Arkansas State Donation and Swamp Land Sales, page 2 of 2 *********************************************************** Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen Date: 25 May 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Following are the people listed in the book: Arkansas State Donation and Swamp Land Sales: Craighead, Mississippi, and Poinsett Counties, 1855-2001, compiled by Desmond Walls Allen, published by Arkansas Research, Inc., PO Box 303, Conway AR 72033, 501/470-1120. ISBN 1-56546-270-X, softbound, 143 pages, $24.00 plus shipping. The book itself contains dates, land descriptions, and extensive information about following up on this here-to-fore unused source. Lacey, H.A. Lacey, N.B. Lackey, Ed Laffer, Samantha Laffer, Samantha Lafferty, Thomas Lafferty, Thomas Lafont, Napoleon B. Lafont, Napoleon B. Lafont, Napoleon B. Lafont, Napoleon B. Lain, James P. Lain, James P. Lain, William Q. Lain, William Q. Laine, William Q. Laine, William Q. Laine, William Q. Laine, William Q. Lair, Willis S. Lair, Willis S. Lamb, J.M. Lamb, L.B. Lamb, L.B. Lamb, Lucinda F. Lamb, Lucinda F. Lamb, Olva Lamb, Olva Lamb, Samuel W. Lamb, Samuel W. Lamberson, A.D. Lamberson, John Land, Harry A. Land, Harry A. Land, J.T. Land, Silas assignee of Jesse Ashburn Lane, C.H. Lane, R.H. Lane, Thomas A. Lanier, Hettie Lanier, Hettie Lanier, Hettie Lanier, Hetty Lanier, Luke Lanier, S.B.'s heirs and legal representatives Lanier, Sam'l B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Sam'l B. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Lanier, Sam'l B.'s heirs Lanier, Samuel B. Lanier, Samuel B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Samuel B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Samuel B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Samuel B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Samuel B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Samuel B. and Roger Sherman Lanier, Samuel B. Lanier, Samuel B. Lanston, Sarah Lantz, Michael Larche, Emma L. Larimore, Pleasant H. Larrison, Joshua Larrison, Joshua Latch, J.M. Latch, J.M. Latch, Solomon Latch, Solomon and Daniel N. Latch, Francis Holt, and Mary N. Payne... Latham, W.J. Laughlin, T.C. Lavin?, Samuel B. Lawrence, D.A. Lawrence, D.A. Lawrence, D.A. Lawrence, D.A. Lawrence, Deverix Lawrence, Edmund Lawrence, John C. Lawrence, Robt. Lawrence, Robt., assignee of Geo. T. Williford Laxson, C.A. Laxson, J.P. Leach, Abner Leach, Abner Leach, Abner Leach, Arnold Leach, Arnold Leach, Elizabeth V. Leach, Elizabeth V. Leach, Frances A. Leach, Frances A. Leach, Francis A.E.L. Leach, Francis A.E.L. Leach, Jno. P. Leach, John R. Leach, John R. Leach, John R. Leach, John R. assignee of Francis A. Gregston Leach, John W. Leach, Martha J. Leach, Martha J. Leach, T.J.'s heirs Leage, Charles assignee of Alex. C. Steel Learne, Hubert Learne, J.A. Leatherwood, T.D. Leatherwood, T.D. Ledbetter, Will Ledbetter, Will Leech, Abner Leffrech, J.W. Leffrech, J.W. Lefreech, J.W. Lefteich?, Jno. A. Leftridge, Jacob Leftwich, J.W. Leftwick, J.W.'s heirs and legal representatives LEggett, Rush Lentz, J.E. Lentz, J.E. Leonard, W.B. assignee of S.F. Austin Leroy, J.W. Leroy, J.W. Lesser Goldman Cotton Company Lester and Mellon's heirs and legal representatives Lester, John W. Lester, P.K. Lester, P.K. and T.J. Mellon Lester, P.K. and Thomas J. Mellon Lester, P.K. and Thos. J. Mellon Lester, P.K. and Thos. J. Mellon Lester, P.K. Lester, P.K.'s heirs, assignee of Newton Pitts Lester, Phillip K. Lester, Wilson Lewallen, Wm.'s heirs and legal representatives Lewis, Aaron A. Lewis, E.E.'s heirs and legal representatives Lewis, E.L. Lewis, E.L. Lewis, E.N. Lewis, E.N. Lewis, Ed Lewis, Ed Lewis, J.R. Lewis, J.R. Lewis, John W. Lewis, John W. Lewis, M.D. Lewis, M.D. Lewis, Moses M. assignee of Chas. H. Hamilton Lewis, Moses W. Lewis, Moses W.'s heirs and legal representatives Lewis, Olive G. assignee of David C. Denel Lewis, Pery E. Lewis, Pery E. Lewis, Samuel Lewis, W.E. Lewis, W.E. Lewis, W.R. Lewis, W.R. Lewis, Wm. Lewis, Wm. Lillard, J.M. Lindley, John Lindley, Marcus D. Lindley, Marcus D. Lindley, Wm.'s heirs and legal representatives Lindsey, Micajah Lindsey, Micajah Lindsey, Micajah Lindsey, Micajah Lingle, P.E. Little, M.P. Little, M.P. Lockard, J.L. Loftin, R.M. Loftin, R.M. Loftin, R.M. Loftin, Robert M. assignee of Thomas J. Blalock Loftin, Robt. assignee of Alex. H. Logan and Jan. Robinson Loftin, Robt. M. assignee of John T. Cook Loftis, Martin Loftis, Martin Lofton, R.M. Logan, James P. Logan, James P. Logan, John Logan, John Logan, John Logan, John Long, R.A. Long, R.A. Long, R.R. Long, R.R. Louis, Elizabeth Texana Louis, Elizabeth Texana Love, Albert S. Love, Albert S. Love, Archibald T. Love, S.J. Lovewell, John A. Lower, Benj. E. assignee of Geo. W. Hered Lower, Benj. E. last assignee of M.L. Rice Lowes, Benj. E. assignee of M.L. Rice Lowes, Benjamin E. assignee of Geo. W. Hered Lowes, Benjamin E. last assignee of R.A. Burton Loyd, Robert C. Lucy, G.W. Lucy, L.P. Luke, Martin Luke, Martin Luke, Mike Luke, Mike Luker, J.W. Luker, J.W. Lumpkin, Jno. W. Lumpkin, Jno. W. Lumpkin, John W. or his legal representatives Lumpkin, William D. and Anna E.J. Lumpkin... Lumpkin, William D. and Anna E.J. Lumpkin... Luna, W.U. Luny, Thomas Luster, S.W. Lyerly, James F. Lyford, Amanda Mrs. Lyford, Amanda Mrs. Lyford, DeWitt Lyford, DeWitt Lynch, A.J. Lynch, A.L. Lynch, A.T. Lynch, Dudley Lynch, Dudley Lynch, William J. Lyon, Mosouri M. Lyon, Mosouri M. Lyon, W.E. Lyon, W.E. Lyons, Thomas B. MacGavock, E.E. Mack, R.P. Mack, R.P. Mackey, James Mackey, John Mackey, John Mackey, Thomas Mackey, Thomas Madden, Jas. L. Madden, Jas. L. Mahan, Mack H. Maley, J.S. Mallory, James Malloy, John Malone, Lewis Malone, Matthew Maloney, Jesse Maloney, Jesse Maloney, Jesse Maloney, R. Maloney, R. Maloney, Robert assignee of James Conley Manahon, L.W. Manahon, L.W. Mangram, Isaac N. Mangrum, Isaac N. Mangrum, Isaac N. Mangrum, J.M. Mangrum, J.M. Mangrum, Joseph Mangrum, Joseph Mangrum, Littleberry Mangrum, Littleberry Mangrum, N.P. Mangrum, N.P. Mangrum, Virginia R. Mangrum, Virginia R. Manley, Jno. F. Manly, W.W. Mann, Dan'l W. Mann, H.P. Mann, Wm. W. Manning, Bettie Manning, Robert Mansfield, Samuel Marden, D.G. Markle, Minor M. Marks, Jno. Marks, John W. Marks, John W. Marlin, James assignee of L.C. Bowen Marlow, William Marr, William Marshall, E.J. Martin, Albert Martin, Albert Martin, Alfred A. Martin, James C?. Martin, James D. Martin, Jas. D. assignee of Benjaman Travis Martin, John Martin, Jonathan