Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of the Louisiana-Missouri Territory again asking for the establishment of a State Government, 9 Sep 1811. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1806-1814, Volume XIV pages 471-479 Petition to Congress From Inhabitants of the Territory [September 9, 1811] To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, In Congress assembled. The Petition of the undersigned inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana, Respectfully Sheweth. That convinced as well of their rights (in Pursuance of the Treaty which Ceded Louisiana to the united states) to be admitted according to the Principalsof the Federal Constitution to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantages and immunities of Citizens of the united states- as of the advantages resulting from a representative Government,which Rights and Advantages have not been extended to them- They hope indeed as a free People so far as the Policy of Territorial Government will admit they may have a Partial Voice in the government which they support.- Their sister Territories of Orleans, Mississippi, and Indiana are fast approaching to Political Manhood, under the Fostering hand of the General Government, while Louisiana with a large and fast increasing Population, have not been admitted to the enjoyment of the same Political blessing.- All the Powers of the Government as well Executive and legislative, as Legislative and Judicial are blended together not only Contrary to the Treaty and Federal Constitution but also to the political safety and happiness of the People. A large Majority of your Petitioners depend on Agriculture for support whose claims to lands form the Principal hope of themselves and families and more than two thirds of their Just Claims have been Rejected by the board ofCommissioners from whose official Representations they have little to hope. For these reasons which are all important to your Petitioners they now most Respectfully ask of your Honorable body, the passage of a Law which will admit them into what is denominated the Second grade of Territorial Government, which will entitle them to a Delegate in Congress by whom they can make Known their unfortunate Situation- And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever Pray. Transcriber's note: The column of numbers before the names, represent the number placement of the signature within each of the 8 Sections. The sections represent the particular copy of the petition on which the signature appears. On this Petition, with the exception of Section 1, there was no identification of the districts from which each section came. (See Head and Footnotes for sections after the list of names.) Petitioner's Names. (563) 25 James Abernathie Section 8 54 James Able Section 8 62 James Addams- Section 6 7 William Oliver Allen Section 4 46 Richard H. Alton Section 1 Arkansas 120 John Andrews Section 3 122 R. Andrews Section 3 121 William H. Andrews Section 3 127 Robert Ash Section 3 114 Matt. A. Atkinson Section 3 12 Thomas Atwell Section 8 29 Amos Bailey Section 8 28 David Bailey Section 4 152 Moses Baird Section 3 12 Benjamin Baker Section 2 55 Jesse Baker Section 6 34 Fred: Baldwin Section 3 14 Hartwell Baldwin Section 6 12 Samuel Baldwin Section 6 8 John Baldwin- Section 5 67 William Ballard Section 1 Arkansas 150 Peter Barnes Section 3 33 D. Barton Section 4 154 William Bates Section 3 14 James Beatty Section 4 19 Canroyd Belemont Section 1 Arkansas Note: MS. Faded 4 Rafael BenetX Section 1 Arkansas 85 Jesse Benton Section 3 65 Joseph Bernard Section 6 151 Elijah Bettis Section 3 9 George Binkley Section 8 87 Henry H. Binkley Section 3 75 Ezekiel