Marion Co AR Newspaper Abstract Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper October 1888 Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown Email: ------------------------------------------------------------- The USGenWeb Project Copyright Notice In keeping with The USGenWeb Project's Policy of providing free genealogical information on the Inter-Net, this data may be used for your personal research as long as This Copyright Notice stays on all copied material. It may NOT be reproduced, in any format whatsoever, for any commercial or "for profit" purpose or any presentation by any individual or organization It may not be copied and placed on any internet or web site. Permission to use this data must be secured from the contributor. If for any reason the contributor cannot be contacted by e-mail the person desiring to use this material must contact the USGenWeb State Manager at the USGenWeb AR web site If this material is found on any site, other than the Marion Co, AR USGenWeb site please notify the AR USGenWeb State manager at the USGenWeb Project's URL above. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Gladys Horn Brown For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues, in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville, Marion County, Arkansas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mtn. Echo, October 5, 1888 STATE NEWS An unsuccessful attempt was made to burn the Methodist church in Nashville, Howard county, one day last week. Judge John Hallum, well known to the State as author of the Biographical History of Arkansas, is now a Baptist minister. That same old unloaded pistol went off in the hands of a boy named McCall in Carroll county one day last week and killed him. Boone Banner. The court house of Garland county in Hot Springs was burned on the night of September 25th. The records were not burned, they being kept elsewhere. A preacher by the name of Holmes, from Washburn township, Logan county, was committed to jail last week upon the charge of assaulting a little 14-year old girl. Messrs. Griffin and Robinson were tried at Dublin, Logan county, last Monday, for striking the Negro Gordon on election day. They were acquitted, it being shown they acted in self defense. This is the case the Globe Democrat liar raised such a howl over. A bold assault was made on Harry Perry, a citizen of Carroll county, a few evenings ago. As he came down toward the foot of the hill toward New Town, two men sprang on him with a knife and pistol, trying to hold his horse. He escaped, with injury, his coat being cut with a knife and his had scratched. The wife of Dred Sparks, of this county, has twin babies three months old, who are so much alike that it is impossible to tell which is which, and the mother has to strip off their clothing and look for a mole that is on the body of one of them, before she can tell them apart. Our reporter has seen them and vouches to the truth of this statement. Boone Banner. There young men of the Cave Hall(sic) neighborhood, Wm. Hill, Isaac Graves and John Wilson, are occupants of our jail since last Tuesday. They amused themselves by firing pistols at the meeting there last Sunday night, and were caught by citizens who did not appreciate such fun. In default of their $50 fines they will board at the county's expense awhile. Just the way to learn the boys some sense. Harrison Times. Pascal Martin, of Pea Ridge, Benton county, is a remarkable man for one of his age. He celebrated his 72nd birthday by cutting up 18 shocks of corn, 14 hills square. He is the father of 11 children, 9 of whom are living. He has 46 grandchildren, 40 of whom are living; and 18 great grandchildren, 14 of whom are now living. He walks from 10 to 15 miles in a day to hunt deer, and he and his wife, who is also living and in good health, are both as spry as many others twenty years younger. LOCAL ECHOINGS Prof. and Mrs. Jones' youngest child is quite sick with flux. On account of the serious sickness of his baby, Prof. Jones did not teach school this week. John Hataway has made a new bail bond and was this week released from jail. "Old Stony" is now without an occupant. Dr. W. M. Noe reports two late arrivals - one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cowdrey, of this place, and one at Mr. Isaac Pangle's of James Creek. Both girls. Mr. B. L. Weast's new shop will soon be ready for occupancy. "Uncle Ben" says he is tired of paying rent and will move into his new house as early as possible. Mrs. Elizabeth Flippin, mother of Judge W. B. Flippin, of White River township, died at the residence of her son on Thursday, September 27, 1888, aged 99 years [faded} several weeks, she perhaps, was at the time of her death, the oldest person in Marion county. Judge Wm. Horn informs us that he and his family will, in all probability, go to Texas this fall with a view of locating in that state. He expects to start about the first of November, but we hope he will change his mind before that time and conclude to remain in old Marion. Mr. Joe Ward has bought out