Martin, R.W. Martin, R.W. Martin, S.C. Martin, S.C. Martin, S.C. [or D.C.] Martin, S.C. [or D.C.] Martin, Sam C. Martin, Sam C. Martin, Zebulon Martindale, J.G. Maskavics, Julius Maskavics, Julius Massey, James H. last assignee of Robert A. Johnson Mathes, Tom Mathews, James C. Mathews, James C. Mathews, Jos. and Jno. J. Jackson Mathews, Samuel assignee of John E. Mathews Matlock, Mary A. Matlock, Mary A. Matthew, Joseph and John J. Jackson Matthews, Daniel assignee of H.L. Jones Matthews, J.W. Matthews, Joseph W. and Jno. J. Jackson Matthews, Joseph W. and John J. Jackson Matthews, Joseph W. Matthews, L.M. Matthews, Lewis M. Matthews, Samuel assignee of Jno. E. Matthews Mattix, H.H. Mattix, H.H. Mattix, James E. Mattix, James E. Mattix, Jesse Mattix, Jesse Mattox, Asa Maupin, Frank Maupin, Frank Maupin, Jno B. Maxberry, J.E.C. Maxley, W.H. Maxwell, Billy M. Maxwell, Billy M. Maxwell, T.A. Maxwell, T.A. May, Clay May, Duff May, Duff May, George May, Henderson May, John May, John May, Lesley May, Robt. May, Robt. Mayes, Philip T. Mayes, Philip T. Maynard, G.A. McAnally, J.W. McAndrew, William McAndrew, William McBath, J.N. last assignee of Geo. W. Hered McCall, Jno. J. McCall, Jno. J. McCall, M.J. McCall, M.J. McCall, May J. McCall, May J. McCall, N.R. McCall, N.R. McCall, N.R., assignee of James Morley McCall, Nancy McCall, R.N. McCann, S.L. McCann, S.L. McCann?, Archibald McCarne?, Archibald McCarty, Jacob McCarty, Malinda C. McCarty, Malinda C. McCarty, Pat? McCarty, Pat? McCarty, Wm. M. McCarty, Wm. M. McCauley, V.E. McCloud, John C. McConnell, J.D. McConnell, J.D. McCord, J.E. McCord, W.A. McCormick, W.H. McCoy, J.I. McCoy, William McCracken, Hugh McCracken, John McCracken, Pullam McCrown, James H. McCrown, James H. McCullock, J.E. McCullock, J.E. McCurry, P.L. McDanel, Alvia McDanel, Alvia McDanel, O.J. McDanel, O.J. McDaniel, A.B. McDaniel, Daniel deceased's heirs and legal reps. McDaniel, Ed McDaniel, Ed McDaniel, J.D. McDaniel, J.L. McDaniel, J.W. McDaniel, J.W. McDaniel, James McDaniel, James McDaniel, James assignee of L.N. Rhodes McDaniel, James assignee of L.N. Rhodes McDaniel, Jesse McDaniel, Jesse McDaniel, Jno. W.'s heirs McDaniel, John assignee of Albert L. Stuart McDaniel, Joseph H. McDaniel, Joseph H. McDaniels, J.A. McDaniels, J.A. McDavit, E. McDavit, E. McDermot, Charles assignee of Robt. C. Brinkley McDermott, Charles McDermott, Chas. McDonald, Chas. McDonald, Chas. McDonald, Wm. H. McDowell, Charles N. McDowell, Charles N. McDowell, Chas. H. McDowell, Chas. H. McDowell, Chas. H. McDowell, Chas. M. McDowell, Chas. N. McDowell, Chas. N. McDowell, Chas. N. McDuff, Jno. McElrath, David McEwen, Horner? E. McEwen, Horner? E. McGanock, John H. deceased's heirs and legal representatives McGarock, John H. McGavock, John H. McGee, Alma McGee, B.F. McGee, Carl McGee, Carl McGee, D.K. McGee, D.K. McGee, Dewey K. McGee, Dewey K. McGee, F.L. McGhee, Walter McGhee, Walter McGovack, -- 's heirs and legal representatives McGowan, Henry McGuire, John McIntire, Ed McIntire, Ed McIntosh, Warren McIntosh, Warren McKahan, John M. McKahan, John M. McKahan, John M. McKahan, John M. assignee of Theodore B. Mills McKahan, John M. assignee of Theodore B. Mills McKahan, John M. assignee of Theodore B. Mills McKean, Jas. F. McKean, Jas. F. McKenney, LeRoy McKenney, LeRoy McKinney, Dan'l McKinney, Dan'l McKinney, J.P. McKinney, J.P. McKinney, L.W.'s legal representatives McKinney, L.W.'s legal representatives McKinney, N.P. McKnight, E.H. McKnight, E.H. McKnight, Leonidas McLain, Elizabeth McLain, Elizabeth McLin, Anderson McMillen, Geo. W. McMillen, Neal McMullen, D.D. McMullin, D.D. McNaly, Jas. H. McNees, S.B. assignee of Joseph Ratchford McNeil, McEllis McPherson, William McPherson, William McQuaid, P.J., assignee of J.R. Whitby, assignee of J.H. Qualls McQuay, Chas. McQuay, Chas. McQuay, D.S. McQuay, D.S. McQuay, James P. McQuay, James P. McQuay, John D. McQuay, John D. McQuay, T.J. McQuay, T.J. McQuerry, George assignee of W.P. Brooks McWhirter, James H. McWhirter, James H. Mead, Alva F. Mead, Alva F. Mead, Elizabeth Mead, Elizabeth Mead, James W. Mead, Nancy S. Mead, Nancy S. Mead, William Mead, William Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meadows, Hiram Meek, Caroline F. Meek, Caroline F. Meek, Joseph A. Meek, Joseph A. Meharg, John P. Meharg, John P. Mellon, Lester and Thos. J. Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis and St. Louis R.R. Co., last assignee of Q?.C. Atkinson Memphis Land and Timber Company Memphis Land and Timber Company Memphis Land and Timber Company Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Memphis Land and Timber Company... Menard, J.B. Menard, J.B. Merideth, Sam Merit, Lewis Merit, Lewis Merrell, Jim Merrell, Jim Merrell, M.W. Merrell, M.W. Merrell, Thos. Merrell, Thos. Merreweather, James H. assignee of J.B. Jamison Merrill, Jim Merrill, Jim Merritt, Carl Merritt, Carl Metzger, David Metzger, David assignee of Edgar G. Sugg Metzger, David Meyer, R.E. Meyer, R.E. Michael, Sam'l H. Micklisch, August Micklisch, August Micks, Elijah Middleton, Luther Midgett, W.A. Miles, Catharine F. Miles, Catharine F. Mill, S.C. Mill, S.C. Miller, A.R. Miller, A.R. Miller, Barney Miller, Barney Miller, J.W. Miller, Jerry Miller, John W., assignee of Henry L. Jones Miller, Josiah Miller, Lucius Miller, Moses Miller, Reuben F. Miller, S.L. Miller, W.A. Miller, William F. Mills, Ferdinand C. Mills, Ferdinand C. Mills, Robert C. Mills, T.B. Mills, T.B. assignee of John Barker Mills, T.B. assignee of John M. McKahan and Nettie S. McKahan, his wife Mills, T.B. assignee of John M. McKahan and Nettie S. McKahan, his wife Mills, Theo. B. assignee of D.C. Deuel Mills, Theo. B. assignee of M.L. Rice Mills, Theo. B. assignee of M.L. Rice Mills, Theo. B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. Mills, Theodore B. assignee of D.C. Deuel Mills, Theodore B. assignee of D.C. Deuell Mills, Theodore B. assignee of James P. Henry Mills, Theodore B. assignee of John Baker Mills, Theodore B. assignee of John Baker Mills, Theodore B. assignee of John Baker Mills, Theodore B. assignee of John Baker Mills, Theodore B. assignee of John Baker Mills, Theodore B.'s heirs and legal representatives Mims, Davis R. Mims, Davis R. Mims, Davis R., assignee of Frederick McGuire Minetree, James N. Minicare, Wiley B. Mitchell, Enoch Mitchell, Enoch Mitchell, Enoch Mitchell, Enoch Mitchell, John K?. Mitchell, Thomas Mize, Martin W. Mize, Martin W. Mo---?, J.W. [entry smeared] Mo---?, J.W. [entry smeared] Mobley, John's heirs Mohan, G.E. Mohan, G.E. Montgomery, A.J. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Montgomery, A.J. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Montgomery, Allen B. Montgomery, J.W.D. Montgomery, J.W.D. Moody, Charley Moody, Charley Moody, J.M. Moody, J.M. Moody, Orville Moody, Orville Moody, Sharlotte Ann Moody, W.L. Moon, Henry Moonk, Thomas Moore, A.L. Moore, A.L. Moore, A.N. Moore, Dennis Moore, Henry Moore, J.A. Moore, J.A. Moore, James R. Moore, John J. Moore, John W. Moore, L.L. Moore, L.L. Moore, Maley Moore, Mary E. Moore, Monroe Moore, Robert James Moore, Robert James Moore, Samuel Moore, Sheppard Moore, W.D. Moore, W.M. Morgan, David L. Morgan, J.M. Morgan, J.M. Morgan, Jess Morgan, Jess Morgan, Jesse Morgan, Jesse Morgan, Jesse Morgan, Jesse Morgan, R.A. Morgan, R.A. Morris, T.J. Morris, T.J. Morris, Thomas Morris, W.W. Morris, William H. Morrison, J.W. Morrison, John G. Morrison, John W. Morrison, John W. Morse, Barton Morse, Barton Mosby, Chas. Mosby, Chas. Mosby, R.A. Mosby, R.A. Moskovics, J.M. Moskovics, J.M. Moskovics, Les Moskovics, Les Mosley, G.W. Mosley, William Moss, Mary E. Moss, Mary E. Moss, Mary E. Moss, Mary E. Mounce, William Mounts, E.R. Mullins, A.E. Mullins, A.J. Mullins, A.J. Mullins, N.R. Mullins, N.R. Mullins, Willie Mullins, Willie Murdock, George R. Murdock, George R. Murphy, Dan Murphy, Dan Murphy, James M. Murphy, James M. Murphy, Verlen Murphy, Verlen Murphy, Verlon Murphy, Verlon Murphy, W.T. Murray, C.P. Murray, Josiah B. Murray, Michael Murray, Michael Murray, Pat J. Murray, Pat J. Murray, Pat. J. Murray, Pat. J. Murray, Silas Myers, D.E. and I.N. Pattison Myers, D.E. and I.N. Pattison Myers, D.E. and I.N. Pattison Myers, D.E. and I.N. Pattison Myers, J.H. Myracle, Allie Mrs. Myracle, Allie Mrs. Myracle, Corbit Myracle, Corbit Myracle, E.W. Myracle, E.W. Myracle, Jessie Myracle, Jessie Myracle, Jessie Myracle, Jessie Nagel, Henry J. Nance, B.F. Nanney?, C.W. Nanney?, C.W. Nash, Charles E. Nash, Chas. E. Nash, Margaret Neal, Jay Neely, Thelma Mrs. Neely, Thelma Mrs. Neill, J.I. Nelms, Don Nelms, Don Nelms?, Roy Nelms?, Roy Nelson, Amos Nelson, Amos Nelson, J.A.M. Nelson, Thomas Nelson, W.E. Nelson, W.E. Nelson, W.G. Nelson, W.G. Nesbett, Joseph A. Nesbett, Joseph A. Nesbit, Dempsey Nesbit, Dempsey Nesbit, Dempsey assignee of William S. Williams Nesbitt, Benj. F. Nesbitt, Benj. F. Nesbitt, James Nesbitt, S.M. Nevels, H.W. Nevels, H.W. Nevels, Lester Nevels, Lester Nevins, Everett Nevins, Everett Nevins, Kemp Nevins, Kemp Newton, Charles H. Newton, Charles H. Newton, John Newton, N. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Newton, W.J. Newton, W.J. Nichols, C.H. Nichols, J.M. Nipper, J.C. Nixon, R.W. Noah, Samuel assignee of Sarah A. Williams Noble, George W. Noble, George W. Noble, Isaac T. Noble, W.A. Noble, W.A. Noble, W.A. assignee of Wm. O. Guinn Noble, W.A. assignee of Wm. O. Guinn Noble, W.N. Jr. Noble, William A. Noble, William A. Noble, William A. Noble, Wm. A. Noble, Wm. C. Noblin, Sam'l I. Noe, A.M. Noe, A.M. Noell, Flora Noell, Flora Nokes, J.T. Nokes, J.T. Norcross, H.F. Norington, Sarah F. Norington, Sarah F. Norman, Enoch Norman, Enoch Norman, Martin assignee of Whitmill Anderson Norris, Chas. R. Norris, Chas. R. Norris, O.P. Norris, O.P. Northwang, David Northwang, David Nunn, Cecil Nunn, Cecil Nutt, Martin V. Nutt, Martin V. Oats, Wesley Obear, R.L. Obear, R.L. O'Dannel, Thos. assignee of Charles Brown O'Dare, H.G. Oden, Silas M. Odham, B.B. [sic, Oldham?] O'Dowell, Thomas O'Dowell, Thomas assignee of Chas. Bowen Oglesby, Albert A. Oglesby, Albert A. Oldham, B.B. Oldham, R. Oliver, G.W. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Oliver, G.W. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Orr, Chas. Osborn, P.C. Osborn, P.C. Osborn, Perry C. Osborn, Perry C. Osborn, Perry C. Osborn, Perry C., last assignee of Cornelius Collins Osborne, Perry C. Osburn, Dary Osburn, Perry C. Osier, J.W. Ostum, Harvy O'Sullivan, Mary E. assignee of J.M. Murphy and J.M. Bliss Over?hart?, J.W. Over?hart?, J.W. Owen, J.H. Owen, James W. Owen, James W. Owen, Miles last assignee Owens, James M. Owens, T.W. Ozark Land Company, last assignee of Elliott H. Fletcher Ozark Land Company, last assignee of Elliott H. Fletcher Ozbun, Ollie Ozbun, Ollie Ozbun, Ollie C. Ozbun, Ollie C. Padgett, Chester Padgett, Chester Pagan, W.T. Page, Eliza J. Page, Eliza Jaquith Pagin?, Alfred Paisley, W.H. Palm, Adam Palmer, Molie Palmer, R.J. last assignee of Jno. Ryan Palmer, Richard Palmer, Richard Pankey, A.J. Parker, J.E. & Ida Parker, J.E. & Ida Parker, J.E. & Ida Parker, J.E. & Ida Parker, J.L. Parker, Jno. A. Parker, M.J. Parker, Mandy A. Parker, Sam Parker, Sam Parker, W.H. Parker, W.H. Parkison, W.D. Parks, A.C. Parks, Christopher C. Parks, R.P. Parnell, Ella Parnell, John H. Parr, Gustavus W. Parr, Gustavus W. Parr, Henry S. Parr, Henry S. Parr, Lewis E. Parr, Mary E. Parr, Mary E. Parr, Thomas A. Parr, Thomas A. Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Parrish, John D. administrator of estate of P.R. Cleburne Patrick, Robt. A. Patrick, Robt. N. Patrick, Robt. N. Patrick, Sam. D. Patten, H.G. Patten, H.G. Patterson, Abner Patterson, Andrew S. Patterson, Ellen Patterson, Jas. W. Patterson, Jas. W. Patterson, W.H. Patton, Isom Patton, Otis Paul, A.W. Paxson, Charles ... Paxson, Chas. last assignee of M.L. Rice Paxson, Chas. last assignee of R.A. Burton Paxson, Chas. trustee, assignee of Geo. W. Hered Paxson, Chas., trustee, assignee of Geo. W. Hered Paxson, Chas., trustee, last assignee of John Ryan Paxton, Joseph F. Paxton, Joseph F. Payne, Aaron Payne, David Payne, Elizabeth W. Payne, Elizabeth W. Payne, Joshua deceased's heirs and legal reps, assignees of Wm. O. Guinn Payton, J.L. Payton, J.L. Peace, Mary Pearce, Arthur C. Pearce, Thomas Pearcy, Chas. W. Pearcy, Chas. W. Pearson, Noah O. Pearson, Noah O. Peckenpaw, Washington Peckenpaw, Washington Pedigo, Jesse Pedigo, Jesse Peeler, G.P. Peeler, G.P. Peevey, S.B. Pendleton, Maria P. Pendleton, Maria P. Penicks, Noah Penington, Wm. Penington, Wm. Penis, William R. Penix, Thos. Penn, James Penn, James Pennington, Edward D. Pennington, Edward D. Pennington, S.A. assignee of A.J. Smith Pennington, Susan I. Pennington, Susan I. Pennington, Wm. Pennington, Wm. Penny, R.B. Pepper, William Pepper, William Pepper, William Pepper, William Pepper, William Pepper, Wm. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Pepper, Wm. