Index to the Arkansas Gazette 1897, L-Z *********************************************************** Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen Date: 25 May 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Following is a complete index to "Index to the Arkansas Gazette, Jan. through June, 1897" by Cathy Barnes, Copyright 2002, ISBN 1-56546-223-8 The book is published by and available from: Arkansas Research, PO Box 303, Conway, AR 72033 501/470-1120 voice and fax Price: $29.00 plus shipping. L La Rue, Bob, 69 Laborde, Alfred, 100 Lacefield, Monroe, 69 Lacewell, Fillmore, 69 Lacewell, Filmore, 69 Lackie, Juliet, 69 Ladd, Pearl, 69 Lader, Monia, 6 Lafferty, John, 11 Laforce, Deputy Marshal, 73 Lain, Loraine, 69 Laing, W. W., 69 Lake, John S., 69 Lally, Trainmaster, 116 Lamar, Jas., 69 Lamb, Sarah, 81 Lamberson, W. H., 69 Lambert, Mr. & Mrs., 69 Lamont, Blanch, 38 Lamont, Blanche, 38 Lancaster, Wallace, 92 Lancaster, Will, 70 Lance, T. M., 69 Lanconitz, Joseph, 69 Landers, Ben, 27 Landrum, Peter, 14 Lane, F. A., 69 Lane, L. C., 119 Langfeldt, Mrs., 15 Langford, W. H., 69 Langley, H. G., 39 Lanier, Felix B., 69 Lanier, Felix R., 69 Lanier, J. S., 69 Lankford, Gurtha, 69, 101 Lannan, James, 69 Larsony, Mr., 79 Larue, Bob, 69 LaRue, Bob, 69 Lary, S. D., 69, 79 Lasker Bros., 44, 69, 81 Lasker, A., Mrs., 69 Lasker, Harry, 69 Lasker, Harry S., 70 Laster, J. H., 30 Laterette, Charles, 70 Lathan, Jesse, 70 Latta, George G., 70 Latta, Lee, 70 Lattimore, John, 92 Laudermilk, Fayette, 29 Laundry Co., American Excelsior, 70 Lavesnonl, Mrs., 39 Lawhon, Mr. & Mrs., 70 Lawhon, R. A., 70 Lawhorn, W. J., 80 Lawrence, D. L., 72 Laws, M. M., 70 Lawson, A. H., 31 Lawson, E., Mrs., 70 Lawson, Henry C., 70 Lawson, James, Mrs., 70 Lawson, Jim, 73 Lawson, Joe, 70 Lawson, John, 70 Lawson, Nellie, 70 Lawson, Sam, 70 Lawton, Charles, 14 Lawton, Nellie, 14 Layton, Billy, 70 Layton, W. S., 8 Lazarus, Estelle, 70 Lea, Robt. J., 70 Lea, W. A., Mrs., 70 Leach, Nancy, 111 Leady, L., 70 Leavitt, William, 100 LeBosquet, J. R., 39 Lederer, Letta, 70 Ledwidge, Chris, 72, 89, 91 Ledwidge, Helen, 70 Ledwidge, P. J., 70 Lee Co., Ark., sheriff, 104 Lee, Benjamin, 70 Lee, Chas., 31 Lee, Collier, 70 Lee, F. M., 70 Lee, Geo. H., 70 Lee, I. R.'s twin boys, 70 Lee, John P., 70 Lee, Mrs. Dr., 70 Lee, R. E., Mrs., 70 Lee, Rufus, 70 Leeds, Wm., Mrs., 70 Leedy, L., 70 Lees, E., 111 Lefevre, Appolonia L., 125 Lefevre, Fannie, 125 Lefevre, M. G., 125 Lefevre, Philip A., 125 Lefler, Martin B., 70 Leguire, P. H., 71 Leiber Bros., 71 Leigh, Gilbert, 71 Leigh, J. Gilbert, Jr., 101 Leigh, L. B., 71 Leigh, M. A., 71 Leigh, M. G., 121 Leigh, Robt. W., 75 Leigh, Sam, 31, 71 Leinewper, Rebecca, 71 Leiper, Geo., 71 Leiper, Geo. A., 72 Lemaster, S. B., 71 LeMay, R. C., 71 Lemay, R. M. C., 71 Lemmer, John, 71 Lemon, Fred, 46 Lemon, Will, 71 Lemons, husband, 90 Lemons, Mrs., 90 Lemons, Will, 71 Lennon, Jim, 71 Lenon, J. F., 71 Lenon, W. E., 7, 71 Leon, Dell, Miss, 71 Leonard, J. F., 9 Leowenberg?s Cash Store, 71 Leppard, Andy, 93 Leppard, John, 71, 93 Leppard, Joseph, 71, 93 Lepshits, Max, 99 Leslie, T. H., 71, 109 Leslie, Thos. H., 59 Lester, J. J., 9 Lester, T. T., 71 Lether Bros., 71 Lette, Paul, 71 Letzig, William, 72 Leverett, Rose C., 115 Leverton, W. B., 71 Levi, Abe, 71 Levi, wife, 71 Levinson, Ben, 15 Levinson, Carrie, 109 Levinson, J. D., 90 Levinson, Will, 71 Levinson, Will B., 101 Levy & Sons, 71 Levy, Cornelia, 32 Levy, D., Mrs., 101 Levy, Edward, 71 Levy, Jeanette, 71 Levy, L. M., 71 Levy, Samuel, 42 Lewis, Bessie, 71 Lewis, C. T., 71 Lewis, Charles, 71 Lewis, Chas. H., 72 Lewis, Chas. L., 71 Lewis, Clark, 71 Lewis, Harvey, 71 Lewis, Henry, 71 Lewis, J. B.?s daughter, 71 Lewis, J. F., 71 Lewis, James, 93, 103 Lewis, Jim, 119 Lewis, Joanna, 66 Lewis, John, 71 Lewis, Jonathan, 71 Lewis, L. D., 72 Lewis, Lena, 71 Lewis, Mollie B., 72 Lewis, Pony, 71 Lewis, W. T., 72 Lewis, William, 71 Lewis, Winslow, 72 Lewter, Charley, 72 Liggin, Alonzo, 72 Light Co., Edison, 7 Lile, E. C., 72 Lile, Rev., 72 Lime Works, Rogers White, 66 Linbarger, US Commissioner, 120 Lincoln, C. J., 72 Lincoln, C. J., Mrs., 55 Lindeman, W. F., 108 Linderman, W. F., 72 Lindsey, James W., 72 Lindsey, W. H., 26 Lindsey, W. S., 72 Lindsley, J. B., 56 Lindsley, Maud, 56 Lineborg Milling & Elevator Co., 99 Lipe, E. N., 48 Lipe, Joseph, 48 Liskey, Mary, 103 List, George W., 70 List, Mamie, 70 Liston, James, Mrs., baby boy, 72 Little Rock Brick Works, 72 Little Rock Building Assn., 72 Little Rock Clean Towel, 117 Little Rock Clean Towel Co., 117 Little Rock Cooperage Co., 72 Little Rock Delinter Co., 33 Little Rock Electric Light Co., 72 Little Rock Mill & Elevator Co., 69 Little Rock Oil & Delinting Co., 53 Little Rock Printing Co., 72 Little Rock Telephone Co., 72, 93 Little Rock Traction & Electric, 19 Little Rock Traction & Electric Co., 43, 86, 101 Little Rock Traction and Electric Co., 86, 103 Little Rock Trust Co., 72 Little Rock Wood Working Co., 30, 72 Little Rock, Bank of, 10, 72 Little, J. S., 72 Little, John S., 72 Little, Lizzie, 72 Little, Robert A., 72 Little, Samuel, 62 Little, T. E., 72 Little, Thomas H., 72 Little, Thos. E., 72 Little, W. W., 72 Litzke, Paul, 72 Lively, W. F., 72 Locke, F. A., 72 Locke, W. J., 72 Lockhart, George, 72 Lockhart, Hester, 72 Lockhart, W. H., 72 Lockwood, C. H., 49 Lockwood, L. J., 72 Lockwood, Lee J., 72 Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of, 22, 85 Locomotive Firemen, Brotherhood of, 100, 112 Lodge, Knights & Ladies of Dixie, 72 Lodge, Odd Fellows, 73 Loeb, Edward, 73 Loeb, Joseph, 73 Lofton, A., 73 Lofton, Ike, 40, 73 Logan, Henry, 73 Lomax, James, 73 Long, E. R., 73 Long, Ernest, Mrs., 73 Long, J. C., 73 Long, Julia, 73 Long, Sid, 73 Long, Sidney B., Mrs., 99 Long, W. H., 73 Long, W. J., 5 Longfelt, Philopena, 116 Lonoke, Ark., Prosecuting Attorney, 24 Lonsdale, John G., 73 Lott, Uriah, 73 Louder, Sam, 73 Louise, Wright, 125 Loung, J. W., 94 Lovall, John, 73 Love, E. L., 73 Love, Gertie, 73 Love, R. D., 53 Lovel, John, 73 Lovelace, J. A., 73 Loveless, L. L., 73 Loving, Arthur B., 73 Low, George J., 112 Low, J. C., 73 Lowe, J. B., 73 Lowe, J. C., 73 Lowe, Wm., 73 Lowenstein Bros., 73 Lowenstein, B. & Bros., 92 Lowenstein, Gladys, 28 Lowery, J. P., 73 Lowrey?s chocolates, 57 Lowry, J. P., 73 Lucas Vinegar Co., 90 Lucas, Harvey R., 73 Luce, James, 73 Luckey, Buz, 73 Ludwig, O. C., 73, 93 Luetgert, Adolph, 73 Luetgert, wife, 73 Luette, Paul, 114 Luker, J. M., 73 Lumber Co., Big Pine, 73 Lumber Co., Bluff City, 126 Lumber Co., Boyden, 17 Lumber Co., Bryant, 74 Lumber Co., Central, 104 Lumber Co., Clarendon Hardwood, 52 Lumber Co., Muskegon, 74 Lumber Co., Niemeyer, 27 Lumber Co., Ozark, 102 Lumber Co., Redfield, 74 Lupp, Henry, 74 Lupp, Mary, 72 Lusk, Felix G., 74 Lustin, Henry, 74 Luther, J. E., 5 Lydick, B. D., 74 Lyle, Shelby, 74 Lyman, Belle, 74 Lyman, Charles H., 74 Lyman, Lizzie, 112 Lyman, Lizzie D., 74 Lynam Bros., 74 Lynch, M. A., 58 Lyon, Maria E., 16 Lyons, Adolph, 74 Lyons, Gabe, 74 Lyons, Hattie, 74 Lyons, Joseph, 74 Lyons, Sam, 74, 120 M Mabb, Louis, 74 Maberry, W. T., Mrs., 74 Macgowan, Thomas Jackson, 114 Machin, A. M., 74 Machin, A. M.?s boy, 74 Machine Shops, Union, 119 Mack, L. H., 74 Macklin, Mary, 74 MacRae, M. M., 74 Mad stone, 83 Maddox, W. S., 74 Madlin, G. W., 74 Mady, Fireman, 74 Magruder, H., 74 Mahoney, J. J., 74 Mahoney, Mr., 74 Mail & Express, New York, 35 Mainard, Burton, 69 Malcoln, Seaborn, 60 Malden, Mo., fire, 74 Maler, C. W., 74 Mallan, H. R., 74 Mallander, Christian F., 74 Malone, Oda, 102 Malone, R. B., Mrs., 51 Maloney, administrator, 76 Maloney, E. S., 7, 75 Maloney, L. C., 75 Maloney, Lawrence, 108 Malvern, Ark., fire, 75 Malvern, Ark., merchant, 21 Mamie, a lewd woman, 32 Mandelbaum, L. K.?s son, 75 Manees, W. R., 75 Mangrum, Robert, 75 Manire, J. M., 116 Mann, E. A., 75 Manning, Geo., 75 Manning, M. C., 60 Mansfield, G. A.?s baby, 75 Mansfield, George A., 75 Mansur & Tibbetts Imp. Co., 75 Manuier, Harry, 75 Maples, John, 75 Mara, Mary, 18 Marble and Granite Stone Co., 75 Marble, Granite & Stone Co., Funston, 100 Marcum, Grace & Latham, 29 Marion, Ark., flood, 75 Mark, business at Thornton, 75 Marks, Dave, 75 Marks, E. P., 18, 39, 75 Marks, Ed H., 124 Marks, Gertrude, 75 Marks, Hannah, 75 Marks, Harry L., 75 Marks, Lillie, 124 Maroney, R. G., 75 Marre, Angelo, 75 Marriell, M., 75 Mars, Henry, 19 Marse, Edgar, 75 Marsh, C. J., 75 Marsh, Ed, 14 Marsh, Richard, 75 Marshall, A. J., Mrs., 75 Marshall, C., 75 Marshall, Calvin, 75 Marshall, Dr., 75 Marshall, Fred H., 82 Marshall, Fred?s son, 75 Marshall, J. C., 75 Marshall, L. S., 75 Marshall, Mary Lena, 75 Marshall, Myra, 75 Marshall, Myra's mother, 75 Martin heirs, 76 Martin, Albert, 75 Martin, Anderson, 13, 75 Martin, Blanche, 75 Martin, C. F., 12 Martin, Chancellor, 31, 76 Martin, Charley, 54 Martin, County Clerk, 48 Martin, E. J., 75 Martin, Emma C., 41 Martin, Fannie E., 75 Martin, G. F., 18, 75 Martin, J. E., 75, 76 Martin, J. F., 75 Martin, J. J., 58, 89 Martin, James Henry, 76 Martin, John?s son, 76 Martin, Joseph, 76 Martin, Joseph W., 76 Martin, M. E., 22 Martin, P. E., 76 Martin, R. J., 34 Martin, R. W., 76 Martin, Sara Mason, 78 Martin, Smith C., 76 Martin, Susie Fitts, 76 Martin, T. B., 76 Martin, Thomas, 76 Martin, Thomas B., Jr., 76 Martin, Thos., 76 Martin, W. A., 76 Martin, W. H., 76 Martin, W. W., 29 Martin, Walter, 76 Martineau, Jno. E., 87 Marvec, Louis, 92 Marx house, 85 Marx, Gertrude, 69 Marx, Henry, 19 Mase, Opal, 76 Mase, Sidney Warren, 76 Mason, Celia, 76 Mason, Clara Belle, 76 Mason, Ella, 76 Mason, George K., 76 Mason, I. L., 76 Mason, Kid, 76 Mason, L. W., 47 Mason, Tom, 76 Mason, Tom's child, 76 Massa, L., 76 Massey, J. A., 29 Massey, J. C., 75, 76 Massey, Jim, 24, 76 Massey, M. A., 76 Massey, W. W., 76 Mast, J. W., 17 Matheney, E. F., 50 Matheney, E. T., 50 Mathes, Ed H., Mrs., 76 Matice, Medora A., 45 Matson, John, 14, 76, 77 Matthews, C. E., 