Biography of W H Alley, St Francis County, AR *********************************************************** Submitted by: Paul V Isbell Date: 22 Jan 2009 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** W. H. Alley, M. D., in his connection with the professional affairs of this communtiy has attained a well-deserved prominence. Born in Mississippi in 1861, he passed his boyhood days in the common schools of that state, obtaining a practical education, and manifesting at an early age an unusally bright mind. At the age of fourteen he was head of classes in which majority were many years his senior. When seventeen years old he commenced the study of medicine under a tutor, and in 1879, entering the Vanderbilt University, was graduated from the Medical Dept. of that institution in March, 1881. He first located in his home in Mississippi, where he practiced with success for two years, but later became located at Lewsiburg, Miss., for one year, and then Bellevue, Miss., where he remained until 1888. Dr. Alley then came to Arkansas and settled in Forrest City, and though only a few years have elapsed since his entrance, he has built up a practice of which others of more advanced years and experience might feel proud. Dr. Alley's wife, the former Miss Emma L. Cobbs, daughter of Paul M. Cobbs, State and Land Commissioner of Arkansas. To their union one interesting little daughter has been born, Mary. The doctor owns an attractive home, which is furnished in excellent taste, and three valuable farms. He is a Democrat in his political views, a member of the Knights of Pythias and prominently identified with the County Medical Society. J. H. and Ophelia (McCombs) Alley, his parents were natives of Tennesseee. Goodspeed Memoirs and Biograhies-1890