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Pepper, Wm. Pepper, Wm. Perkins, W.A. Perkins, W.A. Perkins, William B. Perkins, Wm. B.'s heirs Perkins, Wm. B.'s heirs Perrix, W.R. Perry, Ike Perry, James Perry, John M. Perry, John S. Perry, N.B.F. Perry, Richard D. Perry, Sarah Perry, Thomas Perry, W.A. Peters, Thomas Peters, Thomas and E.H. Porter Peters, Thos. and E.H. Porter Pettey, F.M. Pettey, F.M. Pettijohn, J.L. Pettus, John Petty, Geo. E. Petty, I.N. assignee of J.C. Terry, assignee of Q.C. Atkinson Petty, Robt. F. Petty, Robt. F. Petway, F.S. Peyton, Charles Peyton, Charles Pfeifer, John Pfeifer, John Phelps, J.M. Phelps, J.M. Phelps, Vic Phelps, Vic Philips, Harrison A. Philips, Harrison A. Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of J.M. Bliss Phillips, E.M. assignee of Jas. M. Bliss Phillips, James A. Phillips, James A. Phillips, James D. Phillips, James D. Phillips, Jim Phillips, Jim Phillips, Jno. P. Phillips, John P. Phillips, S.A. Phillips, S.A. Pickett, John Pickle, O.B. Pickle, O.B. Pickle, O.K. Pickle, O.K. Pierce, Albert Pierce, Albert Pierce, Andy Pierce, Andy Pierce, Charles Pierce, Charles Pierce, Charles W. Sr. and Joseph R. Jackson Pierce, Dilsey Pierce, Isiah Pierce, J.A. Pierce, James Pierce, James Pierce, John Pierce, Ruben Pierce, Ruben Pierce, William Pierson, Calvin Pierson, Isriel Pilgrim, C.M. Pilgrim, C.M. Pilkington, Andrew J. Pilkington, Andrew J. Pilkington, Josiah R. Pilkington, Josiah R. Pilkington, Nancy E. Pilkington, Nancy E. Pilkington, Sarah E. Pilkington, Sarah E. Pillow, Joe Pinkerton, J.F. Pittman, D.R. Pitts, Henry F. Pitts, Henry F. Pitts, N.J. Pitts, N.J. Pitts, Nancy J. Pitts, Nancy J. Poe, O.S. Poe, O.S. Poland, Willie A. Poland, Willie A. Pollard, J.M. Pollard, James M. Pollard, James M. Pollard, James M. Pollard, James M. Pollard, James M. assignee of A.E. Keller Pollard, James M. assignee of Amanda A. Nichols Pollard, James M. assignee of David Floyd Pollard, James M. assignee of Jos. A. Pollard Pollard, James M. assignee of Sanders Cagle Pollard, James M. assignee of Sanders Eagle Polston, J.W. Pool, A.W. Pool, A.W. Pool, A.W. and E.L. Watson Pool, A.W. and E.L. Watson Pool, A.W. and E.L. Watson Pool, Aaron Pool, J.W. Pope, Isaac L. Pope, Newson? Porter, E.H. Porter, Edison Porter, Edison Porter, Edmond H. Porter, Edward E. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. Porter, Ethel H. assignee of Q.C. Atkinson Porter, Ethel H. assignee of Thomas Peters Porter, Ethel H. assignee of Thomas Peters Porter, Ethel H. in his own right and as assignee of Thos. Peters Porter, Ethel H. in his own right and assignee of Thos. Peters Porter, Ethel H. in his own right and assignee of Thos. Peters Porter, Ethel M. Porter, George Porter, George Porter, George Porter, George Porter, William and David C. Cross, their own rights and as assignees Portis, H.C. Posey, James Potter, Charles assignee of George West Potter, Edmond T. Potter, T.S. Mrs. Potter, T.S. Mrs. Powell, C.D. Powell, C.D. Powell, J.W. Powell, J.W. Powell, May? J. Powell, May? J. Powell, S.V. Powell, S.V. Powers, J.W. Powers, Newt Powers, Newt Prescott, Z.P. Presley, Lowe? Presley, Lowe? Preswell, Jas. Preur?, A.T. Prewitt, Robt. C. Price, A.J. Price, G.R. Price, G.R. Price, James C. Price, John H.A. Price, John H.A. Price, Merton E. Price, Merton E. Price, O.H. Price, O.H. Price, O.T. Price, O.T. Price, Samuel Price, W.L.'s heirs and legal representatives Priddy, Ed Priddy, Ed Priddy, George B. Priddy, George B. Priddy, Sam Priddy, Sam Prince, William H. Prince?, G.R. [lined through: error not issued] Prince?, G.R. [lined through: error not issued] Prine, Ran Prine, Ran Prisley, Chas. Pritchard, J.K.P. Pritchard, J.K.P. Pritchard, J.K.P. Pritchard, J.K.P. Pritchard, J.K.P.'s heirs Pryor, Delia Alma Mrs. Pryor, Samuel N. Pryor, Samuel N. Puckett, M.M. Pulley, W.G. Pulliam, Henry C. Purcell, Emma Purcell, Emma Purcell, James Purcell, James Purcell, James P. assignee of P.K. Lester and Thomas J. Mellon Purcell, Robert D. Puryear, A.T. Puryear, William Puryear, William assignee of Nicholas R. McCall Puryear, Wm. Puryear?, William Quinley, W.T. Rackley, J.B. Rackley, J.B. Ragsdale, Hiram B. Ragsdale, Hiram B. Ragsdale, John W. Ragsdale, John W. Raines, R.W. Raines, R.W. Rainey, J.H. Rainey, J.H. Rainey, John H. Rainey, Samuel H.'s legal representatives Rainey, Samuel H.'s legal representatives Rainy, J.H. Rainy, Samuel's heirs Ralph, Thomas Ralph, Thomas Ralph, Thomas, assignee of Thomas Nicholas Ramsey?, W.M. Ramsey?, W.M. Randle, Jno. E. Rankin, Gilbert Rankin, Gilbert Rankin, L.O. Rankin, Wm. assignee of Jno. C. Harris Rankin, Wm. assignee of Jno. S. Perry Ransom, A.A. Ransom, John W. Ransone, Augustus A. Ransone, Rutherford Ransone, Rutherford assignee of Americus Ransone Ratchford, Frank Ratchford, Joseph Ratchford, Louis Ratchford, Willis Rawlings, C.L. Ray, Anderson Ray, Mary Ray, W. Raymond, J.M. assignee of J.E. Sickels Reagan, James H. assignee Reagan, James H. assignee Reagan, James H. assignee of John Martin Reagan, James H. assignee of John Martin Reagan, James H. assignee of Jno. Martin Reagan, James H. assignee of Jno. Martin Real Estate Bank of the State of Arkansas, assignee of Charles W. Campbell Real Estate Bank of the State of Arkansas, assignee of Charles W. Campbell Real Estate Bank of the State of Arkansas, assignee of Charles W. Campbell Real Estate Bank of the State of Arkansas, assignee of Charles W. Campbell Real Estate Bank of the State of Arkansas, assignee of Charles W. Campbell Reaves, Joseph F. Reaves, S.D. Reaves, S.D. Reddick, Whitmill Redding, John Redding, John Redman, Nancy John Reece, H.R. Reece, H.R. Reed, G.W. Reeder, Richard Reese, G.W. Reese, G.W. Register, James Register, James Renty, G.T. Renty, G.T. Revelle, F.M. Revelle, F.M. Reynolds, H.H. Reynolds, H.H. Reynolds, J.M. Reynolds, J.M. Reynolds, R.A. Reynolds, R.A. Reynolds, William J. Reynolds, William J. Rhodes, L.N. assignee of Thompson Allen Rhodes, W.T. Rhodes, William Rhodes, Wm. Rice, Charles M. Rice, Charles O. Rice, Jonathan S. Rice, Jonathan S. Rice, Joseph M. assignee of Rice and Bliss Rice, Mary Rice, William C., assignee of Thomas Kellum Rich, J.M. Rich, J.M. Richards, J.L. Richardson, Aaran's legal representatives Richardson, Anson assignee of Isaac Richardson Richardson, Anson assignee of Isaac Richardson Richardson, J.W. Richardson, J.W. Richardson, Jonathan Richardson, Jonathan Richardson, T.J. Richardson, Vallie Richardson, Vallie Richburg, Steward Rickenbach, H.K. Rickles, Thomas Rickman, J.W. Rickman, J.W. Riddle, H.O. Riddle, H.O. Rie?, Geo. H. Riley, Alva Riley, Alva Riley, J.B. Rions, Geo. W. Rions, Geo. W. Robbins, J.H. Roberson, George W. Roberson, George