77 Matthews, Enoch, 77 Matthews, G. M., 70 Matthews, James, 77 Matthews, Mattie, 6 Matthews, Peter F., 77 Matthews, Phil, 77 Matthews, W. D., 107 Matthews, W. J., 77 Matthews, young man, 77 Mattingly, Charles, 77 Mattox, M. C., 77 Maurer, William, 77 Maurey, E. F., 77 Maxfield, Theo., 51 Maxfield, Theodore & Bros., 77 Maxwell, Alexander, 77 Maxwell, J. R., 77 Maxwell, James, 77 Maxwell, Rosa, 77 Maxwell, Walter H. Lennox, 43 Maxwell, William, 22, 77 May, J. L., 114 May, Lawrence, 77, 101 May, Richard, 77 May, T. G., 8, 77 May, T. K., 77 May, W. A., 77 May, Will, 77 Mayers, H. A., Mrs., 77 Mayers, M. E., Miss, 77 Mayers, Mary E., 77 Mayers, R. H., 77 Mayfield, J. J., 76 Mayfield, Jack, 77 Mayhew, Arthur, 77 Maynees, Thomas A., 77 Mays, J. H., 77 Mays, Julia A., 52 McAfee, J. R., 59 McAfee, J. R., Mrs., 77 McAlmont, J. J., 42 McArthur, J., 77 McBride, D., 77 McBride, James P., 77 McCain, C. L., 123 McCain, C. L., Mrs., 123 McCain, Ross, 112 McCain, W. C., 77, 103 McCain, W. S., 36 McCall, Frank, Mrs., 77 McCallum, Annie, 28 McCallum, Joan, 77 McCallum, Lizzie Mary, 28 McCarthy, J. H., 78, 112 McCaskell, J. M., 78 McCauley, G. C., 78 McCauley, J. W., 78 McCauley, Officer, 106 McClain, Walter, 78 McClary, Lena, 78 McClendon, J. W., 97 McClintock, Alice, 78 McClintock, J. T., 78 McClintock, John S., 116 McClintock, John T., 116 McClure, Emma, 28 McClure, J. A., 78 McClure, J. S., 78 McCollum, Hugh, 78 McCombs, Geo. W., 78 McConnell, E. T., 78, 122 McConnell, James, 53 McConnell, Joe, 78 McConnell, Joseph A., 78 McCord, D. A., 78 McCord, D. F., 78 McCord, Thos., 78 McCorkle, E. W., 7 McCormick, Jno. W., 78 McCowan, C. S., 70 McCoy, Cordelia, 78, 101 McCoy, Mack, 78 McCreary, A. M., 78 McCullagh, Joseph B., 48 McCulloch & McCulloch, 78 McCulloch, E. A., 78 McCulloch, P. D., 78 McCulloch, Sallie, 115 McCullough, L. M., 16 McDaniel, Chick, 30 McDaniel, E. H., Mrs., 30 McDaniel, J. P., 110 McDaniel, John, 78 McDaniel, Laura, 30 McDonald, J. L., 78 McDonald, R., 11 McDonald, Tom's girl, 78 McDonough, J. B., 78 McDonough, James B., 78 McDowell et al, 78 McDowell, E. A., Mrs., 47 McDowell, Ed S., 47 McDowell, Riley, 17 McEarl, Will, 78 McElwee, J. C., 62 McEvoy, J. J., 78 McFarland, John, 78 McFarlane, Lucy, 19 McFarlane, R. W., 78 McGann, Ella, 67 McGavick, W. J., 78 McGee, Nettie, 78 McGehee, A., 78 McGehee, Mat T., 78 McGehee, Nettie, 78 McGhee, Barbara, 78 McGhee, Meriweather, 78 McGhehey, J. B., 79 McGill, H. O., 79 McGill, H. O., Mrs., 117 McGill, Mr. & Mrs., 79 McGill, Robert, 79 McGinnis, J. A., 110 McGlathery, N. B., 32 McGlivery, Mrs., 74 McGourk, Mr., 79 McGowne, Elizabeth, 60 McGuigan, William, Mrs., 87 McGuire, Jane, 99 McGuire, W. M., 79 McGulgan, William, Mrs., 87 McHenry, C. P., 7 McHenry, P. H., 79 McHish, A. S., 79 McIlvain, Lottie, 79 McIlwain, Lottie, 101 McIlwain, W. J., 84 Mcintosh, Ruth, 43 McKay, Duncan A., Mrs., 21 McKay, John, 12, 88 McKay, old man, 79, 94 McKee, Charles, 10 McKee, Superintendent, 105 McKeedle, Mike, 79 McKenna, Joseph, 79 McKenzie, Gertrude, 79 McKenzie, J. R., Mrs., 79 McKenzie, Newt., 79 McKenzie, Squire, 104 McKinley, President, 26, 79 McKinney, Eva, 79 McKinney, J. C., 79 McKinney, J. H., 79, 126 McKinney, W. A., 79 McKinney, W. T., 79 McKline, man, 90 McKnight, C. L., 27 McLaughlin, J. B., 79 McLaughlin, W. W., 16 McLean, George, 79 McLean, John, 63 McLendon, Green, 79 McLeod, James, 79 McLeod, John A., 79 McMahon, Frank, 15, 66, 79 McMahon, James, 79 McManus, Patrick J., 79 McMillan, Mary, 79 McMillen, A. T., 79 McMillin, A. T., 79 McMillin, Benton, 43 McMullin, R. D., 79 McMullin, Senator, 79 McMurray, Ben, 79 McMurray, Willie, 79 McMurtrey, J. S., 79 McNair, R. H., 79 McNally, John J., 80 McNally, Martha, 79 McNally, Sara, 39, 79 McNeal, Addie, 7 McNeel, Simon, 80 McNeeley, J. C., 80 McNeeley, J. L., 80 McNeeley, S. H., Mrs., 80 McNeeley, Susie, 109 McNeill, Dave A., 115 McNemer, J. F., 80 McNish, S. A., 80 McNutt, Lizzie Alice, 28 McOmber, C. M., 80 McPhelim, Edward J., 80 McPhellm, Edward J., 80 McPherson, D. W., 80 McQueen, William, 80 McQuirter, Charles, 60 McRae & Porter, 92 McRae, Alicia, 80 McRae, Corrie, 80 McRae, Gus, 80 McRae, K. G., 80 McRae, Mary, 28 McRae, Thomas C., 80 McRea, Gus, 80 McSwain, C. P., 80 McSwine, G. R., 80 McVey, C. B., 80 McWilliams, Glen, 73 Meacham, Morgan, 61 Meade Agency, 100 Meade, Geo. Gordon, 80 Meade, Geo. H., 80 Meade, John M., 80 Meade, U. L., 80 Mears, Thomas E., 28 Meat Market, Capital, 88 Medearis, R. A., 80 Medicine Co., Paris, 51 Medsker, James, 80 Meeks, J. C., 80 Meeks, J. W., 80 Meeks, O. O., 30 Meeks, W. I., 30 Mehaffey, T. M.?s boy, 80 Mehlinger, Fay, 107 Meisner, David, 80 Melcer, J. S., 80 Melton, Ona, 80, 100 Mena, Town of, 80 Mendel, A., Mrs., 80 Mendel, Albert, Mrs., 80 Menek, Mrs., 115 Menke, A. E., 80 Menke, Albert E., Mrs., 80 Menke, Albert Ernest, Mrs., 19 Menke, Mrs., 19 Mercantile Agency, Bradstreet, 68 Mercantile Co., Davis & Jones, 65, 80 Merchant, D. H., 78 Merrill, Harry, 80 Merrill, John, 62 Merritt, J. H., 23 Mesler, Susan, 21 Messenger, Lillian Rozelle, 81 Metcalf, E. H., 23 Metcalf, J. M., 86 Metcalf, J. R., 103 Metcalf, Rosa A., 23 Metzger, Fred T., 81 Meurling, Robert, 81 Meyer, B. H., 111 Meyer, Gabe, Mrs., 81 Meyer, Irene, 26, 81 Meyers, Bertie, 81 Meyers, Engineer, 81 Meyers, G. L., Mrs., 55 Meyers, G. Leslie, 81 Meyers, H. L., 81 Meyers, John, 81 Meyers, Leslie G., Mrs., 55 Mfg. & Clothing Co., Union, 114 Mfg. Co., Dallas, 125 Middlebrook, W. H., 81 Middleton, John T., 123 Miffin, Cora, 99 Milam, John, 12 Milam, W. L., 81 Milan, Mr. Rev., 81 Milburn, Thos. H., 81 Miles, Allen, 81 Miles, B. F., 7 Miles, Douglas T., 81 Miles, E. & Co., 81 Miles, Eugene, 11, 125 Miles, Gene, 125 Miles, Hosea, 81 Miles, Joe, 81 Miles, S. V., 81 Mill, Dougan, 56 Mill, Orange, 81 Mill, Wood, 111 Miller & Worley Tobacco Co., 105 Miller, A. E., 81 Miller, Agnes, 31 Miller, Amanda, 97 Miller, Annie Blair, 81 Miller, B. C., 81 Miller, Bert, 81 Miller, C. T., 81 Miller, C., Mrs., 51 Miller, Christian, Mrs., 51 Miller, D., 81 Miller, Emma, 81 Miller, Fannie B., 81 Miller, Frank, 81 Miller, Harry J., 81 Miller, Henry, 99 Miller, J. E., 81 Miller, Jacques Bernard, 13 Miller, Jennie, 84, 85 Miller, killed, 22 Miller, Lizzie, 31, 81, 101 Miller, Mary, 81 Miller, Miss, 81 Miller, Mr., 81 Miller, Mrs., 69 Miller, P. A., 81 Miller, R. J., 65 Miller, S. G., 83 Miller, Samuel A., 81 Miller, Sylvester E., 81 Miller, tramp, 34 Miller, William, 81, 82 Milliken, J. B., 82 Millinery Store, Parlor, 82 Millinery, Parlor, 36 Milling Co., Rae Patterson, 88 Milling Co., Zenith, 51 Millow, Cleve, 82 Millow, W. F., Mrs., 82 Mills, A., 82 Mills, Carter, Mrs., 82 Mills, County Judge, 66 Mills, George, 82 Mills, Jim, 76 Mills, Manie, 82 Mills, R. H. M., Mrs., 82 Mills, Senator, 75 Minich, G. R., 82 Mining Co., La Trinidad, 58 Mining Co., Melbourne, 82 Mining Co., Prairie Creek Coal, 82 Minnig, Mr. & Mrs., 82 Minnisen, William, 82 Minor, L., 82 Minor, Will's daughter, 82 Minor, Will's girl, 82 Minter, Daisy, 77 Mitchel, Henry, Mrs., 82 Mitchell, Anderson, 82 Mitchell, Charles, 82 Mitchell, E. G.'s girl, 82 Mitchell, Ed, 82 Mitchell, Elnora, 87 Mitchell, Frances, 82 Mitchell, J. P., 42 Mitchell, Jennie, 27, 82 Mitchell, Jno. A., 82 Mitchell, John A., 82 Mitchell, Mose, 82 Mitchell, Mr., 82 Mitchell, O. P. D., 82 Mitchell, Tom, 82 Mitchell, W. E., 82 Mitchell, W. H., 46 Mitchell, Will, 82 Mitchell, Wm. E., 82 Mizell & Coates, 82 Mizell, H. B., 82 Mizell, H. R., 82 Moffet, J. L., 12 Moffit, W. H., 82 Monahan & Viquesney, 82 Moncrief, J. J., 5 Monroe, Jennie, 82 Monroe, T. C., 82 Montgomery, A. H., 82 Montgomery, J. M., 83 Montgomery, Marguerite, 83 Montgomery, Pink, 83 Montgomery, R. L., 83 Montgomery, Roy, 83 Montgomery, W. E., 83 Montgomery; Lizzie Woodward, 83 Monticello Normal, 83 Moon, H. H., 78 Moore, A. G., 83 Moore, Adeline, 83 Moore, Albert, 83 Moore, Augusta, 57 Moore, Augustis, 83 Moore, boy, 83 Moore, C. H., 73 Moore, Clara, 118 Moore, Frances, Mrs., 83 Moore, George, 83 Moore, Georgie Belle, 28 Moore, H. W., 11 Moore, I., 116 Moore, J. B., 83, 114 Moore, J. D., 83 Moore, J. R., 25 Moore, Jas., 83 Moore, Jas. T., 115 Moore, John, 83 Moore, John M., 83 Moore, Jos., 83 Moore, Madge, 89 Moore, Marion, 83 Moore, Rev., 117 Moore, T. M., 83 Moore, Timothy, 57, 83 Moore, W. A., 83 Moore, W. M., Mrs., 83 Moore, W. R., 111 Moore, Walter, 83 Moorehead, W. H., 28 Moose, James, 75 Moose, Jim, 13 Moose, President, 83 Moose, W. L., 83 Morarity, Daniel J., 83 Moren, M. S., 83 Morgan & Patten, 83 Morgan, C. M., 83 Morgan, Cora B., 83 Morgan, H. I., 83 Morgan, Harry J., 83 Morgan, Isaac, 83 Morgan, Jim, 53 Morgan, S. T., Jr., 83 Morgoner, G., 83 Morley, William, 83 Morly, Mary, 57 Moroney, Sheriff, 83 Morrell, M. P., 84 Morrilton prohibition district, 97 Morrilton, Ark., Saloons, 88 Morrilton, Ark., teachers, 84 Morrilton, Ark., wet again, 84 Morris, Benjamin A., 84 Morris, E. C., 84 Morris, E. D., 84 Morris, Ira, 42 Morris, John, 84 Morris, Nelson, 20 Morris, Patrick, 84 Morris, Sarah A., 37 Morris, Shadrick, 20 Morris, W. E., 84 Morris, W. F., 98 Morris, W. N., 42 Morris, William, 84 Morrison, H. W., 84 Morrison, J. M., 84 Morrison, John, 84 Morrison, Mr., 83 Morrison, Mrs., 84 Morrison, Tom, 84 Morrison, Wm., 84 Morrow, Charles, 84 Morrow, David C., 115 Morrow, John F., 74 Morton, Clara, 5 Morton, D. N., 84 Morton, Frankie, 5 Morton, Hester M., 84 Morton, Jay, 84 Morton, Robert, 84 Moscowitz, Bertha, 84 Moscowitz, H., 84 Moseley, E. J., 122 Moseley, John, 84 Moseley, William, 109 Mosely, Cornelius, 44 Mosely, J. O., 65 Moser, Ida, 84 Moser, J. P., 84 Moses, E. H., 84 Moses, Milton, 109 Mosher, J. C., 84 Mosley, F. A., 74 Mosley, Lou, 97 Moss, Charles Edgar, 101 Moss, J. B., 84 Moss, W. B., 84 Moss, Wm. B., 84 Mowery, R., 84 Moyer, Samuel, 84, 85, 109 Moyers, W. J., 85 Muir, M. B., Miss., 85 Mullen, C. E., 85 Muller, Mike, 85 Mumper, J. W., Mrs., 85 Munn, Andrew, 111 Munroe, L. M., 85 