Murder of Henry Carroll was the subject of this letter of March 1820 from Charles Carroll to Josiah Meigs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1815-1821, Volume XV page 594 CHARLES CARROLL TO JOSIAH MEIGS Register's Office, FRANKLIN-March 11th 1820 SIR-Enclosed you will receive the February return & 26 final Certificates. The Purchasers are very desirous of having their Patents particularly Alexander Lucas, assignee of Daniel Crump, who has an Ejectment suit now pending & wants to exhibit his Title. I have been truly unfortunate since my last communication; my son Henry riding out on Tuesday 29th Feb: was deliberately shot on horseback & fell a corpse on the ground, he had completely refuted the malicious Charges brought against him & he was shot by a Major Richard Gentry who had given a Certificate carrying on the face of it a malignant falsehood which was made apparent by the most respectable Depositions, & thus has fallen a young man of high honor & feeling to the Envy of a dastardly Assassin-I can say no more, my heart bleeds at the atrocious act. I am most respectfully, Sir your Most Obedient Servant CHARLES CARROLL Register [Addressed]Josiah Meigs Esquire. Commissioner of the General Land Office. Washington City. [Endorsed] Franklin 11 Mar: 1820 C Carroll with finals Ackd. 15th Apl. Note: According to Houck, Hist. Mo., III, 79, it was Charles Carroll who was killed by Richard Gentry, in February, 1820 an obviously erroneous statement.