First Regiment Arkansas Cavalry Volunteers, Arkansas *********************************************************** Submitted by: Joy Fisher Date: 23 Jul 2007 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** NOTE: This is a very wide page, scroll right for more information. This is the Field & Staff, First regiment Arkansas cavalry volunteers. Mustered into service August 7, 1862 (three years;) mustered out August 23, 1865. REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF ARKANSAS, FOR THE PERIOD OF THE LATE REBELLION, AND TO NOVEMBER 1,1866. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1867. APPENDIX A. ROSTER OF ARKANSAS VOLUNTEERS, ACCOMPANYING REPORT OF ADJUTANT GENERAL, WITH HISTORICAL MEMORANDA ANNEXED. Names Rank Enlistment Date of Rank Remarks M. LaRue Harrison Colonel. Sept. 27, 1861 Aug. 7, 1862 Promoted from captain of company A to fill original vacancy; mustered out August 23, 1805. Brevetted brigadier general for gallant and meritorious services during the war, with rank from March 13, 1865. Albert W. Bishop Lieutenant colonel Aug. 21, 1861 July 10, 1862 Promoted from captain of company B, 2d Wisconsin cavalry, July 10, 1862, to fill original vacancy; mustered out February 22, 1865, to accept commission as adjutant general of Arkansas. Thomas J. Hunt Lieutenant colonel July 3, 1862 April 29, 1865 Promoted from captain of company B to major, August 7, 1862, to fill original vacancy; promoted lieutenant colonel, vice A. W. Bishop, promoted; mustered out August 23, 1865. James J. Johnson Major 1861 Aug. 8, 1862 Promoted from 1st lieutenant of company A to fill original vacancy; resigned December 1, 1863. Ezra Fitch Major July 31, 1862 Oct. 2, 1862 Promoted from captain of company C to fill original vacancy, resigned November 24, 1864. Charles Galloway Major July 10, 1862 Mar. 2, 1864 Promoted from captain of company E, vice J. J. Johnson, resigned; resigned March 1, 1865. John I. Worthington Major Aug. 7, 1862 Feb. 28, 1865 Promoted from captain of company H, vice Ezra Fitch, resigned; killed in action March 11, 1865. Richard H. Wimpy Major June 15, 1862 May 1, 1865 Promoted from captain of company F, vice John I. Worthington, killed; mustered out August 23, 1865. Hugo C. C. Botefuhr Major Aug. 7, 1862 June 4, 1865 Promoted from captain of company B, vice T. J. Hunt, promoted; mustered out August 23, 1865. Frank Strong Major Nov. 18, 1861 June 4, 1865 Promoted from captain of company L, vice Charles Galloway, resigned; mustered out August 23, 1865. Henry J. Maynard Surgeon 1861 Sept. 27, 1862 Promoted from assistant surgeon, 59th Illinois infantry, to fill original vacancy; mustered out August 23, 1865. William Hunter Assistant surgeon Aug. 8, 1862 Promoted from 1st lieutenant of company B to fill original vacancy; resigned January 31, 1863. Ames H. Caffee Assistant surgeon Oct. 1, 1862 Jan. 12, 1863 Appointed from hospital steward to fill original vacancy; mustered out to accept commission as surgeon 13th Kansas infantry, February 22, 1865. Jonathan E. Tefft Assistant surgeon Feb. 25, 1863 Feb. 25, 1863 Appointed from civil life, vice William Hunter, resigned; resigned January 22, 1865. Reuben North Chaplain 1861 Feb. 17, 1863 Appointed from private company G, 2d Wisconsin cavalry, to fill original vacancy; mustered out August 23, 1865. Denton D. Stark Adjutant Aug. 15, 1861 Oct. 2, 1862 Promoted from 2d lieutenant company B to fill original vacancy; promoted to captain battery A, 1st Arkansas light artillery, April 1, 1863. Henry M. Kidder Adjutant April 1, 1863 July 1, 1863 Promoted from 2d lieutenant company K, vice D. D. Stark, promoted; mustered out to accept commission as major 5th United States colored cavalry, March 15,1865. Elizur B. Harrison Adjutant, 1st battalion Aug. 7, 1862 Aug. 7, 1862 Appointed from civil life to fill original vacancy; mustered out at St. Louis, Mo., September 20, 1862, by order of War Department. Frank Strong Adjutant, 2d battalion Nov. 18, 1861 Aug. 7, 1862 Appointed from