Arkansas State Donation and Swamp Land Sales, A-K *********************************************************** Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen Date: 25 May 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Following are the people listed in the book: Arkansas State Donation and Swamp Land Sales: Clay and Greene Counties, 1855-2001, compiled by Desmond Walls Allen, published by Arkansas Research, Inc., PO Box 303, Conway AR 72033, 501/470-1120. ISBN 1-56546-268-8, softbound, 173 pages, $25.00 plus shipping. The book itself contains dates, land descriptions, and extensive information about following up on this here-to-fore unused source. Abanathy, Cecil C. Abanathy, Cecil C. Abbott, John assignee of Arnold Thomason Abbott, Michael Abernathy, G.W. Abernathy, G.W. Abernathy, Henry Abernathy, Henry Acree, William F. Adair, Huldah Adams, A.J. Adams, Charles Adams, Chester Adams, Chester Adams, Fannie J. Adams, John Adams, John Q. Adams, Joseph L. Adams, Joseph L. Adams, Sam Adams, Sam Adams, Silvester Adams, Silvester assignee of Caswell Price Adams, Sylvester Adams, Sylvester assignee of Caswell Price Adams, W.A. Adams, W.A. Adams, Wm. G. Adkins, J.F. Adkins, J.F. Agee, Leaneah Ahrens, Joseph Akers, Anna E. Akers, William G. Akers, William G. Akins, Jacob Aldrich, Chas. Aldrich, Chas. Alexander, H.H. Alexander, H.H. Alexander, Jack Alexander, Jack Alexander, Jno. L. Alexander, S.W. last assignee of Henry Smidtt Allen, A.B. Allen, A.B. Allen, A.B. Allen, D.A. Allen, D.A. Allen, E.M. Allen, E.M. Allen, Edward M. Allen, Edward M. Allen, G.E. Allen, G.E. Allen, H.B. Allen, Henry E. Allen, J.B. Allen, J.B. Allen, J.J. Allen, J.J. assignee of John Marshall Allen, J.J. assignee of John Marshall Allen, Jno. J. Allen, Jno. J. Allen, Martha J. Allen, Martha J. Allen, Nancy O. Allen, Nancy O. Allen, Nancy O. Allen, Nancy O. Allen, R.E. Allen, R.O. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Richard E. Allen, Sigel Allen, Thomas H. Allen, Thomas H. Allen, W.H. Allen, William H. Allen, William H. Allen, William H. Allen, William H. Allen, William H. Allgood, David C. Allgood, David C. Allison, Drury K. Allman, Allen Allman, W.H. last assignee of H. Trantham Allred, Enoch Alread, Enoch Alston, Charles Alvis, Jno. Alvis, Jno. Alvis, Lehman Alvis, Lehman Amorine, Jesse N. Anderson, Daniel C. Anderson, Daniel C. Anderson, Emma P. Anderson, James P. Anderson, Maggie P. Anderson, Matt W. Anderson, Matt W. Anderson, Matt W. Anderson, Mattie B. Anderson, Mattie B. Anderson, S.R. Anderson, Sallie F. Anderson, Sallie F. Anderson, Sarah E. Andis, Fred Andis, Fred Andrews, Elizabeth Andrews, Isaac Andrews, Thos. Andrews, W.C. Andrews, W.C. Apple, J.D. Applegate, Arthur T. Applegate, Arthur T. Applegate, W.S. Applegate, W.S. Aranhart, Sam'l's legal representatives Armstrong, A.O. assignee of Daniel Ayers Armstrong, A.W. Armstrong, A.W. Armstrong, George Armstrong, George Armstrong, George Armstrong, George Armstrong, James A. Armstrong, James A. Armstrong, P.B. Armstrong, P.B. Armstrong, S.P. Arnold, Jim Arnold, Jim Arnold, Johnson W.'s heirs and legal representatives Arnothan, L. [or Amothan?] Ary?, John Asbury, Lindsay Asbury, Lindsey Asbury, Lindsey Ashbury, Lindsay Ashley, Alice E. Ashley, Alice E. Ashley, G.N. Ashley, G.N. Ashley, H.M. Ashley, J.W. Ashley, John Ashley, John Ashley, John A. Ashley, John A. Ashley, Miriam Ashley, Miriam Ashley, W.E. Ashley, W.E. Ashley, Wm. Ashley, Wm. Askew, Sanford Askins, Ben Askins, Ben Askins, Lee Askins, Lee Askins, Lee Askins, Lee Askins, Lewis Askins, Lewis Atkins, Homer Atkins, Jno. P. Atkinson, William T. assignee of Jesse McCoy Atkinson, William T. assignee of Jesse McCoy Auley, William Austin, Joe Austin, Joe Austin, Joseph Austin, Joseph 2nd Austin, Ramsom Sr. Austin, S.L. Austin, S.L. Autney, William J. Autney, William J. Autrey, J. Ayers, Daniel assignee of Marion Griffin Babb, James C. Babbitt, Edward L. Babcock, Judd L. Bacham?, Hubert Sen?. Bacham?, Hubert Sen?. Backmeyer, E.A. Backmeyer, E.A. Bacon, C.S. Bacon, C.S. Baer?, Charley Baer?, Charley Baggness, Wm. Bagley, Best? Bailey, W.D. Baker, Albert Baker, H.M. Baker, J.C. Baker, J.C. Baker, J.N. Baker, J.S. Baker, James A. Baker, James A. Baker, James G. Baker, James G. Baker, Logan M. Baker, S.C? Mrs. Baker, William Baker, William J. Baldridge, F. Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignee of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Balentine, A.M. & G.W., assignees of Sam'l Mathews Bales, D.C. Bales, D.C. Baley, E.M. Ball, Pleasant Ball, Pleasant Ball, Pleasant Ball, Pleasant Ballard, B.F. Ballard, Jno. Balley, William assignee of W.O. Donahue Bandy, Monroe Bandy, T.B. Banks, F.M. Barber, S.J. Barbour, George Barbour, William C. Barclay, J.L. Bare, Dobey Bare, Joshua Barham, John Barker, W.S. Barker, W.S. Barlow, J.M. Barnes, Elijah D. Barnes, Elijah D. Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Elmer Barnes, J.V. Barnes, Jas. K. Barnes, Jas. K. Barnes, Susan Jane Barnes, Susan Jane Barnes, Sydney M. Barnes, Sydney M. Barnett, James Barnhill, C.H. assignee of J.W. Holt Barnhill, C.H. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Barnum, Barney Barnum, Barney Barnum, Lewis Barron, Wm. N. Barron, Wm. N. Barrow, P.L. Bartlette, Z.T. Bartley, J.B. Bartley, J.B. Bash, Francis Basinger, J.F. Basinger, J.F. Bass, Isaac R. Bass, Isaac R. Bass, Isaac R. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Bass, Isaac R. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Bass, Isaac R. Bass, Isaac R. Batton, John W. Batton, John W. Bauer, George Bayan, C.E. Beach, Moses S. Beach, Moses S. Beach, Moses S. Beach, Moses S. Beaman, James E. Bean, Hannah Bean, J.H. Bearden, F.W. Bearden, Rebecker E. Bearden, Rebecker E. Bearden, Robert W. Beck, Alvin C. Beck, Alvin C. Beck, Leon Beckwell, John H. Beecher, Della Beecher, Della Beecher, George Beel, J.G. Beigang, Augustus Beiler, Frederick Beiler, Frederick Belew, Chas. W. Bell, Annie? Bell, Edward Bell, Jarrett's heirs Bell, W.M. Bellah, Jay Bells, Leanidas [or Bills?] Beloate, Nancy E. Belote, Charles V. Bender, David Bennett, E.D. Bennett, Edward Bennett, J.H. Bennett, John and Wm. Bennett, assignees of William Puckett Bennett, Nathan F. Bennett, Wess Bennett, Wm. Benson, Alice Benson, Alice Benton, Isaac Benton, Isaac Benton, J.C. Berans?, W.A.'s heirs Berger, Marcus Berger, Marcus ... Berger, Marcus ... Berkly, Henry Berkly, Henry Berry, D.A. Berry, J.F. Berry, James L., assignee of Henry G. Smith Bevens, W.C. Bevins, John T.'s heirs Bevins, John T.'s heirs Bevis, John L. Bibb, John Bibbs, J.F. Bibbs, J.F. Biggers, James A. Biggs, E.R.C. Biggs, E.R.C. Biggs, Mathew Biggs, Mathew Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Bills, John H. Binkley, Isaac Binkley, Otis Bird, G.W. Bird, G.W. Bird, Mary E. Bird, Mary E. Birnback, Paul A. and Dewell Gann Jr. Birnback, Paul A. and Dewell Gann Jr. Birnback, Paul A. and Dewell Gann Jr. Birnback, Paul A. and F.B. Colemon Birnback, Paul A. and F.W. Hunker? [Hunter?] Bishop, Samuel Bishop, Samuel Bishop, W.J. Bishop, W.J. Bivins, E.F. Bivins, E.F. Bivins, E.F. Bivins, E.F. Black, John R. Black, John R. Black, Tom Blackburn, Thos. Blackshear, James assignee of Jno. M. Roundtree Blackwood, Sheron assignee of Linzey Clawton Blackwood, T. Blackwood, T.L. Blackwood, T.L. Blackwood, Theron Blackwood, V.T. Blackwood, V.T. Blair, J.T. Blalock, David Blasingame, George W. Blasingame, George W. Block, Wm.'s heirs and legal representatives