Biography of W. F. Kirkland - Conway Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Cathy Barnes Date: 21 Jun 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas. Goodspeed Publishers, 1891. page 80 W. F. Kirkland. a merchant of Solgohachia, was born in Marshall County, Mississippi, September 3, 1858. His parents, Mulkie S. and Marinda (Ragsdale) Kirkland, were natives of Alabama, and are the parents of four children, William F. (subject of this sketch), Calvin C. Lee A., and David O. Mr. Kirkland, Sr., is a planter by occupation, and for a long time has been a minister in the Missionary Baptist Church. He emigrated from Alabama to Mississippi in 1857, and in 1888 came to Arkansas, and settled in Conway County, where he now resides. He is an active member of the Masonic fraternity, is a Royal Arch Mason, and has held all the principal offices in the lodge. Our subject was mainly reared and educated in Mississippi. At the age of twenty-two years he began farming for himself on rented land, which he continued for several years. On the 29th of November, 1888, he married Miss G. Shackelford, a native of Mississippi, who was born December 30, 1866. In February, 1889, Mr. K. began merchandising in ?olgohachia, where he is building up a fair and increasing trade, doing an annual cash business of $3500. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church.