Munroe, L. W., 85 Munsenheimer, Gus, 85 Munsenheimer, Pauline, 85 Murdaugh, F. G., 85 Murdock, W. A., Mrs., 85 Murdough, Bessie, 93 Murdough, David, 85 Murphy, Bessie, 85 Murphy, G. W., 85 Murphy, Grace, 85 Murphy, Jennie, 85 Murphy, John L., 99 Murphy, John T., 92 Murphy, Rosa M., 72 Murphy, S. M., 85 Murray, Arthur, 85 Murray, Fred, 59 Murray, Jno. R., 50 Murrell, Geo. P., 85 Murrell, Mary B., 85 Murry, C. V., 7 Murta, C. J., 85 Murtha, J. B., 85 Myar, Fannie, 70 Myers, A. P., 85 Myers, Frank, 85 Myers, G. L., 85 Myers, John, 85 Myers, T. T., 85 N Nall, R. H., 85 Nance, Jim, 85 Nash, Elise, 85 Nash, L. B., 85 Nash, Lucile, 85 Nation, escapee, 39 Native American, Almighty Voice, 6 Native American, Boudinot, E. C., 16 Native American, Brown, Deborah, 19 Native American, Chief Tecumseh, 64 Native American, Dawes Indian Commission, 9 Native American, Johnson, Richard H., 64 Nauck, Charles C., 85 Naylor, Geo. C., 116 Naylor, George C., 85 Naylor, Jas. C., 85 Neal, D. B., 81 Neal, Elizabeth V., 81 Neal, Ella, 107 Neal, Frank, 6 Neale, J. J., 78 Neat, Geo. W., 56 Neehaus, William F., 85 Neeley, James F., 93 Neely, Elias, 87 Neely, J. B., 85 Neely, Jas. H., 85 Neely, Wm., 85 Neff, W. B., 85 Neil, Ernest, 86 Neil, Robert, 86 Neill, Arthur, 86 Neill, Eleanor, 28 Neill, J. A., 76 Neimeyer, A. J., 27 Neimeyer, J. H., 86 Nelson, Baker, 86 Nelson, Cecil, 86 Nelson, Jerry A,, 86 Nelson, Jerry W., 86 Nelson, N. W., 86 Nelson, Virgil, 86 Nettle, Perry, 86 Nettles, Mattie, 116 Neuks, Reuben, 86 Neville, Walter, 14 New Lewisville, Ark., postmistress, 106 New, John C., 55 Newburne, Mary Ann, 16 Newland, Officer, 106 Newman, A. J., 86 Newman, C. G., 86 Newman, Charles E., Mrs., 86 Newman, Edna, 86 Newman, Erb., 86 Newman, I. A., 86 Newman, Minnie, 86 Newport, Ark., druggist, 38 Newport, Ark., fire, 86 Newport, Ark., postmaster, 40 Newspaper, Arkansas Methodist, 14 Newspaper, Arkansas Valley Pilot, 114 Newspaper, Arkansian, 16 Newspaper, Augusta Free Press, 52 Newspaper, Baptist Review, 106 Newspaper, Batesville Guard, 78 Newspaper, Baxter County Citizen, 23, 45 Newspaper, Bee, 16 Newspaper, Benton County Democrat, 46 Newspaper, Black Rock Blade, 20, 120 Newspaper, Boone Banner, 8, 97 Newspaper, Brinkley News, 51 Newspaper, Camden Beacon, 122 Newspaper, Carlisle News, 124 Newspaper, Christian Advocate, 59 Newspaper, Chronicle, 106 Newspaper, Chronicle Enterprise, 94 Newspaper, City News, 49 Newspaper, Clinton Democrat, 90 Newspaper, Commercial Appeal, 76 Newspaper, Conway Daily Light, 71, 73 Newspaper, Conway Democrat, 53 Newspaper, Craighead County Sun, 26 Newspaper, Daily Call, 99 Newspaper, Dardanelle Dispatch, 21, 66 Newspaper, Dardanelle Pilot, 114 Newspaper, Democrat, 53 Newspaper, Denver Times, 37 Newspaper, Dermott Incubator, 119 Newspaper, Des Arc Guillon, 9 Newspaper, Devall?s Bluff Enterprise, 87 Newspaper, Dispatch, 6 Newspaper, Drew County Advance, 124 Newspaper, Dunklin County News, 74 Newspaper, Eureka Springs Fountain, 26, 42 Newspaper, Evening Graphic, 21 Newspaper, Evening Journal, 93, 117 Newspaper, Fayetteville Daily, 54 Newspaper, Fayetteville Sentinel, 16, 60, 64, 95 Newspaper, Fort Smith News-Record, 66 Newspaper, Forum, 50 Newspaper, Free-Press, 107 Newspaper, Gate City News, 99 Newspaper, Gazette, 21, 22, 35, 56, 72, 76, 79, 80, 99, 114, 124 Newspaper, Gillett Herald, 39 Newspaper, Globe Democrat, 48 Newspaper, Gravett News, 24, 39 Newspaper, Green Forrest Tribune, 67 Newspaper, Hamburg Eagle, 120 Newspaper, Harrison Times, 82, 121 Newspaper, Headlight, 122 Newspaper, Helena Horn, 114 Newspaper, Herald, 48, 93 Newspaper, Home Guard, 11 Newspaper, Hope Chronicle, 54, 90, 111 Newspaper, Hope Gazette, 43, 106 Newspaper, Hot Springs Sentinel, 95 Newspaper, Houston Post, 119 Newspaper, Johnson County Herald, 54 Newspaper, Jonesboro Times, 26, 61, 118 Newspaper, Journal, 14 Newspaper, Judsonia Advance, 125 Newspaper, Lafayette Recorder, 80 Newspaper, Little Rock Evening Journal, 73 Newspaper, Lonoke Citizen, 122 Newspaper, Lonoke Democrat, 57 Newspaper, Louisville Courier-Journal, 22 Newspaper, Malvern Times-Journal, 40 Newspaper, Mammoth Spring Monitor, 45 Newspaper, Marion Reform, 63 Newspaper, Marvell Maxim, 66 Newspaper, Mirror, 116 Newspaper, Mississippi County Democrat, 72 Newspaper, Monticelionian, 31 Newspaper, Morrilton Headlight, 75 Newspaper, Mountain Echo, 66 Newspaper, Nashville News, 115 Newspaper, Nevada Picayune, 101 Newspaper, Newport Herald, 27 Newspaper, News-Record, 66 Newspaper, Ouachita Herald, 61, 67, 104 Newspaper, Ozark Democrat, 103 Newspaper, Paris Eagle, 21 Newspaper, Paris Express, 104 Newspaper, Pine Bluff Commercial, 86, 97, 120 Newspaper, Pine Bluff Graphic, 5, 43 Newspaper, Princetonian, 87 Newspaper, Record, 34 Newspaper, Recorder, 79 Newspaper, Rison Bazoo, 109 Newspaper, Rogers Republican, 42, 64, 66, 110 Newspaper, Saline County Courier, 121 Newspaper, Saline Courier, 60 Newspaper, Searcy Beacon, 41, 63, 92 Newspaper, Sharp County Record, 11, 126 Newspaper, Shreveport Evening Journal, 117 Newspaper, Southern Economist, 92 Newspaper, Stuttgart Chronicle, 107 Newspaper, Texarkana Daily Courier, 109 Newspaper, Texarkanian, 35 Newspaper, Times, 32, 56, 92 Newspaper, Times-Independent, 116 Newspaper, Tribune, 80, 123 Newspaper, True Democrat, 16 Newspaper, Truth, The, 110 Newspaper, Tuckerman Gazette, 29 Newspaper, Van Buren Press, 82, 109 Newspaper, Van Buren Times, 95 Newspaper, Van Buren Venture, 82 Newspaper, Washington Post, 76 Newspaper, White County Citizen, 63 Newspaper, White County News, 60 Newspaper, Woodruff County Free Press, 87 Newton, A. W., 86 Newton, Annie, 89 Newton, C. M., 74 Newton, Charles M., 118 Newton, D., 86 Newton, E. C., 98 Newton, Ed S., 86, 93 Newton, Fay, 89 Newton, I. C., 86 Newton, Isaac, 89 Newton, M. F., 86 Newton, Randolph, 62 Newton, W. F., 86 Nichols, Aletha B., 111 Nichols, B. F., 86 Nichols, Bond, 86 Nichols, Boyd, 86 Nichols, Frank, 73 Nichols, Miss, 28 Nichols, Pearl, 26 Nichols, Ruby, 86 Nicholson, John, 86 Niemeyer, A. J., 27 Niemeyer, Jacob, 86 Niven, C. D., 86 Nix, children, 86 Nix, Etta, 86 Nix, Isau, 86 Nix, Minnie, 86 Nixon, C. A., 110 Noble, Elnora, 108 Noble, Sarah A., 86 Nobles, John, 86 Nobles, Thedore, 86 Nofire, Jesse, 99 Nofire, John, 99 Nordman, Geo.?s boy, 86 Nordman, George's boy, 87 Norfleet, Eugenia, 114 Norfleet, Eugenia Stinson, 87 Norfleet, Mrs., 112 Noriell, Mr., 87 Norman, Isaac, 87 Norman, St. Clair, Miss, 87 Normile, Corrie, 87 Norris, A. W., 87 Norris, B. A., 87 Norris, Early, 87 Norris, Ella, 117 Norris, H. C., 123 Norris, J. L., 87 Norris, J. M., 117 Norris, Marietta, 123 Norriss, escapee, 39 North Little Rock; teachers, 87 Northman, Will, 39 Norton, T. M., 87 Norwood, Mary, 112 Nowlin, Henry, 87 Nugent, J. E., 87 Nunerie, Lizzie, 87 Nunnally, Perry, 87 Nutt, Dora, 5 O O?Bannon, Thomas, 87 O?Brien, Jas., 87 O?Brien, P. J., 87 O?Carroll, Prof., 87 O?Connell, Daniel, 87 O?Connell, John, 46 O?Daniel, C. B., 109 O?Donnell, Thomas, 87 O?Dougherty, Terrence, 22 O?Hair, J. T., 31 O?Neal, Judge's girl, 87 O?Neill, Eva, 87 O?Sherwood, J. K., 87 Oat Meal Co., Corle & Sons, 17 Oates, Lucy, 50 Oates, Manda, 121 Oates, W. M., 50, 73 Oberman, Etta, 87 Odom, J. S., 11, 87 Oettinger, Fanny, 73 Oettinger, Minnie, 73 Ogby, Annie, 22 Ogden, Mrs., 20 Ogilby, Edward L., 87 Oglesby, T. M., 87 Oil Co., Southern, 64 Oldfield, M., 87 Oldfield, Wm., 87 Oldham, D. J., 5 Oldham, Kie, 87, 119 Oliphint, T. J., 87 Oliver, Elijah, 88 Oliver, Frank, 88 Oliver, George C., 88, 100 Oliver, L. A., Mrs., 26 Oliver, Mrs., 69 Oliver, Willie, 88, 101 Olson, J. W., 88 Olson, P. V., Mrs., 68 Opera House, Luxora, 74 Oppenheimer, Sam, 92 Optic, Oliver, 88 Orchestra, Capital Theatre, 92 Organ, C. H., 93 Orlopp, M. A., 88 Orlopp, Max, 88 Orphan Home, Buckner, 14, 18, 39, 45, 49, 60, 62, 64, 67, 75, 82, 86, 87, 96, 126 Orr, Al S., 93 Orr, K. D., 93 Orr, Nora, 31 Orr, R. G., 31 Orrell, S. J., 84, 88 Orto daughter, 27 Orto, Dr., 27 Osborn, C. W., 88 Osborne, Ed C., 88 Osborne, J. E., 88 Ottenheimer, A., Mrs., 88 Ottenheimer, Addie, 28 Ottenheimer, Hallie, 88 Overstreet, W. J., 88 Owen, B. D., 88 Owen, B. D., Mrs., 88 Owen, Elle D., 88 Owen, George, 88 Owen, Virgil, 8 Owens, Bettie, 88 Owens, Emma, 88 Owens, J. G., 88 Owens, M., 88 Owens, O. U., 119 Owens, W. F., 88 Owensby, Nath, 88 Owensby, Thomas, 88 Ownes, O. U., 88 Oyler, George O., 75 P Pablo, Chief, 88 Pace, Mattie, 88 Pace, W. F., 103 Packard, E. E., 88 Packing and Stock Yards, Brecht-Martin, 18 Packing House, Armour, 8 Paden, John H., 88 Page, John, 88 Paine, Pat, 88 Parchman, Lemuel, 88 Pareirie, Isaac, 88 Parham, E. H., 88 Parham, John, 88 Parham, John L., 88 Parham, S. F., 5 Parish, George, 88 Parish, J. C., 88 Parish, W. N., 78, 88 Park, Mr., 45 Park, William, 88 Parkel, Charles, 88 Parkel, Clara, 89 Parkel, Earl, 88 Parkel, Ethel, 89 Parker & Cates, 51 Parker & Ewing & Co., 81 Parker, Arthur, 47 Parker, Bunk, 89 Parker, Cecelia, 89 Parker, Cecilia, 89 Parker, Charles J., 89 Parker, Chas., 89 Parker, Dual S., 89 Parker, Emma O., 38 Parker, Ewing & Co., 89 Parker, H., 21 Parker, H. D., 89 Parker, Henry D., 113 Parker, Ida, 89 Parker, M. A., Mrs., 89 Parker, Max, Mrs., 89, 101 Parker, Sam, 89 Parker, W. H., 89 Parker, W. H., Mrs., 87 Parker, Walter, 89 Parker, Watt, 89 Parker, Will, 101 Parks, Cassie, 89 Parks, George, 94 Parks, James C., 89 Parks, Jasper, 68 Parks, Tilman Bacon, 89 Parks, W. P., 89 Parnell, Eugene, 89 Parr, Percy, 89 Parr, William, 90 Parramore, Ollie, 89 Parrish, J. C., 89 Parse, J. W., 89 Parsel, Lula G., 88 Parsley, Levi, 89 Parsons, Harry D., 89 Parsons, Julia, 7 Partee, R. D., 59 Parteet, Elijah, Sr., 89 Paschal, J. H., 8, 43, 89, 111 Paschal, J. H., Jr., 89 Pate, W. H., 23 Patillo, C. E., 25 Patrick, Dick, 39 Patridge, L. W., 93 Patten, B. E., 17 Patterson, John, 89 Patterson, Lee, 18 Patterson, Rae, 88 Pattillo, C. E., 89 Patton, A. H., 90 Patton, James, Mrs., 89, 90 Patton, Jas. G., Mrs., 90 Patton, T. J., 89 