Block, Wm.'s heirs and legal representatives Blount, Logan A. Blount, Logan A. Blount, Logan A. Blount, Logan A. Blum, August Blum, August Boardman, John Boas, Isaac Boatman, Robert Boatman, Robert Bobo, A.P. Bodie, Chas. F. Bodie, Chas. F. assignee of Abraham Smelser Bohaning, Daniel Bohaning, Wm. G. Bohaning, Wm. G. Bohin?, W.T. Boice, Francis Boley, Ira E. Boley, William I. Bolter, Jno. W. Bond, Elmer R. Bond, Z.M. Bond, Z.M. Bonds, Francis Bonds, Francis Bonds, Sarah E. Bonds, Sarah E. Boone, Ransome T. Boone, Ransome T. Booth, H.C. Booth, Sallie E.P. Booth, Sallie E.P. Booth, Willie Boothe, Emma T. Boothe, Emma T. Boothe, Jno. L. Boothe, Jno. L. Boren, L.O. Boroman, G.W. Bottoms, J.W. Bounds, Cleao? Bower, Caroline Bowers, Giles Bowlin, Roy I. Bowman, Francis Box, T.A. Boyd, E.D. Boyd, Etta F. Boyd, Hugh Boyd, John C. assignee of Wm. C. Rayburn Boyd, John C. assignee of Wm. C. Rayburn Boyd, Linn Boyd, Linn Boyd, Linn Boyd, Linn Boyd, Linn Boyd, Linn Boyd, Moses last assignee of S.W. Pyburn Boyd, Wm. H. Boyd, Wm. H. Boyd, Wm.'s heirs and legal representatives Boyd, Wm.'s heirs and legal representatives Boyer, Clark Boyle, T.M. Boyle, T.M. Brackenridge, Andrew J. Brackenridge, Andrew J. Brackenridge, D.J.E. assignee of Milas Hanes Brackenridge, D.J.E. assignee of Milas Hanes Brackenridge, John Brackenridge, John Brackenridge, N.B. Brackenridge, Sarah Brackenridge, Sarah Bradberry, W.H. Bradford, L.O. Bradford, L.O. Bradford, Syntha A. Bradford, Syntha A. Bradford, W.A. Bradford, W.M. Bradford, W.M. Bradford, W.T. Bradford, W.T. Bradley, D.J. Bradley, O?.Q?. Bradley, O?.Q?. Bradley, William M. Bradshaw, Charles Bradshaw, G.W. Bradshaw, G.W. Bradshaw, Gideon T. Bradshaw, Gideon T. Bradshaw, Gideon T. Bradshaw, John Bradshaw, John J. Bradshaw, John J.'s legal representatives, assignee of Benj. W. Murphy Bradshears, S.H. Bradsher, J.A. Bradsher, J.A. Bradsher, Jno. A. Bradsher, Jno. A. Brady, F.J. Brady, F.J. Brady, G.H. Brady, G.H. Brady, M.F. Brady, M.F. Brady, Marion Brady, Wm. E. Brady, Wm. E. Brake, Geo. W. Bramlet, Lewis Bramlett, H.L. Branch, Thomas Brand, Albert J. Brand, Albert J. Brand, Isaac Brand, Isaac Brandon, George W. Brandon, J.A.R. Brandon, L.E. Brandon, Sam Branlet, Louis deceased's heirs and legal reps, assignee of Isaac A. Stone Brantley, T.C. Brantley, T.C. Brasell, William Brasell, William Brashears, Samuel H.'s heirs and legal reps, assignee of James A. Coal Brashers, P.N. Brashers, W.N. Bratton, Edward H. Brawner, A.W? Brawner, James M. Bray, Eli S. Bray, Jesse Brazil, Elijah Darrel last assignee of Matthew T. Read and wife Breckenridge, David Breckenridge, David Breckenridge, David J.E. assignee of Milas Hanes Breckenridge, David J.E. assignee of Milas Hanes Breckenridge, E. Breckenridge, E. Breeding, W.T. last assignee of Alex'r H. Murrey Bremmage, J.H. Brewer, Amos Brewer, T.E. Brice, P.M. Brice, P.M. Bridgewater, Lynn? Briggs, Chas. E. Briggs, Chas. E. Brinkley, Otis Brinkley, Robert C. Bristol, George Bristol, George Britts, Barnie B. Britts, Barnie B. Britts, P.W. Britts, P.W. Brocken, E.R. Brockenridge, J.A. Brockenridge, J.A. Brockenridge, James H. Brockenridge, James H. Bronne, Laura E. Bronne, Laura E. Brook, J.E. Brooks, David Brooks, James Brooks, James Brooks, Samuel Brooks, Samuel Brooks, W.P. Brooks, W.P. Brooks, W.P. Brooks, William W. Brooks, William W. Brown, A.H. Brown, A.H. Brown, Calvin Brown, Calvin Brown, Caroline Brown, Caroline Brown, Charles L. Brown, Chas. G.'s heirs and legal representatives Brown, Chas. G.'s heirs and legal representatives Brown, Emily Brown, Geo. W. Brown, H.H. Brown, H.H. Brown, H.H. and W.H. Allen Brown, H.H. and W.H. Allen Brown, H.H. Brown, H.H. Brown, J.R. Brown, J.R. Brown, J.T. Brown, J.W. Brown, Jacob Brown, Jesse Brown, John J. Brown, John J. Brown, John Q?. Brown, Malvina Brown, Mizzella Brown, R.D. last assignee of L. Boyd, admn estate of Linn Boyd, deceased Brown, R.E.L. Brown, R.E.L. Brown, R.J. Brown, R.T. Brown, S.C. Brown, S.C. Brown, Seth Brown, Thos. Brown, W.T. Brown, W.T. Brown, William Brown, Wm. E. Brown, Wm. J. Bryan, Nannie M. Bryan, W.A. Bryan, W.S. Bryant, A.W. Bryant, A.W. Bryant, Charles Bryant, Charley Bryant, Charley Bryant, James Bryant, Robert Bryant, Robert Bryant, Robert Bryant, Robert Bryson, Lewis J. Buatoe?, J.F. Buchanan, Thos. E. Buchanan, Thos. E. Buchanan, Wm. H. Buchanan, Wm. H. Buckley, Calvin N. Buckner, Elizabeth Buckner, J.D. Buckner, W.W. Bucy, J.S. Bucy, J.S. Bucy, J.S. Bucy, J.S. Bucy, M.B. Bucy, M.B. Bullard, C.V. Bullard, C.V. Bullard, G.M. Bullock, William Bunch, Charles Bunch, Charles Bunker, Geo. W. Bunker, Geo. W. Bunker, James P. Bunker, James P. Buntin, M.L. Buntyn, Geraldus Buntyn, Geraldus Burchett, E.E. Burdin, B.H. Burdin, B.H. Burdin, J.W. Burdin, J.W. Burgess, Alexander Burgess, C.A. Burnett, Jno. J.'s heirs and legal representatives Burnett, M.J. Burnham, M.E. Burnham, M.E. Burns, A.B. Burns, A.L. Burns, Chas. Burns, Delmar Burns, E.D. Burns, E.D. Burns, John T.'s heirs Burns, John T.'s heirs Burns, T. Burns, W.C. Burton, J.L. Burton, James Burton, L.H. Burton, R.A. Burton, R.A. Burton, R.C. Burton, R.C. Burton, S.B. Burton, S.B. Burton, T. Burton, V.M. Burton, V.M. Burton, William C. assignee of Martha J. Menser... Burton, Wm. M. Burvill?, A.C. Busby, Armon Butler, J.G. Butler, J.G. Butler, J.J. Butler, J.W. Butler, Jas. Butler, Porter Butler, Porter Butler, W.B. Butler, W.B. Butler, Wm. M. Buzzan, Jas. P. Buzzell, S.K.S. Byal, Frank Byal, Frank Byars, Philip A. last assignee of Buck and Young Byer, Don Byer, Don Byrd, J.A. Byrd, J.A. Cabler, Fred'k H. Cache Valley Land Company Cain, W.R.'s heirs and legal representatives Caldwell, A.J. Caldwell, A.J. Calvert, B.H. Campbell, C.Q. Campbell, C.Q. Campbell, John H. Campbell, John H. Campbell, Robt. H. Campbell, W.A. Campbell, W.A. Campbell, W.R. Cander?, Richard Cannady, W.M. Edward Cannady, W.M. Edward Cannon, Charles C. Cannon, G.W. Cannon, Jas. C. Cannon, Jas. C. Cantrell, Jno. B. Cantrell, Jno. B. Cantwell, Chas. Capps, M.J. Capps, Nimrod Carden, Charles M.C. Cardin, William Cardwell, J.F. assignee of Mary A., W.E., and H.J. Jackson... Cargill, L.B. Cargille, Clinton A. Carlin, Wm. Carmickle, W.B. Carmickle, W.B. Carmody, James Carnall, John Carnall, John Carpenter, C.H. Carpenter, C.H. Carpenter, Columbus Carpenter, J.H. Carr, John Carrell, W.T. Carrell, W.T. Carrigan, Patrick Carroll, J.L.D. Carroll, J.L.D. Carroll, J.T. Carroll, J.T. Carroll, Lucretia Carroll, Lucretia Carroll, N.S. Carroll, Ray Carson, John M. Carson, John M. Carson, Joseph Carter, A.R. Carter, A.R. Carter, E.L. Carter, E.P. Carter, E.P. Carter, F.S. assignee of A.D. Evans Carter, F.S. assignee of A.D. Evans Carter, F.S. assignee of N.W. Clements Carter, F.S. assignee of N.W. Clements Carter, Geo. S. Carter, Geo. S. Carter, J.R. Carter, John E. Carter, John E. Carter, John J. Carter, John J. Carter, John J. Carter, John J. Carter, John S. assignee of Wm. B. Whitaker Carter, John S. assignee of Wm. B. Whitaker Carter, John S. last assignee of Rich Humphrey Carter, John S. last assignee of Rich Humphrey Carter, Matilda Carter, Matilda Carter, Matilda Carter, Matilda Carter, R.J. assignee of Benj. F. Cooper Carter, R.J. assignee of Benj. F. Cooper Carter, Robert J. Carter, Robert J. Carter, Robt. J. Carter, Robt. J. Carter, Robt. J. assignee of B.F. Cooper Carter, Robt. J. assignee of B.F. Cooper Carter, Thos. Casey, J.M. Casey, J.M. Casey, J.M. Casey, J.M. Casey, James M. Casey, Robert F. Casinger, John Casinger, John Casteel, J.A. Casteel, Robt. W. Cate, Richard A. Cate, T.W. Cate, T.W. Cato, Henry Jr. Cato, Starling Caufield, Z.R. Cavert, Stephen Chadwick, John Chaffin, A.T. Chaffin, A.T. Chaloner, Geo. Chaloner, Geo. Chamberlain, C.R. Chamberlain, C.R. Chambers, Claud E. Chambers, Ki Chambers, Marvin H. Chambers?, G.W. Chambers?, G.W. Chandler, J.H. Chandler, John Chandler, W.H.C. Chapman, W.T. Chase, V.R. Chase, V.R. Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Robt. V. Richardson Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of W.R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of W.R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of W.R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of W.R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of W.R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of W.R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Wm. R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. last assignee of Wm. R. Cunningham Chatfield, Wm. H. trustee, last assignee of W.R. Cunningham and M.J. Wicks Chatfield, Wm. H., trustee, last assignee of W.R. Cunningham and M.J. Wicks Chatfield, Wm. H., trustee... Chatfield, Wm. H., trustee... Cheak?, Jas. Alferd Cheek, W.R. Chesbrough, Nellie, asignee of John Ryan Chesbrough, Nellie, asignee of John Ryan Cheshire, John Chesney, Geo. T. Chesney, Geo. T. Chesser, F.M. Chesser, F.M. Chesser, James's heirs and legal representatives Chesser, W.M. Chesser, W.M. Chester, Robert J. Chester, Robert J. Chester, Robert J. Chilcutt, J.M. Childers, Joel Childers, Nancy Childers, Nancy Childers, Nicholas Childers, Nicholas Childers, Nicholas administrator of estate of A.J. Smith Childers, Nicholas administrator of estate of A.J. Smith Childers, Nicholas last assignee of Catherine Griffey Childers, Robt. H. Childers, W.W. Childress, Chas. L. Childress, Geo. W. Christal, M.E. Christal, M.E. Christal, R.B. Christal, R.B. Christopher, W.E. Ciferd, James H. Cinnamond, Thos. Clanton, Linsey Clanton?, Linguy? Clardy, W.T. Clardy, W.T. Clark, Elizabeth Clark, J.E. Clark, J.H. Clark, Jacob assignee of Carnaty Stephenson Clark, James Clark, James Clark, James M. Clark, John Clark, John assignee of Thos. A. Smith Clark, M.R. Clark, M.R. Clark, Roy Clark, Roy Clark, Thomas Clark, Thomas Clark, Timothy Clark, Timothy Clark, W.L. Clark, Welsey Clarke, E.E. assignee of Jeptha Fowlkes Clary, N.A. Clary, Philip Clayton, Floyd Clayton, Floyd Clayton, H.A. Clayton, H.A. Clayton, Harlin A. Clayton, Harlin A. Clayton, John J. Clayton, John J. Cleburne, P.R. Cleburne, P.R. Cleburne, P.R. Cleburne, P.R. Cleghorn, John's heirs and legal representatives Clements, L.M. Clemins, Willis Clemmons, Ruth Clemons, Geo. W. Clemons, H.W. Clemons, John Clemons, John M. Clemons, Sallie T. Clemons, Wm. N. Cleveland, Jerome Cleveland, John R. Cleveland, John R. Cleveland, T.R. Cleveland, T.R. Cleveland, W.A. Cleveland, William J. assignee of James Stephens Cleveland, William J. assignee of William Eden Cleveland, William J. assignee of William Eden Cleveland, Wm. J. assignee of James Stephens Clifft, Edw'd S. Clift, Henry L. Cline, John R. Clodfetter, C.G. Cloud, J.F. Cloud, James Terrel Cloud, James Terrel Cloud, W.A. Clover, W.A. Coates, John E. Coates, John E. Coates, Wm. H. Coates, Wm. H. Coats, Eliza Cobble, King C. Cobble, King C. Coburn, Morris W. Coburn, Morris W. Cochran, W.C. Cochran, W.C. Cochrum, Thomas M. Cochrum, Thomas M. Cockrum, A.J. Cockrum, C.J. Coe, R.C. Coe, R.C. Coe, Ray Coe, Ray Coe, Roy Coe, Roy Coe, W.J. Coe, W.J. Coffett, Jacob Coffett, Jacob Coghill, Geo. H. Cole, A.J. Cole, A.J. Cole, Alfred E. Cole, Calvin H. Cole, Calvin H. Cole, Dennis Cole, James H. assignee of David Bender Cole, James H. assignee of David Bender Cole, James H. assignee of David Bender Cole, Jane C. Cole, Jane C. Cole, N.R. Cole, N.R. Cole, N.R. Cole, N.R. Cole, Sudie C. Colebaugh, Jas. Coleman, Alex Coleman, Harriet E. Coleman, Jno. R. Coleman, Mary A. Coleman, R.L. Coleman, R.L. Coleman, R.L. Coleman, R.L. Coleman, R.T. Collier, James W. Collins, C.F. Collins, C.F. Collins, J.H. Collins, J.H. Collins, P.J. Collins, Wm. H. Collins, Wm. H. Colquette, S.E. Comer, Chas. A. Condor, Nancy Conger, J.C. Conger, J.C. Conger, Perry Conger, Perry Connelly, Jasper Connelly, Jasper Connelly, Rebecca Connelly, Rebecca Connely, Henry Connely, Henry Conner, Arther Conner, S.M. Conner, Willoughby Conner?, Geo. W. Cook, C.C. Cook, Eliza assignee of R.H. Cole Cook, G.N. Cook, Geo. W. Cook, Geo. W. Cook, Geo. W. Cook, George M. Cook, Levi Cook, M.M. Cook, M.M. Cook, Martin Cook, R.E. Cook, R.E. Cook, Richard Cook, T.J. Cook, Wm. H. Cook, Wm. H. Cooly, J.W. Cooper, Arthur C. Cooper, Arthur C. Cooper, C.C. Cooper, C.C. Cooper, Earl Cooper, Earl Cooper, Gladys Mrs. Cooper, Gladys Mrs. Cooper, Ibby M. Cooper, J.W. Cooper, J.W. Cooper, James Cooper, John P. Cooper, M.F. Cooper, M.F. Cooper, N.F. Cooper, N.F. Cooper, Otto Cooper, Otto Cooper, Robert Cooper, Robert Cooper, Samuel Cooper, Thos. Cooper, W.C. Cooper, W.C. Cope, William S. Copeland, Carrie Copeland, Carrie Copeland, E.H. Copeland, E.H. Copeland, Harriet E. Copeland, Harriet E. Copeland, R.H. Copeland, R.H. Copeland, R.H. assignee of Geo. Porter for 1/2 interest Copeland, Sarah J. Copeland, Sarah J. Copeland, Susan Copeland, Susan Copland, B.F. and E.N. Allen Jr. Copland, B.F. and E.N. Allen Jr. Coplin, H. Coplin, H. Corey, Lesbia Corley, William L. Cosby, Jackson Cosby, Wm. last assignee of Lester and Mellon Cossay, Sebert M. Courter, Dan Courter, Dan Courtney, Emry D. Courtrand?, D.C. Covey, L.G. Cowan, John S. Cowan, Mallissa Coward, Simpson Coward, Simpson Cox, Fannie Cox, Fannie Cox, Geo. A. Cox, Geo. A. Cox, Jennie E. Cox, Nancy Cox, T.H. Cox, Thomas N. Cox, Thomas N. Crabb, James H. Crabtree, T.C.'s heirs and legal reps. Craft, Geo. W. Craft, George B. Craft, George B. Craft, George B. and Larkin Wiley assignees of James Eubanks Craft, Sarah Craft, Wm. C. Craft, Wm. C. Craig, Calvin H. Craig, Robert Craig, S.E. Craig, S.E. Craig, Syrena Craig, Wm. E. Crask, W.B. Craven, A.R. Craven, John W. Cravin, J.H. Crawford, James M. Crawley, B.H. assignee of F.G. Perrymore Crawley, B.H. assignee of John T. Crawley Crawley, B.H. assignee of Larkin Wylie Crawley, B.H. assignee of P.K. Lester Crawley, P.H. Creal, James M. Creal, James M. Crenshaw, F.A. Crenshaw, R.S. Crenshaw, R.S. Crisel, W.J. Crites, Mary Crites, Mary Crocker, R. Crocker, R. Crockett, Elgia Crofft, J.A. Crofft, J.A. Croft, George B. assignee of Matthew M. Harris Croft, Sarah Croom, J.H. Croom, J.H. Crosby, Robert Crosley, H.F. Crosley, H.F. Cross, D.C. Cross, D.C. and T.D. McYonley Cross, D.C. and T.D. McYonley Cross, D.C. and T.D.W. Yonley Cross, D.C. and T.D.W. Yonley Cross, D.C. and T.D.W. Yonley Cross, D.C. and T.D.W. Yonley Cross, D.C. and T.D.W. Yonley Cross, D.C. and T.W.D. Yonley Cross, D.C. and T.W.D. Yonley Cross, D.C. assignee of Jeptha Fowlkes, assignee of Geo. W. Underhill Cross, D.C. last assignee of Geo. W. Underhill Cross, D.C. last assignee of Geo. W. Underhill Cross, David C. Cross, David C. Cross, David C. Cross, David C. Cross, David C. Cross, David C. Cross, David C. Crossen, A.J. Crossin, Silvester Crossley, Wm. G. Crosson, A. Samuel Crosson, A.S. Crosson, J.W. Crouch, W.M. Crouch, W.M. Crow, C.C. Crow, Callie P. Crow, Henry Crow, Jim Crow, Jim Crow, John T. Crow, Lawrence Crow, Lawrence Crow, Richard Crow, Virgil Crow, Virgil Crowder, Hugh W. Crowder, Hugh W. Crowder, W.H. Crowder, William