Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of Louisiana-Missouri Territory to establish a State Government, 6 Jan 1810. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1806-1814, Volume XIV pages 357-362 Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of the Territory [Referred January 6, 1810] To the honourable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, In Congress assembled. The Petition of the undersigned inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana, Most Respectfully Sheweth. That they have waited with anxious but silent expectation for the arrival of that period, when in pursuance of the treaty by which Louisiana was ceded to the United States, they are to be admitted "according to the principles of the federal constitution, to the enjoyment of all rights, advantages and immunities of Citizens of the United States." These rights they do humbly conceive cannot be enjoyed while the judicial and legislative powers are vested in the same persons. Where powers are combined which the constitution requires should be separate, and where the makers of laws, is also obliged to expound, and to decide upon them. Your Petitioners are fully impressed with the idea that legislative powers are never better, not more satisfactorily exercised than when committed to those persons who are elected for that purpose by the people themselves, whose conduct must be regulated by those very laws thus made. The inhabitants of the territory of Orleans, have already obtained those rights which your petitioners now ask, and to which they deem themselves also entitled. The last returns ofthe militia of this territory will be found to exceed those of the Indiana and Mississippi territory, and the number is daily increased by rapid emigrations to this territory. Confiding therefore, in the justice and wisdom of your honorable bodies, they most respectfully ask, that a law may be passed for enabling the inhabitants of this territory to have and enjoy the rights and privileges consequent upon a second grade of territorial government, and that the same may be established in this Territory And your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray Transcriber's note: The column of numbers before the names, represent the number placement of the signature within each of the 7 Sections. The sections represent the particular copy of the petition on which the signature appears. On this Petition, there was no identification of the districts from which each section came. Petitioner's Names. (360) 14 Ezekiel Able Section 6 17 Wilson Able Section 6 58 John Anderson Section 1 64 John Anghel Section 1 27 William Armor Section 5 28 William H. Ashley Section 4 32 William H. Ashley Section 6 1 Matthew A. Atkinson Section 1 21 Matthew A. Atkinson Section 4 Note: Also listed in section 1 18 Horace Austin Section 3 20 John Autry Section 1 48 Thomas Baker Section 1 49 Sollomon Ballew Section 5 28 Daniel Barr Section 1 45 William Belew Section 5 18 Able Benton Section 5 24 Alige Benton Section 5 16 Jes Benton Section 5 13 Lazrous Benton Section 5 12 Marke Benton Section 5 17 Thomas Benton Section 5 7 Wren Benton Section 5 19 Edmond Bibb Section 1 35 Daniel Black Section 4 26 William Black Section 3 21 Jesse Blackwell Section 1 13 Robert Blair Section 6 43 William Blair Section 1 23 Isaac M. Bledsoe Section 6 81 Bazil Boran Section 6 5 Samuel Bradley Section 6 24 Charles Bradly Section 6 18 Daniel Brant Section 6 38 William Brians Section 4 42 Abraham Brinker Section 4 25 Jams Briton Section 5 19 James Britten Section 5 60 R. T. Brown Section 5 23 Joseph Browne Section 4 34 Lionel Browne Section 4 14 Langston Brummit Section 3 13 Raney Brummit Section 3 6 James Bryan Section 4 9 Peter Burns Section 3 10 Robert Burns Section 3 60 Abraham Byrd Section 6 44 Stephen Byrd Section 6 6 John Byrne Section 6 73 Simeon Byrom Section 6 1 John Callaway Section 3 3 Peter Callaway Section 3 18 Johnson Campbell Section 7 10 John Camron Section 6 57 Wallis Carpente Section 5 56 James Cautch Section 5 55 Leanard Cautch Section 5 41 Uriah Chadwick Section 3 71 Edward Cheatham