Marriage of Mr. Andrew Brown & Eliza Coker of Conway County, AR ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by: Kathy Brown Lamm Date: 18 Feb 2005 ************************************************ State of Arkansas County of Conway Certificate of License You are Hereby Commanded to solemize the Rite and publish the Bans of Matrimony between Mr. Andrew Brown of Hattieville in the county of Conway and state of Ark ages 21 years to miss Eliza Coker of Hattieville in the county of Conway and the state of Ark aged 19 years according to law, and do officially sign and return this license to the parties here in named witnessed my hand and offical seal this 9th day of December A.D. 1901 Certificate of Marriage I,W D Garrison JP do hereby certify that on the 10 day of Dec A.D. 1901, I did duly and accordingly to law, as commanded on the foregoing License, solemize the Rite and publish the Bans of Matrimony between the parties therein named. Witness my hand this 10 day of December A.D. 1901 my credentials are recorded in Recorder's office Conway County, Arkansas.