Petition to appoint G.W. Johnston to the Position of Commisioner of the Louisiana-Missouri Territory, 16 May 1805. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1803-1806, Volume XIII pages 147-148 GENERAL W. JOHNSTON TO THE PRESIDENT (Note: General Washington Johnston; in this instance "General" is not a title but a given name. See Terr. Papers (Ind.), VII, index.) VINCENNES June 29th 1805. Honored Sir In addition to a recommendation made in my favorby Governor Harrison (which I doubt not You'll find in the Honorable The Secretary of State's (Mr Gallatin's) Office, having been inclosed by me Some time Since-) I enclose you a Recommendatory Petition, signed by a number of Actual Settlers and Farmers of Louisiana. Excuse, if you please, my intrusion! I am Honored Sir Your Humble Servant. GENERAL W. JOHNSTON HIS EXCELLENCY THOMAS JEFFERSON./. [Endorsed] Johnston General Washington. Vincennes June 29 received Aug. 2 to be Commisioner Louisiana. [Enclosure: DS] Petition to the President by citizens of the District of St. Louis [May 16, 1805] To His Excellency Thomas Jefferson, Esquire. President of the United States of America. The humble Petition of the Undersigned Citizens of the District of Saint Louis, in the District of Louissiana. Respectfully sheweth That in and by the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act for ascertaining & adjusting the titles & claims to land, within the Territory of Orleans and District of Louissiana.-Approved the 2nd of March 1805 (instant) We discover that a Land Office, or an Office for the recording and Adjustment of Claims to Lands in the said District of Louissiana, is to be opened-for the Carrying on and completion of which, a Recorder of Land Titles is to be appointed by your Excellency. From our Acquaintance with General Washington Johnston, and his knowledge of the French and English languages;We take the liberty of recommending to, and earnestly soliciting your Excellency, That you will Appoint and Commission him as Recorder of land-Titles in & for the said District of Louissiana. And your Petitioners as in duty &c DISTRICT OF ST LOUIS May 16th. 1805 Transcribers Note: The numbers preceding the subscriber's name is the Sequential location of that signature on the list. Any notations of (X) signifies that the signature was by the Signator's "mark". Signatures (90) 30 Thomas Apelgate 78 Nathaniel M. Baker 48 Eligy Benton 15 Thomas L. Bevis- 80 Mical Bird 74 David Boylls 38 Mathias Brinley 31 James Britten, Jr 32 James Britten, Sr 19 Edward Butler 55 Thomas Carlin 47 Shadrac Carpentor 75 Gabriel Cobb 20 John Coleman 12 Jacob Collins 51 Fr Conner 5 Roger Coyle 90 James Danner 13 James Davis 68 Willia Dranen 25 James Foster 69 William Gibson 60 John Gilmore 52 James Gray 29 Berry Hansel 85 John Henderson 42 Bartholomew Herrington 41 Isaac Herrington 43 John Herrington 89 Jacob Horne 73 Merle Horne 10 James Jewitt 2 Walter Jewitt 86 Benjamin Johnston 81 John Johnston 7 William Johnston 27 John Jones 63 Marshel Jones 64 Green Jueit 53 Mattha Lad 21 Hartley Lanham 77 Moses Lunsford 59 Benjamin Marney 67 John McColloch 45 Hugh McCullough 71 James McLean 1 William Moss 79 William Musick 88 John Myars 61 Adam Null 62 John Null 3 Michael Null 4 William Null 28 William Null 40 Charles Patton 35 Newman Pound 36 John Prevost 83 Samuel Price 26 Ephraim Ritchason 84 Daniel Ritcherson 22 Thomas Roberts 56 Bernard Rogan 37 James Rogers, Jr 49 James Rogers, Sr 16 Christy Romine 17 John Romine 18 William Saveage 46 James Sefton 66 Philip Shaver 39 Jams Start 70 John Steward 24 John Stewart 23 Elijah Still 87 William Still 76 Joab Strickland 54 James A. Sturgus 14 John A. Sturgus 6 William Swoord 82 James Tallent 50 Levi Theel 8 Clabourn Thomas 11 James Thomas 72 Mark Thomas 9 James Vernon 58 Jacob Wickerham 33 Frances Wideman 44 John Wideman 34 Mark Wideman 65 Samuel Wilson, Jr 57 Samuel Wilson, Sr