Marion Co AR Newspaper Abstract Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper January 1891 Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown Email: ------------------------------------------------------------- The USGenWeb Project Copyright Notice In keeping with The USGenWeb Project's Policy of providing free genealogical information on the Inter-Net, this data may be used for your personal research as long as This Copyright Notice stays on all copied material. It may NOT be reproduced, in any format whatsoever, for any commercial or "for profit" purpose or any presentation by any individual or organization It may not be copied and placed on any internet or web site. Permission to use this data must be secured from the contributor. If for any reason the contributor cannot be contacted by e-mail the person desiring to use this material must contact the USGenWeb State Manager at the USGenWeb AR web site If this material is found on any site, other than the Marion Co, AR USGenWeb site please notify the AR USGenWeb State manager at the USGenWeb Project's URL above. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Gladys Horn Brown For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues, in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville, Marion County, Arkansas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mtn. Echo, January 2, 1891 MISCELLANEOUS NEWS A fellow by the name of Joplin killed two men, three women and himself at Jenny Lind, this State last week. He did the shooting with a shotgun with which he is said to have been and(sic) expert. Sitting Bull and his son, Crowfoot, were killed December ?th [day faded but may be 10th]. It seems that the Indians under Sitting Bull had started to the Bad lands when the Indian police arrested the old Chief and started to carry him off. His son incited the Indians to try to rescue the old man, a fight ensued and Sitting Bull and his son, with several other Indians ______ white men were sent to the happy hunting grounds. The Indian problem is still unsolved. The trouble may be about over and ____ ____ be just begun. LET US HAVE PEACE A friend at Simms requested us to announce that W. R. Jones, of Yellville, Arkansas, will deliver the opening address at a Christmas free entertainment the night of December 24th, 1891, at the Arrington Union church. We presume he intended to say December 24th, 1890, and it gives us pleasure to inform Mr. Jones' old friends that they will have an opportunity to greet him and hear him speak. Wayne Co. Record [There is a lengthy letter in this column believed to be by W. R. Jones, but the type is too tiny and faded for this transcriber to decipher. Presumably Mr. Jones is addressing the above referenced Christmas entertainment in Wayne Co., Illinois.] LOCAL ECHOINGS Mrs. J. E. Wickersham was quite sick a part of this week. A Christmas tree at Yellville was a success in every particular. Mrs. T. w. Harris left last Monday to pay a visit to her daughter at Hot Springs. C. C. Poynter moved to town this week. He occupies the property bought of Dr. Bryan. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lewallen has been very sick lately but is most well now. S. L. Cantrell of Bruno will move to Boone County next week. He has rented land from B. M. Estes. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Covington has been sick for several weeks. It is thought to be a little better. Bertha, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jones, was quite sick a few days this week but is now a little better. Miss Lucy Griffin, of Oakland, who is attending school here, has been dangerously sick, but is better now. Rev. S. F. Dykes has moved to Valley Springs, thus giving the school at Yellville the black eye we presume. Yellville can stand it. R. S. Lefevers has bought J. B. Ward's interest in the blacksmith shop and will run it alone in the future. "Bob" has a good business and we wish him success. Geo. W. Weast and Miss Charity Hamlet were married at the residence of "Uncle" Billy Hamlet's last Wednesday, Rev. D. C. Ross officiating. Harrison had a bad fire last week. Among other things that were destroyed was the office of the North Arkansas Herald. We have not learned the particulars. James Wickersham, Sr. and George Wickersham have put in a bill for a ten room house. The house is to be put up west of the parsonage and will be for rent. Elder J. H. Wade requests us to correct an error as to the ages of himself and wife, which we do with pleasure. He is 69 and his wife 24 years old. Tom Westmoreland, who killed J. W. Coffer, was discharged from custody on the ground of justifiable homicide. The grand jury will probably investigate the case. All parties owing me are requested to come in and settle at once. I am being pressed to