Biography of Henry Cupp, Greene Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Michael Brown Date: 5 Sep 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas page 132 Henry Cupp, one of Greene County's leading farmers, is a native of Georgia, where he was born January 10, 1839. In the same year his father emigrated from that State to Craighead County, Ark., where he remained but one year, when he again moved, this time selecting Greene County. There he was very successful at farming until his death, February 17, 1871. His wife hardly survived him a year, but died January 18, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Cupp, reared a family of nine children, five of whom are yet living. Henry Cupp was but a child when his parents came to this State, and he was reared to farm life. He had very limited school opportunities, but has all his life been an industrious farmer; and through his practical knowledge of farming, has been successful. He owns a large well-stocked farm, much of it under cultivation. He has been married four times, and is the father of seven children, two of whom, Sarah Ann (born October 18, 1867) and Emeline (born February 2, 1871) are the only survivors. His first wife was Margaret Dennis, and after her death, he chose Lucy Stevens, who was born December 2, 1841. His third marriage was with Nancy Smith, who died in 1884. Mrs. Cupp, whose maiden name was Emeline Lane, was born November 21, 1862, and is a true wife and benevolent woman. Mr. Cupp is one of the prominent farmers and stock raisers of the county, has decided political views, and is interested in progress and development.