Biography of Robert J. Adams - Conway Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Cathy Barnes Date: 21 Jun 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas. Goodspeed Publishers, 1891. page 42 Dr. Robert J. Adams, a prominent physician and surgeon of Morrilton, was born at "Old" Lewisburg, in Conway County, Ark., in 1850. His parents were Dr. Edward W. and Margaret A. (Wilson) Adams, both natives of Robertson County. Tennessee; born about 1826 and 1832, respectively. In their youth they both came to Arkansas, the former about 1844, to Conway County, and the latter with her parents about 1837 or '38 to Pope County. They married in the latter county, but settled at Lewisburg, where the doctor practiced his profession till about 1859, when he retired rom practice and entered mercantile pursuits. He spent the latter part of his life at Clarksville, Ark., where he died about 1885. His wife died about 1858, and he afterward married Miss Eliza Cunningham, who is still living and is the mother of two children. Dr. Adams, Sr., was a charter member of Lewisburg Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M., of which he was Worshipful Master at one time. He once represented Conway County in the General Assembly. He was a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. By his first marriage he had five children, of whom our subject is the second, and of whom only two are living. The doctor and a sister, Mrs. Sallie J. Pierce, of Dardanelle. After the death of his mother, the doctor lived in Missouri till, after the war. He received his education, principally, at Cane Hill, Ark., and at the College of Arts at Lexington, Ky., After completing his literary education he studied physic under the instruction of his father, and in 1873 graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Louisville, Ky., and has since practiced his profession with success in the vicinity of his birthplace. He is a man whose character is above reproach, and his reputation as a practitioner ranks among the foremost of Conway County, His grandfather, James Wilson, was a native of Tennessee, from whence he came about 1837 or '38, to Pope County, Ark., where he died before the civil war. In 1876 Dr. Adams married Miss Lydia Gordon, a daughter of James M. and Jane Gordon, who came from Tennessee to Conway County at an early day. Mr. Gordon died at Morrilton in 1886. He was a prominent merchant at Lewisburg and at Morrilton for probably fifty years. In religion he was a Primitive. Baptist, Mrs. Adams is a native of Lewisburg, and is the mother of four children, one son and two daughters living. The doctor has a fine home in Morrilton, and an eighty-acre farm on the river; all of the latter is under a high state of cultivation. Politically he has always affiliated with the Democratic party, but has never aspired to any official position. He is a member of the Conway County Medical Association, of the A. F. and A. M., Lewisburg Lodge, No. 105, at Morrilton, of Hermion Lodge, of K. of P., and of the I. O. O. F., and is an Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Adams is also an active member of that church.