Petition by Inhabitants of St. Genevieve District, Louisiana-Missouri, 26 Jun 1805 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1803-1806, Volume XIII pages 141-144 INHABITANTS OF STE. GENEVIEVE DISTRICT TO GOVERNOR WILKINSON [June 26, 1805] To his Excellency General James Wilkinson, Governor of the Territory of Louisiana Sir, We the subscribers Inhabitants of the District of St Genevieve, feeling deeply interested in the honor, interest and prosperity of this District and anxious that the just rights of the Citizens may be preserved and protected,which can only be done, by having men of talents, firmness and integrity placed on the Bench of justice and in the other subordinate places in the Courts-Take the Liberty of most respectfully recommending and requesting that Moses Austin Esquire at present the Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas and quarter sessions for this District may be continued in that place (Note: Appointed by Harrison, Dec. 11, 1804 (Houck, Hist. Mo., II, 383)), confidently believing thatis, from his correct information, inflexible integrity and rigid adherance to principle & justice, the person best qualified to fill within the District of Saint Genevieve, the high and important office of Chief justice of the Common Pleas &c-and that he will discharge the duties of that situation with honor to himself and to the general interest and satisfaction of the People of the District- And We further request that your Excellency will be particularly cautious in making choice of the associate Justices and that such men only may be appointed, who can render aid assistance to the Chief Justice in the discharge of his arduous and highly responsible situation- With Sentiments of high respect and esteem for your Excellency's Public and Private Character-We have the honor to be, Sir your very humble ObedientServants. District of ST, GENEVIEVE June 26th 1805 We are Sir, respectfully Your obedient Servants DISTRICT OF St GENEVIEVE June 25th 1805 Transcribers Note: The numbers preceding the subscriber's name is The sequential location of that signature on the list. Any notations of (X)signifies that the signature was by the Signator's Mark. Signatures (200) Note: All the signatures are in one hand - Hmmm 25 Robert Adams 195 Thomas Allen 24 Thomas Alley 95 John Anderson 22 P. Andrews 2 William Andrews 55 Pedro Antoniono 173 Abraham Armstrong 70 Aaron Ashbrook 133 George Ashbrook 102 M. Ashbrook 60 William H. Ashley 111 Enos Aynes 164 John Bailey 5 Abraham Baker 125 Elijah Baker 61 Elisha Baker 93 Thomas Baker 178 Barna Banes 10 Elias Bates 69 Moses Bates 101 William Bates 119 Peirote Bauyer 17 John Birk 118 Manuel Blanco 140 Thomas Bodge 112 Jaque Bonne 176 Robin Boyd 58 James Brewer 14 Samuel Bridge 40 R. T. Brown 183 John Burget 198 James Burns 75 Sebastian Butcher 18 Tobias Butler 142 William C. Carr 120 Piere Chabote 76 Minrod Christopher 44 David Clark 193 Benjamin Cox 189 Joseph Cox 186 Ls. Coyteau 6 Benjamin Cramp 128 Benjamin Crow 65 John Crow 129 Waller Crow 73 Isaac Cunnigham 104 James Cunnigham 146 John Daw 78 James Deuille 87 Alexander Deuilos 39 Henry Dodge 38 Israel Dodge 23 John H. Donald 185 William Dunnell 172 Simon Duval 188 John Duvall 123 William Eads 51 Piere Ebere 52 Abraham Edes Note: Eads ? 124 Thomas Edes 84 Elias A. Elliott 199 Charles Ellis 19 Lunford Ellis 29 Barnibas Estes 27 John Estes 26 Robert Estes 147 Jesse Evans 30 Stephen Evans 107 E. Fenwick 33 William Fenwick 99 Miles Goforth 68 Zachariah Goforth 109 Jean Bte Golin 113 Joseph Gonzales 86 Dury Green 48 Francois Gronden 166 Aquilla Hagan 43 Benjamin Harrison, Sr 105 Michael Hart 122 James Hawkins 162 John Hawkins 155 Clement Hayden 11 Andrew Henry 74 William Hickman 34 Robert Hinkson 134 Uriah Hull 141 James Hunt 32 Seth Hunt 62 Jerrard Janes 94 John Janes 126 Jonathan Janes 89 Jean Janions 92 Edward Johnson 182 D. L. Johnston 1 Gabriel Keith 156 Absalom Kinnison 145 Clement Knott 138 Joseph Labbée 110 Louis Lacroix 15 Louis Lafour 139 Vincent Lafoy 59 James Lambert 121 John Bte Laplante 154 Bernard Leighton 157 Ignatius Leighton 194 John Leighton 177 John Leighton, Jr 66 John Limberch 200 Joab Line 180 John Little 165 Thomas Long 16 John Ludinton 174 James Manning 80 Piere Martens 115 Bastien Maurice 132 Andrew McCoy 90 Charles McDermott 13 James McLaughlin 158 John R. McLaughlin 98 Thomas McLaughlin 21 Patrick McNakin 37 William B. McNutt 50 Charlos Mecledene 170 Robert Medler 114 Louis Meilome 72 John Meneel 169 Reuben Middleton 197 Nicholas Miles 53 William Montgomery 184 Isidore Moore 167 Nicholas Moore 148 Richard Moore 168 James Moore, Jr 190 James Moore, Jr 196 John Morgan 108 Louis Morin 130 Charles Morisse 28 Jacob Morphilar Note: MacFarlan ? 20 Andrew Morris 63 Joseph M. Murtrey 161 John Myers 47 Hippolite Obert 36 Thomas Oliver 163 Wilson Olman 57 Joseph Ortes 82 Emable Padenode Note: Patnote ? 31 Abraham Parker 3 William Patterson 71 John Paul 106 John Paulice 88 Jean Portois 179 Jonathan Preston 96 John Purdom 150 Tunas Quick 144 Robert Reardon 85 Michael Reber 100 James Reed 64 Robert Reed 131 Thomas Reed 127 William Reed 12 Zebulon Reed 135 Abraham Rickman 67 John Rickman 45 Abijah Rigdon 116 Martin Ruggles 54 Salmon Ruggles 46 Thomas Russ 56 Francois Seimonos 192 Barnard Sissle 8 Robert Sloan 159 Bernard Smith 4 John Stanator 181 Thomas Stearman 9 John Stewart 49 John Strickland 79 David Strikland 81 James Strikland 41 B. Strother 97 William Strother 83 Francois Teibos 117 John Tuck 187 Henry Tucker 152 James Tucker 175 Joseph Tucker 149 Josephus Tucker 151 Michael Tucker 153 Nocholas Tucker 171 Peter Tucker 191 Thomas Tucker 160 Joseph Tucker (Saline) 91 Bazille Vallé 136 Francois Vallé 77 Piere Vizot 103 Lemuel Walker 42 S. Washburn 35 Henry Weber 137 Job. Westbower 7 Jacob Wise 143 James Young