pay what I owe and must collect what is coming to me. J. W. Pierce. Remember The Echo is now $1.25 a year if not kept paid for in advance. A reasonable time, however, will be given our friends to straighten up the old score and begin anew. The entertainment given by Mrs. Harris on Christmas Eve for the purpose of raising funds to pay on the school organ, was a success. On account of the rain, the receipts were not as large as they would otherwise have been. MINING NEWS "Dutch" Hampton, son of Zeke Hampton, met with a fatal accident while working in a shaft belonging to the N.Y. Company on George's Creek. He had been let down into the shaft in a mining bucket, and as the bucket, which weighs about 75 pounds, was being drawn back, it slipped off the hook on the rope and fell on his head from a height of about 25 feet, injuring him so badly that he died the next day. This is one of the saddest accidents that has yet occurred in our mines. FROM REA VALLEY J. E. Montgomery is still very feeble. Also Mrs. Kate Newton. Henry Hand and Miss Mollie Montgomery were married December 28th. Rev. D. C. Ross officiated. May happiness follow them through life. Mrs. Clara C. Newton, wife of William Newton, and one of the best women in this community, died December [date is blotted, but might be 27th] at the early age of 20 years. Her sorrowing relatives have the sincere sympathy of our people. [too faded to complete.] MARRIAGES The following marriage permits have been issued since we last published the list. Alex Brooks, Franklin, 56 Mrs. Lydia Thatcher, Franklin, 38 Zimri Ott, White River, 21 D. S. Morgan, White River, 20 T. J. Williams, White River, 24 Minnie Hand, Buffalo, 17 John T. Ott, White River, 24 Mary V. Morgan, White River, 18 S. A. Williams, White River, 27 S. P. Green, White River, 24 J. H. Hand, Buffalo, 21 Molla Montgomery, Buffalo, 21 B. J. Langston, Izard County, 25 L. E. McElyea, Union, 25 T. A. Sasser, Bearden, 21 S. L. McCarty, Bearden, 16 S. D. Smith, Sugar Loaf, 18 Mary J. Slagle, Sugar Loaf, 21 Wm. E. Wood, White River, 26 Mary M. Burch, White River, 18 A. E. Dosier, Union, 19 Rebecca J. Ott, Bearden, 18 J. A. Lee, Union, 18 N. E. Paxton, Union, 17 Mtn. Echo, January 9, 1891 Jas. A. Young, (Real Estate Broker) offers the Henry McCabe town property in Yellville. About 400 yards from the public square, nearly one acre, fair log buildings, four rooms, three fire places, work shop, fair out houses, fine garden spot, good spring close. Price $175. On November 19, Mrs. John Sullivan, of Orange, N.J., gave birth to a strong healthy baby. Tuesday she gave birth to a second child, also strong and healthy. Physicians say such a case was never before heard of. The Indian war has at last begun. On December 29th a fight took place on Wounded Knee Creek between Big Foot's band and the U. S. Troops. About 90 Indians and 25 white men were killed and several more wounded. On December 30, thirty Indians made an attempt to capture a provision train and were all killed. The ex-Confederate Home at Little Rock has been opened and two applicants have already been received. The legislature will be asked to make an application to assist in putting the Home on a sound and permanent basis. The legislator who would refuse to vote for such an appropriation ought to be at once relegated to "inoctious desuetude(sic). ADDITIONAL LOCAL Last Friday night on Cow Creek in Marion county, L. M. Vickery was shot at by Tom Cofer while passing along the road by Cofer's house. The would be assassin aimed a little too high and put the full load of buckshot in a tree just above Vickery's head. Cofer is a brother of the late Jim Cofer who was shot and killed by Tom Westmoreland on Cow Creek, and Vickery is a friend of Westmoreland [cut off.] COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Road Overseers: Dist. No. 1 James Doshier, 2 Wm. Estes, 3 Jo Ward, 4 J. R. Pace, 5 Pate King, 6 Jack Dowd, 7 J. F. White, 8 Ed Harris, 9 John Sailors, 10 J. P. Brady, 11 Jack Davenport, 12 T. W. Depriest, 13 James Phillips, 14 John Bench, 15 John Toney, 16 Henry Hand, 17 J. M. Cox, 18 Wm. Wilkinson, 19 Monroe Treat, 20 Felix Dobbs, 21 Geo. Burch, 22 James Moody. APPORTIONING JUSTICES White River Thos. Poynter, North Fork H. L. Due, Sugar Loaf J. D. McGregor, Prairie W. T. Gooch, Water Creek James Callahan, Buffalo I. N. Martin, Crockett John Atkinson, Hampton J. P. Milligan, James Creek Isaac Pangle, Franklin H. H. Perkins, Blythe W. L. Pierce, Tomahawk W. T. Gooch, Jr., Bearden John Williams, Union R. F. Patterson, DeSoto C. G. Thompson. HORRIBLE ACCIDENT Last Tuesday evening, Ellen, the little five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, was burned to death at their home just west of town. It seems that the children had built a playhouse some distance from the dwelling