Patton, Thomas D., 90 Patton, Wm. J., 90 Paul, Caroline, 90 Paul, Charlotte, 90 Paul, Lelia, 17 Paul, Lena, 17 Paul, William, 90 Paulett, Engineer, 90 Paulette, Joe, Mrs., 90 Paulette, John, 90 Pawnbroker Co., First National, 18, 19 Pawnbroking Co., First National, 19 Paxon, Lewis, 90 Paxton, Louis, 90 Payne, C. W., 90 Payne, Charles, 33 Payne, Constable, 90, 91 Payne, Hester, 111 Payne, Simon?s boy, 90 Payne, Solomon, 53 Payne, unknown man, 90 Payne, W. E., 41 Peabody, graduates, 31 Pearcy, I. J., 15 Pearlman, R. E., Mrs., 90 Pearson, R. M., 31, 72 Pearson, W. R., 46, 90 Peash, Ethel, 90 Peay, Gordon, 90 Peay, Gordon N., 125 Peay, Justice, 90, 117 Peay, Reyburn, Mrs., 106 Peay, W. N., 77 Peckham, Harry, 90 Peckham, M. S., 90 Peebles, Thomas, 90 Peel, C. W., 90 Pegg, Joel A., 90 Pela, Eugene, 10 Pendergrass, Dianey, 90 Penitentiary Board, 90 Penn, Lillie, 93 Pennington, Edna, 90 Pennington, Sidney P., 90 Pennington, V. L., 90 Pennington, William, 90 Penny, Jim, 90 Penzel Grocer Co., 90 Penzel, A. C., 8 Penzel, C. F., 90 Penzel, C. F., Mrs., 90 Penzel, Chas. F., 90, 92 Penzel, Chas. P., 90 Penzel, Hedwig, 90 Penzel, Marcella, 90 Peper, Christian, 20 Peppers, John, 90 Peppinger, A., 107 Perdue, A. M., 49 Perdue, A. Monroe, 49 Perdue, Arthur Monroe, 49 Perdue, James, 91 Perkins, John, 91 Perkins, Will, 91 Perrie, T. C., Mrs., 91 Perrin, James, 91 Perry, Allie, 12 Perry, O. D., 11 Perry, S., 34 Perry, Zeke, 91 Peters, Simon, 126 Peterson, H., 91 Peterson, John, 91 Peterson, Pearl Young, 44 Pettefer Bros., 75 Pettefer, Harry, 43 Pettifer Bros., 75 Pettifer, Ambrose, 110 Pettifer, H., 43 Pettifur, Ambrose, Jr., 110 Pettigrew, Annie E., 91 Pettigrew, Hugh L., 91 Pettis, Gov., 87 Pettis, US Senator, 87 Petty, James, 91 Peyton, Fred, 91 Pfeifer, A. H., 66 Pfeifer, Arthur H., 66, 91 Pfeifer, Eugene, 91 Pfeifer, Eugene M., 101 Pfeifer, Jos., 91 Pfeifer, Joseph, 5 Pfeifer, Louis, 91 Pfeifer, Louis W., 102 Pfiefer, A. H., 66 Pharmacists, Hale & Hale, 51 Pharmacy, Bond's, 16 Phelps, S. R., 31 Phillhasefh, Will, 8 Phillips, Ella, 91 Phillips, girl, 91 Phillips, J. W., 5, 29 Phillips, John, 91 Phillips, K. S., Miss, 91 Phillips, Viola, 7 Phillips, William, 91 Philpot, C. M., 114 Pickariz, Ferdinand, 91 Pickens, James, 91 Pierce, A. B., 91 Pierce, Albert, 47 Pierce, Elijah, 32 Pierce, Eula, 36, 91 Pierce, H. N., 87 Pierce, M. W., 77 Pierce, W. E., 62 Pierson, W. J., 7 Pillars, Addison, 91 Pillow, Ensley, 122 Pillow, J. B., 109 Pillow, Melville, 122 Pillow, R. G., 82, 122 Pine Bluff Mill & Elevator Co., 21 Pine Bluff, Ark., merchants, 99 Piper, Fred, Mrs., 59, 91 Piper, Missie, 91, 125 Pipkin, J. M., 91 Pipkin, J. W., 91 Pirts & Zeller, 43 Pitmore, Perry, 91 Pittman, Harvey, 118 Pitts, Ann, 91 Pitts, Shoffner & Co., 113 Place, Frank C., 91 Place, P. O., 91 Planters? Warehouse & Compress, 111 Pleasant, J. S., 87 Plummer, Sheriff, 91 Plunkett, Riley D., 91 Poe, A. B., 85 Poindexter, John, 91 Poley, E. S., Mrs., 77 Polhanius, Frank, Mrs., 38 policeman, three murdered, 120 Polk, Allen James, 91 Polk, Rufus J., 91 Pollard, Lena H., 91, 92 Pollock & Hirsch, 55, 56 Pollock, A., Mrs., 40 Pollock, Effie, 92 Pollock, J. S., Mrs., 68 Pollock, Leo, 92 Pollock, M., 66 Polly, Frank, 92 Poole-Adams Co., 92 Pope, J. W., 92 Pope, Willie, 92 Porter & McRae, 92 Porter, D. O., 92 Porter, Edwin, 35 Porter, J. I., 28 Porter, J. L., 111 Porter, Johnson, 92 Porter, N. E., Mrs., 92 Porter, Nellie, 110 Porter, R. W., 92 Porter, W. A., 92 Porter, William, 92 Postmaster at Koshkonong, 109 Postmaster at Wampoo, 76 postmaster, 4th class, 59, 76, 104, 105 Postmasters, 11, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 41, 46, 49, 57, 58, 61, 65, 68, 69, 71, 76, 77, 82, 84, 85, 91, 103, 107, 108, 111, 113, 115, 122 Potter, J. B., 11 Potts, J. R., 5 Potts, Joseph, 26 Potts, T. S., 57 Potts, Theo. F., Mrs., 43 Potts, Theodore P., 92 Powell, Buck, 92 Powell, Stephen, 77 Powell, T. C., 92 Powers, James, 92 Powers, Julia, 7 Powers, William T., 92 Praeter, H. R., 92 Prather, D. J., 92, 112 Prather, Mariah, 84, 85 Pratt, C. A., 92 Pratt, Geo. D., 28 Pratt, Mary M., 28 Preller, Arthur, 43 Presley, Will, 92 Price Vinegar Co., 90 Price, Byton, 92 Price, Carrie, 108 Price, Frank?s wife, 92 Price, Frank's baby, 92 Price, J. G., 16, 92 Price, J. N., 94 Price, Maxie, 28 Price, N. B., 92 Price, R. E., 49 Price, T. I., 92 Price, W. F. M., 12 Price, W. M., 8 Pride, Sue Ellen, 28 Pridmore, Franklin, 92 Prince, Editor's boy, 92 Prince, Hattie, 92 Prince, Homer's son, 92 Prince, P. H., 92 Printing Co., Brown, 22, 92 Printing Co., Little Rock, 72 Pritchard, Tennessee, 6 Pro, J. C., 80, 92 Proctor, Robert, 79 Prothro, W. W., 92 Prouty, Blanche, 101 Prouty, Edna, 101 Pruett, William E., 115 Pryor, Birdie E., 93 Publication Co., Arkansas Staats-Zeiturg, 8 Publishing Co., Arkansas Herald, 93 Publishing Co., Journal, 93 Publishing Co., Press, 49 Puckett, George, 93 Puckett, J. H. A., 93 Puckett, Ped, 41 Puddephatt, Chas. H., 93 Puelon, C. T., 103 Pulliam, Mattie, 98 Purcell, A. W., 93 Purcell, T. H., 93 Purdum, Jessie Irene, 25 Puryear & Knuckles, 59 Puryear, J. M., 93 Putnam, Alice, 93 Pyburn, Frank, 93 Pynchon, Carrie D., 18 Q Quarles, Ed, 93 Quarrier, Cushman, 10 Quest, Minnie, 24 Quigg, W. H., 93 Quinlan, Mr., 67 Quinn, D. D., 93 Quinn, J. P., 93 Quinn, Joe P., 36, 76, 93, 121 Quinn, Ruth, 93 Quinn?s store, 40 R Ragsdale, Bill, 103 Ragsdale, Jacob, 93 Ragsdale, Jake, 103 Ragsdale, Tom, 93, 103 Ragsdale, William, 93 Railey, G. T., Mrs., 5 Railroad, D. & R., 18 Railroad, Gulf & Interstate, 41 Railroad, Hot Springs, 84, 96 Railroad, Iron Mountain, 69 Railroad, K. & A.V., 81 Railroad, Kansas City Springfield & Memphis, 32 Railroad, Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf, 24 Railroad, L. R. & H. S., 93 Railroad, Little Rock & Memphis, 80 Railroad, Little Rock, Hot Springs & Texas, 63, 73 Railroad, Lott, 73 Railroad, Missouri Pacific, 6 Railroad, New Orleans & Western, 37 Railroad, Pike City, 67 Railroad, Santa Fe, 44 Railroad, Southwestern Arkansas & Indian Territory, 98 Railroad, St Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, 93 Railroad, St. L. I. M. & S., 93 Railroad, St. L. S. W., 93 Railroad, St. L., I. M. & S., 93 Railroad, St. Louis & Iron Mountain, 93 Railroad, St. Louis Southwestern, 93 Railroad, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, 34, 83, 93 Railroad, St. Louis, Southwestern, 67 Railroad, Texas & Pacific, 58 Railroad, Texas Central, 95 Railroad, Union & Northern Pacific, 21 Railroad, White & Black River Valley, 44 Railway Brotherhoods, 93 Railway, Argenta Street, 119 Railway, Batesville St., 27 Railway, Cotton Belt, 43 Railway, Fort Worth & Denver, 57 Railway, Hot Springs Street, 64 Railway, K. C. Ft. S. & W., 93 Railway, K.C., Fort Smith and M., 77 Railway, Kansas City, Fort Smith & Memphis, 77 Railway, Kansas City, Fort Smith and Memphis, 93 Railway, L. R. & Ft. S., 69 Railway, Little Rock & Fort Smith, 68, 72, 93, 94, 98, 127 Railway, Memphis & Little Rock, 93 Railway, Missouri Pacific, 94, 96 Railway, New Orleans & Western, 122 Railway, Saline River, 37 Railway, Southwestern Arkansas & Indian Territory, 94 Railway, St. L., S. W., 94 Railway, St. Louis & San Francisco, 110 Railway, St. Louis & Southwestern, 97 Railway, St. Louis Southwestern, 66, 94 Railway, St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas, 94 Railway, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, 7, 21, 53, 55, 59, 60, 79, 94, 102 Rainey, Bettie, 94 Rainey, S. D., 94 Rainey, W. S., 63, 94 Rains, J. M., 94 Rakovis, Joe, 94 Raleigh, Fred, 59 Ralley, G. T., 5 Ralph, L., 94 Ralph, Levi, 94 Ralph, Louis, 94 Ramey, Dr., 94 Ramey, H. M., 94 Ramsay, W. P., 94 Ramsey, babe, 94 Ramsey, Howard, 102 Ramsey, Ida, 87 Ramsey, S. D., 94 Ramsey, W. A., 41, 94 Ramsey, W. H., 94 Ramsey, W. K., 116 Ramsey, W. K., Mrs., 116 Ranch, David, 73 Ranch, H. D., 94 Rand, E. N., 93 Rand, J. C., 89 Rand, J. C., Mrs., 89 Rankin, Alice, 94 Rankin, Jas., 94 Rankin, W. H., 94 Rankins, M. M., Mrs., 73 Rass, F. A., 94 Rast, Josephine, 94 Ratcliffe, C. E., 94 Ratcliffe, C. E., Mrs., 94 Ratterree, Allan, 55 Ratterree, Ernest, 94 Ratterree, J. A., 94 Ratterree, M., Mrs., 94 Rauthrauf, A. S.'s boy, 95 Ravlin, Joe W., 95 Rawlings, Prof., 87 Rawlings, T. B., 92 Ray, J. F., 115 Ray, W. H., 114 Ray, William H., 114 Raymond, Nellie, 63 Raymond, tramp printer, 74 Reach, Martin, 93 Read, F. C., 109 Reagan, Hugh F., 95 Reagen, Hugh F., 75 Reas, J. S., 95 Reave?s old stand, 71 Reaves, A. S., 49 Reaves, E. T., Mrs., 121 Reaves, J. J., 95 Reaves, Katie, 11 Reaves, Maggie, 95 Rebecca, Daughters of, 20, 113 Rector, H. M., 98, 103 Rector, Henry M., 95 Rector, U. M., 114 Redd, James, 95 Redd, Jas., 95 Redd, Jim, 104 Redd, Joe, 95 Redden, J. N.'s boy, 95 Redding, S. W., Mrs., 95 Redding, Sid B., 11, 95 Redding, Sidney, Mrs., 12 Reed, Charles B., 95 Reed, G. W., 107 Reed, J. Fay, 95 Reed, J. H. C., 90 Reed, James R., 95 Reed, Jim, 95 Reed, John, 95 Reed, M. J., Mrs., 95 Reed, Mrs., 35, 95 Reed, Will M., 95 Reef, Mr. & Mrs., 125 Reefe, child, 95 Reefe, Mr. & Mrs., 95 Reeve, D., 47 Reeves, A. L., 95 Reeves, B. W., 7 Reeves, Ben's boy, 95 Reeves, Clifford, 95 Reeves, Jacob J. R., 95 Regiment, Lead Mine, 105 Reibaldi, Rocco, 73 Reichard, Julius, 95 Reichardt, George, 8 Reid, Charles W., 95 Reid, S.A., Mrs., 95 Reider, Anne, 95 Reigler, Kate A., 96 Reiman, Wm., 96 Reinberger, Ben F., 96 Reinman stables, 96 Reinman Stables, 96 Reinman, A., 14 Reinman, Louis, 96 Remmel stave mill, 54 Remmel, H. L., 96, 107 Renaud, Blanche, 83 Renfro, J. S., 96 Renfro, Mrs., 82 Renfroe, John, 96 Renfroe, John S., 94 Reno, H. O., 93 Reno, Harry, Mrs., 33 Ren-Patterson Milling Co., 88 Resor, Morgan, 107 Retan, A., Mrs., 96 Rexroads, H. F., 96 Reynolds, J. E., 9 Reynolds, J. H., 96 Reynolds, J. N., 90 Reynolds, Rogers & Lay, 96 Reynolds, Samantha, 96 Reynolds, William, 96 Rhea, Andy, 96 Rhea, Tedford C., 115 Rhea, W. B., 96 Rhea, W. P., 96 Rhoades, John, 59 