Biography of Christopher C. Hale - Craighead Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Unknown < > Date: 26 Sep 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas. Goodspeed Publishers, 1889. page 334 Christopher C. Hale, an energetic and worthy citizen of Buffalo Island, is one of the leading farmers and stock raisers of the community in which he lives. He was born in Shelby County, Tenn., in March, 1835, and is the son of Edward D. Hale, of Middle Tennessee, who married Hettie Fleetwood, a native of North Carolina. They settled on a farm in Shelby County, Tenn., where she died in 1869, and he in 1872. To them were born four children, one son and three daughters. Christopher C. attained his majority in Tennessee, and joined the Confederate army in 1862, serving until the spring of 1864, when he went home on furlough, having participated in several minor engagements. Being sick and unable to return to the field, he hired a substitute. He engaged in farming in his native State until 1871, when he came to Poinsett County, Ark.; there he remained several years, and, in 1879, came to Craighead County, where he has since resided. He purchased 160 acres of wild, timbered land, and soon had 100 acres of it cleared and under cultivation. He has two good residences, good outbuildings and a nice young orchard. He has in all 200 acres of good land. He was married in Tennessee January 20, 1861, to Martha A. Carr, a native of that State, who died in 1877. They had four children: John B., George D., Mary E., wife of W. A. Wilkin, and Hettie, wife of P. Foster. Mr. Hale chose as his second wife Mrs. Mary A. McDonald, a daughter of Larkin Majors. She was the mother of two children: Alexander and James. To Mr. and Mrs. Hale has been born one child: Luna Z.