Biography of Hezekiah Chaney, Sebastian Co, AR ********************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- page 1301 Hezekiah Chaney, a wealthy farmer, residing five miles south of Greenwood, Ark., was born in Jefferson County, Tenn., in 1829, and is a son of Charles and Phoebe (Brown) Chaney, both of whom were Tennesseeans, born in 1801 and 1805, and died June 8, 1877, and in 1843, respectively. The father was a son of William Chaney, and resided in Tennessee until 1873, when he moved to Hickman County, Ky., and in 1877 took up his residence in Logan County, Ark., coming to Sebastian County two years later, where he died at the home of his son, Hezekiah. After the death of his first wife he was married twice, and both of his later wives are also dead. Eleven children were born to his first union, Hezekiah being the fourth child. He was reared to manhood on a farm, and made his home with his father until he was sixteen years old, when he hired out in a brick-yard for $3 per month, and remained two seasons. He then began working on a farm for $11 per month for one year. December 16, 1852, he was married to Miss Debbie Brogdon, who was born in Williamson County, Tenn., in 1829, and by whom he became the father of ten children: James William; Phoebe Jane, wife of George Loney; Susan C., wife of Walter Cornett; George, Hezekiah, John F.; Alice, wife of Samuel Gooden; Robert, Lucy Lee, who died in 1874, at the age of eight years, and Luther Matthew. About 1865 Mr. Chaney moved to Hickman County, Ky., and three years later became a resident of Texas County, Mo., and nine months later located in Franklin County, Ark. Here he resided until 1879, when he became a citizen of Sebastian County, and in 1880 purchased ninety- five acres of land, sixty-five of which were under cultivation. He now owns 135 acres, and is doing well financially. He has been a life-long Democrat, and his first presidential vote was cast for Franklin Pierce. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.