DON ENGLAND Arizona Republican Newspaper November 28, 1898 At 8 o'clock Saturday morning Don England, an old and well known resident of Nogales died of heart failure. At the time death overtook him he was engaged in removing the furniture from the building occupied by Polligrin and Bashee, a section of which stood upon the international strip and was about to be removed. Friends who were near Mr. England and who saw him stagger and fall hurried to where he lay and removed him to Casanova's Drug Store. A physican was sent for and while awaiting his a rrival an effort was made to keep the old man alive, but he died before the physician arrived. His step-son Mr. William Young, who was immeditaely notified of the death of Mr. England had the remains removed to the family residence. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. submitted by