JAMES HASKELL Arizona Republican Newspaper May 13, 1892 Tombstone--At 4 pm the funeral cortege of James Haskell, one of the oldest citizens and one who obeyed the laws of God and man, quietly wended its way to the cemetery. James Haskell, an unmarried man, was this morning found dead in his cabin having died of rheumatism of the heart. He was a plumber by trade and followed that calling here for many years and died a poor man but not without friends. A prosperous merchant of this city, George H. Fitz and other friends saw to it that the funeral was one with all the modern equipments, embracing the choicest of flowers and evergreens covering the casket. The pall bearers were of our best people and a long line of carriages, filling with sympathizing friends of both sexes. ******************************************************