Section 1 22 Edward Cheatham Section 4 64 Andrew Chevallier Section 3 55 P. Chevallier Section 3 50 Francis Clark Section 3 3 Robert Clinton Section 5 8 Wilam Clinton Section 5 11 Louis Cloggenburg Section 4 45 Jesse Cock Section 3 68 John Coleman Section 1 1 Jacob Collins Section 5 15 William Consler Section 4 2 Clement C. Conway Section 7 20 Josaph Cook Section 5 5 Thomas Cooper Section 3 44 Jopthah Cornelius Section 3 9 B: Cousins Section 6 47 James Cox Section 6 31 Warren Cox Section 1 70 Peter Craig Section 6 41 Henry Cramer Section 1 35 Robert Crawford Section 6 34 Thomas Crawford Section 6 12 William Craycraft Section 6 14 Thaddeus Crippen Section 4 40 Aron Davis Section 6 34 James Davis Section 5 30 James Davis Section 6 60 Paul Deguire Section 3 4 Frémon Delauriere Section 2 14 Nathaniel Dennis Section 1 25 Adam Devour Section 1 77 Robert Dewit Section 1 52 William Dillon Section 3 1 H. Dodge Section 7 58 Jonne Dodge Section 3 8 John Donohue Section 7 16 W. D. Dorris Section 4 23 Jeams Dotson Section 3 24 John Dotson Section 3 27 JAmes Douty Section 6 75 George Dull Section 1 49 Henry Edwards Section 1 2 Joshua Edwards Section 3 27 Rhubin Eistes Section 3 23 Benjamin Elliott Section 1 37 Julius Emmons Section 1 43 James English Section 3 61 Enoch Evans Section 6 1 James Evans Section 6 40 John Evans Section 1 39 Joseph W. Evans Section 1 9 Zophen Evens Section 4 28 Edward Everitt Section 5 38 Richard Everitt Section 5 7 Ammi Fenn Section 4 20 Samuel Flint Section 4 50 Henry Fortenburry Section 6 3 William Fugate Section 2 5 Alexandre Gagnon Section 4 59 William Garner Section 6 44 John Geiger Section 4 49 Robert Giboney Section 6 27 Jesse Goodwin Section 1 5 John Grahan Section 2 29 George Gray Section 1 28 William Gray- Section 3 42 David Green Section 6 33 Squire Griggs Section 6 39 John Hall Section 6 58 James Hannah Section 6 63 John Hannah Section 6 52 Berry T. Hansell Section 5 8 George C. C. Harbison Section 6 3 John C. Harbison Section 6 46 Chrisley Harnis Section 3 11 Philop O. Harper Section 5 51 David Harris Section 6 59 Benjamin Harrison Section 1 10 Charles Hatcher Section 7 12 John Hawkins Section 7 41 John Hays Section 6 76 John Hearse Section 1 2 Thomas Hearst Section 5 4 Jesse Heartgrove Section 3 5 Jeames Henderson Section 5 75 Henry Hendrick Section 6 13 James Henthorn Section 4 1 John Henthorn Section 4 62 William Hickman Section 1 37 John Hillibran Section 5 36 Jonathan Hillibran Section 5 40 Abram Hilterbrand Section 5 50 Jonathan Hindrix Section 5 61 William Hinkson Section 1 46 William Hitt Section 6 44 Thomas Holt Section 1 15 Benjamin Horine Section 5 14 John Horine Section 5 12 Mitchell Horine Section 1 66 John Howard Section 6 16 Daniel Hubbell Section 3 15 Jonathan Hubbell Section 3 17 Matthew Hubbell Section 3 3 Christian Hunter Section 7 35 Jonithin Husky Section 5 56 William Hyde Section 6 80 David S. Jenkins Section 6 74 William Jenkins Section 6 42 Absalam Johnson Section 1 12 Adam Johnson Section 3 27 Henry W. Johnson Section 4 50 Peter Johnson Section 1 7 William Johnson Jr Section 3 8 William Johnson Sr Section 3 16 William Johnston Section 7 58 Benjamin Johnston Jr Section 5 73 Jacob Jones Section 1 26 Jacob Jones Section 4 67 James Jones Section 1 42 John Jones Section 5 16 Richard Jones Section 1 6 William Jones Section 7 30 John Jons Section 3 29 Joseph Jons Section 3 30 Marshal Jons Section 5 9 Zah Jordan Section 7 17 William Kelley Section 7 82 William Kelso Section 6 72 Joseph Kimball Section 1 53 Thomas King Section 3 1 Ls Labeaume Section 2 61 Benjamin LaChance Section 3 57 Fs Lachance Section 3 7 Jon Lanahan Section 1 47 John Lemon Section 4 56 George Lewis Section 1 24 Benjamin Lively Section 1 35 Charles Logan Section 3 32 David Logan Section 3 34 James Logan Section 3 54 Matthew Logan Section 3 33 Ro. A. Logan Section 3 42 Jonathan Logan- Section 3 4 Gme Lorimier Section 6 3 Samuel Loyd Section 4 37 Chittn Lyon Section 6 52 Patrick Lyons Section 1 54 Richard Maddin Section 1 53 Thomas Maddin Section 1 55 Thomas Maddin Jr Section 1 51 William Mason Section 1 32 Clemo Masse Section 1 6 John Mathews