Siftings from The Morrilton Democrat Newspaper, 1930, Arkansas, P-Z *********************************************************** Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen Date: 25 May 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Index to Siftings from the Morrilton Democrat Newspaper, 1930, Published in Morrilton, Arkansas ISBN 1-56546-111-8, 291 pages, softbound, $33.00 plus shipping. Order from Arkansas Research, PO Box 303, Conway, AR 72033 -P- Pace, W. R. Mrs., 230 Pacific Grove, Calif., 70 Pack, Ocie Mr. and Mrs., 139 Padgett, Henry Mr. and Mrs., 42, 181 Padgett, Henry Mrs., 171 Page, Ben Mr. and Mrs., 220 Page, Jessie Miss, 222 Painter, Abraham, 12 Painter, Altha Mrs., 236 Pal, Bob Mrs., 219 Paladina, Amelia, 224 Paladina, Amelia Miss, 201 Paladina, Frank P., 224 Paladino, A. A., 138 Paladino, A. A. Mr. and Mrs., 205 Paladino, Amelia, 135 Paladino, Amelia Miss, 201 Paladino, Angelo D., 128 Paladino, Angelo Mr. and Mrs., 13, 224 Paladino, Angelo, Jr., 13 Paladino, Dock Mr. and Mrs., 13, 37 Paladino, Dona Miss, 237 Paladino, Frances Miss, 37, 205 Paladino, Francis, 151, 155, 170 Paladino, Frank, 43, 45, 111, 225 Paladino, Frank J., 37, 160, 165, 173, 201, 221 Paladino, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 108, 138, 205 Paladino, Frank Mrs., 160, 165 Paladino, Genevieve Miss, 170 Paladino, Laurence Elbert, 43 Paladino, Mrs., 145 Paladino, Pete, 201 Paladino, Robert Mr. and Mrs., 43, 170 Paladino, Rosie Mrs., 163 Paladino, Toney Mr. and Mrs., 13, 221 Paladino, Tonie Mr. and Mrs., 13 Paladino, Tony, 155 Paladino, Tony Mr. and Mrs., 128, 138, 151, 160, 165, 170, 173, 205, 224, 225 Paldean, Frank, 13 Palestine, Tex., 17, 176 Palmer, A. L. Mrs., 141 Palmer, C. M., 177 Palmer, J. A. Mrs., 177 Palmer, Lester Mr. and Mrs., 135 Palmer, Lester Mrs., 135 Palmer, Ponnie Mrs., 30 Palmer, Valata, 125 Palmer, Valetta, 229 Pangburn, Ark., 166 Panky, T. C., 74 Panky, Tidus, 86 Parette, Ben, 59, 136 Parette, E. E. Mr. and Mrs., 195 Parette, E. P. Mr. and Mrs., 105 Parette, E. T. Mr. and Mrs., 20, 42, 59, 136, 155 Parette, E. T. Mrs., 181 Parette, Ellen Mr. and Mrs., 136 Parette, Elmer E. Mrs., 62 Parette, Elmer Mr. and Mrs., 136 Parette, Elmer Mrs., 136, 148, 159, 175 Parette, Eugene Mr. and Mrs., 197 Parette, George C., 105 Parette, George Mr. and Mrs., 195, 197 Parette, George Mrs., 189 Parette, J. F. Mrs., 155 Parette, Margarette, 59 Parette, Sophronia, 59 Parette, Sophronia Miss, 42, 105 Paris, Ark., 28, 29, 37, 43, 49, 86, 125, 177, 191, 192, 209 Paris, Tex., 104, 126, 130 Parish, Ella Mrs., 141 Parish, Velva, 229 Park Dale, Ark., 37 Parkdale, Ark., 10 Parker, Anna Myrl Miss, 146 Parker, Bertha Mrs., 59, 104, 162, 171 Parker, Brooks, 51 Parker, C. E., 187 Parker, Dakus Bush, 175 Parker, E. A., 199 Parker, E. A. Mrs., 134 Parker, Eugene Mr. and Mrs., 175 Parker, Gene Mr. and Mrs., 51 Parker, Glen Mr. and Mrs., 230 Parker, J. J., 154 Parker, Mr. and Mrs., 162 Parker, Ollie Mr. and Mrs., 125, 223, 238 Parker, R. E., 51 Parker, R. E. Mrs., 23, 58 Parker, Riley Mrs., 232 Parker, Robert, 134, 199 Parker, Robert Mr. and Mrs., 45, 51, 230 Parks, Arville Mr. and Mrs., 130 Parks, Belle Mrs., 111 Parks, Fae, 109 Parks, Frank, 132 Parks, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 105, 124, 130 Parks, Henry, 118, 124 Parks, J. F., 53 Parks, J. H. Mr. and Mrs., 130 Parks, Orville Mr. and Mrs., 105, 132 Parks, Roy, 53 Parks, Roy Mrs., 105 Parnell, Governor, 203 Parnell, Harvey Governor, 61 Parrette, Elmer E. Mrs., 10 Pasadena, Calif., 34, 232 Paschal, Joe, 52 Paschal, Nellie Mrs., 59 Paschal, Will Mr. and Mrs., 53 Pasque, Louis Mrs., 187 Passmore, W. T. Rev., 28 Pate, Grant Mrs., 179 Pathfinder Club, 63 Patrick, Robert, 146 Patterson, Dan, 147 Patterson, Dan Mr. and Mrs., 126 Patterson, Dan Mrs., 130, 136, 137 Patterson, Dan, Jr., 136 Patterson, G. W., 145 Patterson, G. W. Mrs., 25 Patterson, Grier, 60, 214 Patterson, H. B., 57 Patterson, H. B. Mr. and Mrs., 178 Patterson, Hugh, 47, 118, 162, 224 Patterson, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 192 Patterson, James F., 23 Patterson, Jasper, 27, 47, 118, 239 Patterson, Jasper Mr. and Mrs., 11, 196 Patterson, Jasper Mrs., 47 Patterson, John, 145 Patterson, Mary Katherine Miss, 178 Patterson, Mrs., 235 Patterson, Ralph, 57 Patterson, S. J. Dr., 98 Patterson, S. J. Dr. and Mrs., 162, 239 Patterson, S. J. Mr. and Mrs., 158, 196 Patterson, S. J. Mrs., 63, 89, 122, 152 Patterson, S. J. Rev and Mrs., 11, 177 Patterson, S. J. Rev., 10, 12, 25, 29, 34, 51, 57, 89, 108, 160, 182, 187, 199, 215, 220, 234 Patterson, S. J. Rev. and Mrs., 47, 68, 110, 118, 122, 139 Patterson, Samuel J., 89 Patterson, Samuel J. Dr., 151 Patterson, Samuel J. Dr. and Mrs., 27 Patterson, Samuel J. Rev., 24, 25, 102, 116, 162, 181, 225 Patterson, Samuel J. Rev. and Mrs., 60, 214, 224 Patterson, T. M. Mr. and Mrs., 148 Patton, D. M. Mrs., 204 Patton, John, 23 Patton, John Mr. and Mrs., 11, 27, 49, 103, 137, 139, 148, 149, 172, 179, 184 Patton, John, Jr. Mr. and Mrs., 152 Patton, John, Jr. Mrs., 49 Patton, Laurence, 11 Patton, Lawrence, 137, 149, 184 Patton, Maggie Miss, 95 Patton, Margaret Miss, 11, 27, 49, 103, 148, 172, 184 Patton, Margaret Mrs., 139 Patton, Rev., 89 Pawhuska, Okla., 162, 184 Paxson, M. A. Mrs., 142, 195 Paxson, Maxine, 149 Paxson, Norman, 149 Paxson, S. F. Mr., 148 Paxson, S. F. Mr. and Mrs., 223 Payne, Alta Mrs., 29 Payne, Coaetter Miss, 31 Payne, Ellis Mr. and Mrs., 226 Payne, Elza Mrs., 58 Payne, Estelle, 146 Payne, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 8, 59, 130, 213 Payne, Joe Mrs., 208 Payne, Ollie Mrs., 212 Payne, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 33 Payne, Tony Mr. and Mrs., 179 Pea Ridge, Ark., 60, 124, 136, 154 Peak, Etta Mrs., 138 Peak, Harvie Mrs., 122 Pearce, Coy Miss, 152 Pearson, Blanche Miss, 228 Pearson, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 151 Pearson, Margaret Mrs., 151 Pearson, Osel Mrs., 8 Pearson, William Mr. and Mrs., 11 Pecanerie, Ark., 66, 77 Pecanery, Ark., 79 Peck, Etta, 46 Peck, Etta Mrs., 121, 130, 201 Peck, H. L. Mrs., 115 Peck, Harvey, 115, 171 Peck, Harvey L., 237 Peck, Harvey L. Mrs., 115 Peck, Joseph, 81 Peconery, Ark., 66 Peebles, Buena Miss, 31 Peel, Billie Miss, 40 Pegrim, Roxie Mrs., 28 Peitz, Margaret Miss, 214 Pemberton, J. S. Dr., 99 Pemberton, John A. Capt., 76 Penick, Graham Mrs., 190 Pennick, E. G. Mrs., 177 Pensacola, Fla., 136 Percell, George Mr. and Mrs., 154 Percy, William, 74 Perkins, J. C. Mrs., 228 Perkins, Maud Mrs., 231 Perkins, Maude Gordon Mrs., 12 Perkins, Maude Mrs., 31, 161 Perkins, Vivian Miss, 231, 234 Perkins, W. T., 199 Permenter, Jim, 47 Permenter, Winfield Mrs., 226, 227 Perrin, Ark., 110 Perry Co. Mountaineers, 76 Perry Co., Ark., 10, 28, 34, 74, 75, 77, 85, 87, 239 Perry, Ark., 13, 19, 20, 28, 31, 35, 78, 98, 115, 122, 131, 155, 156, 170, 175, 180, 187, 189, 198, 205, 206, 208, 211, 216, 218, 226 Perry, Bob, 226 Perry, Carey Mrs., 106 Perry, Charlie Mrs., 140 Perry, Elda, 184 Perry, M. E., 15 Perry, Matt Mrs., 208 Perry, Ora, 23 Perry, R. H., 23 Perry, W. H. Mr. and Mrs., 226 Perry, W. H. Mrs., 44 Perryman, Albert, 133, 209 Perryman, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 107 Perryman, Carl Mrs., 209 Perryville, Ark., 17, 19, 28, 31, 37, 39, 52, 122, 126, 127, 128, 134, 139, 146, 149, 150, 165, 184, 188, 214, 237, 239 Pete, Grant Mrs., 183 Peteroun, Leander Mrs., 19 Peters, Carl, 229 Peters, Dave, 103 Peters, Gus Mr. and Mrs., 82, 146, 183 Peters, Gus Mrs., 42, 177 Peters, Margaret Miss, 183 Petersbors, Freda Mrs., 159 Petersburg, Nebr., 214 Peterson, Percy Mrs., 239 Petit Jean Bridge, 55 Petit Jean Mt., Ark., 9, 11, 12, 25, 29, 30, 33, 36, 40, 41, 44, 48, 51, 54, 71, 75, 84, 99, 109, 110, 111, 119, 124, 131, 139, 158, 159, 160, 163, 194, 202, 233, 237, 238 Petit Jean State Park, 156 Petree, Felix C., 196, 201 Pettingill, Arthur, 15 Pettingill, Calvin Mr. and Mrs., 60 Pettingill, Geo. Mr. and Mrs., 34 Pettingill, George Mr. and Mrs., 15 Pettingill, Lucile Mrs., 25 Pettus, Gus Mr. and Mrs., 206 Pettus, Margaret Miss, 206 Pettus, W. C. Mrs., 239 Pettus, Walton, 37 Petty, Ola Mrs., 34 Pew, J. L., 165 Pfeifer, Bernadine, 236 Pharoah, Okla., 24 Pharr, Tex., 177 Phem, R. H. Mr. and Mrs., 51 Phew, Hettie Mrs., 220 Phew, R. H. Mr. and Mrs., 224 Phew, R. H. Mrs., 82 Philips, Owen Mrs., 183 Phillips, Albert Joe Mrs., 126 Phillips, Dorothy Mrs., 14 Phillips, Elmer W., 146 Phillips, Ernest Mr. and Mrs., 148 Phillips, J., 70 Phillips, J. L. Mr. and Mrs., 148 Phillips, Jeanetta Miss, 159 Phillips, Jenetta, 136 Phillips, Jim, 43 Phillips, Joe, 10, 62 Phillips, Joe Mrs., 56 Phillips, John L., 10, 62 Phillips, John Mrs., 136 Phillips, Louise Miss, 175 Phillips, Marcella, 136 Phillips, Marcella Miss, 149 Phillips, Marcelle Miss, 10, 62 Phillips, Mr., 113 Phillips, Mrs., 111, 186 Phillips, Owen Mrs., 149 Phillpot, Virgil Mr. and Mrs., 146 Phoenix, Ariz., 31, 163, 165, 166, 232 Pickett, Martha Miss, 21 Pickett, Nettie Mrs., 130 Piedras Negras, N. M., 161 Pierce Oil Corp., 72 Pierce, Grover C., 152 Pierce, Joe, 91, 127 Pierce, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 133, 162, 227 Pierce, John, 52, 183 Pierce, Lydia Miss, 119, 205 Pierce, M. H., 61 Pierce, M. H. Mr. and Mrs., 39, 57, 120, 129, 161, 172, 183, 214, 217 Pierce, Reba Miss, 183 Pierce, V. K., 127 Pierce, Velma Katherine Miss, 172 Pierceon, Novie Mrs., 33 Pierson, D., 10 Pierson, Eluda Miss, 10 Pierson, Martha Mrs., 10 Pierson, Oda, 10 Pierson, William, 10 Pierson, William Mr. and Mrs., 16 Pierson, Woodrow, 10 Pigeon Roost Mt., Ark., 203 Piggott, Ark., 119, 124 Piles, Martha Miss, 120 Pilgrim, Ark., 19, 32, 148 Pine Bluff, Ark., 24, 28, 36, 37, 49, 56, 57, 68, 102, 120, 129, 132, 139, 148, 156, 161, 166, 167, 176, 178, 184, 192, 205, 211, 214, 221, 224, 225, 229 Pinkerton, Mace Mr. and Mrs., 101 Pinter, N., 90 Pinter, Peter, 90 Pistole, Mr. and Mrs., 166 Pitchford, Viloa Mrs., 157 Pitchford, Viola Mrs., 153 Pittsburg, Kans., 107, 167, 178 Pittsburgh, Pa., 177, 194 Pittsworth, Belle Mrs., 196 Plainview, Ark., 44, 86, 113, 172, 189, 194, 210, 215, 221, 232, 235 Platt, Harold, 115 Plattsburg, Ind., 154 Plattsmouth, Nebr., 11 Pleasant Hill, Ark., 38, 49, 118, 173, 183, 192, 197 Pleasant Hill, Ark. history, 94 Pleasant Valley, Ark., 208 Pleasant View, Ark., 19, 32, 46, 50, 132, 142, 163 Plumer, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 216 Plumer, J. S. Mr. and Mrs., 216, 230 Plumer, Ruth Mae Miss, 51 Plumerville Church, 68 Plumerville, Ark., 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 78, 83, 86, 87, 93, 96, 97, 102, 104, 108, 110, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 157, 162, 164, 165, 166, 171, 175, 176, 181, 182, 186, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 206, 207, 209, 217, 218, 219, 221, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 234, 235, 236, 237, 240 Plummer, Alice Mrs., 219 Plummer, Ben, 29, 216 Plummer, J. S., 216 Plummer, Ruby Miss, 41 Plummer, Russell, 219 Plummer, Ruth Mae Miss, 41 Plummer, Ruthia Mae Miss, 219 Plummer, Sam Mr. and Mrs., 200 Plummer, T. L., 216 Plummer, T. L. Mr. and Mrs., 29 Plunkett, Essie Miss, 107, 137 Ply, Ester Mrs., 46 Ply, FLoyd Mr. and Mrs., 145 Ply, Ford Mr. and Mrs., 46 Pocahontas, Ark., 196, 203 Poe, Leman Mrs., 167 Poindexter, E. H., 116, 199 Poindexter, E. H. Mr. and Mrs., 105, 118, 215 Poindexter, E. H. Mrs., 63, 89, 123 Poindexter, Eugene, 118, 123, 209, 234 Poindexter, Eugene Mr. and Mrs., 185 Poindexter, Eugene Mrs., 209, 215 Poindexter, Eugene, Jr., 185 Poindexter, Gene, 215, 228 Poindexter, James Paul, 116 Poindexter, Paul, 12, 215, 228 Point Remove, Ark., 65, 77, 79, 100 Polk, Dewell Mrs., 230 Polk, Elbert, 185 Polk, Garland, 53 Polk, Garland Mr. and Mrs., 108 Polk, Garland Mrs., 17 Polk, Gussie Mrs., 30, 53, 218 Polk, Jackson, 149, 185, 196 Polk, Mrs., 25, 121 Polk, Velma, 201 Ponca City, Okla., 119 Pontiac, Miss., 184 Pontotoc, Miss., 143 Pope Co., Ark., 65, 67, 75, 