Black Section 6 53 Jesse Blackwell Section 3 138 Jesse Blackwell Section 3 160 Robert Blair Section 3 11 Thomas Bleakley Section 7 49 Dillen Blevins Section 8 40 Chale Bogy Section 1 Arkansas 8 Louis Bogy Section 1 Arkansas 19 Geo Boldon Section 6 27 Daniel Boldridge Section 4 31 Robert Boldridge Section 4 15 A. Boles Section 2 32 Joseph Boring Section 3 2 [blank] Bossier Section 7 14 Joseph Bougy Section 1 Arkansas 175 Abraham Bowman Section 3 12 W. BrambacX Section 1 Arkansas 50 Jacob Brensinger Section 3 143 Abraham Brinker Section 3 17 David Brock Section 2 18 Adam Brown Section 2 39 John Brown Section 8 1 R. T. Brown Section 7 40 Shadach Brown Section 8 129 Lionel Browne Section 3 70 James Bruff Section 1 Arkansas 53 Timothy Bruin Section 4 12 Jonathan Bryant Section 4 20 George Bullitt Section 3 162 John Burand Section 3 159 Robert Burns Section 3 45 Jonathan Burr Section 8 51 Pere Burrasaw Section 1 Arkansas 29 John Butcher Section 4 84 Elverton Caldwell Section 6 15 James Callaway Section 4 165 John Callaway Section 3 11 Jacob Campbell Section 8 169 James Campbell Section 3 170 John Campbell Section 3 27 William Carlile Section 6 41 Benjamin Carpentier Section 6 34 Henry Cassidy Section 1 Arkansas 24 P. Cassidy Section 1 Arkansas 43 Benjamin Caulk Section 6 28 William Caulk Section 6 145 Moses Cavett, Jr Section 3 4 Bte Cerré Section 7 63 Edward Cheatham Section 3 63 John D. Chisholm Section 1 Arkansas 61 J. G. Chisolm Section 1 Arkansas 22 William Chisty Section 8 32 William Clark Section 6 24 Christopher Clarke Section 4 55 Robert Clary Section 1 Arkansas 67 James Clemmons Section 6 17 Josh Cline Section 6 25 Richard Cobb Section 3 26 Geo W. Cochran Section 8 12 Hy Cockerham Section 5 37 John Y. Cockerham Section 5 89 John Coleman Section 3 5 John ColvinX Section 2 43 James Connyers Section 5 44 John Connyers Section 5 34 Theodore F. Converse Section 6 64 Wright Converse Section 6 71 John Cook Section 3 134 Nathaniel Cook Section 3 9 Martin Coons Section 6 41 Jacob Coonse Section 4 43 John Coonse Section 4 23 Washington Cooper Section 8 21 Andrew Cottle Section 4 9 Oliver Cottle Section 4 97 Strother Covington Section 3 6 William Cox Section 6 47 William Cracraft Section 3 68 James Craft Section 1 Arkansas 17 William Craig Section 4 43 Alexander Craighead Section 3 35 Christian Cramer Section 1 Arkansas 39 William Cravens Section 3 26 Henery Crow Section 4 45 John Cunningham Section 4 51 John Cunningham Section 4 123 Solomon Dally Section 3 15 Joseph Darden Section 1 Arkansas 171 Patrick Darlig Section 3 16 David Darst Section 4 56 John David Section 6 39 Caleb Davis Section 6 82 Henry Davis Section 6 53 Jesse Davis Section 5 78 L. Davis Section 6 21 Obed Davis Section 8 22 Richard Davis Section 3 35 William Davis Section 3 42 William Daw Section 8 111 Antoine Degattra Section 3 Note:Degattia is also a possible spelling 88 John Bt Delisle Section 6 45 Seth Derickson Section 1 Arkansas 13 Joséph Deruseux Section 1 Arkansas 20 Bte Des Reuisseaux Section 1 Arkansas 107 Ed D. DeVillmont Section 3 70 Isaac Devore Section 6 77 Jacob Devore Section 6 71 Jesse Devore Section 6 5 U.J. Devore Section 4 108 R. Dewitt Section 3 36 John F. Dian Section 1 Arkansas 1 H. Dodge Section 3 164 Josiah Dodge Section 3 62 John Doherty Section 3 126 Joseph Donnahue Section 3 49 Morgan Donoho Section 1 Arkansas 16 John Donohue Section 3 39 Louis Dumon Section 1 Arkansas 77 Daniel Dunklin Section 3 72 William Dunn Section 1 Arkansas 7 Btes Duplasy Section 1 Arkansas 109 Matthias Eads Section 3 4 Rufus Easton Section 3 5 Jean EbertX Section 1 Arkansas 17 James N. Edwards Section 5 71 Peter Edwards Section 1 Arkansas 25 Benjamin Emmons Section 4 28 John Farrar