Rhodes, H. E., 111 Rhodes, R. R., 96 Rhone, Fayette, 96 Rhoten, Lewis, 96 Rice, Annie M., 96 Rice, C. E., 119 Rice, Jennie Deloney, 96 Rice, Jenny Delony, 96 Rice, Julia, 96 Rice, Julia F., 8, 76, 96 Rice, Justin R., 96 Rice, Stix & Co., 9 Rich, Edna, 96 Richards, Frank, 96 Richards, W. G., 96 Richards, Willie, 96 Richardson, Alice, 96 Richardson, D. B., 72 Richardson, Electa L., 57 Richardson, J. J., 96 Richardson, L. D., 96 Richardson, Nat, 96 Richardson, Olla, 28 Richardson, S. E., 96 Richardson, Sam, 96 Richen, Rena, 96 Richerson, Engineer, 81 Richie, Henry G., 96 Richmond, Ada, 96 Richmond, Alice E., 101 Riddle, R. H., 96 Riderick, J. H.?s girl, 97 Ridgeway, Catherine, 76 Ridling, Ada, 38 Ried, W., 97 Rieff, Joe, M., 97 Rieff, Nellie, 97 Rieff, O. S., 97 Rieff, O. S., Mrs., 50 Riffel, Bayard, 97 Riffel, Kirby, 97 Riffel, Nettie F., 97 Riggs, Jesse, 97 Riggs, Wm., 24 Rightsell, J. R., Mrs. Prof., 51 Riley, B. W., Mrs., 13 Riley, Ben, 59 Riley, Ben W., Mrs., 13 Riley, M. C., 89 Ringlehaupt, S., 60 Ringo, Dr., 124 Ripley, Henry, 97 Rison, Albert W., 97 Ritchie, J. E., 97 Ritchie, J. Y., Mrs., 56 Ritchie, Joe, 32 Ritchie, State Land Commissioner, 97 Ritchie, W. P., 71 Ritchie, Walter, 97 Rittenstein, Emma, 97 Rivers, Bird, 13 Rix, C. N., 97 Rix, Chas. N., 97 Rix, Fred N., 97 Rix, Mat, 97 Roark, baby boy, 97 Robbins, A., Mrs., 109 Robbins, Allie, 44 Robbins, Hiram, 97, 117, 118 Robbins, Justice, 44 Robbins, Mamie, 63 Robbins, S. P.'s girl, 97 Robbins, Steve, 97 Robers, W. C., 97 Roberts, children, 97 Roberts, Claude, 97 Roberts, H. G., 97 Roberts, infant, 97 Roberts, J. C., 30 Roberts, J. W., 97 Roberts, Lesrer E., 97 Roberts, Mord, 11, 97 Roberts, Mr. & Mrs., 97 Roberts, Mrs., 120 Roberts, Officer, 51 Roberts, S. M., 93, 97 Roberts, wife, 97 Robertson, Alice, 97 Robertson, J. J., 97 Robertson, J. T., 97 Robertson, Jack, 44 Robertson, Jack E., 44 Robertson, John J., 97 Robertson, Morgan, 97 Robertson, T. J., 97 Robertson, Tom, 91, 97 Robertson, W. N., Mrs., 30 Robins, O. J., 97 Robinson & Townsley, 97 Robinson, A. M., 97 Robinson, Arthur, 97 Robinson, C. R., 110 Robinson, G. W., 70 Robinson, J. A., 46, 96, 97, 123 Robinson, J. C. N., 97 Robinson, man, 97 Robinson, Minnie, 51 Robinson, old man, 74 Robinson, R. J., 97 Robinson, S. C., 47 Robinson, Tom, 98 Robinson, W. G. B., 98 Robkin, Mechanic's boy, 98 Robson, Stuart, 8 Rochon, Frank, 98 Rochon, Geo., 98 Rockwood, T. E., 98 Rodenbough, Lillie, 98 Roderick, W. B., 98 Rodgers, M. C., 98 Roesch, Anna, 21 Roesch, Carrie, 98 Roesh, Fred, 98 Rogers, A. L., 98 Rogers, Amy, 62 Rogers, C. T., 98 Rogers, D. G., 98 Rogers, Fannie, 48 Rogers, Geo. W., 98 Rogers, Henry, 98 Rogers, Ike, 48, 98 Rogers, Jacob W., 98 Rogers, Jeremiah B., 98 Rogers, John H., 98 Rogers, P. A., 98 Rogers, S. W., 82 Rogers, Wm. H., 98 Rolax, Oliver, 98 Rolex, John F., 28 Rolf, Rolf, 18 Roller, Robt., 98 Rollins, S. R., 27 Rollins, S. W., 27 Rollins, Sol, 98 Romadka Bros., 98 Romine, W. E., 98 Roots, Emily M., 46 Roots, Logan H., 98 Roots, Miriam, Miss, 98 Roots, P. K., 16, 98 Roper, Harvey, 98 Rose, Emma, 28, 98 Rose, Ernest, 56 Rose, G. B., 98 Rose, Hemingway & Rose, 35 Rose, J. E., 83, 98 Rose, Jessie, 98 Rose, John E., 98 Rose, L. C., 98 Rose, L. W., 42, 98 Rose, U. M., 98 Rosenbaum, Chas., 75 Rosenbaum, E. A., 98 Rosenberg & Miller, 51 Rosenham, E. A., 98 Rosenherr, Louis, 98 Rosenthal, C. T., 98 Rosewater, B. J., 98 Ross, Chas. H., 98 Ross, John, 22, 93, 103 Ross, W. P., 98, 99 Rossiter, A. D., 99, 103 Rossiter, Lucretia, 99, 103 Rossner, Fred, 8 Roth, Louis, 39 Rothchilds Bros., 70 Rothschild Bros., 64, 70, 126 Rottaken, H. H., 18 Rottman, Willie H., 99 Roundtree, W. C., 99 Rountree, Laura, 50 Routh, Isaac, 99 Rowe, George F., 99 Rowland, Alice J., 99 Rowland, Tom, 99 Roys, R. F., 53 Rozell, Mrs., 99 Rozell, Ted, 99 Rozelle, C. H., Mrs., 80, 81 Rozelle, F. O., 80 Rozelle, George F., 81 Rozelle, John S., 81 Rozelle, Virginia C., 80 Rozier, A. T., 99 Rubenstein, C. A., 99 Rubenstein, M., 99 Rubenstein, Rabbi, 44 Rudolph, H. B., 7 Rudolph, Louis, 99 Rueve, Mary, 66 Ruff, P. D., 99 Ruffin, Dave, 99 Ruffin, Georgia, 99 Rufsin, children, 99 Rufsin, Fannie, 99 Rufty, Walter, 99 Ruis, Ricardo, 99 Ruiz, Dr., 99 Ruloff, Thomas, 99 Rumph, Mary Ann, 122 Runnels, Lillian, 123 Rush, John, 99 Rushing, W. W., 99 Russell & Bro., 99 Russell, Arthur, 99 Russell, C. T., 99 Russell, Fannie, 99 Russell, H. B., 99 Russell, J. C., 99 Russell, M. P., 78 Russell, Mattie, 99 Russell, May, 50 Russell, O. F., 99 Russell, R. C., Mrs., 113 Russell, Robert, 99 Russell, W. H., 99 Russellville Printing Co., 63 Rust, Albert, 99 Rute, Ella, 99 Rutherford, Fred, 99 Rutherford, William, 99 Ryan, C. R., 99 Ryan, Dave, 99 Ryan, Joe V., 5 Ryan, Lewis, 99 Ryan, May, 99 Ryan, Mrs., 99 Ryan, Will, 99 S Sabine, John G., 99 Saddler, Carl, 100 Saddler, Lida, 100 Sadefur, J. B., 26 Sadler, Carl L., 101 Sadler, H. D., 100 Sadler, Lida, 101 Sage, Katie M., 100 Sain & Cowling, 100 Sales, Harry, 59, 100 Sales, Maggie J., 48 Sallee, Representative, 100 Sallee, Representative, his niece died, 100 Sallee, W. E., 100 Saln, Louraine, 100 Salomonson, Sol, 100 Saloon, Dutlinger, 120 Saloon, Quapaw, 56 Saloons, Morrilton, Ark., 84 Sam, Ah, 100 Sammons, Jacob, 100 Samuel & Bro., 100 Samuel, D. B., 100 Samuel, David B., 100 Samuel, Leah, 100 Samuel, Mimms, 82 Samule, David B., 100 Samysson, J. N., 87 Sandanger, K. O., 100 Sandefuhr-Julian, 13 Sandels, C. M., Mrs., 100 Sandels, Mont H., 100 Sanders, A. A., Mrs., 93 Sanders, E. H., 100 Sanders, Simon, 100 Sanderson, A. T., 100 Sandidge, E. M., 107 Sandifer, Samuel B., 100 Sanford, Maggie M., 106 Sanford, Maggie N., 106 Sangster, Kate K., 56 Sannoner, J. H., 100 Sannoner, Sue, 100 Sannoner, Susie F., 88 Sappington, Dick, 100 Sappington, G. W., 7 Sargent, F. P., 100 Sarlo, Joseph, 100 Satter, Allen, 100 Satterfield, Eliza, 76 Sauguilly, Julio, 100 Saunders, Corine, 69 Saw Mills on Cotton Belt Route, 100 Sawyers, E. G., 100 Sawyers, G. B., 100 Saxon, Golie, 100 Saxon, John W., Mrs., 100 Saxon, Wilhelmina, 100 Saxton, Mrs., 100 Sayle, W. A. C., 100 Scales, Clint, 48 Scales, J. H., 100 Scales, Rena, 85 Scanlan, John, 100 Scanlin, Maggie, 37 Schader, Fred, 47 Schaefer, George, 100 Schaer, Clement B., 100 Schaer, Clement R., 101 Schaer, E. P., Mrs., 23 Schaer, Henry, Mrs., 101 Schaffer, Rev., 102 Schattler, Chas., 109 Schattler, Mr., 74 Scheetz, Henrietta, 101 Schenault, baby boy, 101 Scheneck, Ida, 67 Schiefner, Frank H., 19 Schiefner, Henrietta J., 111 Schimmelpfennig, Frederick, 101 Schimmelpfennig, Frida, 101 Schmedes, Henry, 114 Schmick, H. S., 101 Schmidt, Cotton-head, 101 Schmidt, Jennie M., 101 Schmidt, Mrs., 101 Schmidt, Peter, 101 Schmidt, Robert L., 102 Schmidt, Robt. L., 101 Schmuck, Peter, 98, 101 Schneider, Bessie, 44 Schoepf, Frank, 101 Schofield, Ed, 101 Scholem, Jo, Mrs., 89, 100 Scholem, Joe, Mrs., 89, 101 Scholern, Joe, Mrs., 89 Schollenmier, Anton, 74 School, Argenta, 87 School, Brown?s, 98 School, Columbia Law, 45 School, Conway Public, 115 School, Gurdon High, 115 School, Lonoke High, 101 School, Peabody, 108 School, Peabody High, 6, 13, 14, 21, 31, 36, 45, 46, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 88, 91, 100, 106, 111, 113 School, Peabody High; Commencement, 101 School, Southern Art, 96 School, Union High, 12, 20, 22, 24, 30, 34, 39, 46, 61, 63, 64, 69, 77, 78, 81, 96, 116, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124 School, Union High, colored, 101 Schopf, Frank, 101 Schrey, J. W., 78 Schubert, Frank, 34 Schultice, Simon, Mrs., 62 Schwartz, L. H., 31 Schwartz, L. H. A., 27, 92 Scmolz, Emile, 102 Scott, Conoway, 70 Scott, Dave, 101 Scott, Dr., 117 Scott, Eliza, 70 Scott, Frank, 101 Scott, Geo., 101 Scott, John, 101 Scott, Maybell, 117 Scott, Maybelle, 117 Scott, Ollie, 22 Scott, Phil, 101 Scott, R. M., 101 Scott, S. P., 101 Scott, Thomas, 101 Scott, Vick's girl, 101 Scott, Will, 101 Scottish Rite reunion, 96, 97 Screetin, E. R., 43 Screeton, E. R., 43, 101 Screeton, G. A., 101 Scroggins, T. H., 20 Scruggs, Bill, 101 Scruggs, Billy, 101 Scruggs, Dr., 74 Scruggs, Fred R., 102 Scruggs, N. F., 101 Scruggs, R. M., 101, 102 Scruggs, W. C., 102 Scull, Benjamin F., 38 Scull, Mary J., 38 Scull, Miles, 38 Scull, Nona, 38 Scull, S. C., 105 Seagraves, Jacob, 102 Searan, Floyd Crockett, 102 Searan, J. W., 102 Sears, Ben, 102 Sears, J. N., 123 Sebeck, Justice, 21 Sechler, E. K., 101 Sechler, Jennie, 101, 102 See, John F., 102 Seeley, E. M., 102 Seely, E. M., 102 Seely, Edna M., 102 Seisel, M. J., 91 Seisel, Minnie, 102 Seisel, Weetle, 102 Seisel, Wettie, 91 Seisel, Wettle, 91 Seisel?s hide business, 88 Selbert, Steve, 102 Sellmeyer, Joseph, 36 Seminary, Far West, 102 Seminary, Kenrick, 46 Semmes, B. J. & Co., 102 Semolz, Emile, 102 Senn, Sophia, 72 Sevier, A. H., 121 Sewing Machine Co., White, 102 Shackleford, J. D., 125 Shackleford, John D., 102 Shahan, Will, 39 Shall, E. S., 102 Shamp, Edward, 102 Shannon, P. M., 102 Sharman, Mary J., 102 Sharp, Ella E., 102 Sharp, Sol, 102 Sharp, Sylvia, 102 Shaver, Jessie, 102 Shaver, Maj. Gen., 115 Shaver, R. G., 102 Shaver?s Regiment, 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 Shaves, Frank, 102 Shaw, Elizabeth, 94 Shaw, G. W., 102 Shaw, George, 29 Shaw, H. C., 102 Shaw, J. W., 102 Shea, John, 92 Shea, Wm., 102 Sheetz, Henrietta, 101 Sheffield, D., 103 Sheffield, Dick, 93 Shelby, W. M., 103 Shell, Ed G., 74 Shell, J. W., 103 Shelton, D. S., 42 Shelton, George, 36 Shelton, J. M., 93 Shelton, John E., 115 Shenken, Chas., 103 Shenstone, Rose, 82 Shepard, Elisha, 103 Shepherd, James, 84 Sheppard, J. J., 27 Sheppard, J. M., 5 Sherdon, Mary, 103 Conway Co., Ark., 120 Logan Co., Ark., 33 Sherman & Flavin, 103 Sherman Sons & Baker, 17 Sherman, et al, 103 Sherrill, W. H., 103 Shibley, E. C., Mrs., 103 Shibley, J. S., 103 Shibley, W. H. H., 65 Shicker, Ed, 103 Shields, A. E., 103 Shillcutt, Gilbert, 103 Shillcutt, Laura, 103 Shinn, J. H., 103 Shipley, Jennie, 8 Shipman, A. B., 