Obituary of Charles F. Gunther, Phillips Co, Ar *********************************************************** Submitted by: Paul V. Isbell < > Date: 1 May 2011 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** New York Times, Feb. 12, 1920 - Charles F. Gunther, Chicago Candy Manufacturer is a Pneumonia Victim - Chicago, Feb. 11 - Charles Frederick Gunther, builder of one of the largest candy factories, Cracker Jacks, in the West and former Alderman and City Treasurer of Chcago, died of pneumonia yesterday. He was born in Wildberg, Germany, and came to this country when 5 years of age. In the civil war he served as an officer on a Confederate Steamboat on the Arkansas River. At the close of the war, he became a commercial traveler and in 1868 came to Chicago, where he opened a candy store, which grew to large proportions, and he later went into the manufacturing end of the business. Buried in Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. Extracted from: New York Times via