Newton County, ARKANSAS: 1850 Census Index Copyright 1990 by S-K Publications, This file was contributed for non-commercial, non-exclusive use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ This file is a surname index to the original, handwritten records on the census microfilm. The handwritten census is also available in book form from S-K Publications Page numbers are stamped in upper right corners of the microfilmed pages. Every other page is unnumbered. The "A" page is always the numbered page, and the "B" page is the unnumbered page following it on the film (it was the backside of the paper that was microfilmed). ADAIR 10A-18B ADINGTON 2B ALREAD 16A-19B-20A-20B-21A ARBOW 17A ARCHER 12A ARINGTON 17A ASHER 8B BARKER 13A BECKAM 13A BELLAH 14B BIVENS 7A BLACK 17A BOAN 12A BOHANNON 16A BORKER 13A BOWEN 12B-13A BOWIN 11B BOWLS 13A BOX 1B-8A BRADFORD 19B BRADLEY 5B BRASSFIELD 5A BREWER 4B BRISCO 18A-18B BROOKS 7A BUNCH 20B-21A BURNES 6B BURROP 7B CALAHAN 11A-14A CAMPBELL 15B CAP 9A CAREY 20A CARNS 7B CARPENTER 3B-4A CASEY 10B-12B-14A-15B-16B-17A CECIL 9A-9B-10A-18A-18B-19A CHAFAN 9A CHAFIN 1A CHEETAM 4B-5A CHISM 2A CHRISMAN 13B CHRISTY 15A CISEL 10A-10B CLARK 20A CLIFT 8B COOK 7A COOKSEY 14B-15A COOPER 4B-12A-12B-13A-18B COWIN 3B CROSS 9B CULLEGE 21A DANICEL 12B DANIEL 13A DAVIDSON 3A DAVIS 4B-5A-17B-18A-19A DICKEY 6B DODSON 6B DOUTHET 13A-15A DOUTHETT 15A DUN 9B DUNN 18B EDGEMON 16A-16B ELLY 20B EVINS 2B FARINGSWORTH 10B FELNER 14B FLIN 10A FLUD 3A-3B FREEMAN 5B FREMAN 5B GALBREATH 2B GARNER 7B GILLMOORE 3A GILLMORE 3A GREEN 14B-20A HALE 1B-7A-7B HALL 1A HAM 12B-13B-15B HAMILTON 1B HANN 12B HARP 8B-9A-13B-17B-18A-19A HARRIS 2A-9A HARRISON 10B HENDERSON 7A-9A-9B-11A HENDRIX 6A HENSLEY 11A-13B HENSON 11A-11B HESS 7B HILL 1B HOGES 15A HOLLAND 19B HOLT 13A-13B HOUSTON 10B HUDSON 11B-13B JANES 10B JOHSON 8A JONES 1A-1B-3B-6B KEATON 18B-19A KEETH 13B KELLY 10B KERBY 19B KILLGRORE 11B KING 2B LANGFORD 4B MABARY 1A MARTIN 2B-4B MAXEY 8A MAXFIELD 14A MAXY 7B McCLATCHY 5B McCULLAGE 20A McCULLIGE 20B McCUTCHEN 6B-7A-8A McPHERESON 12B McPHERSON 12A MORRIS 2A-13B-21A MURPHEY 17A NEWBURY 19B-20A-20B-21A NICHOLS 6A NOLAND 4B O'DANIEL 2A-2B ORR 13A OWEN 4A PARKER 8B-10B-11A-19A PARTEEN 15B PATTERSON 11A PEARCE 9A PENN 17B PERRY 2A-2B-8A PHILLIPS 20B PIERCE 6B POLLARD 15A POPLIN 6B PORTER 8A POTTS 2A PRICE 3A PRYOR 20A PULLIAM 21A PYRON 15A RAFFERTY 2A RAMSEY 2B REEVES 15A RILEY 14B-19A RING 15B RISLEY 1A ROBERSON 14B ROGGID 15A ROLAND 8B-11B-12A ROSS 18B RUSH 12B RUSHIAN 16B RUSHIN 16B RUSSELL 19B SAFFOLD 10B-11A SALMON 1B SCHOOLFIELD 19B SEABOLT 11B-12A SELF 13B-14A-14B SESSIN 20B SEXTON 5A SHELTON 1A SMITH 3B-4A-16A SPRING 19B STAMPS 20A STANDRIDGE 5B-6A STEEL 1B-17B TABER 19B TAYLOR 2B TELL 13B TENISON 2B TENNISON 3A THOMPSON 8A TIBBETTS 15A TISON 5A-5B TREAT 16B TURMAN 10B VALENTINE 19B VERLINES 17A-17B-18A WADE 8A-8B WALKER 19B WALLACE 7B WARREN 16A WELLS 7A WHITE 13B WHITELEY 16A WILKINS 13A WILLIAMS 2A-8A-8B WOLSEY 8B WOOD 16B WOODWARD 10B-14A-15B WORKMAN 6B YOUNG 10A-19A