Section 3 22 Bastien Maurice Section 1 13 John McArthur Section 7 15 James B. McCall Section 7 26 James McColloch Section 5 25 Samuel McCormack Section 3 51 Hugh McCullough Section 5 23 John McGee Section 5 29 Philip McGwier Section 4 38 Hugh McIntire Section 1 59 John McKee Section 5 70 Samuel McMullin Section 1 37 John McNaill Section 4 3 James McNutt Section 1 41 Jam Menteer Section 4 39 Robert Menteer Section 4 40 William Menteer Section 4 14 Josiah Millard Section 7 43 Robert Miller Section 6 17 William Mitchell Section 4 36 Gorge W. Moon Section 4 4 James Moore Section 7 55 George Morgan Section 6 9 Jonithin Moris Section 5 10 Weyot Moris Section 5 2 J. Morrison Section 6 15 Mathew Mullens Section 1 11 Joseph Murphy Section 7 7 William Murphy Section 7 78 William Neely Section 6 56 J. Bte Nicole Section 3 6 Zephniah Nobels Section 5 41 Michael Null Section 5 46 Nicol Paschal Section 1 49 John Patton Section 4 46 Jacob Pennebaker Section 4 32 Joseph Perkins Section 4 31 James Perry Section 4 30 William Perry Section 4 2 John Perry Jr Section 4 18 John Perry Sr Section 4 34 Samuel W. Philips Section 1 33 John Pruet Section 5 54 Sally Pruit Section 5 44 Jacob Pyatt Section 5 43 John Pyatt Section 5 57 Elijah Radol Section 6 31 Andrew Ramsey Section 6 69 William Ramsey Section 6 26 Andrew Ramsey III Section 6 68 Andrew Ramsey Jr Section 6 21 Samuel Randall Section 6 16 James Randol Section 6 52 John Randol Section 6 11 Med Randol Section 6 62 Samuel Ravenscraft Section 6 25 Robert Ravenscrft Section 6 64 James Ravenscroft Section 6 22 Frederick Reinecke Section 6 36 John Rentfro Section 1 4 Mark Rentfro Section 1 13 Hezikiah Rhodes Section 1 11 Joseph Robertson Section 3 57 Moses M. Robison Section 1 71 John Rodney Section 6 25 John Romine Section 4 69 Noah Rushen Section 1 53 William Ryan Section 5 26 James F. Scott Section 1 7 William Scripps Section 6 53 John Seavers Section 6 77 Nicholas Seavrs Section 6 79 Joseph Seawell Section 6 20 Charles Sexton Section 6 10 John Shaher Section 4 Note: Reading uncertain 35 John H. Sharp Section 1 8 H. Shields Section 4 62 Jacob Shook Section 3 47 Christus Shulch Section 5 48 Jacob Shulch Section 5 46 Philip Shulch Section 5 65 James Shutt Section 1 5 Jacob Siger Section 7 65 John Simpson Section 6 24 David Smith Section 4 2 Reuben Smith Section 1 51 Samuel Smith Section 3 4 J. E. Snyder Section 4 54 Edward Spears Jr Section 6 18 Alexander Spencer Section 1 11 Willi Spencer Section 1 63 Alexandre Steele Section 3 28 D. Fr Steinbeck Section 6 38 William J. Stephenson Section 6 19 John Steuart Section 4 47 Anthony Street Section 3 48 Samuel Street Section 3 49 William Street Section 3 22 Amos Strickland Section 3 19 D. Strickland Section 3 21 Jeams Strickland Section 3 20 Joseph Strickland Section 3 67 S. D. Strother Section 6 9 William Strother Section 1 45 John Swan Jr Section 4 6 Alexander Taylor Section 1 8 Robert Terry Section 1 9 James Thompson Section 2 29 Joseph Thompson Section 6 8 Thomas Thompson Section 2 12 Dudley R. Tinker Section 4 17 Albert Tison Section 1 59 [blank] Tormellier Section 3 19 Heny Tucker Section 7 48 Richard Tyner Section 4 15 John Van Gilder Section 6 10 Daniel Vaughan Section 1 2 Benito Vazquez Section 2 36 Joseph Waller Section 6 22 Francis Walls Section 5 21 James Walls Section 5 76 John Weaver Section 6 19 Elijah Welch Section 6 33 Henry C. Wells Section 4 4 Joseph Wheat Section 5 6 James Whitesid Section 2 7 Davis Whiteside Section 2 33 Robert Whithead Section 1 32 Jacob Wickerham Section 5 39 William Wickerham Section 5 31 Aquilla Wickerham Jr Section 5 29 Jacob Wickerham Sr Section 5 63 John Wilcox Section 1 5 Nathaniel Wilkinson Section 1 74 Anthony Wilkson Section 1 30 Alexander Willeby Section 1 45 Pierce Williamams Section 1 60 T. D. Williams Section 1 45 William Williams Section 6 38 Benjamin Wilson Section 3 39 Berry Wilson Section 3 31 John Wilson Section 3 36 Leonard Wilson Section 3 37 Willis Wilson Section 3 40 John Wilson Jr Section 3 48 Levi Wolverton Section 6 47 Jacob Wood Section 1 66 Andrew Woods Section 1 43 Joseph Woods Section 4 72 Morris Young Section 6