W. Roberts, G.M. Roberts, Gabriel Roberts, Isaac Roberts, Jeff D. Roberts, Jeff D. Roberts, S. Robertson, F.W. Robertson, George W. Robertson, J.T. Robertson, James H. Robertson, James H. Robertson, James H. Robertson, Mary D. Robertson, Mary D. Robertson, Robt. Robertson, Robt. Robins, T.L. Robins, T.L. Robinson, Cora Robinson, James M. Robinson, James M. Robinson, James M. Robinson, John W?. Robinson, Mary Robinson, Punch Robison, J.L. Robison, R.M. Robison, Rob Rockwell, Edwin assignee of Thos. B. Ashley Rodgers, J.F. Rodgers, J.F. last assignee of J.F. Rodgers Rodney, L.L. Rodney, L.L. Roe, Charles Roe, James B. Roe, James B. Roells, Sam Rogers, Charles Rogers, J.M. Rogers, John M.C. Rogers, John M.C. Rogers, Kirkland Rogers, Orbe Rogers, Orbe Rogers, William Rogers, William W. Rogers, William W. Rogers, Zack Rogers, Zack Rollins, W.H. Rooks, J.W. Rosamond, Jno. D. Rosamond, W.E. Rosamond, W.E. Rose, S.F. Ross, Newton J. Ross, Newton J. Ross, Newton J. Roth, Fred J. Roth, Fred J. Rounsaville, Margaret O.T. Rouse, John H. Rowe, R.H. Rowe?, A.W. Roy, A. Roy, Abel Roy, Jesse Royster, Ezekiel Rozele, Mary J., Jesse A. Rozele, and Wilber F. Rozele Rozele, Mary J., Jesse A. Rozele, and Wilber F. Rozele Rozele, Ruford A. Rozele, Ruford A. Rozele, Ruford A. Rozele, Solomon Rozell, Ashley B. assignee of E. and F. Jones, assignee of Burel Kilen Rozell, Ashley B. assignee of James Bunch Rozell, Mary J. and Jessie and Wilber F. Rozell Rozell, Mary J., Jesse A. Rozele, and Wilber F. Rozele Rozell, Mary J., Jesse A. Rozell, and Wilber T. Rozell Rozell, Salomon deceased's heirs and legal representatives Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Rozell, Solomon Ruddell, James F. Ruddell, Martha A. Ruddell, Thomas O. Ruddle, James Runge, A.M. Rupard, E.L. Rupard, E.L. Rupert, Frank Rusling, C.R. Russell, Elizabeth Russell, Elizabeth Russell, J.W. Russell, Milton Russell, Milton Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, Jas. Ryan, Jas. Ryan, John Ryan, John Sadler, James Safford and Robinson Safley, Alexander W. Safley, Alexander W. Safley, Annie E. Safley, Annie E. Sage, Charles Sage, Charles Saint Clair, George Saint Clair, George Saint, Jim Saint, Jim Sairles, F.W. Sairles, F.W. Sairls?, J.A. Sairls?, J.A. Sales, A.C. Sales, A.C. Sales, Asrae Sales, Asrae Saley, Wm. B. Salmon, Lewis Salmons, Hezekiah Salmons, L.J. Salmons, L.J. Salmons, Roland Sample, G.S. Sample, G.S. Sample, Stakle? Sample, Stokley Sanders, Andrew Sanders, H.C. Sanders, Isaac Sanders, J.R. Sanders, J.R. Sanders, James L. Sanders, Lee Sanders, Lee Sanders, Riley assignee of Theo. B. Mills and Jno. M. McKahan Sanders, Riley assignee of Theo. B. Mills and Jno. M. McKahan Sanders, Riley assignee of Theo. B. Mills and Jno. M. McKahan Sanders, Riley assignee of Theo. B. Mills and Jno. M. McKahan Sanders, Riley assignee of Theo. B. Mills and Jno. M. McKahan Sanders, W.C. Mrs. Sanders, W.G. Sanderson, J.M. Sanderson, J.M. Sanderson, T.W. Sanderson, T.W. Sanoland, W.W. assignee of J. Bullock Sawyer, Elisha Sawyer, Noah Sawyer, Noah last assignee of Thomas B. Blackburn Sawyer, William Sawyer, Wm. Sawyers, Joel Sawyers, Noah Saxon?, John W. Sayre, D.J. Sayre, D.J. Scaggs, J.N. Scaggs, W.S. Scaggs, W.S. Scales, M.B. Scales, M.B. Scarboro, W.H. Schisler, --- Schisler, Henry R. Schisler, Nicholas Schleter, George Schoonover, M.J. assignee of Arthur Barum Schoonover, M.J. assignee of Lucinda Humphries Schwab and Co., assignees of J.C. Williams Schwartz, J.G. Scoggins, Giles Scoonover, Jacob S. Scott, A.B. Scott, E.C. Scott, Jennie Scott, John A. Scott, Oliver W. Scott, Oliver W. Scott, R.W. Scott, Richard Seaga?, Elias Sears, William Sears, William Seats, Isham Seats, Isham Sedgwick, L.M. trustee Sedgwick, Lee M. trustee for Sedgwick, Phillips and Company Sedgwick, Lee M. trustee for Sedwick, Phillips, and Company See, Lee R. See, Lee R. Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Selby, Louis Self, David S. Self, David S. Self, John W. Selg, Asbury M. Selley, Louis Sembler, J.C. Sembler, J.C. Sewell, Anna Sexton, George H. last assignee of F. and J.G. Botsford Seymour, William E. Seymour, William E. Shaneyfelt, G.W. Shaneyfelt, G.W. Shanks, W.L. Shankwltzer?, J.N. Shankwltzer?, J.N. Sharp, C.W. Sharp, C.W. Sharp, Oliver R. Sharp, Oliver R. Sharp, W.H. Sharp, W.H. Shaver, Manuel Shaver, Manuel Shaw, Benj. C. Shaw, Benj. C. Shaw, J.H. Shaw, J.H. Shaw, Manerva Shaw, Manerva Shaw, W.O. Shaw, W.O. Shaw, W.O. Shaw, W.O. Sheffield, Jno. A. Sheffield, Samuel Shelby, Louis Shelby, Louis Shelton, B. Shelton, Bob Shelton, G.W. Shelton, G.W. Shelton, H.E. Shelton, H.E. Shelton, Jesse D. Sherman, George E. Sherman, Roger and Samuel B. Lanier Sherman, Roger Sherman, Roger Sherman, Roger Sherrill, J.W. Shields, Andrew J. Shields, Andrew J. Shields, T.J. Shirey, B.C. Shirey, B.C. Shirk, Elbert H. assignee of Theodore B. Mills Shirk, Elbert H. assignee of Theodore B. Mills Shirk, Elbert H. assignee of Theodore B. Mills Shonver?, H.C. Shonver?, H.C. Shower, Fred Shower, Fred Showholtzer?, J.H. Showholtzer?, J.H. Shuts, Vernia Mrs. Shuts, Vernia Mrs. Silliven, A.W. last assignee of Garlin Silvey Sillivin, A.W. last assignee of M.W. Burket Simmons, Craig Simmons, Craig Simmons, John Simmons, John Simmons, John Simmons, John Simmons, John assignee of L.W. Loftin Simmons, John assignee of L.W. Loftin Simmons, John assignee of L.W. Loftin Simmons, Joseph Simmons, Louis Simmons, Thomas Simmons, Thomas Simmons, W.L. Simmons, Will Simmons, Will Simons, John Simons, Walter Simons, Walter Simpson, B.F. Simpson, B.F. Simpson, C.L. Simpson, C.L. Simpson, C.P. Simpson, C.P. Simpson, F.C. Simpson, F.C. Simpson, Richard L. assignee of Sam'l B. Lanier Sims, E.N. Sims, E.N. Sims, James Okley Sims, James Okley Sims, M.H. Sims, O.E. Sims, Wm. F. Singleton, Geo. W. Singleton, J.W. Sisk, J.M.E. last assignee of Lewis Malone Sitz, J.H. Sitz, J.H. Skaggs, J.W. Skaggs, Windfield Skates, Henry Skates, Henry Skelly, W.T. Skelton, John M. Skelton, John M. Skelton, John M. Skelton, John M. Skelton, William S. Skelton, William S. Slannton, John S. Slavey, A.B. Slavey, A.B. Slavey, A.B. Slavey, A.B. Slavey, Andrew B. Slavey, Andrew B. assignee of Viola Catron Slavey, Andrew B. assignee of Viola Catron Slavey, Andrew B. assignee of Viola Catron Slavey, Andrew R. Slavey, C.A. Slayton, A.T. Sledge, N.R. Sloan, Harvey Sloan, Harvey Sloan, J.A. Sloan, J.A. Small, R. Small, Wiley Smallman, George Smallman, George Smiley, Milton Smiley, Milton Smith, A.J. Smith, Aaron Smith, Albert Smith, Bert Smith, Bert Smith, Carrol Smith, Carrol Smith, Crocket Smith, Crocket Smith, Edward Smith, Edward Smith, Francis M. Smith, Francis W. Smith, H.S. and N.W. Thornton, assignees of J.W. Lumkin Smith, H.S. last assignee of Joseph C. Williams Smith, Henry Smith, I.E. Smith, I.E. Smith, I.M. Smith, I.M. Smith, I.M. Smith, I.M. Smith, Isaac N.'s heirs and legal representatives Smith, J.F. Smith, J.F. Smith, J.P. Smith, J.P. Smith, J.R. Smith, James Smith, James Smith, James M. Smith, James M. Smith, James M. Smith, Jno. Smith, Jno. S. Smith, Jno. S. Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John C.O. Smith, John C.O. Smith, John C.O. Smith, John C.O. Smith, Lem trustee for Lavenia Smith and her children Smith, Louis Smith, M.W. Smith, Martha P. Smith, Milissa A. Smith, Milissa A. Smith, Truman B. Smith, Truman B. Smith, W.C. Smith, W.H. Smith, W.H. Smith, W.L. Smith, Will Smith, William Smith, William M. Smith, William M. Sneed, W.D. Snell, J.L. Snoddy, A.T. Snoddy, Alanson T. Snoddy, Allanson T. Snoddy, Fergus Snoddy, Serelda Snoddy, William Snyder, Daniel Snyder, David Snyder, G.F. Solly, Tom (or Sally?) Solly, Tom (or Sally?) South, John South, John Southard, B.H. Southard, S.D. Southerland, Sampson Southwestern Land and Timber Company Southwestern Land and Timber Company Southwestern Land and Timber Company Southwestern Land and Timber Company Southwestern Land and Timber Company Southwestern Land and Timber Company Southwestern Land and Timber Company, ... Southwestern Land and Timber Company, ... Southwestern Land and Timber Company, assignee of E.T. Diamond Southwestern Land and Timber Company, assignee of Q.C. Atkinson Southwestern Land and Timber Company, last assignee of Ethel H. Porter Southwestern Land and Timber Company, last assignee of Ethel H. Porter Southwestern Land and Timber Company, last assignee of Ethel H. Porter Southwestern Land and Timber Company, last assignee of Ethel H. Porter Southwestern Land and Timber Company, last assignee of Ethel H. Porter Southwestern Land and Timber Company, last assignee of Q.C. Atkinson Spack, Mary Spain, E.A. Spalding, George last assignee of John Ryan Sparks, James E. Sparks, Thomas Speakes, Furgus V.B. Speakes, Furgus V.B. Speaks, Elizabeth Speaks, Joe Speaks, Joe Speaks, Joseph Speaks, Joseph Speaks, Joseph A. Speaks, Joseph A. Spears, J.J. Spears, J.J. Speck, J.M. Speck, Lawrence Speer, S.B. Mrs. Speer, S.B. Mrs. Spence, James Spence, Sam'l Spencer, Richard Spencer, Richard Spencer, Richard Spencer, Richard Spencer, Wm. F. Spencer, Wm. F. Spiegel, M.A. Spiegel, M.A. Spight, Simon R. Spight, Simon R. Spight, Simon R. Spillman, Burley Spillman, Burley Spinnette, John Spock, Lawrence Spraggins, Nathaniel Springer, Allen Springer, Allen Springer, Ellen Springer, Ellen Springer, W.H. St. Clare, John Stacy, O.W. Stacy, Walter J. Standeford, James Standiford, David Standiford, David Stanley, William Stanley, William Stanton, John S. Stanton, John S. Stark, J.M. Stark, J.M. Starling, G. Starling, W.T. Station, Beccan Statts, William Stavy?, Chas. A. Stearns, William F. Steel, A.C. Steel, A.C. Steel, A.C. Steel, J.M. Steel, J.M. Steel, J.M. Steel, J.M. Steel, J.M. Steel, J.M. Steel, J.M. Steel, John M. Steel, John M. Steel, John M. Steel, John M. Steel, John M. Steel, John M. Steel, John M. assignee of Jasper N. Smith Steel, John M. Steel, Joseph assignee of Russell B. Gress Steel, Joseph assignee of Russell B. Gress Steel, W.M. Steel, Wm. Steel, Wm. M. Steel, Wm. M. Steele, John M. Steele, John M. Steele, John M. Steele, John M. Stephens, Bloomer's heirs and legal representatives Stephens, J.R. Stephens, John H. Stephens, John H. Stephens, L.M. Stephens, Leatie C. Stephens, Leatie C. Stephens, Nathaniel Stephens, Ransom Stephens, W.C. Stephens, W.C. Stephens, W.G. Stephens, W.G. Stephens, William Stephens, William Stephens, William S. Stephens, William S. Stephenson, J.H. Stephenson, J.H. Stephenson, J.H. Stephenson, John H. Stephenson, Robert Stephenson, Robert Stevens, E.A. Stevens, E.A. Stevens, Esther Stevens, Esther Stevens, H.L. Stevens, H.L. Stevens, J.E. Stevens, J.E. Stevens, John Stevens, L.A. Stevens, L.A. Stevens, M.A. Stevens, R.L. Stevens, R.L. Stevens, Thos. B. Stevens, Thos. B. Stevens, Wm. S. Steward, James M. Steward, James M. Stewart, A.B. Stewart, John L. Stewart, W.D. Stewart?, W.M. Stidmon, W.J. Stidmon, W.J. Stille, Charley Stinson, A.E. Stinson, A.E. Stinson, Arthur V. Stinson, Truman Stinson, Truman Stinson, W.H. Stinson, W.H. Stockton, Geo. Stoddard, Chancy Jr. assignee of J.G. Botsford Stoddard, Chancy Jr. assignee of W.I. Warwick Stoddard, Chancy Jr. assignee of W.I. Warwick Stoddard, Helen M. assignee of H.A. Stoddard Stoddard, Helen M. assignee of H.A. Stoddard Stoddard, Helen M. assignee of H.A. Stoddard Stoddard, Hobert A. Stoker, Clem Stoker, Clem Stokes, Charley Stone, Hundley's heirs Stone, P.P. assignee of John Essay Stone, P.P.'s heirs and legal representatives Stone, Peter P. Stone, R.H. Stone, Robert H. Stone, W.D. Stooksbery, M.F. Stooksbery, M.F. Story, W.F. Story, W.F. Stotts, Arnold Stotts, Arnold Stotts, James Stotts, James Stotts, M. Stotts, M. Stotts, Syntha Stotts, Syntha Stotts, Wm. Stotts, Wm. Strader, E.D. Stratton, John Strickland, Archles H. Strickland, Archles H. Strickland, L.R. Strickland, L.R. Stuart, James W. Stuart, Jane Stuart, Nancy Stuart, William W. Stull, Ancie D. Stull, Ancie D. Sudduth, Lacy V. Sudduth, Lacy V. Sue, Fred H. Sue, Fred H. Suell, Joseph Sugg, E.G.'s heirs and legal representatives Suggett, M.P. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Suggett, M.P. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Suggett, M.P. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Suggett, M.P. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Suggett, M.P. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Sullivan, Chalres, Freeman E. Patrick, and Joseph S. Deputy Sullivan, Chalres, Freeman E. Patrick, and Joseph S. Deputy Sullivan, Chalres, Freeman E. Patrick, and Joseph S. Deputy Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, Harrison Sullivan, Harrison last assignee of Hetty Lanier Sullivan, Will Suman, Frank G. Summerell, W.T. Sutfin, Jonathan's heirs and legal representatives Sutfin, Kezzie deceased's heirs and legal representatives Sutphin, Lewis H. Sutton, A.E. Sutton, A.E. Sutton, Clyde Sutton, Clyde Swain, Amos Swain, Amos Swain, Amos Swain, Amos Swain, Amos Swain, Amos Swain, Amos Swain, J.H. Swain, J.H. Swain, James H. Swain, James H. Swain, W.T. Swayne, John T. assignee of Jeptha Fowlkes Swayne, John T. assignee of W.B. Richmond Swearingen, J.V. Sweate, L.T. Swindle, G.C. Swindle, G.C. Sykes, Fred Taber, P.H. Taber, P.H. Tadlock, James G. Tanksley, Zula Tanksley, Zula Tappin, Wm. H. Tappin, Wm. H. Tarpley, Floyd Tarpley, Floyd Tarrow, J.W. Tarver, J.H. Tate, A.G. Tate, A.G. Tate, Bonnie Tate, Bonnie Tate, D.F. Tate, D.F. Tate, F.A. Tate, F.A. Tate, F.L. Tate, F.L. Tate, Frank Tate, Frank Tate, L.W. Tate, L.W. Tate, S.A. Tate, S.A. Tate, W.L. Tate, Walter W. Tate, Walter W. Taton, Virginia C. Taton, Virginia C. Tatum, Frank Tatum, William A. Tatum, William A. Taylor, A.F. Taylor, A.F. Taylor, A.F. Taylor, A.F. Taylor, A.F. Taylor, A.W?. [smeared] Taylor, A.W?. [smeared] Taylor, Bill Taylor, Bill Taylor, Bob Taylor, Bob Taylor, Charley Taylor, Charley Taylor, D?.A. (or O.A.) Taylor, D?.A. (or O.A.) Taylor, J.H. Taylor, J.W. Taylor, James A. Taylor, John Taylor, John Taylor, Louis Taylor, R.A. Taylor, S.G. Taylor, Son Taylor, W.F. Taylor, W.F. Taylor, W.H.H. Taylor, W.L. Taylor, W.L. Taylor, W.T. Taylor, W.T. Taylor, William Taylor, William Teague, Joshua Teague, Mary A. Tedder, W.O. Temple, John H. deceased's heirs and legal representatives Tennant, James H. assignee of Wm. A. Jones Tennant, James H. assignee of Wm. A. Jones Tennant, James H. assignee of Wm. A. Jones Terrell, Georgie Terrell, William W. Terry, Jesse Terry, Jesse assignee of T.F. Sledge Terry, Melissa E. Terry, Melissa E. Thatcher?, Walter L. Thatcher?, Walter L. Thedford, Dallas Thedford, Dallas Thomas, A.W. Thomas, Abraham Thomas, Abraham Thomas, Henry C. and G.C. Hammons Thomas, J.M. Thomas, J.M. Thomas, J.M. Thomas, J.M. Thomas, J.M. Thomas, J.M. Thomas, J.W. Thomas, John D. Thomas, M.P. Thomas, M.P. Thomas, Micajah N. Thomas, Wm. Thomason, B.F. Thomason, Edward L. Thompson, Ann widow of J.H. Thompson Thompson, Arthur and Jno. F. Hanks Thompson, Arthur and Jno. F. Hanks Thompson, Arthur and Jno. F. Hanks Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Arthur Thompson, H.L. Thompson, J.E. Thompson, J.E. Thompson, James A. Thompson, James A. Thompson, Jane deceased's legal representatives Thompson, Leander C. Thompson, Leander C. Thompson, Willie Thompson, Willie Thomson, Rufus L. Thomson, Rufus L. Thorn, Alcy Thorn, Alsey S. Thorn, Alsy S. last assignee of Jas. H. Hicks Thorn, Jesse Thorn, John N. Thorn, Sarah B. Thorn, Sarah B. Thorn, W.T. Thorn?, Jesse Thornburg, Geo. and J.B. Judkins Thornburg, George and J.B. Judkins Thornburg, George and J.B. Judkins Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier Thornton, Dozier deceased's heirs and legal representatives Thornton, Dozier deceased's heirs and legal representatives Thorp, George H. Threlkheld, Everett T. Tidwell, Mary Tidwell, Mary Tillerston, Benj. C. Tillerston, Benj. C. Tilley, John Tinker, C.A. Tinker, C.A. Tinker, P.I. Tinker, P.I. Tinsley, J.D. Tinsley, J.D. Tinsley, J.D. Tinsley, J.D. Tippen, John W. Tippen, John W. Tippen, Robert A. Tippen, Robert A. Tippen, Sarah I. Tippen, Sarah I. Tippen?, John C. Tippen?, John C. Tipton, William M. Tipton, William M. Titus, Henry Tobin, A.W. Toby, C.A. Toby, C.A. Todd, H.W. Todd, H.W. Todd, Richard Todd, Richard Toliver, William R. Toliver, William R. Tongate, B.F. Tongate, L.J. Topp, Robertson and David C. Cross Towers, J.B. Jr. Towers, J.B. Jr. Towers, J.B. Sr. Towers, J.B. Sr. Trader, M.C. Mrs. Trader, Mary C. Mrs., last assignee of Jno. W. Lumpkin Travis, A.C. Trice, Jas. E. Trice, Sam'l T. Trice, Samuel T. Trigg, Henry assignee of W.E. and R.T. Buckner Triplett, S.S. Trout, C.N. Troutt, Jno. R. Troutt, Jno. R. Troutt, W.L. Troutt, W.L. Troyman, James A. Truitt, B.E. Truitt, B.E. Truitt, B.E. Truitt, B.E. Truitt, I.L. Truitt, I.L. Truitt, T.L. Truitt, T.L. Trust, Andy Trust, Esaw Trust, Jerry Tucker, Augustine and Alexander Lickin Tucker, Henry Tucker, Henry Tucker, Joseph P. Tuckness?, James H. Turnbo, W.C. Turner, Alford Turner, D.E. Turner, D.E. Turner, F.W. Turner, F.W. Turner, G.W. Turner, G.W. Turner, Ireal M. last assignee of R.Y. Powers Turner, Ireal M. last assignee of R.Y. Powers Turner, J.H. Turner, J.W. Turner, J.W. Turner, Jack Turner, Jack Turner, Louis Turner, Louis Turner, Marcus Turner, Marcus Turner, T.A. Turpin, Rancel, assignee of Charles Reese Tweddell, Chas. P. Tweddell, Chas. P. Tweddell, E.W. Tweddell, E.W. Tweddell, Wm. Tweddell, Wm. Tyler, D.R. Tyler, Dan'l R. Tyler, F.F. Tyler, F.F. Tyler, Susan her heirs and legal representatives Underhill, Geo. W. Underhill, Geo. W. Underhill, Geo. W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, George W. Underhill, H.S. Underhill, H.S. Underwood, F.P. Underwood, F.P. Underwood, J.M. Van Buren, J. assignee of Geo. W. Hered Vanbeber?, J.C. Vanderslice, John S. assignee of George W. Hered Vandiver, C.A. Vandiver, C.A. Vanever, J.W. Vanhorn, Delza C. Vanhorn, Delza C. Vantreece, Robt. T. Varner, E.R. Varner, E.R. Varner, Ed R. Varner, Ed R. Varner, Edward Varner, Edward Varner, Francis H. Varner, Francis H. Varner, Wm. T. assignee of Mary C. Carson Vaughan, James W. Vaughan, James W. Vaughn, W.H. Vaughn, W.H. Vernon, J.W. Vernon, J.W. Vernon, J.W. Vick, A.J. Vick, A.J. Vicry, B.F. Vicry, B.F. Vincent, W.R. Vincent, W.R. Vincient, L.T. Vincient, L.T. Vines, J.P. Vinson, E.H. assignee of James D. Prince Virhart, Frank Virhart, Frank Vogel, Elizh. Vogel, Elizh. Vogel, William Asa Vogel, William Asa Vongonten, Chas. Vroom, R. Wade, David D. Wade, David D. Wade, France Wade, France Wade, O.B. Wade, O.B. Wagner, P.F. Wagner, P.J. Wagoner, James Wagster, H.H. Wagster, H.H. Waicher, George Waider, George Wak, George F. Waldron, William B. Waldron, William B. Waldron, William B. Walker, B.W. Walker, Clark Walker, J.A. Walker, John Mrs. Walker, John Mrs. Walker, Mark Walker, Rosa Mrs. Walker, Rosa Mrs. Walker, W.J. Walker, W.J. Wall, Calvin assignee of E.L. Gentry Wall, Calvin assignee of G.L. Gentry Wallace, Henry Wallace, Henry Wallace, John Wallace, John Wallace, Joseph Wallace, Joseph Wallace, W.N. Waller, H.W. Waller, Nathan H. Waller, Nathan H. Waller, Nathan H. Waller, Nathan H. Waller, Nathan Waller, Nathan's heirs and legal representatives Walles, Robert Walles, Robert Walls, Dempsey T. Walter, Charles Walters, Charles Walters, W. Walton, Owen Walton, Owen Walton, Thomas M. Walton, Thomas M. Wamble, E.M. assignee of William Brown Ward, C.C. Ward, E.O. Ward, J.R. Ward, J.R. Ward, James Ward, W.N. Ward, W.W. Ward, William L. Ware, G.G. Ware, Mose Ware, R.S. Warner and Burk Warner and Burk Warner and Burk Warner and Burk Warner and Burk Warner and Burk Warner and Burt Warner, Martha A. Warner, Mattie Warner, S.A. Warner, S.A. Warner, Sallie J. Warner, Sallie