103 Shirt and Waist Co., Rock, 51 Shiry, W. W., 103 Shoe & Leather Co., Bay State, 99 Shoe Co., Brown, 19 Shoe Co., Ditman, 85 Shoe Co., Dittmann, 99 Shoe Co., Massie Herndon, 40 Shoe Co., Massie-Henderson, 40 Shoe Co., Wertheimer Schwartz, 20 Shoe, Co., John Henry, 103 Shoemaker, Clinton, 103 Shoemaker, W. W., 103 Shoepf, Frank, 103 Shook, J. W., 93 Shores, Levi, 103 Short, J. L., 103 Short, Mary Ann, 103 Short, Thomas, 103 Shreeves, Wm., 103 Shuler, J. F., 103 Shuller, Ed's baby, 103 Sibeck, D. W., 103 Sibeck, J. H., 65 Sibeck, June, 103 Sibeck, Justice, 103 Sibert, Justice, 9 Sibert, W. L., 103 Sibley, deserter, 103 Sibley, Narcissus, 54 Sidway, L. B., 103 Sierra, Joaquin, 103 Siesel, M. J., 44 Siesel, Minnie, 44 Sifford, M. L., 103 Silberberg, A., 103 Siler, Emma, 77 Sim, Mary, 28 Simenton, Karl W., 103 Simmons, H. L., 80 Simmons, R. M., 109 Simmons, Roland M., 103 Simmons, Roland Morgan, 109 Simms, Chas., 104 Simms, John, 104 Simms, John G. B., 104 Simms, R. H., 81 Simms, T. H., 104 Simpson & Webb, 104 Simpson, J. M., 104 Simpson, Louis, 104 Sims, C. C., 104 Sims, Elizabeth, 48 Sims, Forrest, 104 Sims, W. C., 104 Sinclair, William H., 104 Singer, Martin, 104 Singer, R. C., 104 Sisk, Josiah's girl, 104 Sisler, Stephen, 89 Sitterly, P. P., 104 Sizeman, T. W., 104 Skaggs, T. J., 70, 90 Skaggs, William, 104 Skelley, Kate, 13 Skidmore, G. W., 70 Skillen, A. L., 104 Skiner, Mr., 104 Skinner, J. J., 28 Skipper, Malissa F., 104 Skipper, W. F., 95, 104 Skipper, Wm. F., 104 Slade, George, 104 Slaughter, G. W., 104 Slaughter, Geo. W., 104 Slaughter, J. D., 104 Slemons, Howard, 113 Sloan, L. W., 84 Slocomb, John R., 104 Slocomb, John R., Mrs., 37 Slover, J. H., 104 Smalley, Brown, 104 Smart, Dora, 107 Smart, F. G., 35, 104 Smart, H. D., Mrs., 104 Smart, R. D., 104 Smart, Ray, Miss, 55, 58 Smead, H. P.'s son, 104 Smeade, Geo. Gordon, 104 Smedley, Edward S., 104 Smiley, young white man, 105 Smith Bros., 81 Smith, A. J., 105 Smith, A. W., 105 Smith, Allen, 105 Smith, Annie B., 57 Smith, Birdie, 86 Smith, C. E., Mrs., 10 Smith, C. K., Mrs., 105 Smith, Capt., 105 Smith, Chas., 105 Smith, Chas. W., 50 Smith, D., 105 Smith, D. E., 27 Smith, Drug Co., 21 Smith, E. E., 105 Smith, E. H., 105 Smith, E. P., 80 Smith, Edward V., 106 Smith, Elmo, 105 Smith, Emma, 105 Smith, ex-Lieutenant Gov., 106 Smith, Fannie Lindsay, 24 Smith, Frank, 105 Smith, Frank G., 105 Smith, G. W., 105 Smith, Geo., 105 Smith, Glen, 105 Smith, Gloss, 105 Smith, Glover Copper, 105 Smith, Guy, 105 Smith, H. S., 112 Smith, H. A., 106 Smith, H. S., 47 Smith, Harry K., 105 Smith, Hattie, 105 Smith, Henry, 57, 105 Smith, Henry A., 105 Smith, Hickman, 105 Smith, J. C., 105 Smith, J. E., 105 Smith, J. F., 105, 119 Smith, J. G., 105 Smith, J. H., 106 Smith, J. Monroe, 106 Smith, J. P., 106 Smith, J. W., 106 Smith, Jack, 106 Smith, James E., 106 Smith, James F., 106 Smith, Janie, 86 Smith, Jim, 106 Smith, John, 106 Smith, L., 104 Smith, Lena, 58 Smith, M. A., 106 Smith, M. A., Mrs., 106 Smith, Mabel, 106 Smith, Mabel O., 101 Smith, Maggie, 70 Smith, Mamie, 106 Smith, Mary I., 106 Smith, Maud, 106 Smith, Milton H., 112 Smith, Mollie, 106 Smith, Nellie, 106 Smith, Oran, 106 Smith, P. S., 73 Smith, P. T., 106 Smith, R. B., 106 Smith, Richard H., 106 Smith, S. B., 106 Smith, S. G., 29 Smith, S. G., Mrs., 106 Smith, Sam, 106 Smith, Sidney, Mrs., 19 Smith, Sydney, 106 Smith, T. E., 112 Smith, T. T., Mrs., 107 Smith, Tennie B., 117 Smith, Thomas, Mrs., 106 Smith, Tobe, 91 Smith, Tom, Mrs., 106 Smith, Tom., Mrs., 106 Smith, V. V., 106 Smith, V. V., Mrs., 106 Smith, W. A., 107 Smith, W. B., 106 Smith, W. H., 106 Smith, W. H. C., 106 Smith, W. O., 106 Smith, W. P., 106 Smith, W. Theo, 106 Smith, W. Theo., 106 Smith, Wellington, 107 Smith, William's girl, 107 Smith, Willie, Miss, 107 Smith, Wm., 107 Smith, Wright, 107 Smithee, J. N., 79 Smith-McCord, 38 Smith-McCord Dry Goods, 107 Smith-McCord Dry Goods Co,, 107 Smyres, Rosa, 28 Snipes, Elizabeth, 107 Snipes, W. H., 107 Snodgrass, A. J., 107 Snodgrass, Wm. A., 5 Snow, Jerry, 107 Snyder, Jas. P., 107 Soap Works, Little Rock, 51 Society; Freedman?s Aid & Southern Education, 107 Solomnson, Sol, 118 Solomon, Sam, 107 Solomonson, Sol, 118 Someillan, Louis, 100 Somerville, M. B., Mrs., 122 Souder, R. M., 107 Southers, Hardy, 107 Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Co., 24 Spanish Dick, 18 Sparks, Frank, 107 Sparks, George L., 62 Sparks, George T., Mrs., 107 Sparks, W. A., 97 Sparks, W. E., 107 Spear, Ed, 107 Spearman, W. C., 93, 94 Speed, William, 107 Speers, Charles W., Mrs., 107 Spellers, Will, 107 Spellman, G. H., 107 Spellman, O. M., 107 Spencer, Geo., 67 Spencer, James H., 107 Sperry, Anna W., 107 Sperry, W., 107 Sperry, Wilmot, 107 Spiers, Albert, 107 Spight, Detective, 50, 80 Spitzburg, Annie, 107 Spiva, N. N., 71 Spleen, Michael, 92 Springfield, B. F., 107 Spurlin, Frank, 59 Squires, Nancy, 125 St. Francis Co., Ark., sheriff, 122 St. Francis Levee District, 81 St. Louis Printers? Supply, 107 Stables, Arkansas, 60 Stables, Reuman?s, 124 Stables, Star, 17, 107 Stacey, William, 107 Stafford, J. T., 11, 107 Stafford, Martha, 107 Stahl, Dave, 107 Stainer, Charles, 107 Stalcup, J. C., 107 Stalcup, Jos., 8 Stalcup, Mrs., 107 Standberry, Charles, 108 Standefur, J. B., 24 Stane, John, 69, 93 Stanfield, B. E., 108 Stanfield, B. F., 94 Stanfield, J. W., 108 Stanfield, M. L., 108 Stanfield, Marshal, 108 Stanfield, Mr., 108 Stanfield, W. J., 108 Stanford, Alberta, 108 Stanley, E. E., 108 Stanley, Frank, Mrs., 108 Stanley, J. P., 86 Stanley, John, 108 Stanley, Joseph M., 108 Stanley, Mr., 109 Star City, Ark., cyclone, 108 Starch Co., Sioux City, 103 Stark, N. B., 115 Starkey, Libbie J., 108 Starks, Wm., 39 Starr, Henry, 108 Staten, Mr., 108 Staton, Mose, 41 Statton, D. S., 77 Stave & Lumber Co., Southern, 58 Stave & Lumber Co., St. Louis, 108 Stave Co., Oxley, 48 Stave Co., White River, 23 Stayton, Irene, 105, 108 Steamer, Creole, 63 Steamer, Zip McCoy, 123 Stebbins, Justice, 81 Steck, George, 108 Steed & Mashburn, 77 Steed, Nora, 15 Steel, J. C., 26 Steel, W. A., 10 Steele, Isabella, 57 Steele, J. R., Mr., 108 Steele, Jack, 108 Steele, R. B., 108 Steele, R. J., 108 Steele, W. A., 120 Steen, J. P., 11 Steen, Kate A., 11 Stein, Conrad, 108 Stein, Sophia, 108 Stempel, Gustave, 108 Stencil, Colman, 108 Step Co., Folding Wagon, 39 Stephan, Ruth, 28 Stephens, Alice H., 5 Stephens, Jos. M., 108 Stetson, John, 96 Stevens, Mervin, 31 Stevens, W. C., 62 Stevens, W. E., 108 Stevenson, E. A., 124 Stevenson, E. T., 108 Stevenson, James, 108 Stevenson, Jas. H., 108 Stevenson, Jim, 108 Stevenson, John M., 108 Stevenson, R. E., Mrs., 95 Stewart, Emma, 108 Stewart, J. M., 108 Stewart, J. W., 109 Stewart, Mrs., 104 Stickney, Cashier, 66 Stiel, Isaac, 109 Stiewel, Abe, 108 Stifft, Charles S., 109 Stifft, Nathan, 109 Stiles, J. T., 109 Stillman, A. H., 51 Stillwell, J. H., 113 Stittums, Frank, 109 Stittums, Ned, 109 Stoball, Oscar, 73 Stobaugh, Fielding B., 5 Stock Co., Reinman, 109 Stock Yards, Union, 75 Stock, George, 108 Stockton, C. C.?s daughter, 109 Stoddard, Hattie, 31, 103, 109 Stokes, J. A., 109 Stokes, T. C., 74 Stole, Joseph, 99 Stone, C., 109 Stone, Franklin A., 109 Stone, H. R., 109 Stone, Hubbard, 62 Stone, J. D., 109 Stone, Miriam E., 62 Stone, Robert, 109 Stone, W. P., 109 Stone, W. P., Mrs., 109 Storey, E., Mrs., 109 Storthz, L., 109 Storthz, L. S., 68 Storthz, Levi, 109 Stortz, L., 68 Stortzh, L., 109 Stotts, W. F., 109 Stoune, Will, 109 Stoup, W. B., 109 Stout, J. R., 109 Stratman, George A., 109 Straube, H., 8 Straus, A., 109 Straws, John, 109 Street Grading District No. 95, Board of, 109 Street, Geo. M., 7, 109 Street, H. H., 109 Street, W. T., 109 Street, Walter G., 109 Strickland, P. L., 109 Stringfellow, M. B., 109 Stringfellow, Mrs., 109 Strode, A. H., 109 Strode, H., 47 Stroder, A. H., 71 Strong, John H., 109 Strong, Susan A., 109 Stroud, John C., 110 Strozier, Oliver, 30, 83, 110 Strozier, Sherman, 110 Strozier, T., 110 Strozier, Thaddeus, 110 Strubick, Alice, 17 Stuart, Miss, 96 Stubblefield, Addie, 110 Stubblefield, Bob W., 110 Stubblefield, Wm., 123 Stusener, T., 110 Stuttgart Imp. Co., 59 Stuttgart Telephone Co., 111 Sugar Refining Co., American, 54 Sugarman, Victor, 72 Suggs, Frank, 5 Suggs, T. O., 110 Suggs, Will R., 28 Sullivan Company, of English, Ark., 110 Sullivan, M. M., 110 Sullivan, Timothy, 110 Sullivan., L. H., 110 Sumgarner, T. D., 110 Summerville, John, 110 Sumpter, O. H., 72 Sundholm, Aug., 110 Surface, L. L., 110 Sutherland, B. F., 56 Suttle, J. B., 78 Sutton, Amee, 104 Sutton, F. L., Mrs., 103 Suzore, Emma, 8 Swain, Jeremiah, 72 Swan, A. D., 28 Swanson, J. F., 28 Swanson, J. R.?s daughter, 110 Sweet, Ada, 94 Sweet, Mary, 110 Swift, Emma Lou, 87 Swilling, James, Mrs., 43 Swisher, C. D., 110 T Taber, Henry S., 110 Taber, J. B., 75 Taber, Libbie M., 110 Tabor, Allie, 110 Tabor, H. H., 44 Tabor, J. B., 108 Tait, C. F. J., 49 Tait, Rev., 93 Talbert, Mrs., 9 Talley, J. L., 110 Talley, T. L., 110 Tanner, Alice, 110 Tanner, Thomas, 61 Tannery, Lonoke, 85 Tapp, Melinda S., 110 Tappan, James C., 110 Tappan, M. A., Miss, 110 Tate, B. H., 110 Tate, James, 110 Tate, Jim, 110 Tate, Tom, 96 Tatum, John E., 110 Tatum, O. C., 110 Taylor Grocery Co., 110, 111, 120 Taylor, A. J.'s boy, 110 Taylor, Benj. F., 108 Taylor, Brown, 110 Taylor, C. C., 110 Taylor, C. M., 110, 111 Taylor, Charles H., 85, 100 Taylor, Chas. H., 111, 118 Taylor, Chas. Harold, 100 Taylor, Chas. M., 29 Taylor, child, 65 Taylor, Frank, 111 Taylor, Geo., 111 Taylor, George A., 111 Taylor, George W., 111 Taylor, J. M., 111 Taylor, J. M., Mrs., 49 Taylor, Jack C., 111 Taylor, James' girl, 111 Taylor, Jno. M., 111 Taylor, John, 111 Taylor, Mabel, 16 Taylor, man, 111 Taylor, Margaret, 65 Taylor, Mary, 111 Taylor, Mary A., 31 Taylor, Mosely, 65 Taylor, Sallie C., 52, 111 Taylor, Thad, 95 Taylor, Thomas J., 93 Taylor, W. F., & Co., 111 Taylor, W. H., 17, 53 Taylor, Zack, 111 