and had started a fire without the knowledge of Mrs. Wilson. The little girl's clothes caught fire and her little brother, Ronnie, tried to extinguish the flames burning his hands badly. Mrs. Wilson, hearing the screams of the children, ran out and also tried to extinguish the flames, burning some of her fingers almost to the bone. She then lost her presence of mind and when Mrs. Carter (who lived nearby and had run over to see what was the matter) arrived the child was apparently dead. Mrs. Carter succeeded in extinguishing the fire, carried the child into the house and finally managed to get out what bits of clothes were still on it. The medical society was in session when the news was received in town and several of the members went up and everything possible was done to relieve the little sufferer, but it was literally burned to a crisp and died about 8 o'clock after suffering untold agonies. The heartbroken parents have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their terrible bereavement. LOCAL ECHOINGS County court is in session this week. There is considerable sickness this week. Mrs. W. H. Peery fell last Saturday and hurt herself badly. Will Durin(sic) of Fredonia, Tex., is visiting relatives and friends here. The Medical Society held an interesting meeting at Yellville Tuesday. Harrison Poynter, one of the best students in school, has been quite sick this week. Miss Lucy Griffin is still very sick. Her friends, however, are hopeful of her recovery. Judge B. B. Hudgins and Hon. J. C. Floyd are performing their official duties at Jasper this week. Pearl Wickersham, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wickersham, has been quite sick this week. We understand that Yellville will likely have a furniture store, hardware store and harness shop in the near future. William B. Longworth, formerly of this place, recently died at Hamilton, Harris County, Ga., of dropsy and heart disease. Dr. Bryan has located at Waggoner, Ind. Ty., where he will hereafter practice medicine. We wish him success. A. A. Allen, of Western Grove, Ark., and Ben Allen of Mason, Tex., were in town several days the past week. William Jones, of Rea Valley, who has been confined in jail here for some days charged with stealing hogs, was released by Judge Owens last Wednesday on a writ of habeas corpus. B. Allen and family of Western Grove will move to Texas in the spring. Mr. Allen was formerly of this county and is one of the best citizens of Northwest Arkansas. We learn that A. L. Dirst, of Dodd City, who has just completed a nice residence, had the misfortune to lose it with most of his household goods by fire one day last week. Thomas White, of Gainesville, Mo., visited relatives here this week. Miss Martha Pennington went back with him to Gainesville and will visit relatives there for three or four weeks. A house belonging to J. W. Harris near his mill about a mile south of town was burned December [blotted]. J. H. Thompson, Jr., who was occupying the house, lost nearly all his household goods. This ought to have appeared last week. We omitted to mention last week the marriage of T. J. Williams and Miss Minnie Hand of Rea Valley. Rev. D. C. Ross tied the knot for the happy couple, and soundly berated the editor of The Echo for omitting to mention the ____. J. A. Young is greatly improving his property near the Wilson Hotel and will move into it in the near future. D. C. Putnam who occupied it for awhile has gone up to Beattie's Crusher on James Creek. He will work at the crusher and his family will do the cooking for the work hands. Just after we had set up an article, sympathizing with the "blizzard" stricken people of the north and advising them to come to Arkansas, the land of sunshine and mile weather, it had the audacity to begin snowing and at the time of going to press the snow is about four inches deep. The Layton marble front has been completed. It is unquestionably the best business house in North Arkansas. The inside work which was done by Messrs. Bocher and Halbert, of Dodd City, cannot be excelled in the State. The painting done by Henry Woodard of this place is also very fine. Henry Hand made a splendid speech at the close of the first session of school, just before Christmas. We are sorry that the crowded condition of our columns will not permit us to publish it at present. Henry is developing a talent for oratory and has a bright future before him. Dr. W. R. Brooksher, of Oakland, visited his parents west of town last Sunday and Monday. He gave The Echo office a friendly call and informed us that he will start to Louisville, Ky. week after next to attend a course of medical lectures. The doctor has a bright future and we wish him success. Our readers will be sorry to hear that A. B. Davis, of Powell, has been forced