Crowell, R.L. Crowell, R.L. Crowley, Ann M. Crowley, B.H. Crowley, B.H. Crowley, B.H. Crowley, B.H. Crowley, B.H. Crowley, B.H. and M.J. Body Crowley, B.H. last assignee of T.J. Millan, deceased Crowley, Benjamin H. Crowley, Elizabeth J. Crowley, Victoria V. Crown, David R. Crown, Kitty J. Crown, R.E. Crownover, Giles Crownover, Giles Croy, Albert Croy, Albert Croy, Jerold Croy, Jerold Crum, Andrew Crum, Eli H. Crum, Isaac Crump, L.G. Cruse, Nicholas Cummins, J.A. Cunningham, Rebecca Cunningham, W.A. Cunningham, W.A. Cunningham, W.R. Cunningham, W.R. Cunningham, W.R. Cunningham, W.R. Cunningham, W.R. Cunningham, W.R. Cupp, Henry Cupp, Henry Cupp, Jacob C. Cupp, W.W. Cupp, Warner Curtis, P.H. Curtis, S.M. Curtis, Sam'l H. Dach, John assignee of W.J. Sharp Dach, John assignee of W.J. Sharp Dalhans, Frank C. Dalton, John M. Dalton, Motor? Dame, Samuel Daniel, W.N. Daniel, W.N. Daniel, Z.T. Daniel, Z.T. Daniel, Z.T. Daniel, Z.T. assignee of heirs at law of Shadrock Nettle Daniel, Z.T. last assignee of John Blount Daniels, Aurelius Daniels, Sardinia K. Daniels, Z.T. assignee of the heirs of C.F. Nettle Danley, V.U. Dargan, E.J. Darr, James A. Darr, Mary A. Daugter, Gotthart Sr. Daulton, Thomas H. Daulton, Thomas H. Davidson, Thomas J. Davidson, Thomas J. Davidson, Thomas J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davie, W.J. Davies, James F. Davies, James F. Davies, James F. Davies, James F. assignee of A. Rowland Davies, James F. assignee of Eliza Bell Davies, James F. assignee of Eliza Bell Davies, James F. assignee of Elizabeth Brock Davies, James F. assignee of Elizabeth Mitchell Davies, James F. assignee of Elizabeth Mitchell Davies, James F. assignee of Isaac Segraves Davies, James F. assignee of Isaac Segraves Davies, James F. assignee of J.G. Thomason Davies, James F. assignee of Mary Edmunson Davies, James F. assignee of Mary Edmunson Davies, James F. assignee of Thompson Bradshaw Davies, James F. assignee of Thompson Bradshaw Davies, James F. assignee of W.R. Shackelford Davies, James F. assignee of W.R. Shackelford Davies, James F. Jr. Davies, James F. Sr. Davis, A.H. Davis, Alex M. and Robt. C. Jones assignees of Larkin Wylie Davis, Alex M. and Robt. C. Jones assignees of Larkin Wylie Davis, Alex M. and Robt. C. Jones assignees of Larkin Wylie Davis, Alex M. and Robt. C. Jones assignees of Larkin Wylie Davis, Alex M. and Robt. C. Jones assignees of Larkin Wylie Davis, Casper A. Davis, D.D. Davis, D.W. Davis, D.W. Davis, Daniel F. Davis, Daniel S.'s legal representatives Davis, Daniel S.'s legal representatives Davis, Elihu Davis, I.S. Davis, James F. assignee of Nathaniel Stratton Davis, James F. assignee of Nathaniel Stratton Davis, James F. assignee of Z.W. Hardy Davis, James F. assignee of Z.W. Hardy Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of Bartlett Boyd Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of Bartlett Boyd Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of C.C. Cummings Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of C.C. Cummings Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of E. Jones Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of E. Jones Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of E. Winstead Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of E. Winstead Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of J.A. Kelley Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of J.A. Kelley Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of John Covert? Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of John Covert? Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of L.F. Pope Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of L.F. Pope Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of Martha A. Clark Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of Martha A. Clark Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of N. Tyler Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of N. Tyler Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of R. Vanderver Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of R. Vanderver Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of W.A. Whealis? Davis, James F. Jr. assignee of W.A. Whealis? Davis, John M. Davis, John P. Davis, Joseph assignee of James M. Landers Davis, Miles Davis, Nathan Davis, S.H. Davis, Samuel Davis, Samuel A. Davis, Sarah E. Davis, W.C. Davis, W.C. Davis, W.S. Davis, Wm. C. Davis, Wm. T. Davis, Wm.'s heirs Dawson, G.T. Day, Henry D. Day, I?.H. Day, J.W. Day, Jno. W. Day, John W. Day, William Daylon?, Raymond Daylon?, Raymond Deacon, Chas. Deacon, Chas. Dean, Alex, assignee of W.F. Dean Dean, Alexander assignee of A.J. Shoffitt Dean, B.P. Dean, J.E. Dean, Joseph A. Dean, R.A. Dean, Richard Dearman, Archibald assignee of Rufus H. Black Deibel, A.L.; R.F. Deibel; and O.H. Winn Deibel, A.L.; R.F. Deibel; and O.H. Winn DeLisle, J.M. DeLisle, Mary J. Dell, Edgar Dellingham, D.D. Demenett, John Demenett, John Demenett, John Demenett, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Demenett?, John Dempsey, A.W. Dengler, Gothart Deniston, F.A. Deniston, F.A. Deniston, James S. Deniston, James S. Deniston, M.E. Deniston, M.E. Deniston, M.E. Deniston, M.E. Dennington, Elias Dennis, J.E. Dennis, J.H. Dennis, J.T. Dennison, James M. Dennison, James M. Dennison, Jas. M. Denoyer, Emil Denton, Arthur Denton, Arthur Denton, John Denton, L.S. Mrs. Denton, W.A. assignee of G.B. Oliver and J.D. Polk Deputy, Joseph S. and Jesse A. Jackson DeRousse, Lewis DeRousse, Lewis Derousse, Peter Derousse, Peter Derryberry, Susie Deshazo, B. Deshazo, B. Deshazo, C.J. Deshields, Noah Dever, Bird Dever, Bird Dickerson, D.C. Dickerson, D.C. Dickerson, Thos. R. Dickerson, Thos. R. Dickey, W.H. Dickey, W.H. Dickson, W., J.L. Malone, and E.H. Porter Dickson, W., J.L. Malone, and E.H. Porter Dickson, William and J.L. Malone and E.H. Porter Dickson, William and J.L. Malone and E.H. Porter Dickson, William, J.L. Malone, and Ethel H. Porter, assignees of Ezekiel T. Keel Dickson, William, J.L. Malone, and Ethel H. Porter, assignees of Ezekiel T. Keel Dickson, Wm., J.L. Malone, and E.H. Porter Dickson, Wm., J.L. Malone, and E.H. Porter Dillinger, Jacob Dillon, W.J. Dinning, David Dixon, J.S. Dixon, J.S. Dixon, Jesse Dixon, Nathanal Dixon, Nathaniel Dixon, Nathaniel F. Doane, W.L.E. Dobbins, H.G.W. Dobbins, J.W. Dobbins, John Dobkin, R.C. Docus, Jno. A. [sic, Dacus?] Dodd, J.N. Dodd, J.N. Dodd, John S. Dodd, John S. Dodge, Chas. R. Dollahite, J.E. Dollahite, J.E. Dollens, J.W. Dollines, P.C. Dollins, A.A. Dollins, Geo. T. Dollins, Joe Dollins, Joe Dollins, John Dollison, J.W. Dollison, J.W. Donathan, J.C. and L.E. Morris Donley, Harrison Donley, Harrison Dooley, Benj. Dooley, Benj. Dooley, James V. Dooley, James V. Dooley, John Dooley, John Dooley, Rachel M. Dooley, Rachel M. Dorman, James L. Dortch, Jno. Dortch, Jno. Dortch, John last assignee of Jas. W. Owens Dortch, John last assignee of Jas. W. Owens Doty, John W. Douglass, William T. Douglass, William T. Dover, J.G. Dover, R.A. Dowdy, G.J. Dowdy, G.J. Dowdy, W.C. Dowell, Ed J. Dowell, S.C. Dowell, Wm. B. Downham, B.W. Draffen, G.A. Draffen, G.A. Drake, O.A. and James R. Drake Drake, O.A. and James R. Drake Drake, O.A. and James R. Drake Drake, William B. Drake, Wm. B. Drake, Wm. B. Drake, Wm. B. Drape, Stephen A. Drape, Stephen A. Draper, Roley Draper, Roley Draper, W.R. Draper, W.R. Drennen, Wm. A. Drew, Armstrong Driskell, B.H. Dualey, Ann Duboise, E.H. Duckworth, Benjamin