Petition to Congress by Inhabitants of Arkansas District of the LA-MO Territory to pass a Law which would give more time to prove land claims, because of the remote location of the Arkansas District. March 11, 1812 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Files may be printed or copied for Personal use only. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Jerry Morrison Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From the books "Territorial Papers - Louisiana-Missouri Territory" 1806-1814, Volume XIV pages 527-529 PETITION TO CONGRESS BY INHABITANTS OF ARKANSAS DISTRICT [Referred March 11, 1812] To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled- The Petition of the Undersigned inhabitants of the District of Arkansas, Territory of Louisiana. Respectfully sheweth That Whereas a Law was enacted by Congress, that Notice should be given by all Land claimants in the Territory of Louisiana, of their Claims to Land in said Territory, describing its local situation, extent and quantity of Acres, on, or previous to the first day of July One thousand, Eight hundred and eight. And whereas the settlements in the District of Arkansas, lie situated so remote and detached from the other settlements in Louisiana, as well as in several detach'd situations within said District-We therefore, Your Petitioners beg leave to represent unto your honorable body, that the laws passed by Congress respecting the adjustment of Land Claims, in the territory of Louisiana, were never, previous to the said first of July-duly promulgated within the District of Arkansas-nor were they known to the Inhabitants, excepting to a few Individuals by private letters from their friends abroad-For these, or other reasons, the Board of Commissioners, resolved to sit in the several Districts of the Territory, for the purpose of receiving the notices of Land Claims and taking evidence, relative thereto; Frederick Bates Esquire, one of said Commissioners, performed his Tour, as far down the Mississippi river, as Hope- field, opposite the Chickasaw Bluffs-his appointment, to sit at the Village of Arkansas, having, but a few days previous to the Time,(limited by Law for the Entry of Claims) expir'd before his arrival, in consequence of his being seized with a Fever-nevertheless, he thought proper, by request of the Claimants to receive the Papers, Notice & other Evidence of Claims, with the belief, that Congress would make some provision for rendering those entries valid, when the situation should be known to them through the Commissioners: and, We your Petitioners further state, that the circumstances of those entries were immediately made known to the Secretary of the Treasury, by letter, from Frederic Bates Esquire, to which, it does not appear any answer was ever receiv'd; neither has any Law been passed by congress for their relief; and your petitioners further represent, that they had no other alternative, but either to wait for the sitting of the Board at Arkansas, or, to traverse a Wilderness of near five hundred Miles to St. Louis, without the means or knowledge of its Necessity; Wherefore, we your petitioners, pray your honorable body, that you will take into consideration, the aforesaid grievances-that a Law may be passed, rendering the aforesaid entries valid, and that if it comport with the views of Government, in the Protection of our rights and care of their fellow citizens, in this part of Louisiana, that a Commissioner may be appointed to attend at Arkansas, for the purpose of receiving Papers and taking other and further testimony as may be necessary for substantiating our Claims; And we your Petitioners, further beg leave to state, that though in a few instances, Claims have been adjusted and confirm'd; yet, there are many tracts of Land claimed, which have been settled and cultivated from Ten to Twenty five years back (with the Bona fide grant and permission of the Spanish Government) by large families, who have made and are making extensive improvements, and whose plantations form the principal basis of their property and support, yet under these circumstances, their claims have in a variety of instances been Rejected; but being ignorant of the causes, we, your petitioners, do not wish to be thought, to arraign either motives or evidence on which the Board of Commissioners have made these apparently irregular decisions. Wherefore, We pray your honorable body, that while provision is made for the aforesaid unadjusted claims; that you will also make Provision for an Enquiry into those first mentioned that, as far as may be, strict and impartial Justice may be render'd to your Petitioners who feel themselves aggrieved by the Determination of the Commissioners- And as in Duty bound, will ever pray- Transcribers Note: The number preceeding the name is the sequential location of the signature on the list. The notation (X) signifies the signature was by mark. Signatures (71) 60 William Ballard 14 Pere Bloinosaw 17 Joseph Bogie 2 Charle Bogy 18 Louis Bogy 21 William Brainbae (X) 63 James Bruff 22 Pier Buret (X) 43 Henry Cassidy 49 Patrick Cassidy 54 John D. Chisholm 57 J. G. Chisolm 44 Robert Clary 61 James Craft 37 Baptiste Des Reuisseaux 8 Seth Dirickson 12 Morgan Donoho 39 Louis Dumon 65 William Dunn 16 Baptiste Dustasy 1 Jean Ebert (X) 64 Peter Edwards 10 John Fowler 41 Samuel Fowler 27 Rafael Ginet (X) 38 W. M. Goodwin 6 Saint Greger (X) 4 Francois Grener (X) 55 Hugh Hagan 7 John Hendry 53 William B. R. Horner 51 Jesse Isaacs 11 Simeon Jens 23 Pierre Lefevre fils 45 Samuel Lemon 69 R. P. Lenis 40 John McCartney 25 Jean Baptist Menard 9 Richard H. Metrose 46 John Miller 29 D. Mooney 24 James Moore 48 John Parker 33 Peter Partville (X) 5 Pier Pertuit (X) 3 Micha Peterson 32 Sylvanus Phillips 59 Zauheus Phillips 19 Louis Plonce 20 Charles Robine 71 Noah Rushing 70 Rowland Rushing 35 Henry Scull 68 George Seaburn 36 Antoine Silemont 30 James Smith 13 Philip Snyder 52 John Strong 26 Alexi Tandron (X) 42 Peter Taylor 47 Samuel Treat 15 Etiene Vasseur 31 Etienne Vaugine 28 Francois Vaugine 50 William Ware 58 John Wilkins 66 Brooks Williams 56 John Williams 67 Thomas Williams 34 William Winter 62 Isham Young [Endorsed] Petition of Sundry inhabitants of the district of Arkansas in the territory of Louisiana. 11th March 1812 referred to the Committee of Public Lands.