Goodspeed's Biography of R. M. Dorn, Grant Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Jackie Dill Date: 27 Jul 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** R. M. Dorn, whose prominence as a citizen of Grant County, no less than his reputation as one of the leading planters in that section, is well known, was born in the State of Mississippi, on November 16,1848. His father was Solomon Dorn, a native of South Carolina, and born in Edgefield District, where he was also educated and married to Miss Nancy Conelly. Nine children were born to the parents, three boys and six girls, of whom there are but two living, and both reside in Grant County. The father was a well-known and very successful planter, owning altogether about 1,800 acres of very productive land. In religious belief he and his wife were both members of the Baptist Church, but, on account of some disagreement with other members, he resigned, and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Shortly afterward he wrote and published what is known as the Dorn Pamphlets, which contained a cutting satire against what was said to be the Babylonian Baptists, and which created a great sensation at that period. He served with distinction through the late war, and escaped unharmed, but after returning home was shot through the lower limbs, and severely wounded, by an unknown enemy. He recovered from the would-be assassin's bullet, however, and lived until December 17, 1879, when his health failed him, and he died, his estimable wife preceding him a few years before. Their son, R. M. Dorn, the principal of this sketch, was educated in the schools of Grant County, and received a good moral training form his parents. On January 17, 1867, he was married to Miss Sarah Atchley, a daughter of Seth and Elizabeth Atchley, prominent residents of that county. Eight children were born to this union, four boys and four girls: Elbert D., Lula M., Elizabeth N., Seth E., Robert H., Florence R., Grover C., and Ida. Of this number seven are yet still living, and all reside at home. Mr. Dorn was thoroughly instructed in the duties of farm life in his youth, and the excellent training he received has proved to be of valuable assistance in his after life. He now owns about 270 acres of some of the most productive land in that section, and has placed seventy-five acres under cultivation. He has held a membership in the Masonic fraternity for about ten years, and stands high in that order. In religious belief both he and wife belong to the Methodist denomination, and are always among the foremost to aid in any laudable enterprise, especially in religious and educational matters.