to make an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Davis has been doing a large credit business and we presume that, together with the low price of cotton, has caused the embarrassment. J. P. Brady has been made receiver and all the creditors will be treated alike. Thos. Weast, of George's Creek, was thrown from a mule last Monday and badly hurt. His left arm was broken just above the elbow and the elbow point was dislocated. Drs. Pierce and Brooksher dressed the limb and it is doing as well as could be expected. It seems that Dr. Brooksher has to take part in a surgical operation every time he comes home. The memorial services held at Rally Hill, by the Rally Hill school, for E. A. Milligan, the young man that was recently drowned while attending school there, was very touching and impressive. The memorial essay read by Prof. J. W. Blankenship was a gem indeed. We regret that we have not space to publish the proceedings in full. Some months ago, M. D. Vance sold his stock of goods at Rally Hill to Dr. B. J. Vance, who a week or so ago sold the stock to L. H. Selph, and a few days ago, while the stock was in the hands of the third owner, it was levied on by Hargadine, McKittrick & Co. as the property of the first owner and the goods are now under lock and key awaiting disposition by the courts. - Banner. E. L. Berry has entered the field of journalism in Washington. He proposes to furnish the press of this State with Washington letters, not old stale stuff, gotten up by the patent office attorneys, and others, in lieu of advertising, but live, wide awake letters that will be particularly interesting to the news readers of this State. His position as Private Secretary under Senator Berry gave him a large knowledge of the inside workings of national politics, and as he is a good writer and a close observer, he is almost sure to make a success of his chosen profession. He will furnish The Echo with an interesting letter each week. Judge Owens this week appointed R. B. Garret as school examiner for two more years. Mr. Garret will appoint a deputy at Yellville who will be ready at all times to accommodate the public. FROM MCBEE'S LANDING Hon. T. H. Flippin and Jo Woods started to the Rock on the fourth. FROM KEESEE'S FERRY Wm. Ghan and Miss Nannie Bonner, were recently married. Two nice little boys recently arrived in this neighborhood. One at John Smith's and the other at Allen Trimble's. L. M. Crew's father, who has been visiting at Peel, has returned to his home in Indiana. Some fiend recently killed a nice mare and a mule for Wm. Brown by feeding them pulverized glass. A terrible circumstance occurred at the distillery on the Little North Fork recently. John Terry lost one of his boys, Willie, age 14 years, from excessive drinking of whiskey. It seems that his father was under the influence of liquor and told his son that he could suck it from the barrel with a beer quill. The boy began drinking and in a short time was almost unconscious. The horrified father picked him up and carried him to the corn crib and ran to the house for salt and water with which to bathe him. When he got back, the boy was dying. He frantically carried him to the house but he died about ten o'clock that night. It is said that whiskey ran out of his mouth while he was dying. This dreadful death ought to serve every friend of temperance to renewed energy against the great curse to our fair land. Mtn. Echo, January 16, 1891 LOCAL ECHOINGS Rev. Wm. Biggs has moved to George's Creek. Miss Lucy Griffin is a good deal better this week. Miss Ida Carter, one of our little typos, is sick this week. Rev. Brakebill gave The Echo office a short but pleasant visit this week. Wid Cantrell has not been attending school this week on account of a very severe cold. Misses Jenny Williams and [S?]enora Poynter, of Flippin, are visiting here. [left side unreadable] H. Peery has dangerously ill this week. Mr. Peery has also been very poorly. B. Narramore, of George's Creek, accidentally shot himself in the foot last week with a Winchester. One toe was shot entirely off. John Burlison, of George's Creek, and Miss Maggie Wolf, daughter of M. H. Wolf, were married last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gear, of Springfield, Mo., are visiting Mrs. Gear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry. They will remain here about a month. The town council met Wednesday night and accepted the new streets and ordered the Marshall to open them up as soon as the weather will admit. The cost of the streets are about $150. J. B. Ward is building a nice residence on his lot near Weast's Hotel. Jo expects to follow the carpenter and cabinet trade as soon as he gets his dwelling completed. A. S. Layton has moved into his new Marble Front. Just what business he