Mr. A. C. Briggs' blacksmith shop and will continue the business at the old Thompson & Covington stand. The Hutchinson brothers will do the blacksmithing and Mr. Ward will attend to the wood work. All are good mechanics. Mr. Briggs will give his attention to his farm. OBITUARY On last Saturday, Grandma Flippin calmly passed over the dark and silent River into the home of love, where happiness reigns supreme. She had lived to that ripe old age of 99 years. Fifty-two years of her life had been spent in White River township. She was a strict member of the Christian church and did more for the cause of Christ than any other woman in this part of the county. Though she is gone, her influence still lives, and in the hearts of many dear friends will be felt until they are called to join her in the "sweet by and by." W. B. F., Jr., Flippin, Ark., October 4, 1888. Mtn. Echo, October 12, 1888 STATE NEWS A fire occurred in Eureka Springs recently, consuming two buildings for Mr. H. D. Field. His loss from the fire and damage to goods was $1000. Besides this he had $6000 cash, partly his own and partly the county's funds which he, as treasurer of the county held, was lost in moving his desk from his office in his store. LOCAL ECHOINGS We learn that the wife of Mr. Dot Bogle, of Blythe township, died of typhoid fever on last Sunday evening. Mr. H. J. Noe, formerly a citizen of this county, is now merchandising in Dallas Texas. The Echo wishes him success. Prof. Jones and wife have the sympathy of the entire community in the death of their sweet little babe which occurred on last Friday morning. An obituary appears elsewhere in these columns. We are informed that Mr. W. Q. Seawel offers to go $500 toward building a school house, under the same provisions that Mr. A. S. Layton offers $1000. This makes $1500 of the $5000. Let the good work go on. There are certainly others here who are willing to contribute liberally to an enterprise that would be of so much benefit to the community. Next! Miss Sadie Joblin, the accomplished daughter of Maj. A. H. Joblin, of Batesville, came up with her father on his commercial pilgrimage last week, and after attending the Harrison fair, came to Yellville Monday and has been the guest of Miss Edna Layton this week. Maj. Joblin has been visiting the neighboring towns in the interest of his house, Messrs. Hill Fontaine & Company, the cotton kings of St. Louis and Memphis. Hon. E. P. Watson, while en route to this place last Thursday, met with an accident which almost completely demolished his buggy and came very seriously injuring him. He was driving down a hill, near McBee's ferry, between Gassville and the river, when the breast yoke broke, or some part of it gave way, and let the buggy run down on his horses, causing them to run. There was no brake to the buggy, and it being impossible to stop it, Mr. Watson seeing his great danger, leaped from the buggy just before it was turned over and badly broken up. Fortunately neither he nor his team sustained injury. Mr. M. H. Wolf missing. The continued absence of Mr. M. H. Wolf, our county treasurer, from his home, and the fact that he has not been heard from since he left, nearly three weeks ago, is causing his family and friends much uneasiness. Mr. Wolf should have returned last week, when county court convened, to make his quarterly settlement with the court, but not being here, the court adjourned to the 9th (last Tuesday) and a summons was issued for him. When the officer went to serve the summons, Mr. Wolf's family were surprised to learn that he had not been to town attending court. Members of the family state that Mr. Wolf left his home on the 23rd of September to visit relatives and friends in the lower edge of Baxter county, and that he intended to return by way of Mountain Home, where he had some business in probate court, and then he expected to come to Yellville and attend to his business with the county court. Members of the family left in search of Mr. Wolf as soon as they learned he was not at town, but up to time of going to press there had been no tidings of his whereabouts received. He was, we understand, traced within a mile and a half of the residence of one of his friends or relatives whom he intended to visit. He had taken dinner at the place, but his friend or kinsman, who lived at so short a distance, had not seen or heard of Mr. Wolf. This place was on the side of White River, not far from Calico Rock. Mr. Wolf's family and friends are very uneasy and cannot imagine any cause for his long absence. He is well known in Baxter and Izard counties, and information concerning his whereabouts would be most thankfully received. OBITUARY William Robert Jones. The infant son of W. R. and Idella Jones, was born in Yellville, Ark., January 14, 1888, and after a lingering illness of nine days, departed this life September 5th, 1888, aged eight months and ten days. [A poem is printed by the mother and father.] Mtn. Echo, October 19, 1888 GENERAL NEWS Mormons are moving to Mexico in large numbers. William Miles, the young man who killed Capt. Nat. Kinney, the Bald Knobber chief, on the 20th of August last, in the store of James Berry, at Forsythe, Mo., has been indicted for murder in the first degree, while James Berry is held as accessory before the fact. The prisoners were immediately sent to jail. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mr. Roney Davis has gone to Dallas, Texas, we learn, to reside. Mr. Wm. Cowdrey has moved his family out to the James Creek mines. Dr. W. T. Bryan is having a stable put up on the lot in the rear of The Echo office. Mr. Powell, who has been quite sick at the Rush Creek mines, is improving. Dr. St. John, of St. Louis, has been attending him the past week or two. Miss Fannie Covington, accompanied by her father, Mr. J. W. Covington, to Springfield, Mo., this week, for the purpose of having her eyes operated on by the celebrated oculist of that city. Mr. Jas. H. Cowdrey and family left here on Tuesday for Springfield, Mo. Jim will seek employment up there, and if he succeeds in securing suitable occupation will remain, and if not will return to Marion county. We wish him much success and prosperity. The Missing treasurer. Very little has been heard of Treasurer M. H. Wolf since the last issue of The Echo. On the day he left home he took dinner at Mr. T. H. Finley's in Matney township, Baxter county. From Mr. Finley's, he was traced to near Pineville, in Izard county, where he stayed all night. Nothing further has been heard of him. Parties who had been following him telephoned from Melbourne to Batesville, and also telegraphed from Batesville to friends of Mr. Wolf in Texas, where some thought perhaps he had gone, but no tidings of his whereabouts were ascertained. Upon investigation of Mr. Wolf's books and the funds deposited with him as county treasurer, everything was found all right. He keeps the county funds and school money in a tin box which is deposited in J. H. Berry & Son's safe. This box was opened last Friday and the money was found unmolested. The general opinion is that Mr. Wolf has become deranged and wandered off, but no one knows where. The country has been thoroughly scoured but no traces of him or his horse, since he left the place near Pineville, where he remained the first night after he left home, has been found. He has been treasurer at this county for several terms, and the people have the utmost confidence in him, and his official business is all square; he was not known to have an enemy; he never carried any large sums of money on his person, and hence there are no grounds for believing he has proven a defaulter and absconded, or been murdered through malice or for money. That his mind is deranged, caused by his defeat or other troubles, and that he has just wandered away and lost himself, is the only conclusion we can arrive at. He is about 55 years old, five feet six or eight inches in height, rather heavy set; one eye out and wears glasses; dark hair and full beard; partially bald. Generally wears gray jeans clothing, slouch hat and boots. He left his home on the 23rd of September on horseback. A description of the horse he was riding has not been furnished us. STATE NEWS C. C. Dean, private secretary of Maj. John D. Adams, of Little Rock, "skipped by the light of the moon" with several hundred dollars belonging to his employer. Mtn. Echo, October 26, 1888 LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. Ollie Carter has moved back to town. Mr. T. A. Blake has gone to St. Louis on business. Prosecuting Attorney Bailey and family have gone to Harrison to reside. They left here Saturday. The clerk-elect of Boone county, Mr. W. F. Mitchell, and Miss Lou Ward, of Harrison, were married one day last week. We regret to learn that Prof. A. W. Wichersham's eldest son, aged 10 or 11 years, is very low with typhoid fever. Dr. Wilson informs us that the boy has been speechless for over a week. He was thought to be a little better yesterday. Our young friend, Roney Davis, is now at Greenwood, Wise county, Texas. He writes that he had a pleasant trip taking in the Harrison fair before he left, stopping at Fort Smith to attend the fair there, and winding up with the great Texas fair at Dallas. The latter he says was grand, while the Harrison fair was a credit to Fort Smith. Mr. Davis intends making teaching a profession, and having prepared himself for this important and honorable calling, and having some experience in teaching, we feel confident in predicting that he will attain success. He is one of Marion county's brightest young men, and we heartily commend him to the Texans. He thinks he will succeed in getting a school at Greenwood, which is about 55 miles north of Fort Worth. A MARION COUNTY LADY IN DISTRESS A widow woman named Berry has been very sick the past week in the northwest part of town. She has three small children and is in a destitute condition. The women have been attending to her since her wants and circumstances were made known, and it is now thought that she may recover. She is from Marion county where she says she has a brother. Berryville Progress, 17th inst.