Petition by Inhabitants of St. Genevieve District, Louisiana-Missouri, 25 Jun 1805 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1803-1806, Volume XIII pages 139-141 INHABITANTS OF STE. GENEVIEVE DISTRICT TO GOVERNOR WILKINSON [June 25, 1805] To his Excellency General James Wilkinson, Governor of the Territory of Louisiana Sir, We the subscribers Inhabitants & Freeholders of the District of St Genevieve, desirous that some person properly qualified to discharge The important and responsible office of sheriff, may be appointed for this District,(should a new appointment be made) take the liberty of recommending for that place Henry Dodge, who we are enabled confidently to say from the satisfactory manner with which he has discharged his duty as Deputy sheriff (having done all the business of the District) is fully possessed of the requisite qualifications for that office both as it respects enterprize, fidelity and talents, and we are confident, should your excellency think proper to appoint him, that it will promote the interests of the district and give general satisfaction to the people. Note: According to Houck, Dodge was so appointed (Hist. Mo., III, 259. He was subsequently (1836) the first Governor of Wisconsin Territory. We are Sir, respectfully Your obedient Servants DISTRICT OF St GENEVIEVE June 25th 1805 Transcribers Note: The numbers preceding the subscriber's name is the sequential location of that signature on the list. Any notations of (X) signifies that the signature was by the Signator's "mark". Signatures (229) Note: All the signatures are in one hand - Hmmm 56 Robert Adams 55 John Alley 53 Thomas Alley 54 William Alley 52 John Andrews 65 William Andrews 224 Abm. Armstrong 176 Aaron Ashbrooke 149 George Ashbrooke 123 William Ashbrooke 139 William H. Ashley 11 James Austin 77 Moses Austin 89 Anos Aynes 68 Andrew Backar Note: Baker ? 74 Abraham Baker 146 Elijah Baker 144 Elisha Baker 69 John Baker 145 Thomas Baker 188 John Baly 80 Elias Bates 175 Moses Bates 122 William Bates 64 Gabriel Beetle 37 Joseph Bequette fils 23 William Bete, Nutt 48 John Birk 109 Manuel Bloncs 50 N. Boilvin 94 Jaque Bonne 198 Rolin Boyd 112 Pierote Boyer 134 James Brewers 81 Samuel Bridge 20 R. T. Brown 4 George Bullitt 201 John Burget 129 Sebastian Butcher 31 Tobias Butler 159 William C. Carr 116 Piere Chabote 182 Minsal. Christopher 27 David Clark 143 John Cooper 220 James Cox 203 Joseph Coyteau 75 Benjamin Cramp Note: Camp ? 117 Joseph Criles 169 William Crow 166 Benjamin Crows 167 John Crows 126 Isaac Cunnigham 179 James Cunnigham 32 Nathaniel Cupton 40 Peter Daguet 19 Camille De Lassus 162 John Delson Note: Nelson ? 111 Alexander Deudos 86 Joseph Deuille 190 William Dunn 223 Simon Duvall 141 William Eads 99 Piere Ebere 142 Thomas Edds Note: Eads ? 102 Abraham Edes 128 Henry Elliot 15 Aaron Elliott 12 Charles Elliott 10 Elias A. Elliott 227 Charles Ellis 26 Josiah Ellis 49 Lunsford Ellis 61 Barnabas Estes 58 John Estes 72 Ledford Estes 57 Robert Estes 218 Jesse Evans 62 Stephen Evans 157 E. Fenwick 21 John Fenwick 38 Samuel Flint 17 F. William Geisse 59 James Gerrard 120 Mils Goforth 147 Zachariah Goforth 185 Jean Bte Golin 95 Toz. Gonsales 108 Drury Green 92 Francois Gronden 42 Louis Gurno (X) 36 Robert Hamilton 25 Benjamin Harrison 153 Michael Hart 136 James Hawkins 186 John Hawkins 125 Nicholas Heeth 33 Patrick M. Hen 9 A. Henry 181 William Hickman 22 Robert Hinkson 24 William Hinkson 113 Vobert Hippolite Note: Robert ? 204 Aquilla Hugan Note: Aquilla Hagan ? 150 Nicholas Hull 132 Garner Hunter 1 Seth Hunter 119 John James 160 Jerrard Janes 161 John Janes 133 Jean Janions 140 Edmond Johnston 165 John Jourdan 216 Clement Knott 184 Joseph Labbée 87 Louis Lacroix 131 Vincent Lafoy 137 James Lambert 118 Jean Bte Laplante 197 Bernard Leighton 225 John Leighton 226 John Leighton, Jr 43 P. Leinard 170 John Limbech 114 Francois Limonos 214 John Little 189 Thomas Long 51 John Ludenton 14 Hugh Macier, II 211 Joseph Manning 44 Daniel Maredeth 93 Piere Martens 101 Bastien Maurice 71 Alexander McCoy 148 Ans McCoy 135 Charles McDermot 83 James L. McLaughlin 199 John R. McLaughlin 171 Thomas McLaughlin 178 John McNeal 96 Charles Meclidene 98 Louis Meilome 34 Robert Menteer 60 Jacob Merphullen Note: MacFarlan ? 193 Reubin Middleton 194 Robert Middleton 39 Josiah Millard 35 John Miller 110 Pedro Antonio Modenanon 104 William Montgomery 202 Isidore Moore 191 Nocholas Moore 219 Richard Moore 192 James Moore J.N.W. 195 James Moore, Jr 158 Louis Morin 29 Andrew Morris 172 Carbes Morris Note: Curtis Morris ? 30 Mathew Mullins 180 David Murphy 228 John Myers 73 William North 46 Antoine Obuchon 45 Fes Ogez 5 Thomas Oliver 97 Emable Padenode Note: Amable Patnote (A.S.P., Pub. Lands, II, 649). 217 Jesse Pannell 63 Abraham Parker 66 William Patterson 177 John Paul 155 John Pauley 115 Jean Portois 213 Jonathan Preston 28 J. Price 207 Tunas Quick 215 Robert Rairdon 106 Michael Reber 174 Joseph Reed 164 Robert Reed 121 Thomas Reed 163 William Reed 82 Zebulon Reed 152 James Rickett 151 Abraham Rickman 173 John Rickman 8 Abijah Rigdon 41 James Rigdon 187 Thomas Riordan 47 P. Robert. 70 John Roberts 85 Thomas Ross 103 Martin Ruggles 107 Salmon Ruggles 84 Lewis Sasour 13 D. Shaw 196 Barnard Sissle 78 Robert Sloan 18 Charles Smith 6 John Smith. T. 2 James Spencer, Jr 67 John Startnator 229 Thomas Stearman 79 John Stewart 88 David Strickland 90 John Strickland 91 Joseph Strickland 3 Benjamin Strother 168 William Strother 100 Francois Teibas 105 John Tuck 205 Henry Tucker 209 James Tucker 212 Joseph Tucker 206 Josephus Tucker 221 Michael Tucker 210 Nicholas Tucker 208 Peter Tucker 222 Thomas Tucker 200 James Tucker (Saline) 138 Bazille Vallé 154 Francois Vallé 183 Anthony Villars 156 Piere Vizot 124 Lemuel Walker 127 Luken Walker 7 J. Washburn 16 Henry Weber 130 Job Westowen 76 Jacob Wise