79, 81, 86, 165, 200, 217, 220 Pope, Martha, 85 Porbeck, George, 164 Porbeck, Mary Mrs., 160, 223 Port Arthur, Tex., 42 Porter, C. C., 181 Porter, C. C. Rev., 14 Porter, Charles, 181 Porter, Everett, 181 Porter, Frank, 181 Porter, H. H. Rev., 188 Porter, J. F., 75 Porter, Leroy E., 230, 234 Porter, Mary Louise, 181 Porter, Okla., 170, 185, 236 Porter, Rev., 10 Porter, Ruth Miss, 181 Portersville, Calif., 46 Portland, Ark., 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 33, 34, 46, 47, 51, 60, 106, 109, 130, 131, 143, 148, 150, 155, 173, 180, 190, 200 Possum Trot, Ark., 8, 11, 23, 26, 27, 40, 45, 59, 102, 103, 125, 132, 135, 138, 146, 150, 168, 171, 174, 177, 179, 188, 193, 197, 207, 212, 213, 223, 231, 238 Post, Emil W., 68 Poteau, Okla., 153 Poteet, Elmer, 8 Poteet, Harlow Mr. and Mrs., 8 Poteet, Jack Mrs., 154 Poteet, R. C. Mrs., 140, 141 Poteet, William, 8 Poteete, A. E., 214 Poteete, A. E. Mrs., 28, 149, 161, 191 Poteete, Bobby, 218 Poteete, H. W. Mr. and Mrs., 145 Poteete, H. W. Mrs., 172 Poteete, Harlow Mr. and Mrs., 177 Poteete, Henry, 41, 58, 231 Poteete, Henry Mr. and Mrs., 139 Poteete, Henry Mrs., 58, 171, 188, 229 Poteete, Jack Mr. and Mrs., 177 Poteete, Jim, 41 Poteete, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 53 Poteete, Les Mr. and Mrs., 102 Poteete, Lester Mr. and Mrs., 158 Poteete, Lillian Miss, 149, 161, 214 Poteete, M., 216 Poteete, R. C. Mrs., 109 Poteete, Ray, 139, 145, 172 Poteete, Ruth, 132 Poteete, William, 152 Potter, G. B. Mrs., 216 Potter, George, 207 Potter, Geraldine Mrs., 207 Potter, Mary Julia, 230 Pottersville, Ark., 221 Potts, Kirkland, 65 Potts, Pearle Miss, 186 Pottsville, Ark., 41, 46, 124, 143, 178, 181, 191, 194, 232 Pound, Thomas W., 66 Powell, Arbrama Miss, 220 Powell, Barker, 104, 116 Powell, Bell Mrs., 104 Powell, Belle Mrs., 109 Powell, Ben Mr. and Mrs., 208 Powell, Billy, 49, 118 Powell, Bob Ed, 104 Powell, Bobbie, 179 Powell, Chester, 49 Powell, Clara, 38, 126, 128 Powell, Clara Mrs., 183, 192 Powell, Cordis Mr. and Mrs., 49 Powell, Dave Mrs., 197 Powell, Euarn, Mr. and Mrs., 116 Powell, Evan Mr. and Mrs., 109 Powell, Floy Mrs., 197 Powell, Herman Mrs., 151 Powell, Homer Mr. and Mrs., 46 Powell, Isom, 236 Powell, Joe, 106 Powell, Leon, 104 Powell, Lou Mrs., 151 Powell, Louis, 106 Powell, M. B. Mrs., 12 Powell, Maebelle Miss, 60, 109 Powell, Mamie, 46 Powell, May Bell Miss, 47 Powell, Minnie Mrs., 161, 166, 231 Powell, O. C., 106 Powell, O. C. Rev., 106 Powell, P. O., 69 Powell, Powell Mrs., 129 Powell, Ruth Miss, 12 Powell, Sam, 214 Powell, T. J., 106 Powell, Terral, 13, 116 Powell, Terrall Mr. and Mrs., 109 Powell, Terrell Mr. and Mrs., 47, 60 Powell, W. Mrs., 10 Powell, Walter Mr. and Mrs., 44, 46 Powell, Walter Mrs., 139 Powell, Willie, 231 Powers, C. F. Mr. and Mrs., 122 Powers, H. H. Mr. and Mrs., 159 Powers, Hazel Miss, 147 Powers, Helen Miss, 159 Powers, J. H. Mr. and Mrs., 17, 121 Powers, John Mr. and Mrs., 190 Powers, Mr. and Mrs., 27 Powers, William Mr. and Mrs., 121 Powner, Justin D. Dr. and Mrs., 178 Poynter, Shep, 19 Poynter, Stella Miss, 19 Prague, Okla., 222 Prairie View, Ark., 122 Prater, W. A. Mrs., 54, 176 Prater, Wylie Miss, 176 Presbyterians, 89 Prescott, Ariz., 14 Prescott, Ark., 20, 40, 52, 55, 97 Presley, Dorothy, 175 Presley, Jewel Mrs., 109 Presley, Katherine Miss, 25, 45, 158, 164, 166, 175, 180, 190, 199, 209, 210, 214, 220, 228 Presley, Minnie Mrs., 120, 129, 175, 180, 199, 205, 209, 210, 214, 220, 228 Presley, Mrs., 208, 231 Presley, Nancy, 168 Presley, Nancy Ann, 168 Presley, W. L. Mrs., 63, 129, 157 Priba, Cleo, 34 Price, Allie Mr. and Mrs., 116 Price, B. I. Rev., 89 Price, B. S. Rev., 28, 37 Price, Bro., 214 Price, Edith Miss, 28 Price, General, 67 Price, Grace Mrs., 59, 109 Price, Grandma, 104 Price, Mary Elsie Miss, 35 Price, Mr. and Mrs., 213 Price, Ollie, 104 Price, Virgil Mrs., 213 Price, Welby Mr. and Mrs., 113 Price, Wilby Mr. and Mrs., 150 Price, Wilma, 140 Price, Wilma Miss, 162 Priddy, A. B., 67 Priddy, A. B. Judge and Mrs., 130 Priddy, A. B. Mr. and Mrs., 230 Priddy, A. B. Mrs., 182 Prince, Allie Mr. and Mrs., 47 Prince, Betty Lou, 132, 146 Prince, J. M., 23, 27 Prince, J. M. Mr. and Mrs., 150, 173, 193, 231 Prince, John Mr. and Mrs., 8, 11, 24, 40, 102, 125, 133, 150, 171, 175, 188, 193, 197, 207, 212, 214, 231 Prince, John Mrs., 45, 59, 103, 132, 144, 177, 238 Prince, Newton, 24, 171 Prince, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 154 Probst, Ruth Miss, 49, 189, 227 Probst, W. F. Mrs., 181 Probst, W. S. Mr. and Mrs., 38 Prohibition, 48 Pryor, H. H. Mr. and Mrs., 38 Pryor, Kelley, 38 Pryor, Laura Frances Miss, 214 Pryor, R. W. Mr. and Mrs., 124 Pryor, Sarah Mrs., 181 Pryor, Willys Mrs., 107, 133 Pryse, Ky., 211 Pueblo, Colo., 80, 137, 198 Pugh, Hettie Roberta Mrs., 217 Pulaski Co., Ark., 66 Pulaski, Tenn., 110 Pullen, J. C. Mrs., 107, 119, 139, 217 Pullen, J. Crawford Mrs., 214 Pydlewski, S., 203 Pye, Allen Mrs., 107 -Q- Qualls, Cecil Mr. and Mrs., 59 Qualls, Leatha Mrs., 110 Quapaw Indians, 64 Quillian, Paul Rev., 121 Quinn, Dorothy Miss, 235 Quinn, Grace Marie Miss, 132, 184 Quinn, Herman, 120 Quinn, J. L. Mr. and Mrs., 132, 184, 235 Quinn, Nina Miss, 200 Quinn, Rosemary Miss, 132, 184 Quinn, W. W., 124 Quinn, Willie Mr. and Mrs., 120 Quinn, Willie Mrs., 109 Quitman, Ark., 18, 24, 25, 82, 86, 105, 148, 153, 207, 217 -R- Rabbit Ridge, Ark., 163 Rachaner, Will, 226 Rachener, Will, Sr., 202 Ragsdale, Bob, 157 Ragsdale, Buck, 95 Ragsdale, Glen Mr. and Mrs., 126, 182 Ragsdale, Glen Mrs., 230 Ragsdale, Glenn Mr. and Mrs., 130 Ragsdale, L. F., 72, 76 Rainbolt, Billie, 216 Rainey, Albert Mrs., 182 Rainey, Andrew, 21 Rainey, Ben Mrs., 205 Rainey, Charlene Mrs., 152, 160 Rainey, Jake, 21 Rainey, Mrs., 165 Rainey, N. A., 10 Rainey, Uncle John, 171 Rainwater, C. N. Mrs., 159 Rainwater, Cleveland, 162 Rainwater, Cloud Mr. and Mrs., 14, 220, 225 Rainwater, Cloud Mrs., 40, 70, 134 Rainwater, E. E. Mr. and Mrs., 21 Rainwater, Gladys Miss, 28, 34 Rainwater, J. A. Mrs., 27 Rainwater, Katherine, 139 Rainwater, Knight, 27 Rainwater, Loid, 27 Rainwater, Loid Mr. and Mrs., 228 Rainwater, Loid Mrs., 151 Rainwater, Loyd Mrs., 216 Rainwater, Margaret Miss, 27 Rainwater, Mary Mrs., 162 Rainwater, Miles Benjamin, 162 Rainwater, Night, 49 Rainwater, Pearl Mrs., 134 Rainwater, S. P. Mr. and Mrs., 34 Rainwater, Wood, 27 Raleigh, N. C., 85 Ralford, F. T. Mrs., 128 Ralls, Anna, 230 Ralls, Robert, 230 Ramer, F. M. Mr. and Mrs., 16 Ramer, Frances, 16 Ramer, John, 102 Ramer, John Mr. and Mrs., 174 Ramer, Tom, 102 Ramsey, Alvin, 156 Ramsey, Ambers, 156 Ramsey, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 223 Ramsey, Connie Mrs., 204 Ramsey, Dick, 194 Ramsey, Effie Rhea Miss, 223 Ramsey, Elvea Mrs., 102 Ramsey, Elvie Mrs., 118 Ramsey, Fannie Miss, 201 Ramsey, Fannie Mrs., 156 Ramsey, Frank, 156, 194 Ramsey, G. W. Mrs., 10 Ramsey, Ira, 119 Ramsey, J. C., 78, 197 Ramsey, Jim, 156 Ramsey, Joe C., 156 Ramsey, John Clyde, 194 Ramsey, Myrtle Miss, 216 Ramsey, Ted, 194 Ramsey, Tom, 156 Ramsey, Virgil, 156 Ramsey, Will, 156 Randolph, Geo., 99 Randolph, Johanna Miss, 202 Raney, C., 168 Rangers Pass, Tex., 134 Rankin, B. E. Mrs., 181 Rankin, B. F. Mrs., 26 Rankin, Barton, 14 Rankin, Barton E., 19 Rankin, Dick Mrs., 132 Rankin, Emma Mrs., 19 Rankin, Emmie Mrs., 163 Rankin, Ernest, 99 Rankin, Eva Miss, 199, 235 Rankin, Georgia Mrs., 67 Rankin, Hazel Miss, 148 Rankin, Inez Miss, 148 Rankin, Jack, 199 Rankin, Lois, 19 Rankin, Loweda Miss, 168, 180 Rankin, Mace Mr. and Mrs., 131 Rankin, Mattie Miss, 40 Rankin, Mattie Mrs., 19, 50 Rankin, Mr., 15 Rankin, Percy, 199 Ransom, Will Mr. and Mrs., 172 Rapier, G. W. Mrs., 167, 180 Rapier, George Mrs., 110 Rapier, Grady, 110, 167 Rapier, Grady Mrs., 180 Rash, Vera, 229 Ratcliff, J. R., 169 Ratcliff, John, 169 Ratcliffe, Beatrice Mrs., 58 Rathburn, Arthur Mrs., 152, 183 Rawell, Suler Mrs., 154 Ray, A. R., 72 Ray, Acle, 211 Ray, Columbus, 211 Ray, Ferrel, 213 Ray, Glover, 121 Ray, Harold, 216 Ray, J. A. Dr., 114, 121 Ray, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 157 Ray, J. A. Mrs., 115 Ray, J. F. Mr. and Mrs., 212 Ray, Jim Mrs., 7 Ray, Noah H., 211 Ray, S. E. Mrs., 121 Ray, Sam, 16 Ray, Tom, 121 Ray, Winston, 211 Rayburn, Anna Dean Miss, 89, 102 Rayburn, C. L., 102 Rayburn, C. L. Mrs., 107 Rayburn, Carrie Ann Mrs., 102 Rayburn, Lucile Miss, 102 Raymond, Arthur, 26 Rea, Verne Mrs., 116 Read, Chester Mr. and Mrs., 52 Read, H. W., 47 Rebstock, Ernest, 238 Rector, J. L. Mr. and Mrs., 186 Rector, Joe L. Mr. and Mrs., 131, 147 Rector, Joe L. Mrs., 147 Rector, Joe L., Jr., 147 Rector, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 220 Rector, K. W. Mr. and Mrs., 147 Rector, Wharton Col., 77 Rector, William, 76 Reddig, Charles, 181 Reddig, Eunice, 48 Reddig, Grant Mrs., 207, 219 Reddig, William, 48 Redfield, Ark., 235 Redfield, Wm., 212 Redman, Geo Mrs., 42 Redman, George Mrs., 32 Redus, J. S. Mrs., 220 Redwine, Sam Mrs., 149, 172 Reece, Hazel Mrs., 24 Reed, Dal, 29 Reed, Fronnie Mrs., 106 Reed, Gladys Miss, 29 Reed, L. B., 117 Reed, Lydia Mrs., 160 Reed, Mr., 94 Reed, O. A., 117 Reed, O. A. Mrs., 193, 201 Reed, O. H. Mrs., 192 Reed, R. L. Mr. and Mrs., 55, 108 Reed, Ruth Mrs., 219, 230 Reed, Silas Mrs., 103 Reel, J. C. Mrs., 59 Reel, Ruth Miss, 196, 201 Reese, J. A. Mrs., 166 Reeves, Bill, 118 Reeves, I. W., 124 Reeves, I. W. Mr. and Mrs., 33 Reeves, I. W. Mrs., 152, 201 Reeves, L. W. Mr. and Mrs., 33 Reeves, Nevelle, 156, 184 Reeves, Orville, 124 Reeves, William Mr. and Mrs., 130 Rehm, Emil, 45 Rehm, Emil Mr. and Mrs., 13, 59, 104, 117, 121, 141, 146, 159, 168, 185, 186, 195, 207, 212, 219, 226 Rehm, Emil Mrs., 193 Rehm, Ernest Mr. and Mrs., 202, 226 Rehm, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 41, 53, 212 Rehm, Frank Mrs., 117, 168, 193 Rehm, Henry, 73 Rehm, L. Mrs., 41 Rehm, S. W., 73 Rehm, Suffie, 13 Reid, Alene Miss, 133 Reid, Aline Miss, 184 Reid, Allen Mrs., 213 Reid, Andrew, 216 Reid, Charles C., 78 Reid, Chester, 216 Reid, Cora Miss, 46 Reid, Dal Mrs., 28 Reid, Dave, 134, 179 Reid, Dave Mrs., 152 Reid, Ellen Mrs., 147 Reid, Erma Lela Miss, 133, 235 Reid, F., 198 Reid, Frank, 10, 23, 48, 49, 99, 102, 113, 194, 199, 227 Reid, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 157, 207, 225 Reid, Frank Mrs., 43, 45, 54, 122, 139, 144, 152, 183, 200, 227 Reid, Grace Miss, 176 Reid, H. W. Mrs., 54, 152 Reid, Homer, 216 Reid, Iva Lee, 58 Reid, Jeneva Miss, 145 Reid, John Mr. and Mrs., 189, 210, 226, 236 Reid, John Mrs., 49 Reid, Lula Miss, 54 Reid, Luther, 134 Reid, Mayo, 140 Reid, Murland, 216 Reid, Murlin Mrs., 58 Reid, O. A. Mrs., 209 Reid, Oscar, 214 Reid, Phil Mr. and Mrs., 134 Reid, Phil Mrs., 183 Reid, Pryor, 131 Reid, R. L. Mr. and Mrs., 189 Reid, Roland, 187, 200 Reid, Sallie A. Mrs., 63 Reid, Silas Mrs., 153, 172, 187, 200 Reid, Tom, 7 Reid, Tom Mr., 122 Reid, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 133, 134, 184, 210, 214 Reidling, C. C., 194 Reidling, G. C., 35 Reidling, G. C. Mr. and Mrs., 207 Reidling, G. C. Mrs., 231 Reidling, Homer C., 194, 207 Reidling, Lee, 35 Reidmatten, Mary Mrs., 223 Reidmiller, George Mr. and Mrs., 223 Reidmiller, George Mrs., 160, 214 Reiter, John Mrs., 185 Reiter, Len Mr. and Mrs., 204 Reiter, Lynn Mr. and Mrs., 200 Reiter, Martin, 204 Remmel, G. M. Mrs., 237 Renard, Arch Mr. and Mrs., 56 Renard, Mrs., 177 Renfro, Harold, 142 Renfrow, Guy Mrs., 44 Republican, Ark., 8, 50, 71, 130, 183, 231 Resecker, Grace Miss, 46 Resecker, Mr., 17 Reubel, Marie Miss, 121 Revel, Ike, 131 Revel, Mr. and Mrs., 131 Reyburn, William P. Dr., 77 Reynold, Mrs., 229 Reynolds, Arthur, 78 Reynolds, Arthur L. Mr. and Mrs., 228 Reynolds, Artie, 33, 115, 119 Reynolds, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 139, 141 Reynolds, Clyde Miss, 158 Reynolds, Ellis, 104 Reynolds, Elmer, 146 Reynolds, Ethel, 58 Reynolds, Everett Mr. and Mrs., 226 Reynolds, George, 83 Reynolds, Hugh Mrs., 102, 118 Reynolds, J. H., 228 Reynolds, J. H. Judge, 8, 14, 