Biography of John H. Jones - Conway Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Cathy Barnes Date: 21 Jun 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas. Goodspeed Publishers, 1891. page 77 John H. Jones, of Gregory Township, is a member of one of the old families in Conway County, his father, Mr. H. Jones, coming here from Tennessee in 1849, when John was a small boy eight years of age. Mr. Jones, Sr., resided in Conway County many years, and died February 1, 1886. His wife (the mother of John) bad died in Tennessee in 1846, and he had married there the second time. He always followed the pursuits of husbandry, and during his life in this county took an active interest the advancement of its affairs. He and wife were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The subject of this sketch, Mr. John B. Jones, was born in Lawrence County. Tenn., February 2, 1841, and in 1849 was brought by his father to Conway County, Ark. Here he has since resided. He secured such limited education as those early days afforded. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted in the Confederate army, Company B, Twenty-first Arkansas Regiment. Was in the battles of Corinth (where he was captured, and afterwards exchanged at Vicksburg), in the battle of Peach Orchard Gap, Atlanta (where he was wounded in the right arm on August 24, 1864.) He was in South Carolina at the time of the surrender in 1865, and from that State returned to Conway County, where he at once engaged in farming. On January 9, 1867, he married Jane West, a native of Arkansas. At that time his worldly possessions were limited almost to a single horse, but with a stout heart and strong arm he soon secured a start. He now owns a good farm of 120 acres, with sixty under cultivation, all well stocked and otherwise improved. Six children have been born to cheer his path in life, and are named Adolphus (deceased), Sarah C., Ruthie F., Franklin, Maudie A. and John C. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Baptist Church.