Charles, 115 Yancey, Chas., 114 Yancey, Jessie, died, 18 Yancy, Charles, 93, 144 Yancy, Chas., Mrs., 102 Yancy, Mrs., 130 Yarbro, W. M., 137 Yarbrough, David, 100 Yarbrough, Edna, 76 Yarbrough, Maud, 100 Yates, Beauton, 101, 106 Yates, Britton, 111, 112, 114, 134 Yates, C. M., Mrs., 82 Yates, Claude, 17 Yates, Claude, Mme., 81 Yates, Constable, 67 Yates, Everett, 109 Yates, Howard, 17 Yates, Louise, 101, 106 Yeager, Dallas, 95 Yeager, Gilbert, 113 Yeager, O. M., 18 Yeager, W. C., 13 Yerger, H. C., 30 York, J. D., 38 York, Mrs., 131 York, Roy, 49 Young, Geo. C., 83 Young, H. W., 67 Young, O. V., 25 Young, Robert, 59, 60 Young, Robert, died, 61 Youngs, Otis, 82 Yow, Audra, 87, 103, 136 Z Zerkel, J. A., 27 Zinc Canning Company, 32 Zinc, Ark., hotel, 32 Zuna, Annie, died, 115 Zuna, Grandma, died, 116 Zuna, John, 28, 109 Zuna, John, died, 71 Copyright (C) Cathy Barnes