W. Dudley, James Dudley, James H. Dudley, James H. Dudley, Thos. H. Duff, A.J. Duff, A.J. Duff, Andrew J. Duffell, John C. Duffell, John C. Duffield, Allen W. Duffield, Allen W. Duggins, J.H. Duke, H. Duke, Henry C. Dukes, H. Dukis, J--? A. Duncan, Robert F. Duncan, Robt. T. Dungan, Bud Dunn, Frank Dunn, John C. Dunn, John C. Durham, James G. Duvall, David Eaker, J.C. Eaker, J.C. Earnhart, O.L. Earp, M.C. Earp, M.C. Easley, M.P. Easley, R.C. Eason, Henry K. Eason, Henry K. Eatman, Zack Eatman, Zack Eatman, Zack Eaton, J.H. Eaton, James C. Eaton, James C. Eddings, John A. Edgell, R.B. Edgin, Wm. Edmonds, C.W. assignee of F.M. Copeland Edmonds, C.W. assignee of F.M. Copeland Edmonds, C.W. assignee of F.M. Copeland Edmonds, C.W. assignee of F.M. Copeland Edmondson, John W. Edmondson, John W. Edmondson, T.C. Edmonson, Harris P. Edmonson, Harris P. Edmonston, Mary Edmonston, Mary Edrington, Christopher F. Edrington, Edward Edrington, Edward Edwards, J.A. Edwards, J.A. Edwards, James M. Elam, Mary Elder, Geo. Elder, George T. Elder, George T. Elder, W.J. Elder, W.S. Elder, W.S. Eldridge, West W. Elems, John H. Elliott, Carrie M. Elliott, Carrie M. Elliott, D.J. Elliott, J.H. Elliott, W.P. Ellis, A.L. Ellis, Geo. W. Ellis, H.O. and E.L. Justin Ellis, H.O. and E.L. Justin Ellis, James Ellis, James Ellis, Rebecca Ellis, Rebecca Ellis, T.G. Ellis, W.F. Ellis, W.F. Ellis, William Ellis, William Ellis, Wm. deceased's legal representatives Ellison, James L. Ellison, James L. Ellsberry, Thos. W. Ellsberry, Thos. W. Elmore, G.A. Embry, Nelson H. Emerson, Maurice Emerson, Maurice Emery, Wm. Emmerson, R.H. Emmons, Charles Emmons, Charles England, Eliza England, Hubert England, Hubert England, James Erwin, Elizabeth late Elizabeth Russell Erwin, Geo. H. Erwin, Geo. H. Erwin, Jared Erwin, Jared assignee of W.R. Spencer Erwin, Joseph Erwin, W.J. for himself and as last assignee of C.C. Bliss Erwin, W.J. for himself and assignee of C.C. Bliss Eskew, Jno. W. Estabrook, M.D. Estabrook, M.D. Ester, Izar Ester, Izar Eubank, A.J. Eubank, A.W. Eubank, A.W. Eubank, Charles D. Eubanks, Alvin Eubanks, Alvin Eubanks, Alvin assignee of Elizabeth Taylor Eubanks, Alvin assignee of Elizabeth Taylor Eubanks, Alvin assignee of Josiah T. Fisher Eubanks, Alvin assignee of Josiah T. Fisher Eubanks, J.L. Eubanks, J.L. Eubanks, W.P. Eubanks, W.P. Evans, Daniel W. Evans, Daniel W. Evans, Eliza Evans, Eliza Evans, Mander Evans, William Everts, Henry E. Everts, Mary E. Evins, Martin assignee of Samuel Rodgers Ezell, Charley Ezell, Charley Ezell, Stephen Farley, P.L. Farmer, Balam Farmer, Balam Farmer, Henry Farmer, James Farmer, James Farmer, T.E. Farmer, Thomas Farmer, Thomas Farmer, Thomas Farmer, Thomas Farrar, G.W. Farrar, G.W. Farras, Chas. Farras, Chas. Faucette, J.P. Faulck?, M.L. Fears, Ben M. Fears, Ben M. Featheringill, Wm. Featheringill, Wm. Feece?, John Feece?, John Feilder, Wm. M. Feilder, Wm. M. Ferguson, David Allen Ferguson, David Allen Feziee?, J.H. Fielder, J.H. Fielder, S.B. Fielder, Toney Fielder, W.J. Fields, Geo. M. Fields, Geo. M. Fields, Stella Fields, Stella Finley, John R. Finley, John R. Finney, James A. Fishburn, John Fishburn, Julia Fisher, Josiah F. assignee of Jasper K. Holliday Fisher, Josiah F. assignee of Jasper K. Holliday Fitzhugh, Thomas Flanery, F.A. Flanery, F.A. Flanery, John Flanery, John Flemming, J.H. Fletcher and Bay Fletcher and Bay Fletcher, H.L., F. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and J. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and J. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, H.L., F.M. Chrisman, M.Q. Townsend, and Jas. Hornibrooke Fletcher, Hulda Fletcher, Jno. G. Fletcher, W.F. Flowers, E.K. Flowers, E.K. Floyd, Earle D. Floyd, Guy Floyd, L.H. Floyd, Roy Folckenner?, Charles Forbes, Alex deceased's heirs and legal representatives Forbes, J.E. Forbes, J.E. Ford, B.R. Ford, B.R. Ford, C.E. Ford, C.E. Ford, H.G. Ford, H.G. Ford, James S. Ford, James S. and James Campbell Ford, James S. and James Campbell Ford, Mary S. assignee of W.G. Ford Ford, Mary S. assignee of Wm. G. Ford Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, W.G. Ford, Wm. G. Ford, Wm. G. Ford, Wm. G. Forehand, J.A. Forehand, J.A. Forester, Noah Forester, Noah Forgey, Robert B. Forrest, S.A. Forrest, Watson Forristal, Thomas Forristal, Thomas Foster, George D. and Joseph E. Young assignee of James M. Murphy Foster, George D. and Joseph E. Young assignee of James M. Murphy Foster, George W. Jr. last assignee of George W. Foster Foster, George W. Jr. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams, deceased Foster, H.S. Foster, H.S. Foster, J.D. Foster, J.D. Foster, James W. Foster, John W. Foster, L.A. Foster, L.A. Foster, M.M. Foster, M.M. Foster, Madison M. Foster, W.W. Foster, W.W. Fowler, Ernest Fowler, Ernest Fowler, Frank Fowler, Grover G. Fowler, William Fowler, Wm. Fox, A.J. Fox, J.S. assignee of W. Garrett Fox, Le Roy Fox, Le Roy Frakes, Geo. Frakes, Geo. Frakes, John Frakes, John Frame, E.W. Frame, E.W. Frame, Jas. A. Frame, Jas. A. Francis, William Francis, William T. Frankie?, Allen Frantham, John H. [probably Trantham] Frantham, John H. [probably Trantham] Frantham, Neadham J. [probably Trantham] Frantham, Neadham J. [probably Trantham] Frasier, Roy Frasier, Roy Frazee, John W. Frazee, Marshall Frazier, J.W. Frealy, I.W. Frealy, Isaac Freeman, Chas. A. Freeman, G.E. Freeman, Harvey G. Freeman, Harvey G. Freeman, James F. Freeman, James F. Freeman, Tilman H. Freeman, Tilman H. Freeman, Tilmon H. Freeman, Tilmon H. Freeman, W.E. Freeman, W.E. French, Emeline French, J.W. French, J.W. French, John F. Friar, A.I. Friar, D.B. Friar, Ezekial Friar, J.M. Friar, R.C. Friar, Sevier Friar, Sevier Friar, Sevier assignee of Pleasant Fryer Friar, Sevier assignee of Pleasant Fryer Friar, Willis Friar, Willis Frier, Robert C. Frier, William T. Fryar, Joseph Fryer, George Fryer, George Fryer, Joseph Fryer, Joseph Fulkerson, W.E. Fullington, E.G. assignee of James M. Landers Futrell, James D. Futrell, Jeptha assignee of Nelson Owen Futrell, Jonathan Gaber, J.M. Gaber, J.M. Gage, Wm. S. Gage, Wm. S. Gahagan, James Gahagan, James Galbreath, Dock Galingheuse, G.M. Galingheuse, G.M. Galleher, John A. Galleher, John A. Galloway, D.C. Gantt, Calvin Gardner, Chas. F. Gardner, Chas. F. Gardner, J.J. Gardner, Jno. Gardner, R.H. Gardner, R.H. Gardner, R.H. assignee of J.F. Pulley Gardner, R.H. assignee of J.F. Pulley Gardwell, Richard Gardwell, Richard Garner, C.B. Garner, C.B. Garner, Chris Garner, Chris Garner, E.F. Garner, E.F. Garner, E.L. Garner, E.L. Garner, Frank Garner, J.W. Garner, N.E. Garner, N.Z. Garner, N.Z. Garner, Noah Garner, Noah Garner, T.C. Garner, T.C. Garner, Wm. R. Garner, Wm. R. Gates, C.A. Gates, Chas. W. Gates, Chas. W. Gates, Henry A. Gates, J.L. Gates, J.L. Gault, Hugh F. Gay, W.R. Gayaway, Daily Gayaway, Daily Gayoso Savings Institute Gayoso Savings Institute Gayoso Savings Institution Gayoso Savings Institution Gayoso Savings Institution Gayoso Savings Institution Gazaway, B.C. Gazaway, B.C. Gearhart, John W. Gearhart, John W. Gent, G.T. Gent, G.T. Gentry, J.H. Gentry, J.H. Gentry, Jonathan B. assignee of Martha J. Meredith Gentry, Jonathan B. assignee of Martha J. Meredith Gentry, Joseph E. Gentry, S.P. Gentry, Samuel P. assignee of Thos. J. Grills Gentry, Samuel P. assignee of Thos. J. Grills Gerling, John German, W.H. German, W.H. Gibbs, Isaac P. Gibson, John