Taylor-Saxon wedding, 100 Teasley, Sallie, 111 Tecumseh, Chief, 64 Tehan, Joe, 111 Telegraph Co., Postal, 13 Telephone Co., Pan, 111 Telephone Co., Stuttgart, 111 Temple B?nai Israel, 99, 111 Temple Israel, 111 Temple, W. M., 111 Templeton, Belle, 101 Templeton, Ernest, 111 Templeton, G. W., 111 Templeton, Ralph C., 111 Tennebaum, Ike, 65 Tennessee Ind. Co., 100 Teresa, Sister, 111 Terrell, C. L., 111 Terrill, Willard O., 111 Terry, Capt., 111 Terry, Cashier, 111 Terry, D. P., 51, 111 Terry, E. G., 111 Terry, E. J., 111 Terry, Frank, 111 Terry, Frank Steele, 101 Terry, Gertrude, 111 Terry, Penny, 91 Terry, W. J., 111 Terry, Walter J., 111 Thalheimer, B. S., 108 Thalheimer, B. S., Mrs., 81 Tharp, Joe, 111 Tharp, W. H., 74, 112 Tharp, Will, 112 Theal, W. Y., 112 Theatrical Co., Otto Krause, 111 Theil, Mrs., 112 Thell, Mrs., 112 Theresa Doyle, 37 Theurer, Martine, 82 Thigpen, Clara, 112 Thomas Mfg. Co., 43, 112 Thomas, A. D., 112 Thomas, Aaron, 112 Thomas, Benny, 112 Thomas, C. L., 112 Thomas, C. Leroy, Jr., 112 Thomas, D. D., 112 Thomas, D. H., 112 Thomas, J. J., 112 Thomas, James, 25, 55 Thomas, James, Mrs., 55 Thomas, Jim, 112 Thomas, L. P., Mrs., 112 Thomas, Lee, 112 Thomas, Leula, 112 Thomas, Lewis, 112 Thomas, Lula, 47 Thomas, Mrs., 112 Thomas, Pearly Ella, 98 Thomas, Tracey R., 112 Thomason, E. L., 50 Thomason, Wm., 5 Thompson, A. S., 112 Thompson, Ada Lee, 112 Thompson, Charles L., 68 Thompson, E. G., 112 Thompson, Ed G., 112 Thompson, Elizabeth, 112 Thompson, Emma H., 112 Thompson, G. B., 12 Thompson, G. W., 112 Thompson, J. S., 112 Thompson, Josephine, 79 Thompson, Josie, 112 Thompson, Julia Lee, 18 Thompson, Leroy, 112 Thompson, Louis, 14 Thompson, Martin, 112 Thompson, Matt, 112 Thompson, R. C., 61 Thompson, Roy L., 72 Thompson, Sallie, 43 Thompson, Seymour, 112 Thompson, W. H., 112 Thompson, W. L., 112 Thornburgh, Albert, 112 Thornburgh, Eli, Mrs., 112 Thornburgh, Geo., 112 Thornburgh, Geo. T.?s mother, 112 Thornton, C. P., 39 Thornton, Consuello, 77 Thornton, H. G., 112 Thornton, Preston, 112 Thornton, T. J., 86 Thorp, A. W., 103 Thrasher, Fannie, 112 Thread Co., Coats, 96 Throgmorton, D. D., 11 Thweatt, J. G., 117 Tibbs, John S., 113 Tiffany, Parlee, 94 Tighe, Miss, 30 Tillar, J. T. W., 113 Tilles, C. A., 113 Tilles, Geo., 113 Tilles, George, 113 Tillman, James, 113 Tillman, Jas., 122 Tilton, Elizabeth R., 113 Tilton, Theodore, 113 Tims, S. L., 125 Tiner, Liles C., 113 Tippet, Arthur, Mrs., 113 Tipton, H. B., 78 Tisdale, M. V., Mrs., 83 Tobacco Co., American, 53, 107, 113 Tobacco Co., Liggett & Meyers, 105 Tobacco Co., National, 33 Tobacco Works, Arkansas, 47 Tobey, E. H., 113 Tobey, Inez, 113 Tobey, W. E., 113 Tobin, Dan H., 54 Toland, Tompie, 113 Tolbert, J. H., 113 Tolliver, Jessie, 113 Toltec Station, 54 Tomlinson, C. H., 113 Tomlinson, T. T., 113 Tomlinson, T. T., Mrs., 113 Tompkins, Ellen, 14 Tompson, W. J., 38 Toms, M. T., 113 Toney, H. L., 113 Toney, Hedrick, 113 Tool, Clara, 113 Tool, Mollie, 113 Tool, W. T., 113 Toons, R. L., 113 Toors, R. L., 112 Tornado, Benton, Ark., 14 Townley, Johnson, 113 Townsend, Joe, 94 Townsend, Jos., 9 Tracey, M. W., 87 Tracy, Tom, 113 Tramel, E. V., 113 Traubman, E. J., Mrs., 113 Traylor, Joe, 109 Treadway, Leo, 74, 113 Treadway, Mrs., 20 Treadway, Theo, Mrs., 113 Treadway, Will, 113 Treadway, Will A., 101 Treadwell, A. B., 113 Treadwell, R. D., 114 Trevathan, Wm., 114 Trezevant, J. T., Mrs., 114 Trieber, Jacob, 114 Trigg, A. L., 114 Trigg, John T., 114 Trigg, R. S., 94 Trigg, S. C., 114 Trimbell, Brakeman, 114 Trimble, M. H., Mrs., 8 Trimble, T. C., 114 Pine Bluff, Ark., 80 Triplett, C. H., 76, 114 Triplett, Charles H., 114 Tripplett, C. H., 114 Troester, Elizabeth, 71 Troman, W. W., 28 Troster, Elizabeth, 114 Trousdale, Leon, 114 Troy, Chas. S., 114 Trumble, Deputy Marshal, 88 Trumpler, J. F., 114 Trust & Loan Co., Fidelity, 100 Trust Co., Binghamton, 114 Tuck, Narcissa Williams, 114 Tucker, C. E., 86 Tucker, C. E., Mrs., 43 Tucker, Estelle, 35 Tucker, Estelle Arrington, 114 Tucker, Marshall, 114 Tucker, S. H., 36 Tucker, T. H., 114 Tucker, T. M., 77 Tullis, J. L., 114 Tullis, John L., 114 Tunnah, Benton, Mrs., 114 Tunnah, J. K., 38 Tunnah, Renton, 114 Tuohey, J. H., 114 Tuohey, John H., 114 Turnbough, Lillie, 111 Turner Bros., 115 Turner, C. S., 114 Turner, Frank, 114 Turner, Hal, 105 Turner, Herbert, 114 Turner, Howell, 87 Turner, Howell, Mrs., 114 Turner, J. R., 114 Turner, Jerry, 114 Turner, Joel, 114 Turner, M. C., 112 Turner, Oscar, 114 Turner, Q. O., 114 Turner, W. B., 115 Turner, W. F., 9 Turner, W. W., 115 Turpin, Dick, 115 Turpin, J. E., 115 Turrell, Josephine, 115 Turrentine, Rev., 88 Tuttle, C. H., 115 Tuttle, Clifford H., Mrs., 115 Tuttle, Clifford Horace, Mrs., 19 Tuttle, Clifford, Mrs., 115 Twitty, S. R., 115 Tygart, T. J., 115 Tyler, Geo., 115 Tyler, J. W., 87 Tymeson, Minnie, 115 Typewriter Supply Co., United, 113 U UCV, state encampment, 115 Umstead, M. B., Rev., 7 Underhill, Mary, 28 Underwood, J. W., 28 Underwood, John J., 102 Union Mfg. B. and T. Co., 69 Union Mfg. Co., 58 United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 91 University, Arkansas Industrial; graduates, 115 University, Southwestern Presbyterian, 73 Unknown, child, 115 Unknown, children, 115 Unknown, colored women, 115 Unknown, man, 115 Unknown, negro, 115 Unknown, negro girl, 74 Unknown, tramp, 115 Unknown, white infant, 115 Unknown, white man, 115 Urquhart, E., 115 V Vagan, Sophie, Mrs., 115 Vahlberg, W. F., 115 Valencia, Mexican, 102 Valentine, Mark, 86 Valle, John, 62 Valrath-Altman wedding, 87 Van Etten Shingle Mill, 115 Van Etten, A. E., Mrs., 115 Van Etten, G. H., Mrs., 115 Van Etten, Geo. H., 115 Van Etten, J. A., Mrs., 115 Van Gorden, Charles, 49 Van Heest, Johnny, 70 Van Hoose, James H., 115 Van Horn, John C., Mrs., 10 Van Lear, S. C., 38 Van Lear, Samuel C., 107 Van Maire, Kittie, 84 Vance, A. H., 115 Vance, Hopefield, 42 Vance, L. A., 115 Vance, Reedy, 115 Vancleve, Dr., 74 VanDenbergh, G. W., 116 VanDenbergh, Maud, 116 Vanderburg, G. W., 116 Vandeventer, Algernon F., 116 Vandeventer, Algernon V., 116 VanEtten, Mrs., 51 Vanlandingham, A. J., 116 VanLear, S. C., 107 Vann, H. J., 116 Vann, J. M., 54 Vanstan, Robert J., 116 VanTassel, Albert, 6 VanValkenberg, Ethel, 104 Vaughan, Darling, 116 Vaughan, Emmet, 116 Vaughan, Emmett, 116 Vaughan, F. W., 8 Vaughan, H. C., 107 Vaughan, Harry B., 116 Vaughn, Tom, 116 Vaulax, Katherine D., 115 Vedrini, Romalda, 116 Vedrini, Romilda, 116 Vedrini, Valerie, 116 Vedrini, Valerio, 116 Venable, J. T., 116 Vercourt, Arthur Forbes Lavanix, 15, 47, 116 Verner, Minnie, 116 Vest, George G., 116 Vester, Lem, 116 Veterans, Confederate, 29 Veverly, Annie, 116 Vick, W. L., 116 Vickers, E. R., 116 Vickers, Elias R., 116 Vickers, H. L., 116 Vickers, Rosa F., 78 Vickers, Rose, 78, 116 Vickers, Rose Franks, 116 Vicle, Frank, 116 Victoria, Queen, 79 Vignesney, J. A., 116 Vineyard, J. B., 116 Vineyard, J. H., 116 Vineyard, John B., 117 Vinson, T. C., 117 Vinsonhaler, Frank, 117 Viquesney, G. A., 117 Vogel, Mose, 117 Vogler, H. O., Mrs., 117 Volmer, Leon, 117 Volmer, Louis, 117 Von Der Linde, Elsie, 103 Voorhees, Daniel W., 117 Voorheis, Miller & Co., 95 Voss, H. F., 117 W Wabbaseka, Ark., fire, 117 Waddell, Rose, 28 Wade, Albert, 117 Wade, G. C., 117 Wade, J. M., Mrs., 117 Wade, Katherine, 117 Wade, Lila, 79, 117 Wade, M. C., 79 Wade, Oscar J., 28 Wadley, Armelia, 8 Wadley, D. F., 117 Wadsworth, Annie, 117 Wadsworth, Florence, 117 Wadsworth, N. Y., 117 Wadsworth, Representative, 117 Wafford, Alvin, 117 Wagner, Frank, 117 Wagner, Joe, 117 Wainwright, M. G., 117 Waite, William B., 8 Waldenberger, Joe P.?s baby girl, 117 Waldo, David, 117 Walker, Addie, 117 Walker, Alex, 117 Walker, child, 117 Walker, Dan, 117 Walker, George G., 117 Walker, I. W., 41 Walker, J. C., 117 Walker, J. W., 41, 117 Walker, Mary G., 66 Walker, Mollie, 118 Walker, R. B., 88 Walker, R. H., 118 Walker, Sheriff, 18 Walker, Thos. J., 118 Walker, Tullis C., 118 Walker, V. D., 118 Walker, W. H., 118 Wallace, A. S., 37 Wallace, C. T., 5 Wallace, D. P., 118 Wallace, Dr., 118 Wallace, Geo., 15 Wallace, Jeff, 118 Wallace, W. B., 85 Wallace, William, Mrs., 118 Wallenstein, Freeberg & Co., 118 Walling, Alonzo M., 20, 62 Walling, Condemned for murder, 91 Wallis, J. A., 41 Wallis, P. B.'s boy, 118 Walls, Margaret, 118 Walpole, Officer, 37 Walrath, A., 118 Walsh, Trainmaster, 118 Walt, William B., 8 Walter, J. R., 118 Walters, Ascenia, Mrs., 118 Walters, Hattie, 118 Walters, husband, 118 Walton, John R., 31 Ward, A. H., 118 Ward, Adaline, 118 Ward, Anderson, 118 Ward, Bascom, 111 Ward, Hattie, 111 Ward, Henry, 118 Ward, J. V., 92 Ward, James A., 118 Ward, Joe H., 118 Ward, Jos., 118 Ward, Jos. H., 118 Ward, Mary E., 118 Ward, May E., 118 Ward, R. C., 118 Ward, W. H., 82 Ward, Z. Laura, 118 Ward, Zeb, 123 Ward, Zeb, Jr., 39 Warde, white girl, 58 Ware, Abbie, 7 Ware, Willie, 8 Warehouse & Compress, Planters?, 111 Warrell, Fannie E., 118 Warrell, Mr., 118 Warren, C. C., 12 Warren, Clara Ann, 12 Warren, Ernest M., 118 Warren, Henry, 91 Warren, J. O., 118 Warren, J. W., 118 Warren, O. K.?s boy, 118 Warren, Sue, 28 Warren, Zola, 101, 118 Wartlington, Lydia Johnson, 11 Warwick, F., 48 Warwick, Harry, 35 Washington, Emma, 20 Washington, Flora, 49 Washington, James, 118 Washington, Susan, 55 Washington, Warren, 118 Waterman, E. C., 100, 118 Waters, Annie, 112 Waters, Chas. C., 119 Waters, D. W., 119 Waters, Helen, 119 Waters, Ina Leona, 119 Waters, J. A., 58 Waters, J. H., 119 Waters, Matt, 119 Waters, S. S., 119 Watkins & Benbrook, 119 Watkins & Grimes, 74 Watkins bros., 74 Watkins, Anderson, 5 Watkins, C., 89, 125 Watkins, Henry, 87 Watkins, Jarrett, 119 Watkins, Mabel, 119 Watkins, Susie, Mrs., 119 Watkins, V. C., 28 Watkins, William H., 115 Watson, A. W., 119 Watson, H. E., 20 Watson, H. G., 119 Watson, J. B., 55 Watson, J. N., 91, 92 Watson, Julius Lewis, 119 Watson, L. K., 25 Watson, Levi, 119 Watson, Mrs., 119 