Section 3 45 David Farris Section 6 78 John Faughts Section 3 166 Herbert Felalle Section 3 57 John Fenley- Section 5 6 E. Fenwick Section 3 63 Joshua Ferguson- Section 6 96 Thomas Ferrel Section 3 50 John Ferry Section 4 20 Joshua Fishur Section 4 14 Jams Flanigan Section 3 173 Samuel Flint Section 3 46 Henry Fortinburg Section 8 2 John Forton Section 4 12 S. Forwood Section 7 47 John Fowler Section 1 Arkansas 53 Samuel Fowler Section 1 Arkansas 15 William Fugate Section 8 7 James Gambel Section 7 55 W. Garner Section 8 158 Joseph Garriott Section 3 181 William Gaty Section 3 32 Isaiah Gaza Section 8 52 Frederick Gengenbach Section 6 Note: A possible reading is Frederick G. Urzenback. 16 Robert Gibony Section 5 13 Edward Gibson Section 7 157 Jacob Gibson Section 3 141 Umphrey Gipson Section 3 142 William Gipson Section 3 46 Alexander Givens Section 3 13 Fredric Glasscock Section 8 58 Drewry Gooche Section 3 1 W. M. Goodwin Section 1 Arkansas 16 George Gray. Section 2 43 Bte GreverX Section 1 Arkansas 42 Francois GreverX Section 1 Arkansas 11 Daneil Griffeth Section 4 8 Samuel Griffeth Section 4 42 Cinclair Griffing Section 4 177 Joseph Griffith Section 3 5 J. Grigon Section 7 47 Absalom Hacker Section 5 48 William Hacker Section 5 49 John Hacker- Section 5 22 Caleb Hald Section 6 2 John Hall Section 8 132 George A. Hamilton Section 3 28 Henry Hand Section 8 110 Benjamin Hardin Section 3 25 Timothy Harris Section 5 101 Zepheniah Harris Section 3 26 Silas Harris- Section 5 37 Henry Haverstick Section 4 81 John Hawkins Section 3 116 Charles Heath Section 3 6 John F.M. Heath Section 4 12 E. Hempstead Section 3 44 Stephen Hempstead, Jr Section 4 23 John Hendry Section 1 Arkansas 22 John Hensley Section 2 140 Philip Henson Section 3 30 John Henthorn Section 3 11 Jos Hertich Section 3 40 Nathaniel Hickerson Section 3 147 Hamlin Hicks Section 3 179 Thomas Higginbotham Section 3 99 Hiram High Section 3 57 ohn Hines Section 6 124 Robert Hinkson Section 3 113 W. Hinkson Section 3 10 Edmond Hogan Section 5 25 William Hogan Section 2 149 S. William Holmes Section 3 55 Samuel HolmesX Section 4 13 Gorge Hoofman Section 4 18 Gorge Hoofman, Sr Section 4 137 John W. Hopkins Section 3 59 Mical Horine Section 3 75 Will B. R. Hornor Section 1 Arkansas 19 George Houk Section 8 51 John Houk Section 8 31 Zedekiah Howard Section 8 6 John Hughes Section 2 3 William Hughes Section 2 1 Josh Humphreys Section 6 10 Fontaine D. Hunter Section 2 33 James Hunter Section 6 35 Joseph Hunter Section 6 46 Joseph Hunter Section 6 81 Jo. Hunter- Section 6 24 Benjamin Hutson Section 8 58 Buckner Hynes Section 6 60 Jesse Isaacs Section 1 Arkansas 9 Morris James Section 2 133 William James Section 3 36 John Jameson Section 6 3 Alexi JandronX Section 1 Arkansas 8 Bte Janis Section 7 36 Jesse Jeffery Section 5 48 Simeon Jennings Section 1 Arkansas 54 Solomon Joechem Section 6 13 John Johns Section 2 4 John Johnson Section 2 51 Zacriah Johnson Section 6 46 James M. Johnston Section 5 56 Payton Johnston Section 3 40 Zachariah Johnstone Section 6 19 William Jones Section 3 35 William Jones Section 5 3 James Journey Section 4 36 Joseph Journey Section 4 34 Peter Journey Section 4 1 William Kelso Section 5 2 John Kelso- Section 5 48 Jacob Kepler Section 3 22 James W. Kerr Section 4 26 G. W. King Section 3 35 Osburn Knott Section 4 6 Thomas Kuffman Section 8 90 John Lam Section 6 131 Harvey Lane Section 3 67 John Lane Section 3 40 John Lane Section 5 28 John Larkey Section 1 Arkansas 74 L. Lasour Section 3 3 Martin B. Lawrence Section 5 38 Pierre LeFevre fils Section 1 Arkansas 40 Evin Lemaster Section 4 56 Samuel Lemon Section 1 Arkansas 76 Eli J. Lewis Section 1 Arkansas 69 Jorge LewisX Section 