K. Gifford, R.E. Gilbreath, W.W. Gilbreath, W.W. Gilchrist, Wm. S. Gillean, A.L. Gillean, A.L. Gillean, J.H. Gillean, J.H. Gilliam, S.R. Gilliam, S.R. Gillian, H.C. Gillian, H.C. Gillian, John H. Gillian, John H. Gillian, Virgil Gillian, Virgil Gillispy, Candy Gillispy, Candy Gilpatrick, John S. Ginger, John P. Gipson, Dan Glascow, John G. Glascow, John G. assignee of Henry Murray Glasgoe, Wiley P.M. Glasgoe, Wiley P.M. Glasgow, Jesse Glasgow, Jesse Glasscock - Smith Company Glasscock - Smith Company Glasscock - Smith Company Glasscock - Smith Company Glasscock and White last assignees of E. Light Glasscock and White, assignees of W.G. Bohanning Glasscock and White, assignees of W.G. Bohanning Glasscock, H.F. assignee of Graves Y. Howard Glasscock, H.F. assignee of Graves Y. Howard Glasscock, H.F. Jr. Glasscock, H.W. Glasscock, H.W. and F.S. White assignee of Louisiana Fielder Glasscock, H.W. and F.S. White Glasscock, H.W. and F.S. White Glasscock, H.W. and F.S. White, assignees of A.J. Mitchell Glasscock, H.W. and F.S. White, assignees of A.J. Mitchell Glasscock, H.W. assignee of A. Bridges Glasscock, H.W. assignee of A.B. Dennington Glasscock, H.W. assignee of J. Pully Glasscock, H.W. assignee of J.B. Williamson Glasscock, H.W. assignee of Phillip Trammell Glasscock, H.W. assignee of C.S. Brown Glasscock, H.W. assignee of C.S. Brown Glasscock, H.W. assignee of J. Pulley Glasscock, H.W. assignee of J.T. Seagroves Glasscock, H.W. assignee of J.T. Seagroves Glasscock, H.W. assignee of James B. Williamson Glasscock, Henry F. Glasscock, Henry M. Glasscock, Henry M. Glasscock, Henry W. Glasscock, Henry W. Glasscock, Henry W. assignee of A.B. Derrington Glasscock, Henry W. assignee of Clem Munser? Glasscock, Henry W. assignee of John Gray Glasscock, John Glasscock, R.L. assignee of James M. McLaughlin Glasscock, R.L. assignee of James M. McLaughlin Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Julia A. James Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Martha Dunn Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Mary M. McNeas Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Mary Taylor Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Nancy E. McNeas Glasscock, R.L. assignee of P.H. Sage Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Thomas Noblin Glasscock, R.L. assignee of Wm. Puckett Glasscock, Ransom Glasscock, Ransom Glasscock, Robert L. Glasscock, Robert L. Glasscock, Robert L. assignee of D.F. Lemon Glasscock, Robert L. assignee of Geo. B. Kline Glasscock, Robert L. assignee of Mary C. McNear Glasscock, Robert L. assignee of Massa Tummans Glasscock, Robert L. assignee of William Harpe Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. Glasscock, Robt. L. assignee of Malon McNabb Glasscock, Robt. L. assignee of Marcy Tummons Glasscock, Susan Glasscock, W.C. Glasscock, William A.M. Glasscock, Wm. A.M. Glasscock, Wm. A.M. Glasscock, Wm. A.M. Glasscock, Wm. A.M. Glasscock, Wm. A.M. Glasscock, Wm. A.M. Glover, M.M. Glover, M.M. Glover, T.W. Glover, T.W. Goad, Jeremiah Goad, Robt F. Gober, Jas. E. Gober, Jas. E. Gober, Lawson Gober, Lawson Godwin, F.A. Goff, R.G. Goins, William P. Gold, John Golden, John H. Goldman, R.C. Goldman, R.C. Goldman, R.C. Goldman, R.C. Goldsmith, Cicero Goldsmith, Dan'l B. Gooch, Green B. Good, J.E. Good, L.V. Mrs. Goode, Grant Goode, Grant Goodin, J.E. Goodman, A.B. Goodman, A.B. Goodman, Geo. W. Goodman, Geo. W. Goodman, J.L. Goodman, James M. Goodman, Jesse's heirs and legal reps. Gordon, J.T. Gossett, J.J. Gossett, J.J. Gotson, Jack Gould, Floyd Govinflo, J.J. Govinflo, J.J. Graff, Ben F. Grambling, B.M. Grambling, B.M. Grambling, Joseph R. Grambling, Memory C. Grambling, Memory C. Gramling, Henry V. Gramling, M.C. assignee of heirs at law & legal reps of Jno. C.O. Smith, dec'd Granade, H.W. Granade, H.W. Granade, H.W. Granade, H.W. Granade, Hervy W. Granade, Hervy W. Grant, A.J. assignee of Geo. Porter and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of Geo. Porter and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of George Proctor and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of George Proctor and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of George Proctor and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of George Proctor and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of George Proctor and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of George Proctor and Hector M. Grant Grant, A.J. assignee of Hector M. Grant for 1/2 interest Grant, Lee Graves, Robert Graves, Robert Gray, C.W. Gray, Charles R. Gray, Daniel Gray, Daniel Gray, Daniel Gray, Della Gray, F.M. Gray, Francis L. Gray, Francis L. Gray, James D. Gray, James D. Gray, James D. Gray, James D. Gray, Jonathan Gray, Jonathan Gray, Jonathan Gray, Jonathan Gray, Jonathan assignee of Obediah Gray Gray, Jonathan assignee of Obediah Gray Gray, Jonathan assignee of Obediah Gray Gray, Jonathan assignee of Obediah Gray Gray, Lizzie Gray, Lizzie Gray, Lucias T. Gray, Lucias T. Gray, Milley Gray, Milley Gray, Obadiah assignee of Washington Riley Gray, Obadiah assignee of Washington Riley Gray, Obediah assignee of Jonathan Gray Gray, Obediah assignee of Jonathan Gray Gray, Perry P. Gray, Perry P. Gray, R.M. Gray, R.M. Gray, Thomas C. Gray, Wm. Gray, Wm. Grayham, J.W. Grayson, Jno. A. Grayson, T.D. Green, Elzo Green, Elzo Green, John W. Green, John W. Green, M.M. Green, T.C. Mrs. Green, Tempy C. Green, W.H. Green, Wm. H. Greene, Peter T. assignee of John Whytock and Virgin T., his wife Greene, Peter T. assignee of John Whytock and Virginia T., his wife Greene, W.J. Greene, W.J. Greenwalt, August Greenwalt, August Greenway, D.E. Greenway, D.E. Greer, Albert S. Greggie, James P. assignee of J.H. Barton Greggie, James P. assignee of J.H. Barton Grembling, M.C. assignee of Jacob Sarver Gribble, W.C. Gribble, W.C. Grider, E. Grider, E. Griffey, Jonas Griffin, Allen Griffin, J.B. Griffin, J.J. Jr. Griffin, John J. Griffin, John J. Sen. Griffin, Marvin Griffin, P?.K. Griffing, J.C. Griffith, Geo. C. Griffith, Geo. C. Griggs, Berry Griggs, J.F. Grills, Thos. J. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Grills, Thos. J. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Grimes, Jas. M. Grimsley, W.C. Grimsley, W.C. Grimsley, William C. Grimsley?, William C. Grindle, Sylvester W. Grisham, J.A. Grisham, J.A. Grisham, James A. Grisham, James A. Grogan, Dudley H. Grogan, J.E. Grogan?, Dudley H. Grooms, Ella Grooms, Graves Grooms, Graves Grooms, J.F. Grooms, J.F. Grooms, W.M. Grooms, W.M. Groves, John B. Groves, V.C. Groves, V.C. Grubb, James R. Gruenwald, H. Gruenwald, H. Guest, Robert P. Guest, W.T. Guin, Alexander Guinn, J.W.O. [or O'Guinn, J.W.?] Guinn, J.W.O. [or O'Guinn, J.W.?] Gulley, Geo. S. Gulley, John E. Gulley, John E. Gunnells, Nathan Gunnells, Nathan Gunnels, Jas. Gunter, W.M. Guthrie, J.R. Guthrie, J.R. Guthrie, Jno. H. assignee of James K. Norsworthy Guthrie, Lydia Guthrie, Lydia Guthrie, R.L. Guthrie, R.L. Gutson?, Jno. Gutson?, Jno. Gwynn, Blewford Haggard, S.W. Hague, Wm. E. Hainelback?, Geo. Hale, Nathan H. Haley, Jesse M. Haley, Jesse M. Halfacre, Joseph Halfacre, Joseph Hall, Israel assignee of James P. Henry Hall, Joseph Hall, T.A. Hall, T.R. Hall, T.R. Hall, Thomas E. Hall, Thos. E. Hall, Wm. A.J. Hallaman, Floyd Hallaman, Floyd Hallaway, John Haller, Jno. J. Hallett, Thos. F. Hallett, Thos. F. Hallock, John Hallon, E. Hallon, J.W. Hally, Robert H. Hamblen, J.H. Hamilton, A.C. Hamilton, James P. Hamilton, James P. Hamilton, R.L. Hamilton, W.C. Hamilton, W.C. Hammah, J.C. Hammah, J.C. Hammah, J.C. Hammah, J.C. Hammah, W.H. Hammah, W.H. Hammel, Peter Hammell, R.M. Hammell, R.M. Hammett, J.W. Hammond, Eli Hammond, P.H. assignee of John L. Turner Hammond, W.C. Hammond, W.C. Hammons, G.C. Hampton, Jas. H. Hananer, L. Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Lewis Hananer, Louis's heirs Hananer, Louis's heirs Hand, H.V. Hand, H.V. Handschug?, Martin Hanes, W.H. Haney, B.H. Haney, B.H. Haney, Herbert Haney, J.W. Haney, W.R. Hanks, John T. Hanks, John T. Hannah, Henry Clay Hannah, Henry Clay Hannon, Patrick Hannon, Patrick Harber, G.A. Harber, G.A. Harber, H. Harber, Mary L. Harber, Mary L. Harbert, John Harbert, John Harbert, John Harbert, John Harden, J.W. Harden, J.W. Hardin, L.B. Hardin, L.F. Hardin, Levi Hardin, Levi, assignee of Richard Knox Hardin, Wm. F. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Harding, H.T. Harding, H.T. Hardstey, Wm. T. Hardy, G.W. Hardy, G.W. Hargraves, Emanuel Hargraves, Emanuel Hargraves, Richard H. Hargraves, Richard H. Hargrove, Nancy C. Hargrove, Nancy C. Hargrove, Tyra C. Hargroves, Emanuel Hargroves, Emanuel Harkey, Walter G. and Oscar H. Winn Harkman, W.G. Harley, J.H. Harley, J.H. Harman, Redick Harmon, Patrick Harmon, Patrick Harper, Elijah J. Harper, J.A. Harper, J.A. Harper, W.A. dec'd Harper, William Harpole, Geo. P. Harpole, Geo. P. Harris, C.A. Harris, G.M. Harris, James P. Harris, N.A. Harris, N.A. Harris, Nicholas Harris, Richard Harris, S.M. Harris, T.L.'s heirs and legal representatives Harris, Thomas J. Harris, Thomas J. Harris, Thos. S. Harris, Tilman L.'s heirs and legal representatives Harrison, G.T. Harrison, G.T. Harrison, John Harrison, John M.'s heirs Harrison, Patrick Harrison, Robert B. Hart, Emsley H. Hart, J.A. Hart, J.H. Hart, Warren Hartgrave, Martha L. Hartsoe, A.N. Hartsoe, A.N. Hartsoe, Arch N. Hartsoe, Arch N. Hartsoe, Mary C. Hartsoe, Mary C. Hartsoe, Mary C. Hartsoe, Mary C. Hartsoe, William I. Hartsoe, William I. Hartsoe, Wm. I. Hartsoe, Wm. I. Hartson, Arch N. Hartson, Arch N. Haskins, J.E. Haskins, James H. Haskins, Jno. B. Haskins, John B. Haskins, Jonathan B. assignee of Benjamin Pearce Haskins, Shill C. Haskins, Shill C. assignee of Jno. Harper Haskins, William C. Haskins, Wm. C. Hastings, Richard J. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Hastings, Robert Hatcher, Jack Hathcock, Jesse last assignee of Wm. E. Allman Hathorn, James C. Hathorn, James C. Hathorn, W.S. Haus?, Chas. B. Haus?, Chas. B. Hawk, Homer O. Hawk, Homer O. Hawkins, James E. Hawkins, Thomas Hawkins, W.P. Hawks, Jno. E. Hawthorne, Robt. A. Hayes, Clydie Hayes, John Haynes, M.L. Haynes, M.L. Hays, Albert Hays, Albert Hays, C.A. Hays, David Hays, Joseph Hayse, Robt. Hayse, Robt. Hearys?, William Heath, Ingrin W. Heathcock, Wm. H. Hecht, Ella Hecht, Ida Hecht, Levi assignee of Charles V. Corey Hecht, Morris Hecht, Morris Hedge, David Hedrick, Louis Hedrick, Louis Hefner, J.W. Heidlebrand, James's heirs and legal representatives Hellum, Elias's heirs Hellum, Elias's heirs Helterbrand, Jno. Helterbrand, Jno. Helton, R.L. Helton, R.L. Henderson, C.H. and E.R. Henderson, C.H. and E.R. Hennessee, Jas. A. Henry, A.N. Henry, J.G. assignee of Joseph Davies Henry, James Henry, James Henry, Moris Henry, Moris Hensinger, Reuben Hensinger, Reuben Henson, A.G. Henson, John Henson, Marthy D. Henson, Odis Henson, Odis Henson, William Herbel, Abraham last assignee of John Ryan Herbel, Abraham last assignee of John Ryan Herbel, Abraham last assignee of John Ryan Herbel, Abraham last assignee of John Ryan Herbel, Abraham last assignee of John Ryan Herbel, Abraham last assignee of John Ryan Hered, Geo. W. Hered, Geo. W. Hermann, Adam Hermann, Adam? Herran, F.M. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Herren, Samuel Herren, Thomas C. Herrin, Thomas Herring, Samuel Herrington, William Hesler, William F. Hess, James Hibbs?, W.S. Hibler, William R., assignee of Joseph Duffel Hibler, William R., assignee of Joseph Duffel Hicks, James Hicks, James H. Hicks, M.H. Hicks, Samuel Hicks, Wesley Hicks, Wesley Hiet, John G. Hiet, John G. Hiet, John G. assignee of Martha Hyde Higdon, T.J. Higgins, Wm. High, Lee High, Lee Highfile, Mary J. Highfill, Cintha E. Highfill, Hezekiah Highfill, J.F. Highlander, C.W. Highlander, C.W. Hightower, S.W. Hilburn, A.S. Hilburn, A.S. Hilburn, A.S. Hilburn, A.S. Hilburn, Jno. P. Hilburn, Jno. P. Hilburn, Thos. B. Hilderbrand, James and Joseph Kent Hilderbrand, James's heirs and legal reps., and Joseph Neut, deceased Hill, A.C. Hill, A.E. Hill, A.E. Hill, Annie S. Hill, Geo. W. Hill, H.T. Hill, H.T. Hill, J.F. Hill, J.F. Hill, J.H. Hill, J.H. Hill, Jno. H. Hill, John Hill, John Hill, John D. Hill, John D. Hill, Riley's heirs and legal representatives Hill, Riley's heirs and legal representatives Hill, Sallie E. as devises under the last will and testament of George W. Maxey Hill, W.M. Hill, W.M. Hilliard, J.W. Hilliard, J.W. Himess, Arnold Joseph Hinkle, Everett Hinkle, Everett Hinkle, J.W. Hinkle, J.W. Hinkle, Jonathan Hinnessee?, J.G. Hinslip?, J.J. Hintand?, Thomas H. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Hirke, Charles R. and Arthur Donner Hirke, Charles R. and Arthur Donner Hirke, Charles R. and Arthur Donner Hirrell, Andrew Hitt, John G. Hitt, John G. Hitt, W.N. last assignee of John Wiggs Hobson, Samuel Hocking, Albert Hocking, Ed. Hodge, Calaway C. Hodge, Calaway C. Hodge, George W. Hodgen, Jno. M. Hodgen, Jno. M. Hodgen, Jno. M. Hodges, M.J. Hodgin, John M. Hodgin?, Jno. M. assignee of John Whytock Hodgin?, Jno. M. assignee of John Whytock Hodkinson, Matthew Jr. as assignee of T.M. Colman Hodkinson, Matthew Jr. as assignee of T.M. Colman Hodkinson, Matthew Jr. as assignee of T.M. Colman Hoffhuner, Regina Hoffman, E.A. Hoffman, E.A. Hogan, Caroline Hogan, George W. Hogg, C.F. Hoive, W.Z. Hoive, W.Z. Hoke, Thodore? Holcomb, F.G. Holcomb, Fred Holcomb, Henry N. Holcomb, J.M. Holcomb, J.S. Holcomb, W.H. Holder, Wm. M. Holderby, B. Holderby, R.D. Holderby, R.D. Holey?, Floyd Holey?, Floyd Holifield, G.B. Holland, F.M. Holland, F.M. Holland, Glen Holland, Glen Holland, Jno. W. Holland, L.H. Holland, L.H. Holland, L.H. Holland, Leonard Holland, Leonard Hollaway, W.M. Hollaway, W.M. Holleman, John Holleman, John Hollifield, B.D. Hollifield, Green B. last assignee of A.H. Glasscock Hollifield, T.M. Hollifield, T.M. assignee of F.A. Burns Hollifield, T.M. assignee of G.W. Simmons Hollinshead, Horace Hollis, Elizabeth J. Hollis, W.B. Sr. Hollis, Wm. H. Hollman, F.M. Holmes, Benjamin P. Holmes, Benjamin P. Hombeel, Peter assignee of R.H. Gardner Honey, T.H. Honey, T.H. Honeycutt, W.C. Hopper, Jas. S. Hopper, Jas. S. Hopper, Wm. D.N. Hopper, Wm. J. Horn, Geo. R. Horn, Geo. R. Horn, I.S. Horn, I.S. Horn, J.W. Horn, J.W. Horn, Richard Horne?, James W. assignee of Theodore B. Mills Horne?, James W. assignee of Theodore B. Mills Horne?, James W. assignee of Theodore B. Mills Horner, Jno. J. assignee of Arthur Thompson Horner, William W. Horning, W.J. Horseley, Jno. B. Horseley, John B. Horsely, John B. assignee of Richard Tankersly Hoskins, Spill C?. Hoskins, Thos. C. Hoskins, Thos. C. Hotze, Frederick and Paul A. Birnback Hotze, Frederick and Paul A. Birnback Houghstaten, Jas. House, All G. House, T.'s heirs and legal reps. House, Tillman House, Tillman House, W.M. House, Wm. J. Houston, J.C. Houston, J.L. Houston, J.L. Howard, John F. Howard, Rethie Howard, Roxey Howard, Tine Howard, Tine Howard?, Wm. L. Howe, Zeb