Marion Co AR Newspaper Abstract Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper June 1889 Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown Email: ------------------------------------------------------------- The USGenWeb Project Copyright Notice In keeping with The USGenWeb Project's Policy of providing free genealogical information on the Inter-Net, this data may be used for your personal research as long as This Copyright Notice stays on all copied material. It may NOT be reproduced, in any format whatsoever, for any commercial or "for profit" purpose or any presentation by any individual or organization It may not be copied and placed on any internet or web site. Permission to use this data must be secured from the contributor. If for any reason the contributor cannot be contacted by e-mail the person desiring to use this material must contact the USGenWeb State Manager at the USGenWeb AR web site If this material is found on any site, other than the Marion Co, AR USGenWeb site please notify the AR USGenWeb State manager at the USGenWeb Project's URL above. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Gladys Horn Brown For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues, in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville, Marion County, Arkansas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mtn. Echo, June 7, 1889 The wife of Senator W. E. Davitson(sic) of Izard Co., was severely gored by a cow last week. The marriage of Ex-Secretary Bayard and Miss Mary Willing Clymer, is announced to take place on June 12 in St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington City. Our genial and gentlemanly contemporary, J. A. Carter of the Baxter Co. Citizen, after enjoying a few weeks of needed rest, is now at his desk, and will push his paper to the front. The Carroll Progress has been sold to Mr. S. J. Doxey. The Progress, under the management of Messrs. J. D. Hailey and J. R. Perkins, has been a credit to Berryville, and we wish the new management success, and the ex-proprietors good luck and much happiness. OUR HIGH SCHOOL [in part] Now that it is certain that Yellville is to have a high school, and a good one, it is the duty of every citizen in the county, and District, to go to work to make it a great success. While this school is to be under the control of the Methodist Church, the object of the school is not to teach Methodism, but to give the bright and hopeful minds of northwest Arkansas a chance to secure a good, liberal, Christian education. LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. Baker will give a concert for the benefit of herself and little boy, on the night of July 4th. More particulars next week. The contract for the brick work for the court house has been let to Mr. E. D. McBride. 50,000 brick will be burned at once and the work will be pushed rapidly. Mrs. J. H. Berry and Robert went up to Harrison last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Berry and Miss Mary returned home with them Wednesday. Mrs. E. L. Berry assisted in a church entertainment while there. Some of the citizens of Cowan Barrens request us to make a correction and state that the Regulators are on the head of Mill creek and not in Cowan Barrens. "Uncle Jimmy" Cypret, of White river, brought in some fine specimens of zinc and also specimens of what surely must contain silver. Grand-ma Weast and Grand-ma Tutt are both dangerously sick. It is thought that Grand-ma Weast will not recover. "Uncle Billy" Cantrell returned Wednesday from a three week stay at the healing springs of Gassville. His health is much improved. He reports health good and crops fine in Baxter Co. Abe McVey writes that a woman burned the large store of Wood & Read at Isabella, Mo. The loss is about $4,900. The woman is in jail. The mineral meeting last Saturday was perfectly harmonious. A new code of laws were adopted which we think will be satisfactory to all the miners in the District. Hon. J. C. Floyd, Wallie Berry and Neal Dodd was the committee that drafted the laws. There is talk of a confederate reunion sometime in August. It is the intention of the confederates of this County to bring their wagons and camp materials and have a regular old fashioned camp life time. Comrades in all the adjoining counties will be invited. We will give more particulars soon. This movement should meet with hearty encouragement. John Cowdrey has returned from Harrison. While there, he let the contract of building the wood work of our church to Mr. T. B. Johnson. Mr. Johnson is said to be a splendid architect and will complete the church in such style that it can't be excelled in north Arkansas. John reports that instead of the business men in Harrison becoming jealous of our boom, they will assist us liberally in our struggle to replace what we were unfortunate enough to lose by fire. He says they were especially friendly toward our high school movement, and will aid us in that enterprise liberally. This is the kind of feeling