Crawford Co., AR - Biographies - Joseph John Savage *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: The Goodspeed Publishing Co Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph John Savage was born near Norfolk, Va., in 1833, and is a son of James and Charlotte (Smith) Savage. The father was of English descent, born in Nansemond County, Va., in 1806, and was a farmer by occupation. He was married in Edgecombe County, N. C., and soon after moved to that county. In 1848 he moved to Arkansas, and for a year lived at Pine Bluff, and then located in Bradley County. In 1859 he located five miles below the county seat of Crawford County. He died in 1862. The mother was born in Edgecombe County, N. C., and had six children, four of whom are living: Dr. M. T., of Halifax, N. C.; Henrietta, wife of Dr. William Grady, of Corsicana, Tex.; Della A., widow of J. M. Wright. of Alma, Ark., and Joseph J. The latter was reared upon a farm in Arkansas, and in 1859 came to Crawford County. In 1862 he enlisted in Capt. Wallace's company, Col, King's regiment, participated in the battle at Prairie Grove, and was afterward captured in Sebastian County and taken to St. Louis and from there to Alton. He was retained eighteen months in all, and discharged in March, 1865. March 4, 1866, he married Elizabeth Amanda Driver, daughter of William and Nancy (Franklin) Savage, and born in Washington County, Ark., in 1844. To them twelve children were born, of whom seven still live: Nettie, Moses Thomas, James William Benjamin Franklin, Lottie Jordan, Lee Constant, Walter Sumner and Russell Alexander. After his marriage Mr. Savage lived two years in Halifax County, N. C., and then returned to Crawford, locating on the old plantation five miles east of Van Buren. In 1872 he bought the property, now owns 400 acres of bottom land, and is a well-to-do citizen. Himself. wife and five children belong to the Presbyterian Church, which he joined in 1882. His grandfather was a Methodist preacher, and would never accept remuneration for his preaching. In politics he is a Democrat, and his first presidential vote was cast for Buchanan in 1856. ----------------------------------------------------------------------