Crawford Co., AR - Biographies - Henry C. Mueller *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: The Goodspeed Publishing Co Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry C. Mueller, shoemaker, was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, in 1848, and is the son of Conrad and Anna Mueller. The father died in 1876, aged [p.1178] seventy-five. The mother died in 1878. aged seventy. Henry is the next youngest of eight children. five of whom reached maturity. At the age of fifteen he immigrated to America, and located at Portsmouth, Ohio where he served three years as an apprentice at the shoemaker trade. In the winters of 1867 and 1868 he worked in Wheelersburg, Ohio. In January, 1868, he moved to Danville, Tenn., and worked there and at Erin, Tenn., until 1882, when he moved to Van Buren, Ark., and commenced raising fruit and vegetables. In 1884 he opened a shoe-shop, and works at his trade during the fall and winter months, giving attention to fruit farming in the spring and summer. He owns fifteen acres of land near the city, on which he lives, and has fourteen acres in strawberries, 2,100 peach trees, 400 plum, apple, pear and cherry trees and 1,000 grape vines. He owns 135 acres in all, in the vicinity of Van Buren. In 1868 he married Caroline M. Winkler, who was born in Wheelersburg, Ohio, in 1853, and is the mother of five children: Charles, Lillie, Nina, Arthur and Katie. In politics Mr. Mueller is a Democrat, and in religion he and his wife belong to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the A. O. U. W. ----------------------------------------------------------------------