Crawford Co., AR - Biographies - Dr. Robert G. Harrison *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: The Goodspeed Publishing Co Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Robert G. Harrison was born in Overton County, Tenn., June 24, 1828, and is a son of Richard H. and Elizabeth (Coons) Harrison. The father was born in Randolph County, Va., and when sixteen immigrated by wagon to Virginia, settled in Overton County, and worked upon a farm until a young man. He then practiced medicine, having devoted a large share of his leisure to study. During his latter life he farmed and taught school in Montgomery County, Ind., where he died. The mother was born in Roane County, Tenn., and was the mother of ten children, all, save one, now living: Harriet A. Woods, wife of Samuel Woods, of Darke County, Ohio; Rebecca J., wife of Jonathan Hale, of Mercer County, Ohio; Richard P.; James H., banker in Farmer City, Ill.; Richard W., Tuscola, Ill.; John C., M. D.; Benjamin F., of Evansville, Ind.; Sarah C., wife of Mark Harding, of Hillsdale, Ind., and Susan E., wife of James C. Weaver, of Fort Wayne. Thomas J. is deceased. Mrs. Harrison died at the age of seventy-eight, in Darke County, Ohio. The paternal grandfather of our subject was born in Randolph County, Va., from there went to Overton County, Tenn., was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in Montgomery County, Ind., at an advanced age. His wife, Martha (Blair) Harrison, was born in Virginia, where she was married. She afterward accompanied her husband West, and died in Montgomery County, Ind. She was related to Gen. Blair. The maternal grandfather of our subject immigrated to the United States from Saxony when a young man, settling first in Overton County, Tenn., and died in Montgomery County, Ind. He was a man of fine education, having served in the German army before coming to America. His wife, Catherine, was born in Scotland, of German parents, was married in the United States, whither she had immigrated, and also died in Montgomery County. James Harrison, our subject's great-grandfather, was born near Richmond, Va., was a general in the Revolution, and died in Overton County, Tenn. His father [p.1152] was a Virginian, and lived and died in his native State. Benjamin Harrison our subject's great-great- great-grand father, was born in Manchester, England, and was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. His father, Maj.-Gen. Harrison, was hung in Manchester for treason. Our subject, Dr. Harrison, passed his youth in his native county, where he received a commonschool education. He subsequently studied under Prof. Thomas, and attended the Wabash College. He began the study of medicine in Crawfordsville, Ind., under Drs. Currie and McKey, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1854. He then practiced a few years in Montgomery County, Ind.; then in Montgomery County, Ill., and in 1856 went to Clinton County, Mo. He returned to Indiana in 1861, and in 1863 served as surgeon of the One Hundred and Twentieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served until discharged at the close of the war, at Raleigh, N. C., and had charge of the First Division, Twenty- third Army Corps, under Gen. Scofield. He next went to De Kalb County, Mo., and in 1867 settled in Johnson County, Kas., but in 1880 came to Crawford County, Ark. He is a successful physician, and owns eighty acres of land, thirty-five being cultivated. February 23, 1868, he married Margaret Quinlin, a native of St. Louis County, and daughter of Patrick N. and Rachel Quinlin, natives of Ireland. Mr. Quinlin died in St. Louis County, and the mother is now living with her second husband in Iowa. Dr. Harrison is a strong Democrat, is now mayor of Cedarville, notary public, school director, and is in the United States signal service. ----------------------------------------------------------------------