Mart Sanders Arizona Silver Belt December 25, 1891 Tonto Basin is considerably worked up over the murder of Mart Sanders by an unknown Mexican horse thief. The Mexican stole a horse and saddle from LaTourette's Ranch on the Verde, thirty five miles above Fort McDowell. Frank Piercy, James La Tourette and Hayden Justice followed him about seven miles from where they found he had killed a calf, on about 25 miles near the east fork of Verde they met his horse coming back. They went on a little farther and discovered him in a deep canyon, but owing to the rough condition of the country, it was difficult to get very near and when they were within hailing distance he started for his gun. They, seeing the move, opened fire, but owing to the distance, none of the bullets took effect. Here the party split up and Justice and Piercy following the trail on to Tonto. At Cole's Ranch they stayed all night and the next morning a neighbor's horse was missing. On looking for sign they found the tracks to correspond with those of the man they were after. Two other men ,one of whom had lost the horse, joined the party, and about 15 miles from there they saw him on the opposite side of a deep canyon a miles ahead, but before they could get across the canyon he had gotten away. Twenty miles on they found the horse beside the road, tired out and he had gone on foot. He went on to Tonto Creek where he killed Sanders. The man Sanders was passing along the road driving a good four- horse team and the Mexican probably thought by shooting him from the wagon he could take a horse and escape his pursuers who were gaining on him but when the shot was fired the team ran away and he had to on on his journey afoot. The team was caught by parties coming up the road and when the pursuers came up they buried the dead man. The last seen of him he was going around the foot of the Mogollon Mountains without any hat, shoes or coat on. December 26, 1891 The acct. of Mart Sanders death as published in the Belt is wrong in almost every particular. The murderer was first heard of at Latterett's on the Verde where he stole a horse, saddle, bridle and gun. He was prusued and overtaken in the Big Gorge on the east fork of the Verde but escaped by fleeing into the thick brush, taking his gun but leaving his shoes and hat. More people then joined the chase and wre following his track down the Sycamore Creek and were some miles in the rear, when he fired the shot that killed Mart Sanders. Mart had left his home on Upper Tonto for Pine with a four-horse team and had reached Sycamore Creek and it is presumed that when the pursued heard the team coming, he determined to get a horse in order to expedite his flight. He was unsuccessful in getting a horse, but killed a fine young man, which has cast a gloom over the entire community. The assassin has never been seen since the shot. from all appearances Mart had no warning and when hit fell backwards into the wagon. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. submitted by