3 184 Thomas Lewis Section 3 13 Herman Lick Section 6 53 And Litle Section 8 24 James Logan Section 3 46 James Long Section 4 76 W. Love Section 3 38 Peter Lovel Section 6 32 Richard Lowe Section 4 30 Samuel Lucas Section 4 135 Thomas Maddin Section 3 6 J. H. March Section 7 155 Danil Maredeth Section 3 104 J. Marquess Section 3 14 Stephen Martin Section 7 73 John Masters Section 6 53 Robert Masters Section 6 60 George Masterson Section 3 13 E. N. Matthew Section 3 30 Edward Matthews- Section 5 172 John McArthur Section 3 52 John McCartney Section 1 Arkansas 5 Jon McClenahan Section 3 4 John McConnell Section 4 103 Hugh McGaza Section 3 106 Francis C. McGrew, Jr Section 3 136 Philip McGwier Section 3 180 John McKean Section 3 92 Patrick McMears Section 3 18 Samuel McMullin Section 3 19 A. McNair Section 2 86 John McPherson Section 3 90 Elias McWethy Section 3 27 James Bte Menard Section 1 Arkansas 20 Elijah Merryman Section 5 56 John H. Mifflin Section 5 128 Joseph Millard Section 3 119 Andrew Miller Section 3 10 James M. Miller Section 4 33 John Miller Section 1 Arkansas 57 John Miller Section 1 Arkansas 50 John Miller Section 8 49 Elisha Minner Section 6 14 John MinorX Section 2 65 Andrew Mitchell Section 3 83 Robert P. Mitchell Section 3 29 D: Mooney Section 1 Arkansas 2 Amos Moore Section 1 Arkansas 8 Forgus Moorhead Section 3 118 John Moredock Section 3 68 Eri Morley Section 6 41 Andrew Morris Section 3 100 Micajah Morris Section 3 43 Joshua Morrison Section 8 48 Moses Morrison Section 8 37 Joseph Mosby Section 6 32 Samuel Moseley Section 1 Arkansas 95 Dennis Murphey Section 3 70 Robert B. Musick Section 3 5 Jacob Myer Section 6 44 Benjamin Myers Section 6 23 John Nealy Section 4 20 William Netherton Section 6 64 John Nunn Section 3 3 Augustus Obuchon Section 7 1 W. B. O'Conor Section 4 42 John O'Daniel Section 3 49 Thomas Oliver Section 3 88 Joseph Pain Section 3 68 Abraham Parker Section 3 58 John Parker Section 1 Arkansas 115 Cyrus Parnall Section 3 11 James Patterson Section 2 37 James Patterson Section 8 10 John Patterson Section 8 30 Mortios Pelson Section 6 2 Robert Pendergast Section 6 17 Joseph Perkins Section 3 41 Pier Pertuit Section 1 Arkansas 75 J. Petit Section 3 16 Michael Petterson Section 1 Arkansas 33 Samuel Pew Section 8 44 Sylvanus Phillips Section 1 Arkansas 66 Zaccheus Phillips Section 1 Arkansas 17 Elixier PierreX Section 1 Arkansas 28 Arthur Pittman Section 5 29 Arthur Pittman, Jr Section 5 9 Louis Plassie Section 1 Arkansas 66 John Pound Section 3 19 James Powes Section 5 15 J. B. Pratte Section 3 84 Henry H. Prewitt Section 3 3 John Price Section 3 186 Thomas Prince Section 3 7 James Pritchett Section 2 8 John Pritchett Section 2 21 Peter Pritchett Section 2 178 William Proctor- Section 3 47 Samuel Raimey Section 8 1 Andrew Ramsey Section 8 5 James Ramsey Section 8 16 John Ramsey Section 8 18 Andrew Ramsey, Jr Section 8 17 Robert Ravenscroft Section 8 21 Willis Rawls Section 6 183 J.D. Ready Section 3 45 Michael Reber Section 3 18 Charles Refeld Section 1 Arkansas 39 James Richard Section 4 83 Zadok Richards Section 6 24 Larkin P. Richardson Section 2 31 James Richey Section 5 32 John Richey Section 5 49 John Rilebrew Section 4 74 Henry Ritchmore Section 6 76 James Ritchmore Section 6 93 Edmond Roberts Section 3 38 John M. Roberts Section 3 14 William Roberts Section 5 72 John Robertson Section 6 23 Ro. Robertson Section 3 10 Charles Robin Section 1 Arkansas 35 Nathaniel Robins Section 8 52 John Robinson Section 3 153 John Robinson Section 3 48 William Rodgers Section 6 9 Daniel Roe Section 7 27 Benjamin Rogers- Section 5 36 Jacob Roller Section 8 30 John Rollin Section 8 50 Benjamin Rose Section 6 6 Enoah Ross Section 