intends to transact in it we have not been able to find out. It has been fitted up, however, for drygoods, groceries, etc. Out of respect to our esteemed pupil and schoolmate, E. A. Milligan, deceased, we have had no school this week. Ed. was one of our very best pupils and most beloved schoolmate. Rally Hill Journal. George Bales was badly hurt Wednesday by the bursting of a gun. He had loaded the barrel too heavily with buckshot. One side of his face is badly torn up and one eye is thought to be badly injured. He had just killed one deer and was shooting at another when the gun burst. IN MEMORY OF LITTLE ELLEN WILSON Flashing before us out of life's darkest night, We see little Ellen, an angel of light. As stars shine most in clouds of deepest hue, What seemed reproof was love most true. Why God permitted this sorrow to be, In our weak judgment we cannot see. But oh, it is sweet, by trust to know, She is safe with Christ through weal or woe. Father, mother, thine arms had twined around, Her little form so dear, with love profound. With boundless trust in thy God, Bow beneath the chastening rod. In a house not made with hands, little Ellen, With God and happy angels is dwelling. New bounties Heaven to her [remainder cut off.] FROM BRUNO Isaac Cooper, Sr. died here last week with [unreadable]. Randolph Coker and a Miss burns of Water Creek were married last week. ADVERTISEMENTS W. Q. Seawel, Mining and Real Estate Agent. Cleveland Saw Mills, I. N. Linton, Prop. R. F. Patterson, Druggist. C. L. Glines, Watchmaker and Jeweler of Harrison. Marion County Nursery, H. L. Dirst, Prop. Dodd City, Ark. Yellville Institute, F. W. Harris, C. A. Watson, co- Principals. Daily Hack Line to Harrison, W. A. Coburn Daily Hack Line from West Plains to Yellville, Rosanbum and Powell, West Plains, Mo., or Mountain Home, Ark. Mtn. Echo, January 23, 1891 J. S. Cowdrey, Successor to Layton & Cowdrey, Wholesale and Retail. Railroad Store, Railroad Prices, J. B. Wilson, Manager. Not Broke Yet, Not Even Bent, J. H. Berry & Son. The Celebrated Springfield Wagon, J. S. Cowdrey. B. F. Fee, Attorney at Law, Yellville. H. C. Tipton, Attorney at Law, Harrison. Dr. J. G. Roberts, Physician and Surgeon, Peel, Ark. S. W. Woods, Attorney at Law, Yellville. J. C. Floyd, Attorney at Law. Dr. J. M. Coker, Physician. Dr. W. T. Cox, Physician and Surgeon, Onset, Ark. Dr. J. B. Sims, Dentist, Yellville. M. W. Platt, Tinner. Yellville Mills, R. W. Bussey. J. F. Stark, Contractor and Builder. Lumber, Lumber, Chas. Markels New Mill. Knox & Sons, Milling, Gining(sic) & Merchandising. Lefever's & Hutchison's Blacksmith & Wagon Shop. Jas. A. Young, Real Estate Broker. Thomas W. Baird of Little Rock, Machinery. The Gazette says that Hon. T. H. Flippin is one of the smoothest talkers in the House. "Tom" is taking hold like he meant business. LOCAL ECHOINGS Don't forget the judicial election on the 26th. Mrs. Dr. Hart of Baxter County is visiting relatives here. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Covington is not expected to live. Rev. John Hathcock is back again and will enter school here at once. Elder Pryor writes us that he has $9000 subscribed for the Baptist college at Mountain Home and that he hopes to have $15000 by next fall. W. Q. Seawel and S. W. Woods have formed a partnership in the real estate business. Their card will appear next week. We wish them success. A whole raft of the citizens from White River township are attending court at Harrison this week as witnesses in the famous case of Jackson and Cox vs. Gregory. "Jo" Woods made a good race for the position of Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms but withdrew in favor Mr. Collis who was elected. Mr. Woods got back from Little Rock last week. Thos. Wooton, Esq., of Powell, Ark., we understand takes charge of this end of the Yellville stage line, from Pleasant Ridge to this place as sub-contractor. Tom is a fine fellow, accommodating and a practical stage man and we are glad he has charge of so popular a line. - Boone Banner. J. A. Young has fitted up a nice real estate office opposite the hotel. He is preparing for a lively business. He has line of correspondents at the large cities and several capitalists have authorized him to secure property for them. "Jim" is a splendid businessman and we wish his success. FROM DODD CITY Sam Henley is all grins and smiles. It's a boy. Mr. Dirst has moved into his new house. FROM REA VALLEY Health generally good with the exception of J. E. Montgomery who is still very feeble. Rev. J. M. Hively preached at Elbow school house the third Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mtn. Echo, January 30, 1891 A FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT Last Saturday one of the most frightful accident occurred in Blythe Township that