Biography of Daniel W Breckenridge, Greene Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Michael Brown Date: 5 Sep 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas page 125 Daniel W. Breckenridge, who is one of the sturdy sons of toil of Crowley Township, and the son of David and Caroline (Yoekum) Breckenridge, was born in Greene County, Ark., in 1856, and grew to manhood in that county. His parents were natives of North Carolina, where they remained until about 1838, and then moved to Missouri, coming from there to Arkansas, where the father died in 1877 at the age of fifty-five years. He was a soldier in the late war, on the Confederate side, and served until cessation of hostilities. He took an active part in church and school affairs. He was married four times; first to Miss Kinder, who bore him four children, all deceased, and after her death he married Miss Caroline Yoekum, and by her became the father of six children, three now living: James D., Daniel W. and Sarah C., now Mrs. Taylor. Those deceased were named Malinda Ann, Nancy J. and Julia Ann. After his second wife's death Mr. Breckenridge married again, and five children were the result of this union: One deceased, Parthenia, Amelia J., Elihu and Parris. The one deceased was named George W. Daniel W. Breckenridge, the fourth child by the second marriage, attained his majority in his native county, and commenced working for himself at the age of twenty-one. He followed tilling the soil on the farm given him by his father at the time of his death, and there he has remained ever since. He was married in 1878 to Mrs. Maria Spain, a native of Tennessee, born in 1848, and who came to Arkansas when twenty-two years of age. She is the daughter of Hugh Spain, now deceased, but her mother is still living and is a resident of the “Lone Star” State. To Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge were born six children: Rufus W., Victoria A., Ezra E. and Willie P. Two are deceased (unnamed). Mr. Breckenridge is active in school matters, having been school director for ten or twelve years, and is a Democrat in politics. He is the owner of a fine farm, well under cultivation.