5 7 Noah Ross Section 5 25 Philip Ross Section 6 23 Stephen Ross Section 6 4 William Ross Section 5 79 Noah Rushing Section 1 Arkansas 78 Rowland Rushing Section 1 Arkansas 38 Jesse Russell Section 5 144 Silvester Sceares Section 3 4 Andrew Scott Section 8 167 Hugh Scott Section 3 161 James Scott Section 3 7 John Scott Section 3 37 Nathaniel C. Scrogin Section 3 22 Hewes Scull Section 1 Arkansas 25 James Scull Section 1 Arkansas 77 George Seaburn Section 1 Arkansas 187 Richard Searcy Section 3 21 W. Searcy Section 3 60 John Shanks Section 6 16 Nathaniel Shaver Section 6 176 William Shaw Section 3 174 John Shaw- Section 3 3 John Shrader Section 6 79 Needham Sikes Section 6 15 James Simpson Section 6 8 John Simpson Section 8 37 B. F. Slaughter Section 1 Arkansas 146 James C. Smirl Section 3 10 James C. Smirl Section 7 91 Ebenezer Smith Section 3 24 James Smith Section 6 54 William Smith Section 5 2 John Smith. T. Section 3 38 Edward Smyth Section 4 50 Philip Snyder Section 1 Arkansas 29 Lewis Sojourner Section 6 11 Pier SouretX Section 1 Arkansas 80 Samuel Sparks Section 3 105 Alexander Spencer Section 3 102 Benjamin Spencer Section 3 54 G: Robert Spencer Section 4 36 William Spencer Section 3 31 Etienne St. Mari Cerre Section 6 3 John Stafford Section 8 29 Noah Stafford Section 3 20 Jacob Stahl Section 8 42 David Stanly Section 6 61 John Stanton Section 3 2 James Stephens Section 2 45 William Stephenson Section 5 79 John Steuart Section 3 18 Joshua Stilley Section 5 15 Steaphen Stilley Section 5 52 John B. Stone Section 4 11 Daniel Stout Section 5 168 Titus Strickland Section 3 55 Daniel Stringer Section 5 64 John Strong Section 1 Arkansas 117 William Strother Section 3 41 Charles Stuart Section 8 44 Fielding Stubblefield Section 8 1 William Sullivan Section 2 52 Alexander Summers Section 8 50 William Swift Section 5 57 Thomas Tarpley Section 3 31 John T. Tate Section 3 7 James Tatum Section 8 41 Alfred Taylor Section 5 42 Archibald Taylor Section 5 34 John Taylor Section 8 39 Laben Taylor Section 5 54 Peter Taylor Section 1 Arkansas 33 Robert Terry Section 3 148 Richard S. Thomas Section 3 55 Richard W. Todd Section 3 20 Ephram Town Section 2 21 Samuel Treat Section 1 Arkansas 98 John Trimble, Jr Section 3 4 David Troter Section 6 185 Robert Trousdale Section 3 54 Thomas Turner Section 3 23 John Tyler Section 5 130 Frois Vallé Section 3 139 Thomas Van Swearingen Section 3 87 Don Lewis Vanamburburgh Section 6 86 Joseph Vanamburburgh Section 6 89 Alfred Vanamburgh Section 6 163 William Varner Section 3 6 Etiene Vasseur Section 1 Arkansas 82 Daniel Vaughan Section 3 61 Martin Vaughan Section 6 30 Francois Vaugine Section 1 Arkansas 69 Jacob Waggoner Section 6 182 D.V. Walker Section 3 85 John B. Walker Section 6 5 Noah Walker Section 5 31 Perly Wallis Section 1 Arkansas 62 William Ware Section 1 Arkansas 51 Samuel Ware- Section 5 72 John K. Waters Section 3 24 John Wathen Section 5 34 William Wathen Section 5 188 Igns. Watkins Section 3 23 Fred: Weber Section 2 9 Thomas Welborn Section 5 26 William Wells Section 6 14 Hiram West Section 8 47 Ritcherd Westbrook Section 6 11 Conrad Wheat Section 6 7 Elias Wheat Section 6 33 Thomas Whitford Section 5 21 Willis Whitford Section 5 38 Jacob Whitick Section 8 27 Charles Whitson Section 8 13 James Wilborn Section 5 65 John Wilkins Section 1 Arkansas 73 J. J. Wilkinson Section 3 9 William Wilkinson Section 3 66 John William Section 6 73 Brooks Williams Section 1 Arkansas 10 James Williams Section 6 59 John Williams Section 1 Arkansas 125 Theops Williams Section 3 74 Thomas Williams Section 1 Arkansas 59 Jeremiah Wilson Section 6 156 John Wilson Section 3 94 Mathew Wilson Section 3 10 W. Wilson Section 3 80 