Poinsett County ArArchives Biographies.....Du Bard, James Drayton 1889 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ar/arfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Robert Sanchez lmu567@gmail.com May 24, 2009, 1:50 am Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922) JAMES DRAYTON DuBARD. One of the representative business men in Marked Tree is James Drayton DuBard, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, of which institution he is likewise a director. He was born in Grenada, Mississippi, on the 2d of December, 1889, a son of Charles R. and Celie Emma (Bernhardt) DuBard. The father was born and reared to young manhood in Vaden, Mississippi, and in early life engaged in farming. He has become one of the successful agriculturists of that state and is now living retired in Charleston. At Vaden, Mississippi, in 1885, Charles R. DuBard was united in marriage to Miss Celie Emma Bernhardt, who is likewise a native of that state. To their union four children were born, three girls and one boy. Two of the daughters and the son are living. James Drayton, whose name introduces this review, was the second in order of birth. James Drayton DuBard attended the grade and high schools of Grenada, Mississippi, and later took a course in the Macon & Andrews Business College at Memphis, Tennessee. He made his initial step into the business world in 1910, when he became assistant cashier of the Bank of Marked Tree. In January, 1911, he was promoted to the position of cashier and was active in that capacity until 1914, when he tendered his resignation. On the 1st of September, 1914, he accepted a position as bookkeeper for Ritter & Company and was active in that connection until the 1st of January, 1915, when he became manager of. the Marked Tree Telephone Company. He remained with the telephone company until the 1st of February of the following year, when he came to the Farmers & Merchants Bank as cashier, which position he now holds, as well as that of a director in the institution. The Farmers & Merchants Bank, which was organized in 1911, is one of the most reliable institutions of its kind in the county. During Mr. DuBard's service as cashier the capital and surplus has been increased from thirteen thousand, five hundred dollars to sixty-two thousand dollars and the deposits from fifty thousand to two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Mr. DuBard is well fitted for his present position and his genial and pleasing personality have won for the bank many stanch friends. At Lebanon, Ohio, on the 2d of September, 1914, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. DuBard to Miss Ida Dilatush, a daughter of Walter Dilatush, a well known resident of that community. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. DuBard two children have been born: Ann, five years of age; and James Drayton, Jr., aged three. Mr. DuBard gives his political allegiance to the democratic party, having firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good government. Fraternally he is iden tified with the Masons, belonging to Marked Tree Lodge, No. 668, F. & A. M. He is planning to complete the Scottish Rite in the near future. The religious faith of the family is that of the Methodist church, to the support of which Mr. DuBard is a generous conributor. During the World war he was tireless in promoting the government's interests and not only served as county chairman of the War Savings Stamps drive, but was on the various Liberty Loan committees and as one of the Four-Minute men he made speeches throughout the county. He is one of Marked Tree's most public-spirited and progressive citizens and is connected with every organization that has for its purpose the development and improvement of the general welfare. Additional Comments: Citation: Centennial History of Arkansas Volume II Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1922 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ar/poinsett/bios/dubard13nbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/arfiles/ File size: 4.1 Kb