that should exist between neighboring towns. Mr. T. B. Johnson of Harrison, who has been engaged to complete our church, was in town last Tuesday. He paid The Echo office a very pleasant call, and added one dollar to our wealth. Owing to the delinquent tax list and Cleveland's speech, we were forced to leave out all our correspondence this week. Write again next week. Mr. E. D. McBride's family has moved to Yellville. We welcome their arrival. John Cowdrey has become a regular boomer. So anxious is he to boom the town he has been trying to get merchants from other places to move to town, that he may have more competition, as he says that is the life of the trade. DELINQUENT TAX SALES The lands and lots and parts of lots returned delinquent in Marion County, Arkansas for the year 1888, together with the taxes and penalty charged thereon, agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, viz. [Only the names are transcribed here.] J. M. Keeter C. W. Chamberlain C. A. Guthrie Thompson & Co. L. D. Toney Smith Matlock Thompson & Co. Heirs of M. A. Williams Bryan & Toney L. D. Toney Thompson and White G. W. Stone M. B. Powell Martha Morgan Milt Stephens J. D. Lay Marcus Mears Benjamin Stinnett D. W. Goforth B. W. Hankins O. E. Hinds & Co. J. A. Toliver John Allen J. W. Hensley Jones(sic) Jesse Henderson R. L. Hester Mrs. H. J. Athey G. F. Eliam O. E. Hinds Mariah Shanks J. W. Oliver Owens(sic) O. E. Hinds & Co. J. M. Campbell B. C. Clace(?) Wandle Shoup W. H. Wilson W. H. King Lindley & King G. L. Holt W. H. King James Parshall Jones & King Bros. C. M. Morgan I. G. King Martha Greer Jacob Horn E. M. Cantrell C. P. Thomas Notice is hereby given that the said several tracts, lots or parts of lots, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the taxes, penalty and cost due thereon, will be sold by the County Collector at the Court house in said County on the 2nd Monday in June next, unless the said taxes, penalty and cost be paid before that time, and that the sale will be continue(sic) from day to day until the said tracts, lots and parts of lots, be sold. May 20th, 1889 A. W. Wickersham, Clerk of Marion County. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following administrators and guardians have filed their accounts current for settlement and confirmation, to wit: R. J. Hurst as the administrator of Martha King deceased, filed for final settlement; Richard Anderson as the guardian of Alber(sic) and Isabelle Yoacham, filed for annual settlement; and Isaac Keesee as the guardian of Elias Copelan(sic) filed for annual settlement; and the same will be presented to the Judge of the Marion Probate Court for confirmation at the next August term of said Court, which will be begun and held at the Court house at the town of Yellville, on the first Monday in August, 1889. All persons interested in the settlement of any such estate may file their exceptions to said accounts on or before the second day of said term, and if not filed on or before the second day of said term of the court, they shall be forever barred from excepting to all accounts or any item thereof. A. W. Wickersham, Clerk. May 9, 1889. Mtn. Echo, June 14, 1889 [The front page is too faded except for the Boone Banner column.] FROM OUR NEIGHBORS [excerpts only] From Boone {Boone Banner} Infant of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clemishire died Monday morning. Dr. Kirby embalmed the body to be preserved until Mr. Clemishire's return. This is the first case of embalming ever done here. The school board met last Saturday to consider applications for assistant teachers in the school, and their deliberations resulted in the selection and employing of A. J. Russell of Green Forest, Benj. Andrews, Misses Emma Armitage, Emma Rose and Omah McCormic of Harrison. John S. Cowdrey called last week while up from Yellville and added his name to our list. And E. D. McBride who accompanied Mr. C. ordered his paper sent to him at Yellville. He will move to Yellville soon, as he has contracts for over $5,000 worth of brick work there. The entertainment at the M. E. Church South Tuesday night was an elegant affair. The recitations were well rendered and the singing most excellent, especially that by Mrs. E. L. Berry. It was indeed a rare treat to our people to hear her. The occasion as a whole was a success and all went away feeling glad that they were present. LOCAL ECHOINGS. Mr. J. C. Berry will begin work on his new house this week. Mr. J. H. Berry rode in his carriage, out to Hall & Co.'s Mill last Tuesday. This is the first time he has been out of town for nearly a year. Grandma Weast, one of the oldest citizens of the county, died last Friday and was buried Saturday. We hope some of the relatives will furnish us with a suitable obituary next week. [page faded] Mtn. Echo, June 21, 1889 Ben Younger, one of the notorious bandit brothers, who went into the Stillwater, Minn. Prison for life 13 years ago when a boy of only 18, is dying with consumption, and efforts are being