Biography of James B. Morrow - Conway Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Cathy Barnes Date: 21 Jun 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas. Goodspeed Publishers, 1891. page 91 James B. Morrow. Among the farmers of Union Township few are deserving of more respect than the subject of this brief sketch, who was born in Butler County, Missouri, in 1839, and is the eldest of a family of two sons and three daughters born to Jesse V. and Lucinda (Brannum) Morrow. Mr. Morrow was a native of one of the Carolinas, and was born in 1814, but went, when a boy, with his parents to Tennessee, and in about 1833 to Butler County, Missouri, where Mr. and Mrs. Morrow both died within a few hours of each other, when James B. was but a boy. John M. Morrow, the grandfather of James B. was a son of John Morrow who immigrated from Ireland to America prior to the war for independence. James Brannum, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was an early settler of Butler County, Missouri, where he died, a prominent farmer, merchant and miller. When the subject of this sketch was about eight years of age his parents removed from Butler County, Missouri, to Van Buren County, Ark., and about four years after they removed to Conway County, where Mrs. Morrow died about 1853. Mr. Morrow married again, and continued to reside in Conway County till about 1873, when he removed to Douglas County, Missouri, where he died in 1879. He was a lifelong farmer, and was Justice of the Peace some years in Conway County, and many years a worthy member of the Missionary Baptist Church. James B. Morrow grew to manhood on a farm in the pioneer days of Arkansas when schools were almost unknown there, hence his educational advantages were of the most meagre kind. He was married in Conway County in 1857, to Miss Mary Brewer, a daughter of William and Cora L, Brewer, who removed from Tennessee to Conway County about the year 1848. Here Mr. Brewer died in 1857. Mrs. Brewer is still living. Mrs. Morrow was born in Tennessee, and died in Conway County, Ark., in 1880, being the mother of five children, of whom three sons are living. Mr. Morrow married his present wife in 1881. She was formerly Susan J. Dickens, a daughter of Uriah and Susan Dickens, who removed from Tennessee to what is now Faulkner County, where Mrs. Dickens died about 1863. Mr. Dickens died in Boone County about 1875. Mrs. Morrow is a native of Gibson County, West Tennessee, and is the mother of four children, of whom three sons are living. With the exception of one year (1868) in Douglas County, Missouri, Mr. Morrow has lived in Conway County since his boyhood. In 1873 he settled in the woods, six miles northwest of Springfield, where he now resides, owning a farm of 120 acres, about seventy acres of which is under cultivation.