St. Francis County, ARKANSAS: 1830 Census Index Copyright 1990 by S-K Publications, This file was contributed for non-commercial, non-exclusive use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ This file is a surname index to the original, handwritten records on the census microfilm. The handwritten census is also available in book form from S-K Publications Page numbers are stamped in upper right corners of the microfilmed pages. ADAIR 35 ADAMS 30-37 AKINS 39 ALEXANDER 30 ALLEN 32-39 ANDRUS 31 BANGS 31 BARNES 30-31 BARNET 31 BATY 31 BIRD 39 BIRDWELL 30 BLACKWELL 31 BLANTEN 31-35 BOYD 34 BRADSHAW 34 BUNCH 34 BURREL 32 BUSSEL 32 CALVERT 37 CAROTHERS 38-39 CASBEIR 30 CASEY 32 CASS 37 CASTEEL 35-36-38-39 CHAFFIN 38 CHRISTOPHER 32 COATNEY 38 COCHRAN 30 COCK 33 COOK 35 COOPER 34 COUNSEL 35 COYL 30 CREELY 38 CROUCH 30 CROWNOVER 34 CROWSON 33-34 CURTNER 32 DANIEL 38 DAVIS 30-35-36-37-38 DEEN 33 DENOHO 35 DERASIT 39 DEVALT 35 DILLARD 38-39 DOBSON 33 DODSON 33 DONILSON 37 DOUGLAS 39 DURHAM 36 DUSKNUSKY 37 EAVINS 35-36 ELLIOTT 31 ENES 37 EWELL 39 FELLINGIM 32 FORBES 38-39 FOSTER 37 FRANKS 36-38 FULKERSON 35 GAGE 33 GARNER 39 GENINGS 36 GILKY 34 GIVINS 38 GRANT 37 GUILBRETH 38 HAMPTON 31 HANNAH 35 HARPER 32 HEBLY 36 HEFLY 36 HENSLEY 39-40 HICKISON 39 HIGGINS 36 HIGHTOWER 35-38 HILL 35 HOGAN 33 HOPPER 31 HOTCHKISS 38 HOUSTON 35 HOWARD 40 HUGGINS 36-39 HUGHS 32 HYDRICK 33-34 IZARD 36 JACKSON 30 JAMES 39 JOHNSON 30-33-36 JONES 31-32-38 KINCADE 36 LANDERS 33 LANE 35 LANY 38 LAURANTS 31 LAW 37 LEWIS 36 LIGON 33 LINCECUM 30 LITTERAL 34 LITTLE 37 LYNCH 38 MALORY 37 MARCUS 31 MARSH 31 MARSHEL 39 MAY 31 McALISTER 32-34 McCOULERS 37 McCOWN 34 McCRARY 35 McDANIEL 35-37 McMURTRY 30 MEEKS 39-40 MITCHELL 30-32-33 MONROE 31 MOORE 39 MULLINS 32-33 MURPHY 32 MYRICK 37-39 NEWELL 33 NOLAND 32 OLIVER 30 PARKER 30-37 PATTERSON 35 PINKSTON 35 RICE 30 RICHARDS 32 ROBERDS 35 ROBERTSON 33 ROLAND 36 ROY 36 SCEARCY 32 SHAVER 32-34 SHELTON 32 SKINNER 37 SMITH 33-38 SPEAKS 32 STACY 33 STANDIFER 33 STANDLER 37 STEPHENSON 37 STEWART 34 STONE 30 STORY 40 STRONG 30 SUMMERS 38 TAGRET 38 TAYLOR 30-31 THOMPSON 35 TODA 31 TRENT 39 TRIMBLE 31 TURNER 32 TYER 30-32-33 VARVAL 35 VOLENTINE 37 WEATHERS 30 WELSH 37 WEST 34 WILDS 37 WILSON 38-39 WOOD 30-35 WOODEN 38 WRIGHT 33-35