made to secure his pardon. The McCarthy Guards of this city won third price in the interstate drill at Galveston. This was the very youngest company contesting in the age of his organization. Taking this in consideration, and the fact likewise that some of the best companies in the country were its competitors, this was a well earned victory for the McCarthys. Little Rock will give them a rousing greeting on their arrival home. - Gazette. YELLVILLE 37 YEARS AGO From an old and perfectly reliable citizen, we have been able to get a history of Yellville as it was 37 years ago, and also some reliable traditions beyond that date. In 1852 Mr. J. H. Berry, then a young and single man, began to sell goods in a house that stood near where McDowel's store now stands. This firm is still in the mercantile business, and it is the oldest in northwest Arkansas, and probably in the State. About this time, Adam Weast settled at the head of Main street where the old buildings are now standing near Leonard Weast's residence. He died on Buffalo River. Nancy Tutt was then living in the same spot on which she now resides, her husband having been killed the year before at the close of the Tutt and Everett war. A short history of this war would perhaps be interesting to our readers. The feud between the Tutts on one side and the Everetts and Kings on the other began about 1846, and the families were just coming to blows when a terrible windstorm came up and separated the combatants. In 1848, the three families met in Yellville and a bloody battle was begun between where Layton & Cowdrey's and Seawel's stores now stand. Two of the Everetts and one of the kings were killed. The same year, St. Clair, one of Everett's men, was run down and killed in Searcy Co. In 1849, three of the Kings were killed in the south west part of the County, and were brought to Yellville and buried in front of where "Uncle Jim" Wickersham's residence now stands. In 1840, Mrs. Nancy Tutt's husband was assassinated in Yellville on the spot where James Wilson's house now stands, occupied by Mr. E. D. McBride; being the only Tutt killed during the feud. Isaac Wilson, in 1852, was keeping a large hotel where the residence of A. S. Layton now stands. This hotel was burned by southern "bush whackers" during the war. He is still living and is 75 years old. Henderson Fee lived then where he lives now. A. J. Noe was living then, 1852, where he now resides, his dwellings having been twice destroyed by fire. "Uncle Jim" Wickersham was living across the creek in 1852 but soon removed to where he now resides. Daniel Wickersham was living then where his widow now resides at Harris' water mill. Mr. Wickersham built this mill and was running it, 1852. He was assassinated during the Civil War. David Stinnett was living in 1852 on the place now owned by William Wilkenson and John Cowdrey, and died where Wilkenson now lives. His widow is yet alive and lives with her son Benjamin. John Hurst lived then where James Drake now lives. He died on the same place. William Wood "A" lived where Dick Woods(sic) now resides. Dr. James M. Cowdrey lived out east of Yellville. Was a highly educated man and a splendid physician. The following are the names of the descendants of the old settlers mentioned, who were then living, and who now live in this county. Of Adam Weast, - Ben and Leonard Weast, Mrs. Nin Wood and Mrs. John Wood. Of Mrs. Nancy Tutt, - Mrs. S. L. Wiggins and Mrs. J. B. Sims. Of James Wickersham, - Daniel Wickersham. Of Isaac Wilson, - Dr. W. C. and James Wilson, and Mrs. A. S. Layton. Of Daniel Wickersham, - James Wickersham, John Wickersham, and Mrs. Sarah McVey. Of John Hurst, - Robert and Alex Hurst, and Mrs. John Briggs. Of William Wood "A" - A. S., Joe, John and Nin Wood, Lucinda Cade(?) and Mrs. James Holland. Of Dr. Cowdrey, - William, Henry and John C. Cowdrey, and Mrs. J. R. Dowd. [if there are more names, the bottom of this film cuts them off.] LOCAL ECHOINGS E. L. Berry went to St. Louis on Business last week. Joe Ward was on the sick list last week, but is able to be at the shop now. Bedsteads at from $3 to $10 at Seawel & Sons. Mrs. J. E. Wickersham has been very sick the past few days but is better now. The carpenters began work on J. C. Berry's new house last Monday. Rev. S. F. Dykes preached two excellent sermons last Sunday, one at eleven and one at night. Leonard Sewel arrived home from school last Thursday. Miss Mary Berry has returned from Harrison. Andy McCabe and family of West Plains are visiting relatives here. Dr. Bryant now lives at home and boads(sic) at the same place. The doctor has a nice residence. John O'Neal and Miss Mattie Wilson will teach the free school at Yellville this summer. The school will begin July 1st. We earnestly wish the school success and believe our wish will be realized. Farmer Estes, son of William Estes, made Mrs. Jones a present of some fine ripe peaches last Monday. There were the first of the season and were beauties and no mistake. The good people of