P.L. TURNER Bisbee Arizona Republican Newspaper July 2, 1902 P.L. Turner, a Bisbee mining man died Friday at Avalon, Catalina Island, under peculiar circumstances. He went with his wife for a row on the bay. When a hundred feet from the shore, returning, he stood up in the boat to change his seat. Suddenly he fell backward into the water. When help reached him he apparently was dead though floating. After working over him for an hour, the physicians gave up and gave the opinion that he died probably from heart failure. More on P.L. Turner January 5, 1902 The telegraph dispatches of last Saturday stated that a Bisbee mining man named P.F. Turner visiting Catalina Island had fallen out of a row boat and drowned. Inquiry failed to place him among the Bisbee people as no one by that name was known here. When he met his death Turner was with a woman supposed to be his wife. The woman who passed as his wife stated that he was subject to epileptic fits and that one of these was probably what caused his swift and awful end. Now it is discovered that the man's real name was Percy F. Miel of Los Angeles and the reason for his false registration is more or less a mystery to his friends in Los Angeles.