61, 78 Reynolds, J. H. Judge and Mrs., 15, 20, 31, 122 Reynolds, J. H. Mr. and Mrs., 158 Reynolds, J. H. Mrs., 181, 191, 196 Reynolds, James Mr. and Mrs., 111 Reynolds, Lillian Miss, 228 Reynolds, Lonzo Mr. and Mrs., 102, 118 Reynolds, Lucile Mrs., 11 Reynolds, Mae, 146 Reynolds, Melvin Mrs., 104 Reynolds, Raymond, 218 Reynolds, T. M., 68 Reynolds, Vertie Mrs., 218 Rhoden, Cassie Mrs., 113 Rhoden, Edith Mrs., 58 Rhoden, Edna, 128, 133 Rhoden, Lee Mrs., 154 Rhoden, Lillie Mrs., 52, 54, 154, 155, 183, 192 Rhoden, Powell, 128, 133 Rhoden, Rowell Mr. and Mrs., 155 Rhoden, Usrey Mr. and Mrs., 202 Rhoden, Vince Mr. and Mrs., 150 Rhodes, Mrs., 189 Rhodes, Powell Mr. and Mrs., 106 Rhodes, Rade Mrs., 161 Rhodes, Usery Mr. and Mrs., 106 Rhodes, Will Mr. and Mrs., 149 Rialto Theater, 14 Rice, Bill, 27, 43 Rice, J. R., 186 Rice, Joe, 22 Rice, Lonnie Mrs., 20 Rich, Alice Miss, 103 Richards, Will, 238 Richardson, Billie, 131 Richardson, Jake, 96 Richardson, Jake Mr., 92 Richardson, Mr. and Mrs., 19 Richardson, Roxie Mrs., 43 Richardson, Vester Mr. and Mrs., 146 Richman, John Mr. and Mrs., 44 Richmond Calif., 165 Richmond, Ark., 176 Richmond, Va., 154 Rickman, Dorothy Marion Miss, 206 Rickman, John Mr. and Mrs., 31 Rickman, John Mrs., 39, 165 Rickman, Joyce, 44 Riddick, Helen, 222 Riddick, J. S. Mrs., 190 Riddick, John, Sr., 217 Riddick, W. A. Mrs., 63 Riddick, W. M., 15 Riddick, W. M. Mrs., 62, 63 Riddle, Ruby Lee, 195 Riddling, Burl, 53 Riddling, Coley, 108 Riddling, Gladys Miss, 41, 53 Riddling, Lee, 187 Riddling, Shelvey, 41 Riddling, Willie Mr., 53 Riddling, Willie Mr. and Mrs., 41 Ridgely, Mo., 75 Ridling, Burl, 50, 202 Ridling, Coley, 195 Ridling, Coley Mr. and Mrs., 221 Ridling, Ermine, 106, 141 Ridling, Ermine Miss, 30, 138 Ridling, Etta, 196 Ridling, Etta Mrs., 163, 185, 224 Ridling, Fannie Mrs., 196 Ridling, G. C., 187 Ridling, Henry, 50, 138, 141, 196, 202, 236 Ridling, Henry Mr. and Mrs., 56, 170 Ridling, Henry Rev., 106 Ridling, Jim Mrs., 132 Ridling, Kansas Mrs., 196 Ridling, Moses, 106 Ridling, Myrtle Miss, 202 Ridling, Roxie Miss, 49 Ridling, Shelby, 138, 170, 213 Ridling, Willie, 170, 218 Ridling, Willie Mr. and Mrs., 138, 196 Ridling, Willie Mrs., 25 Riggs, A. J., 84 Riggs, Allen Mr. and Mrs., 203 Riggs, Clarence, 23 Riggs, H. A. Mr. and Mrs., 21 Riggs, Harold Otis baby, 21 Riggs, Hazel, 21 Riggs, Hoover, 21 Riggs, Joe, 21 Riggs, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 32, 185 Riggs, John, 21 Riggs, L. T. Mr. and Mrs., 230 Riggs, Lindsey Mr. and Mrs., 29 Riggs, Martin, 203 Riggs, Mildred, 21 Riggs, Mr. and Mrs., 84 Riggs, Nannie Mae Miss, 153 Riggs, Nannie May Miss, 185 Riggs, Pauline Miss, 32, 153 Riggs, Wash, 23 Riley, Edward Mrs., 70 Rinehart, Abe Mr. and Mrs., 192 Rinehart, Anna, 28 Rinehart, Annie Mrs., 206 Rinehart, Jack Mr. and Mrs., 39, 192 Rinehart, Oliver Mr. and Mrs., 206 Ring, Odie Mrs., 194 Ringgold, Eunice Miss, 47 Ringgold, G. W. Mrs., 196 Ringgold, T. W. Dr. and Mrs., 47 Rippee, Oma Mrs., 10 Risinger, J. C. Mrs., 8, 14, 181, 196 Rison, Perry Mrs., 44 Rison, Richard, 139 Ritchie, Angelo, 170 Ritchie, Pete, 165 Roach, Bernice, 197 Roach, Hollie Mr. and Mrs., 223 Roach, Hollis, 105 Roach, Hollis Mr. and Mrs., 102, 104, 207 Roach, Hollis Mrs., 103 Roach, J. W., 105 Roach, Lee Mrs., 225 Roach, S. G. Mr. and Mrs., 8, 26, 40, 133 Roach, S. G. Mrs., 103 Roach, Sam, 102, 105, 212 Roach, Sam Mr. and Mrs., 150, 238 Roach, Sam Mrs., 207 Roach, Stan Mr. and Mrs., 8, 12, 103 Roach, Stanley Mr. and Mrs., 223 Roach, Virginia, 59, 124, 179, 238 Roach, Virginia Miss, 24 Roach, Wesley, 8, 102, 105 Robbins, F. E., Jr. Mrs., 223 Robbins, T. B. Mrs., 91 Roberson, Alita Miss, 32 Roberson, Canatte Mrs., 106 Roberson, Mary Mrs., 26 Roberts, A. D., 143 Roberts, A. D. Mr. and Mrs., 156, 176, 191 Roberts, Anna Mrs., 42 Roberts, Annie, 50 Roberts, Annie Mrs., 21 Roberts, Bartye Mrs., 210 Roberts, Bessie, 8 Roberts, Bessie Miss, 47 Roberts, Bill, 51, 182 Roberts, C. E. Mr. and Mrs., 51 Roberts, C. E. Mrs., 7, 32 Roberts, C. T. Mr. and Mrs., 32, 60, 168 Roberts, C. T. Mrs., 26, 163 Roberts, Chester Mr. and Mrs., 50 Roberts, Dee Mr. and Mrs., 59, 150 Roberts, Dee Mrs., 230 Roberts, Dolph Mr. and Mrs., 164, 167 Roberts, Ellis Mr. and Mrs., 60 Roberts, Ernest, 107, 133, 176, 190, 229 Roberts, Eula, 196 Roberts, Helen Ruth Miss, 219 Roberts, Herbert, 99 Roberts, Herbert Mrs., 15 Roberts, Hubert, 99 Roberts, Huie, 61 Roberts, Huie Mr. and Mrs., 190, 220, 225 Roberts, Huie Mrs., 40, 164, 166, 176, 180 Roberts, J. A., 47, 50, 168, 224 Roberts, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 8, 26, 117, 122, 163, 175, 176, 224 Roberts, J. A. Mrs., 60, 126, 197 Roberts, J. D., 155 Roberts, J. L. Mr. and Mrs., 224 Roberts, Joe Mr., 213 Roberts, L. Mr. and Mrs., 26 Roberts, Lester, 8, 197, 229 Roberts, Marie, 8 Roberts, Marie Miss, 126, 150 Roberts, Marjorie Miss, 155 Roberts, Martin Metzger, 137 Roberts, Mary Mrs., 20, 109, 226 Roberts, Monteen Mrs., 147 Roberts, Nana Mrs., 191 Roberts, Nona L., 126 Roberts, O. L. Mr. and Mrs., 26 Roberts, Pearline, 8 Roberts, Pearline Miss, 142 Roberts, Roberts, 111 Roberts, Ruth Miss, 126, 150 Roberts, S. V., 60 Roberts, S. V. Mr. and Mrs., 24 Roberts, S. V. Mrs., 37 Roberts, Sadie Miss, 156, 167 Roberts, Thelma Ruth Miss, 8 Roberts, Velma, 8, 142 Roberts, Vernon Mrs., 111 Roberts, W. L., 132 Roberts, W. L. Mrs., 161, 227 Robertson Co., Tenn., 74, 75 Robertson, Ben, 154, 155 Robertson, Carl Mrs., 198 Robertson, Earl Mr. and Mrs., 155 Robertson, Edith Miss, 42, 51 Robertson, Edna Mrs., 177 Robertson, Elzie Mrs., 33 Robertson, Erma Miss, 42, 51 Robertson, Eula, 201 Robertson, Ida Mrs., 71, 170, 187 Robertson, J. P. Rev., 89 Robertson, John Mr. and Mrs., 154 Robertson, R. L., 8 Robertson, R. L. Mr. and Mrs., 33 Robertson, Sid Mr. and Mrs., 151 Robertson, Sidney, 8 Robertsville, Ark., 8, 19, 26, 32, 47, 50, 60, 117, 122, 126, 132, 142, 145, 150, 163, 168, 175, 176, 180, 197, 224 Robinson, Allie Mr. and Mrs., 56 Robinson, Cassie, 56 Robinson, Dr., 144 Robinson, Edith, 119 Robinson, F. M., 99 Robinson, Fred, 72 Robinson, George Mr. and Mrs., 8, 71 Robinson, Herman, 216 Robinson, Hershal, 103 Robinson, J. R. Mrs., 25 Robinson, J. W., 43, 144, 157, 227 Robinson, J. W. Mrs., 225 Robinson, John C., 146 Robinson, John Wesley, 139 Robinson, Mazie Miss, 8, 71 Robinson, Miss, 34 Robinson, Mr. and Mrs., 167 Robinson, Mrs., 221 Robinson, Norman, 151 Robinson, Ollie Mr. and Mrs., 45, 216 Robinson, Raymond Mrs., 105 Robinson, Thomas Mr. and Mrs., 34 Robinson, Tilda Mrs., 141 Robinson, Vincent, 134, 200 Robinson, Vincent Mr. and Mrs., 68, 116 Robinson, Vincent Mrs., 38 Robinson, W. M. Rev., 89 Robison, Fred A., 202 Robison, J. T., 202 Robison, J. T. Mrs., 202 Robison, J. T., Jr., 202 Robison, Nancy Mary Miss, 202 Robison, Ross, 202 Rock, Ark., 114 Rockey Valley, Ark., 197, 224 Rodgers, Blackie Mr. and Mrs., 126 Rodgers, Jess, 126 Roe, Ruth Mrs., 112 Rogers, Ark., 119 Rogers, Brown Mrs., 235 Rogers, Dave Mr. and Mrs., 124 Rogers, Edna, 110 Rogers, Effie Miss, 148 Rogers, Emma Mrs., 148 Rogers, G. K. Rev and Mrs., 178 Rogers, G. P., 127 Rogers, Jack Mr. and Mrs, 32 Rogers, Jack Mrs., 35, 47 Rogers, Opie, 44 Rogers, Rev., 139 Rogers, Valeda Mrs., 149 Rogers, W. C. Rev., 70 Rogers, W. F., 185 Rogers, W. F. Mrs., 139 Rogers, W. F. Rev., 178 Rogoski, Mr., 15 Rogoski, W. L. Mrs., 15 Rohlman, B. A., 236 Rohlman, B. A. Mr. and Mrs., 160 Rohlman, Barney, 90 Rohlman, Cecelia, 160 Rohlman, Father Rev., 236 Rohlman, H. P. Bishop, 90 Rohlman, H. P. Rev., 90 Rohlman, J. W., 90 Rohlman, W. J. Mrs., 160 Roland, Ark., 153, 173 Roland, Okla., 55 Rolf, Josephine Miss, 193 Rollow, Allen Mrs., 151, 157, 200 Rollow, Tommie, 38 Roman Nose, 65 Rooks, Clarence Mr. and Mrs., 155 Rooks, Gladys Mrs., 119 Rooser, Arthur Mrs., 48 Roper, Dolan, 223 Roper, Lee, 103 Roper, Lee Mr. and Mrs., 50, 223 Roper, Lee Mrs., 205 Roper, Mamie, 223 Roper, Ola, 223 Roper, Reedie, 28 Roper, Reedie Mr. and Mrs., 58 Roper, Tobe, 103 Rorex, E. C., 166 Rorex, J. F. Rev., 188 Rose Creek, Ark., 7, 21, 30, 33, 50, 55, 56, 110, 117, 121, 145, 151, 154, 166, 173, 196, 237, 238 Rose, Morris Mrs., 165 Rose, Oscar Mr. and Mrs., 27 Ross, Ava, 45 Ross, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 189 Ross, Clytice Miss, 62 Ross, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 123, 124 Ross, G. N. Mrs., 67, 184 Ross, J. H. Rev., 132 Ross, Rex, 189 Ross, S. D. Mrs., 54 Ross, Sallie D., 47 Ross, Sallie D. Mrs., 9, 40, 189, 214, 239 Ross, Sallie Mrs., 184, 189 Ross, Willie, 124 Rosser, Albert, 37 Rossi, Andrew, 201 Rossi, Frank, 151 Rossi, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 135 Rossi, Frank Mrs., 201 Rossi, Paul Mrs., 221 Rossi, R. Mrs., 201 Rossi, Robert, 151, 221 Rossow, Mary Mrs., 159 Rosston, Ark., 97 Rost, Emil, 60 Rost, Emil M., 110 Rouch, John, 62, 99 Round Mt., Ark., 26, 42, 71, 135, 138, 163, 168, 216 Rowe, Flenn, 125 Rowe, Irene Miss, 231 Rowell, Barbara Mrs., 121 Rowell, G. M., 92 Rowell, G. M. Mr. and Mrs., 237 Rowell, Geo. M., 81 Rowell, George Mr. and Mrs., 33, 41, 58 Rowell, Helen, 156 Rowell, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 23 Rowell, Mrs., 92 Rowland, Ben D. Mrs., 131 Roy, Abel C., 61 Royal, Ben, 44, 48 Royal, Ella, 44, 48 Royer, Grace Miss, 63 Roys, Allen Mr. and Mrs., 214 Roys, Allen Mrs., 205 Rubel, Marie Miss, 183 Ruff, Bert Mrs., 146 Ruff, Bulah Miss, 117 Ruff, Edward, 12 Ruff, Lawrence, 12 Ruff, Marie, 10 Ruff, Marie Miss, 12 Ruff, Mary Mrs., 12, 44, 138, 153, 217, 227, 239 Ruff, Weber Mrs., 154 Ruffener, Martin, 145 Rumpf, Felix Rev., 73 Runyan, Dr. and Mrs., 190 Runyan, Ruth Miss, 40 Russ, Art, 147 Russel, Rev., 17 Russell, A. W. Rev., 38, 124 Russell, A. W. Rev. and Mrs., 22, 33, 104 Russell, Ark., 72 Russell, Bro., 137 Russell, Donald, 206 Russell, E. H., 76 Russell, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 207 Russell, J. H. Mr and Mrs., 112 Russell, J. H. Mr. and Mrs., 46, 124 Russell, Junior Mr. and Mrs., 108, 125, 128 Russell, Junior Mrs., 152 Russell, Katie Mrs., 140 Russell, Malcolm, 22, 33, 104, 124, 206 Russell, Mr. and Mrs., 124 Russell, Mrs., 162 Russell, R. H. Mrs., 55, 156 Russell, Ray, 46 Russell, Ray Mr. and Mrs., 112 Russell, Rev., 89, 102, 218, 219, 234 Russell, Sid Mr. and Mrs., 24, 124, 179 Russell, Sid Mrs., 59, 238 Russell, Will Mr. and Mrs., 130 Russell, Will Mrs., 45 Russellville, Ark., 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 47, 52, 53, 54, 57, 60, 67, 68, 86, 97, 99, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 112, 114, 116, 117, 120, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 141, 143, 144, 150, 151, 153, 157, 158, 163, 164, 167, 169, 170, 172, 176, 179, 180, 182, 183, 190, 191, 192, 194, 199, 201, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213, 214, 216, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 228, 230, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238 Ruston, La., 9 Ryder, Blanche Mrs., 202 -S- Sacred Heart Parish, 90 Sacred Heart School, 90, 100 Saddler, Jord Mr. and Mrs., 177, 178 Saddler, Loyd, 51 Saddler, Lucile Miss, 42 Saddler, Lucille Miss, 32 Sadler, Jord Mrs., 108 Saffold, Wm. G., 77 Saline Co., Ark., 7, 173 Salisaw, Okla., 16, 17, 20, 109 Salmon, Dr. and Mrs., 143 Salmon, J. A. Dr. and Mrs., 184 Saloniki, Greece, 70, 178 Salsberry, Taft, 15 Salvey, Vera Mrs., 177 Sammons, G. A. Mrs., 172 Sammons, Mrs., 166 Sams, Doyle, 34 Sams, Elie Mrs., 135 Sams, Linza, 135 Sams, Linzie Mr. and Mrs., 142 Sams, Otis Miss, 195 Sams, Rosa Lee, 104 San Angelo, Tex., 137 San Antonio, Tex., 28, 40, 47, 67, 127, 156, 164, 167, 176, 190, 204 San Diego, Calif., 203 San Francisco, Calif., 207 Sandage, Issac Mr. and Mrs., 56 Sandage, Lucy, 218 Sandage, Saint, 56 Sanders, Amos, 12 Sanders, Candace Miss, 27, 49, 107, 118 Sanders, Corean Mrs., 187 Sanders, D. T. Mr. and Mrs., 101 Sanders, Florence Mrs., 125 Sanders, John, 230 Sanders, S. Rev., 128, 240 Sanders, W. E. Mr. and Mrs., 27, 49, 107, 119 Sanderson, Tex., 44, 48 Sandlin, J. W. Mrs., 139 Sandoe, Lester B., 178 Sandtown, Ark., 13, 17, 21, 24, 25, 29, 33, 38, 42, 44, 50, 56, 71, 121, 125, 130, 138, 142, 146, 150, 164, 167, 178, 179, 187, 193, 197, 202, 205, 212, 213, 221, 222, 226, 237, 238 Sanford, Glen, 144, 157 Santa Barbara, Calif., 35 Santa Rita, N. M., 153 Santa Rita, N. Mex., 30 Sapulpa, Okla., 219 Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 200 Saratoga, Tex., 223 Sardis, Ark., 16, 20, 36, 42, 59, 77, 121, 136, 150, 162, 171, 175, 177, 181, 195, 203, 215, 230, 236 Sardis, Miss., 134 Saturday, Ark., 128 Savage, Agnes Gene, 240 Savage, Dessia Mrs., 20 Savage, Emalee, 154, 197 Savage, Emalee Miss, 226 Savage, Gladys, 197, 226 Savage, Margaret Miss, 146 Savage, Opel Ophelia, 240 Savage, Walter Mr. and Mrs., 109, 143 Savage, Walter Mrs., 50, 109 Sawyer, J. C. Mrs., 183 Sawyer, Mrs., 121 Sayle, Cornelius W. Dr., 75 Sayle, W. A. C. Dr., 100 Sayle, W. A. Dr., 75 Scanlan, George, 68 Scanlan, John, 40, 107, 217 Scanlan, John Mr. and Mrs., 133, 190, 208, 223 Scanlan, John Mrs., 137 Scanlan, Sara Miss, 133, 166 Scanlan, Sarah Miss, 107 Scanlin, Lalla Miss, 36, 39 Scarber, Mr., 183 Scarboro, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 121, 173, 217, 220 Scarboro, Joe Mrs., 161 Scarborough, Audrey, 15 Scarborough, Dubose, Jr. Mrs., 165 Scarborough, Irvin, 165 Scarborough, June Miss, 149 Scarborough, Mrs., 193 Schaefers, Clara Miss, 190 Schaefers, George Mr. and Mrs., 190 Schaeffers, George Mrs., 214 Schawb, Father Rev., 19 Scheiler, Ted Mr. and Mrs., 215 Scheller, Harold, 150 Schimmel, Lewis, 33 Schimmel, Sam, 117 Schlater, "Butch", 220 Schley, Chas. C. Mrs., 89 Schley, Chas. Mrs., 88 Schlosser, D., 203 Schlosser, Felix, 138 Schmand, William, Jr. Mrs., 47 Schmidt, C. A. Mrs., 167 Schmidt, Eugene, 90 Schull, Doris Miss, 57 Schulte, Ted Mr. and Mrs., 159 Schulte, Ted Mrs., 187 Schultz, J. E., 203 Schwab, F. A. Father Rev., 135 Schwab, F. A. Rev., 12, 90, 98, 203 Schwab, F. Father Rev., 198 Schwab, Father, 111 Schwab, Francis Rev., 201 Schwab, Rev., 143 Sciva, Agnes Miss, 142 Scotland, Ark., 26, 45, 51, 70, 109, 117, 156, 194, 237 Scott, Andrew Judge, 77 Scott, Ark., 70 Scott, Arkie Mrs., 150 Scott, Bill Mrs., 166 Scott, Charles, 36 Scott, Charles Mr. and Mrs., 9 Scott, Charlie, 37 Scott, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 235 Scott, Edna Miss, 226 Scott, Harold, 39 Scott, Louise Miss, 235 Scott, Nora Mrs., 54 Scott, Oscar, 37, 39 Scott, Oscar Mr. and Mrs., 189 Scott, Ruby Miss, 30, 36, 47, 189 Scott, Sam, 9, 44, 232 Scott, Sam Mr. and Mrs., 105, 185, 198, 215, 226, 235 Scott, Sam Mrs., 44, 139, 226 Scott, Samuel, 36 Scott, T. L., 95 Scroggin Farm, Ark., 7, 188 Scroggin Grocery, 124 Scroggin, A. A. Mrs., 105, 168 Scroggin, A. W., 147 Scroggin, Arthur, 168 Scroggin, Arthur Mrs., 166 Scroggin, Asbury, 134, 215 Scroggin, Ben, 90 Scroggin, Ben F., 97 Scroggin, Ben Mrs., 108 Scroggin, Billie, 32, 235 Scroggin, Dennis, 93 Scroggin, Earl Mr. and Mrs., 57, 167, 197 Scroggin, Earl Mrs., 166, 172, 173 Scroggin, Elbert, 215 Scroggin, Ernest, 116 Scroggin, Ernest J. Mr. and Mrs., 122 Scroggin, Ernest Mr. and Mrs., 116 Scroggin, Fred, 145 Scroggin, G. F., 134 Scroggin, Georgia Fay Miss, 152 Scroggin, Georgia Faye, 169 Scroggin, Georgia Miss, 16 Scroggin, Guy, 16 Scroggin, Guy Mr. and Mrs., 152 Scroggin, Guy Mrs., 179 Scroggin, Henry, 147 Scroggin, Huie Mr. and Mrs., 134 Scroggin, J. A., 16, 196 Scroggin, J. E., 146 Scroggin, J. H. Dr., 97, 123, 125 Scroggin, J. H. Dr. and Mrs., 51 Scroggin, J. J., 55, 61, 70, 125, 154 Scroggin, J. J. Mrs., 31, 34, 36, 43, 51, 55, 57, 68, 110, 112, 116, 125, 139, 184, 193, 214, 223 Scroggin, J. K., 97 Scroggin, J. M., 100, 124, 172, 189, 234 Scroggin, J. M. Mr. and Mrs., 68, 122, 185 Scroggin, J. M. Mrs., 147 Scroggin, Jess Mr. and Mrs., 51 Scroggin, Jess Mrs., 148 Scroggin, Jesse Mr. and Mrs., 33, 104 Scroggin, Jim Dr., 134 Scroggin, John J., 97 Scroggin, Lonnie, 134, 152 Scroggin, Lonnie Mr. and Mrs., 53 Scroggin, M. L., 229 Scroggin, M. L. Mr. and Mrs., 227, 232 Scroggin, Manuel Mr. and Mrs., 210 Scroggin, Manuel Mrs., 167 Scroggin, Marion Miss, 31 Scroggin, Mary, 125 Scroggin, Matt, 152 Scroggin, Matt Mr. and Mrs., 101 Scroggin, Matt Mrs., 39 Scroggin, Mr. and Mrs., 9 Scroggin, O. O., 31, 97 Scroggin, O. O. Mrs., 31, 39 Scroggin, Q. Mr. and Mrs., 104 Scroggin, Ruth, 125 Scroggin, Sam, 168 Scroggin, T. C., 147 Scroggin, T. C., 116, 145, 196 Scroggin, T. C. Mr. and Mrs., 153, 183 Scroggin, T. C. Mrs., 161 Scroggin, T. C., Jr., 116 Scroggin, T. W. Mrs., 153, 194 Scroggin, W. C., 194 Scroggin, W. C. Mr. and Mrs., 153 Scroggin, W. O., 97, 125 Scroggin, W. O. Mr. and Mrs., 25, 32, 235 Scroggin, W. W., 70 Scroggin, Wiley Bro., 236 Scroggin, Willie E., 9 Scroggins Farm, Ark., 15, 21, 105, 111, 177, 186, 192, 236, 237 Scroggins, A. A. Mrs., 46 Scroggins, Arthur Mrs., 11 Scroggins, Bertha Lee, 10 Scroggins, Chester, 93 Scroggins, Earl Mrs., 58 Scroggins, Elmer, 229 Scroggins, Icy Miss, 237 Scroggins, J. J. Mrs., 21 Scroggins, John Mr. and Mrs., 50 Scroggins, Lerlene Miss, 11 Scroggins, Lum, 237 Scroggins, O. O. Mrs., 21 Scroggins, Velma, 147 Seaborn, Ailex, 240 Seabright, Ada Mrs., 90 Searcy Co., Ark., 79, 193 Searcy, Ark., 9, 16, 40, 99, 105, 107, 121, 143, 144, 149, 154, 160, 190, 200, 207, 220, 224, 232 Seaton, J. A., 165 Sebastian Co., Ark., 13, 86 Seichtel, J. F. Mrs., 194 Selby, Co., Ala., 97 Selden, Judge, 77 Self, Alice Gans Mrs., 191 Self, Alice Mrs., 25 Sellers, Calvin, 19, 49 Sellers, Carline Mrs., 31, 36, 57, 60, 110, 115, 120, 133, 152, 158, 161, 176, 191, 205, 210, 214, 217 Sellers, Col., 19 Sellers, Colvin, 98 Sellers, E. H., 78, 98 Sellers, Edward, 192 Sellers, J. F., 19 Sellers, J. F. Col., 78 Sellers, Jack, 19, 98 Sellers, Jordan F. Judge, 98 Sellers, Jordan Mr. and Mrs., 176 Sellers, Ned, 19 Sellers, Ruth Miss, 214 Sellers, Volney, 67 Sellers, Volney Mrs., 176 Selvey, Aaron, 71 Selvey, Aaron Mr. and Mrs., 109, 138, 179 Selvey, Aaron Mrs., 213 Selvey, Addie, 142 Selvey, Addie Mrs., 53, 109, 119, 124, 135, 145, 163 Selvey, Bertie Mrs., 145 Selvey, Cyril, 51 Selvey, Cyril Mr. and Mrs., 53, 213 Selvey, Davis Mr. and Mrs., 42, 51, 71, 213 Selvey, Davis Mrs., 21, 41 Selvey, Ethel Mrs., 16, 145, 163, 198 Selvey, Joseph Mr. and Mrs., 138, 170 Selvey, Loy, 51 Selvey, Vera Mrs., 38, 71, 119, 155, 187 Seminole, Okla., 43, 139, 140, 184, 187, 200 Sensabaugh, Dorothy Faye, 133 Sensabaugh, J. P. Mr. and Mrs., 102 Sensabaugh, J. R. Mr and Mrs., 179 Sensabaugh, J. R. Mr. and Mrs., 26, 40, 104, 133 Sensabaugh, J. R. Mrs., 125, 197, 212 Sensabaugh, Jennie Lee, 45 Sensabaugh, Jennie Lee Miss, 24 Sensabaugh, Jennie Mrs., 105 Sensabaugh, Lawrence, 24 Sensabaugh, Marguerite, 103 Sensabough, J. R. Mr. and Mrs., 8, 11 Sensabough, J. R. Mrs., 59 Sevier Co., Ark., 20 Sevier, Ambrose H., 77 Sewell, Elmer, 51 Sewell, F. E. Mr. and Mrs., 167 Sewell, Mrs., 193 Sewell, S. E. Mr. and Mrs., 118, 137, 193 Shackelford, T. F., 78 Shaddon, Floyd Mr. and Mrs., 130, 223 Shaddon, Floyd Mrs., 115 Shaddon, Mamie Mrs., 121 Shaddon, Mrs., 115 Shaddon, Sarah Mrs., 223 Shaddon, Theodore, 115 Shadrach, William Mrs., 144 Shady Grove, Ark., 41, 45, 56, 71, 103, 111, 135, 168, 216, 233 Sharp, A. S. Mr. and Mrs., 232 Sharp, Alva Mr. and Mrs., 193 Sharp, Claud, 30 Sharp, Darel, 13 Sharp, Darel Miss, 13 Sharp, I. J. Mr. and Mrs., 193 Sharp, Iva Mrs., 53, 71, 130 Sharp, L. M. Mr. and Mrs., 215, 236 Sharp, L. M. Mrs., 42 Sharp, Lucy Mrs., 113 Sharp, Marshal, 35 Sharp, Marshall Mr. and Mrs., 109 Sharp, Mr., 53 Sharp, Ruby, 191 Sharp, Ruby Miss, 45 Sharp, W. W., 84 Shaw, George Mrs., 223 Shaw, Wes, 202 Shaw, Wes Mr. and Mrs., 50, 215, 219 Shawnee, Okla., 34, 108, 159, 230 Sheep Skin Valley, Ark., 94, 171 Shelby, Mr., 59 Shellie, Jane Mrs., 37 Shepherd, Carroll Mrs., 161, 167 Shepherd, Charles Mrs., 116 Sherlock, Raleigh, 125 Shewmake, Charles Earl, 227 Shewmake, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 227 Shewmake, Charlie Mrs., 157 Shewmake, G. A., 233 Shewmake, G. A. Mr. and Mrs., 134 Shewmake, G. A. Mrs., 239 Shewmake, Jesse Miss, 239 Shewmake, Sam Mr., 231 Shewmake, T. J., 231 Shewmake, Wilson, 70 Shewmaker, J. C., 115 Shilling, David Mr. and Mrs., 142 Shillings, David Mr. and Mrs., 39 Shillings, Thurman, 135 Shiloh, Ark., 142, 175 Shimmel, Myrtle Mrs., 34 Shinn, Dora C. Mrs., 87 Shirley, Ark., 126, 144, 150, 161, 165, 195, 197 Shoemake, Dr., 93 Shoemake, Pearl Miss, 30 Shoephester, Kenneth, 137 Shoptaw, Ernest Mrs., 7 Short, Samuel W., Jr., 169 Short, Samuel W., Sr., 169 Shreveport La., 181 Shreveport, Ark., 131 Shreveport, La., 10, 30, 41, 43, 101, 157, 184, 211, 215, 239 Shull, Ruby Lee Miss, 123 Shull, W. L. Mrs., 191 Sifford, Bernice, 176 Sifford, Berniece Miss, 189 Sikeston, Mo., 82 Siketon, Mo., 55 Siloam Springs, Ark., 30, 86 Silver Springs, Ark., 96 Silverman, Frank Mrs., 174 Simmons, Billie Miss, 160 Simmons, Coma Miss, 108, 129, 132, 161, 210, 227 Simmons, G. A. Mrs., 166 Simmons, J. R. Mr. and Mrs., 121, 229 Simmons, John J., 61 Simmons, Malvinne Jane Miss, 74 Simons, Olen Mrs., 237 Simpson, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 38, 47 Simpson, Jennie, 229 Simpson, Layhence, 229 Sims, Bob, 40 Sims, Bob Mr. and Mrs., 130 Sims, Bob Mrs., 105 Sims, Cleval, 37 Sims, Harry, 41 Sims, J. M., 119 Sims, J. M. Mrs., 16, 29, 41, 45, 53, 110, 147 Sims, J. N., 37, 40, 51 Sims, J. S. Mr. and Mrs., 191, 197, 207 Sims, L. A. Mrs., 207 Sims, Lillie Mrs., 233 Sims, Lulu Miss, 53 Sims, Mary Miss, 93, 191 Sims, Will, 105, 119 Sims, Will Mr. and Mrs., 34, 142 Sims, Will Mrs., 119 Singleton, Mr., 93 Sisson, Bennie, 56, 105 Sisson, Bill Mr. and Mrs., 46, 56, 105 Sisson, Bill Mrs., 56 Sisson, Bob Mr. and Mrs., 205 Sisson, Bob, Jr., 205 Sisson, James, 48 Sisson, Jim, 44, 205 Sisson, Jova Mrs., 236 Sisson, M. A. Mrs., 41, 48 Sisson, Mr. and Mrs., 141 Sisson, Robert, 48 Sisters of Mercy, 73 Sisters of St. Joseph, 90, 100 Skelton, Martha Mrs., 213 Skipper, "Buddy", 225 Skipper, Ark., 17 Skipper, Arthur, 172 Skipper, Arthur Mr. and Mrs., 200, 232 Skipper, Bryan Mr. and Mrs., 227, 232 Skipper, Bryan Mrs., 210 Skipper, Carline, 147 Skipper, D. C., 52 Skipper, Delma, 10 Skipper, Florence Mrs., 28, 36, 39, 44, 190, 196, 225 Skipper, Hobart, 30 Skipper, Hobert, 149 Skipper, Hobert Mr. and Mrs., 129 Skipper, I. N., 52 Skipper, Ira Mr. and Mrs., 114 Skipper, J. C. Mr. and Mrs., 232 Skipper, J. N., 30 Skipper, J. Q., 88, 172 Skipper, John Q., 147 Skipper, John Q. Mrs., 195 Skipper, Mildred Miss, 120 Skipper, Naomi Miss, 147 Slack, W. N. Mrs., 194 Slaughter, Bonnie, 229 Slaughter, Ky., 181 Slaybaugh, Altu Mr. and Mrs., 182 Sledge, Alex Mr. and Mrs., 142 Sledge, Alex Mrs., 38, 208 Sledge, Arlie Mr. and Mrs., 163 Sledge, C. R. Mr. and Mrs., 205 Sledge, D., 126 Sledge, Mable, 222 Sledge, Mable Miss, 179 Sledge, Nancy Smith Mrs., 189 Sleeping Rabbit, 65 Sloan, Bill, 214 Sloan, Bill Mr. and Mrs., 51, 68 Sloan, Bill Mrs., 34, 184 Sloan, William Mrs., 97 Sluyter, Arthur Mrs., 15 Smackover, Ark., 124, 127, 147 small pox, 56 Smart, Jack Mr. and Mrs., 190 Smart, Jack Mrs., 35, 129 Smirl, Doris Miss, 24 Smirl, Guy, 220 Smirl, Guy H., 229 Smirl, Guy Mrs., 227 Smirl, LaVerne Mrs., 22, 45 Smirl, Margaret Miss, 117 Smith, A. A. Prof., 36 Smith, A. J. Dr., 152 Smith, Alexander, 96 Smith, Allen, 46 Smith, Bill, 91 Smith, Carrol D., 16 Smith, Carroll D., 38, 115, 161, 167, 200, 224 Smith, D. R. Mr., 92 Smith, Dan, 151 Smith, Everett, 104 Smith, Fred, 51 Smith, G. L. Mrs., 107 Smith, Hays Watson Rev., 27 Smith, Ida, 229 Smith, Ira Mr. and Mrs., 17 Smith, Irea Mrs., 36 Smith, J. W., 217 Smith, John Mrs., 155 Smith, L. L. Mr. and Mrs., 139 Smith, L. L. Mrs., 112 Smith, L. T., 115, 157 Smith, L. T. Mr. and Mrs., 161, 167, 179, 227 Smith, L. T. Mrs., 152 Smith, Lilie Mrs., 115 Smith, Lillie Mrs., 16, 38, 128, 161, 167, 200, 224 Smith, Lizzie Mrs., 106, 126 Smith, Lloy, 115 Smith, Loren, 14 Smith, Loyd, 31 Smith, M. L. Mr. and Mrs., 16 Smith, Martin, 152 Smith, Mary Mrs., 10 Smith, Norva Fay Miss, 185 Smith, Ray Mrs., 115 Smith, Raymond, 152, 157 Smith, Richard, Jr., 152 Smith, Rosa Mrs., 240 Smith, Rose Mrs., 109 Smith, Theo, 13 Smith, W. A., 72 Smith, W. H., 72 Smith, W. H. Mrs., 7 Smith, W. W., 72 Smith, Walter, 13, 15, 99, 101 Smith, William, 82 Smith, Willie Mr. and Mrs., 155 Smith-Huges High School, 102 Smith-Huges School, Oppelo, Ark., 68 Smithville, Okla., 211 Sneed, Charles, 80 Snowden, Dr., 92 Snyder, Barbara Mrs., 105 Snyder, Frank, 138 Snyder, Fred, 105, 138 Snyder, George, 105 Solgohachia Lodge No. 722, 73 Solgohachia, Ark., 8, 20, 23, 24, 28, 40, 42, 45, 48, 49, 54, 58, 79, 93, 94, 102, 103, 105, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 117, 122, 124, 125, 127, 129, 133, 134, 145, 152, 153, 154, 157, 164, 167, 169, 172, 186, 188, 193, 197, 203, 208, 214, 215, 218, 224, 229, 234 Solgohachia, Ark. history, 82 Solgohacia, Ark., 82, 91 Soloniki, Greece, 98 Somervell, Anna Miss, 105, 114 Somervell, Beulah Miss, 105 Somerville, Ga., 194 Sorrels, Ethel, 187 Sorrels, Wade, 156 Sosbee, Hugh Mr. and Mrs., 34 Sour Lake, Tex., 199 Sour Mush, 65 South Bend, Tex., 162 Southern Nigeria, Africa, 203 Southview, Ark., 103 Sowell, Albert Mr. and Mrs., 8, 46 Sowell, Bernice Mrs., 205, 223 Spalding, E. W., 12 Sparks, Mrs., 133 Spears, Archie Mr. and Mrs., 49 Spears, Pitt, 83 Speer, Mr., 70 Speer, Paul Mrs., 205, 231, 232 Spence, Dick, 96 Spence, Ed Mr. and Mrs., 231 Spence, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 107 Spence, J. A. Mrs., 40, 138 Spencer Co., Ky., 75 Spencer, Dick, 96 Spieler, Miss, 138 Spielerville, Ark., 138 Spires, B. F., 129, 139, 166, 217 Spires, B. F. Mr. and Mrs., 29, 54, 122, 167, 214, 229 Spires, B. F. Mrs., 176, 205 Spires, Ben, 93 Spires, Dutch Mrs., 163 Spires, Faber Mrs., 8, 14, 15 Spires, Farber Mrs., 20 Spires, Fred, 29 Spires, Fred Mr. and Mrs., 217 Spires, Fred Mrs., 89, 211 Spires, Gene Beth, 181 Spires, Helen Miss, 156 Spires, Jean Beth Miss, 122 Spires, John, 29, 139, 217 Spires, John Mr. and Mrs., 201 Spires, Lillian Mrs., 15, 20 Spires, Margaret Miss, 129 Spires, Mrs., 126 Spires, Whit, 72 Sponer, Alfred, 56 Spring Valley, Ark., 155, 160, 170, 178, 201 Springdale, Ark., 34, 185, 228 Springer, Mara Mae Miss, 111 Springer, Robert Mr. and Mrs., 228 Springfield Collegiate Institute, 100 Springfield Sharpshooters, 76 Springfield, Ark., 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 28, 31, 34, 38, 39, 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 66, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 85, 91, 93, 96, 100, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 122, 126, 127, 130, 135, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147, 150, 152, 155, 162, 163, 168, 169, 170, 173, 177, 179, 182, 186, 192, 200, 208, 212, 215, 218, 222, 226, 237, 238, 240 Springfield, Ark. first frame building, 69 Springfield, Ark. history, 69, 71 Springfield, Ark. old county court house, 66 Springfield, Ark. tornado, 72 Springfield, Mo., 9, 239 Springfield, Tenn., 18 Springhill, La., 181 St John, Del Mrs., 192 St. Anthony's Hospital, 98 St. Elizabeth, Ark., 7, 13, 20, 26, 29, 35, 41, 45, 50, 53, 58, 70, 73, 104, 108, 114, 117, 121, 126, 136, 141, 146, 150, 155, 159, 163, 168, 169, 175, 185, 187, 193, 195, 202, 206, 207, 212, 215, 218, 221, 226, 231 St. Elizabeth, Ark. history, 73 St. John., Tommie Mrs., 44 St. Joseph Convent, 90 St. Joseph, Ark., 224, 237 St. Louis Mo., 105 St. Louis, Ill., 212 St. Louis, Mo., 32, 43, 189, 195 St. Mathew, Ark., 36 St. Paul, Minn., 205 St. Vincent parish, 203 St. Vincent, Ark., 19, 23, 26, 32, 35, 40, 43, 46, 56, 59, 103, 105, 108, 135, 145, 146, 160, 168, 173, 174, 180, 185, 193, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 220, 235 St. Vincent, Ark. history, 203 St. Vincent, Ark., Golden Jubilee, 203 Stacener, Annie Bell Mrs., 50 Stacks, B. R. Mr. and Mrs., 8 Stacks, Ben, 212 Stacks, Ben Mr. and Mrs., 59, 150 Stacks, Ben Mrs., 56 Stacks, Billie Mr. and Mrs., 24, 59, 104, 212, 219 Stacks, Carl, 111 Stacks, Cora Mrs., 20 Stacks, Eric Mrs., 213 Stacks, Erie Mrs., 173 Stacks, Garland, 171 Stacks, Grace Mrs., 40 Stacks, Hollie, 11, 171, 175 Stacks, Hollie Mr. and Mrs., 102, 150 Stacks, Jack Mr. and Mrs., 24 Stacks, L. B., 171, 175 Stacks, Lela Mrs., 40 Stacks, Mrs., 161 Stacks, R. B., 111 Stacks, Rowena, 10 Stacks, Rufus Mr. and Mrs., 20, 43 Stacks, Rufus Mrs., 24 Stacks, Willie Mr. and Mrs., 219 Stafford, J. N., 83 Staggs, Daisy Mrs., 150 Staggs, George, 130 Stallings, Allan, 216 Stallings, E. J., 73 Stallings, Ida Miss, 57 Stallings, Ida Mrs., 107 Stallings, Ila, 172 Stallings, J. R., 9, 58, 74, 107, 176, 234 Stallings, J. R. Mr. and Mrs., 182 Stallings, J. R. Mrs., 75 Stallings, Joe, 182 Stallings, Robert, 62, 217, 234 Stallings, Robert Mrs., 31 Stallings, S. J., 74 Stamps, Ark., 49 Stamps, E. B. Mrs., 60 Stamps, Martha Mrs., 175 Stancener, Homer Mrs., 188 Standridge, Mrs., 167 Standridge, N. A. Mr. and Mrs., 45, 167 Standridge, N. A. Mrs., 167 Standridge, Theodore, 45 Stanfill, C. Mrs., 11 Stanfill, Claunts Mrs., 157 Stanley, Baxter Mr. and Mrs., 103 Stanley, W. B. Mr. and Mrs., 56, 180 Stansworth, Samuel G. Rev and Mrs., 159 Stanworth, Mr., 89 Stanworth, Samuel Rev., 89 Staples, Thomas S. Mrs., 18 Starkey, Thelma Mrs., 214 Steed, Arnold, 204 Steed, Eunice Mrs., 204 Steed, Maurice, 204 Steel, J. A. Mrs., 107 Steel, J. C., 164 Steele, Cecil, 133 Steele, Earl, 127, 130 Steele, Earl R., 146 Steele, J. A. Mrs., 102 Steele, J. S. Dr., 133 Steele, Martha Mrs., 62 Steele, Miles W., 75 Steele, Richard, 186 Steele, W. W., 208 Stegman, Father Rev., 186 Stell, Dennie Mr. and Mrs., 11 Stell, Deny Mr. and Mrs., 201, 229 Stell, Elizabeth Mrs., 33 Stell, Eual, 229 Stell, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 113 Stell, Lum, 201 Stephens, A. G., 216 Stephens, A. J., 15, 91, 100, 164, 234 Stephens, A. J. Mr. and Mrs., 27, 43 Stephens, A. J. Mrs., 166, 176, 189, 205 Stephens, Ben, 72 Stephens, J. J., 72 Stephens, Jack, 27, 43 Stephenson, J. E., 198 Stephenson, Rosamond, 144 Stepps, Sarah Miss, 82 Stetson, Ralph Mr. and Mrs., 210, 228 Steurer, J. Rev., 203 Stevens, Joseph M., 113 Stevens, Mrs., 156 Stevenson, J. B., 22, 61 Stevenson, James Allen, 190 Stevenson, Lena Mrs., 228 Stevenson, Minnie Mrs., 36 Steward, J. L., 229 Stewart, Bennie, 102 Stewart, C. W. Mrs., 179 Stewart, Claud Mr. and Mrs., 199 Stewart, Clause Mrs., 184 Stewart, E. W. Mrs., 66 Stewart, Elmer Mrs., 156 Stewart, Emma Mrs., 164 Stewart, Emmagean, 158 Stewart, Emmagean Miss, 153 Stewart, Emmagene Miss, 184, 199, 214 Stewart, Guy Mrs., 214 Stewart, Margaret Miss, 179 Stewart, Mary Miss, 133, 239 Stewart, Will Mrs., 55 Stigler, Okla., 236 Stillwell, Edna Miss, 238 Stillwell, Mollie Mrs., 35 Stillwell, T. R. Mr. and Mrs., 238 Stilwell, Dr., 232 Stimba, J., 203 Stinger, Veda Miss, 113 Stinger, Veda Mrs., 141, 188, 202 Stobaugh, Avery, 192 Stobaugh, Billie, 138 Stobaugh, Dr., 92 Stobaugh, Edmond Mr. and Mrs., 188 Stobaugh, Edmond Mrs., 173 Stobaugh, F. O. Rev., 91 Stobaugh, Frank Rev., 96 Stobaugh, Henry, 171 Stobaugh, J. F. Mrs., 16 Stobaugh, Lucille Miss, 219 Stobaugh, M. F., 91 Stobaugh, Orville, 92 Stobaugh, Otis, 138, 173 Stobaugh, Rosa Mrs., 158 Stobaugh, W. H., 171 Stockdale, Alice Mrs., 14 Stocks, Grace Mrs., 45 Stocks, Howard Mr. and Mrs., 54 Stocks, Howard Mrs., 192 Stockton, Calif., 133 Stockton, Jonathon, 75 Stockton, Lewis, 61 Stockton, Sophia E. Miss, 74 Stoddard, H. L. Mrs., 122 Stokes, Ben, 185 Stone Co., Ark., 41, 113 Stone, Bert, 205 Stone, Dickson, 205 Stone, E. E. Mrs., 133 Stone, John, 238 Stonequist, A. E., 153, 199 Storey, Albert Mrs., 198 Storey, James, 186, 218, 229 Storey, James Mr. and Mrs., 21 Story, Albert, 28, 146 Story, Albert Mr. and Mrs., 159 Story, James, 28, 146 Story, Will Mr. and Mrs., 151 Stout Point, 84 Stout, Charles Marlin, Jr., 218 Stout, Chas M. Mrs., 218 Stout, Chas. M. Mr. and Mrs., 237 Stout, Marlin Mr. and Mrs., 41 Stout, Marline Mr. and Mrs., 58 Stout, Mary E. Mrs., 63 Stout, Reva M. Mrs., 81 Stout, Sue Mrs., 67 Stout, W. W., 81 Stout, W. W. Mrs., 218 Stover, A. C., 24, 57, 100, 164 Stover, A. C. Mr. and Mrs., 144, 183, 209 Stover, A. C. Mrs., 24 Stover, A. T. Mrs., 44, 57, 139, 144, 183, 198, 209, 215 Stover, Albert Cecil, 37 Stover, Albert Mr. and Mrs., 44, 138 Stover, Arville Mr. and Mrs., 41 Stover, Betty Joe, 44 Stover, C. ?, 91 Stover, Cecil Mr. and Mrs., 37 Stover, Cecil Mrs., 210 Stover, Dr., 25, 171 Stover, Edgar, 161 Stover, G. C. Dr., 24, 215, 217 Stover, Hallie Miss, 171 Stover, Hazel Miss, 217 Stover, L. D. Mr. and Mrs., 161, 183, 197 Stover, Lattie Mrs., 205 Stover, Marvin Mr. and Mrs., 233 Stover, Marvin Mrs., 17 Stover, Maxine, 24, 140 Stover, Mrs., 126 Stover, Orville Mr. and Mrs., 197 Stover, Orville Mrs., 113, 188 Stover, Sallie Mrs., 204 Stover, Ural Mrs., 139 Stover, Walter, 24, 25 Stover, Walter Mrs., 57, 68, 186 Stover, Wincie Mrs., 215 Stover, Winsie Mrs., 209 Stowe, Vt., 200 Stracener, E. L. Mrs., 121 Stracener, Frank Mr. and Mrs., 225 Stracener, Homer Mr. and Mrs., 50, 121, 197 Stracener, Mrs., 45 Stracner, Mrs., 105 Strait, Audrey, 78 Strait, Audrey Mrs., 37, 70, 220 Strait, Mr., 84 Strait, W. P,, 79 Strait, W. P., 30, 44, 48, 49, 78, 91, 164, 234 Strait, W. P. Mr. and Mrs., 103 Strait, W. P. Mrs., 90 Straton, Colo., 123 Straw Vote, 48 Strickland, Orville Mr. and Mrs., 221 Strickland, R. N., 10 Stringer, Mannie Mr. and Mrs., 42 Stringer, Mary Mrs., 47, 52, 59 Stringer, Mrs., 26 Stripling, G. N. Mr. and Mrs., 192 Stripling, G. W. Mr. and Mrs., 173 Stripling, J. H. Mrs., 182, 195 Strobles, Fred Mr. and Mrs., 7 Strobles, John Mr. and Mrs., 7 Stroop, Frank, 198 Stroud, "Ike", 236 Stroud, Albert Mrs., 202 Stroud, Bertie Miss, 28 Stroud, Bob Mr. and Mrs., 56 Stroud, Bob Mrs., 126 Stroud, Borden, 238 Stroud, Chester, 58 Stroud, Chester Mr. and Mrs., 56, 113, 122 Stroud, Clarence, 106 Stroud, Cora Mrs., 205, 238 Stroud, Elbert Mr. and Mrs., 56, 113, 156, 195 Stroud, Ervin Mr. and Mrs., 236 Stroud, Hazel Miss, 205, 238 Stroud, Hick, 84 Stroud, Hildred Miss, 205 Stroud, Ira Mrs., 238 Stroud, L. B. Mr. and Mrs., 131 Stroud, Leah Dell Miss, 184 Stroud, N. P., 83 Stroud, N. P. Mr. and Mrs., 56, 113 Stroud, N. P. Mrs., 102 Stroud, Ora Mrs., 236 Stroud, Oral Mrs., 184 Stroud, R. D. Mr. and Mrs., 102 Stroud, Robert, 84 Stroud, W. A. Mrs., 184 Stroud, Weldon Mr. and Mrs., 221 Stuart, E. W. Mr. and Mrs., 101, 177 Stuart, E. W. Mrs., 66, 77 Stuart, Elmis Mrs., 162 Stuart, W. B. Mrs., 101 Stuart, Will Mrs., 162 Stubbs Chapel, Ark., 43, 46, 56, 111, 132 Stumpf, Rudolph, 224 Stuttgart, Ark., 54, 101, 127, 134, 189, 226 Stutzer, Plus, 90 Subiaco, Ark., 13 Sugg, Dora Mrs., 147 Sugg, Leatha Miss, 177 Sugg, Vida Miss, 177 Suggs, Gertha, 110 Suggs, Gertha Miss, 30, 49, 53 Suggs, Hiram, 26, 138 Suggs, Hiram Mr. and Mrs., 182 Suggs, Letha, 46 Suggs, Oliver, 21, 170, 182 Suggs, Oliver Mr. and Mrs., 13, 42, 53, 103, 130, 138, 155, 165, 166, 187 Suggs, Rilla, 109 Suggs, Rilla Mrs., 21, 124, 170, 177, 213 Suggs, Vida, 38 Suggs, Vida Miss, 30 Sullivan, C. B. Mrs., 12 Sullivan, H. G., 167 Sullivan, Ill., 207 Sullivan, John Mr. and Mrs., 41 Sullivan, Mrs., 12 Sullivan, Su? Miss, 67 Sullivan, Walter, 52 Summerhill, chas, 82 Summerhill, J. T., 82 Summers, Dan Mr. and Mrs., 138 Summers, Dora, 142, 177 Summers, J. J., 77 Sumrall, Billie June, 38 Sumrall, G. H. Mr. and Mrs., 38 Sunnyside, Ark., 38, 41, 47, 49, 53, 58, 60, 93, 111, 118, 126, 128, 135, 149, 154, 163, 166, 170, 173, 183, 192 Sunnyside, Ark. history, 94 Surrat, Arthur, 170 Surrat, R. B. L. Dr., 170 Surratt, J. D., 36 Surratt, J. D. Mrs., 7 Sutterfield, Elsie, 168 Swafford, Mary Beth, 131 Swain, Ark., 229 Sweeden, E. O. Miss, 50 Sweeden, Lenox Mr. and Mrs., 174 Sweeden, Lenox Mrs., 174 Sweeden, Walter, 50 Sweet Home, Ark., 13, 136, 139, 185, 230 Swilling, J. M., 196 Swilling, J. M. Mrs., 20, 27, 39, 45, 67, 110, 181, 200 Swilling, Maud Mrs., 158, 174, 179, 209, 217, 223, 232 Swilling, Maude Mrs., 143, 190 Swinton, Gertrude, 229 Swinton, Gertrude Miss, 216 Switcher, Nathan, 32 Switzer, Drummond, 125 -T- Talbot, Frank Mrs., 47 Talkington, C. R., 115 Talkington, Rev., 89 Talley, Cora Mrs., 42 Talley, Golden Miss, 220 Talley, Henry, 236 Talley, John, 220 Talley, Mr., 83 Tampico, Mex., 60 Tarpley, Charles Mrs., 210 Tarpley, Charles W. Mrs., 188 Tarpley, Chas. Mr. and Mrs., 224 Tarpley, Tulbert Miss, 208 Tarplin, Charles, 176 Tate, A. B. Dr., 68 Tate, Bill Mr. and Mrs., 191 Tate, Brooks, 215 Tate, D. B. Mrs., 142 Tate, E. O. Mrs., 178 Tate, Emory Mrs., 188 Tate, Eunice Miss, 143 Tate, L. C. Mrs., 186 Tate, M. A. Mrs., 82 Tate, M. E. Mrs., 215 Tate, Mary Helen, 142 Tate, Thomas, 85 Tate, W. A. Mr. and Mrs., 232 Tate, Wincie Miss, 24 Tawanima, 64 Taylor, Creed, 77 Taylor, Florence Mrs., 188 Taylor, G. E. Mrs., 52 Taylor, George Mr. and Mrs., 38, 168, 178 Taylor, Giles Rev., 127 Taylor, Grover Mrs., 7 Taylor, Harold, 206 Taylor, Hattie Miss, 29, 153, 161 Taylor, Hettie Miss, 95 Taylor, Ira Mr. and Mrs., 113 Taylor, John, 208 Taylor, Loesie Mrs., 146 Taylor, Louise Mrs., 28, 186, 218 Taylor, Seni, 208 Taylor, W. A. Mr. and Mrs., 177 Taylor, W. O. Rev., 30 Taylor, Walter E., 227 Taylor, Williard, 158 Teague, E. W., 124 Teague, E. W. Mr. and Mrs., 136 Teague, R. D., 124 Teal, A. H. Mr. and Mrs., 15, 39, 57, 159, 192, 218, 223 Teal, Charley Mr. and Mrs., 15, 223 Teal, Charlie, 39, 57, 192 Teal, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 218 Teal, Claude Mr. and Mrs., 159 Teas, John W., 40 Teas, John W. Dr., 70 Tedford, Perry, 46 Telephone Co., Morrilton, Ark. history, 95 Tell City, Ind., 184 Temperance, 62 Templeton, Jack, 51 Tenders, R. M. Mrs., 30 Tenn, Dyer, 123 Terrall, Chas Mrs., 45 Terrall, Tex., 88 Terrell, Tex., 89, 211 Terry, C. C., 49 Tetatoka, 79 Texana, Okla., 45 Texarkana, Ark., 54, 101, 157, 165, 188, 224, 225, 234 Thacker, M. T. Deputy Sheriff, 22 Thatch, Ina Miss, 164 Thayer, Arlie Mrs., 143 Thayer, J. H. Mrs., 123 Thein, Elenora Miss, 150 Thein, Ferdinand, 206 Thein, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 206, 207 Theinis, Mrs., 138 Thien, Eleanor Miss, 168 Thien, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 58, 150, 168 Thien, Joe Mrs., 136 Thines, Henry, 99 Thines, John P., 67 Thines, John P. Mr. and Mrs., 156 Thines, John P. Mrs., 134 Thines, Mollie Mrs., 183 Thomas, Ada Mrs., 165 Thomas, Alvin Mrs., 230 Thomas, Chas., 229 Thomas, D. E. Mr. and Mrs., 108 Thomas, Delia Miss, 49 Thomas, Florence Mrs., 213 Thomas, Freedie Mr. and Mrs., 113 Thomas, Henry Mrs., 145 Thomas, J. A. Rev., 58, 140 Thomas, J. G., 43 Thomas, J. G. Mr. and Mrs., 155 Thomas, J. G. Mrs., 213 Thomas, J. S. Mrs., 38 Thomas, Jimmie, 115 Thomas, Leonard, 11, 43 Thomas, Leonard Mr. and Mrs., 115 Thomas, Marvin Mrs., 54 Thomas, Maud, 169 Thomas, Mildred, 169 Thomas, Mrs., 200 Thomas, Paul Mr. and Mrs., 110, 115, 176 Thomas, Paul Mrs., 161 Thomas, Pearl Mrs., 153 Thomas, Ruth, 186 Thomas, Tollie, 133 Thomas, W. F., 154 Thomason, Wade Mrs., 161, 165 Thompson, A. C., 24 Thompson, Ada Ruth, 152 Thompson, Arthur, 46 Thompson, Bettie, 46 Thompson, Bill Mr. and Mrs., 153 Thompson, Brents Mr. and Mrs., 112, 152 Thompson, Dave Rev., 19 Thompson, E. C., 44 Thompson, E. C. Mr. and Mrs., 152, 153, 196 Thompson, E. Mrs., 40 Thompson, Ed Mr. and Mrs., 112, 166, 210 Thompson, Ernest Mrs., 47 Thompson, George Mr. and Mrs., 60 Thompson, George Mrs., 26 Thompson, J. A. Mrs., 210 Thompson, J. A. Mrs., 21, 27, 68, 107, 115, 119, 128, 138, 161, 167, 185, 194, 200, 224 Thompson, J. T. Mr. and Mrs., 104, 109, 154, 190 Thompson, Jeff Gen., 76 Thompson, Jeff General, 75 Thompson, Jess Mr. and Mrs., 24, 238 Thompson, John, 83 Thompson, Kenneth, 111 Thompson, Lee, 76 Thompson, M. J. Mrs., 196 Thompson, Marion Rev., 14 Thompson, Ruth Avis, 119 Thompson, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 121, 152 Thompson, W. T. Mrs., 24 Thornburg, Ark., 36 Thornton, D. R., 34 Thornton, Ruth Miss, 145 Throgmorten, Pansy Miss, 112 Throgmorton, Pansy Miss, 40 Throop, Howard E., 10 Thrower, D. W. Mr. and Mrs., 7 Thrower, Ellen Mrs., 173 Thum, P. Rev., 203 Tice, R. L., 48 Tidings, R. M., 61 Tidwell, Etta Mrs., 219 Tilby, Louis Mr. and Mrs., 212 Tiley, J. L. Mrs., 143 Tillar, Ark., 216 Tilley, Elbert Mrs., 131 Tilley, Elbert Mrs.], 53 Tilley, Ella Mrs., 141, 237 Tilley, Ellar Mrs., 25 Tilley, Freed, 8 Tilley, J. L. Mr. and Mrs., 171 Tilley, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 175 Tilley, Louis, 8 Tilley, Tollie, 186 Timmons, H. A. Mrs., 106, 190 Timmons, T. A., 106, 189 Timmons, W. V., 215, 239 Tiner, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 150, 162, 171 Tiner, Sherman Mr. and Mrs., 157, 162 Tiner, Tennie Mrs., 35 Tinney, Dwight Rev., 66 Tinsville, Tenn, Ark., 131 Titsworth, Arabelle F. Mrs., 209 Todd, Emma Mrs., 40, 166, 167, 176, 180, 190 Todd, Hansel, 22 Todd, J. H., 147 Todd, Oll, 220 Todd, Ollie, 225 Todd, Ollie Mr. and Mrs., 166 Todd, Sam, 40, 54 Todd, Sam Mr. and Mrs., 164, 167, 176, 190 Todd, Sammie, 164, 167 Todd, Stanley, 54 Todd, W. R. Mr. and Mrs., 22 Tolbert, Blanche Miss, 127 Tolbert, Vernon Mr. and Mrs., 131, 228 Tolbert, Vernon Mrs., 57, 157, 192 Toledo, Oreg., 164, 189 Tompkins, Mr., 98 Tompson, George Mr. and Mrs., 50 Toney, Bertha, 170 Toney, Everett, 28 Toney, Lucinda Mrs., 140 Toney, Mrs., 124 Toney, Virgie, 140 Toney, W. I. Mrs., 106 Tonkawa, Okla., 203 Toombs, Louise Mrs., 43 Toon, W. B., 72, 100, 101 Toone, Winborn, 153 Topeka, Kans., 39, 44 Totten, Catherine, 112 Totten, Catherine Miss, 31 Totten, Gladys Mrs., 31, 40, 68, 144, 183, 209 Totten, Katheine Miss, 68 Totten, Katherine Miss, 40, 209, 239 Totten, Katherine Mrs., 183 Totten, P. N. Mrs., 112, 239 Towell, D. E., 222 Towell, Louise Miss, 222 Towell, Madge Miss, 222 Townsend, J. W., 49 Traffanstead, Bertha Mrs., 59 Traffanstedt, Ark., 142 Traffanstedt, Bertha Mrs., 34, 51, 194 Traffanstedt, Hugh Mr. and Mrs., 229 Traffanstedt, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 51, 113, 229 Traffanstedt, Marie Miss, 34 Traffanstedt, Thelma Mrs., 59 Traffanstedt, Vida Mrs., 42, 46 Traffanstedt, W. J., 59 Traffanstedt, W. J. Mrs., 109 Traffanstedt, Zeailer, 59 Traffanstedt, Zeailer Miss, 53 Traffenstedt, W. J. Mrs., 116 Traffinstead, Bertha Mrs., 169 Trafford, Arthur, 143 Trafford, Ernest, 154 Trafford, J. A., 140 Trafford, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 54, 162, 190 Trafford, J. A. Mrs., 35, 131 Trafford, Layne Mr. and Mrs., 16, 154, 162, 190 Trafford, Layne Mrs., 35 Trafford, Loyd, 21 Trafford, Mattie Miss, 21 Trafford, Ray, 143 Trafford, Sammie Mrs., 131 Transylvania lodge No. 22, Hungary, 74 Trawick, T. J., 124 Treadaway, C. F. Mr. and Mrs., 218 Treadaway, Fred, 218 Treadaway, G. S. Mr., 186 Treadaway, Glines Miss, 236 Treadaway, Hazel, 207 Treadaway, Sid Mr. and Mrs., 105 Treadaway, Terry, 105 Treadaway, W. A., 230 Treadaway, Will Mr. and Mrs., 230 Treadway, C. F. Mrs., 237 Treadway, Carl, 125 Treadway, G. S. Mr. and Mrs., 237 Treadwell, A. R., 106 Treadwell, A. R. Mr. and Mrs., 188 Treadwell, A. R. Mrs., 106 Treadwell, Cleo, 188 Treadwell, Ida Miss, 131 Treadwell, Jerrell, 106 Treadwell, Kate, 128 Treadwell, Kate Mrs., 49, 51 Treadwell, Leonard, 131 Treadwell, Monore Mr. and Mrs., 188 Treadwell, Monroe, 125, 136, 141 Treadwell, Monroe Mr. and Mrs., 154 Treadwell, Murl, 192 Treadwell, Troy, 125 Treadwell, W. C. Mr. and Mrs., 125, 136, 141, 154 Treadwell, W. M., 140 Treadwell, Wesley M., 128 Treves, M. N. Rev., 89 Trigg, Lucille Miss, 162 Trout, H. A., 32 Troy, Mo., 151, 158 Truly, Mary, 75 Truman, Ark., 10, 29, 70 Truman, Charles, 135 Trundle, Mrs., 122 Tubbs, Robert Mrs., 38 Tucker Mt, Ark., 163, 186 Tucker Mt., Ark., 11, 17, 25, 30, 33, 35, 39, 45, 48, 52, 54, 58, 71, 104, 106, 114, 118, 125, 129, 134, 141, 154, 158, 159, 168, 170, 175, 192, 196, 197, 202, 210, 213, 221, 237 Tucker, A. A. Mr. and Mrs., 228 Tucker, Ark., 156 Tucker, B. A., 154 Tucker, B. A. Mr. and Mrs., 54, 114, 163, 202, 221, 237 Tucker, B. A. Mrs., 45, 141, 213 Tucker, Ben, 38 Tucker, Ben D. Mr. and Mrs., 175 Tucker, Ben H., 45 Tucker, Ben H. Mr. and Mrs., 104 Tucker, Bobby, 236 Tucker, C. B. Mrs., 17 Tucker, Carl, 237 Tucker, Charles, 125, 213 Tucker, F. S. Mrs., 237 Tucker, Fred Mr. and Mrs., 133, 161, 190 Tucker, H. A. Mr. and Mrs., 229 Tucker, J. L. Mrs., 235 Tucker, J. W., 175 Tucker, Jewel Miss, 15 Tucker, Jewell Miss, 16 Tucker, Kavanaugh, 157, 239 Tucker, Kavanaught Mr. and Mrs., 210 Tucker, Lena Mrs., 16, 17 Tucker, Mickey, 236 Tucker, Murray Mr. and Mrs., 55, 147, 228 Tucker, Murray Mrs., 28 Tucker, Murry Mr. and Mrs., 205, 209 Tucker, Murry Mrs., 193 Tucker, O. S. Mrs., 194 Tucker, Ralp, 17 Tucker, Ralph, 125 Tucker, S. O. "Bud" Mr. and Mrs., 129 Tucker, S. O. Mr. and Mrs., 221 Tucker, S. O. Mrs., 104 Tucker, Sam, 217 Tucker, Sam Mr. and Mrs., 129, 210 Tucker, T. S., 35, 164, 186, 196 Tucker, T. S. Mr and Mrs., 45 Tucker, T. S. Mr. and Mrs., 17, 52, 104, 125, 134, 175, 213, 221 Tucker, T. S. Mrs., 25, 30, 58, 104, 125, 141 Tucker, W. K. Mr. and Mrs., 125 Tucker, Zela, 211 Tuckerman, Ark., 47, 173 Tucson, Ariz., 215 Tull, Mr. and Mrs., 123 Tulsa Okla., 7 Tulsa, Okla., 11, 25, 31, 37, 39, 47, 57, 103, 116, 117, 126, 145, 147, 148, 149, 153, 159, 160, 164, 165, 170, 172, 175, 180, 184, 185, 186, 199, 209, 214, 215, 223, 226, 235 Turner, A. M. Mrs., 115 Turner, Ada Mrs., 213 Turner, Cleta, 166 Turner, Edward F., 229 Turner, George, 135 Turner, George Mr. and Mrs., 130 Turner, H. P., 63 Turner, H. P. Mrs., 30, 34, 36, 39, 52, 60, 68, 134, 154, 183, 228 Turner, Harvey Mr. and Mrs., 155 Turner, Horace P. Mrs., 11 Turner, I. D. Mr. and Mrs., 193 Turner, Ike, 46 Turner, Ike Mr. and Mrs., 46, 58, 196 Turner, Ike Mrs., 224 Turner, J. D. Mr. and Mrs., 125 Turner, J. W. Rev., 89 Turner, Jim, 166, 172 Turner, May Miss, 115 Turner, Mrs., 113 Turner, Roy, 204 Turner, Susie Mrs., 50 Turner, Thelma Mrs., 175, 179, 238 Turner, Tom Mrs., 183 Tuscaloosa, Ala., 16 Tuskegee, Ala., 131 Tyler, Charlotte Mrs., 104, 108, 139, 178, 190 Tyler, Faber Mr. and Mrs., 237 Tyler, Grandmother, 103, 108 Tyler, Lottie Mrs., 13, 33 Tyler, Noal Mr. and Mrs., 226 typhoid immunizations, 56 Tyre, Dave, 176 Tyre, Dave Mr. and Mrs., 173, 189, 191 Tyre, Dave Mrs., 139 Tyre, Fannie Miss, 191 Tyre, Hazel Doris Miss, 189 Tyre, Myrtle, 173 Tyre, Myrtle Miss, 176 Tyronza, Ark., 178 -U- U. S. A. Presbyterian Church, 89 Umhlet, Mary E. Mrs., 61 Underhill, Mabel, 218, 229 Underwood, A. A., 35 Union Chapel, Ark., 148, 153 Union City, Tenn., 76 Union Grove, Ark., 50, 109, 111, 118, 124, 132 Union Hill, Ark., 92 Upchurch, Ina, 160 Upchurch, John Mr. and Mrs., 165 Upchurch, M. W. Mr. and Mrs., 22, 202 Upchurch, Mose Mr. and Mrs., 12, 33, 42 UpChurch, Mr., 109 Uvalde, Tex., 8, 14, 15, 20, 122, 181, 196, 228 -V- Vail, Guy, 54 Vail, Mable Claire, 54 Valdosta, Ga., 129, 190 Valentine, Edward Virginius, 211 Van Buren Co., Ark., 10, 13, 16, 18, 24, 32, 76, 77, 91, 105, 109, 224 Van Buren, Ark., 13, 49, 87, 105, 110, 120, 126, 131, 139, 165, 191, 218 Van Dalsem, M. A. Mrs., 28 Van Dalsen, R. E. Mrs., 165 Van Deeventer, A. F., 78 Van Hook, R. W. Mr. and Mrs., 14 Van Hook, R. W. Mrs., 21 Van Hook, Ward, 14 Van Lear, John Rev., 27 Van Marion, Adrain, 102, 153 Van Marion, C. Mrs., 86, 197 Van Marion, Christina Miss, 105, 153 Van Marion, Eliza, 102 Van Marion, Elza, 189 Van Marion, Jacob, 102 Van Marion, Violet Miss, 105 Van Meter, Cora, 128 Van Meter, Edgar, 128 Van Meter, J., 85 Van Norman, N. M. Mrs., 112 Van Norman, Robert Lester, 217 Vance, Dorothy, 112 Vance, George, 37 Vance, Harold Mr. and Mrs., 41, 44, 112, 157, 176, 181, 184, 215, 239 Vance, Harold Mrs., 10, 30, 35, 131 Vance, R. B. Dr. and Mrs., 182 Vance, Rupert, 134 Vance, Rupert B. Dr., 182 Vance, Sally Lou, 157 Vance, W. J. Mr. and Mrs., 41, 176, 181, 182, 239 Vance, W. J. Mrs., 112 Vandalsen, H. E., 239 Vandeventer, A. F. Mrs., 63 VanGundy, B. W. Mr. and Mrs., 207 Vanhook, Nancy Louise, 134 Vanhook, R. W. Mr. and Mrs., 114, 134 VanMarion, Christine Miss, 164 VanMeter, Alice Mrs., 226 VanMeter, D. H., 226, 227 VanMeter, Edgar, 226, 227 VanMeter, J. W., 226, 227 Vanpelt, J. A. Mrs., 144 Vaughan, E. L. Capt., 76 Vaughan, Ed L. Col., 18 Vaughan, Guy Mr. and Mrs., 226 Vaughn, Dave, 175 Vaughn, Mr., 72 Vaughn, W. E. Mrs., 176 Vaughn, Will Mrs., 129, 166, 205 Venable, Brian Mrs., 153 Venable, C. E. Mr. and Mrs., 22 Venable, Charles Mrs., 16 Venable, Charley, 195 Venable, Charlie, 177 Venable, Etta Mrs., 163 Venable, G. W., 60 Venable, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 56 Venable, J. A. Rev., 60 Venable, J. E. Mr. and Mrs., 230 Venable, J. W., 16 Venable, James Capt., 76 Venable, John, 30, 113 Venable, John Mr. and Mrs., 29 Venable, John Mrs., 152, 154 Venable, Luther Mrs., 22, 51, 136, 177, 236 Venable, Powell, 195 Venable, T. W., 71 Venable, W. L. Mrs., 20 Venable, Z. A., 69 Venable, Z. A. P., 72, 76 Venis, L. N.Mrs., 185 Venis, Louis Mrs., 47, 53, 150, 180 Venis, Willie Mrs., 125 Venqura, Calif., 20 Vera, Tex., 147 Verden, Elton Mrs., 136 Vernon, Fred Mrs., 68 Vernon, Luther Mrs., 13 Vernon, M. T. Mr. and Mrs., 130 Versailes, Mo., 210 Vian, Okla., 10, 102 Vickins, Royce Mrs., 45 Vicksburg, Miss,, 83 Vicksburg, Miss., 16, 220 Villa Rica, Ga., 99 Vilonia, Ark., 34, 108, 119, 145, 155, 156, 176, 179, 183 Vinden, Mary Miss, 175 Vineyard, Myra Mrs., 212 Vinson Chapel, Ark., 7, 117, 130, 131, 145, 146, 156, 158, 177 Vinson, Berwyn, 156 Vinson, J. R. Mr. and Mrs., 11 Vinson, J. R. Mrs., 171 Vinson, Jack Mr. and Mrs., 102, 146 Vinson, Jack Mrs., 40, 59 Vinson, Jackson Mrs., 171 Vint, Mattie Mrs., 34 Virden, James Lee, 206 Virden, James Mr. and Mrs., 206 Virden, Zella, 206 Virtue, C. A. Mrs., 120 Vivian, La., 107, 119, 139, 214, 217 Vocker, Herman, 111 Volpert, Anna Helen Miss, 146 Volpert, Fronia, 186 Vorp, Claude, 28 Vorp, Frank, 28 Vorp, Jim, 28 Vorp, Sarah Mrs., 28 -W- W. C. T. U., 62 Waco, Tex., 169, 174 Wade, Boddie, 202 Wade, Ed, 98 Wade, J. J. Mr. and Mrs., 22, 103, 185, 195, 202, 236 Wade, J. J. Mrs., 187, 221 Wade, John Mr. and Mrs., 108, 113, 156 Wade, Mattie Miss, 103 Wafford, Mr. and Mrs., 43 Wafford, Tom Mrs., 213 Wage, Margaret Mrs., 179 Wagley, Ardeth, 118, 154 Wagley, Ardeth Mrs., 149 Wagley, Ardith, 92 Wagley, Bradford, 53 Wagley, Cecil, 145, 230 Wagley, Charley, 118 Wagley, Golda, 230 Wagley, Jim, 41 Wagley, Walter, 94, 145 Wagner, Etta Mrs., 121 Wagner, Okla., 167 Wagner, W. O., 8, 50 Wagoner Co., Okla., 170 Wagoner, Okla., 10, 160 Wakefield, H. M. Mr. and Mrs., 172 Walden, C. H. Mrs., 220 Waldo, Ark., 57 Waldrip, M. N., 61 Waldrum, J. R., 115, 147 Walker, Allice, 195 Walker, Arthur, 195 Walker, Calvin Mrs., 226 Walker, Elbert, 216 Walker, Elmer, 229 Walker, Huie, 229 Walker, J. C., 171 Walker, James, 165 Walker, Johnnie, 168 Walker, Leah Miss, 155 Walker, Mary, 195 Walker, Maude Mrs., 122 Walker, Meda Mrs., 149 Walker, Mrs., 116 Walker, Theo, 195 Walker, Tom Mrs., 196 Walkington, L. W. Rev., 89 Wallace, C. T. Mr. and Mrs., 228 Wallace, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 167 Wallace, Chas Mr. and Mrs., 179 Wallace, Estelle Miss, 57 Wallace, Gladys, 159 Wallace, J. G., 67 Wallace, J. G. Mrs., 228 Wallace, James Mr. and Mrs., 44 Wallace, James Mrs., 58 Wallace, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 228 Wallace, Joe Willie, 146 Wallace, Jord Mr. and Mrs., 183, 223 Wallace, Jord Mrs., 120 Wallace, Josie, 10 Wallace, V. J., 120, 223 Wallace, V. J. Mrs., 183 Wallace, Virgie Mrs., 223 Waller, A. L. Mrs., 227 Waller, Audrey Miss, 57, 172, 173, 197 Waller, Audrey Miss., 58 Waller, Bryan Mr. and Mrs., 169, 208 Waller, J. Mrs., 208 Wallis, James Mrs., 125 Walls, Lee, 106 Walls, Mrs., 106 Walnut Ridge, Ark., 10, 120, 144, 152, 167, 232 Walter, Mrs., 17 Walters, H. H. Mr. and Mrs., 35 Walthal, L. B. Mrs., 97 Walthall, Burl Mrs., 57 Walthall, Burr Mrs., 154 Walthall, G. M. Mrs., 110 Walthall, Mrs., 38 Walthall, W. M. Mrs., 53 Ward, Aaron Mrs., 12 Ward, Burleigh Mr. and Mrs., 184 Ward, Clarence, 137 Ward, Dawdle, 104 Ward, Erma Mrs., 105 Ward, G. A. Mrs., 52, 134, 149, 184 Ward, Ike, 218 Ward, Inez Mrs., 230 Ward, J. B. Mrs., 192 Ward, James, 77, 183 Ward, Joe Mrs., 105, 236 Ward, John, 104, 183 Ward, John Mr. and Mrs., 188 Ward, John Mrs., 54, 192 Ward, Leo, 51 Ward, Leo Mr. and Mrs., 59 Ward, Leo Mrs., 165 Ward, Martin Mr. and Mrs., 109 Ward, Mary Alice, 230 Ward, Norman, 174 Ward, Roland, 230 Ward, Rufus, 236 Ward, Vera, 230 Ward, Will, 117 Ward, Zona Mrs., 111 Wards, John Mr. and Mrs., 162 Ware, Gordon, 28 Warman, W. J. Mrs., 162 Warner, Okla., 140 Warren, A. T. Mr. and Mrs., 112 Warren, Ark., 39, 40, 43, 55, 70, 110, 120, 134, 139, 151, 156, 167, 172, 173, 174, 178, 211 Warren, Buge Mr. and Mrs., 124 Warren, Elbert Mrs., 23 Warren, J. W. Mrs., 152 Warren, Jack, 178 Warren, Myra Nelle Miss, 38 Warren, Norah Mrs., 33 Warren, T. J. Mr. and Mrs., 23, 25, 38 Warren, T. W., 84 Warren, W. B., 25 Warren, Wilbur, 33 Washington Co., Ark., 64, 79 Washington, Ark., 73 Washington, D. C., 12, 70, 98, 210 Water Valley, Miss., 203 Waters-Pierce Oil Co., 73 Watkins, Mary, 128 Watkins, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 126, 136 Watkins, W. H., 128 Watson, Ark., 29, 151 Watson, Arthur, 37 Watson, Arthur Mr. and Mrs., 221 Watson, Arthur Mrs., 9, 134, 189, 232 Watson, Arthur, Jr., 36 Watson, Eliza Jane Miss, 74 Watson, H. K., 61 Watson, Jeff Mr. and Mrs., 50 Watson, John Mrs., 139 Watson, Pleas, 163, 168, 202 Watson, Pleas Mr. and Mrs., 150 Watson, Pleas Mrs., 19 Watson, Sam, Jr., 142 Watson, Spec, 99 Watson, William, 100 Watts, Virgil, 9 Wayne Co., Ill., 192 Wear, Darrel, 180 Wear, Darrell, 179 Wear, Gordon, 16, 20, 35, 112 Wear, Hazel Miss, 42 Wear, Jewel, 229 Wear, Jewel Miss, 52, 211 Wear, O. A. Mr. and Mrs., 179, 180 Wear, R. K., 217 Wear, R. K. Mr. and Mrs., 16, 20, 28, 35, 112, 153 Wear, Ruby Miss, 210 Wear, W. H., 217 Wear, W. H. Mr. and Mrs., 211 Weatherford, Tex., 239 Weatherly, W. L., 72 Weatherly, W. L. and Co., 72 Weaver, Angie Mrs., 197 Webb, Alda Mae, 178 Webb, Alta May Miss, 116 Webb, Bernice Miss, 116 Webb, C. V. Mrs., 82 Webb, Charles V. Mrs., 196 Webb, Chas. V. Mrs., 42 Webb, Dick, 54, 191 Webb, Dick Mr. and Mrs., 21 Webb, Eldon, 169 Webb, Grace Mrs., 93, 154, 230 Webb, Jennings, 16, 23, 25, 29, 30 Webb, Jess Mr. and Mrs., 135 Webb, Jesse, 16, 25 Webb, Jessie, 30 Webb, Joe, 30 Webb, Lila, 119 Webb, Luther, 178 Webb, Mrs., 29 Webb, Neal, 23, 25, 30, 154 Webb, Orville, 45, 191 Webb, Richard Mr. and Mrs., 134 Webb, Ted, 116, 134, 151, 232 Webb, W. A., 191 Webb, W. A. Mr. and Mrs., 221 Webb, W. A. Mrs., 210 Webb, W. C. Mrs., 42 Webb, W. G. Mr. and Mrs., 45, 52, 54, 151 Webb, W. M., 178 Webb, W. R. "Dick", 191 Webb, W. R. Mr. and Mrs., 116, 232 Webb, Wood Mrs., 82 Webber, Thennie Mrs., 208 Weber, Loyd Mrs., 132 Weeks, G. W. Mrs., 12 Weeleka, Okla., 201 Wehole, Othmar Rev., 73 Weiland, Clarence, 121 Weiland, Clarence Mr. and Mrs., 221, 231 Weiland, Dora Mrs., 202 Weiland, Sally Mrs., 202 Weilauti, Irvin, 53 Welborn, Elisha, 77 Welch, E. A. Mr. and Mrs., 181 Welch, E. A. Mrs., 131 Welch, J. M. Mrs., 193, 197 Welch, John, 7 Welch, John Mrs., 158 Welch, Pete Mr. and Mrs., 29 Welch, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 158 Weleetka, Okla., 7, 24 Wellington, Kans., 113 Wellington, Tex., 119 Wells, A. H., 7 Wells, A. Mr. and Mrs., 9 Wells, Arthur Mr. and Mrs., 218, 221 Wells, Arthur Mrs., 110, 133, 191 Wells, Clarence, 119 Wells, Cora, 40, 59, 156 Wells, Cora Miss, 174, 177 Wells, Elmo, 14, 125, 146 Wells, Emory, 40 Wells, Ethel M. Miss, 9 Wells, J. J. Mr. and Mrs., 102 Wells, Lela, 163 Wells, Leller Miss, 135 Wells, Leon, 7 Wells, Leon Mr. and Mrs., 156 Wells, Leon Mrs., 146 Wells, Lesley, 171 Wells, Lillian Mrs., 40 Wells, Mamie, 56 Wells, Marvin, 196 Wells, Middy Mrs., 146 Wells, Orvil Mr. and Mrs., 125 Wells, R. L. Mr., 171 Wells, R. L. Mr. and Mrs., 53, 108 Wells, R. L. Mrs., 171 Wells, T. L. Mr. and Mrs., 146 Wells, T. L. Mrs., 146 Wells, T. R., 15, 49 Wells, T. R. Jr., Mrs., 28 Wells, T. R. Mr. and Mrs., 239 Wells, T. R., Jr. Mrs., 239 Wells, T. R., Sr., 217 Wells, Violet Jean Miss, 184 Wells, William Mr. and Mrs., 177 Welsh, Bettie Mrs., 117 Welsh, Tom, 117 Welter, Alec Mr. and Mrs., 209 Welter, Alex, 19 Welter, Alex Mr. and Mrs., 169 Weniche, H. Monsignor, 203 Wersky, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 103 West End Petit Jean Mt., Ark., 22, 42, 59 West Plains, Mo., 161 West Portland, Ark., 111, 208, 212, 221, 223 West Rutland, Vt., 200 West, Alvin, 29, 33 West, Alvin Mr. and Mrs., 151 West, Ark., 33 West, Bill Rev., 55 West, Bro., 82 West, Carrol Mr. and Mrs., 21 West, Carroll Mr. and Mrs., 71 West, E., 12, 29 West, E. L., 30, 154 West, E. L. Mrs., 33 West, E. Mr. and Mrs., 33, 41, 42 West, Elisha, 29 West, Elisha Mrs., 33 West, Ephram, 110 West, Ervin Mr. and Mrs., 151 West, Ervin Mrs., 117 West, Erwin Mr. and Mrs., 196 West, Eugenia Mrs., 29 West, Evendar Mrs., 71 West, Irvin, 33 West, J. B., 226 West, J. B. Mr. and Mrs., 146, 164, 202 West, Kenneth, 151 West, Lewenia Miss, 110 West, Lloyd, 160 West, Luther, 42, 110 West, Mr. and Mrs., 216 West, Noel Mrs., 34 West, Nora Miss, 110 West, Novie, 29 West, Olen, 33 West, Ollin, 29, 154 West, Rev., 51, 58 West, Rhoda, 25 West, Tempey Mrs., 110 West, Temple Ann, 119 West, Thelma Miss, 112 West, Tom, 110 West, W. A., 117, 160 West, W. A. Mr. and Mrs., 41, 121, 145, 168 West, W. A. Mrs., 111, 121 West, W. A. Rev., 48, 110, 168, 178 West, W. H. Mr. and Mrs., 210 West, W. L., 151 West, W. W., 145 West, W. W. Mr. and Mrs., 160 West, William Rev., 119, 217 Westerfield, J. W., 72 Western Star Number 43, 73 Westmoreland, Calif., 70 Westmoreland, Leon, 191 Westmoreland, Mollie Mrs., 204 Westmoreland, T. B. Mrs., 235 Westmoreland, W. W., 191 Wetch, A., 74 Wetumka, Okla., 134 Wetumpka, Okla., 218 Wewoka, Okla., 117, 169, 216 Wharton, H. L., 17, 163 Wharton, J. W., 8, 17, 163 Wharton, J. W. Mr. and Mrs., 29, 59, 130, 158, 213 Wharton, J. W. Mrs., 41, 155, 187, 208 Wharton, Lizzie Miss, 8 Wharton, Othel Miss, 171, 231 Wharton, Vaudin Mrs., 8 Wheatley, Ark., 11 Wheatley, D. L. Mr. and Mrs., 7, 185, 207, 212 Wheatley, George Mr. and Mrs., 185 Wheatly, D. Mr. and Mrs., 126 Wheeler, A. F., 219 Wheeler, J. R., 181, 219 Wheeler, Joe, 219 Wheeler, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 126 Wheeler, Mildred, 230 Wheeler, Mildred Miss, 219 Whelen Springs, Ark., 200, 225 Whieyer, V. P. Mr. and Mrs., 22 White Co., Ark., 62, 86, 148, 187 White Man Killer, 65 White, A. N. Mr. and Mrs., 228 White, B. G. Dr. and Mrs., 127, 193 White, B. G. Mrs., 35, 44, 209, 221 White, Bob, 200, 206, 217, 230 White, C. A. Mrs., 113 White, Earl Mrs., 161 White, Ethel Miss, 44, 127 White, G. G. Mrs., 63 White, Hubert Mr. and Mrs., 57, 120, 161, 183, 228, 239 White, Hubert Mrs., 39 White, J. C. Mr. and Mrs., 217 White, J. C. Mrs., 123 White, John, 31 White, John Mrs., 205 White, L. B. Mr. and Mrs., 239 White, Laura Miss, 31 White, Mr., 135 White, Rev., 89 White, Robert, 126 White, Sarah Mrs., 162 White, Treva Miss, 116 Whitehearse, Tom, 226 Whitehorn, Don, 182, 187 Whitehorn, Floyd Mr. and Mrs., 182, 187 Whitehorn, Floyd Mrs., 200 Whitehorn, Mary Louise, 182 Whitfield, Alberta Miss, 238 Whitfield, George, 71 Whitfield, W. C. Mr. and Mrs., 238 Whitley, Arthur, 174 Whitley, Mr. and Mrs., 140 Whitley, Norma Miss, 22, 47 Whitley, Preston, 169 Whitley, V. P., 16, 234 Whitley, V. P. Mr. and Mrs., 47, 107, 148, 169, 223 Whitley, Volney P., 32 Whitley, W. W., 219 Whitley, W. W., Jr., 219 Whitmore, Boyce E., 197 Whitmore, Era Miss, 197 Whitsler, M., 87 Whitson, Isaac, 81 Whitted, Daniel Mrs., 139 Whitted, Eliza Mrs., 139, 172, 217 Whitworth, Lester Mr. and Mrs., 104 Whitworth, Meloin Mr. and Mrs., 174, 175 Whitworth, Melvin, 102 Whitworth, Melvin Mr. and Mrs., 104, 150 Whitworth, Mr. and Mrs., 124 Whitworth, Orville, 174 Whyte, Mr., 142 Wichita Falls, Kans., 101 Wichita Falls, Tex., 43, 54, 122, 160 Wichita Kans., 43 Wichita, Kans., 139, 158, 199, 209, 215 Wide Awake, The, 77 Wiedower, Martha Miss, 168 Wiedower, Mr. and Mrs., 40 Wieland, Clarence, 108 Wiggins, Elder, 46 Wiggins, Maud Mrs., 126 Wiggs, Frank Mr., 127 Wiggs, Frank Mrs., 44, 209 Wikowsky, Theodore, 119 Wikowsky, Theodore Mrs., 124 Wilbanks, Ben Malone, 181 Wilbanks, Ben Mr. and Mrs., 196 Wilbanks, Bill Mr. and Mrs., 51 Wilbanks, J. S. Rev., 89 Wilbanks, J. W., 72 Wilbanks, Mary Mrs., 228 Wilbanks, Rosa Bell Miss, 196 Wilbanks, Roy, 228 Wilbanks, Roy Mr. and Mrs., 126 Wilbanks, Will Mr. and Mrs., 126 Wilbourn, Sanford Mrs., 55 Wilbourne, Sanford Mrs., 20 Wilburn, Sanford Mr. and Mrs., 175 Wilburn, Sanford Mrs., 29, 45, 58, 134, 206 Wilcox, Rev., 86 Wilder, Aubrey Mr. and Mrs., 230 Wilder, B. E. Mr. and Mrs., 172 Wilder, B. M. Mrs., 86, 194 Wilder, Lorein Mrs., 88 Wilder, Lorene Mrs., 89 Wilds, J. A. Mrs., 62 Wiles, Laura Miss, 35 Wilkerson, Harold Mr. and Mrs., 56 Wilkerson, Harold, Jr., 56 Wilkerson, M. B., 219 Wilkerson, S. C. Mrs., 236 Wilkerson, Sam, 53 Wilkins, Royce Mr. and Mrs., 29 Wilkins, Royce Mrs., 110 Willbanks, Ben Mr. and Mrs., 117 Willbanks, George Mrs., 62 Williams, A. J., 153 Williams, Abe, 43 Williams, Alice Mrs., 108 Williams, Amanda Mrs., 54 Williams, Arabella Mrs., 15 Williams, Archie, 237 Williams, Barbara, 140 Williams, Bess Miss, 158, 163 Williams, Blake, 94 Williams, Bob Mr. and Mrs., 174, 183, 188 Williams, Bob Mrs., 154, 183, 188 Williams, Burton, 61 Williams, C. A., 94 Williams, C. X. Mr. and Mrs., 210 Williams, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 185, 208 Williams, Carl Mrs., 14, 195, 205, 208 Williams, Charlie, 29, 113 Williams, Charlie Mrs., 41 Williams, Douglas Miss, 31, 35 Williams, E. A., 48, 78, 89 Williams, E. A. Mrs., 63, 206, 209 Williams, Earl, 40, 112, 138 Williams, Emmett, 149 Williams, Ermon, 26, 54, 58, 145, 154, 183 Williams, Eugene, 86, 172 Williams, Finis Mr. and Mrs., 50 Williams, Finis Mrs., 26 Williams, Floy Mr. and Mrs., 237 Williams, Floye Mr. and Mrs., 195 Williams, Fred, 39, 86, 172 Williams, Fronie Mrs., 46 Williams, G. Mrs., 221 Williams, G. W. Rev. and Mrs., 105 Williams, Gene, 194 Williams, H. T. Mrs., 107, 112, 138 Williams, Henry Mrs., 40 Williams, Hilrey, 22 Williams, Hollis, 145, 188 Williams, Horace M., 86 Williams, Huie Mr. and Mrs., 108 Williams, I. J. Mrs., 179 Williams, Ira Dr. and Mrs., 153 Williams, Ira Mrs., 140 Williams, J. L., 10, 24, 44 Williams, J. L. Sheriff, 24 Williams, J. M. Rev., 28, 36, 40, 105, 133, 172, 194, 207, 235 Williams, J. P. Mrs., 47, 141, 183, 188, 192, 202 Williams, Jake, 36 Williams, James Turner, 174 Williams, Jesse M. Rev., 86 Williams, Jim, 73 Williams, Joe, 11 Williams, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 50, 188, 237 Williams, Joe Mrs., 43, 112, 113, 163, 202 Williams, John D., 37 Williams, Laura Miss, 106 Williams, Leah Miss, 89, 101 Williams, Lester Mr. and Mrs., 163, 221 Williams, Lex Mr. and Mrs., 111 Williams, Long John, 210 Williams, Marion, 215, 218 Williams, Marvin, 119 Williams, Marvin Mr. and Mrs., 181 Williams, Mary Juanita, 31 Williams, May Mrs., 236 Williams, Mr. and Mrs., 226 Williams, Netha Miss, 105 Williams, Nora Mrs., 53, 201 Williams, Norman, 142 Williams, Ollie, 183 Williams, Ollie Mr. and Mrs., 58, 116, 141, 145, 154, 162, 174, 180, 188, 195 Williams, Ollie Mrs., 116, 154 Williams, Oscar, 7 Williams, Otis Mr. and Mrs., 218 Williams, Philip, 36 Williams, Poe Mr. and Mrs., 187 Williams, Preston, 147 Williams, Rev., 9, 133 Williams, Robert Mr. and Mrs., 71 Williams, Roy Mr. and Mrs., 13 Williams, Ruby Irene Miss, 112 Williams, Ruby Merle, 181 Williams, S. C. Mrs., 109, 171 Williams, S. H. Mrs., 17 Williams, Sam Mr. and Mrs., 8, 41 Williams, Thurman, 165 Williams, Thurman Mrs., 173 Williams, Tom Jeff, 22 Williams, W. C. Mr. and Mrs., 31 Williams, W. Ira Dr. and Mrs., 123 Williams, W. T. Mr. and Mrs., 48 Williams, Walter, 187 Williamson, Bob Mr. and Mrs., 39 Williamson, Bob Mrs., 213 Williamson, C. H. Mrs., 179 Williamson, Mildred Miss, 108 Williamson, Nelsie, 10 Williamson, Ola Mrs., 37 Williford, Ark., 120 Willington, Tex., 153 Willis, Daniel, 69, 72 Willis, Emma Miss, 186 Willis, L. D., 10 Willis, Mr., 82 Willis, Simpson, 58, 110 Willis, Walter Babb, 176 Willow Bend, Ark., 42, 106, 121, 148, 152, 221 Wilson Chapel, Ark., 136 Wilson, A. A. Mrs., 155 Wilson, Ark., 179, 228 Wilson, Belle Miss, 38 Wilson, Bessie, 62 Wilson, Clara Mrs., 57, 103, 111 Wilson, Curtis, 72, 145, 150 Wilson, Dan, 85 Wilson, E. J. Dr. and Mrs., 179 Wilson, Ed Mr. and Mrs., 191 Wilson, Edmon, 147 Wilson, Edmond, 150 Wilson, Ella Mrs., 150 Wilson, Freed, 151 Wilson, George J., 146 Wilson, Georgia, 115 Wilson, Gertie Miss, 186 Wilson, Grover, 12 Wilson, Guy, 191 Wilson, H. H., 145 Wilson, Herbie Mrs., 135 Wilson, Iva Dale, 233 Wilson, James, 72 Wilson, Jasper, 83 Wilson, Jim Mr. and Mrs., 60 Wilson, Margaret Miss, 74 Wilson, Mathus Gordon, 169 Wilson, Maude Mrs., 106 Wilson, Maudie, 111 Wilson, Melvin John, 169, 174 Wilson, Mrs., 56, 115 Wilson, Natalie Miss, 144 Wilson, Phinas Mr. and Mrs., 118 Wilson, Phinias Mrs., 58 Wilson, Ruby Myrl, 103 Wilson, Thomas E., 145 Wilson, Tom, 150 Wilson, Viola Miss, 7, 145, 150 Wilson, W. E. Mr. and Mrs., 7, 60 Wilson, W. E. Mrs., 212 Wilson, W. S. Mr. and Mrs., 122 Wilson, William E., 145 Wilson, William H., 76 Winburn, Bettie Lee Miss, 108 Winburn, John Mrs., 108 Winburn, Sanford Mrs., 44 Winburne, Bettie Lee Miss, 36, 115 Winburne, Betty Lee Miss, 51, 68, 110 Winburne, Betty Lee Mrs., 167 Winburne, J. N. Mr. and Mrs., 110 Winburne, J. N. Mrs., 97 Winburne, John, 90, 115, 187 Winburne, John Mr. and Mrs., 36, 43, 55, 167, 193, 214 Winburne, John Mrs., 21, 57, 63, 116, 125, 139 Winburne, John N., 90 Winburne, John N. Mr. and Mrs., 51, 68, 137 Winburne, John N. Mrs., 70, 118 Winburne, Mrs., 63 Winburne, Newton, 55, 68, 115, 137 Winchester, Ark., 229 Windfield, Rev., 86 Windham, Ervin, 146 Windham, P. R. Mr. and Mrs., 7 Windom, Lester Mr. and Mrs., 180 Winford, Ernie, 119 Winfrey, Bill Mrs., 42 Winkter, R. F. Mrs., 181 Winningham, Bell Mrs., 118 Winningham, Belle Mrs., 14, 56 Winningham, Bill, 132 Winningham, Clyde Mr. and Mrs., 132 Winningham, Clyde Mrs., 14 Winningham, Floy, 111 Winningham, Floy Mrs., 56 Winningham, Gertie Mrs., 14, 19 Winningham, Hugh, 111 Winningham, Ila Mat Miss, 56 Winningham, Jeff's baby, 106 Winningham, Jess Mr. and Mrs., 111 Winningham, Opie, 223 Winningham, Tom, 32 Winningham, Vida, 132 Winningham, Zella, 111, 114, 122, 132 Winson, Lowell Mr. and Mrs., 47 Winston, William, 56, 58 Wise, Rhoda Mrs., 37, 173 Wise, Va., 178 Witt, A. R., 76 Witt, E. J., 174 Witt, E. J. Mrs., 157 Witt, Earl Mrs., 63 Witt, Lillian Miss, 233 Witt, P. E., 217 Witt, P. E. Mr. and Mrs., 123, 153, 157, 174 Witt, P. E. Mrs., 63, 140, 232 Witt, Vestal Miss, 233 Witt, W. U., 174 Woffard, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 24 Wofford, J. H. Rev., 89 Wofford, Millard Mr. and Mrs., 182 Wofford, Tom Mr. and Mrs., 153, 173 Wofford, W. A. Mrs., 143 Wolf, Jacob, 80 Wolf, Mr., 85 Womack, W. E. Rev. and Mrs., 123 Wood, Billie, 74 Wood, Billie Mr. and Mrs., 44, 183 Wood, C. R. Mrs., 197, 224 Wood, Charlie Mrs., 164 Wood, Chas Mr. and Mrs., 139 Wood, Chas., 95 Wood, Eleanor Miss, 98 Wood, F. J., 229 Wood, Hamp Mr. and Mrs., 37 Wood, Jack Mr. and Mrs., 120 Wood, Judge, 78 Wood, Katherine Mrs., 109 Wood, L. C. Mr. and Mrs., 23 Wood, Lee, 107, 180 Wood, Lee Mr. and Mrs., 16, 44, 183, 189 Wood, Lee Mrs., 12 Wood, Lois, 13 Wood, Luther, 112 Wood, Luther Mr. and Mrs., 37 Wood, Marvin, 218 Wood, Maudine Miss, 128 Wood, O. B., 226 Wood, Ocie Miss, 35 Wood, Pauline Mrs., 218 Wood, Quentin, 128 Wood, Robert Mr. and Mrs., 115 Wood, Roy, 163 Wood, W. H. Mr. and Mrs., 112 Wood, W. L., 172, 176, 180, 183, 189, 194, 199, 220, 234 Wood, W. L. Mr. and Mrs., 12, 16, 23, 44, 107 Wood, W. L. Mrs., 177 Wood, Will Mrs., 176, 190 Woodard, Agnes, 42 Woodard, Agnes Miss, 154, 158, 159 Woodard, Carrol Mrs., 71 Woodard, Carroll, 145 Woodard, Cecil, 42 Woodard, Hugh, 99 Woodard, Virgie Mrs., 162, 174, 183 Woodfin, Jim, 11 Woods, Charles B. Mr. and Mrs., 22 Woods, Charles, Jr., 22 Woods, W. T. Mr., 17 Woods, Will Mrs., 107, 133, 229 Woodward, Elizabeth Ida Miss, 114 Woodward, F. E., 48 Woodward, H. A., 114 Woodward, H. A. Mrs., 63 Woodward, Mae Miss, 163 Woodward, Okla., 148 Woolf, T. E. Mrs., 229 Woolford, Minnie Mrs., 183 Woolford, Wood S. Major, 137 Wooliscroft, John, 228 Woolverton Mt., Ark., 56, 92, 170, 171, 213 Woolverton Mt., Ark. history, 93 Woolverton, Ark., 13 Woolverton, Artie Mrs., 188 Woolverton, E. A., 93 Woolverton, E. A. Mrs., 141 Woolverton, Harold, 233 Woolverton, R. W., 93 Woolverton, T. E. Mrs., 26 Woolverton, W. L., 93 Wooster, Ark., 109, 135, 140, 155, 187, 222, 229, 231, 233 Wooster, Witney Mr. and Mrs., 131 Wooten, Sallie, 34, 51 Workman, J. M. Rev. and Mrs., 9 Workman, J. W. Rev., 7 Workman, James Mrs., 133 Worm, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 231 Worsham, Irving L. Mr. and Mrs., 147 Worsham, J. A., 175 Worsham, J. A. Mr. and Mrs., 57 Worsham, J. A. Mrs., 54 Worsham, John J., 147 Worsham, John Mr. and Mrs., 147 Worthington, Edgar Mr. and Mrs., 154, 173 Worthlin, L. H. Mrs., 167 Wren, John, 84 Wrenn, William, 235 Wright, Doss, 117 Wright, Edward S., 112 Wright, Eugene Mr. and Mrs., 43 Wright, Gean Mrs., 208 Wright, Gene, 117 Wright, Georgia, 156, 230 Wright, J. E. Mrs., 24, 51, 220, 224 Wright, J. L., 117 Wright, Jesse, 40, 133, 173, 225 Wright, John E. Mrs., 117 Wright, John Mrs., 51 Wright, Lester Mrs., 180 Wright, Morehead, 49 Wright, Richard, 17 Wright, Sulu Miss, 40, 110, 129, 133, 144, 172, 209, 225, 227 Wright, Wesley, 156, 230 Wright, Wilma Miss, 110, 129, 133, 144, 173, 209, 227 Wrightville Beach, N. C., 123 Wullenjohn, Chris, 15 Wurskey, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 145 Wursky, Carl Mr. and Mrs., 172 Wursky, Edna Mrs., 153 Wurz, H. Mrs., 112, 185 Wylie, F. M. Dr., 89 Wylie, F. M. Rev., 234 Wynn, Ark., 125 Wynn, Mary Neal, 131 Wynne, Ark., 68, 134, 152, 157, 173, 176, 191, 210, 213, 227, 239 Wynnewood, Okla., 25 -Y- Y. M. C. A., 99, 131 Yancey, Alford, 186 Yancey, Frank Mr., 186 Yancey, Guy, 229 Yancey, Harley P., 186 Yancey, Ira Miss, 108 Yancey, S. M., 61 Yancey, William C., 186 Yarborough, T. L. Mr. and Mrs., 188 Yarbrough, Ark., 103 Yarbrough, Charley Mr. and Mrs., 20 Yarbrough, Francis Mrs., 223 Yarbrough, Herman, 103 Yarbrough, T. L. Mrs., 186 Yarrow, Jack Mrs., 184 Yell Co., Ark., 30, 36, 55, 66, 71, 77, 86, 168, 222 Yellville, Ark., 39, 192 Yocum, Ione, 21 Yocum, Paten Mrs., 35 Young, Bud, 177 Young, Charlie, 10 Young, Ellen, 195 Young, Flora Deane, 234 Young, Floyd, 224 Young, G. H., 14, 220 Young, G. W. Mrs., 39 Young, Gus, 99 Young, Gus Mr. and Mrs., 14, 28, 39, 144, 220, 228 Young, Gus Mrs., 63, 129 Young, Gus, Jr., 28 Young, Harry, 52 Young, Helen Miss, 239 Young, Isaac, 84 Young, Iva Miss, 183 Young, J. J. Mrs., 218 Young, Joe Mr. and Mrs., 12 Young, Johanna Miss, 12 Young, Lena Miss, 12 Young, Mrs., 13, 17, 138 Young, Nan Mrs., 188 Young, Noah Mrs., 108 Young, Noel, 183 Young, Noel Mr. and Mrs., 213 Young, R. A. Mrs., 205 Young, S. V., 177, 198 Young, Theodore, 186 Young, Viola Mrs., 113 Young, W. E. Mr. and Mrs., 11, 205 Young, William Mrs., 137 Young, Willie Mrs., 71, 231 Youngblood, Austin Mrs., 131 Youngblood, F. H., 10 Youngblood, Fred, 12 Younger, Dolan Mr. and Mrs., 130 Yukon, Okla., 68 -Z- Zachery, Carl, 186 Zarlingo, Paul Mrs., 135, 138 Zautner, George Henry, 137 Zielenbach, A. J., 90 Zilmer, A. H., 174, 228 Zilmer, A. H. Rev., 21, 182, 187, 194 Zilmer, A. H. Rev. and Mrs., 172 Zilmer, H. P., 174 Zilmer, H. P. Mr. and Mrs., 172 Zimmerebner, Joe, 145 Zimmerman, Charlie Mr. and Mrs., 59 Zimmerman, Clementine Mrs., 35 Zimmerman, Ed, 135, 138 Zimmerman, Emil, 193 Zimmerman, Frances Teresa, 32 Zimmerman, Frank Mrs., 193 Zimmerman, Herman Mr. and Mrs., 32 Zimmerman, John Mr. and Mrs., 36 Zimmerman, Margaret Mrs., 134, 138 Zimmerman, Otto Ernest, 59 Zimmerman, Thresia, 145 Zimmons, H. A. Mrs., 86 Zink, Jake Mrs., 38 Copyright (c) 1997 Cathy Barnes