our town bought a splendid parsonage stove and presented it to Rev. D. C. Ross last Monday. The people here don't propose to have a man work as hard for their best interests as Bro. Ross does, and let him eat bad bread. Miss Annie Cowdrey deserves special praise for the readiness she always shows in making church and Sunday school services as pleasant as possible. She has never been elected organist yet she never fails, when called upon, to render choice music for the occasion. J. H. Briscoe, of Batavia, Boone Co., came down to Yellville last Tuesday with Dan McCurry. Mr. Briscoe was highly pleased with this place and will start two of his children to school here this fall. M. H. Wolf, our missing treasurer, is alive and well. Sheriff Poynter would not reveal his whereabouts, but said the people here would soon see him. From this, we infer he will be arrested and brought back. Mr. Perry Twitchel, who moved his family here a few weeks ago, and went on to Oklahoma himself, returned after his family and left here with them last Wednesday. Mr. Twitchel struck it rich and got 160 acres of land adjoining Guthrie. We regret to lose such citizens but wish him and his family a pleasant trip to and much happiness in the new home. Prof. Howard and wife and two daughters, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Bodenhammer, stayed overnight at Yellville last Wednesday while on their way to the Rally Hill commencement. The Prof. made The Echo office a pleasant call and complimented our county on its bright outlook, and predicted great things for the High School. Wesley Lewallen was in town last Wednesday, and soon as he found what the action of the high school committee had been, he said he would buy a lot, build a house, go to school himself, and board a half dozen students. John Sims also thinks he will build and prepare to keep boarders, and send his children to school. FLIPPIN'S BLIND TIGERS Last Sunday evening John Lovell, William Huston, and Ambrose Atterberry got into a row at the Hurst school house. The parties were all arrested Monday, and Monday night. Huston and Atterberry broke custody. The two Lovells were tried on Tuesday and Joseph was fined $10 and costs. His brother John was acquitted. Joe Wood, Albert Cravens, John Twiggs and Sheriff Poynter followed Huston and Atterberry and captured them on the other side of Big North Fork near the Izard Co. line, and brought them back. They were tired for assault and also for selling liquor without license. Huston was fined $10 and Atterberry $5 under the former charge and were acquitted in the latter. The trouble is said to have originated over "blind tiger" whiskey. The good people of Flippin have determined to imitate the good example of Yellville and drive "blind tigers" from their midst. [editor's comments not further transcribed.] Alice's Adieu?[faded] Mamma, Papa, Sister, Brother Turn your faces to the skies, Your darling Alice now is resting Where peace and pleasure never dies. How I tried to say good-bye To you whom I love so dearly; Now I say it here in Heaven - Do not weep I pray sincerely. When at eve you all sit lonely I will lay aside my crown, And will come and whisper to you Words that will your sorrows drowned. Live so that you all shall meet me In this land of pure delight, Then we'll walk and talk together In the Realms where is no night. - J.C.H. - Dr. A. J. Brewer at Mountain Home, to whom Yellville already owes favors she can never repay, says he will start his boy to school here this Fall, and that he knows of many others in his county who will patronize the High School. Dr's. Wilson, Coker and Bryant attended the Medical Meeting at Gassville last Wednesday. Dr. McCurry, the popular young physician of Flippin, came to Yellville last Wednesday to see his brother, Dan McCurry of the High School Committee. Mtn. Echo, June 28, 1889 [Front page too faded.] LOCAL ECHOINGS [very little legible] Mrs. Nelson is very sick. Wallie Berry got back from St. Louis last Friday. Walter McLure is visiting friends here. He thinks he will attend the High School. Dr. Noe fell off his porch last Wednesday night and hurt himself badly. Dutch Covington last week traded his town property to Andy Briggs for a farm about 2-1/2 miles northeast of town. Andy has since sold the town property to J. E. Wickersham. Our new court house will contain eight rooms and a fire proof vault in the first story. It will be made of stone and brick, with a fire proof door for the vault. It will probably be covered with iron sheeting which will make it absolutely fire proof as all the partitions will be made of brick. It is said on good authority that we may expect to see Uncle M. H. Wolf on our streets again soon. We are not prepared to say as yet what explanation he will make for his absence and the reported shortage in his accounts as treasurer. We would be glad, however, that an investigation would reveal the fact of his innocence. We prefer that a man go up rather than down, but the law should be respected.