Biography of John Odam, Greene Co, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Michael Brown Date: 5 Sep 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas page 163 John Odam is of the mercantile firm of McConnell & Odam, Paragould. In scanning the sketches of Greene County, Ark., one fact must strike the reader with peculiar force: the high standing attained by its business men. It is known to have a thoroughly qualified business population, and Mr. Odam is a leading light among the number. He was born in Hardin County, Ill., August 5, 1832, and received such educational advantages as the schools of those days afforded. Until thirty-three years of age he assisted his father on the farm, and then went to Crittenden County, Ky., where he was engaged in the hotel and lumber business for about ten years. After this he went to Dyer County, Tenn., there following saw-milling, having a mill built on a steamboat, and taking the timber from the river. He was also occupied in merchandising for about four years. In January, 1888, he came to Paragould, Ark., where he bought his present property and immediately embarked in the mercantile business under the present firm name. He carries a good stock of general merchandise and has a thriving trade. He was married in 1862, but lost his wife the following year. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having joined that order in 1862. Mr. dam's parents, Cleyburn and Mary (McConnell) Odam, were natives of Middle Tennessee and Maysville, Ky., respectively. The mother emigrated from Kentucky to Illinois in 1816, when the last named State was a Territory, and the father came to the same State about 1820. They were married there and located in Hardin County, where the father successfully cultivated the soil. He died August 5, 1834, of Asiatic cholera. In their family were two children: John and Sarah, wife of Thomas McConnell. After the death of her husband Mrs. Odam married Mr. Commodore P. Tadlock, by whom she had five children, three now living: Edward J., Jonathan L., and Nancy J. The mother died in 1858.