hospital steward, 2d Wisconsin cavalry, to fill original vacancy; mustered out at St. Louis, Mo., September 20, 1862, by order of War Department. James H. Wilson Regimental quartermaster Aug. 15, 1861 Nov. 1, 1862 Promoted from 1st lieutenant of company D to fill original vacancy; resigned January 12, 1864. John M. Bigger Regimental quartermaster Aug. 15, 1862 Mar. 1, 1864 Appointed from quartermaster sergeant, vice J. H. Wilson, resigned; resigned March 11, 1865. Thomas J. Rice Regimental commissary of subsistence Sept. 22, 1862 Oct. 1, 1868 Promoted from 2d lieutenant of company M to fill original vacancy; resigned April 6, 1863. John A. Maxwell Regimental commissary of subsistence 1861 April 7, 1863 Appointed from private of company K, 26th Indiana infantry, vice T. J. Rice, resigned; mustered out August 23, 1865. NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Robert Thompson Sergeant major July 10, 1862 Appointed from private of company F to till original vacancy; appointed 1st lieutenant battery A, 1st Arkansas light artillery, April 1, 1863. Thomas Brooks Sergeant major July 5, 1862 April 1, 1863 Appointed from private of company B, vice R. Thompson, promoted, to 2d lieutenant company L February 8, 1864. Warren W. Munday Sergeant major Aug. 16, 1862 Feb. 8, 1864 Appointed from sergeant of company L, vice Brooks, promoted; appointed 2d lieutenant, of company H, July 14, 1864. Simeon A. Baker Sergeant major Sept. 4, 1862 July 14, 1864 Appointed from sergeant of company L, vice Munday, promoted; appointed 2d lieutenant of company L March 1, 1865. Jonathan Douglass Sergeant major July 21, 1862 Mar. 1, 1865 Appointed from sergeant of company F; mustered out August 23, 1865. John M. Bigger Regimental quartermaster sergeant Aug. 15, 1862 Nov. 6, 1862 Appointed from private of company M to fill original vacancy; appointed regimental quartermaster March 1, 1864. James C. Summers Regimental quartermaster sergeant Aug. 8, 1862 Mar. 1, 1864 Appointed from sergeant of company E, vice Bigger, promoted; mustered out August 23, 1865. Thomas H. Scott Regimental commissary sergeant July 24, 1862 Nov. 1, 1862 Appointed from private of company C to fill original vacancy; appointed 2d lieutenant of company B, 1st Arkansas infantry, February 23, 1863. Jeremiah B. Hale Regimental commissary sergeant Dec. 10, 1862 April 7, 1863 Appointed from private of company L, vice Scott, promoted; mustered out August 23, 1865. Amos H. Caffee Hospital steward Oct. 1, 1862 Oct. 2, 1862 Appointed from private of company L to fill original vacancy; appointed assistant surgeon January 12, 1863. Willis E. Maynard Hospital steward Jan. 22, 1863 Aug. 31, 1863 Appointed from civil life to fill original vacancy; appointed 2d lieutenant of company I July 15, 1864. Melancthon Hilbert Hospital steward July 19, 1863 Aug. 15, 1863 Appointed from private of company L, vice Caffee, promoted; promoted to 2d lieutenant of company H January 1, 1865. Thomas J. McCord Hospital steward Aug. 4, 1862 July 15, 1864 Appointed from private of company G, vice Maynard, promoted; mustered out August 23, 1865. Samuol W. Chism Hospital steward 1862 July 1, 1865 Appointed from corporal of company A, vice Hilbert, promoted; mustered out August 23, 1865. John Pool Chief trumpeter Nov. 1, 1862 Appointed from bugler of company B, vice Lusk, reduced to the ranks; mustered out August 25, 1865. Oren A. Whitcomb Chief trumpeter Aug. 31, 1863 Appointed from private of 37th Illinois Infantry to fill original vacancy; appointed 2d lieutenant of company B July 14, 1864. James Lusk Chief trumpeter Aug. 4, 1862 July 14, 1864 Appointed from bugler of company G, vice Whitcomb, promoted; reduced to the ranks May 28, 1865. William Hunt Veterinary surgeon Nov. 1, 1863 Jan. 12, 1864 Appointed from civil life to fill original vacancy; mustered out August 23, 1865. Jacob Q. Johnson Chief farrier June 23, 1862 Aug. 7, 1862 Appointed from farrier of company B to fill original vacancy; reduced to the ranks January 6, 1863.