Goodspeed's Biography of Joab P. Lockhart, Grant Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Jackie Dill Date: 27 Jul 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Joab P. Lockhart, a farmer in Davis Township, Grant County, was born in this county, April 10, 1844, and is the son of Stacy Lockhart, a native of South Carolina. Moving to Alabama when but a lad of fourteen, he was reared and educated there, and married Miss Elizabeth Lowe, of Alabama origin. In 1842 Mr. Lockhart moved to Arkansas, and settled in what is now Grant County. At the time of his settlement here there were only two cabins in Little Rock. He served as a pioneer justice of the peace, made a comfortable home, and finally was claimed by that grim destroyer, Death. His good wife survived him till 1873. There were nine children in the family, seven of whom are still living. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in Grant County, and remained with his father until the war, when he enlisted in 1862, in the Second Arkansas Infantry, and served until the final surrender, participating in the battles of Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missonary Ridge and numerous others. He was wounded at Chickamauga by a gunshot through the left hand, and again at Liberty Gap, receiving a flesh wound in the left leg. After the close of the war, Mr. Lockhart returned home and resumed his occupation of farming, and in 1865 married Mrs. Sarah J. Halbert, a native of Georgia. Mrs. Lockhart died in 1882, leaving two children: W. H. and Sevilla. His present wife was formerly Nancy W. York, a daughter of Richard York, and a native of Arkansas. After a short time Mr. Lockhart intends moving his family to Malvern. W. H. now holds a very responsible position in Little Rock, and enjoys the perfect confidence his employers repose in him. Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart are adherents of the Missionary Baptist Church, and both are devout members of that persuasion, being deeply interested in all matters pertaining to education and religious affairs of his county.