Watt, Jane, 119 Watts, Charles, 78 Wear, Dry Goods, 119 Weatherby, J. W., 119 Weathers, Earnestine, 101 Weathers, Ernestine, 119 Weaver, Charley F., 44 Weaver, Eliza, 13 Weaver, Omer, Camp, 57 Webb, Clara, 105, 119 Webb, Henry, 119 Webb, Josie, 118 Webber, Ida C., 28 Webster, C. S., 15 Webster, C. T., 15 Weedon, Carry, 87, 119 Weedon, Carry, Miss, 87 Weedon, John, 87, 119 Weeks, A. E., 119 Weeks, A. F., 119 Wehr, Geo., 119 Wehrfritz, Alex, 119 Wehrfritz, E. C., 8, 119 Weigel, Mary V., 93, 119 Weigle, E. N., 119 Weil, J. B., 111 Weir, J. W., 119 Weir, Mr., 44 Welbourne, C. B., 119 Welch, A. S., 119 Welch, Gussie, 28 Welch, J. B., 92 Welch, Wm. E., 119 Welcher, Jim, 119 Welker, Mike, 119 Wellborn, J. D., 119 Weller, Aaron, 119 Weller, Fannie, 119 Weller, Meyer, 119 Weller, Mose, 119 Wellons, Mary, 119 Wells, Chas.' daughter, 42 Wells, Chas. T., 119 Wells, E. L., 119 Wells, H. J., 119 Wells, M. H., Mrs., 61 Wells, M. L., 120 Wells, Miss, 49 Wells, Robert S., 120 Wells, Washington, 120 Welsh, John Lawler, 120 Welton, F. L., Mrs., 104 Weny, Mary, 120 Weny, N., 120 Werner, E., Mrs., 120 West, Frederick G., 120 West, George, 120 West, Ludie, 120 West, W. P., 120 Westbrook, Henry S., 120 Westerfield, J. A., Jr., 120 Westerfield, John A., Jr., 120 Westerfield, Maggie, Mrs., 120 Westmoreland, M. W., 120 Westmoreland, W. W., 69 Wetherell, J. L., 120 Wetzek, Peter, 11 Wexner, B., 73 Wexner, B., Mrs., 73 Weyman, J. L., 120 Weymouth, John H., 120 Weymouth, William W., 120 Whalen, Kirtis, 54 Whaley, J. F., 28 Whaley, J. M., 102 Wheel Works, Conagle, 49 Wheeler, Andrew, 105 Wheeler, W. S., 120 Whetstone, Bernard, 120 Whipple, Blanche, 61 Whitcomb, L. N., 120 White & Walrath, 118 White & Wilder, 59 White Crook Extravaganza Co., 61 White River Packet Co., 23 White, Alice M., 58 White, B. F., 120 White, B. G., 120 White, C. G., 120 White, C. T., 120 White, Chas., 120 White, Dr., 96, 120 White, H. L., 120 White, Henry, 120 White, Ike, 87 White, J. A., 120 White, J. M., 9, 120 White, J. T., 111 White, James Trimble, 120 White, Lillian, 120 White, M. J., 120 White, Mandy, 106 White, Mr., 120 White, Mrs., 59 White, R. S., baby girl born, 120 White, William, 86 White, Will's girl, 120 Whitehorn, J. L., 120 Whiteside & Bro., 121 Whiteside, Sterling Eugene, 121 Whitesides, J. E., 121 Whitley, Geo. W., 121 Whitmore, C. H., 111 Whitney, George, Mrs., 56 Whitson, S. H., 121 Whittborne, W. J., 121 Whittemore, C. B., 8 Whittemore, C. H., 111, 121 Whittemore, C. H., Mrs., 21 Whittemore, C. H., Provision Co., 121 Whittemore, H. M., Mrs., 121 Whittemore, Mary, 121 Whittenberg, Annie, 121 Whitthorne, Eva, 114 Whitthorne, S. H., 121 Whitthorne, W. C., 121 Whittlesey, F. V., 121 Whitworth, Maggie, 121 Whitworth, Marguerite, 121 Whorton, G. W., 121 Wiegel, E. N., 121 Wierman, J. W. G., 21 Wierman, Laura, 21 Wiggins, Ora, 121 Wikel, Felix, 59 Wilbon, Thomas, 8 Wilbourne, W. M.?s boy, 121 Wild, Benjamin F., 121 Wildberger, C. A., 34 Wildt, Herman, 121 Wiles, J. A., 121 Wiley, Eva, 121 Wiley, Frank B., 121 Wiley, Frank P., 121 Wiley, Head Janitor, 121 Wilhon, Thomas, 8 Wilkerson, Daisy, 101, 121 Wilkerson, J. B., 121 Wilkerson, P. H., 34 Wilkerson, R. C., 121 Wilkey, H. C., 72 Wilkins, Jno., 121 Wilkins, Julia, 101, 121 Wilkins, P. T., 121 Wilkinson, Emma, 101 Wilkinson, Eva B., 121 Wilkinson, Wilmer, 77 Will, W. H., 121 Willett, Omer, 121 Williams, Abraham, 121 Williams, Al, 121 Williams, Annie, 7, 121 Williams, B. D., 36, 114, 121 Williams, Berry, 121 Williams, Bill, 121 Williams, Brice, 55, 94 Williams, C. S., 121 Williams, Charles P., 122 Williams, Charlie, 122 Williams, Coat, 94 Williams, Dan, 96 Williams, E. E., 122 Williams, E. H., 122 Williams, Ed, Mrs., 122 Williams, Edwin, 122 Williams, Ella, 26, 28 Williams, Emma, 122 Williams, foreman, 122 Williams, George E., 103 Williams, Gus, 65 Williams, Harry's daughter, 122 Williams, Henry, 122 Williams, J. C., 41, 122 Williams, J. M., 71 Williams, J. S., 122 Williams, J. T., 122 Williams, Jake, 122 Williams, Janie, 48 Williams, Jas. A., 122 Williams, Jas. M., 122 Williams, Jim, 85 Williams, Jno. R., 122 Williams, Joe, 13 Williams, John, 122 Williams, L. B., 122 Williams, Lawrence, 34, 122 Williams, Lena, 122 Williams, Lutitia, 118 Williams, M. A., 122 Williams, Maggie R., 122 Williams, Malinda, 122 Williams, man, 64 Williams, Mary, 121 Williams, Mattie, 84, 109, 115 Williams, Mc. H., 122 Williams, McH., 110 Williams, McLemore H., 122 Williams, Melville, Mrs., 122 Williams, Nal., 122 Williams, Oscar, 122 Williams, Oscir, 122 Williams, P. E., 79 Williams, R. A., 11, 122 Williams, Rachael, 23 Williams, Roy, 122 Williams, S. A., 122 Williams, S. W., 107, 122 Williams, Tim, 34 Williams, Tom, 34 Williams, Van, 122 Williams, W. B., 122 Williams, W. E., 122 Williams, W. F., 123 Williams, W. J., 123 Williams, Will, 123 Williams, William, 123 Williamson, C. D.;, 123 Williamson, Florence, 28, 49 Williamson, H. C., 123 Williamson, J. W., 123 Williamson, Lee, Miss, 123 Williamson, N. B., 123 Williamson, Senator, 123 Willis, Albert Shelby, 123 Willis, E. Jefferson, 123 Willis, Laura, 20, 123 Willis, Lillian, 24 Willis, N. J., 123 Willis, Nicholas J., 123 Willis, Rev., 26 Willis, Young, 123 Wilmore, Deputy Sheriff, 123 Wilson & Webb, 31 Wilson & Webb Book and Stationery Co., 17, 31 Wilson & Webb Stationery Co., 31 Wilson, Arfatia, 83 Wilson, Ben, Mrs. Dr., 126 Wilson, C. A., 28 Wilson, Claude, 123 Wilson, Dr., 123 Wilson, E. A., 123 Wilson, Fred, Mrs., 123 Wilson, Genevieve, 69 Wilson, Henry, 123 Wilson, Ida, 118 Wilson, Isaac, 101, 123 Wilson, J. T., 28 Wilson, J. W., 37 Wilson, John, 123 Wilson, John F., 5 Wilson, John H., 61 Wilson, Judge, 121 Wilson, Lizzie, 108 Wilson, Manda, 72 Wilson, P. A., Mrs., 123 Wilson, R. B., 53 Wilson, R. D., 123 Wilson, R. J., 113 Wilson, Smith, 57 Wilson, T. H., 114 Wilson, T. O., 123 Wilson, T. W., Mrs., 118 Wilson, Thomas, 73 Wilson, W. B., 29 Wilson, W. J., 115 Wilson, W. T., 113 Wilson, William, 120 Windle, Robert, 123 Winfield, E. W., 92, 123 Winfield, W. H., 123 Winfree, I. B., 112 Winfree, L. B., 112 Wingfield, E., 123 Winston, Mattie, 123 Winter, Daisy E., 77 Winters, Charley, 123 Winthrop, Capt., 123 Wirt, David, 123 Wise, Giles, 93 Wishendorff, I. B., 123 Witherington, John E., 124 Withrow, J. T., 124 Witt, John P., 83 Witt, R. F., 6 Wittenberg, C., 124 Wofford, Benjamin F., 124 Wofford, Moses, 124 Wolf & Bro., 25, 109, 120 Wolf & Gross, 77 Wolf Bros., 25, 109 Wolf, A. J., 124 Wolf, I., 124 Wolf, Isaac, 80 Wolf, J. O., 124 Wolfe, W. H., 11 Wolff, Rowena, 7 Wolford, Louis, 73 Wolfort, Louis, 124 Wolter, Charlotte, 124 Wolters, Fred, 8 Wood Working Co., Little Rock, 72 Wood, A. N., 124 Wood, Beverly, 124 Wood, C. W., 124 Wood, Geo., 48 Wood, Harry C., 65 Wood, J. E., 124 Wood, J. F., 124 Wood, James, 124 Wood, O. C., 103 Wood, R. H.'s boy, 124 Wood, S. W., 31 Wood, W. A., 75 Wood, W. E., Mrs., 124 Wood, W. F., 124 Wood, Z. T., 69 Woodall, J. A., 12 Woodburn, Julia, 5 Woodruff, Alden M., 124 Woodruff, E., Sr., 124 Woodruff, Janie, 124 Woodruff, W. E., Jr., 124 Woodruff, Wm. E., Sr., 124 Woods, Carrie, 124 Woods, Carrie E. J., 101 Woods, Janie, 64 Woods, Maggie E., 124 Woods, S. A., 124 Woodson, D. C., 69 Woodson, D. T., 124 Woodson, J. A., 124 Woodson, Mayor, 82, 124 Woodsworth, James, 124 Woodsworth, Jennie, 124 Woodward, Ada, 124 Woodward, Daisy, 124 Woodward, Della, 124 Woodward, Good, 124 Woodward, James, 124 Woodward, Josie, 124 Woodward, Laura, 124 Woodward, Mary, 124 Woodward, Virginia, 124 Woodward, wife, 124 Woodyard, J., 124 Woodyard, James, 124 Woodyard, wife, 124 Wooford, B. F., 124 Wooldridge, W. T., 124 Woolen, John A., 124 Woolford, W. S., 124 Wooly, J. N., 125 Woosley, Fannie, 125 Woosley, W. J., 125 Worden, F. G.?s boy, 125 Worden, Mr. & Mrs., baby boy, 125 Worden, P. G.?s boy, 125 Worden, Walter D., 125 Workman, J. M., 125 Worrel, M., 125 Wortham, A. M., 125 Worthen, Bettie, 125 Worthen, Helen, 125 Worthen, R. W., 72, 103, 109, 125 Worthen, Robert W., 109 Worthen, W. B., 16, 59, 114, 125 Worthen, W. B. & Co., 125 Worthen, W. B.;, 125 Wrench Co., Johnson, 56 Wright, Charles, 125 Wright, Chas. G., 125 Wright, daughter, 107 Wright, E. C., 87 Wright, E. W., Mrs., 125 Wright, Edward, 125 Wright, Gussie, 125 Wright, Hartwell T., 125 Wright, Henry, 91, 125 Wright, J. J., 125 Wright, J. L., 125 Wright, L. J., 125 Wright, Louise, 125 Wright, M., 125 Wright, Moorhead, 125 Wright, Mr., 26 Wright, S. R., 125 Wright, Sam, 116 Wright, sons, 107 Wright, T., 125 Wright, W. F., 125 Wright, W. F., Mrs., 125 Wright, W. H., 10, 125 Wright, Wm. E., 125 Wright, Wm. Fulton, Mrs., 125 Wunderlich, Geo., 125 Wurz, K., 74 Wyrick Bros., 71 Wyrick Brothers, 125 Wyrick, Calhoun, 125 Y Y. M. C. A., 98, 125 Yaburn, Sarah, 93 Yadon, Thos. P., 125 Yaeger, Gilbert, 125 Yates, Paul C., 125 Yaw, Ellen Beach, 125 Yeakle, Bessie, 126 Yeakle, Bessie J., 125 Yeakle, T. W., 126 Yeakle, Thomas W., 125 Yelser, Leon B., 126 Yeoman, Jennie, 74 Yetton, Lederer, 126 Yokel, Jno., 126 Yorborough, Grover Cleveland, 126 York, J. B., 126 York, Lee, 117 York, Robert, 126 Yorke, Madge, 47 Yorkes, E. C., Mrs., 92 Yost, Will, 91 Youmans, F. A., 126 Young, Agee, 126 Young, Arthur?s son, 126 Young, Coroner, 92 Young, E. C., 126 Young, Ellen, 126 Young, F. J., 51, 67, 126 Young, F. J., Mrs., 123 Young, Flave, 126 Young, Fred, 126 Young, J. M., 126 Young, J. R., Mrs., 126 Young, James' girl, 126 Young, Janney, 126 Young, John, 92 Young, Katie, 126 Young, Lena, 126 Young, Leslie, 126 Young, M. F., 126 Young, Presley, 126 Young, Richard, 61 Young, S. W., 126 Young, T. J., 126 Young, W. N., 126 Young, Will, 126 Youngblood, Charles, 100 Youngblood, Chris, 126 Youngblood, Louis, 126 Youngblood, Robert, 126 Yowell & Williams, 122 Yowell, J. L., 56 Z Zacher, Antone?s girl, 126 Zajae, Emma, 65 Zanone, Stella, 126 Zelebok, Wesley, 126 Zeller, Geo. M., 93, 127 Zeller, S. H., 127 Zimmerman, J. V., 41, 127 Zinn, Julius, 127 Zinser, Emil W., 127 Zinser, Ida A., 127