J. Warner, Sam'l A. Warner, Samuel Warner, Samuel A. Warner, Samuel A. Warner, Sharp Warner, Sharp Warrell, Pat Warren, Benj. A. Warren, Benj. A. Warren, S.W. Warren, T.A. Warrington, Lee R. Watchersfenning, Henry Watchersfenning, Henry Watkins, B.F. assignee of B.B. Deshazo Watkins, B.F. assignee of Calvin Gardner Watkins, B.F. assignee of D. Baker Watkins, B.F. assignee of H. Kersey Watkins, B.F. assignee of Jackson Gimblea Watkins, B.F. assignee of James C. Grider Watkins, B.F. assignee of James Robinson Watkins, B.F. assignee of James Robinson Watkins, B.F. assignee of Mary Deshazo Watkins, B.F. assignee of Mary Payne Watkins, B.F. assignee of R.W. Scott Watkins, B.F. assignee of Samuel J. Noble Watkins, B.F. assignee of Thomas Monk Watkins, B.F. assignee of Thos. B. Kirsey Watkins, B.F. assignee of W.C. Hackworth Watkins, B.F. assignee of W.G. Pulley Watkins, B.F. assignee of William Jesties Watkins, B.F. assignee of William McCoy Watkins, Evan Watkins, Reginald B. Watson, Andrew M. Watson, Andrew M. Watson, D.H. Watson, E.L. Watson, E.L. Watson, E.L. Watson, E.L. Watson, E.L. Watson, E.L. Watson, E.L. Watson, Emma Watson, W.M. assignee of H. Barton Watson, W.M. assignee of H. Barton Wattle, Blumer J. Wattle, Blumer J. Watts, Sam Weaks, H.P. Weatherly and Bogan Weatherly and Bogan Weatherly and Bogan Weatherly and Bogan Weatherly and Bogan Weatherly and Bogan's heirs Weatherly, J.W. Weaver, Jno. Webb & McGehee Webb & McGehee Webb & McGehee Webb & McGehee Webb & McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb & McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb & McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb & McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb & McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb & McGehee assignees of T.W. Webb Webb and McGeehee Webb and McGehee Webb and McGehee Webb and McGehee Webb and McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb and McGehee assignees of Sam'l Mathews Webb, E.F. Webb, E.F. Webb, Ike Webb, Ike Webb, Jacob M. Webb, Kelly Webb, Kelly Webb, T.W. and T.W. Tomlinson Webster, J.D. Webster, S.L. Welch, Edwin A. Welch, Edwin A. Welch, Geo. W. Welch, Geo. W. Welch, William Weldon, Albert Wellman, W.M. Wellman, W.M. Welsh, Robert Wesel, C.G. West, Counsel B. West, Counsel B. West, R.G. West, Thomas A. Western Tie and Timber Company, assignee of B.F. Matthews Weston, John N. Weston, John N. Wheeler, Alanson Wheeler, Elwood L. Whipple, J.H. Whipple, J.H. Whirtey, Felix G. Jr. and Polk Whirtey White, Armstrong assignee of William White White, David H. White, J.W. White, Leo White, R.A. White, R.A. White, Thomas White, Thomas White, Thos. S. White, William Whitehead, Jacob Whitehead, Jake Whitley, Felix G. Whitley, Jesse R. Whitmire, Jasper J. Whitmire, Jasper J. Wicker, C.T. Wicker, J.F. Wickersham, James Wicks, M.J. Wicks, M.J. Wicks, M.J. Wicks, M.J. Wigley, J.T. Wiley, Joseph Wiliford, Ola Mrs. Wilkens, S.B.W. Wilkey, C.B. Wilkey, C.B. Wilkins, Baker Wilkins, C.B. Wilkins, Joe Wilkins, Joe Willey, G.W. Willey, G.W. William, Amos Williams, A.J. Williams, A.J. Williams, Amos Williams, Archey O. Williams, Archey O. Williams, Dan Williams, George W. Williams, H.A. Williams, H.W. Williams, I.W. Williams, J.C. last assignee of John McGarock Williams, J.C. last assignee of John McGarock Williams, J.D. Williams, J.D. Williams, J.H. Williams, J.H. assignee of J.R. Boyer Williams, Jack Williams, Jacob Williams, Jacob Williams, James Williams, James Williams, James Williams, James Williams, James Williams, James Williams, James Williams, John H. Williams, John H. Williams, John R. Williams, John W. Williams, John W. Williams, Jos. C. Williams, Jos. C. Williams, Jos. C. Williams, Jos. C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph C. Williams, Joseph P. Williams, Joseph P. Williams, Joseph P. and J. Deblois Sherman Williams, Joseph P. in his own right and as assignee of J.Dc?. Sherman Williams, Maxie Williams, Maxie Williams, R.M. Williams, Silas assignee of J.D. Phillips Williams, Simon Williams, Virginia Williams, Virginia Williams, W. Henry assignee of Theodore B. Mills Williams, William S. Williams, William S. Williams, William S. Williams, William S. Williamson, A.F. Williamson, John W. Williamson, John W. Williamson, John W. assignee of Edward O. Cromwell Williamson, John W. assignee of Jas. H. Edrington Williford, J.W. Willimt?, R.E. Willimt?, R.E. Wilson, D. Wilson, Eliza Wilson, Henry W. Wilson, J.O. Wilson, J.O. Wilson, James B. Wilson, James B. Wilson, Josiah L. Wilson, Josiah L. Wilson, Josiah L. Wilson, L. Wilson, Martha Wilson, Oliver Wilson, Robert Wilson, Sam Wilson, Sampson Wilson, Wm. J. Wimper, J.B. Wimper, J.B. Wimpey, F.C. Wimpey, F.C. Wimpey, Homer Wimpey, Homer Wimpsy, Wm. Wimpsy, Wm. Wimpy, T.O. Wimpy, T.O. Winfry, William Winfry, William Winston, S.A. Winters, Paralee Winters, Paralee Wintz, J. Wintz, J. Wirt, Zeipha L. Wirt, Zeipha L. Wise, Chas. A. Wise, Chas. A. Wise, E.L. Wise, E.L. Wise, J.R. Wise, J.R. Wishon, W.R. Wishon, W.R. Witherspoon, Anzie D. assignee of J.H. Unthank Wood, Geo. W. Wood, I.H. Wood, I.H. Wood, J.T. Wood, Joel G. Wood, John Wood, W.R. Wood, W.R. Wood, William A. Woodard, B.A. Woodard, W.G. Woodell, Wm. H. Woodell, Wm. H. Woodruff, L.C. Woodruff, W.W. Woodruff, W.W. Woods, Ben Woods, E. Woods, E. Woods, Frank Woods, Sidney J. Woods, Sidney J. Woodson, Alexander Woodward, E. and J.M. assignees of W.G. Ford Woodward, E. and J.M. assignees of W.G. Ford Woodward, E. and J.M. assignees of W.G. Ford Woodward, John M. Woodward, John M. Woodward, John M. Wooley, James S. Wootten, H.C. Wootten, H.C. Work, George F. Work, George F. Worley, Alfred Worley, Alfred Worley, Ida C. Mrs. Worley, Ida C. Mrs. Worley, W.E. Worley, W.E. Worrell, B.C. Worrell, T.W. Worrell, T.W. Worrell, T.W. Worthen, Robt. W. last assignee of Hobert A. Stoddard Worthen, Robt. W. last assignee of Hobert A. Stoddard Worthen, W.B. ... Wright, B.A. Wright, B.A. Wright, Burrel A. Wright, F.A. Wright, F.A. Wright, Jasper I. Wright, Joseph Wright, N.H. Wright, N.H. Wright, W.C. Wright, W.H. Wright, William H. assignee and holder Wyatt, C.C. Wyatt, C.C. Wyatt, C.C. Wyatt, D.W. Wyatt, D.W. Wyse, William Yarbro, C.A. Yarbrough, C.C. Yarbrough, C.C. Yarlet, John Yarlet, John Yates, Ephraim R. Yates, Ephraim R. Yoder, Josephine York, J.S. Young, Ed Young, H.P. Young, J.R. Young, James assignee of James H. Urithank Young, P.A. Young, Stephen Young, Stephen Young, Stephen assignee of L.N. Rhodes Young, Stephen assignee of L.N. Rhodes Young, Thomas Young, Thomas