Cleveland County ArArchives Obituaries.....Hankins, Mary Louisa Dean October 7, 1945 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Doug McBroom November 7, 2011, 7:31 pm Pine Bluff Commercial, Pine Bluff AR, 8 Oct 1945 Mary Louisa Hankins, aged 95, widow of the late Henry A. Hankins of Cleveland County near Glendale, Arkansas, passed away Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. D. Lindsay. She was born August 12, 1850 in Tennessee, daughter of the late Chris and Betty Dean, coming to Pine Bluff with her parents before the Civil War, making their home on or near what is now Highway 65. Mrs. Hankins was a charter member of the New Home Baptist Church and was very faithful and devoted to her church work as long as her health permitted her to attend services. She was married to Henry A. Hankins May 10, 1886 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Mrs. Hankins is survived by five daughters, Mrs. M. E. Ogletree, Mrs. O. M. Chambers, and Mrs. L. D. Lindsey of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Mrs. J. R. Browning of Sherrill, Arkansas, and Mrs. D. M. Lindsay of Star City, Arkansas,; seven sons, William H. Hankins, Harvey Hankins, J. H. Hankins, L. T. Hankins and V. D. Hankins, all of Pine Bluff, Arkansas; H. F. Hankins of Hot Springs, Arkansas, and E. A. Hankins of Lubbock, Texas; fifty- two grandchildren, fifty great-grandchildren and ten great, great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. at New Home Baptist Church, with the Rev. J. C. Johnson of Fordyce in charge, assisted by the Rev. Charles Carter of Warren, Arkansas. Burial was in the family lot in New Home Cemetery by the South Funeral Home. Active pallbearers were grandsons, Bennie Hankins, Arthur Browning, Leon Lindsey, Joe Chambers, Harry Hankins, Weldon Lindsey, Ivan Hankins and Arlon Lindsey. Honorary pallbearers were, J. T. Lindsey, Howard Dean, Tom Jacks, Mathis Hoover, Doy Rodgers, A. O. Branyan, Fred Rodgers, Charles Ross, Willie Wilson, Jim Rodgers, Will Austin, R. F. Rodgers, Travis Lindsey, Claude Coats, Walter Ross, Dr. W. H. Simmons, C. D. Guest, Mathew Clement, Ernest Ross, Alex Gold, J. A. Hankins, and Dr. Charlie Glover. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb