Newsletter, The Mill Wheel, Conway Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Mary J Butler Date: 5 Oct 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** The Mill Wheel Arkansas Cotton Mills, Inc. Morrilton, Arkansas, March-April 1956 Weave Room By Athlene Woods Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas who were married recently. Mrs. Thomas is the former Myrtle Ann Conley. Shorty Scroggins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Scroggins left recently for 2 years service in the U.S. Navy. He is in San Diego, CA at the present time. Doyle Edwards and Montine Thomas are both on leave of absence due to sickness. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Velma McCoy and family visited Sunday in Little Rock with the Abraham Williams family. Mary Sue Jones visited recently in Lawton, Oklahoma in the home of her brother, Irvin Baughman and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sims who were married recently. Mrs. Sims is the former _____ Stobaugh. We are glad to see Leon Beck and Otto Zimmerman back at work after spending the past two years in service. Visiting with Ruby Johnson recently was her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodward of Wichita, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Waller spent Easter in Newport visiting her father Mr. A.S. Capehart. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Hubbard family in the death of their father, Mr. W. M. Hubbard. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Durl Virden who were married recently. Mrs. Virden was the former Marvelle Greer. Card Room By Thelma English Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culberson and family of Bakersfield, California have visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oren Walker and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chism and son Rayburn of Kennett, Missouri visited with the Athel Chism family. Those who have been in the hospital since our last report are Janis Tyler, daughter of Doyle Tyler, Mrs. V. L. Tyler, Perry Wayne Guinn, son of Perry Guinn , Mrs. Wesley Bryant, Mancel Fuqua, Doyle Tyler, Mrs. Mozie Pat Jordan, Mrs. Betty Brents, daughter of Lee Brents, and Mrs. Bill Stacks. Mr. L.C. Crawford passed away January 20. He was the father-in-law of John Parks. Mr. T. W. English passed away in February. He was the father of Frank English. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bond and family enjoyed a visit to Diamond Cave, near Jasper, recently. Bobby Fuqua and Janelda English spent the Easter holidays with their parents. Mrs. Cecil Baker and Athel Chism had major operations the past week. Louie LaCook is receiving treatment in the Veteran's Hospital at Little Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Williams of San Diego, California visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arling Reynolds and then went to Oklahoma where he has employment. Cecil Baker visited a buddy of his, John F. Thompson of Hoganville, Georgia, who was with him in service. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chism of Gideon, Missouri are attending the bedside of Athel Chism. Mr. and Mrs. John Parks attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Westerman of Formosa. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Flowers are the proud parents of a new son. Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Hays and family visited with his brother, Luther Hayes and family of Van Buren. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Tyler and daughters visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Tyler. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Hayes during Easer were Mr. and Mrs. Buril Hayes of Maulden, Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartlett and children. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Gross ion the birth of a son, James Albert, born April 11. Sandra, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Perry Mallett, has been sick with the measles. Spinning Room By Joyce Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Arling Reynolds and children moved from Hattieville to 111 Branch Street of this city. Their daughter, Aubrey Lou Williams, has been visiting with them a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Morrow and Dana Joyce spent the week end in Benton visiting Mr., and Mrs. Lester Morrow. Our sincere sympathy goes to the Hubbard family during the recent loss of their father, Mr. William Hubbard. Wanda Waller's mother, Mrs. Will Stobaugh, recently spent a few days in the local hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Louie LaCook, husband of Hazel LaCook, has entered the V.A. Hospital in Little Rock. We hope Louie will be back home soon. Ola Ward was surprised with an automatic washer, deep freeze and refrigerator. They were wedding anniversary gifts from her husband. Mrs. Lucille Cessner has a new grandson. His name is Charles David and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rayburn. He made his arrival February 10. The Rayburns have one other son, Dwight Stephen. Bernice Hughes has been sick two weeks. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Taylor and daughters, Mary Lou and Maxine visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Ann McCoy. Visiting Evelyn Sroczynski was her sister, Mrs. Clara Brown of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Catherine Baker underwent a goiter operation recently. We wish her a speedy recovery. Phyllis Ann May, daughter of Haskell and Olevia May, underwent major surgery recently. We wish her a speedy recovery. Robert and LaVerne Bane motored to Diana, Texas over the Easter holidays to visit her sister and family, the F. E. Scroggins. Catherine Haralson is the proud owner of a new Maytag washer. Nila Ruth Huddleston and Ella Mae Hesselbein have returned to their jobs following their leaves. Dolly Smith and Iva Mooney are now on leave. Robert Henderson started to work as a doffer learner this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zimmerman are the parents of a son, Louis, born April 4th. Congratulations. Cloth Room By Catherine Murdoch We extend our sincere sympathy to the Ed Briggler family in the recent death of Mr., Briggler. Elmer and Catherine Murdoch joined the rank of grandparents when their first grandchild, Angela Katherine Ward, was born on January 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Maxwell are the proud parents of a daughter, Doris Lee, born January 15th. Congratulations to you. The marriage of Jimmy Frank Thomas, son of Mr., and Mrs. Frank Thomas, and Myrtle Ann Conley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Conley was solemnized by Brother Bob Johnson of Plumerville on January 23 at the home of her brother, W. L. Conley. A reception followed the ceremony. Congratulations to both of you. Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ellison and daughters were Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Maxwell and son, Jerrell, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Aultman and daughters, Connie and Veronica, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard and daughters, Deloris and Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Doughtie and sons, Tim, Charles and Danny. In the afternoon the children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt on the mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lollis and Mary Ann Stubbs of Atkins enjoyed a trip to Fort Worth, Texas recently to visit the Lollis's son, Edwin Fay, who is stationed there in the Air Force. They spent the night in Sherman, Texas visiting an aunt of Irene, Mrs. Sallie Mulegin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas, Charles and Sandra, spent Easter Sunday with Avis's sister, Willie McCarty of Little Rock. Spending the night recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lollis was Irene's brother, Ed Turner of Peach Orchard, Missouri. Here to attend the christening of Sherry Elizabeth Swain at the First Methodist Church on Easter Sunday were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Hamlet of Atkins, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lemley of Clarksville. They were all guests on the Swain home for dinner afterwards. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Murdoch were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francis and daughter, Jo Ed, of Dyess, Arkansas. Mr. Francis is Catherine's brother. They were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Francis's brother, John Ward. Mrs. James Wallace of Carlsbad, New Mexico visited recently with her sister, Irene Lollis and her husband, Fay. 32 Persons Receive Perfect Attendance Awards During January, February and March 32 persons qualified for perfect attendance awards by working an entire year without a day of absence. Identified from their departments those persons are: CARD ROOM: Robert Bingham, Lee Brents, Ople Hale SPINNING ROOM: Virgil Zachary, Norman Ward, Eula Hall, Hulon Little. WEAVE ROOM: Robert Bane, Lucille Brents, Iver Noland, Virgil Norwood, John Burris, Shelton Huffman, Hollis M. Williams, John Hammett, Earnest Noland, Anne Zimmerman, Jennings Harris, Stanley Ward, Walsie Maxwell, Joe Dunsworth, Lola Mae Sanders, Earnest Baker, James Roscoe Chism. CLOTH ROOM: Gladys Boyle, Eugene Beck, Flora Dean Wray, Victor Zimmerman, Guerin Brents. CLEAN-UP: Ferdinand Beck, James Davidson, and Opie Pearson. Red Cross Donation (picture is too damaged to reproduce) Pictured recently at Morrilton City Hall is plant manager J. T. Doughtie, as he pridefully presents a check in the amount of $704.38 to L. W. Meador, Conway County American Red Cross Chairman for 1956. Represented within the amount given Mr. Meador was the combined contribution made by the company and employees. Mr. Meador who also headed the drive in 1955 was outspoken to Mr. Doughtie in his appreciation for the sizeable donation rendered from this source to this worthy cause. "Yours," he said, "has consistently been one of the largest single amounts donated annually and has meant much toward reaching the annual quotas assigned Conway County." At the presentation, Mr. Meador mentioned that although the county quota for 1956 amounted to only $3500, due to the extensive windstorm damage, the American Red Cross had recently spent in the neighborhood of $17,000 in our county. Much of this amount went toward replacing homes and their contents where they had been blown away in several parts of the county. Relatives of some of our own employees were benefited in having their home replaced after it had been blown away. 1st Quarter Organizational Pins Number 33 Thirty- three Crompton Organization Pins were awarded to Arkansas Cotton Mills, Inc. during January, February and March 1956 to the employees named below in recognition of their completion of one, three or five years with this company. Five Year Pins Billie P., Williams Hulon Little Robert Freeman John Burris Earl Ashley D. J. Huddleston Harmon Maxwell James Willcutt Lorene Rowell James Davidson Athalene Woods Eunice Parks Ferdinand Beck Thomas Chism Three Year Pins Bonnie Lee Hubbard Roy S. Moose Hollis Williams Shelton Huffman Darlene Malone Thelma Hubbard Hazel Poteet Mayble Turner Robert Lee Bingham Perry Guinn Robert Emmett Evans Henry Myers Sherman Scroggins Wilma Stobaugh Violet Hall One Year Pins Larry Flowers Ruby Cude Elmer Claude Little There are pictures located at Pictures of the Cotton Mill employees July 1933. The man standing in the middle top [photo #3] is Albert Thornton. The man sitting just in front of him is Frank English, I don't know any one else.