MOON FAMILY CEMETERY ****************************************************************** Submitted by:Bonnie Baker-Palmer Date: May 1997. Copyright: All rights reserved. USGENWEB ARCHIVES DISCLAIMER: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. **************************************************************** Ware, Frances L., consort of H. M. Ware, daughter of Dr. W. B. & R. C. Moon. Born April 21, 1848. Married Oct. 9, 1866. Died Mar. 26, 1876 Moon, Theodosia E., daughter of Dr. W. B. & R. C. Moon, May 31, 1866 - Oct. 6, 1873 Moon, Jacob O., son of W. B. & R. C. Moon, Jul 31, 1856 - Oct. 31, 1877 Moon, George B., son of R. V. & G. H. Moon, May 11, 1886 - Dec. 2, 1887 Moon, Emma Virginia, July 22, 1889 - Feb. 16, 1933 Moon, Robert Urial, July 22, 1860 - July 13, 1940 Moon, Gillian H., July 28, 1868 - July 26, 1955 (Moon, Alice E. - ? - has unreadable funeral marker but is believed buried here) Moon, Robbie Lee, son of W. B. & A. E. Moon, Jan. 19, 1874 - Aug. 23, 1875 Copeland, Willie H., son of D. G. & S. G. Copeland, Aug. 18, 1881 - July 1, 1882 Copeland, S. C., daughter of W. B. & R. C. Moon, June 20, 1854 - Mar. 27, 1888 Moon, Dr. W. B., June 20, 1821 - Mar. 25, 1890 Moon, Rowena C., wife of W. B. Moon, Dec. 25, 1828 - June 30, 1897 Pearson, Mary C., consort of S. S. Pearson, daughter of W. B. & R. C. Moon Walters, Effie, wife of J. J. Walters, died May 22, 1899, age 38 years Walters, Joseph J., Aug. 22, 1852 - Dec. 18, 1908 Walters, Emma, 1867 - 1925