Howe, Zeb Howell, Henry N. Howell, J.A. Howell, Rufus Howell?, Andrew Hows, B.F. Hows, B.F. Hubbard, W.W. Hubbord, W.H. Hubbord, W.H. Huckabay, C.P. Huckabay, C.P. Huckabay, Claud Huckabay, Claud Huckabee, Herbert Huckabee, Jno. Huckabee, John Huckabee, Porter Huckaboy, C.P. Huckaboy, C.P. Huddleston, Benj. M. Huddleston, Benj. M. Huddleston, R.B. Huddleston, R.B. Hudson, Herbert Huey, P.M. Huey, P.M. Huffman, Ambrose J. Huffman, George Hufstetler, E. Huggins, James T. Huggins, James T. Hughart, Henry Hughart, Henry Hughes, Edward Hughes, Jas. N. Hughes, L.G. Hughes, William A. Hughes, Wm. E. Hughs, Richard Hughs, Richard Huison?, W.J. Huison?, W.J. Hull, I.A. Hull, I.A. Hulsen, Claus Humphrey, J.R. Humphrey, J.R. Humphrey, Jas. or his heirs and legal representatives Humphrey, Jas. or his heirs and legal representatives Hunnicutt, Columbus Hunnicutt, Martha Hunt, Henry Hunt, J.C. assignee of Andrew F. Ragan Hunt, Robt. P. Hunter, J.R. Hunter, J.R. Hunter, Jason H. Hunter, John R. Hunter, John R. Hunter, W.R. Hunter, Washington R. Hurst, Thomas Hurt?, James A. Huskey, Marion Huskey, Monroe Hust, --- Hust, Albert Hust, Isaac Hust, Isaac Hust, Thomas Hust, Thos. Hust, Wm. Hutchens, William H. assignee of F.S. White and Co. Hutcheson, J.A. Hutchings, Wm. G. Hutchings, Wm. G. Hutchins, Wiley Hutchins, Wiley Hutchinson, J.L. Hyde, Martha A. Hynes, Jennie M. Hynes, Wm. J. Hynes, Wm. J. Hytte, John R. Ingram, C.A. Ingram, Charles H. Ingram, Jas. T. Ingram, Wm. Inscone?, F.H. Iowa and Arkansas Land Company, assignee of Charles Paxson, trustee Ireland, C.H. Ireland, Eliza Irwin, J.H. Ishmael, Almyra Jane Isom, R.A. Jackson, Calvin S. Jackson, Elizabeth Jackson, F.B. Jackson, Fannie C. Jackson, Geo. M. Jackson, H.M. Jackson, H.M. Jackson, Henry J. Jackson, Henry J. Jackson, Hugh W. Jackson, John W. Jackson, John W. Jackson, Julia M. Jackson, Mahala Jackson, Mary A. Jackson, Miriah Jackson, Nathan H. Jackson, Phillip Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard Jackson, Richard James, A.W. James, B.R. assignee of J.W. Atkinson James, B.R. assignee of John Lee James, Bartlett R. James, Bartlett R. assignee of C.P. Walltrip James, Bartlett R. assignee of Eleanor Walltrip James, Charles T. James, J.W. James, John James, John D. James, Louis S. James, R.B. James, R.B. James, William Jamison, John B. Jamison, John B. Jamison, John B. Jamison, John B. Jamison, William H., assignee of R.C. Brinkley Janes, A.J. Janes, Jonathan Janis, Peter B. Jarvis, J.E. Jarvis, J.E. Jarvis, J.W. Jarvis, J.W. Jarvis, J.W. Jarvis, J.W. Javis, J.B. Javis, J.B. Jeffords, M.C. Jeffords, M.C. Jenkins, O.J. Jenkins, O.J. Jennings, G.K. Jett--?, R.G. Jewell, Jno. M. Jewell, Jno. M. Johns, E.A. Johns, E.A. Johnson, A.C. Johnson, A.C. Johnson, A.J. Johnson, Andrew Johnson, B.A. Johnson, C.E. Johnson, C.E. Johnson, C.W. Johnson, C.W. Johnson, Clarence Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Daniel M. assignee of F.M. Simms Johnson, David Johnson, General C. Johnson, Henry Johnson, J.B. Johnson, J.L. Johnson, J.M. Johnson, J.M. and Son, assignee of J.E.G. Patton Johnson, J.M. and Son, assignee of J.E.G. Patton Johnson, James Johnson, Jesse Jr. Johnson, Jno. T. Johnson, Jno. T. Johnson, Lycurgus L. and James C. Palmer, assignee of John B. Jamison Johnson, Lycurgus L. and James C. Palmer, assignee of John B. Jamison Johnson, Lycurgus L. and James C. Palmer, assignee of John B. Jamison Johnson, Lycurgus L. and James C. Palmer, assignee of John B. Jamison Johnson, P.C. Johnson, Thomas Johnson, W.R. Johnson, W.W. Johnson, W.W. Johnson, Wiley R. Johnson, Wiley R. Johnson, William Johnson, William C. Johnson, William R. Johnson, Willie Johnson, Wm. C. Johnson, Wm. G. Johnson, Wm. J. Johnson, Wm. M.'s heirs Johnson, Wm. S.C. Johnston, P.C. Johnston, Wm. H. Jones, B.G. Jones, Berryman Jones, Berryman Jones, C.G. Jones, C.G. Jones, David W. Jones, Edgar Jones, Edger Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Elonza Jones, Elonza Jones, Fred C. Jones, Granville Jones, J.E. Jones, Jane Jones, Jas. J. Jones, John Jones, John Jones, John Jones, John Jones, John Jones, Jonathan Jones, Jonathan assignee of John Ray Jones, Lewis Jones, Lewis Jones, Lit? Jones, Lit? Jones, Melissa A. Jones, Melissa A. Jones, Melvin Jones, Melvin Jones, Milton G. Jones, Orvall Jones, Robt. Jones, W.G. Jones, W.G. Jones, William Jones, William A. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Jones, William A. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Jones, Wm. Jones, Wm. Joseph, S.L. Jost, Frank S. Justen, Bernard Justen, Bernard Justice, E.L. Justice, E.L. Justice, J.A. Kalfus, C.C. Kannamore, Jesse Karr, James C. Kassinger, Thomas deceased's heirs and legal reps. Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, Adolph and David Kaufman, assignees of R.V. Richardson Kaufman, J.J. Kaufman, J.J. Kean, James O. Kean, James O. Kee, Samuel L. Kee, Samuel L. Keeler, H. Keen, Annie M. Keen, Annie M. Keen, Wm. M. Keen, Wm. M. Kegley, Adam Keith, L.H. Keith, Miller, assignee of William E. Jackson Keith, Miller, assignee of William E. Jackson Kellems, J.W. Kellens?, L.B. Kellens?, L.B. Keller, William M. Keller, William M. Kelley, James B. Kelley, James B. Kelley, Lloyd Kellow, Sam J. Kellum, Nancy E. Kellums?, P.V. Kellums?, P.V. Kelly, Lizzie M. Kelly, Lizzie M. Kelly, Y.A. Kelly, Y.A. Kelsey, Hiram A. Kelsey, Hiram A. assignee of William Latham Kenemure, Ellen Kenemure, Ellen Kenemure, L.W. Kenemure, L.W. Kenemure?, N.W. Kennard, Edward Kenneday, C.B. Kenneday, C.B. Kennedy, A.H. Kennedy, A.H. Kennedy, C.B. Kennedy, J.N. Kennedy, J.N. Kennedy, James J. Kennedy, John L. Kennemur, John H. Kennemur, John H. Kennemur, Robt. F. Kennemur, Robt. F. Kennon?, J.C. Kensey, Henry Kent and Hildebrand Kent and Hildebrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent and Hilderbrand Kent, Joseph and --- Hildebrand Kent, Joseph and --- Hildebrand Kent, Joseph and --- Hildebrand Kent, Thomas Kerbey, James C. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Kerley, Jess Kerley, Jess Kerrett, Fannie L. Kersey, George Kersey, Richard Kersey, Richard Kersey, Silas P. Kersey, Silas P. Kesinger, Daniel Kesinger, Daniel Keyes, Elizabeth Killian, D.W. Killian, J.P. Killian, Roy Lee Kimbrough, Jas. A. Kimbrough, Jas. A. Kincaid, Hannah S. Kincaid, W.C. King, A.J. King, A.J. King, A.J. King, George King, Hugh W. King, J.H. King, J.H. King, John King, John A. King, John H. King, Luck King, O.D. King, O.D. King, R.C. King, R.C. King, Reuben King, William J. King, William J. King, Wm. G. assignee of Thos. T. Smith King---?, S. King?, Wessley [smeared] King?, Wessley [smeared] Kinmon, James Kinzey, Henry Kirby, M.J. Kirkendall, Matthew Kirkendoll, Jno. L. Kirkendoll, Jno. L. Kirkwood, A.J. Kirkwood, C.N. Kirkwood, C.N. Kissinger, William Kissinger, William Kitchen, C.A. Kizer, Adaline Kizer, B.J. Kline, M.B. Kline, M.B. Klingelsmith, John Klingelsmith, John Klope, M.V. Klope, M.V. Klope, R.A. Klope, R.A. Knapp, S.E. Knapp, S.E. Knight, Aaron Knight, Albert M. Knight, Buck Knight, D.A. Knight, John L. Knight, R.M. Knight, R.W. Knight, Rosana Knight, Rosana Knight, Thomas Knight, Wm. R. Knight, Wm. R. Knock, Kaspar Knowles, H.E. Knowles, H.E. Knox and Fletcher Kobbe, Jno. F. Kobbe, Jno. F. Koogler, Jno. H. assignee of Theo. B. Mills Krofft, Geo. W. Krofft, Geo. W. Krofft, John Krofft, John Krofft, John Krofft, John Krofft, John Krofft, John Kronce, D.W. Kronce, D.W. Kuykendall, James A. Kuykendall, James A. Kuykendall, M.