has ever occurred in that vicinity. Mrs. "Jo" Burleson and another lady went over to McAfee's cotton gin. They were looking over the gin and Mrs. Burleson, who was an elderly lady, in stepping over the line shaft got her dress caught on the shaft in some way. In a moment her clothes were wound up and she was being carried around the shaft with frightful rapidity and with fatal results, as the shaft was near the ground. Both her legs were broken in several places and she was frightfully mangled. She died that evening. Mrs. Burleson was a Christian lady, respected and loved by all who knew her. Her heartbroken husband and children and other relations have the [remainder cut off.] LOCAL ECHOINGS Rev. John Watts visited relatives here this week. Measles are about to break up the school at Bruno. Bud McVey has sold his property north of Seawel's store to R. W. Bussey and has bought John Cowdrey's property down in the east part of town. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Covington died last Saturday night. It was buried Sunday at the Layton graveyard. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of all their many friends. W. M. Horn, of Cottondale, Tex., formerly county judge of this county, writes us that he is well pleased with his new home. He says, however, that Texas, like all other countries, has its disadvantages as well as its advantages. G. R. Patterson left last Sunday to join his brother, A. B. Patterson, in Washington. The Echo wishes him a safe journey and a pleasant trip. He had not decided what business he would follow out there. We call the attention of our readers this week to the card of J.W.P. Bedford. Mr. Bedford has cast his lot with us and intends to become one of our permanent citizens. He is a first class workman and appears to be a first class gentleman. The Echo wishes him success. Berry & Son have moved into their new quarters, the Marble Front. This is the finest building in North Arkansas and the furniture would grace any mercantile house in the city. The building is filled from top to bottom with first class goods, displayed to the best advantage, which are being sold as cheap as the cheapest. MINING NEWS P. D. Blankenship is showing up some fine ore on his farm on Hampton Creek. Ben Jones has struck what he thinks will prove a fine copper mine on his farm on Mill Creek. J. H. McCabe sent to The Echo office some very fine specimens of zinc, taken from his property on Warner Creek. Squire Casey, of Lead Hill, last week left The Echo office some very fine specimens of lead and zinc taken from his mining property on Sugar Loaf. The Mitchell brothers have struck a fine opening of zinc on their deeded land at the mouth of Wildcat near the voting precinct in James Creek township. Wm. Buckmaster has 18 fine claims in a block on James Creek near the famous Cincinnati Mine. Outcrops of zinc and lead can be shown on every one of the claims. Will sell for $1500 cash or trade for good mill machinery. Nat Estes has got a bonanza sure enough. Mr. Beattie, proprietor of the crusher, says that the rock Nat has on the dump will yield 100 tons of zinc ore, and but little work has yet been done. J. E. Lemen, Supt. of the Shoney Company, is still in the city. He left his men at work on the Cincinnati and on last Wednesday struck a large cavity that is literally lined with zinc. The find has created great excitement in that vicinity. Mr. J. G. Gray resigned his position as president of the Nevada Mining Company at Webb City in order to attend his own mining interest in this county. He has some fine property, is a practical miner of long experience, and will prove a valuable acquisition to our mining force. IN MEMORY OF LITTLE MARVIN COVINGTON A precious one from us is gone, a voice we loved is still. A place is vacant in our home that never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled the boon his love had given, And though the body molders here, little Marvin is in Heaven. Father, mother, have no fear. All is well with Marvin dear. Try to live that when you die, you can meet him in the sky. Annie Milligan. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS Fitzsimmons is to go on the stage. The death of George Bancroft, the great Historian, has caused profound sorrow all over the country. Batesville had a $150,000 fire last week. J. M. Bartlet, who is well known in this county, was a heavy loser. A great storm raged over the northeast on the 25th, destroying millions in property. Telegraph communications with New York is almost entirely cut off. Two officers were killed at Rogers last week while trying to arrest a couple of Missouri desperadoes. Their names were Dalton and Vandergriff. The desperadoes were brothers named Shephead(sic). One of them has since been killed and the other captured.