H.F. BLEVINS Arizona, The Youngest State, 1913, pg 686 H.F. Blevins, who is ably discharging the duties of Street Commissioner of Globe and Chief of the Fire Department was born in Tennessee in 1866 and is a son of H.T.V. and Malissa Blevins, also natives of that state. They made their home there unitl 1866 and then removed to Sidney, Texas, whence two years later they went to Arkansas, where the father first became interested in the hotel business, in which he was very successful. He conducted a large hotel in Bentonville and another at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, giving his attention to that business until 1881. In that year he removed to Pueblo, Colorado and spent four years teaming in the mountains. He came to Globe in 1885 and here took up government land, where he farmed for a short time. Later he went into the mountains, where he conducted a large ranch and cattle business until 1900. In that year he retired from active business and has since made his home in Globe, being now eighty three years of age. He has survived his wife some years, her death having occurred when she reached the age of sixty four. Of their family of five children, four still survive. H.F. Blevins acquired his education in the public schools of Arkansas and of Pueblo, Colorado and after laying aside his text books engaged in various pursuits in Colorado, California and Arizona, locating in Globe in May 1885. He at once engaged in the stock business here and until 1907 was connected with it to some extent, although at time he gave some attention to other fields of endeavor. In 1907 he was appointed Deputy City Marshal and after serving eleven months was made Supervisor of Streets in Globe, in which office he is still serving. In addition to this is Chief of the city Fire Department, an office which he has held since the incorporation of Globe in 1905. He has valuable holdings in real estate in Globe and gives a great deal of his time to the supervision of his interests. In 1910 Mr. Blevins married Miss Lillian Archer, a native of Texas and a daughter of Judge Archer, who was for eight terms Judge of the Supreme Court of that state. Mrs. Blevins is one of a family of four children. She acquired her education in the public schools of Texas and graduated from San Marcos State Normal School in 1906. For some time previous to her marriage she taught in the schools of Globe and in other sections of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Blevins have one child, Elizabeth Archer Blevins, born August 8, 1913. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. submitted by burns@asu.edu