PETE CONNER Arizona Republican Newspaper April 3, 1903 Pete Connor, for many years a prospector and miner in this county, accidentally killed himself in the Huachuca Mountains last Saturday evening about 7 o'clock says the Bisbee Review. He was buried Sunday afternoon with simple ceremonies. About four years ago Connor sold the Exposed Reef Mine for a large sum of money and since that time has been drinking freely. He has spent his money right and left and was the greater part of the time under the influence of liquor. The news of Connor's death was brought to Tombstone and Justice Wardwell left there Sunday to hold an inquest on the remains of the deceased. The verdict said that death was due to an accident for which the deceased was alone to blame. Saturday evening Connor was sitting in the office of the exposed Reef Company and was asked to go to supper. He replied that he did not care to eat and was left alone. Nearly an hour later men returned to the office and found Connor on the floor gasping. He died before they could lift him. Connor evidently rose from his position to walk out of the building but was unable to keep his feet and pitched forward. His chin struck the corner of the typewriter stand.