Gorge Wites Section 6 22 Thomis Wolesey Section 5 26 Anthony Wolf Section 1 Arkansas 19 Christey Wolf Section 4 52 John Wood- Section 5 112 Andrew Woods Section 3 44 Jacob Woods Section 3 27 Peter Wooley Section 3 18 John Wylie Section 6 69 Isham Young Section 1 Arkansas 51 James C. Young Section 3 8 William Zane Section 6 48 Andrew Zumalt Section 4 47 Jacob Zumalt Section 4 (Head of Section 1) Arkansas 9th September 1811 (Footnote on Section 1) [Endorsed] Petition from Arkansaw, Louisiana Territory for the Second grade of Government 7 December 1811-referred Committee of the whole House on the bill for the government of said Territory (House Journal, 12 Cong., 1 sess., p. 59.) 22 April 1812. Bill postponed in Senate (This is an error. The bill was referred on Apr. 14 and the committee reported on May 11 (Senate Journal, 12 Cong., 1 sess., pp. 102, 128.) Mr Rhea referred committee who hosts Bill. (Head of Section 2) [Section 2 of Subscribers to Petition] [January 6, 1812] (Footnote on Section 2) [Endorsed] 12 Cong. 1 sess. L The petition of William Sullivan & other inhabitants of the territory of Louisiana praying to be admitted into the Second grade of territorial government. 1812 January 6 Read & to lie (Senate Journal, v, 34.) (Head of Section 3) [Section 3 of Subscribers to Petition] [April 22, 1812] (Footnote on Section 3) [Endorsed] Petition from Louisiana for Second Grade of Government -190 signers 22nd April 1812 (No Relevant Journal entry noted under this date.) Bill providing for the Government of the territory of Louisiana, postponed in Senate. (Head of Section 4) [Section 4 of Subscribers to Petition] [December 27, 1811] (Footnote on Section 4) [Endorsed] Petition of sundry inhabitants of the territory of Louisiana 27. December 1811 Referred to the Committee of the whole house on the bill providing for the government of the territory of Louisiana. (House Journal, 12 Cong., 1 sess., p. 96.) 22 April 1812. Bill postponed in Senate-Mr Nelson referred who Bill Territory Laws. (Head of Section 5) [Section 5 of Subscribers to Petition] [January 4, 1812] This petition to be returned to St Louis before the 1st day of Decemr next (Footnote on Section 5) [Endorsed] Petition of Wm Kelso & others of Louisiana Territory to The second grade of Territorial Government Petition of Sundry inhabitants of the territory of Louisiana. 4th January, 1812. Referred to a Committee of the whole House on the bill providing for the government of the territory of Louisiana. (House Journal, 12 Cong., 1 sess., p. 109.) Mr Gold referred Committee wh Bill for Gov. (Head of Section 6) [Section 6 of Subscribers to Petition] [No Date] (Footnote on Section 6) When there are as many signatures to this petition as can be had, let it be returned immediately to the post master at St Louis.- (Head of Section 7) [Section 7 of Subscribers to Petition] [No date] No Footnote on Section 7 (Head of Section 8) [Section 8 of Subscribers to Petition] [December 6, 1812] (Footnote on Section 8) [Endorsed] Petition of sundry inhabitants of the territory of Louisiana. 6th December 1812. Referred to the Committee of the whole House on the bill providing for the Government of the territory of Louisiana. (There is no relevant entry under the above date. Two other petitions on the same subject were presented to the House on Dec. 18, 1811, and a third one on March 12,1812 (House Journal, 12 Cong., pp. 76, 244). No petitions bearing the dates of reference mentioned have been found. There is a possibility, however, that the Journal citations in Question refer to certain of the above text which, it will be noted, bear no dates of reference.) Mr Stone referred committee who hosted Bill for Territory.